7, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE' English Losing Faith In League Scott Declares People Awaiting European Conflict; Certain That War Will Involve Them At present the English people have lost their faith in the League of Na- tions to avert a general European conflict and are expectantly awaiting a European conflict, even apprehen- sive ofpentering it themselves. This is the observation of Prof. Morley S. Scott of the history de- partment who was in England last spring and summer on a semester's leave. He said in an interview that when he arrived in England in March the English believed in the power of the League and that if a war did come, it would not involve them, but, strikingly enough, within a few months the attitude changed to one of certainty of a war including Eng- land. Professor Scott, working under a Social Service Council grant-in-aid, went to England to secure material for a book on the laws of Quebec which he is compiling. While he was there he attended two scholastic meetings: as the only delegate from the University of Michigan, one be- ing the centenary celebration of the University of London during one week in June and the other being the quin- quennial meeting of the Anglo-Amer- ican Historical Conference which met for a week in July. At the latter meeting, an academic conference attended by historians from all over the Aorld, the subjects discussed related to British imperial and American and English history topics. At this meeting a paper was read which was prepared by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the University his- tory department, who also visited and taught in Spain this summer. The centenary celebration of the University of London which Professor Scott termed the eldest of the newer universities, Oxford and Cambridge comprising the more ancient element among English universities, was a less erudite affair and one given over to entertaining the visiting pro- fessors drawn from the world over. Professor Scott added that the cele- bration assumed further significance, for a block of new buildings for the University of London was erected this year next to the British Museum. Professor Scott has resumed his courses this semester and is now pre- paring for publication his work on the laws of Quebec. Liberal Group Plans A Tentative Program Members of the Student Alliance, non-partisan liberal student organi- zation, held their first meeting of the year last night in the Union to for- mulate tentative plans for the semes- ter's activity. Committees to plan a program dealing with housing, present a po- litical symposium, and to consider social activities, together with a dele- gate to the Peace Council were named. John Edmonds, '37, was elected temporary chairman. EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS_ 6:00-WJR Stevenson News. WWJ Ty Tyson: Dinner Hour (6:10). WXYZ March of Melody. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 6:15--WJR Rubinoff-Rea. WXYZ Fact Finder. CKLW News and Sports. 6:30--WJR Jimmie Allen. VVWWJ Bulletins. WXYZ Day insReview. CKLW vincent York's Music. 6:45-WJR Renfrew of the Mounted. WWJFlying Time. WXkYZ Lowell Thomas. CKLW Keyboard Twins. 7:00-WJR William Hard. WWJ Amos and Andy. W XYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Prescott's Ensemble. 7:15-WJR Popeye. the Sailor, WWJ Evening Melodies. WXYZ Presidential Poll, CKLW Bill McCune's Music. 7::30-WJR. Goose Creek Parson. WWJ Variety. WXYZ Lone Ranger. CKLW variety Revue. 7:45-WJR Boake Carter. CKLW Word Wonderland. 8:00-WJR Cavalcade of America. WWJ One Man's Family. WXYZ Revue de Paree. CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. 8:30-WJR Burns and Allen: Henry King's Music. WWJ Wayne King's Music. WXYZ Ethel Barrymore. CKLW Music Box Review. 9:00-WJR Nino Martini: Andre Kostelanetz's Music. WWJ Town Hall Tonight. WXYZ Senator James A. Reed. CKLW Gabriel Heatter. CRCW Music Hall. 9:15-CKLW viennese vagabonds. 9:30-WJR Come on, Let's Sing. WXYZ Frances Perkins, Sec. of Labor. 9:45-CKLW Mullens Sisters. 10:00-WJR Gangbusters. WWJ Your Hit Parade. WXYZ Bandmaster Review. CKLW the Grumnmits. 10:15-WMBC Th sPantom. WXYZ Mich. T. B. Assn. 10:30-WJR Democratic National Com- mittee. WXYZ Jtiilee Singers. CKLW Lloyd Huntley's Music. 10:45-WJR Musical Program. WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music. CKLW Ralph Watkins' Music, 11:00-WJR News. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ George Kavanagh's Music. Premier Mussolini Reviews Nazi Youths Maryland Has Girl S.C.A. Cabinet In University Bandi W .Discusses Fall Why Not Mrchzigan? Why there has never been a girl in the University of Michigan march- ing band is a question that arose when it was found that the Universi- ty of Maryland had just admitted a woman trombone player. Since the band wasfirst organized in 1859, there have been thousands of masculine horn tooters in it; but not one woman who would toot her own horn. There has been no rule; against it; that is, no written rule. The University symphony orchestra; has had many accomplished fem- inine artists-even a concert master. But nary a woman has ever graced; or disgraced the band. Questioning Band Director William; D. Revelli, it was found that while he thought the quest for a female or- pheus was pretty much of a joke, but he could find no substantial rea- son for the lack. He said that per- haps the facts that a woman member, would be too hard to handle and that. there was probably no uniform with trousers that would be adaptable to a female musician were the stumbling blocks. He dryly commented that it was undoubtedly for the best. Ernest Jones, '38, band business manager, was all for the' idea of women cornetists. He felt that they would be a definite asset. However, masculine members, when interrogat- ed, definitely said, "No! Please don't let any girls in our organization. It's for men only-we hope."~ S.C.A. To Resume Visitation Service ActivityPlans A special meeting of the Student Christian Association cabinet at Lane Hall last night replaced the regular Tuesday night meeting of that or- ganization. Discussion during a somewhat long meeting was confined to plans for two early-season projects, one the annual S.C.A. Retreat held at Pat- terson Lake for general organization and discussion of the year's plans, the other a membership dance this Sat- urday night. Plans for the Retreat are not as yet fully developed, but the dance will be held at Lane Hall, and Freshman Rendezvous men and women are especially invited. A novel idea in admissions is being de- veloped, and refreshments are plan- ned. The Retreat consists of a week- end spent at the University Fresh Air camp at Patterson Lake in which members of the group and others par- ticipate. Faculty members and pa- trons are present, and often a prom- inent outsider is invited. The pro- gram consists of the formulation of plans for the year, meetings for dis- cussion, and recreational activities. Choral Union To Open With Mme. Flaoystad Ileqd(1qr lers for Our selection of this famous and r.,iablc- peI is Complete. If y el a new pe, uy good one, one that will give the niaxiniof service and dle- pendabity * * . a Parker Pen at WA ILS r -Michigan Daily Photo Attired in white, Mussolini of Italy lifts his hand in the Fascist salute as he reviews a group of German Nazi youths who visited in Rome. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 316 SOUTH STATE STREET Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 9 Notices Notice to all Faculty Members and Officers: Arrangements have been made with the purpose of having in the General Library both for present purposes and for future historical value, a file of the portraits of mem- bers of the faculty and University of- ficials. It is highly desirable from the Library's point of view that this file be of portraits in uniform size. Port- raits will be made without. cost to an faculty member or officer by Messrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son. Members of the faculty are cordially invited to make appointments with Rentschler and Son for the purpose. Any 'special questions arising with re- spect to the matter may be asked either of the secretary of the Uni- versity, Mr. Shirley W. Smith, or the Librarian, Mr. William W. Bishop. Notice to. Freshmen: Those stu- dents who missed one or more of the psychological tests required of all entering freshmen will be expected to take the make-up examinations given Thursday and Friday afternoons, Oct. 8 and 9, in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Those who missed the English ex- amination should report at 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8. Those who missed the psychological examination should report at 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9. These examinations take preced- ence over all tother appointments in- cluding class work. Be on time. C. S. Yoakum, Vice-President Identification Pictures will be given out to all students in Room 4, Uni- versity Hall on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct., 7 and 8. Please call for them at once, as they will be re- quired for admission to football games. It is essential that these cards be properly signed with the owner's name and address. They will be invalid until this is done. .A. Bursley, Deon of Students. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcement of Unit- ed States Civil Service Examinations for Principal Industrial Toxicologist (Heavy Metals), Treasury Depart- ment, Public Health Service, salary, $5,600, Senior Medcial Technician (Bone Pathology), Children's Bu- reau, Department of Labor, salary, $2,000; cereal Technologist, Associate Pathologist (Forage crops), Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Ag- riculture, salary, $3,500. For furth- er information concerning these ex- aminations call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4. Rhodes Scholarships: Candidates for the Rhodes Scholarships should procure an application blank at the History Department Office, 119 Ha- ven Hall, and see Professor Cross at his office hours, 118 Haven Hall, be- fore Oct. 17. Choral Union Concert Tickets: The "Over-the-counter" sale of season Choral Union tickets will begin Sat- urday morning, Oct. 10, at 8:30 o'clock, at which time all unsold tickets will be placed on public sale as follows: $10, $8.50, $7, $5. Orders with remittance to cover received up to noon Friday, Oct. 9, will be filled in sequence in advance. Charles A. Sink, President. All Chinese Students and Friends of China: The Double Ten Banquet for the celebration of the 25th an- niversary of the establishment of the Republic of China will be held at the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10. Professor Nelson and Dr. Wu Yi- fang, president of Gingling College will speak, to be followed by a short program of Chinese music. Tickets obtainable at the Counselor office, Room 9, University Hall. Luncheon for Dr. Hu Shih: Dr. Hu Shih, the distinguished Chinese scholar, will be in Ann Arbor Tues- day, Oct. 13. Although the main purpose of Dr. Hu's visit to Ann Ar- bor is to see the University and to meet the large group of Chinese stu- dents, it has been arranged to hold a luncheon at the Michigan Union at 12:15 which will give those interested an opportunity to meet Dr. Hu and to hear him speak quite informally. Faculty, students, or townspeople, both men and women are invited. Reservations may be made by phone directly to the Union or to the Office of the Counselor to Foreign Students, 303 ton the University Exchange. All reservations must be in by 10 p.m. Monday night. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students. Academic Notices Reading Requirement in German for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in all fields except those of the natural sciences and mathematics must ob- tain the official certification of an adequate reading knowledge of Ger- man by submitting to a written ex- amination given by the German de- partment.. For the first semester this examin- ation will be given on Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 2 p.m., in Room 306 U.H. Students who intend to take the examination are requested to register their names at least one week before the date of the examination at the office of the German Department, 204 U.H., where information and reading lists are available. -Kirsten Flagstad, noted soprano, will open the Choral Union's season The Student Christian Association at 8:15 p.m. Monday, Oct. 19, in Hill will resume its Health Service Visita- Auditorium. Accompanied at the tion Project on Monday, Oct. 12 piano by Mr. Edwin McArthur, Ma- under the direction of Ralph Segal- dame Flagstad will sing the following man, '37. program: There are at present seven mem- Strauss: Seitdem dein aug' in bers who volunteer their time to help meines schaute, Ach lieb, ich muss sick students with such favors as de- nun scheiden, Schon sind, doch kalt livering mail and supplies and va- die Himmelssterne, Ich liebe Dich. rious other small services. More Grieg: Mens jeg venter (While I sophomores and upperclassmen, in- Wait) (sung in Norwegian), Lys natt cluding women students, are expect- (Bright Night) sung in Norwegian), ed to volunteer for the project be- Det gynger en ban IA Boat Rocks fore it begins next Monday.tgnge r ad(AOtsRcks The service was initiated last to and fro); Jordan: Og se, hun semester with ten members. Its kom (And see, she came) (sung in marked success has made possible the Nor'wegian), Es naht de Herbst (Au- resumption this year with a larger tumn is nearing) (sung in German). staff. Joseph Marx: Und gestern hat er --- - ---- ____ mir Rosen gebracht, Hat dich die Pi'elmh. E Liebe Beruhrt; Michael Head: Noc- Economics: The examinations will be turne; Ernest Charles: Spendthrift; held the week of Oct. 26. Qualified Frank Bridge: Love went ariding. candidates will please leave their names with the department secretary as soon as convenient if they plan to write papers at this time. Sociology 147: Lec. MF at 9 and Sec. 1, W at 9 will meet the rest of the semester in Room G, Haven. Sec. 2, W at 11, will meet as usual in Room D Haven. L. G. Carr. History 137: MWF at 9 will meet the rest of the semester in Room C Haven instead of G Haven. D. L. Dumond. History 11, Sec. 24 (Mr. Scott's) will meet (MF at 9) in 305 S.W. the rest of the semester, instead of 301 U.H. Graduate Students: Ph.D. Examin- ations in Chemistry: Preliminary and qualifying examinations will be held as follows: Analytical Chemistry, Oct. 23, 1:30 p.m., Room 150, Chem. Organic Chemistry, Oct. 30, 1:30 p.m., Room 150, Chem. Gen. & Phys. Chemistry, Nov. 6, 1:30 p.m., Room 150, Chem. Those planning to take any one of these examinations are requested to consult Professor Bartell not later than Oct. 16. Events Of Today Chemistry Colloquium will meet tonight, 4 p.m., in Room 303 Chem- istry Bldg. Prof. O. Tomicek will speak on "pH Measurement with the Tellurium Electrode." Phi Lambda Upsilon: Important (Continued on Page 8) Wagner: "Einsam in Truben Ta- gen" Elsa's Traum from Act I of "Lohengrin," "Du bist der Lenz" Sieglinde's Aria from Act I of "Walk- ure." University Has Four New Teaching Fellows Four teaching fellows have been added this year to the personnel of the{ history department of the Uni- versity, it was announced yesterday. Robert E. Ewing, who completed his graduate work at Ohio State University, Samuel A. Pierce who took graduate work at Harvard Uni- versity and William L. Wannemacher of the University of Michigan are conducting classes in Ancient and European History. Clark F. Norton of the University of Michigan is a teaching fellow in American History. A.S.C.E. MEMBERS TO MEET' The local branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers will hold an important business meeting at 7:30 p.m. this evening in Room 311, West Engineering Building. SBEFORE TOO LATEGET YOUfR COLLEGE RING We Asked One Question of 200 Men and Womek "Which Pen is Your ChoiceforS~,zd atd And 2 to 1 Selected Parker's Laminated Pearl* *-The sacless Vacurnatic with Ever-Visible Ink Supply and 102% More Ink Capacity than Old Style - GUARANTEED Mechanically Perfect Yes, other things being equal, style-minded people would choose the Parker Vacumatic for beauty alone! But other things, too, including per- formance, make this revolutionary in- vention the national favorite by a still bigger margin-by 9 to 4.* One important difference-its ink supply is ever visible-the ENTIRE length of the barrel. Thus it shows days ahead WHEN IT'S RUNNING LOW. Another great difference is the pat- ented Parker filler. There's no other like it. It requires no sliding piston immersed in ink-its working parts are sealed in the top WHERE INK CAN N EV ERI '1'0UC II TIEM- can never decompose 'theE-. The Parker point is Scratch-proof precious Platinum combined with solid Cold. Every studenttneeds this miraele writer that doesn't "let you down' by running dry in classes or exams. Go and see this luminous,. lami- nated Pearl Beauty at any goad store selling ,pens. The Parker Pen Co., Janesvi le, Wis. with the Pen tftat$tUdents Ratt Hi 3UARANTEED MECHANICALLV PERFECT Junior, $5 difi. Pencils, $2.50, Over-Size, $10 $3.50 and $5 *Morethan twicethenumberselected Parkerthan aayother. **.tinal Pe Cens us,. Recording and Statiatwal'Coft. Buy a PARKER Today at SLATER'S Bearing Official Seal Certified $2.00 Value only 25C, - I nc. 336 South State Street Phone 3814 I ID .1 We have large selections of * SWEATERS " SLACKS * SHIRTS * HOSE * TI ES " HATS All moderately priced BUCKINGHAM bulky British 'brogue ®7- with the purchase ofa bottle of Parke rQ Urnk at 15c-Total 40c ... YOU SAVE $1.75 The Parker Pen Co. makes this amazing offer solely to induce you to try Parker Quink-the remarkable new ink that cleans your pen as it writes-that dries ON PAPER 31% faster, yet does NOT dry in a pen. Get Quink today from any store selling ink. Tear off the box-top, and on the back write the FULL NAME of your school or college, ring SIZE, and style wanted (man's or woman's) and your name and address. Then mail box-top with 25 cents in coin to The Parker Pen Co., Dept. 738, Janesvifle, Wis. Don't delay. This offer ends Dec. 31, 1936, if supply lasts. Parker's Quink, Fountain Pens and Pencils are sold in Ann Arbor at 0. [). MORILL'S 314 South State Street I SUBSCRIBE NOW TO p CONTEMPORARY pu ieayQuarterly a. FU R ISSUES,70c " British as a London pea soup fog - through which you could walk snug and dry. Weatherproof brown Scotch grain. Sturdy, flex- $ . Short StQries n _ a _ nm e a1 Play Criticisms rg ..A LaI II III 11 I III