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March 07, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-07

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Increasing cloudiness, slight-
ly warmer today; showers -to-




Youth Act .. .




Varsity Sextet
By To ronto U.
In 4-2 Battle'
Lowrey's Fighting Squad
Is Unable To Withstand
Rushes Of All-Stars
Chase Plays Best
Game Of Career
A great Blue and White power-
house swept down on Michigan's gal-
lant little eight-man hockey squad in
the Coliseum last night, but it was a
fighting band of Wolverines who
cared nothing for three goals run up.
by the pride of Ontario in the first
stanza, as they battled the Toronto
Varsity to the final gun before ac-
cepting a 4-2 defeat.
Toronto, undoubtedly the best
hockey club ever to appear here,
turned on a dazzling exhibition of
speed and stick handling to give the
1,400 fans who jammed the arena the
best puck performance of the season.
. Michigan Stopped
Michigan's attack was stopped cold
for the first two periods by a pair of
smart Toronto forward lines who
were everywhere at once, carrying
the play, and back checking like ma-
jor leaguers.
The Wolverines were at their best
last night. Aside from five minutes
in the initial.period when the invad-
ers banged home three goals, their
defense was air tight.
Bill Chase played his best game
of the year as he turned aside a To-
ronto attack which featured three
and four men at all times. Bill
kicked, batted, and swatted every
kind of flying rubber as he made 35
saves during the evening.
Campbell Outstanding
Down at the other end of the ice
George Campbell, bespectacled Var-
sity net minder, looked like Wildl
Cude as he robbed Michigan time
and again when they got in close.
He was particularly good against Vic
,pgl' ,o pgot in on top of hixn.
at least five times only to have
Campbell turn in another miraculous
The Wolverines were bottled up in
their own end of the rink for a great
part of the game, particularly in
the second period when Coach Ace'

Survey Reveals Co-eds Prefer
Dances, Movies Over Athletics


Football Is Rated Above
Other Sports; Formals
Above House Dances
By RO"isei vVEEKS
More than 500 co-eds saw Michigan
play basketball and hockey last night
but 96 per cent of them would rather
have gone to a dance or a movie,
judging from a survey conducted in
three dormitories and a well-known
Washtenaw sorority by The Daily
Asked whether they were "delight-
ed, indifferent or disappointed when
asked by a boy you like to attend
a sporting event?" 47 of the 75 girls
questioned, replied that they would
be delighted, 21 declared that they
would feel indifferent, none of them
replied that they would be disap-
pointed and seven wouldn't answer.
Asked why they felt delighted, in-
different or disappointed about being
asked to a sporting event, one said
that she was delighted because she
loved to yell. One typical explana-
tion of the ecstasy upon being dated
for a sporting event was this reply,
"I'm delighted because I enjoy sport-
Starr Obtains
A _ N§ew Hearing
From Officials
Half-Miler's Case Retried
By Disciplinary Body;
Result Is Unknown
Ben Starr, '37, crack half-miler
who was put on probation last week,
was given a rehearing Friday before
the subcommittee on discipline of the
Committee on Student Conduct, it
was disclosed last night.
The result is unknown. Dean Jo-
seph A. Bursley, chairman of the
main committee, said information
had to come from the literary col-
lege, in which Starr is a student. Both
Dean Edward H. Kraus and Assis-
tant Dean Wilbur R. Humphries,
however, said they had not been in-
formedrof any new decision of the
committee. Starr could not be
reached last night.
Starr presented to the committee-
man new testimony, it was under-
stood, which, he hopes, will lead
them to change their decision, put-
ting him on probation until April 1.
Starr was placed on probation, the
committee announced, along with
his apartment roommate, John S.
Palmer. '37. for "conduct unbecom-

ing events and if I1am asked to attend
one by a boy I particularly care for-
well, it's wonderful."
Another girl ingeniously explained
that she was indifferent "Because I
don't know very much about sports
and the seatsare very hardat sport-
ing events."
Football is by far the favorite sport
and its devotees number twice as
many as basketball which is second.
Hockey and swimming are about
equal for the third and fourth choice
and 30 girls admitted that they
would rather go to any of the others
than to a track meet.
Prefer Formal Dances
The dormitory denizens put in a
strong bid for formal dances above all
other indoor sports that were on the
ballot. They were asked to number
n order their choices among, athletic
events (not football), formal dances,
informal dances, movies, and frater-
nity parties. Women in Mosher Hall,
Jordan Hall and Betsy Barbour House
gave 23 votes to put formals in top
notch position, but the rural vote
from the older and possibly more
blase students in the Washtenaw sor-
ority boosted informal dances up to
the top with 26 votes to the 23 total
cast for formal dances.
Frown On Parties
Fraternity parties were not threat-
ening, because only 14 women chose
them, and 16 girls firmly announced
that they preferred the other four
activities to fraternity parties. Male
consolation is offered in the figures
on the female attitude on athletics,
for although 25 women voted that
they would prefer to go to a movie
or a dance rather than to an athletic
event, the large number of women
in the Coliseum and Yost Field House
last night. attested to the fact that
it's the male will that prevails.
Of the 75 women questioned, 52 de-
clared, however, that they went to
hockey games, track meets, swimming
meets, football and basketball games
because they were "interested." Only
16 boldly retorted "because it's a
date," when asked why they went.
W A Workers
Strike As Hotel
Employes Win
200Women Protest Their
Removal From Relief
Project Rolls
DETROIT, March 6.---A')-Two
hundred women were occupying three
WPA offices tonight in protest
against their removal from project
They were dropped from the proj-
ects because, as mothers of depen-
dent children, they are receiving com-
pensation under the Social Security
Act. The WPA union, however, con-
tends that the compensation is so
small that it must be supplemented
by local relief agencies to give them
a subsistence.
Fifty women occupied the Wayne
county headquarters of the WPA to-
night after the Rev. Father Fred-
erick Hass, Federal conciliator, and
H. W. Clark, Wayne county WPA di-
rector, had told them they could not
be reinstated without instructions
from Washington.
They had been working on book
binding, housekeeping, and dress-
making projects.
DETROIT, March 6.-(IP)--A strike
which left 690 guests of the Webster
Hall Hotel without service for five
hours was settled at midnight.
A union spokesman said that ap-
proximately 70 waiters, waitresses,
cooks, bartenders, firemen and oilers
who joined in the strike obtained
wage increases and recognition of
their unions.

Craft Union
Leaves AFL
To Join Lewis
AlumniumnWorkers Swing
To CIO; Federation May
Use Boycott
New Strikes Begin;
Others Are Settled
(By The Associated Press)
The competition for labor's leader-
ship overshadowed developments yes-
terday (Saturday) in workers' dis-
putes with employers.
A union in the aluminum industry
bolted the American Federation of
Labor, led by William Green, and
swung its allegiance to Jonn L. Lew-
is' Committee for Industrial Organ-
It was a new gain for Lewis, whose
position already had been strength-
ened during the week by recognition
from ranking producers in the steel
and electrical industries.
May Boycott Goods
But Green's forces were not idle.
Craft' union leaders opposed to Lew-
is' "vertical" organization program
indicated they were considering sev-
eral methods of reprisal. One was a
boycott of capital goods produced by
CIO members. Another was refusal
to recognize the Lewis label on con-
sumer goods. Also considered were
proposals for organizing rival unions.
The defection of the Alumnium
Workers Union's largest unit, at the
New Kensington, Pa., plant of the
Alumnium Company of America,
from the A.F. of L. ranks held pros-
pects of spreading. John Haser, vice-
president of the unit, said a national
conference of representatives of
locals would be held April 12 for the
purpose of drafting a constitution
for an international union which
would affiliate with the CIO.
Develops From Dispute
The break with the A.F. of L. de-
veloped from a dispute over finances.
The alumnium industry employes
about 40,000 persons.
Representatives of the United Elec-
trical and Radio Workers, a CIO af-
filiate, claimed the Westinghouse
Electric, and Marufacturing Co. had
recognized t union as a ining
agency for1 its mehrberhl, and
aimed at further recognition. The
union announced a drive to organize
12,000 employes in 20 St. Louis plants.
Settle Timken Strike
DETROIT, March 6.-()-Agree-
ments reached by automotive parts
concerns with the United Automobile
Workers of America, affiliate of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion, ended three sit-down strikes
here today.
Approximately 2,200 are employes
of the Timken-Detroit Axle Co.,
whose plant had been held since Feb.
23 by nearly 400 sit-down strikers.
The agreement provides for hourly
wage minimums, after 60 days' em-
ployment, of 75 cents for men and 65
zents for women. The union was
recognized as bargaining agent for
its members and the company agreed
not to negotiate with any other
group for six months.
Visiting Pastors
To Give Church
Serm ns Today

Out-of-town guest speakers again
head the programs of the Lenten
services of Ann Arbor churches.
The Rev. Ralph H. Ferris of the
First Congregational Church, Detroit,
will deliver a sermon on "The Love
of Christ" at the 10:45 a.m. service
of worship of the First Congrega-
tional Church. A discussion on "Stu-
lent Inter-Racial Experiences," led
by Kenneth Bean, will be held at
the Student Fellowship at 6 p.m.
At St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
which is celebrating its eighth anni-
versary, the Rev. Carl A. Brauer.
pastor of the church, will speak on
"One Day in Thy Courts" at the
10:45 a.m. service. The Rev. Edwin
E. Rossow of Northville will be the
guest speaker at the special evening
anniversary service at 7:30 pm.
The Rev. Gordon Matthews of St
Andrew's Church, Detroit, will deal
with "The Value of the Reformatior
of Our Day" as guest speaker at "
p.m. in Harris Hall.
The Christian Science Organizatior
will present a lecture on Christiar
Science given by Dr. John M. Tutt, of
Kansas City, Mo., at 8 p.m. in Hil.
"Are Christians Rtter9" will h th

leek Cancer"
Cure IWork
Begun Here
Hope To Find Solution
In Research By Physics
Cyclotron Is Used
In Investigation
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of
a series of articles explaining the work
of the cyclotron and what may be ac-I
complished with its aid.
A cure for cancer may be the re-
sult of an investigation now being
carried out jointly by the physics de-
partment and the University Hospital
through use of the cyclotron, the 95-
ton atom smasher.
Prof. James M. Cork of the physics
department explained this possible1
cure yesterday by pointing out that
cancer consists of a mixture of
healthy and diseased cells and that
the cyclotron may provide the means
whereby the diseased cells are killed,
leaving the healthy cells unharmed.
Will Use Neutrons
That means, Professor Cork said,
which the physicist can, give the
physician, is neutron bombardment.
The neutron is like the nucleus of
the common hydrogen atom, except
that while the nucleus has a positive_
electrical charge, the neutron is
"neutral" and has no charge at all.
X-rays, which produce ionization
in the tissue, are being widely used
now but are not universally success-
ful in curing cancerous growths. Dr.
Cork pointed out that the difficulty
lay in the fact that at times the X-
rays either failed to kill " all the
diseased cells or killed some of the
healthy cells too.
He indicated that failure to kill
all the diseased cells was dangerous
because this resulted in the produc-
tion of a "new generation" of cancer
more virile than the first. When
healthy cells have been destroyed in
addition to the diseased ones, other
complications have developed, he
Resembles X-Ray Method
However it rmay be possible by
means of neutron bombardment to
achieve this goal.
Previously it was thought that the
application of the cyclotron to a
cancer cure would take the form of
the manufacture of artificially radio-
active substances such as radioactive
salt. which might be taken internally.
However this new line of research
is different. It resembles the X-ray
method in that it endeavors to pro-
duce ionization in the tissues but
it is hoped this will provide a better
agency. -
Prof. Fred J. Hodges, head of the
department of the roentgenology,
with whom Professor Cork is collab-
orating in this phase of the cyclo-
tron's work, explained last night that
the value of neutron bombardment
is the subject of a heated controversy
(Continued on Page 2)

Wolverine Cagers
Defeat Wisconsin
In FinalTilt, 41-27

PI ledges Stage Sit-Down'
While Actives Hold Bag
Active members of Delta Upsilon
fraternity were left holding the bag
last night when the scheduled time
for the annual pre-initiation pledge
banquet arrived without a single
pledge present.
The banquet, which is traditional-
ly featured by the costumes and pro-
gram presented by the pledges, was
broken up at 6:15 p.m. by a telegram
that announced that the pledges were
conducting a sit-down strike at a
downtown beer garden.
Enraged actives were informed that
the pledges "just didn't feel like it."
The pledges disclosed there had been
no Hell Week, that they just "struck"
as a "gag."
Burke Attacks
F.D.R.'s Plan
To Alter Court
Democrats In Opposition
To Proposal Open Fire
As OthersSupport It
WASHINGTON, March 6.--P)-
Democratic opponents of President
Roosevelt's court bill opened tonight
an intensive barrage designed to
counteract during the next week the
chief executive's appeals for the na-
tion's support in reshaping the Su-
preme Court.
Senator Edward Burke (Dem.,
Neb.) opened fire with a radio speech
asserting that "no greater disservice
was ever done to the cause of democ-
racy than may well result from the
diligent and surpassingly cunning
and deceptive program to discredit
the Supreme Court in the minds of
the public."
Flanagan Supports President
On the other hand, Representative
Jerome Flanagan (Dem. Va.), in a
speech urging support of Mr. Roose-
velt's proposal, said: "You cannot de-
stroy the national conscience by ju-
dicial fiat. This was attempted by
a divided Court in the Dred Scott
case. You know the result.
"The people overruled a Supreme
Court decision by force of arms.
"With this experience of the past,
like a red light flashing its warning,
shall we again permit four or five
judges, who are out of joint with
our social and economic growth, to
again embroil us in trouble?"
Copeland Opposes Plan
Earlier in the day, Chairman Royal
Copeland (Dem., N.Y.) of the Senate
Commerce Commitee replied in a
statement to the President's sugges-
tion that the Supreme Court had cast
doubt over the constitutionality of
flood control legislation.
Paraphrasing the President's own
words, Copeland said that "When
sweating men, piling sandbags on the
levee at Cairo find time to study
this question" they will find that
failure to provide for flood control
was "not the fault of the Sieme
Court" but of "the President' bwn
agent, the director of the budget."
WASHINGTON, March 6.-(k')-
President Roosevelt began prepara-
tion today of his follow-up speech on
the judiciary to be broadcast fromn
the White House next Tuesday night
The President, his aides said, de-
voted the entire afternoon to writ-
ing the address.

Jake Townsend Tallies 15
Points, Gee 9 As Five
Wins In Romp
Wolverines Finish
Third In Big Ten
Varsity Record For Year
Is 16 Victories, Four
Losses, AllAvenged
With little at stake despite a suc
cessful Conference record of nine
wins and but three defeats, as Min-
nesota and Illinois won their games,
Jake Townsend and Johnny Gee led
the Michigan basketball team in a
41 to 27 romp over the luckless Wis-
consin Badgers last night at Yost
Field House to close the 1937 bas-
ketball season.
The Varsity's mathematical
chances at the title were erased as
the Gopher drubbed Chicago, 33 to
23, and the Illini beat Northwestern,
32 to 26, to tie for the championship,
10 games won and two lost, to rele-
gate the Wolverines undisputed to
third place only a game out of first
and ahead of Purdue's disappointed
Boilermakers, who finished in fourth,
by the same margin.
Lose Only Four
Michigan's complete record of the
year is 16 victories against four de-
feats at the hands of Washington of
Seattle, Purdue, Indiana, and Ohio
State. The Wolverines defeated all
four of these teams, however, some-
time in the season.
The feature of last night's game,
once victory was assured, was the
scoring performances of Townsend,
Gee, and George Rooney of Wiscon-
sin, all seeking to better their posi-
tions in the final individual scoring
Townsend, all-Conference selection
for the second consecutive year,
the basket for 15 points to boost hlW
Conference total to 121. Seven of
his 15 points came by the free throw
route to give him 43 for the Big Ten
season and the largest number in
the league ahead of Jewell Young,
the Boilermaker forward, who made
Both Gee and Ro.ney, who were
tied at 95 In fifth place before the
game, made 10 points, four field goals
and a pair of free throws, for a year's
total of 105.
Receive Ovations
Captain Gee and Matt Patanelli,
playing their last basketball game for
Michigan, were honored with ova-
tions that brought memories of the
Democratic Convention when they
left the floor for the last time.
Michigan's height advantage was
too much for the Wisconsin team
that defeated Purdue last Monday
night, and the Wolverines encoun-
tered little trouble with the Badgers
in the first half, running up a 20 to 9
score before the first gun sounded.
The Badgers couldn't work the ball
into the basket and made all four of
the field goals in-the first period on
long shots from the field. At the
(Continued on Page 5)
Woman Is Hurt
In Auto Crash;
Pedestrian Hit

.CZllu , J , 1.1 1U UJ U~uill
Bailey had his flankers playing deep j ing a University student." This con-
in Vblverine territory andbreaking duct, members of the committee re-
vealed, was for no act which took
got ell underway. place in the apartment which Starr
I was as a result of one of these and Palmer share. Starr indicated
plays that Toronto got out in front that it was for carrying away a sign
after almost 15 minutes of play. from a downtown shop. Police ap-
Drives In Rebound prehended him and Palmer for this,
Bud Cassels, Blue and White flank- and they paid fines of $12 after
er, t the puck deep in Michigan spending a night in the county jail.
territory and circled the cage. Chase
blocked his drive, but the reboundBisLed r
hopped square on Cassel's stick for BUSiness Leaders
a sure killing.
The score was 2-0 only a couple To Speak On Jobs
of minutes later when three Toronto
speedsters broke with only the de- Leaders from business and industry
fense to beat. Max Fullerton passed will participate in a five-day confer-
to Charlie Driscoll just as Smith hit ence to present "a realistic picture
him and Chase had no chance as the of occupations for the student's bene-
big Toronto defenseman blazed one fit" beginning Tuesday at the Union,
froze 10 feet out. Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of
A minute later Driscoll drilled an- the bureau of appointments and oc-
other to give the Canadians a com- cupational information, announced
mantling lead.: yesterday.
Soon after the sedond period op- Earle J. Failor, comptroller of the
ened Fullerton set up another To- National Bank of Detroit, will speak
(ronto score. He laed a beautiful on "Secret ial Accounting" under
(Continued on Page 5) theinne "OffiepPoonc',v" at 4 nm



Star Lost

In Ocean Mystery
LONDON, March 6.-(P)-Scot-
land Yard sought tonight to pierce
the mystery of the disappearance at
sea of Frank Vosper, handsome Brit-
ish stage star, during a gay cham-
pagne party in the cabin of an En-
glish beauty queen.
A final "balcony scene" by the 37-
year-old actor, who often had por-
trayed Shakespeare's Romeo, was be-
lieved to hold the answer to the mys-

Riksen, Lunch
Vendor, eeks
Test Of Law
D. Ray Riksen, proprietor of a
student lunch vending service, last
night announced his intention of
testing the constitutionality of the
city ordinance requiring him to pay a:
yearly license fee of $150 per ve-
hicle after having been fined $5 and
$10.05 costs for violating the ordin-
Declaring that he would appeal to
the state supreme court if necessary,
after the circuit court hearing, Rik-
sen announced that he would "appeal
on the grounds that the measure is
regulatory. The fee is supposed to be
only large enough to cover enforce-
ment costs, and is not a revenue
measure. Since this is so stated in
the constitution, it is unconstitu-
The verdict handed down by Jus-

Tuesday at the Union. Mr. Failor will
"emphasize the divisions of secretar-
ial accounting work in a bank and
will relate these positions to other
industries," Dr. Pardom said.

Rearmed Great Britain Holds
Fate Of Europe, Shepard Says

Democratic Split Over Court
May Defeat Plan, Says Brown,

The fate of Europe in the next dec-
ade will be determined by the attitude
Great Britain takes toward the use of
the tremendous strength which will
be hers once she has completed her
recently proposed rearmament pro-
gram, according to Prof. John P.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
Since the rise of Hitler, British
diplomacy has been so 'weak'-so full
of inconsistencies-that it can hardly
be called a real policy at all, Profes-
sor Shepard said. "It is this utter
lack of any real stand by Britain
on such matters as unilateral break-
ing of treaties and collective security

prejudices" of the upper ruling class
of Great Britain.
England's successful pressure in
the League of Nations against the
employment of sanctions against Ja-
pan upon her aggression in China,
gave notice to the fascist powers that
England would avoid war at all costs,
Professor Shepard stated. Thus, he
said, she made inevitable the recent
firm stand these nations have taken
toward reestablishing their "place in
the sun!" Again in the Spanish crisis,
Professor Shepard contended, Eng-
land has "backed down" because
"class interest" has prompted the
government to fear any expansion of
socialism or communism.
Tf on cnmnltinn of her renm-

Opposition of Democrats to Presi-
dent Roosevelt's judicial reform pro-,
posal indicates a breakdown in party
discipline that may eventually defeat
Administration plans for Supreme
Court changes in the opinion of Prof.
Everett S. Brown of the political sci-
ence department.
"It would appear on the basis of
the members elected to Congress last
November," Professor Brown said yes-
terday, "that the Administration
should have no trouble in putting
through the measure, but the very
fact that strong opposition has been
forthcoming from the ranks of the
Democrats themselves shows that
party discipline is breaking down.

The time element is exceedingly
important in the consideration of
whether an ordinary legislative meas-
ure or a Constitutional amendment
would have a better chance of pas-
sage, Professor Brown feels.
In this respect, he pointed out thati
since 1787 several thousand amend-
ments have been introduced in Con-
gress, but only 26 have been submitted
to the states for ratification. Twenty-
one have been ratified by the states
and a prospective 22nd, the Child
Labor Amendment, is still hanging
fire. This would seem to indicate,
Professor Brown said, that the big-
I gest obstacle in the way of a con-
stitutional amendment is the pas-
sage throug h Cnress rather than

Miss Florence Hartsuff, 25, 109 N.
Ravena Ave., suffered fractures ow
'oth kneecaps yesterday whenth
car she was driving crashed almost
head-on into one driven by Pat
Hickey, 56, 411% N. Ashley, early
last night.
Miss Hartsuff was driving south
on Main St. when the car driven
by Hickey was turned north onto
Main St. from Kingsley St. Making
a wide right turn that carried him
over to the other side of the street,
he crashed into Miss Hartsuff's car.
She told the police that she was un-
able to avoid him.
A spot examination by police dis-
closed that the force of the collisign
had driven Miss Hartsuff against the
dashboard of her car, smashing her
right kneecap, police said. She was
taken to St. Joseph's Hospital where
authorities later in tl e evening said
that she was "in g6od condition."
Hickey was jailed on a charge of
drunken driving.

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