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February 16, 1937 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-16

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Swimmers Return From East
EN5 with Smiles-And Two Victories

Walt Tomski in the short dash and
by Ed Kirar in the century. Tomski
lost the race only by the scantest of
margins when Fick brushed the end
waill a fraction of an inch ahead.
Kirar, Tomski Trouble Fick
The New Yorkers had expected
little competition in the dashes with
the veteran Fick in the lanes for
them, but the "unknowns from the
Mid-west" as Kirar and Tomski were
called by the New York press gave
them more trouble than they had
counted on. The "unheralded young-
sters" will no longer bear that mon-
iker in eastern swimming circles.
Aside from winning the two meets,
the Varsity tankers saw to it that two
records were broken and another
equalled. Co-captain Jack Kasley
swimming in the breast4troke leg
of the 300-yard medley relay cracked
the U.S. record for the distance. He
bettered the old mark of 1:02.7 by .8
seconds setting a new time of 1:01.9.
for the event.
Set. Records At Buffalo
In Buffalo Saturday night, the nat-
ators swimming in the 500-yard relay
equalled the existing National A.A.U.
record of 4:29.8 for the distance, then
continued on to set a new mark for
the 600 yard course of 5:23.4. Walt
Tomski, Ed Kirar, Bill Farnsworth,
Tom Haynie, Baker Bryant and Bob
Mowerson swam in the combination
race for Michigan. Colgate only com-
peted for the first 400 yards of the
Every member of the Wolverine
outfit showed up well in the two
meets. Bill Farnsworth, Tom Haynie
and Walt Tomski, who did not com-
pete during the first semester, swam
with excellent early-season form.
Haynie teamed, with Co-captain
Frank Barnard to come in one-two in
both the 220 and 440 yard swims in
New York. Haynie did not open
up entirely and coasted home be-
hind Barnard in both events.
Ben Grady and Phil Haughey
helped to raise Michigan's score by
placing in both meets. Grady took
firsts while Haughey won a third at
New York and a second at Buffalo.
Grady, at the request of the crowd
at the Colgate meet, put on a fancy
and comical diving show which
brought down rounds of applause.
ery today. The Colonel boosted his
original offer to $10,000. Gomez
termed the offer "ridiculous," and
walked out.

Pretty Sloppy /
Michigan(38) fg ft pf t
Townsend,f ...........2 1 2 5
Smick,f ................0 0 0 0
Barclay, f ................2 2 2 6
Thomas, f ............0 0 0 0
Gee, c ... . ............6 0 2 12
Patanelli, g...........1 2 2 4
Beebe, g ..'.............0 0 0 0
Fishman, g ............5 1 1 11
Totals ..............16 6 9 38
Michigan State (31) fg ft pf t
Kraft, f ...............3 3 3 9
Rolen, f ...............0 1 1 1
Scholtz, f ..............3 0 1 6
Osterink, f .............2 0 1 4
McShannock, f ...........0 1 0 1
Wilkinson, c...........0 0 1 0
Dargush, c ..............0 0 0 0
Garlock, g ..............2 1 3 5
Carpenter, g ....... .....0 0 0 0
Callahan, g ............2 1 3 5
Ritz, g ..................0 0 0 0
Totals ...............12 7 13 31

. .

Another SLATER'S Service

Swim Summaries



MICHIGAN 47, N.Y.A.C. 28
300-yard medley-Won by Michi-
gan (Cody, Kasley and Bryant); sec-
ond, New York A.C. (Branch, Wlace
Spence and Walter Spence). Time
220-yard free style-Won by Bar-
nard (Michigan); second, Haynie
(Michigan); third, Williams (New
York A.C.). Time, 2:21.
50-yard free style-Won by Fick
(New York A.C.) ; second, Tomski
(Michigan); third, Chrostowski (New
York A.C.). Time, 0:23.7.
Fancy dive-Won by Grady (Michi-
gan) 130.66; second, Zahanek (New
York A.C.) 122.17; third, Haughey;
(Michigan) 88.14.
150-yard back stroke-Won by
Cody (Michigan); second, Haynie
(Michigan); third, Branch (New
York A.C.) Time, 1:41.4.
200-yard breast stroke-Won by
Kasley (Michigan); second, Wallace
Spence (New York A.C.); third,
Grady (Michigan). Time, 2:26.4.
440-yard free style-Won by Bar-
nard (Michigan); second, Haynie
(Michigan); third, Devlin (New York
A.C.). Time, 5:18.1.
400-yard relay-Won by New York
A.C. (Chrostowski, Harms, Walter
Spence and Fick); second, Michigan
(Tomski, Bryant, Farnsworth and
Kirar). Time, 3:34.

Barbara Stanwyck says:'
tLuckies make a hit with

my throat"
"'When talking pictures arrived, my
stage experience on Broadway gave
me my chance on the screen. Taking
care of my throat became serious
business with me, so I changed to
Luckies-a light smoke..Of course I
smoke other cigarettes now and then
but sooner or later I come back to
Luckies. They make a hit with my
throat and also with my taste."


We have wired for Additional Ship-
ments of Books-They will be in
You will be SURE of getting ALL
"temporarily out of stock" Books
as fast as it is humanly possible.
MORE BOOKS are "On the Way:"

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An independent survey was made recently
among professional men and women-lawyers,
doctors,lecturers, scientists, etc..Of those who said
they smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated they
personally prefer a light smoke.
Miss Stanwyck verifies the wisdom of this pref.
erence, and so do other leading artists of the
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smoke Luckies. You, too, can have the throat pro-
tection of Luckies-a light smoke, free of certain
harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process
"It's Toasted". Luckies are gentle on the throat.

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