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October 04, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-04

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness with
rising temperature, with show-
ers tonight or by tomorrow.

L r e

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Fascist Fliers
Shell Madrid;
Loyal Soldiers
BeginTo Flee
Wounded Militiamen And
Children Make Escape
To Mediterranean Coast
Rebels Push Toward
Capital From North
Government War Ministry
Claims Minor Triumph
On The Cordoba Front
Reports from Madrid said 11,-
000 copper miners were defend-
ing the area in Southwestern
Spain, North of Seville, where
the British-owned Rio Tinto
copper mines are located.
They were said to be using
tanks made from the copper out
of those mines in meeting bitter
Fascist assaults.-
MADRID, Oct. 4.-(Sunday)-3P)
-Evacuation of Madrid, nearly en-
circled by Fascistdbattle lines, was
reported early today to hae begun
following a new bombardment by in-
surgent planes.
Wounded government militiamen
and children were understood to have
been the first to leave the city.
They were said to be going to Va-
lencia, on the Mediterranean coast to
the east.
(In that direction alone could per-
sons flee from the capital without en-
countering the Fascist forces, which
were strung south, west and north of
Officials reported that the insur-
gents had dropped 45 bombs in the
latest raid but that there were no
casualties and little damage.
North of Madrid, surging Fascist
attacks broke on the government's
MADRID, Oct. 3.--'P)-Surging
Fascist attacks broke on the govern-
ment's serried defenses north of Ma-
drid tonight.
From the northeast and northwest,
in the Sierra sector, the insurgents
rolled their lines forward on Madrid
as the government pushed expansion
of its anti-aircraft defenses.
Much importance was attached in
the capital to, air raids on Madrid
as it was feared the insurgents hoped
to clear their way into the capital by
instilling terror into the inhabitants.
A war ministry communique, how-
ever, said 250 of the enemy were
killed in action near Elvacar Village
on the Cordoba front.
Government forces operating from
Olias Cabanas de la Sagra were re-
ported to have renewed their counter-
attacks on the Fascist captors of Bar-
gas despite a continuous bombard-
ment from 12 insurgent bombers
which lasted the -entire morning.
Bar Sanctions
Taking Polities
From Judiciary
Appointments To Be Made
From Recommendations
By Bar Committee
FLINT, Oct. 3.-(P)-Taking the
first step in its campaign to remove

the selection of judges from politics,
the new Integrated Michigan State
Bar placed in the hands of its Board
of Commissioners today a proposal
that justices of the Supreme Court
and judges of all courts of record ex-
cept probate courts be appointed by
the governor instead of being elect-
ed at the polls.
The appointments would be made
from one or more nominations sub-
mitted by the Judiciary Committee
of the State Bar, such appointees to
remain in office during good be-
havior and being removed from of-.
fice by the governor for judicial mis-
The proposal was placed in the
hands of the Board of Commissioners
with full power to act, with the re-
commendation that legislation be
prepared and submitted at the next
session of the State Legislature.
The action of the State Bar came
today as the concluding feature of
its three-day State Convention held
here and followed a report by the
committee on Judicial selection and
The recommendation of the Bar

Our Blue
in Grinm


On Fierce


Mr. Bachman's rebels from East
Lansingo not only massacred Mr.
Kipke's Loyalists yesterday in the
Battle of Stadium Fortress, but Mr.
Bachman poked fun at Mr. Kipke to
That is, Mr. Bachman sent his re-
serve army to the front just before
the battle ended in order to show Mr.
Kipke's Loyalists that he did not
think very highly of them. "I just
wanted to give 'em a fighting
chance," he said with a cruel Fas-
cist laugh as the second string men
girded themselves for the fray.
Mr. Kipke, who escaped with the
remnants of his Loyalists to Locker
Roomo Palace, was reported to have
said he appreciated it. But he was,
none the less, sore perplexed. As
is any commander-in-chief who sees
his fighting forces overwhelmed and
his cause being lost.
In particular he was disappointed
because he had taken such great pre-
cautions against defeat. For in-
stance, he had asked Mrs. Kipke, and
others, to keep their fingers crossed
for his Loyalists. And Mrs. Kipke, at
least, had done that. To what re-
As Mrs. Kipke put it mildly (very
mildly indeed): "Crossing my fingers
didn't seem to do much good."
So Mr. Bachman's sportsmanship
in light of all this, coming as it did
from a Fascist rebel, was rather dis-
couraging to the Kipkes.
But, as Loyalists are unusually loy-
al, Mr. Kipke can be counted on not
to lose heart. As Mr. Yost, the form-
er Loyalist leader and now a gov-
ernment sympathizer, says: "This
army has spirit."
'Mental Radios'
Is Brashares'
Subject Today
Rev. R. E. Sayles' Sermon'
Introduces New Series
On Sermon On Mount
"Mental Radios" will be the title
of Dr. Charles W. Brashares'sermon
today at 10:45 at the First Metho-
dist Episcopal Church. "Mental
Radios" is based on recent investiga-
tions on extra sensory perception.
Other activities of interest to stu-
dents are a Discussion Group at
10:45 held every Sunday morning at
Stalker Hall. This group is led by
Dr. George E. Carrothers. Every
Sunday evening at Stalker Hall at 6
p.m. there is also a Wesleyan Guild
meeting. Tonight Prof. Carleton An-
gell will give an illustrated lecture on
Sculptoring and Modern Religion.
At the First Presbyterian Church,
Dr. William P. Lemon, minister, will
speak on the subject "Does God Plan
Every Life?" at the regular morning
worship service to be held at 10:45
a.m. Music will be given by a vested
student choir, augmented by a
double quartette.
Prof. Stewart A. Courtis of the
School of Education will speak on
the subject "What is it to be Educat-
ed?" at the meeting of the West-
minister Guild. The supper is at
5:30 and the meeting follows at 6:30.
At the First Baptist Church; Rev.
R. E. Sayles, minister, at 10:45 a.m.
will conduct the worship and the
sermon, an introduction to a series of
addresses on 'Sermon on the
AtM12 noon, the Roger Williams
Guild, Baptist student organization
will have a special study period fol-
lowing the morning worship. This
will be held at the Guild house. The
group is led by Rev. Howard R.
Chapman, minister and advisor to
students. At 6 p.m., Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, Counselor in Religious
Education for the University will give

an address on "The Religious Growth
of the Student," after which a social
hour will follow.
The CongregatiQnal Church will
hold its service of worship with a
sermon by Mr. Heaps at 10:45. The.
subject of the sermon will be "Build-
ing Christian Personality." At 6 p.m.
there will be a Student Fellowship
Supper to be followed by a program
(Continued on Page 3)
Elementary School
Teachers Needed
The Bureau of Occupational Infor-
mation has received calls for more
elementary school teachers with de-
grees in the past month than it has
been able- to furnish, Dr. T. Luther
Purdom, director of the bureau, re-
ported yesterday.

64,842 Fans
See Yankees
Giants Score On Homer
By Ripple; Gehrig Hits
One For Yankees
Yanks Lead Series
With Two Victories
Fitzsimmons Outpit ches
His Opponent But Loses
When Drops Grounder
NEW YORK, Oct. 3.-(P)-The
greatest crowd in World Series his-
tory, 64,842 fans who filled the ex-
pansive Yankee Stadium nearly to
capacity, saw the Yankees capitalize
the breaks of the third game in New
York's baseball civil war today to
beat the Giants, 2 to 1, despite the
spectacular four-hit hurling of Fred
Fitzimmons, 35-year-old Arcadia,
Calif., chicken farmer and exponent
of the baffling knuckle ball.
Fitzimmons, rated one of the best
fielding pitchers in baseball, lost a
heart-breaking dual to his right-
handed rival, Irving (Bump) Had-
ley because he failed to hold a sharp-
ly hit grounder by Frankie Crosetti
in the critical climax of the eighth
inning rally that gave the Yankees
their second straight triumph and a
2 to 1 lead in the current champion-
ship struggle.
Luck Against Giants
Home runs into the right-field
stands by Lou Gehrig, the Yankee
captain, and Jimmy Ripple, fresh-
man centerfielder of the Giants,
carried the most exciting match of
the series all square into the eighth
inning before the last of a series of
tough breaks turned against the Na-
tional League champions.
Today's attendance and gate re-
ceipts surpassed records set during
the 1926 series between the Yankees
and St. Louis Cardinals in the
Yankee stadium. The crowd that
nearly filled the reconstructed and
somewhat enlarged park included 1,-
242more cash customers than the
former record total of 63,000, set in
the second game ten years ago. The
gate receipts of $235,108 surpassed
the mark of $224,130 set in the first
A Battle Of Freaks
Not since the Cardinals squeezed
out their seventh and decisive tri-
umph over George Earnshaw and the
Athletics in 1931 has a series wit-
nessed as thrilling a battle of breaks
or as tough a setback for the losing
Fitzimmons not only outpitched
Hadley by a decisive margin at nearly
every turn but he exhibited superb
control of his knuckle ball, which he
mixed with a low curve and change
of pace to throttle most of the
Yankee sluggers. Up to the fatal
eighth the only hits off the right-
hander were Gehrig's second inning
homer into the new right-center
bleachers and Dimaggio's double to
Union Tryouts Called
For Meeting Tomorrow
Tryouts for the Union will meet at
4 p.m. tomorrow in Room 304, the
Union, it was announced yesterday
by Union officials.
Eligibility rules demand that a try-
out must have received . no grade
lower than C for the past semester,
and that he must have a C average
in his college record.

Paris Troops
Mustered As
Riots Impend
Communists And Fascists
Will Hold Simultaneous
Street Demonstrations
De La Rocque Men
'To March On Reds
Leftists Appeal To Their
Partisans To Ignore All
Provocations By Enemy
PARIS, Oct. 3.-(P)-The govern-
ment tonight ordered 8,500 mobile
guardsmen and heavy regular police
detachments to mass in the Parc Des
Princes where Communists and
Rightists announced simultaneous
demonstrations would be held Sun-
Police ripped down placards posted
today by the Rightists followers of
Col. Francois De La Rocque calling
upon citizens to attend his demon-
stration to show "The Red Fascists
we are on guard."
The "Social Party" of Col. De La
Rocque who was former head of the
disbanded Rightists "Croix de Feu,"
has been ordered the subject of crim-
inal investigation by the government
of Socialist Premier Leon Blum.
The Communists, in the face of the
mobile guard orders, appealed to
their partisans to "ignore all provo-
The guardsmen's patrols were re-
laxed somewhat tonight after the
one-day strike of Paris hotel, restau-
rant and cafe employees was settled.
The men agreed to return to work
Sunday after a collective contract
committee had been decided upon to
establish a salary scale and to settle
other differences.
The strikers demanded percentages
of checks rather than tips.
Rightists, meanwhile, declared
they would march on the Communist
meeting scheduled for Sunday.
The Communist meeting would be
broken up, said the Rightist follow-
ers of Col. De La Rocque.
There were no serious clashes be-
tween Leftists and Rightists today as
guardsmen patrolled Paris boulevards
and watched hotels where striking
employes sought to prevent non-
strikers from working.
The police were ordered to prevent
all "occupations" of restaurants,
cafes and hotels, and to throw the
strikers out if necessary, in accord-
ance with Premier Blum's promise
to the Chamber of Deputies Sept. 29
that "occupation strikes will not
NYA Issues A Call
To Lax Applicants
Students who have filed applica-
tions for NYA aid, have been reg-
istered in the University, and who
have neglected to fill out an em-
ployment record card, should report
to Room 103 Romance Language
Building at once, it was announced
yesterday by Harold S. Anderson,
Mr. Anderson explained that his
office would not be able to get in
touch with students who have failed
to fill out employment record cards
as no Ann Arbor addresses are avail-
able yet. The quota has been filled
but students are being added to work
projects as rapidly as possible, he




At Michigan And Drives


To Brilliant 21

-7 Victory

One Reason Why Michigan's Attack FailedI

Well-Oiled Running Attack
Proves Too Strong For
Kipke's Untested Squad
60,000 Watch Game
In Baseball Weather
Sweet's Smash Through
Tackle Ties Up Score
In The Second Quarter
(Daily Sports Editor)
Two Michigan State elevens, each
exhibiting a well-executed running
attack, swept over a Michigan team
composed mostly of sophomores yes-
terday in the Stadium to make it
three straight over the Wolverines.
The final score was 21 to 7.

-Michigan Daily Photo
Bob Cooper ran smack into his own interference on this attempted
thrust off tackle midway of the first quarter of yesterday's Spartan-
Wolverine game. Art Brandstatter is holding up the play long enough
for Howard .Zindel, outstanding State tackle, to grab Cooper from
behind. Mel Kramer can be seen on the ground after attempting to cut
down the secondary.

Coughlin SaysI
Both Nominees
Priest Declares No Banksj
Failed But Many Private
Corporations Did
DETROIT, Oct. 3.-(I)-The Rev.
Charles E. Coughlin asserted tonightl
that both Gov. Alf M. Landon andY
President Roosevelt were "sham-i
battling their way through this po-l
litical campaign with sophistries andc
misstatements, confident that an un-t
analytical public will applaud theirt
golden words and keep the Americanc
people in financial bondage."
In a radio address, the head of thec
National Union for Social Justice re-
ferred to President Roosevelt's state-r
ment Thursday night that within a
year there had been no "single bankc
failure" in the United States. The
priest said: .
"Oh, yes, we are celebrating a re-c
quiem anniversary for our local corn-s
er banks in our cities. It is true thatX
no national bank has failed withint
the year. Is it likewise true that noc
grocery sto,er no small industry failedv
during that space of time? Theyt
were all private corporations.
"Instead of curing the banking dis-
ease of this country, instead of driv-r
ing the money changers from the{
temple; instead of restoring to Con-r
gress the right to do all the issuing ofr
money, permitting the bankers to doi
the retail lending of money, the NewI
Deal has fallen in love with the Oldt
Deal. Worse than that, it has put
the cart before the horse. The banksc
issue money and the government does
the retail lending of money.'
Manion Takes
McNutt's Place
At Forum Here
Prof. Clarence Manion, dean of the
law school of Notre Dame University
and a prominent New Deal Democrat,
will supplant Gov. Paul V. McNutt
of Indiana as the first Union Forum.
speaker of this year at 8 p.m. tomor-
row, it was announced last night by
William G. Struve, recording-secre-
tary of the Union. He will speak in
the Union ballroom.
Notified late yesterday afternoon
that McNutt would be unable to ap-
pear in Ann Arbor, Union officials ob-
tained the Notre Dame faculty mem-
ber, who is reputedly a good debater
and as ardent a New Deal advocate as
Governor McNutt.
The careers of Governor McNutt
and Professor Manion correspond
strikingly. Professor Manion is at
present president of the Indiana Bar
Association, an office which Governor
McNutt once held, and Governor Mc-
Nutt was dean of the Indiana Uni-

Dean To Begin1
Check On Autot
Ban Violatorst
Attention Called To Partr
Of Regulation Relatingi
To StorageOf Cars t
A statement was issued by the
Dean of Students Office whicht
warned all students driving cars tor
have them registered or put awayt
inasmuch as a careful check is nowc
being made of all cars being used
or stored by University students.-
Particular attention was called tof
the section of the automobile reg-
ulations relating to stored cars. These)
cars must be registered at the Dean's
office without further delay and fail-
ure to comply with this requirementD
will be considered in the nature of ac
Students whose applications forc
driving privileges have been acceptedI
and filed for one week were requestedx
to call for their permit tags without
delay. The Office of the Dean of>
students offers the following inter-j
pretation of the Automobile Regula-
tion. Violations will not be excusedc
on the basis of misunderstanding:
1. No student in attendance at the Uni-
versity from and after the beginning of
the first semester of the University yeart
1927-28 shall operate any motor vehicle. In
exceptional and extraordinary cases at then
discretion of the Dean of Students this
rule may be relaxed. The automobile reg-
ulation became effective at 8:00 a.m. Mon-
day, September 28, and all regularly en-
rolled students are requested to avoid anyC
driving or use of their cars until permits
have been obtained at the office of the
Dean of Students, Room 2, University
2. The automobile regulation governs
the use of a car as well as the operation
of one; consequently, it is not permissiblej
for a student to use his car, or a family-
owned car, for social, personal, or any
other purposes, when the car is driven1
by a non-student who is not a member of
his immediate family.1
3. A student receiving permission to
use an automobile must adhere strictly
to the terms of his permit. Before any'
driving is done, student permit tags must
be attached to the State license plates,
in such a manner as to insure easy vis-
ibility. Any act of driving without per-j
mission from this office, or with permit4
tags unattached, will be considered a vio-
lation of the ruling and will be disciplined
4. All permits must be renewed when
the 1937 State license plates are required1
or as soon as the new tags are purchased.
At such time, new sets of permit tags
bearing the current license number will
be issued at no additional cost to the
holders. All, permit tags obtained this
fall will be void as soon as it is unlawful
to drive with 1936 license plates.
.5. Where any appreciable saving in
transportation costs is realized, students
(Continued on Page 2)
Amateur Contest
Offers Novelties
The amateur contest to be held at
8:15 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13 in Hill
Auditorium by the Michigan Band
will present many novel features to
Ann Arbor audiences, Director Wil-
liam D. Revelli announced yesterday.
The purpose of the contest is to
raise funds to send the band to the
Pennsylvania game Nov. 7.
In addition to the amateurs on the
program, the entire band will be
present and will entertain with sev-
eral specially arranged nvelties.

A crowd of 60,000, the largest to
attend a game between the two teams,
saw Coach Harry Kipke's squad dis-
appointingly open the 1936 season in
a brilliant afternoon sun that was
more suited to baseball than to grid-
iron play.
Statescored first during the third
series of downs in the opening quar-
ter after Julius Sleder had recovered
the second of two successive Mich-
igan fumbles. The game was less
than three minutes old at the time.
Michigan Scores
Michigan came back to score and
dominate the play in the second pe-
riod, but the Sartans countered once
in each of the third and fourth quar-
ters and had Coach Kipke's young
team on the run throughout most of
the last half.
The first score of the game came
before many of the spectators had
reached their seats. Art Brandstat
ter, fast and bruising State fullback,
carried Johnny Smithers' opening
kickoff from his own three to the
15. John Brennan stopped Al Agett
for no gain at the center of the line,
after which the Spartans' left half-
back punted out of bounds on Mich-
igan's 44-yard line.
Bob Cooper fumbled on the first
Michigan play but recovered on his
own 37. Here tackle Sleder recovered
Cedric Sweet's fumble on the 34 and
State was away. Steve Sebo skirted
left-end to the 26 and on the next
play Frank Gaines circled the same
side of the line on an end-around
play to score without a hand being
laid upon him.
Michigan's eleven seemed to re-
cover from its jitters of the opening
period soon after the second quar-
ter began, and finally marched to a
Pass Ruled Incomplete
With the ball in the possession of
the Wolverines on the State 25-yard
stripe, Smithers faded back to the
40 and threw a pass to Cooper in the
corner of the field that was ruled
complete on the six-yard line when
Sebo interviewed with the receiver.
Sweet smashed over right-guard
for a yard gain, and went to the
Spartan one-yard marker on a trick
play that saw the ball snapped short
to the big fullback while Capt. Matt
Patanelli was out of his end position
and in the backfield apparently talk-
ing to quarterback Lou Levine, who
was on the receiving end of a short
punt formation. Sweet then ploughed
over left-tackle to score.
Chris Everhardus went in for Coo-
per and tied the score on a perfect
conversion placekick. The first half
ended two minutes later,
Coach Charlie Bachman inserted
an entirely new State team at the
start of the last half following the
first team's inconsistent defensive
play in the second quarter.
Kovacich And Pingle
After Fred Ziegel had returned
Cooper's punt to the State 32, Full-
back George Kovacich went through
the Wolverine line for a first down on
the 42. Two plays later Johnny Pingle
broke through the line for a first
down in Michigan territory, going all
the way to the 33-yard line. Fol-
lowing a line play and a five-yard
offside penalty against the Wolver-
ines, Kovacich slashed through left
tackle for another first down on
Michigan's 12. P i n g I e crashed
through left tackle on the next play
for State's second touchdown, Kova-
cich converting to make the score 14
to 7.
Early in the last quarter the first
Sartan lineun went into th -om

Cyclotron Is A New Factor
In Cancer Fight, Says Cork

How atomic theory built up by the;
physicist in the laboratory may be
utilized in medicine's fight against
cancer and biology's study of life
processes was outlined last night by
Prof. James M. Cork of the physics
department in a talk before the De-
troit chapter of the American Society
of Metals.
More than 160 members of the so-
ciety convened at a dinner in the
Union, heard Professor Cork first
briefly describe the cyclotron, ma-
chine in which atomic bombardment
yields therapeutically valuable radio-
active substance, and then present a
few applications of these substances.
That such mechanisms are of vast
importance Professor Cork indicated
by mentioning the rapidity with'
which development work on the cy-

active salts into inaccessible but im-
portant life-streams such as tree sap
was added by Professor Cork as an-
other application of the cyclotron.
Due to the ease with which an elec-
troscope will detect extremely min-
ute quantities of radio-active ma-
terials, the biologist may readily fol-
low the sap as it performs its various
Common occidental illusions and.
misrepresentations about Japan
were treated by Prof. Robert B. Hall
of the geography department in a
second talk before the society.
Apparent dishonesty in the Jap-
anese is often really a highly culti-
vated attitude of always being agree-
able at the price of strict truth, Pro-
fessor Hall found. Serious crime,
however, he declared, was almost
non-existent in Japan, except for

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