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October 03, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-03

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SATURDAY4 OCT. 3, 1936

Communist Leader Is Jailed In Terre Haute



Get the Pen That Never Runs Dry in Classes or Exams
________________-_______________ -

-Associated Press Photo.
With the iron bars of a cell forming a background, Earl Browder,
Communist candidate for President, is shown in jail at Terre Haute,
Ind., after his arrest on a vagrancy charge when he arrived in the city
to address a scheduled Communist rally. While party workers sought
his release, city officials issued a stern injunction against any attempt
of the Communists to congregate.
Value And Interest Of Museums
Are Unrealized, Guthe Declares

6:04--WJR Stevenson News.
WWJ Ty Tyson: Dinner Music.
WXYZ Jesse Crawford.
CKLW String Trio.
6:15--nlb Cresby's Music.
WXYZ Women's National Coif
CKLW News and Sports.
6.3-WJR R-yal Football Roundup.
WWT Press-Radio; Soloist.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Vincent York's Music.
6:45---WJR Saturday Sing Session.
WWJ Harvey Barcus.
WXYZ Rhythm Parade.
CKLW Rhythm Orchestra.
7:0;1-WW.J Red Grange.
WXYZ Town Talk.
CKLW Phil Marley's Music.
7:15--WJR Diamond City News.
WWJ Heinie and Grenadiers.
WXY ?Sandlotters.
7:30-WJR Bruna Castagna; Symphony
WXYZ To Be Announced.
7:45-WWJ Football Fanfare.
WXYZ Rubinoff-Rea.
8:00-WJR Fr. C. E. Coughlin.
WWJ Hildegarde.
WXYZ El Chico.
CKLW Fr. C. E. Coughlin.
8 :30-WJR Ed Thorgensen: Kay Kyser's
WWJ Rnmublican National Commit-
tee: Sen. Arthur Vandenberg.
WXYZ Meredith Wilson's Music.
CKLW Vincent York's Music.
9:00-WJR Floyd Gibbons: Vincent
Lopez's Music.
WWJ Snow Village.
WXYZ National Barn Dance.
CKLW Joe Sander's Music.
15-.(1T- TAW Great Lakes Exposition.
9:30-WJR Saturday Night
WWJ Smith Ballew: Victor Arden's
10:00-WJR Your Hit Parade.
WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music.
CKLW Kay Kyser's Music.
10:30-WWJ Football Interview.
WXYZ Jacques Fray.
CKLW Freddy Martin's Music.
10:45-WWJ Stringtime.
11:00-WJR Lions' Tales: Tommy
Dorsey's Music.
sWJ Dance Miusic.
WXYZ George Kavanagh's Music.
CKLW Trans-Radio: Kay Kyser's
11 :15-CKLW Vincent Travers' Music.
11 :30-WJR Herbie Kay's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Bobby Grayson's Music.
CKLW Louis Prima's Music.
12:00-WJR Ben Bernie's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Jack Douglas' Music.
CKLW Hugo Mariani's Music.
12:30-WJR Phil Harris' Music.
WXYZ Griff Williams' Music.
CKLW Little Jack Little's Music.
1:00-WJR Dance Music.
CKLW Horace Heidt's Music.
Aiton Finds Rebel
Victory Is Needed
(Continued from Page 1)
Germany, France and Italy are send-
ing ammunition, arms and men to aid
in the war, though none of them have
done so openly. He feels that the
most desirable conclusion of the war
would be a rebel victory. He feels
that the rebels have demonstrated a
republican form of government al-
ready in the cities which are now un-
der their control. As long as the war
continues, he said, there is constant
danger of a foreign power being
drawn in by an accidental "incident,"
while a rebel victory will bring a re-
turn to normal.

The All-American College Favorite

With Double Ink Capacity and
Full-length Visible Ink Supply
Shows DAYS AHEAD When It's
Running Low
Do the thing that you know is the
thing to do-replace your old-style
pen with this miracle Vacumatic-
Parker's revolutionary invention
that holds 102% more ink WITH-
shows the ENTIRE ink supply, not
merely the last drop-shows not
only when your pen is empty, but
shows DAYS AHEAD when it's
running low, so it CAN'T run dry
against your will!

Today the Parker Vacumatic is
the world's long-distance writer and
Style and Beauty Winner-the sac-
less marvel whose simple working
parts are sealed in the top-never
touched by ink, hence won't cor-
rode or fail. That's why it's GUAR-
ANTEED Mechanically Perfect.
In the hands of millions of users,
using all kinds of ink, this marvelous
pen has repeatedly proved that it
"can take it" anywhere and any time
-it never leaves its owner gasping
for ink in classes or exams.
If you'll go and try its marvelous

SCRATCH-PROOF Point of pre-
cious Platinum and Solid Gold, you'll
give your old-style pen to the rum-
mage sale. Look for the smart
ARROW clip-this ARROW identi-
fies the genuine. The Parker Pen
Co., Janesville, Wis.
Junior, $5 Pencils, $2.50,
Over-Size, $10 "$3.50 and $5

Priceless, scientifically and mone-
tarily, yet seemingly worthless to the
vast majority of students; interest-!
ing to those who take the time to
visit the constantly-changing exhib-
its and yet embodying an interest
which is not known to many, the
University Museums offer a paradox.
These museums, six in number,
which furnish facilities for sources of
the University's research, illustrate
various fields of study such as
zoology, the study, of animals; an-j
thropology, study of human culture;'
paleontology or geology; the Her-
barium; the laboratory of vertibrate
genetics and classical, archaeology
and musical instruments,
Story Of Lif'e Toldj
Live animals, whose habits are
studied, are also to be found among
the exhibits. At present the live an-
imal house outside, in back of the
main museums building, located at
the intersection of North and East
University avenues across from the
Health Service, contain four large
black bears, three coyotes and 4
racoons. A pool for turtles and
snakes, large and small, adjoins the
house. On the third floor are live
Gila- monsters, snakes, squirrels and
an armadillo.
On the second floor of the main
museums building, within easy access
of all, is an exhibit of the story of
life from earliest geologic time to
the present. In the balcony is a
series of exhibits of birds and mam-
mals native to Michigan. On the
fourth floor alcoves are illustrations
of various biological principles of in-
Field Trips Common
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, Director of the
University Museums, disclosed in an
interview much information concern-
ing the history of the museums. The
main building, built in 1927, is really
a monument to President Ruthven,
because it was he who furthered its
building. Dr. Ruthven at that time
was the Director of the University
Dr. Guthe also stated that to keep
p its function of doing research work,
the museums constantly send out
field trips all over.nRecent trips
were made out west and south--espe-
cially to Colorado and to explore Mex-
ico's Yucatan. Several years ago it
took part in a survey of Isle Royale

in Lake Superior, obtaining many
specimens. The museums are in
constant contact with other large
museums throughout the world and
make exchanges of materials. About
one hundred staff members are em-
ployed ill the museums organization.
While the laboratories are not open
to the general public, special access
is easily arranged. So when you
have a'spare moment, take part of+
the 'state of Michigan's motto to
heart-"look about you." The motto
over, the entrance to the building is
taken from a statement by Louis
Agassiz "Go to Nature, take the facts
into your own hands, look and see
for yourself."
DETROIT, Oct. 2.-(1P)-A search
spread tonight for two gunmen who
held up five persons Thursday, shot
Lawrence Conrad, 23, in the back.

Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads.


l 1 J


at the
Choice of One
Fancy Fruit Cup or Shrimp Cocktail
Cream of Fresh Mushrooms
Jellied Consomme or Consomme Aux Pois
Iced Grape Juice



Branch Celery

Mixed Olives

Sweet Pickles

Breaded Fresh Michigan Frog Legs, Sauce Romeulade 1.00
Stuffed Alma Duckling, Spiced Watermelon 1.00
Glaced Sugar Cured Ham, Pineapple, Raisin Sauce 1.00
Roast Prime Ribs of Choice Beef, Au Jus 1.00
Union Special Steak Dinner $l25
Tenderloin or Porterhouse with French Fried Potatoes to order
Broiled Brook Trout, Lemon Butter 1.25
Baked Potato or Escalloped Potatoes
Mashed Hubbard Squash or New Lima Beans in Butter
Frozen Punch
Fruit Salad, Cream Dressing
Citron Rolls, Hot Rolls, French, Graham, Rye, White Bread

The crowning of Mrs. Arabella
Portsmore as coal shoveling
champion drew a protest from
Patrick Finnegan, locomotive
fireman and former champion.
"'Tis a scurvy trick," he
complained, "allowin' wimin
to compete. Afther firin' the
furnace the whole winter, sure
and they have more practice
than us."
Mrs. Portsmore explains, "I
entered the competition to
prove to husbands how
much coal we poor wives have
to shovel while they're at work
all day. Out of ten tons, we
shovel more than six into the
furnace every winter."
Taking the tip, shamefaced
husbands are now buying auto-
matic ; Gas Conversion
Burners to lighten work and
keep homes uniformly warm.

Iced Tea





Walnut Cream Pie I (I

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