Roosevelt And Research For New Dictionary
Landon Coming Fills Time OfFiftyWorkers
Into Michig~an Pr fWrkO or1f>
tga Part Of Work On Four ofEarly Modern English, given this
Volume Series Is Being I name because of the cooperation of
Numerous Stops Planned' the two universities in its production,
NoDone At Oxford has had a year's start on the diction-
For Candidates' Visits ary of the earlier period. Within a
To Win Vote Of State By JEWEL DRICKAMER few weeks a 16 page section of the
One of the most practical projects dictionary together with an introduc-
LANSING, Oct. 6.-(P)-Leaders of which the Federal NYA and WPA has tion will be ready for distribution as
the two major political parties swung aided here at the University is the a prospectus according to the edi-
into final arrangements today to wel- work on the two period dictionaries tor, Prof. Charles C. Fries.
come both President Roosevelt and now in progress. At the present He states that in another year
Gov. Alf M. Landon on trips through time 35 NYA workers and 15 WPA Volume IV containing the letters L,
Michigan. workers are engaged in the process M, N and 0 and amountnig to 1,100
of looking up, noting down and col- double column pages will be pub-
The revised itineraries for the 3--m- In wordminathlished. The dictionary is being pub-
ocratic and Republican standard
bearers, announced today, called for
numerous stops in the state, some
cities receiving visits from both men.
Both will stop at Detroit, Grand Rap-
ids, Lansing and Flint. It was prob-
able Gov. Landon would make an
overnight stop in Grand Rapids Oct.
Democratic National Committee-
man Edmund C. Shields, in charge
of arrangements for President Roose-
velt's visit, said the President would
arrive in Grand Rapids by train at 9
100 to 1475 A.D. lished in England at the Clarendon
The letter "L" of the Middle Eng- Press of Oxford University.
lish Dictionary, one of the two dic- Quoting the editor, "the 125,000-
tionaries, will be edited and ready words in the Early Modern Diction-
to print by Dec. 15, according to ary are taken from the period 1475-
Prof. Thomas A. Knott, director of 1700. Nearly 500 readers from about
the work. This one letter will oc- 250 different colleges and universities
cupy 132 of the 4,000 pages. have aided in the work." Five mil-
"There will be approximately 45,-.lion quotations are to be used and
000 words in the four volumes when the bibliography consists of some 50,-
they are completed," Professor Knott 000 titles.
stated. He added that nearly 100 An unusual feature of the latter
volunteer workers from all over the work is the inclusion of a head-note
a.m., October 15, and make a brief world had done reading on manu-
address there at 10 a.m. script since 1930, when the work was
The President will drive from Grand started. More than a million quota-
Rapids to Lansing for a lunch and tions will be used in the work, he
brief speaking appearance at 12:30 said.
p.m. He will go from Lansing to This Middle English Dictionary
Flint to speak at 3 p.m., and in Pon- will contain hundreds of words that
tiac at 4. He is to reach Detroit at 6 the Oxford Dictionary does not have.
p.m. to deliver his principal Mich- It will also contain words which may
igan address, either at Navin Field or be found in the Oxford Dictionary
at the Olympia. but which its editors did not know
Howard C. Lawrence, chairman of were Middle English, Professor Knott
the Republican State Central Com- .said.
mittee, said Gov. Landon would ar-
rive in Monroe at 11:42 a.m. October
13, traveling by train. He will stop
for a platform appearance there and Sharp To Serve Two
to permit Gov. Fitzgerald, Senator P
Arthur H. Vandenberg, Former Gov. Years For Bigamy
Wilber M. Brucker and others to join _/_
the campaign party.
The Landon special train will go to Judge George W. Sample sentenced
Detroit, arriving at 12:45 p.m., Law- one man to jail, and placed one on
rence said.. It was expected confer- probation at the session of the cir-
ences would be held in the afternoon cuit court yesterday morning. A third
to be followed. by his address at the demanded a trial when ararigned.
Olyipia at 9 p.m. Theodore W. Sharp, 29 years old,
The following day Landon will leave was sentenced to serve two to four
Detroit at 9 a.m. and arrive in Flint years in the Southern Michigan
at 11:30 a.m. The train will reach prison at Jackson after he had plead-
Lansing at 1:20 p.m.; Jackson 2:50 ed guilty to the charge of bigamy.
p.m.; Battle Creek 4:18 p.m.; Kal- Leland Greene, 21 years old, Negro,
amazoo 5:10 p.m., and Grand Rapids was placed on probation for five
7:15 p.m. with Landon due for plat- years, ordered to pay $50 costs, and
form appearances at each stop. ordered to make restitution of the
which gives the sense-history of the
various meanings of words which re-
quire long treatment. Also for the
first time there will appear with the
names of plants and animals, both
their present day popular name and
their correct scientific name, Profes-
sor Fries said. Any instances in
which two plants, for example, have
beenconfused in thelanguage of the
period are also carefully noted down.
Both of these dictionaries are made
possible by the financial support of
the Rockefeller Foundation, the
American Council of Learned Socie-
ties, and the General Education
Engineering Society
Will Meet,_Tonight
Talks by Profs. H. E. Keeler and
i3. C. Anderson will feature the first
meeting of the Student branch of the
American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers at 7 p.m. tonight in the
Michigan Union.
Professor Keeler, newly-elected
honorary chairman of the group, will
talk on the purposes and benefits
of membership in the A.S.M.E The
meeting is open to both graduate and
undergraduate mechanical engineers.
Contemporary Sales
Will Commence Today
The subscription campaign of
Contemporary, campus literary quar-
terly, will begin' today, it was an-
nounced by the board of editors.
Yearly subscriptions for 70 cents may
be obtained at the Union desk, the
League desk, University Hall, Angell
Hall, or at the Student Publications
Contemporary contains original
literary efforts of Michigan students.
The first issue will be delivered dur-
ing the first week of November.
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance 11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to line)
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate - 15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion,
2 lines daily, college year..........7c
By Contract, per line -2 lines daily,
one month ..... ..............8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ..........8c
4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months.............8c
100 lines used as desired..........
300 lines used as desired............8c
1,000 lines used as desired ..........7c
2,000 lines used as desired ..........6c
The above rates are per reading line
The above rates are for 71 point type.
based on eight read~ng lines per inch
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 60 per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
LAUNDRY wanted. Priced reason-
ably. Student and co-ed. Silks,
wools our specialty. All bundles
done separately -- no markings.
Personal satisfaction guaranteed.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594.
Silver Laundry, 607 E. Hoover.
Terre Haute Mayor
'To Arrest Browder'
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Oct. 6.-(/P)
-If Earl Browder, Communist can-
didate for President, repeats his at-
tempt to deliver a campaign speech
I heehe will be arrested again, Mayor
Samuel Beecher said today.
Browder was arrested when he ar-
rived here Sept. 30 for a scheduled
speech and was held overnight in jail
on a vagrancy charge which was dis-
missed the following day on motion
of the state.
He plans to return here Oct. 19 for
a speech.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price. 6x
STUDENT LAUNDRY done in a pri-
vate home. Called for and deliv-
ered. Phone 7566. 65
WANTED: Several 1936 Michigan-
ensians. Will pay good price for
books in good condition. Phone
2-1003. 70
OLD and new suits, overcoats at $3
ELRY, saxophones, and other mu-
sical instruments. Don't sell before
you see SAM. Phone for appoint-
ments. 6304. 78x
PROFESSIONAL Beauty Service.
Soft water shampoo, wave-50c.
Juanita House of Beauty. Juanita
Schanz, 410 Wolverine Bldg. Phone
3023. 55x
NURSERY school for children from
212 to 4 years. Morning sessions
only. Call Frances MacNaughton,
5837. 68
MOTHS, bedbugs, fleas, roaches and
other household insects positively
destroyed by hydrocynic-gas fumi-
gation. Endorsed by U. S. govern-
ment and health authorities as the
surest, quickest, safest and most
economical method. " We are pro-
fessionals in, our line, handle each
problem personally, and give a
written guarantee on all work. Let
us handle your problem. Dial 3113,
Kurtis Exterminator Co. 308 May-
nard. 11x
LADIES stylish muskrat coat. Size 38.
Also man's full dres broadcloth suit.
New. Size 38. Both very reasonable.
323 E. William. 73
INDIAN relics. Beadwork. Coins,
Curios. Fossils. Stamps. Weapons.
Catalogue, Sc. Lemley Curio Store.
Northbranch, Kansas. 67
NICE, warm room with sleeping
porch. Suitable for one or two stu-
dents. 1117 Forest. Phone 3909.
VACANCY: One-half of attractive
double room. 814 E. University.
Phone 8764. 71
PLEASANT single room in quiet sur-
roundings. Rent reasonable. 520
Hill. Phone 2-2610. 72
SINGLE rooms for students. $2 and
up. Mrs. Walker. Jennings House,
1142 E. Catherine. 3
VERY nice suite and single rooms.
Reasonable prices. 715 E. Huron.
Phone 8528. Mrs. George Kirtland.
RENT: A very large, beautiful suite
for two business people or grad-
uate students. Private bath. $50
a month. 608 Monroe. 62
LOST: Silver pencil. R. O. Court-
right, engraved on side. Phone 4480.
Reward. 77
LOST: Wallet bearing owner's name.
Please return to K. Sjolander, 732
Packard, and receive reward. 76
Zipper-Top Rubbish Barrel $1.00 LeFevre Double Barreled . 27.95
Clinker Tongs. . . . 1.00 12 Guage Long Range, pr bx 1.15
Single-Barreled Shotguns 8.45
Western Double Barreled . 23.50 12 Guage Light Load, pr bx .95
SCHLENKER HARDWARE CO. 213-215 W. Liberty St. Ph. 8575
Phone 8575 More Often
Sigma Rho Tau
Meets To Plan
s For New Year
Embarking on its seventh year of
existence, Sigma Rho Tau, engineer-
ing speech society, held its first meet-
ing of the year last night.
Although the meeting was osten-
sibly to organize and present a gen-
eral set-up for the year, there were
several matters of importance that
were taken up. An election was held
to determine who should fill the va-
cated position of corresponding sec-
retary, since W. A. St. Jean, Spec.,
will not return to school this year. Eu-
gene Bychinsky, '39, was unanimous-
ly elected.
A vote of sympathy was taken in
memory of Leon Highhouse, '38E,
who was fatally injured in an auto-
mobile accident this summer. It
was also agreed that the mother of
the deceased be petitioned for a pic-
ture to perpetuate his memory.
r'Final Drive' Is
Begun By Rebels
(Continued from Page 1)
of those suspected of sedition or Fas-
_ cist sympathies.
Advices they brought indicated part
of the executions were the result of
secret sentences of the "Cheka," or
People'seTribunal, while others were
the spontaneous work of anarchists
and syndicalist gunmen,
One day in September, the refugees
said, 82 persons were shot to death
and left where they fell by the free
lance executioners.
At Cuatro Cainos and on the
slopes of. San Isidro Hill, they said,
women make daily pilgrimages to see
if their missing menfolk are among
the cadavers left by the executioners.
The police, in efforts to identify
the dead, compiled a booklet con-
taining photographs of 250 bodies
unidentified during the four weeks
from Aug. 14. There were also pic-
tures of 32 unidentified women pho-
tographed where their bodies had
$15 he admitted stealing from the
cash box of the checkroom at the
Ann Arbor Recreation, Huron St.
Raymond Russell, 28 years old,
Ypsilanti Negro, pleaded not guilty
to the charge of felonious assault and
was returned to jail when he could
not produce $2,500.
A pile of bones found in Wyoming
has been identified As the remains
of an ancient sea-inhabiting notho-
saur-the first found in North
America, by Prof. E. C. Case. This
discovery suggests that the Pacific
Ocean once extended into that state
some 26,000,000 years ago.
Corona, Royal, Underwood,
Remington, in all models.
'e 7
STUDENTS! Do you want better marks? If One Months, $5.50; Three
so, typewrite your themes on a Corona. The Onths, $ .5 ; Three
finest portable. FLOATING SHIFT, TOUCH Months, $7.50; Four Mos.,
SELECTOR and many other exclusive fea- $9.00, and up. Rent may
tures. Start your career apply in the event of pur-
with a CORONA chase.
Free instruction book and carrying case.
Coronas as low All makes bought, sold,
Sas $1.00 a week rented, exchanged, cleaned
and repaired.
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plete stock in the city.
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may be arranged.
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