Tjhe Weather
Somewhat warmer today; mod-
erate west to north winds.
Ltit itgan
Can't It?
The Issue Of Peace In
The National Campaign .. .
Rebel Troops
Under Franco
Circle Madrid&
Block Retreat
Forces Follow Arteries
Leading Into Capital
From South
Northern Highways
Patrolled By Mola
Insurgents Declare That
Capital Will Fall In Less
Than Three Weeks
TOLEDO, Spain, Oct. 1.-(P)-
Fascist legions under Gen. Francisco
Franco tonight advanced on three
highways toward Madrid in what in-
surgent leaders hoped would be
wedges blocking off avenues of re-
treat for the government forces.
One column marched toward Naval
Carnero, a second beyond Illescas and
a third on Aran Juez. Each of the
cities is on a main highway leading
into Madrid from the south.
Aran Juez, south east of Madrid,
tonight was Franco's main objective.
If his troops should capture this city,
he will have cut off the. three main
escape arteries south of the capital.
Mola Controls North
Troops under Gen. Emilio Mola in
the north control the two main high-
ways leading into Madrid from that
If the insurgents should keepthe
troops in control of all these high-
ways, the only road open to retreat-
ing government forces out of Madrid
Would be the highway to Valencia
Which runs dangerously close to Fas-
cist territory around Guadalajara.
Insurgent leaders, in their gov-
ermient seat at Burgos, tonight pro-
claimed that the fall of Madrid could
be expected within three weeks.
The speahead of Franco's troops
tonight was pushing beyond captured
Illescas, less than 20 miles from Ma-
"The back of the capital's resis-
tance is broken," jubilantly pro-
claimed Gen. Jose Varela, command-
er of the insurgent forces in the
southern wing of Franco's army.
Fascists Push Advance
On the northern sector it was re-
ported that Fascists pushed forward
their advance on Bilbao, the only
major city on the northeastern
coastal sector still held by the gov-
ernment. .
(Reports reaching France tonight
said that Basque Nationalists were
fighting in the streets of Bilbao to
prevent the anarchists from mas-
sacring government hostages in re-
prisal for Fascist air raids.
At Madrid it was announced that
counterattacks -had been ordered on
all fronts in desperate efforts to break
the Fascist line encircling the cap-
Cosper Warns
Violators Of
Rushing Laws
Two Fraternities To Be
Called For Breaking
Rushees as well as fraternities were
given a severe warning last night by
the Interfraternity Council for their
laxity in observing rushing rules on
several occasions. Two fraternities
whose identity was not disclosed, will
be called before the Executive Com-
mittee of the Interfraternity Council
today, George Cosper, '37, president
of the Council said last night.
Violations brought to the attention
of the Interfraternity Council have
not been accompanied with sufficient
evidence to evoke action any more
definite than today's investigation,
Cosper said. Fraternities will be
cracked down upon, however, if the
evidence on hand permits, Cosper
said, "for otherwise the Interfrater-
nity Council and its constitution
would be useless."
Just Before The 12-Ton Bell Started Upward
-Photograph by Robert L. Goch.
Left to right, at the ceremony preceding the raising of the largest
Baird Carillon bell into place in the Burton Memorial Tower: Wilmot F.
Pratt, carillonneur; Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the School of
Music; President Ruthven, holding the small bell; and, with their backs
turned, F. C. Godfrey, English designer of the firm that made the bells,
and Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School of Music.
* * * *
movie Cameras Click, People
Watch As Huge Bell Is Raised
Three Slender Cables Raise
12-Ton Bulk; Requires
While movie cameras clicked,
while a hundred amateur photo-
graphers trained their lens and
while 1,000 people stood on and
looked, the largest of the 53 bells of
the Charles Baird Carillon was hoist-
ed to the top of the Burton Memorial
Tower at 12:40 p.m. yesterday.
Three slender cables raised the
huge Bourdon bell to its chamber af-
ter more than a half hour of prepar-
ation. Six special police kept back
the crowd that had waited two hours
to see the big bell swing into place.
It was the 14th bell to be raised to
the top of the tower, the five ton bell
having been pulled up at 10 a.m. as
a rehearsal for the larger. Within
a month all 53 bells will be in place
in their chamber ten stories above the
campus. But there will still be much
work after that constructing the
playing mechanism, explained Frank
C. Godfrey, chief designer of the
English firm that cast the bells.
Play By Christmas
"We hope to play the Christmas
Carol on it, at least," said Dr.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music.
The 12-ton bell which consumed six
months in preparations for casting,
has a tone of E-fiat. The smallest is
the 12-pound G-sharp bell that Mr.
Godfrey carried around in one hand.
Its faint musical tinkle was a strange
contrast to the deep, resonant tone
of the big bell when it was struck by
Mr. Godfrey with a clapper that re-
quired three men to lift it. The
clapper that will be attached to the
bell in the tower will weigh 400
The Baird carillion will be the
I.C.C. Probes
Serious Local
Train Collision
An investigation into the cause of
the crash Wednesday afternoon near
Milan of a southbound passenger
train and a northbound freight of
the Ann Arbor Railroad in which 17
were injured was begun yesterday by
the Interstate Comnierce Commission
and officials of the railroad.
Victor Parvin, general superinten-
dent of the railroad, who was a pas-
senger on the train when the crash
occurred, said that the results of the
railroad's investigation will be re-
ported to the commission which will
shake a separate investigation. No re-
port was filed with county author-
ities because the accident occurred
on a private road.
George Tracy of Owosso, 65-year-
old freight train foreman, the most
seriously injured in the collision, was
reported still in danger last night b5
physicians at St. Joseph's Hospita
third largest in the world, with two
others in this country surpassing it
in tonnage, the carillon ofthe River-
side Church, New York City, and the
Chapel of the University of Chicago.
The Baird group will have a range of
41/2 octaves.
Pose For Pictures
President Ruthven, Dr. Sink, Prof.
Earl V. Moore, Mr. Godfrey, Wilmot
F. Pratt, 25-year-old carilloneur,
posed under the bell for the news-
reels, with President Ruthven strik-
ing the smallest bell with a nail-
the sound to be supplied later in the
New York studios-and then the te-
dious ascent was begun to the topk
where the bells will, as Professor
Moore says, "continue to sound for1
decades and decades, furnishing a
spiritual and emotional link between
succeeding generations of Michigan
alumni. Through coming years the
music of the carillon may well be-
come the most important force in the
development of an enriched Michigan
E. A. Mowrer,
Journalist, To
SpeakOct. 15
Edgar Ansel Mowrer, University
graduate and present Paris corres-{
pondent of the Chicago Daily News,
has been secured to speak at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Thurs-
day, Oct. 15 at 8 o'clock on "A Jour-
nalist Looks At Europe," it was an-
nounced yesterday. The lecture is
being sponsored by the Committee on
University Lectures.
Mr. Mowrer gained international
attention for his book, "Germany
Turns The Clock Back," which won
the Pulitzer Prize in 1933. His news
articles concerning foreign affairs
have been syndicated throughout the
country and he has on several oc-
casions been featured on internation-
al broadcasts.
In connection with his Paris post,
Mr. Mowrer has attended the meet-
ings of the League of Nations in
Tonight's Pep
Rally Initiates
Gridiron Year
Hill Auditorium Scene Of
Student Exuberance At
7:45 P.M.
Brumm To Address
Meeting On Spirit
University Band To Make
Initial Appearance Of
Fall Season
Football season will begin today
around 7:45 p.m. for all intents and
purposes when several thousand ex-
uberantly hopeful students will march
into Hill Auditorium behind the
Michigan Band and for half an hour
hear Michigan spirit and football
prowess extolled and respond with
songs and cheers.
Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of
the journalism department, will speak
in what will probably be a condition
of dishabille, for pep rally audiences
invariably insist that they be ad-
dressed by speakers who are informal
at least to the extent of rolled shirt
sleeves. Another speaker represen-
tative of the football team will prob-
ably be present also, according to
Miller Sherwood, '37, president of the
Men's Council, which is sponsoring
the meeting.
In addition to a few words by Sher-
wood and a few more from Professor
Brumm, the program will include the
University band's first public ap-
pearance this fall. Opening the pro-
gram with a march it will play an-
other in the course of the meeting
and close the rally with the custo-
mary playing of Michigan's alma
mater: The Yellow and Blue.
Several well known school songs
will be sung under the direction of
Prof. David Mattern, director of the
Varsity Men's Glee Club, and the
yells will be directed by Thomas Sul-
livan, '37,baccording to Sherwood.
Sherwood has conjectured that
perhaps this annual meeting will
again serve as the impetus for the
fusing of a disorganized mass of
eager, pot wearing enthusiastic fresh-
men into a class.
Michigfan Band
To Sponsor An
Amateur Hour
The University band will hold an
amateur program at 8:15 p.m.' Oct.
13 in Hill Auditorium with Prof. John
L. Brumm of the journalism depart-
ment acting as master of ceremonies,
Prof. William D. Revelli, director, an-
nounced yesterday.
The purpose of this plan is to raise
funds for sending the University
band to the Pennsylvania game Nov.
7. The price of admittance, for
which tickets will go on sale Monday
all over the campus, will be 25 cents.
The winner of the program will be
awarded a trip to New York with all
expenses paid, and will be given
prompt consideration by Major
Edward Bowes for an appearance in
the Chrysler amateur hour. It was
announced that a cash award may be
substituted for the trip at the option
of the winner.
All amateur musicians, tap danc-
ers, comedians, imitators and. enter-
tainers are eligible. There is no reg.
I istration fee. All desiring to take
part are to see Professor Revelli be-
tween 3 and 6 p.m. and 7:30 and 9
p.m. every day before Oct. 10 at Mor-
ris Hall, or call him at 5097. No
preformance may last more than five
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Oct. 1.-(P)
-While Earl Browder, Communist
candidate for President who spent 26
hours in jail here with four associates
on vagrancy charges, hurried toward
New York tonight, his attorney, Da-
vid J. Bentall of Chicago, prepared
charges of false arrest and false im-
prisonment against Mayor Sam
Beecher and police chief James C.
Chief Yates appeared unconcerned
over Bentall's intentions, saying
"Those Communists know we mean
business about staying out of town."
Browder and associates had been
jailed for "vagrancy investigation,"
the incarceration preventing his
scheduled radio speech. Bentall,
however, read it for him with no one
The case was dismissed in city
Devalued Franc
Bears Approval
Of Parliament
Premier Wins 'Clipped'
Victory Af ter Three
Days' Wrangling
Spend ing Policies Upheld
By Roosevelt As Al Smith
Urges Landon' s Election
Browder Released; Knox Sees Danger To Deposits;
ChargesDismissetdWar A Menace, Thomas Asserts
PARIS, Oct. 1.-P)-France's de-
valued franc bore the final stamp of
approval of Parliament tonight, end-
ing one of the gravest periods of the
life of the government of Premier
Leon Blum.
Three days of acrid debating and
wrangling between the Senate and
Chamber ended in "clipped" victory
for the Premier.
He won authority to reduce the
gold content of money. He lost the
free hand he sought to fight price
rises and attendant social disturb-
The Senate refused point blank to
give him the unbridled decree power
he asked. Finally he had to rest
content with a mandate to issue de-
crees subject to approval of a na-
tional economic council.
Officials indicated the government
will not attempt immediat'ely to fix
a definite value of the franc. They
will let it find its own level in world
exchange values within the limits of
43 to 49 milligrams gold content pro-
vided under the devaluation law.
This would give it the possibility of
fluctuation between the values of
20.15 and 22.96 francs to the dollar.
A ,threatened strike of 20,000 em-
ployes of Paris hotels, restaurants
and cafes may bring an immediate
test of the power just voted to the
government and economic council to
force arbitration of labor disputes.
Promulgation of the act by Presi-
dent Albert Lebrun was the only rou-
tine step necessary to make reduction
of the gold content of the franc a
Union Accepts
Dormitory Bids
Up To Oct. 20
After abandoning almost all hope
for the help of a PWA loan in con-
structing the Union dormitory, the
building committee of the Union yes-
terday concluded a four-hour con-
ference with the announcement thai
it would accept bids on the remainder
of the dormitory until 9:30 a.m. Oct
The technicality that heretofore
invalidated the committee's request
for a PWA loan-the rule that a
contract for the project must not be
let until the loan has been approved-
s has now been eliminated, but Stanley
A. Waltz, business manager of thi
s Union and member of the committee
f said that Detroit PWA officials stil
refused the loan on the grounds tha
there were not enough unemploye
s men in Ann Arbor. PWA loans ar
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Oct. 1.-(I)-
Col. Frank Knox, Republican Vice-~i
Presidential nominee, renewed to-
night his declaration that the ad- 0'
ministration's financial policies leave a
"no insurance policy secure, no sav- t
ings account safe."F
"This is not a matter of the fu-
ture. It is here now,' said Colonel a
Knox in an address prepared for de-
livery immediately before President<,
Roosevelt's campaign speech on an- t
other local platform. a
"The value of the savings dollars 1
and the life insurance dollars has
been cut nearly 20 per cent since the t
present administration took office," b
Knox"said. "In addition, the inter-
est rate on savings accounts in those p
diluted dollars has been reduced and t
dividends on life insurance policies t,
have been drastically cut." r
Reiterates Statement
The sandy-hairedsChicago pub- n
lisher first made his statement of "no
insurance policy secure, no savings a
account safe" in an address Sept. 5 t
at Allentown, Pa., which was prompt-
ly followed by a threat from Dr. Lu-
ther A. Harr, the commonwealth's t
secretary of banking, to bring pro- m
ceedings against Knox. t
Harr pointed to a Pennsylvania
statute forbidding anyone to impute
instability to a financial institution. i
Later a conference of insurance ex- c
ecutives met at the White House b
and issued a statement saying that
their companies were thriving. P
"The bomb blew up in their faces," s
Colonel Knox said tonight. The "New t
Deal partisans," he declared, "would t
gladly drop the issue" but, he added, c
"I return to Pennsylvania to raise it t
"Since they forced it they havex
looked like Eliza crossing the ice with"
the bloodhounds close behind."
NEW YORK, Oct. 1.-(I)-Alfred
E. Smith closed his address in Car-p
negie Hall tonight with an appeal
for the election of Alf M. Landon of
Kansas as President of the United 1
Speaking before the anti-Rooseveltc
National Coalition of American1
Women in Carnegie Hall, Smith said
"I firmly believe thbe remedy for our
ills is the election of Gov. Alf. M.
Landon, Smith said, could be "re-
lied upon to preserve the funda-
mental principles of America," and
to "keep his promises."
"I am an American before I am a
Democrat, a Republican, or any-
- i
TOPEKA, Kans., Oct. 1.-(P)-
Gov. Alf M. Landon said tonight
he welcomed the support of Al-
fred E. Smith and was "happy toE
fight shoulder to shoulder" with
such leaders for the preservation
of Amercian principles.
t ;
thing else," Smith said before he
urged Goevrnor Landon's election.
This, the first stump appearance
e in this campaign of the man who
t himself carried the Democratic Pres-
a idential banners in a losing war in
e 1928, was but one of a series he in-
_ tended to make in attack upon the
y New Deal.
e As Smith attacked Mr. Roosevelt
, sharply, a chorus of boos and hisses
1 arose. A man left the audience.
t Smith had said: "When this ad-
d ministration came into power the
e whole country was with him (Roose-
The presidential campaign was underway in dead earnest last night
when, one after another, President Roosevelt, Alfred E. Smith, Col. Frank
Knox and Norman Thomas addressed the nation over the radio.
Roosevelt defended his spending program and expressed himself as
confident of reelection. Smith hit at the New Deal-with bitter sarcasm
and declared himself for Gov. Alfred M. Landon. Knox claimed the
present Administration is headed toward bankruptcy and is endangering
insurance policies and bank deposits. Thomas assailed the policies of the
Republican and Democratic parties and capitalism, holding that they
would tend to draw the United States into war..
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 1.-(P)-Pres-
dent Roosevelt recited tonight a story
f billions poured into the battle
gainst depression, then assured
housands of persons crammed into
orbes Field that the national debt
vould not be paid by "oppressive tax-
tion on future generations."
The President declared that it
hwould have been a crime against
he American people" to have bales
rnced the budget in 1933, 1934 or
He contended that his administra-
ion had piled up the national debt
y $8,000,000,000 and hadmuch to
;how for it, while in four years under
resident Hoover, whom he men-
ioned by name, the debt was in-
Teased $3,000,000,000 without visible
Then near the end of his second
najor campaign speech, he turned
s0 thequestion -of meeting the cost,
sserting it was a "foolish fear" that
;he debt would .impose a -"crushing
oad" upon "your children arid mine"
"This debt," he said, "is not going
o be paid by taking away the hard-
uon savings of the present genera-
Savings Are Secure
"It is going to be paid out of an
ncreased national income and in-
reased individual income produced
y increasing national prosperity."
Under brilliant floodlights, the
President told an audience of thou-
ands that if national income con-
inuedto rise as it has been rising,
he government's annual budget
could be balanced "within a year or
wo" without additional taxes.
Levelling off at his Republican op-
position, he said he had cast aside a
"do-nothing, or a wait-and-see pol-
(Continued on Page 2)
Norman Thomas in a speech before
the Commonwealth Club today de-
nounced the major political parties
for asserted "failure to come to grips
with underlying realities," which he
listed as threats of warfare, foreign
and domestic .
In particular he blamed both Re-
publican and Democratic parties for
"doing nothing" to avoid depressions.
Next Depression Worse
"The next great depression," he
warned, "will scarcely find men so
docile as the last. * * *
"The Republican party is making
the most ridiculous campaign-prom-
ising a reduction of the budget and
lower taxes, and to do better by the
aged and to do more for the farm-
ers-that's fantastic-you can't do
these all at once."
Speaking ofnGovernor Landon, he
"I am sorry I characterized him in
a speech last night as a boob-what
I really meant is he is an average
Landon "Average Man"
The Democrats, he said, "are not
much better than the Republicans."
Referring to the arrest yesterday at
Terre Haute, Ind., of Earl Browder,
Communist party nominee for Pres-
ident, Thomas said:
"You do not prove democracy by
doing what you think would happen
in Russia."
Rain Stops Series;
Unfair Trial Only Ground For
Protest Of Simpson's Sentence
The United States has a basis upon
which to protest the sentence im-;
posed upon Lawrence Simpson,
American seaman, in the event thati
it chooses to place the protest on the'
ground that Simpson was not given a7
fair trial, Prof. Lawrence Preuss ofi
the political science department said
Simpson was tried by People's
Court of Germany and was convicted
of sedition and was sentenced to
three years in prison, minus the 14
months he has served while waiting
for his trial. Simpson was arrested
jurisdiction over the affair because
Simpson was aboard an American
ship, Professor Preuss added.
"A foreign ship, is according to
international law, subject to the laws
of the country whose harbor it is in,'
Professor Preuss stated. "Contrary
to the common notion that American
ships are American property no mat-
ter where, an American vessel is
under jurisdiction of the country
whose waters it enters. While it i
not customary to enforce the laws of
the nation upon alien ships unless an
act connecting the ship with the
shore takes place,' the United State:
Rushees and fraternity men
may attend the pep meeting in
Hill Auditorium tonight together
without violating rushing rules
as long as they separate as soon
as the meeting is over, according
to George Cosper, '37, president
of the Interfraternitv Conil.~