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March 07, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-07

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as Ie Contest

At Te Houses
Over Week-End
New Officers Are Elected;
Pledge Announcement
Also Made Known
Initiation ceremonies, pledgings
and elections of officers have take
place in a number of fraternities and
sororities this week.
Alpha Kappa Lambda announces
the pledging of Richard R. Roemer,
'39E, cf Lynbrook, N.Y.
Alpha Xi Delta initiated the fol-
lowing yesterday: Betty Badger, '40,
Phyllis Carey, 39A, Jewel Drickamer,
'38, Grace Jones, '40, Meribah Leach,
'40, Marguerite McQuillan, '39, Jean
Thompson, '40, Gladys Ward, '39.
Chi Omega announces the initia-
tion of Alice Riekse, '40, Hazel Jen-
sen, '40, Eloise Frost, '38Ed.; Isabel
Buyere, '39, Evlyn Mullin, '38, Phyllis
Carr, '38. and Ann Kingston, '40.
Elects Officers
The sorority elected the following
officers this week: Barbara Kief, '38,
president; Barbara Johnson, '38,
vice-president; Joan Wentz, '38, sec-
retary; Jeannette Beck, '39, treasur-
er and Vera Grey, '38, pledge mis-
Delta Gamma initiated 13 women
yesterday. They are Anabel Avery,
'40, Elizabeth Baldwin, '40, Ruth Cal-
kins, '40, Cletus Hall, '40, Jane Jewett,
'40, Rosemary McArthur, '40, Helen
Ralston, '39, Joan Schener, '38, Bettie
Schuele, '40, Mary May Scoville,
'40Ed, Ella Stowe, '40A, Joanne Wes-
terman, '40, Alberta Wood, '40. A
banquet will follow the initiation
services. The sorority is also hav-
ing an alumnae reunion this week-
Eight Are Initiated
Gamma Phi Beta 'soroity initiated
the following women yesterday: Bar-
bara Backus, '40, Barbara Basset, '40,
Carolyn Donavin, '40, Anne Hawley,
'40, Ellen MacDonald, '40, Margaret
Neafie, '40, Lillian Perkins, '40, Jean
Tibbets, '40.
Kappa Alpha Theta held formal
initiation services for 16 women yes-
terday. They are Frances Bonisteel,
'40, Martha Clise, '40, Lois Falken-
stein, '40, Betty Haas, '39, Grete
Holst, '39A, Elaine Jacobs, '40, Ro-
berta Leete, '40, Katherine MacIvor,
'40, Mary Minor, '40, Louisa Penny,
'40SM Elise Reeder, '39, Betty Rid-
dell, '39, Jean Rutherford, '40, Har-
riet Sharkey, '40, Sybil Swartout, '39,
Harriet Thom, '40.
Kappa Kappa Gamma initiated the
following women yesterday: Florence
Brotherton, '40A, Betty Gregory, '39,
Betty Hill, '40A, Beth O'Roke, '40,
Donna Short, '40M, Harriet Schnei-
der, '40, and Barbara Telling, '40.
Kappa Kappa Gamma
The sorority announces the elec-
tion of the following officers for the
year 1937-38: Mary Ijelen Hurley,
'38, president; Mary Elliott, '38, treas-
urer; Jean Stone, '38, recording sec-
retary; Virginia Hunt, '38, registrar;
Alys Pierce, '39, rushing chairman;
Nancy Dall, '39, efficiency chairman;
Natalie Hicks, '39, Key correspondent.
Phi Beta Pi announces recent in-
itiation of the following members:
Scott Harris, '38M, John B. Graham,
'40M, Arthur Holstein, '36M, Francis
Forsyth, '39M, Tom Johnson, '40M,'
and John Seabury, '39M.
Phi Chi initiated the following 181
men yesterday: Donald Albers, '37M,
David Bohr, '40M, Robert Byrn, '40M,
Robert Clifford, '40M, James De-
Weerd, '40M, Ivan Duff, '40M, Wil-'

Ruthven Home
To lie Opened
For Sixth Tea
President and Mrs. Ruthven's home
will be opened to the public from
I to 6 p.m. Wednesday for the sixth
in the series of Ruthven teas.
Although all students are invited,
those houses to which special invita-
tions were sent are: Adelia Cheever,
Alumnae House, Alpha Phi, Alpha
Epsilon Phi, Zone V, Sigma Phi, Sig-
na Alpha Epsilon, Zeta Beta Tau
he School of Business Administra-
Of particular interest to students
vho have attended the recent teas
has been the collections ofEgyptian
and Oriental pottery and art treas-
ures to which President and Mrs.
Ruthven have devoted an entire room.
Those invited to pour will be an-
nounced later, according to Betty
Gatward, '37, who is a member of
the League social committee in charge
of Ruthven teas.
Rehearsal for the policemen's
chorus will be held at 2:30 p.m. to-
day, Barmaids at 3:30, and the Waltz
chorus at 4:30 p.m., all in the League
ballroom. The Wooden Soldiers and
French Chorus will rehearse at 4:30
p.m. tomorrow in the W.A.B. and the
Policemen at 7 p.m. tomorrow in
the League ballroom.

To Give Two Forest Education School
Services Talks Today C
The first two of six lectures on theoittees Named
forest service will be delivered to-
mrrow by A. R. Standing, head of Albert Ammernan, '37Ed, Margar-
Region Four and former supervisor et Bebringer, '37Ed, and Chester
of Dixie National Forest. Stabcvitz, '37E, have been appoint-
"Highlights of the uurreni Na- ed as chairmen of the finance, invi-
tional Forest Program" will be Mr. tations and cap and gown commit-
Standing's subject at 9 a.m., and tees respectively of the senior class
"Problem's of Grazing Administra- of the School of Education, Robert
tion and Range Management in the Hill, '37Ed, class president, an-
National Forests" will be his topic at nounced yesterday.
11 a.m. Both lectures are to be given Serving on the finance committee
in Room. 103 Romance Language 1with Ammerman will be John Gee,
Building. The lectures are open to '37Ed, Mildred Olson, '37Ed, and
the faculty and students in other Doris Hoyt, '37Ed.
divisions as well as forestry. Virginia Wyatt, '37Ed, and Dor-

othy Briscoe, '37Ed, will act with UNION BUFFET SUPPER
Miss Olson as members of the invita-' The weekly Union buffet supper
to s committee, and Victor Heyliger, will be held at 6 p.i. tody in the
'37Ed, and Ruth Jernegan, '37Ed, will'small ballroom~ which has been trans-
Ibe on the cap and gown committee formed into a radio room. The Sun-
with Stabovitz.A day Forum has been discontinued.
Due wto tim Dficlte
O-0f Moving Stock.. .
To a NEW LOCATION, we offer these fine values:


. . 29c

You r



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$1.25 Iris HOT WATER BOTTLES (Davol)97c
All Patent Medicines are on the Reduced List.
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A thing of enduring beauty!
That's what your portrait should,
will be, if it is taken by SPED-
DING. Assure yourself of endur-
ing, satisfactory photography by
making your appointment today,
at this studio.

-Associated Press Photo
Chosen queen of the Wisconsin
cheery festival, Jane Ward was
judged to have baked the best pie
in a recent contest held at Genoa
City, Wis.
Liam Hoyt, '40M, Floyd Levegood,
'40M, James Orbison, '40M, Robert
Plumb, '40M, Frederick Rau, '40M,
Ivan Roggert, '40M, Gerald Rott-
schaefer, '40M, John Schmaltz, '39M,
Laurence Spalding, '40M, Phillip Tur-
ner, '40M, and William Yetber, '40M.
Phi Kappa Tau announces the
pledging of Loren Parliament, '40P,
West Branch, Stanley Kelly, '40E,
Lakewood, O.; Elmo Pinard, '40E,
Marquette; Wynne Steurnol, '40, Ann
Phi Sigma Sigma announces the
initiation of Hazel Burston, '40,
Frieda Halpert, '40, Myrtle Prussin,
'40, and, Betty Steinhart, '40.
The sorority also announces the
pledging of Selma Chibnick, '40, of
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Pi Beta Phi announces the pledg-
ing of Virginia Bensley, '39A, of Pitts-
burgh, Pa.
Theta Chi announces the pledging
of John Fredericks, '38, of Glennie,
Theta Xi announces the initiation
of: Cruzan Alexander, '40E, Melvin
Anderson, '40E, Duane Bennett, '40E,
Frederick Burdick, '38E, Edward
Christensen, '40, Dayton Closser, '40,
LeRoy Fake, '40E, Kenneth Gauthier,
'39E, Norman Huff, '39E, Rowland
McLaughlen, '40E, George Pipper, Jr.,
John Robinson, '40, Charles Simp-
son, '40, Robert G. Smith, '40E, Rob-
ert Tiedeman, '40E, and Alfred Wohl-
wend, '38E.
The 14 new- pledges of Zeta Tau
Alpha will entertain the active mem-
bers of the sorority at a tea to be
held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. today ac-
cording to Nan Kirby, '40.
Five women students are included
in the personnel of a party which is
to sail June 29 for a summer Euro-
pean tour. They are Harriet Heath,
'37, Barbara Heath, '39, Mary John-
son, '38, Mary Ervin, '39, Elizabeth
Whitney, '38 and Elizabeth Aigler,

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. . .

For Information -Cali MISS JONES at 2-3241

you gals are a little stumped at
this point as to what you really
want in the line of clothes this
spring after seeing so many stun-
ning things in the Style Show
last Thursday - it makes it seem
awfully hard to choose.
INTRODUCING, my fine ladies,
the very newest and most stu-
pendous thing that has hit this
campus in many y'ars! It's a
wonderful new line of cosmetics-
Marie Earle (remember that name,
it'll be big letters) straight from
Marie Earle's exclusive New York
salon where Vogue's and Park
Avenue's best obtain their loveli-
ness. Fifth Avenue doesn't have
a thing over CALKIN'S-FLETCH-
ER'S, both are introducing this
new key to charm - through the
skin. Marie Earle products in-
clude just everything in the line
of cosmetics - face creams of all
sorts and for every purpose (if
you have blemishes of any sort,
there's a cream to correct them -
AND don't be bashful!) to say
nothing of hand lotions, eye 'wash,
paste rouge and so many creams
that you would never even think
of, though a few you've been wait-
ing for, I'll 'bet! Just as an after-
thought - you can bet Marie
Earle got an "A" in that cosme-
tology course -isn't a College
Education terrific! (in a nice

sion and with lines that are, well-
knows. The right occasion now
seems to be Reunion luncheons
and dinners as well as informal
dates - and the right thing is a
dressy pastel wool or costume
suit to be worn under your coat.
One that you just can't miss is a
lovely green wool costume suit
with fur pockets and a delicate
lace blouse - just the daintiest yet
smartest thing you ever saw. An-
other little "honey" was a soft blue
wool with little buttons down the
front below a Roman Stripe ascot.
Little scalloped edges are partic-
ularly effective and very good
this season too. .We know that
you have the occasion, and Miss
Dillon has the dress -now why
don't you two get together?
MORE CHARM? Why of course,
we are always looking for more
charm and remember you'll never
attain it without having that
smart and well - groomed ap-
pearance. They say that beauty
is only skin-deep but if you have
the charm inside and the loveli-
ness on the outside - well, you
just can't lose. The DI MATTIA
terests at heart and is ready to
give you that loveliness that is so
essential to charm. Never before
have young women been so par-
ticular about their appearance -
their hair must be "just so" -



o FURTHER NEED to go frantic at the sudden disappearance of a part
of your clothes (and it's always an important part . . . ) Maybe it's a

dog that's chewing on your duds, but the most likely "chawer" is the moth.
We've found the perfect moth preventative -- M OTH EX . . . so now you
receive not only Microcleaning, the exclusive cleaning process that restores
your clothes to newness both in texture and in appearance, but also, a SURE

protection against the ravages of moths!

No additional charge for Mothex.

P.S.. And there's no odor, either.




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