The Weather
Local showers, cooler in north
portion today; tomorrow part-
ly cloudy and cooler.
4hr A6F
414tr t an
Peregrine On A Week-End
Wayne's Mistake ...
Italian Lira
Is Devalued
By Mussolini
Property Owners Forced
To Lend Government
Cash To Balance Budget
Il Duce Proclaims
Tariff Reductions
Action Follows Meeting
On Monetary Alignment
Among Nations
ROME, Oct. 5.-()-Premier Mus-
solini today devalued the Italian lira,
decreed sweeping measures designed
to revive the nation's foreign trade,
and ordered property owners to lend
the government cash equal. to five
per cent of the value of their real
estate in an effort to balance the
Tariff duties were ordered reduced
to spur trade. Cabinet decrees for-
bade increases in rents and utility
service costs to guard against a jump
in living costs because of the deval-
uation step.
The value of the lira was estab-
lished at 19 to the American dollar,
and 92.46 to the pound. The gold
content was pegged at 4.677 grams
per 100 lire. This constituted a gold
devaluation of 41 per cent.
Alignment Seen
The financial move followed in-
tensive conversations on monetary
alignment among Great Britain,
France and Italy, with the United
States informed.
Italy then proclaimed an agree-
ment with "conception that world
economic recovery is one of the
necessary conditions for collaboration .
among peoples toward peace."
The lira was thus restored to ap-
proximately the value it enjoyed be-
fore the dollar was devalued. Orig-
inal parity was 8.911 cents to the lira.
The new parity will be approximately
5.2 cents.
The cabinet, under Mussolini's di-
rection, established a series of pro-
visions drawn to block increased liv-
ing costs from devaluation.
Il Duce told the cabinet members
Fascism intended to see that the ad-
vantages to Italian commerce abroad
accruing from devaluation should not
be nullified by increasing internal
LONDON. Oct. 5.-(P)-Italian de-
valuation of the lira was held by
London financial quarters tonight to
be the spearhead for eventual world
currency stabilization, with the Unit-
ed States cooperating passively.
World trade restrictions and the
huge United States stock of gold
were seen as stumbling blocks, how-
ever. W. S. Morrison, financial sec-
retary of the British treasury, de-
clared in Geneva today that stabili-
zation would be impossible until the
restrictions which drove Great Bri-
tain from the gold standard were re-
moved. i
Those restrictions were privately
interpreted in London as meaning
anything which impeded the move-
ment of goods and gold.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.-(P)-After
studying details of Italy's 41 per cent
devaluation of the lira, Secretary
Morgenthau said today that "every-
thing seems to be going along exceed-
ingly well" in connection with "stab-
ilization" of world currencies.
Welcome Given
Legion Official
By Alf Landon
TOPEKA, Kas., 'Oct. 5.-(P)-Gov.
Alf M. Landon capped a round of
presidential campaign conferences
tonight with a welcome-home greet-
ing at what he termed "this crucial
time" to Harry Colmery, new na-
tional commander of the American
"At this crucial time you will need
and deserve the help of every Amer-
ican," the nominee told Colmery,
long a personal friend. "You will
have mine."
Given an ovation when he arose
to speak, the Governor said that as
"chief executive of the state" and
"as a fellow legionnaire" he extended
his "sincere congratulations" to the
Topekan, adding:
"You have been especially inter-
ested in the Americanization work of
the Legion and in the campaign to
secure a universal draft law, so you
are particularly well qualified to lead
the America, TLegion1in this wo1r
Expedition Collects Flora In
Forests Of British Honduras
Professors Study Plants more primeval forest, Dr. Main and
In The Plateau Region- Dr. Lundell said.
atThe University expedition was in-
Rain Hinders Work terested primarily in the flora of the
area, but some archaeological infor-
The first biological expedition into mation was obtained. There are
the little known and uninhabited re- ruins of the Maya Indian civiliza-
gion of Southern British Honduras tion and it is hoped that a study of
was undertaken during the summer this region will unfold more knowl-
by Dr. E. B. Mains, director of the edge of their civilization. That the_
University Herbarium, and Dr. C. L. Mayas were intensive farmers was
Lundell, assistant curator of the evidenced by terraces faced with
Herbarium. The expedition was a stone to prevent erosion. As many as
continuation of the University's co- 50 terras were counted on some hill
operative study with the Carnegie slopes.
Institution, of Washington, D. C. Dr. Main and Dr. Lundell devoted
Dr. Mains and Dr. Lundell started the latter five weeks of their expedi-
fromAnnArbr Jue 9andre-tion to an investigation of the
tfromedAnu ArJhenfirs 9pandthei Mountain Pine Ridge region. This
work was undertaken in the high part of the ountry gave the appear-
rain forest about 40 miles south of ance of a pine forest in Northern
the town of El Cayo. They arrived Michigan, but the species of pine is
in he ain seson whch adedifferent. The margin of this re-
in the rainy season, which made gohabenxprdbyrvius
travel and collecting difficult. It expio has been explored by previous
took three days by mule to travel the Dr. Lundell said that possibly 10
40 miles from El Cayo into the forest per cent of the collection of flowering
district visited. Dr. Lundell made a plants are new to science, and about
study of the flowering plants in this 25 per cent are new to thec flora of
area and Dr. Mains studied the low-2Bris enduan.h r
er plants-mosses, lichens and fungi, British Honduras.
especially rusts.
No previous work had been done W illiam
in thp plateau region. Mahoganyt
and sapodilla trees, the two most im-
portant commercial species in the Predicts Peace
Yucatan Peninsula, were found ink
abundance. Gum from the sapodilla Labor S lit
is used in making chewing gum.
Trees in the luxuriant rain forest are
covered with thick vines and epi-
phytes. To make collections it was A.F.L. President Declares1
necessary to fell the forest. The Nine-Tenths Of Workers
larger trees range from 100 to 200 feetz
high and from five to eight feet in Will Back Roosevelt,
diameter. One mahogany tree wasc
encountered which measured 12 feet HYDE PARK, N. Y., Oct. 5.-()-
in diameter at the base. Few, areas William Green, president of thes
of Central America are covered with American Federation of Labor, car-
ried to President Roosevelt today tid-
ings that prospects were brighter for
M aion Claim s peace in the internal dispute of or-
ganized labor over craft and indus-
trial unionism.
Green said he also told the Pres-t
ident at luncheon that nine-tenths1
W ith New Deal of labor-both organized and unor-
ganized-would vote for Mr. Roose-
velt and declared his prediction wasf
"very accurate and conservative."
Notre Dame's Professor He said he figured the voting
Backs Administration's strength of labor as a whole at
"probably 8,000,000." On the basish
Goal In Government of his 90 per cent calculation, whichsl
he said was founded on nation-wide
Diminishing the importance of reports and contacts, that wouldj
method but emphasizing the import- mean 7,200,000 labor votes in Novem-1
ance of avowed destination, in gov- ber for four more years of the New
ernment, Prof. Clarence D. Manion, Del.-
dean of the Notre Dame University Expressing confidence of healing
law school, last night vigorously de- the break in Federation ranks overc
fended the New Deal as a government the issue of organizing workers ac-
policy that "has hewn directly toward cording to the trades at which they
the purpose of government as set work or along industrial lines regard-
forth in the Constitution." less of crafts, Green said the matter
"I believe there is a great and grave would be considered Thursday at a
difference between the place we are meeting of the Federation Executive
going and the way we are going Council in Washington.
there," Professor Manion said. "Go~ -
ernment is an agency to secure and
guarantee the rights of man. And
never has there been a government
in the history of the United States y D isolrd e r s
that has so directly guarded human .1 iso der
Praises New Deal ackshirt
Professor Manion praised the New
Deal for its rapidity of action, re- LONDON, Oct. 5.-(P)--Britain's
marking that "when we put a per- blackshirted Fascists tonight threw
son in power, we expected him to step down the gauntlet to their political
on the gas and get going. Cars pass foes.
corners, corners don't pass cars, as Taking the offensive following yes-
some people have expected them to terday's disorders which broke up
do." their concentration near the tower of
He offered the Federal Deposit In- London for a parade, they announced
surance Corp., as an example of the plans for an augmented series of
New Deal's efforts to protect human meetings in London's first end.
rights, pointing out that the cus- While magistrates in four police
ta bear of deposits, which courts dealt with approximately 100
causes bankpanics and which hasa
been alleviated by the FDIC has been persons arrested during the demon-
responsible for the first year since strations, a high official of the Bert-
1881 that no bank has failed. ish Union of Fascists announced
Everything the government does is "We will hold all the meetings we
justified if it is protective to the con- have planned already together with
sumer," Professor Manion said, an extra program."
"Laws don't regulate the utilities, There were indications that the
they protect the consumer:" He British government was considering
offered the Home Owners' Loan Corp. tightening regulations governing pa-
as an example of government pro- rades and political demonstrations.
tection. efIn the East End itself 50 maraud-
Spending Necessary ers invaded the Jewish colony and
The vast spending program of this smashed windows -and pate glass
administration was characterized by store fronts with bricks and stones.
the speaker as necessary for the pre- At Edinburgh, laborites meeting for
servation of our fast-disappearing their 36th annual party conference
natural resources, both material and demanded by unanimous vote a gov-
spiritual. He used as an example the ernment probe of the British Fascist
Federal efforts to prevent soil ero- movement.
sion, which he claimed would save
close to four billion dollars yearly. Two Are Hurt In
On the same grounds he supported
the WPA because it was preserving Minor Coliisions
the "public moral, a part of our na-
tional resources.
"Thnaturales urceaTwo local persons were treated at
"The natural resources are a trust St. Joseph's Mercy hospital during
mnd ta t hs tstherundg tboe a the week-end for injuries suffered in
tained," Professor Manion declared. Ann Arbor. Neither was mjured
In closing, the speaker warned not seriously.
"to exalt the letter of the Constitu- Miss Eleanor Glinski, 21 years old,
tion and kill the spirit. The frame- astudent nurse at St. Joseph's hos-
Terry's Drive
Saves. Series
In Tenth, 5-4
Giants Fight Off Rallies1
To Give Hal Schumacher
'Revenge' Victory
Fitzsimmons Faces
Lefty Gomez Today
'Prince Hal' And Support]
Both Erratic; Pat Malone
Is LosingPitcher
NEW YORK, Oct. 5.-(/)-Sway-
ing perilously close to the brink of
World Series disaster, like a troupe
of circus performers doing the tight-
wire act in mid-air, the New York
Giants prolonged their baseball civilj
war with the Yankees today with a
breath-taking 5 to 4 victory in the
tenth inning of the fifth game.
The outcome reduced the margin
of the Yankees 3 games to 2, after1
three successive triumphs for the
American League champions, and
sent the warring clans back across
the Harlem River for the sixth game
at the Polo Grounds tomorrow. j
:Fitz To Face Gomez
On their home grounds, the Giants
will rely on their knuckle-ball star,<
Freddy Fitzsimmons, to beat Lefty
Vernon Gomez and carry the fight1
into a seventh and final match.
Bill Terry, the crippled manager
of the Giants who has been hobbling
through the series with a painfully
swollen knee, drove Jo-Jo Moore
across the plate with the winning
run in the first extra frame of a ball
game that was loosely but thrillingly
played from start to finish.
The decisive blow was a looping
drive to left-center that Terry hit off
the veteran relief pitcher, Pat Ma-
lone, with the count three and two,
after the Yankees had kicked vigor-
ously against Umpire Cy Pfirman's
failure to call what they thought was
a third strike on the Giant's pilot.
More Scores
Moore, who had started the tenth
with a ground-rule two-bagger that
hopped into the left-field boxes,
reached third on Dick Bartell's sacri-
fice bunt, and scored easily as Joe
DiMaggio threw wildly to the infield
after catching Terry's wallop on the
dead run.
The youthful Schumacher had the
crowd wildly on edge with a perfect
exhibition of the "man on the flying
trapeze" but in crisis after crisis he
gave a demonstration of courage
that thrust back his slugging rivals
and saved a game that he came dan-
gerously close to losing because of his
Yields Ten Hits
Schumacher yielded ten hits and
walked six Yankees but he also struck
out ten, within three of the World
Series record, and gave a magnificent
performance in the critical stages of
a battle that his erratic defense al-
ternately saved or endangered. It
was not, on the whole, very good
baseball, but it was the kind that
kept the onlookers excited and finally
swung the partisanship of most root-
ers to the side of the under-dog
National Leaguers.
"Prince Hal" scaled his greatest
heights in the third inning when,
with one run in, the bases full and
none out, thanks to two bases on
balls, a wild pitch, an error by Bar-
tell and a bunt basehit, he stopped
the "big three" of the Yankee batting
order cold. Dimaggio and Captain
Lou Gehrig fanned and Bill Dickey
hoisted to Mel Ott for the third out.
Artillery Fire
Forces Fascist
Troops Backt
Rebel 'Mopping-Up' Driver
Attempting To Pave Way
For Big Push
Loyalists Repulse k
First OnslaughtsI
Leftists Reenforcements,
Reported Marching From
Valencia And Asturias
SAIN JEAN DE LUZ, France, Oct.
5.-UP)-Spanish insurgents and So-
cialist Government defenders on the
Bay of Biscay front fought in des-
perate battle today for control of the 1
strategic town of Eibar, 34 miles
from Bilbao.
The important coastal town of
Motrico, on the Bay of Biscay, 20
miles northeast of Bilbao, was report-
ed captured by Government forces inF
the sweep of their general offensive.
The Government drive, it was said, g
struck with sudden fury in the vicin-c
ity of El Goibar, northwest of Eibar,t
and around the important highways
junction of Vittoria.
Fascist lines, reportedly crumbled,
were falling back from the Motricor
sector after Government guns hads
pounded them incessantly for 24
TOLEDO, Spain, Oct. 5.-(P)-In-r
surgent reinforcements today moveds
to bolster the "ring of steel" en-
circling Madrid.
Fascist guerrilla bands speeded aF
"mopping-up drive" in the Toledot
area, sweeping the countryside to
pave the way for the final "big push"s
on Madrid.
From Toledo, insurgent artillerya
hammered a government encamp-
ment east of the Alcazar city, pour-
ing a barrage into the camp where
2,000 Socialists were estimated tov
have massed.e
Casualties mounted in guerrilla1
warfare around Toledo, with Moorisht
legionnaires sweeping back an on-
slaught by government soldiers at-
tempting to cut the supply roads
leading to Santa Ollala and MVla-t
MADRID, Oct. 5.-(P)-Insurgent
Moorish cavalry today charged gov-
ernment defenses at Navalperal, but
were repulsed with heavy losses, the
government reported.
The charge was made under cover
of a heavy artillery barrage, it was
reported, with the government troops
holding their fire until the attackers
were almost upon them.
Swinging machine guns in deadly
arcs, the government defenders of
Madrid reported they mowed down
the Fascist men and horses causing '
the survivors to flee back into the
Fascists attempting to sever com-
munications between Madrid and Va-
lencia, bombed the railroad line but
the government said damage was
No One Killed
Insurgent warplanes strafed one of
Spain's largest insane asylums at
Ciempolzuelos, but killed no one.
Government aviation chiefs noti-
fied the ministry of war they had
successfully bombed two trains, be-
lieved to contain insurgents, at Alerre
near Huesca, and that their bombs
destroyed enemy artillery positions at
San Jorge.
Reinforcements, it was said, were
rushed to Maqueda, strategic cross-
I roads town,I
Income Tax May Be
Motive For Yank Win
NEW YORK, Oct. 5.-(P)-"Blub-
ber" Malone, Yankee relief hurler,
waddled into the Yankee clubhouse
this morning and grinned at seeing
a pile of letters in front of his locker.
"I don't know, I just seem to get
more popular right along," beamed
"Yeah, you're popular with the
government," cracked "Lefty" Gomez.
"What about that long letter on the
"Boys, we gotta win today, and
no jokin'. I gotta have money to pay
this income tax," wailed Malone.
Campus Votes
Sought By Two
Political Clubs
Dcmocrats, Republicans
Both Organize To Stage
Talks And Discussions
Both the Washtenaw County
Young Republican club and the
Roosevelt Young Voters club of
Washtenaw County are now busy or-
ganizing on the University campus
dlubs for the purpose of advancing
the cause of their respective parties
among students.
In charge of organizing the Uni-
versity Republican Club is Edward
D. Pfrommer, '34. He will be as-
sisted by George Meader, '32L, state
chairman of the Young Republican
College Club committee. Pfrommer
pointed out that they plan to hold
meetings, furnish the club with
speakers and have members get out
n the campus and work for the
party. An effort is being made to
organize campus Republican clubs
throughout the nation, Pfrommer
The Roosevelt Young Voters Club
of Washtenaw County is organizing
a campus club under the direction of
Julius J. Joseph; Grad. This group
will give instruction in registering for
voting, voting and other things relat-
ed to the procedure of casting a bal-
lot. They will have speakers and
discussions at the many meetings
they are planning to hold before the
election. Officers of the Roosevelt
Young Voters Club of Washtenaw
County are Charles Conlin, '35, presi-
dent; Wirt Masten, '33, vice-presi-
dent; Lucille Jetter, '34, secretary;
and Joseph Zwerdling, treasurer.
Wood Is Host
To Dr. Hu MShli
At Union Today
Dr. Hu Shih, an internationally-
known philosopher and a member of
the National Peking University fac-
ulty, will be guest at a luncheon at
12:15 p.m. today in the Union, it
was announced yesterday by Prof.
Arthur E. Wood of the sociology de-
partment at whose home Dr. Hu will
stay in Ann Arbor.
One of the 66 outstanding scholars
of the world to whom Harvard Uni-
versity extended special invitations
to attend its tercentenary, Dr. Hu is
stopping here on his way to China. As
his visit was unplanned, it was only
possible to arrange today's luncheon
for which reservations must have
been made by 10 p.m. yesterday.
On his way to Boston, Dr. Hu spok
at the Institute of Human Relations
conference from Aug. 7 to 12 in Este
Park, Colo.
Dr. Hu has attended both Cornel
University and Columbia University
and has received an honorary degre
from Harvard University.
Dr. Hu is editor of "The Independ
ent Critic," a popular weekly reac
throughout China.
One of Dr. Hu's recent literary
works is "Whither Mankind?" whici
offers an explanation of the differ-
ence between the East and West
Other of his books which are avail
able in the University Library ar(
"The Chinese Renaissance" and "Th(
Development of the Logical Methoc
in Ancinet China."
Five Books Written
For Annual Operv
At a meeting of the Mimes hel
yesterday afternoon in the Unior
five books which were written ove:
the summer by students weretsub
*mitted for the Union opera, to b'
revived this year after a season,
lapse, and presented early in the sec
and semester.
A number of musical manuscript
Premier Blum
Bans Meetings
Which Create
Hostile Action
French Government
Legally To Wipe
La Rocque's Party
Salengro Appeals
For Public Support
First Signs
Of Lessened
Come From
PARIS, Oct. 5.-(R)-The anxious
:overnment of Socialist Premier Leon
lum tonight banned all demonstra-
ions that might cause trouble by
action or reaction."
At the same time cabinet leaders
end Blum mapped a swift court fight
o wipe out the "Social Party" of
ol. Francois de la Rocque whose
'ollowers battled in the streets with
ommunists over the week-end.
La Rocque's followers promptly
asked Minister of the Interior Roger
alengro whether his announced ban
n demonstrations would be applied
o Communist meetings likely to
cause "reactions" such as the Na-
ionla Party's counter-demonstration
Egainst the Communists Sunday.
Interests At Stake
In a communique, Salengro ap-
ealed to public opinion to back the
,overnment and said "The interests
>f the entire country are at stake."
Salengro's order said:
"The government is determined
.ntil further notice not to authorize
n Paris and in the Paris region dem-
nstrations or meetings susceptible of
>rovoking hostile action and reaction
nd causing new agitation of public
Officials said this meant the gov-
rnment reserved for itself the right
o ban "any of all" public meetings
r demonstrations at the govern-
nent's discretion.
The first indication of lessened
upport of the Blum governent be-
ause of the rioting between om-
nunists and Rightist followers of
a Rocque came from Saone-et-Loire
epartment in the East of France.
To Check 'Menaces '
Radical-Socialists of that district
nade their parliamentary support of
he government contingent to a check
)f "menaces" directed by certain
foreign elements against internal
order," and assurances of "freedom
to work and the rights of property
and saving."
Sources close to the government
said Blum decided tonight to press
the courts for speedy dissolution of
La Rocque's party.
Continuance of two major strikes
prevented restoration of labor peace
to France and further worried the
Officials said they were ready to
requisition river craft for transporta-
tion of vital products if the sailor's
strike begun Sept. 28 held out much
Negotiations to end the strike of
the chocolate industry workers also
were at an impasse.
Rightist leaders, surveying police
methods of breaking up their march
on Sunday's Communist meeting, de-
clared they would call upon their
followers to stage counter-demonstra-
tions against all major meetings of
the "popular front."
The thousands of mobile guards-
men who had separated the two
groups outside the Parc des Princes
Sunday were returned to barracks
today, but held ready for duty if
further rioting occurred.
Browder Will Try
Terre Haute Again
NEW YORK, Oct. 5.- (/P) -The
Communist National Campaign
Committee today began arrange-
ments for Earl Browder, presidential
candidate, to speak during October
in Tampa, Fla., and Terre Haute,
Browder's first efforts during the
present campaign to be heardin
those cities were unsuccessful.
In Tampa on Sept. 1Z he was
locked out of the hall he had ob-
tained for a meeting, and 18 days
later in Terre Haute he was put in
jail on his arrival, charged with
The campaign committee said that
with the cooperation of the Civil
Liberties Union it had ordered local
Athletic Plant At Olympics
Like Michigan's, Says Lorch
The University athletic plant prob-
ably provided some architectural
ideas for the new German "Reich-
sportfeld," scene of the 1936 Olympic
Games, Prof. Emil Lorch, of the'
College of Architecture stated yester-
Werner March, designer of the
complete project, Professor Lorch
said, visited America several years
ago and at that time spent a day in
Ann Arbor, where he was especially
interested in the stadium, Ferry Field,
the Yost Field House, andthe new
Intramural Building. Results of this
inspection may possibly be found in
some of the features of the buildings
for the summer games at Berlin.-
The Olympic stadium, with a ca-
taken up with tennis courts, fields for
minor sports, and approaches.
Probably the most interesting fea-
ture of Mr. March's work, however,
Professor Lorch said, was the hous-
ing of the athletes, especially when
compared to the Los Angeles Olympic
Village of 1932, which consisted
mainly of rows of small, open-air
sleeping huts.
Given an irregular
piece of wooded land, with a small
corner reaching down to the Ber-
lin-Hamburg highway, which passes
it, he succeeded in designing a vil-
lage of extreme simplicity yet one
also of a feeling of comfort and
At the entrance were placed the
reception halls, one with baggage
and customs rooms, a post office,
bank, stores, and a communications
center. The other consisted of a