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October 07, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-07

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,. .--.

Is Announced
In Zone System
New Zones Made To Help
Grouping Independent
Women On Campus
Seven Zones Made
3 Representatives From
Each Zone, Dormitory,
To Act On Board

New Higher Shoes Women To File Nurse Plays Important Part Dames To Give Tea Library Is Host
Defy Weatherman For Committee In Women's Dormitory Life For New MembersTo Many Note
A Fo t as_ _.__The faculty adviser board of the F
Designers this season have created T S o d a Y Promotion Of Health And prevent disease, the report claims. Michigan Dames will entertain all eign P ople
some startling innovations in a com- Prevention Of Disease With the women's medical advisers new members of the Dames at a tea
paratively undeveloped field of fa- League Announces Posts as her colleagues, she gives counsel from 3 to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow. Several interesting people have re-
shicn-that of shoes. The college Are O>en To Eligible Are Emphasized only in so far as her advice is ab-- The tea will be given at the home cently visited the University Library.
woman especially will appreciate this of Mrs. G. C. Huber 1330 Hill St Dr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Munthe of
as shoes play so important a part in Students With seven to 14 hours spent eachI solutely accurate and refers the stu- Oslo, Norway spent three days in
herlieweki dent to the proper medical advisers Hostesses as announced by Mrs. Lew- AnAbradM.JmsSeato
fer serth week in nursing duties, the resident' dd i Ann Arbor and Mr. James Stewart of
For sports, and especially for foot- Petitioning for the five League I rs otherwise. is Haines are Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, London, England inspected the li-
ball games, the ankle-hugging boot in committees has been set for today, Mrs E. L. Adams, Mrs. G C. Huber, ary.
suede or calf is the newest and most tomorrow and until 5 p.m. Friday in dormitories is becoming more and U Mrs. Ira Smith, Margaret Bell and Dr. Munthe is librarian of the
or is IUnder this policy, there were 631
practical style. An exaggeration of the Undergraduate Office, according more an integral part of the student largest library in Norway and is a
the popular high-cut shoe, it braces to Charlotte D: Rueger, '37, League life there, according to a report made visits ande to nthereact431 roonMrs. G. E. Carrothers, Miss Ethyleader in his field. This is his third
the instep comfortably and keeps esi of the dormitory nursing system by Betsy Barbour Residence last year, McC r .A h ,M visit to the United States and second
your feet dry no matter how many Second semester freshmen and up- . Beormick, Mrs. A. H. White, Mrs. to Ann Arbor.
varieties of weather combine to com- perclassmen who are scholastically Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the wom- 499 visits to the nurse, 212 room Carl V. Weller, Mrs. R. C. Hussey Dr. Munthe is touring this country
plicate matters at the game, eligible under University rulings may en's physical education department calls and 11 other contacts in Helen and Dr. Lavina McKaye will also act viewing university and public li-
The same manufacturer also makes apply for positions on the commit- and director of the University Health Newberry Residence, 601 visits made as hostesses. All new members who braries and is going to make a report
to the nurse, 79 room calls and 127 paboatndtetaae euse nAricanibrrie to teae-
a low-cut version of the same boot tees. The names of those receiving Service in Dr. Warren Forsythe's ab- other contacs inrartha Co Dor- plan to attend the tea are requested
for the more conservatively inclined. such positions will probably be an- sence t 1016 vists to call Mrs. Ford Grahm at' 22147, gie Corporation of New York. He
,nnnm ory viu 2 rmMrs Paul Cramton at22 r


Due to the increase in the number
of league houses from 30 to 60, as
announced yesterday by Mary An-
drew, '37, president of Assembly, the
entire zoning system has been re-
The new zones and the houses in
each are for the purpose of organiz-
ing independent women on campus.
Each zone elects a representative to
Assembly, a governmental organiza-
tion for unaffiliated women. The five
dormitories also send their repre-
sentatives .
Zone I consists of the following
houses: Augspurger, Benjamin, Coon,
McClain, MacGregor, Salow, Ger-
trude, Wilson and the League. Cad-
well, Carney, Curtis, Kunkle, Schaef-
er, Stevens, Vogt and Alumnae House
are listed under Zone II ,while Zone
III covers those girls 'living in the
Asman, Feiner, Gorton, Hemingway,
Jeffrey, Rock and Thomas houses.
Zone IV consists of the following
houses: Adams, Andrus, Foster, Hig-
ley, Icheldinger, Keppel, Keusch,
Perrine, Schultz, Swaney, Tennant
and J. C. Wilson.
The league houses named under
Zone V are: Dey, Freeman, Gray,
King, Mitchell, Radford, Riggs,
Shauman and Zuck. Askren, Dun-
lap, Farley, Holcomb, Miller, Peer,
Reeves, Stoneburner, Wagner and
Wood are those in Zone VI . Zone
VII takes in all those independent
women living in the houses Ban-
nasch, Clark, Gorman, Pray, Slade,
Smith and Stegeman.
The five dormitories on campus
which also send their representatives
to Assembly are: Mosher-Jordan,
Martha Cook, Betsy Barbour, Helen
Newberry and Adelia Cheever House.
From each of these zones three rep-
resentatives will be chosen to sit on
the Assembly board and one to act as
athletic chairman, Miss Andrew an-
Next week a meeting of the presi-
dents of all the league houses will be
held. AMsembly and its activities will
be explained at the gathering and the
individual zone meetings to elect the
respective representatives will also be
announced at that time.
Problems in respect to the organi-
zation of the new league houses was
discussed at a recent meeting of the
chaperones of the 28 houses estab-
lished this fall to take care of the
rooming house situation brought
about by the increase in enrollment
this year.
Maryanna Chockley, '37, head of
Judiciary Council, answered ques-
tions and explained such things at
latenesses, quiet hours, out of town
permissions, and sing-out slips. Mrs.
Byrl F. Bacher and Miss Jeanette
Perry, assistants to the dean of wom-
en, conducted the meeting.
Churches Plan
This Week-End
The young people's Guilds of two
local churches are planning special
entertainments for members of their
organizations and their friends Fri-
day evening.
The Westminster Guild of the First
Presbyterian Church will sponsr an
"Indiana Rally" dance from 9 until 1
p.m. at the Masonic Temple, on S.
4th St. near Williams. The rom will
be decorated to carry out the football
theme, and Michigan songs will be
featured in a grand march. Members
of the society will entertain the
guests with original stunts.hMusic
for the dance will be furnished by
Raymond Carry and his dance or-
chestra. This party is the first of a
series of similar entertainments to
be conducted by the Guild this year.
The Roger Williams Guild of the
First Baptist church plan a hike for
the same evening. The group will

meet at 5 p.m. in front of the Guild
house, located at 503 E. Huron St.,
and will start on the hike from there:
An indoor party has been planned in
case of bad weather which will be
held in the Guild house.
Lightning struck an apartment
house at 1033 Packard Street early
yesterday morning during the storm
which covered the city with one inch
of rain.

These come in all the warm, rich
colors of autumn to match the fleck
in your tweeds or your favorite hat
and bag.
Another revolutionary fashion is
the introduction of the straight back
in dress shoes. Supporting the foot
better, it is an aid to graceful car-
riage and makes your feet look inches
smaller. This feature is shown in
dress oxfords, pumps and sandals for
'Lantern' Sets
1$1 Subscription
For This Year
New Women's Paper Has
Reduced Quantity Rates
For Sororities
The, subscription price of the
"League Lantern," the new women's
paper, has been definitely established
at $1 a year, according to Marjorie
Mackintosh, '37, chairman of the pub-
licity committee and editor of the
publication. Sororities and dormi-
tories may secure the paper at re-
duced rates, three subscriptions to be
sold for 75c each.
The first issue, which is to appear
next week, is to be a sample Orien-
tation edition and no charge will be
made for it. The "League Lantern,"
a four-page sheet, will combine alum-
nae and campus news. It will con-
tain no advertising material and will
be operated on a non-profit basis.
Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, executive
secretary- of the Alumnae Associa-
tion, is to write a column which
will incorpcrate news from national
headquarters of the association. A
corresponding column of campus ac-
tivity notes is 'also to be featured,
and in addition there will be news
of general undergraduate interest.
The publication is to appear
monthly or eight times throughout
the year. It is hoped, Miss Mackin-
tosh said, that the paper will be en-
larged to eight pages for special edi-
tions such as May Festival and the
beginning of the semester in Feb-
Under Miss Mackintosh and Ro-
berta Jean Melin, '38. her chief as-
sistant, a sub-committee of the
League publicity group is to edit the
paper and to be in charge of cir-
culation. Tables will be set up in
Angell Hall. University Hall and other
prominent points on campus to aid in
the sale of the publication.
Mrs. E. L. Adams will entertain the
16 new members of the board of the
Faculty Women's Club at 1 p.m. Fri-
Day, Oct. 9, at a luncheon in her

nouncea v on ay.
The five League groups which are
open for petitioning are the theatre-
arts, publicity, merit system, house
reception and social committees.
Merit points are given for member-
The theatre-arts group includes in
its activities the children's theatre,
costuming, ushering and managing
the box office of various other pro-
ductions given in the Lydia Men-,
delssohn Theatre. The publicity com-
mittee keeps a file and scrap book
of all League activities and writes
the "League Lantern," the new wom-
en's paper.
The house reception group is in
charge of the annual Open House and
act as guides to show visitors around
the campus during Homecoming and
other festivities. Those on the social
committee are in charge of the
monthly League teas and the Ruth-
ven teas. The merit system commit-
tee maintains a file in the Under-
graduate Office in which is entered a
separate card for every woman on
campus with a list of her activities
and their corresponding merit points.
Petitions to be filled out. will be
kept on the table in the Undergrad-
uate Office during the rest of this
Eizajeth Wunsch
Married In Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wunsch of
Detroit announce the marriage of
their daughter, Elizabeth, '35, to Al-
bert D. Thomas, '37, also of Detroit.
The wedding took place in Detroit
June 15 in the Christian Church.
The maid of honor was Miss Wini-
fred Pike and the bridesmaids were
the Misses Marie Abbot, Helen Wood-
ward, Georgine Pottel, and Barbara
Smith. All of the bridesmaids, as
well as the bride, were affiliated with
Alpha Phi sorority.
Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas went to Que-
bec for their honeymoon and are
now living at 609 East Monroe.
&?happet 1
OFFERS an excellent service
at an economical price to
the Michigan Women who rea-
lize the importance of a be-
coming and smart coiffure.
During this busy fall season
CHAPPEL is prepared to keep
you at your best.
Shampoo and Wave . . 50c
Permanents ... from $3.00
Telephone 5861

Nurse Ready Always{
Put in charge until a doctor ar-
rives if any serious accident or sick-
ness occurs, the nurse, who must be a
registered nurse with outside train-
ing, must have certain hours during,
the week at which time calls may
be made by the students about min-
or ailments and she must be ready at
any time to take care of sick stu-
dents, the report stated.

calls, and 30 other contacts in Mo-
sher Hall, and 388 visits to nurse, 117
room calls, and 12 other contacts in
Jordan Hall in the 1935-36 academic
year, thus adding up to a grand total
of 3,950uand showing the importance
of the position.
Careful Selection Made
Under such responsibiilties, - the
nurse must be one who can be re-
lied on and is a student leader, so

Lew. aies at 95.rs.
Lewis Haines at 9592.


For Dance Club

is a pr
man of
this cor
Dr. P
which 1

Tentative plans of the dance club
for the fall season were recently an-
nounced by Beatrice Lovejoy, '37,
dance manager.
There will be a meeting every Wed-

It is recommended as well that she careful selection is made of those ap- nesday night of the entire group, in to the
be chairman of the dormitory health plying for the position. When this Barbour gymnasium, the apprentice terested
committee and she is in charge of is- has been done, according to the re- division from 7:15-8:16 p.m. and the He tho
suing excuses for absences to classes ports, the nurse confers with the advanced group from 8:15 to 9:15 young
because of sickness. Besides these Health Service women doctors and p.m. Beginning Oct. 12, there will be when t
duties, she is usually a full time stu- supervising nurse. an additional meeting every Mon- rviing
dent in the department of Public The establishment of resident day afterno
Health Nursing, is another point Dr. nurses in the dormitories at the Uni- A demonstration of the different Mr.
Bell brings out. versity was introduced at Martha dancing techniques *s to be given by brarian
Her main aim is to educate the Cook in 1925 and proved so success- the entire group about the middle of sey, Lo
student in the promotion of com- ful it has been continued in all the November and a Christmas program ing in
munity and personal health and to dormitories since, will be held later. the B
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . .

rominent figure in the Inter-
al Federation of Library As-
ns. Dr. Munthe was chair-
f the committee on periodical
which obtained a 25 per cent
on in German book prices. Dr.
n W. Bishop, Jniversity li-
L, is the American member of
Munthe was particularly im-
by the amount of service
the university library renders
students. He was also in-
d in the age of the, students.
ught most of them were very
but soon changed his mind
the upperclassmen began ar-
for registration on Thursday
James Stewart is public li-
in the borough of Bermond-
ndon, England. He is travel-
this country as a delegate of
ritish library association



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Dress-mUp Blouses

(Shown in


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