s The Weather Rain turning to snow, colder today; tomorrow generally fair. L A6F 41P .Iiitr4t g an 1 EditorialB Some Aspects Of The Automobile Labor Dispute .. . VOL. XLVII No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 31, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Murphy Reassuines Duties Of Mediator In GM-UAW Battled Strike Storm Center Use Of Courts Declared To Be One Of Peaceful Settlement Methods Governor Refuses To Disclose Plans Failure Of Sloan-Perkins Secret Parley Results In Tighter Deadlock STRIKES AT A GLANCE (By The Associated Press) Strike in General Motors plants one month old with opposing sides still far apart as Perkins-Sloan con- ference fails. Secretary Perkins calls Sloan withdrawal from tentative agreement "an extraordinary per- formance." Occupancy of two Flint body plants by "sit down" strikers continues ob- stacle to peace negotiations. Conciliation again undertaken by Governor Murphy; Governor de- clines to disclose immediate plans; reiterates determination to prevent "force, violence and bloodshed." General Motors claims 83 per cent of 149,249 workers affected by plant shut-downs have indicated opposition to U.A.W.A. and desire to return to work; Union charges coercion. WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-(RP)- Secretary Perkins, at first stunned by a new collapse in her negotiations for peace in the automobile strike, re- newed her efforts behind the scenes tonight. She intended, associates said, to confer with colleagues over the week- end. She was not expected to re- sume conferences with representa- tives of General Motors or the strik- , g United Automobile workers be- fore Monday. Perkins 'Had Assurances' Clashing statements .issued from the labor department and General Motors today concerning the collapse of the peace maneuvers last night. Miss Perkins' associates said that af- ter a meeting last night with the General Motors president, Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., the labor secretary was confident the concern and the strik- ers would resume negotiations. Today Miss Perkins said ruefully: "I had assurances and I gave as- surances, and then the assurances were withdrawn." She termed this an "extraordinary performance." But Sloan emphatically denied that he had agreed to her proposal. DETROIT, Jan. 30.-(,P)--The task of attempting to reestablish a truce between General Motors and the United Automobile Workers of Amer- ica was undertaken by Governor Frank Murphy again tonight as the strike that has paralyzed the cor- poration's plants throughout the country ended its first month. The deadlock between the opposing sides apparently was tighter than ever after the failure of a secret con- ference in Washington yesterday be- tween Secretary of Labor Perkins and Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., corporation president. Continued occupancy of two Flint body plants by strikers who "sat down" on Dec. 30 remained as the chief obstacle in the path toward joint deliberations on eight demands of the union. Agreement Ends Monday Governor Murphy, declining to dis- close his future moves or the "im- mediate plan of action" he has been withholding for several days, was in Detroit, apparently ready for inten- sive effort to find a basis of concilia- tion before the once-violated "Lan- sing agreement" expires on Monday. He reiterated today his opposition to "force and violence" and looked with disfavor on a report that he might subpoena General Motors of- ficials and leaders of striking United Automobile Workers of America to appear before a state department of labor hearing. Of General Motors' injunction suit (Continued on Page 2) Publication Of Daily To Resume Feb. 16 As the University goes into the fi .mn ,,,,.b..' n.rind of frol P vmvina. _ Nation Dances At Rooseelts Birthday Party Paralysis Sufferers' Fund Will Receive Proceeds From 5,000 Dances WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-(A)- President Roosevelt was the unseen guest of honor tonight at more than 5,000 parties celebrating his birth- day and his fight against infantile paralysis. In cities and towns throughout the nation, the birthday balls reaped a harvest of cash for a nation-wide fight against the disease which crip- pled the President and now afflicts 300,000 young Americans. Mr. Roosevelt invited his old "birthday gang" to join him at the White House around a cake bearing five candles, one for each of his years past 50. Some of that group-newspaper- men assigned to the Navy Depart- ment when he was assistant secretary -have attended his birthday dinners for 20 years. Of his old friends, only Louis Mc- Henry Howe, his journalist-secretary who died last year, was missing. The President set aside six min- utes, beginning at 11:24 Eastern Standard Time, to speak by radio to the thousands of merrymakers else- where. Banners at some carried the fa- miliar slogan of this and other Roosevelt birthday balls: "Millions will dance so that thou- sands may walk." After the dinner Mrs. Roosevelt planned to visit each of the celebra- tions in Washington's seven largest hotels-along with Jean Harlow, Robert Taylor, and other celebrities. At her last stop she hoped to cut a gigantic birthday cake and hear the President's radio talk. Chrysler Employes Vote UAWA Control DETROIT, Jan. 30.-(P)-Richard T. Frankensteen, Detroit organiza- tional director of the United Auto- mobile Workers of America an- nounced today that elections held during the past week by employes of the Chrysler Corporation had given the International Union control of the Chrysler "employe representative system." Frankensteen declared union can- didates had won a majority of the posts on the collective bargaining committees as set up in Chrysler plants under the representation sys- tem created under the now discarded Automobile Labor Board. Frankensteen announced the union had won 12 out of 23 posts at the Plymouth factory; all 12 delegates at the Kercheval plant of Chrysler; 7 out of 14 at the Jefferson plant of Chrysler; 7 out of 8 at the De Soto plant and 46 out of 52 at the Dodge plant. GOV. FRANK MURPHY Rice To Deliver Sermon On Life In India,_Today Lemon To Give Last Talk On Practical Christian' s Faith At 4:30 P.M. Dr. C. Herbert Rice, principal of Allahabad Christian College, Allaha- bad; India, will give an address at the regular 10:45 a.m. services of the First Presbyterian church today. Dr. Rice, an Iowan by birth, is a graduate of Wooster College and the Auburn Theological Seminary. He has worked on studies of cosmic rays with Dr. Arthur H. Compton, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics. Dr. Rice will speak on phases of life in India as he has seen it during the thirty years he has been engaged in mission and government educational work there. He will also speak at the Westminster Guild at 5:30 p.m. To Talk On 'Memi Kampf' The last lecture in the course on "The Faith of a Practical Christian" will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. W. P. Lemonat 4:30 p.m. The title of Dr. Lemon's talk is "What Determines Human Destiny." A d o 1 p h Hitler's book, "Mein Kampf" furnishes the title and sub- ject matter for the Rev. C. W. Bra- shares' sermon at 10:30 a.m. Dr. C. E. Carrothers will lead a discussion on "Certain Shifts in Religious Em- phasis" at 9:45 a.m.; and Dr. Bra- shares will give a talk, "That's the Spirit," at the 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting at Stalker Hall. The Rev. R. Edward Sayles will de- liver the sermon "A Poet's Creed" at the regular wors1ip service at 10:45 a.m. of the First Baptist church. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, University counselor in religious education, will speak to the Roger William Guild at 6 p.m. on "An All-Absorbing Aim." Hopkins Will Speak At the Church of Christ Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the summer session, will speak on "The Poetry of the Bible" at 12 noon. "Personality Detours" will be the subject for dis- cussion by the Disciple Student Guild at 6:30 p.m. The Rev. Henry 0. Yoder, minister of Trinity Lutheran Church will have as the topic of his sermon at 10:30 a.m. "Hungry and Thirsty for the Right Things.'' "Wingless Victory and the King of England" is the topic on which the Rev. H. P. Marley will speak at the 5 p.m. twilight service of the Uni- tarian church. Hitler Offers World Peace Cooperation Repudiates Versailles Pact At Fourth Anniversary Of Rise To Power Reiterates Demand For Lost Colonies BERLIN, Jan. 30.( P)-Adolf Hit- ler tore another page from the tat- tered book of Versailles that stripped Germany of her colonies and turned today to the world with a pledge of "loyal cooperation" in the problems of peace and economic growth. To a tumultuous Reichstag as- sembled in the red-draped old Kroll Opera House, the Chancellor pro- claimed that on the fourth anniver- sary of his rise to power Germany had regained her sovereignty with equal rights before the world. Standing before a battery of gleam- microphones that carried his address to the nation and throughout the world, he declared "the time of so- called surprises is ended" by Nazi Germany. Isolation Policy Announced He reiterated Germany's demand for return of her war-lost colonies but did not ask for new ones; he re- nounced a policy of isolation and cited the anti-Communist pact with Japan as an example of his willing- ness to cooperate with other nations; he offered pledges of neutrality to Belgium and the Netherlands, and extended a friendly hand to France. He avowed Germany's readiness to work with other nations for economic development, but added that the nation's four-year plan for self-suf- ficiency must be continued. Repudiates Treaty Then, brushing back the unruly lock of hair which plunged down from his forehead, the Fuehrer de- clared: "I hereby most soemnly withdraw the German signature from that (Versailles) declaration forced upon a weak governmentagainst its better knowledge-the declaration to the ef- fect Germany was guilty of starting the World War." "For the last time," he said, the World War pact was relegated to a back-shelf. There was a roar of applause. The uniformed Reichstag deputies, black shirts and brown, rose and shouted their "Heils." Whistling approval, they flung out their hands in the traditional Nazi salute. A few min- utes before they had renewed for four years the dictatorial powers of the Fuehrer. Hull, Assistants Differ In Plans ForlNeutrality WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-(')- Word reached the Capitol today of differences between Secretary Hull and some of his key assistants over how to deal with the raw materials of war in a permanent neutrality law. Chairman McReynolds (D e m., Tenn.) of the House foreign affairs committee said Hull believed it feas- ible to control exports of such ma- terials to warring nations by giving the President discretionary power to restrict them to normal peace-time amounts. But R. Walton Moore, assistant secretary, and Green H. Hackworth, legal advisor to the secretary, con- sidered such a plan "hard to put in effect," McReynolds added. Moore and Hackworth, he said, f a- vored substituting for the normal trade plan a provision under which American shippers would lose title and interest in war material exports as soon as the goods weretshipped. M.Reynolds talked with the state officials today about his own neu- trality bill. He planned to open com- mittee hearings on it Tuesday. Christian Will Give Bach Organ Recital Resuming his series of organ re-, citals on the Frieze Memorial Organ, Palmer Christian, University organ- ist, will offer a recital at 4:15 p.m. to- day in Hill Auditorium. The program will be composed of a group of compositions by Johann Se- Rehabilitation Is Begun Daily Correspondent Visits Louisville, New Albany And Jeffersonville Heroism, Stupidity Prevail In Valley Only Half-Acre Of Land In Jeffersonville Is Left Uncovered By Water (EDITOR'S NOTE: Bonth Williams, special Daily correspondent, returned to Ann Arbor yesterday after a survey of the flood districts. His third article appears here.) By BONTH WILLIAMS The most gallant heroism mixed with the most stupid inefficiency-- that is the picture of the relief prog- ress in the inundated Ohio Valley as the three cities of New Albany, Jef- fersonville and Louisville flounder dazedly in the wake of very slowly decreasing flood waters. Chucg Kennedy and myself were perhaps two of five persons in the flooded cities who saw conditions on the same day in each of the three cities. Jeffersonville is by far the worst hit. Peculiar Attitude Noticed There, on the banks of the fast- rushing Ohio, the only plot of ground in the entire city still above the water is half an acre surrounding the Rose Hill School. On that half acre are clustered all that is left of the once thriving community. Every dog that could make the high ground stayed there yesterday, and we watched as they were shot down to make room for the human beings who were crowded in the same area. A cow was shoved into the water while giv- ing birth to a calf. People in these cities are assuming a peculiar attitude. Every third per- son has a badge of some sort or other, and a great many of the less directly hit residents seem to be enjoying the whole ghastly mess. Youthful National Guardsmen with smiling, unknowing faces patrol the streets and stalk everywhere. In some instances they are very useful, but in others are a constant feeding and housing problem. Food Is Plentiful The number of dead in Louisville has been greatly overestimated, how- ever, as have many of the horror stories of the flood. Friday evening the correct count stood at 169, and indications were that it would mount, but not reach staggering figures. Many of the deaths were from na- tural causes. Food is plentiful and good in all relief centers and we enjoyed excel- lent meals at the relief kitchen where everything is free and of the best. Most of the poorer element in town are eating more and better than they ever have before in their li-ves. The indispensible items necessary for fighting flood are a pair of rubber boots, very warm clothing and a bottle of whiskey. Profiteering has been practically eliminated by drastic action of the authorities, who made an example of one merchant who charged $16 for a pair of boots. County Red Cross Given $9,220 Total Contributions in Washtenaw Coun- ty to the Red Cross relief fund for flood sufferers reached $9,220.60 ,yes- terday, Miss Josephine Davis, execu- tive secretary of the local chapter, announced. The twentieth truck to leave Ann Arbor for the flooded area was being prepared yesterday by Camp Charle- voix through Lewis C. Reimann of Ann Arbor. Trucks have been pro- vided through the cooperation of gasolinecompanies and individuals with the Red Cross. Coin boxes were placed in 54 stores in the city yesterday for the conven- ience of persons desiring to contribute money to the Red Cross fund. Two shifts are continuing to pack clothing and bedding at the Red Cross store at 207 S. Fourth Ave., under the direction of Mrs. Arthur Hockrein, and a group of men has been organized by Dr. H. R. Shipman to work nights. Choir Will Give Local Concert To Raise Fund Chrysler Group Will Sing On Feb. 14; Tickets Are Now On Sale The Chrysler Choir concert, spon- sored by the Glee Club, the Univer- sity Musical Society, and the Men's Committee on Dormitories, will be given at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 14, in Hill Auditorium. The proceeds from the concert will go to the dormitory fund. Tickets are on sale at the Union and at Wahr's at 25 cents each. The 215 members of the choir will sing Handel's "Largo," "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones," a 17th century German melody, "Great and Glor- ious" and "Spirit Song" by Haydn, and Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's De- siring," and "Ah! How Weary." The choir will also sing "Dron- theim" by Protheroe, "Pilgrim's Chorus" by Wagner, "Invocation to Eros" by Kiirsteiner, "Nebbie" by Respighi, "Zueignung" by Strauss, "Down Among the Dead Men," an old English melody arranged by Wil- liams, "The Campbells Are Coming," "Hey! Robin," Kern's "Old Man River" and "The Gondoliers." Solos will be sung by Pauline W. Higgins and Floyd Flynn. President Ruthven, Walter P. Chrysler, president, and K. T. Keller, vice-president of the Chrysler Corp. have been invited to attend. Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the University Musical Society and of the School of Music will act as toast master. Short talks will be given at the banquet by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students and Prof. Henry C. An- derson, of the engineering college. 572,000 Left Homeless In Ohio Valley; Property Loss Is 400 Million Paducah In Danger Of Surging Waters Evansville Is Half Under Water; Depth Reaches 12 Feet InCity (By The Associated Press) Sixty billion tons of water-too great an enemy for human mind to measure, too mighty a force for man to conquer-rolled slowly, relentless- ly on today; toward Cairo, crouched behind her fortifications; toward proud Paducah, already fleeing the river's wrath; toward the whole rich lower Mississippi valley. Behind, from Pittsburgh on down through Wheeling, Portsmouth, Huntington, Cincinnati, Louisville, lay death, destruction, disease. Ahead, from Cairo down to the sea, was apprehension, dread and inevit- able further destruction. For two weeks the Ohio has been on its orgy, whipped to drunken ruth- lessness by the many lesser streams that feed it. Last night it forces no whit spent, it counted this cost to Ohio valley dwellers: Flood Recedes At Louisville An estimated 400 dead. An estimated property damage to $400,000,000. 800,000 homes flooded. (X) 572,010 persons homeless. (X) 236,007 persons marooned. (X)-Official Red Cross figures, Washington experts said the flood. would set a new all-time high for property damage. At Cincinna ., rehabilitation has begun. "Business as usual" may be the watchword tomorrow or Tuesday; not quite "as usual," rephaps, but business just the same. Most em- ployers handed out the usual Satur- day pay envelope yesterday, even though few workmen were able to be on the job during the flood days. Louisville, struck the heaviest blow of all, watched the waters recede, and began rebuilding what its mayor said would be a "bigger, better Louis- ville." Drinking Water Rationed Evansville, Ind., was half under water to -a depth of as much as 12 feet. The river continued to rise, but not so swiftly now. Drinking water was being rationed, and thousands of relief workers were enlisted for the struggle to checkmate the dread- ed rear guard of flood--disease. Cairo, preparnig to meet the crest of the flood Wednesday, lies between a sort of aquatic pinchers, with the Ohio on one side, the Mississippi on the other. It was the Ohio today that held the major menace. The Mississippi, thanks to "fuse plug" levees which, dynamited, lifted the pressure, has been behaving exem- plarily, as a father of waters should. The waters of the Ohio at Cairo last night were crawling toward a 59 foot stage. The crest, it is predicted, will be 61 feet-a high water mark without precedent. Sickness Is Reported The complete evacuation of Padu- cah's citizens-8,OQ0 remained there early Saturday-has been ordered, "forcibly if necessary," so that when the Ohio River's flood crest strikes Tuesday it will find no human tar- gets. Much sickness is reported in the Paducah area, but there is much sickness everywhere-at Louisville, at Cincinnati and in the scores of smaller places where the river's de- struction has been less publicized but no less real. Nearly 200,000 persons have been innoculated against typhoid fever at Louisville alone. Thirteen million units of serums and vaccines have been sent in all to the flood areas to guard against diph- theria, pneumonia and typhoid. Roosevelt Outlines Plan A special flood commission will go to work Monday under Federal aus- pices to see what's to be done. Pres- ident Roosevelt's plan for emergency aid was outlined by him at Washing- In Louisville, Cincinnati; Flood Toll Reaches 400 Ruthven Stresses Importance Of Tuberculin Test On Students Turkey Found To Have Made Progress Under Ataturk's Rule By HAROLD L. GARN President Alexander G. Ruthven yesterday stressed the importance of the Mantoux tuberculin test, which will be given by the Health Service for junior and senior women from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Feb. 23 to 27. "The University is very glad to sponsor this program," President Ruthven said. "I believe it is exceed- ingly important that college juniors and seniors take responsibility in these matters because of their lead- ership in society," he added. "I fur- ther believe that they should under- stand that this is the authoritative method for attacking such a disease as tuberculosis." In 1931 the women of the Health Service set out to control the situa- tion among women students, he said. The women were used as a test group because of the high incidence of tu- versity Hospital, Dr. H. M. Pollard, secretary of the medical school, and Dr. Margaret Bell, of the Health Service then decided to give the tu- berculin test to all entering fresh- men women, President Ruthven said. "As a result of this test," he declared, "about 64 per cent were found to be positive. All those who reacted posi- tively to the first, second, or third injection were X-rayed and 10 to 15 per cent showed old childhood type of tuberculosis. "In September, 1936, the Health Service X-rayed a total of 3,485 men and women students," he said. "Six- teen active cases and 23 inactive cases were discovered. The average rate of active pulmonary tuberculosis for our students, both men and women, over a period of three years, 1932, 1933 and 1934 was 2.9 per cent," President Ruthven stated. By SAUL KLEIMAN Whether or not Turkey is a dictat- orship is unimportant in relation to what Turkey, under Ataturk, has ac- complished, Neriman Alam, Grad., of Istanbul, Turkey, and American cor- respondent of the Cumhuriyat Daily declared in an interview yesterday. Alam's statement was made in re- sponse to the controversy which arose here last week when Dr, Walter Livingston Wright, president of Istanbul American College, denied that modern Turkey was a dictator- ship, and Dr. John W. Stanton of the history department maintained that it was. "The question of whether or not the Turkish government is a dictat- orship is merely a minor matter of definition," Alam pointed out. He believes that since government is but a means to an end, the important their religion and the substitution, whenever it had previously been at- tempted, had received violent opposi- tion. But Alam believes the introduction of social reforms which include the adoption of the Latin alphabet, pro- hibition of polygamy, compulsory primary education, and the reduction of illiteracy from 91 to 45 per cent are all overshadowed by the tremen- dous advances that have been made in industry. He indicated that as late as 1931 Turkey was exporting a great many of her raw materials and importing the finished products. However, he explained that as a result of the first five year plan, Turkey now has de- veloped industrially to such an extent that it does its own manufacturing in many fields. The full national demand for sugar