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March 06, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-06

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The Weather
Fair and rising temperatures
with moderate western winds.



5k ig~tan


Youth And Fascism
Become Acu intel. .



Pitt's Panther
Bows, 66-38,
To Track Men
Woodruff Gallops To New
Field House Record In
440, Wins Half-Mile
Team Scores Slai
In Mile, Broad Jump
Michigan's track team continued
its unbeaten ways in the final dual
meet of the indoor season last night
in Yost Field House, over-powering
Pittsburgh, 66 to 38.'
The Varsity scored slams in two
events, the mile and the broad jump,
and took six of the remaining 10 first
Johnny Woodruff of Pitt, Olympic
800-meter champion, and Capt. Bob
Osgood of the Wolverines each took
two first places, with Osgood taking
high-point honors by running a leg
on the mile relay, won by Mich-
Woodruff Shines
Woodruff's victories in the 440 and
880-yard runs came in the best races
of the evening, the lanky Panther
sophomore establishing a new Field
House record of :49.1 in the quarter
Stan Birleson, holder of the former
record of :49.2, ran himsef out try-
ing to pass Woodruff early in the,
race and finished five yards behind
the winner. Steve Mason came up
fast in third place, almost nipping
Birleson. '
Had Woodruff not pulled up at the
finish he probably would have
equalled Ray Ellinwood's indoor world
record for the 440 of :48.9, established
by the Chicago star in last year's
Conference meet.
Fast Race In Half
The half mile was undoubtedly the
best race of the meet, the Davidson
brothers, Howard and Harold, run-
ning masterfully in an attempt to
outmaneuver the strong-striding
Olympian in his favorite event that
almost succeeded. .
. oward Davidson caught Woodruff
near the end of the first of the four
laps and conhtined to set the pace
until within 100 yards of the finish.
Harold stuck close behind the Pitt
runner in the meantime, and on oc-
casion came up to box Woodruff.
As Woodruff went around Howard
near the beginning of the last curve,
brother Harold set out after him and
almost succeeded in catching the]
winner, finishing less than two yards
back. Howard Davidson finished
(Continued on Page 3)
UAW Delivers
Its Ultimatum
On Bargaining
DETROIT, March 5.-(P)-A Unit-
ed Automobile Workers of America
"ultimatum" on its demand for sole
bargaining rights for 67,000 Chrysler
Corporation employes prolonged a
conference between union and com-
pany officials for nearly two hours
today before it recessed until Mon-
Status of the demand was uncer-
tain tonight, however, after the con-
ferees gave their versions of the af-
ternoon's discussion.
Lester L. Colbert, resident attorney
for Chrysler, said the ultimatum had
not been presented.
Homer Martin, U.A.W.A president

who had asserted "there will be no
dodging or postponement of this is=
sue," issued the following statement
after the conference:
"We discussed the recognition of
the U.A.W.A. as sole collective bar-
gaining agency. We find ourselves
much closer together on this matter'
The first topic Monday will be on
recognition. This will be ironed out
first. There has been no evasion
or postponement .of the issue and we
do not expect one."
Richard T. Frankensteen, union
organizational director, said, "We
have received our answer."
Neither Martin nor Frankensteen
would amplify his comment.
Blum Offers Gold
Market Restoration
PARIS, March 5.-(')-Premier
Leon Blum turned tonight to the most
conservative instincts of the nation
in a series of measures to rescue his

Telegraph Boys
Attend Movies
While On Strike
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Sherman,
though not a member of The Daily's
staff, complied with a request of the
editors to write this account of the
telegraph boys' strike in Toledo, when
he was investigating the situation
TOLEDO, O., March 5.--(Special
to The Daily)-The reader who scans
the numerous items of strike news in
the daily papers is likely to attach
little importance to the headline
"Messenger Boys Stage Sitdown," but
an interview with striking Postal
Telegraph and Western Union mes-
senger boys in Toledo shows that'
they are fully as serious as any Flint
auto worker.
Toledoans today arerreceivingtheir
telegrams by phone or special deliv-
ery letters while the boys, whose ages]
range from 15 to 19 years, are de-
terminedly awaiting a response to
their demands. There are approxi-
mately 65 boys on strike and only two
"scabs," according to Thomas Than-
asius, 19-year-old Postal Telegraph
messenger, organizer and chairman
of the strike.
The Postal boys sat down Monday
in their locker room and in the front
of the company's office. The Wes-
tern Union messengers followed their
lead but, not being allowed by the
company to sit down in the building,
have organized a picket line. Most of
the Postal boys go home at night, but
are required by their leaders to return
promptly at 7 a.m. every day.
Nearly all the boys, Thanasius ex-
plained, work full time as messengers
and earn from $6 to $8 a week. The
list of demands they have presented
to the company includes recognition
of their union, recognition of senior-
ity rights, wages of 40 cents an hour
and a 40-hour week
Team To Fight
For Cage Title
In Final Game
Gee And Patanelli To End
Court Careers Tonight
In Wisconsin Game
With a share of the Big Ten cage
title still a possibiltyif Minnesota
and Illinois should be upset, the
Michigan basketball team will meet
the Wisconsin Badgers, who defeated
Purdue last Monday, tonight at Yost
Field House in the final game of the
1936-37 season.
Two seniors will be playing their
last game for Coach "Cappy" Cappon.
They are Capt. Johnny Gee, who with
95 points in 11 games is leading the
rest of the Conference centers by
about 20 points, and Matt Patanelli,
veteran guard. Both are rounding
out their third year as members of
the Varsity.
Despite the fact that Wolverines
defeated Wisconsin, 43 to 31, in a
more or less listless game at Madison
earlier in theseason, they expect
plenty of trouble tonight.
Harold Foster, Badger coach, could
not get his team working all season
and now that it's too late for his boys
to get anyplace in the league stand-
ings he seems to have them in perfect
working order.
George Rooney, forward who is
tied with Gee at 95 points in the in-
dividual scoring race for fifth place,
has been looking better every game.
Lee Mitchell and Mannie Frey have
been working well at guard, and Bud
Bell and Hod Powell are playing sat-
isfactory ball at center and forward.

Lee Mitchell kept Wisconsin in
the ball game at Madison when hej
(Continued oil Page 3)

Steel Workers
Push Defense'
Of Bargaining1
Green Refuses To Assist
In Lewis Struggle Until
Company Ties Are Cut
Passes Up Battle
Over Steel Laor
PITTSBURGH, March 5.-(P)-
Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation's
employe representatives mobilized a
defense of their reorganized collective
bargaining plan tonight in the face
of William Green's refusal to join
their campaign against John L. Lew -
is' steel union.
The president of the American
Federation of Labor, which suspend-
ed the unions in Lewis' Committee
for Industrial Organization, declined
an invitation of the representatives'
grievance committee to advise with
them in strengthening their forces.
Opposes Company Union
In opposition to the corporation's
recognition last Tuesday of the steel
workers' organizing committee, 24
members of the Pittsburgh district
employe representatives' council vot-
ed to change their name to the
"American Union of Steel Workers."
Green, however, wired them that
he would not consider meeting with
them unless they organized an in-
dependent union completely free of
company influence.
Members of the grievance commit-
tee declined to comment on this stip-
ulation, but summoned the council
representatives and the employes' de-
fense committee to meet with them
tomorrow morning to draft plans.
The A.F. of L. president by his
reply refused an opportunity for a
direct battle with Lewis for su-
premacy in the labor ranks of the
nation's steel mills. His telegram
Policy Cited
"Because of the traditional and
consistent policy of the American
Federation of Labor to oppose em-
ploye representation organizations
and to refrain from giving support
thereto, I must respectfully decline
your invitation to come to Pittsburgh
for a conference."~
Owen Jones, chairman of the grie-
vance committee, commented:
"I was the only one of the com-
mittee who opposed that telegram.
I didn't want him (Green) under any
Ralph H. Martin of Homestead,]
speaking for the three majority com-
mittee members, said:
"We'll have to decide on something
Woolworth Strike
Ends By Agreement
DETROIT, March 5.--(P)-Sit-
down strikes of 150 young women
clerks in two F. W. Woolworth 5 & 10
cent stores here ended tonight with
the signing of an agreement by repre-
sentatives of the company and three
American Federation of Labor unions.
More than 100 clerks had remained
in the downtown branch since last
Saturday morning, when they went
on strike. The second strike, in a
neighborhood stre, began Monday.
The conference opened yesterday.
The settlement was signed by A. J.
Dahlquist, superintendent of the
chain's 40 Detroit stores; Louis Koe-
nig, secretary of the Waiters' and
Waitresses' Association; Louis Wal-
ters, secretary of the Hotel and Rest-

taurant Employes' Association and
Louis Satren, secretary of the Re-
tail, Clerks' International Union.

Local Workers
in Demands
It Michig-Inn
Written Agreement First
Here Between Employer
And Student Group
Request To Bargain
Collectively {kranted
Student employes of the Michig-
Inn were granted collective bar-
gaining rights and eight other de-
mands at the end of a two-hour ses-
sion last night with Walter E. Lust-
field, president of Lustfield Enter-
rises, Inc., of which the Michig-Inn
is. a part.
The final agreement, made only af-
er several original demands had been
modified, represents the first written
agreement between an employer and
a student employe organization here.
The agreement, which was made in
the presence of more than 15 of the
2 Michig-Inn student employes, two
representatives of the Men's Council
Committee on Student Labor and Mr.
Lustfield, follows:
1) No compulsory overtime.
2) All overtime to be eaten out'
hrough the use of a "swing man."
One meal per hour for overtime.
3) A definite schedule of work
Notice Must Be Given
4) Twenty-four hours notice for
ermanent dismissal and credit ex-
tend till the employe gets a job or
gets money, said employe to reinstate
employer in money or hours, as em-
ployer sees fit.
5) No dismissal for activities in
rganized groups.
6) Employes pay 15 cents for
cleaning of coats.
7) Right of employes to select
their own representatives to bargain
with the management in regard to
any changes to this agreement.
8) Cash payment on this date of
employes for J -Hop (breakfast
A. Payment to be made at 35
cents per hour to I. Schmerling (head
waiter not in attendnce at the
University> for 12 hours overtime
since J-Hop.
Agreement 'Satisfactory'
B) In slack times. ast man hired
is to be the first man fired. On re-
hiring, last man fired to be first re-
Mr. Lustfield refused to grant a de-
mand for 35 cents an hour cash pay-
ment for all overtime, instead agree-
ing to hire an extra man ("swing
man") to replace temporarily those
who work overtime.
The employes originally demanded
that laundry work on coats be paid
for entirely by the management, but
during the parley agreed to the
charge of 15 cents for each employe
for laundering.
Richard S. Clark, '37, chairman of
the Men's Council's Committee, who
with William P. Yost represented the
committee at the parley, said he
thought that "a satisfactory settle-
ment has been reached. Both par-
ties will benefit by the agreement, and
Mr. Lustfield is to be given credit."
Five Passengers
Killed As Train
And Auto Crash
PEORIA, Ill., March 5.-UP)-Five
persons were killed tonight when

their auto crashed into the side of a
Chicago and Alton one coach pas-
senger train 17 miles northeast of
Delevan and caught on fire. The
train was thrown off the tracks but
13. passengers escaped uninjured.
One of the auto's occupants, C.
W. Rasar, the driver, was identified
immediately. He was the operator
of collection agencies at Peoria,
Springfield, Pekin and Decatur.
Immediate identification of the
others was made difficult because
they were badly burned, but friends
of Rasar said they were Mrs. Rose
Willard of Peoria; Mrs. Lillian Hart-
man of Peoria, her six month's old
daughter, Lillian, and George Veach,
Jr., seven weeks old son of George
Veech of Peoria and Decatur.
The Veech's boy's mother, the
only one in the car who escaped
alive, was rushed to the hospital.
Marlene Dietrich
Wants Citizenship

Holding Company Restrictions
Not Being Enforced, DeweySays



In Senate Say
Court Fight Is

SEC 'Marks Time' While i
Litigation Is Pending In'
Lower Courts
The power of regulation over the1
financial practices of holding com-
panies, delegated to the Securitiest
Exchange Commission by the Holdingz
Company Act of 1935, is not being ;
used, with the Commission merely
"marking time," Prof. Ralph Dewey
of the economics department said
The holding companies affected by'
this act, Professor Dewey pointed out,
are attempting to enjoin the enforce-
ment of this section of the Act, or
Title 1, on the alleged grounds that
U.S. Placates
Nazis, Regrets
La Guardia Act
State Department Sends
Apologies For Mayor'si
Attack On Hitler
WASHINGTON, March 5.-(P)-
The United States placated. the Ger-
man government today by apologiz-
ing for Mayor Fiorello H. La Guar-
dia's remark that a figure of Adolf
Hitler should be placed in a "hall of
German sources here indicated that
the apology was satisfactory and that
the incident was officially closed.
However, after James C. Dunn,
chief of the State Department's divi-
sion of Wstern European affairs, told
a German representative that La
Guardia's views "Do not represent
the attitude of this government," the
mayor of New York said:
"I still stand by what I said and
repeat it again. A brown-shirted
fanatic is menacing the peace of the
The apology was the second made
by this government since the Nazis
came into power. The United States
expressed regret in 1935 after Anti-
Nazis in New York harbor attacked
the Nazi flag on the German liner
"In this country the right of free-
dom of speech is guaranteed by the
constitution to every citizen and is
cherished as a part of the national
heritage," Dunn said. "This, how-
ever, does not lessen the regret of the
government when utterances either
by privatekcitizens or by public offi-
cials speaking in an individual ca-
pacity give offense to a government
with which we have official rela-
F.P.A. Quits Paper;
Wasn't Paid Enough
"F.P.A." is no longer a columnist
for the New York Herald Tribune be-
cause "they just wanted me to work
for less money, whereas I wanted to
work for more," the Associated Press
reported on March 3.
"F.P.A.," Franklin Pierce Adams,
spent one year at the University of
Michigan. He has long been known
as "F.P.A." to the readers of his
daily column, "The Conning Tower,"
which appeared in the Herald Tri-
bune since the sale of the New York
World in 1931 and in The Daily in
Mr. Adams said his contract had
not been renewed. Government pub-
lication of salary figures showed, that
the ex-columnist received $20,873 in
1934 and $21,842 in 1935.

it is unconstitutional. The enforce-
ment of the remainder of this.Act,
Title 2, whereby the federal control
of interstate, electric utilities is great-
ly increased under the Federal Power
Commission is proceeding normally,
he said.
The fundamental objectives of title
2, Professor Dewey outlined, referring
to the provisions increasing federal
regulation of electric light and power
utilities conducting interstate trans-
actions, thus being "beyond the con-
stitutional or effective administrative
control of the states," are to insure
reasonable wholesale rates and to
prevent interstate companies from
discriminating in favor of consumers
in one state at the expense of con-
sumers in another state. "It does
not, however," Professor Dewey ob-
served, "give the Federal Power Com-
mission power to regulate local or re-1
tail electric rates."
Prior to the passage of title 2, Pro-i
fessor Dewey pointed out, the states,
were forbidden to fix the rates over
that part of interstate energy which
was sold wholesale for later resale toI
consumers, as a result of the 1927 Su-1
preme Court decision in the Attle-
boro case.
The authority granted the Federal
Power Commission under title 2 has
not been made "the subject of judi-
cial attack," Professor Dewey ex-
plained, "although litigation to de-
limit the government's authority1
under the provision of the Federal
Water Power Act of 1920 is pending
in the courts." He cited as arn ex-
(Continued on Page 2)I
Meeting Hears
Need Of Valley
Plan Stressed1
Huron Conference Adopts
Resolutions Asking State
Officials To Act
Action by the governor and the
state planning commission was
sought yesterday by the Conference
on Improving the Huron Valley in
a series of resolutions adopted at
the meeting in the Union. The con-
ference was sponsored by the exten-
sion division in cooperation with the
Huron Valley Improvement Commis-
sion and the Washtenaw County
Road Association.
A water code and unit development
of river valleys, together with city
sewage disposal provisions and con-
servation of natural resources were
proposed in the resolutions which
more than 100 interested individuals
passed. A committee including Pro-
fessor-emeritus Henry Riggs as tem-
porary chairman and Harry Earhart
of Ann Arbor was appointed to plan
development of resources.
Cooperative planning, with con-
struction of a new parkway through
the Huron valley, was emphasized
throughout the conference as the
next step in improving the region.
A letter of welcome from President
Ruthven opened the conference. "If
it ever becomes necessary for the in-
habitants of the Huron River Valley
to adopt a coat of arms distinct
from that of the State of Michigan,"
President Ruthven said, "it might
take for its motto a paraphrase of
that which appears on the state seal
and say 'If you seek a pleasant valley,
look around you.'"
"The recreational facilities of the
state of Michigan have been a tre-
mendous factor in bringing back the
prosperity to the north country that
was lost after the disappearance of
the lumber industry," Arthur W.
Stace, editor of the Ann Arbor News,
said in his talk.
Acquisition of public parks to pro-
vide recreational facilities for urban
(Continued on Page 2)

PTO Bitter End'

Roosevelt, On Other Hand,
Says That Telegrams Are
In Favor Of New Plan
President Prepares
Second Radio Talk
WASHINGTON, March 5.-()-
enate Democrats opposing the
Roosevelt Court bill answered the
?resident's appeal for party support
onight with an assertion that they
ntend to match his every move and
fight it out to the bitter end."
Predicting a new party alignment
y 1938, if the bill passes, Senator
Burke (Dem.), an opposition leader,
vas quick to assert that he and four
Af his Democratic colleagues will
;peak against the program in the
aext week and from differing sections
Af the country.
"That," he said, "is our answer to
he president. I do not look upon
this matter as a party issue."
Burke Resentful
Burke and his colleagues in the
attle against the President's pro-
posals for a possible enlargement of
he Supreme Court from nine to 15
howed themselves plainly resentful
Af the party implications of the Pres-
ident's speech last night.
"If the President really believes the
opposition is confined even largely to
those who opposed him in the cam-
paign, including the defeatist law-
yers, he is in serious error. The big-
dest opposition is from those who
upported the President in the last
campaign," Burke said.
Meanwhile President Roosevelt
turned his thoughts to his second of-
fensive, a "fireside chat" scheduled
for Tuesday night, and happily re-
ported to his press conference that
letters and telegrams pouring into
the White House today were seven to
one in his favor.
Speaks Tonight
Of his intention to follow this
with other speeches and to carry the
issue to the public in an aggressive
fashion, his address of last night left
no doubt. Today, opposition Sen-
ators held a lengthy meeting devoted
to the development of the strategy
of fighting back.
Burke will speak by radio tomor-
row night. On Wednesday, Senator
Wheeler (Dem.)-who adjourned his
railroad hearing for three weeks to-
day so that he may devote himself
to the court fight-will speak on
Wednesday from Chibago. And on
Friday, Burke, Copeland of New York,
Walsh of Massachusetts, and George
of Georgia, all Democrats, will ad-
dress a mass meeting at Carnegie
Hall, New York.
Want' Cross-Examination
It developed, however, that the
Democratic opposition had asked
Senator Steiwer (Rep.) and Senator
Borah (Rep.) to undertake the cross-
examination . of Attorney-General
Cummings when he supports the
President's bill -before the committee
next Wednesday. Informed legisla-
tors said both Steiwer and Borah,
had declined, in accordance with a
Republican strategy which is leaving
the brunt of the opposition to mem-
bers of the President's own party.
Burke was emphatic in his predic-
tion that a new party line-up would
come about before the 1938 elections,
if the court bill goes through.
New Laws Would Result
"If the bill is passed that fact itself
would not result in a new party align-
ment," he- said, "but it undoubtedly
would be followed by the introduc-
tion, passage and the sustaining by
the Supreme Court of a class of leg-
islation that would necessitate a
party regrouping.
"It would be legislation affecting
agriculture, labor, business and a
building up of the Federal power to

an extent that many Democrats could
not support. It would open the door
to a class of legislation that would
force people to get on one side or the
"The bars would be down complete-
ly, we would have legislation of a type
of which the country has never even
Preparation For Model
League To Begin Today
A mnting will h held at 1 320 n.m.

University Needs Lab Theatre,
Miller, Play Prize Winner, Says

Difference In Lent Observation
Explained By Religious Leaders

The University definitely needs a
laboratory theatre which, supple-
menting the excellent instruction,
will help to make Ann Arbor a lead-
ing playwriting center, Arthur A.
Miller, '38, whose prize-winning play
"They Tdo Arise" will be presented
here March 12 and 13, said in an in-
terview yesterday.
Miller, down to his last 50 cents
when he received the $1,250 award
in the contest sponsored by the Bu-
reau of New Plays, said "the Mid-
West gives the playwright a fresher,
more living point of view than the
East with its constant aping of

The play, which is being presented
by the Hillel Players, is a social prob-
elm play dealing with a strike situa-
tion. "The characters," the author'
said, "are drawn from a composite
picture of many middle class Jewish{
families in New York and the Hillel,
Players happened to fit the roles bet-
ter than I thought any college group
The version of thq play that won a
Hopwood award was written in four
days during last year's spring vaca-
tion, Miller stated, and was then re-
vised seven times before being sub-
mitted to the Bureau of New Plays

From strict orthodox Roman Ca-
tholicism to modern Protestantism
to Unitarianism differing ways of
observing Lent reflect in a sense dif-
ferences among the churches.
Lent, season of spring, is a sea-
son of penance, and self-discipline,
to the Roman Catholic, according to
.Rev. Fr. Thomas R. Carey, pastor of
St. Thomas church. To the Protes-
tant Lent is that phase in the yearly
cycle of life in which the individual
may pause and take stock of him-
self in the opinion of the Rev. Wil-
liam P. Lemon, minister of the First
Presbyterian church. To the Uni-

down on luxuries and amusements
because it believes there is inherent
wrong in certain foods or something
wrong in wholesome pleasure. But
the Church does believe, he said, that
if Catholics can exercise self-disci-i
pline on occasions where evil is not in
question, they will be able to deny
themselves in situations where self-
denial should be exercised.
In addition to fasting and absti-
nence Catholics the world over, at-
tend services on Wednesdays and
Fridays, though these are not com-
pulsory, Father Carey explained.
The idea of a careful evaluation of
one's self permeates Protestant ob-

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