f The Weathe, Rain in South; show or rain in north portion today; tomor- row cloudy and colder. LI E Lie igauF iIaitii Editorials End Of The TVA Power-Pool Project .. . VOL. XLVII No. 93 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Mississippi Slowly Rising As Dead Approach 350; Levee Line Still Holding Ohio Receding In Its Own Valley; Yet To Empty Into Mid-West Stream $400,000,000 Set As National Damage Stricken Areas Commence Costly Rehabilitation; Fatalities Increase Daily FLOOD FACTS (By The Associated Press) Homeless - approximately 1,000,- 000. Known dead-Kentucky 225, Ar- kansas 28, Missouri 17, Ohio 14, West Virginia 13, Illinoic 11, Tennessee 10, Indiana 9, Mississippi 3, Pennsylvania 3. Total 333. River stages-Ohio receding from Pittsburgh to Evansville, Ind., rising from Evansville to Cairo, Ill. Missis- sippi rising from Cairo to New Or- leans. Relief-President Roosevelt direct- ed commission to start comprehen- sive clean-up program in Ohio Valley and outlined plans to assist mer- chants, householders and poverty- stricken refugees through Federal ageicies. Contributions to Red Cross relief fund totalled $4,339,000. It seeks $10,000,000. (By The Associated Press) Under the ever-heightening impact of the Ohio River's vast flood, the Mississippi rose slowly Friday night as along 1,000 miles of its course men fought to hold the levee line. Not a major break had occurred, and from Cairo, Ill., to New Orleans ran that cheering message to thou- sands of river people. It was, however, but a preliminary and conditional victory. The Ohio, falling almost everywhere in its own valley, had yet to dump the greater burden of its numberless billions of gallons of flood waters into the Mis- sissippi. Begin Clean-Up The national flood damage stood- under preliminary estimates-at well above $400,000,000. The known dead approached 350. In the Ohio valley, a costly clean- up began as in the hardest hit city in that section-Louisville-official statements that the damage in that city would be "terrific" came almost simultaneously with the declaration of a' hospital superintendent, Dr. J. B. Buschmeyer, that he dead would run high above other estimates. "I believe," he said, "there have been 400 prepared for burial or al- ready transferred to cemeteries in the highlands. And the real work is still ahead. One undertaker has handled 60 flood victims already. Three others have embalmed great- er numbers. A large majority (of the deaths) were the result of cold and exposure." Worst Is Over All in all, the worst definitely was1 over, however, for the upper Ohio cities. Paducah Ky., further to the south, lookedfor its greatest crisis yet as; the crest neared there.1 Cairo, situated at the confluence of the Ohio and the Mississippi, stood fast behind a sandbag-topped bul- wark. Most of its inhabitants long; since had fled. The rest, hardy river- men for the most part, faced with courage a predicted crest of 62 feet -against a 60-foot wall to which; three feet of sandbag filling had been added. At Hickman, Ky., rising flood wa- ters inched up toward the top of a1 60-foot seawall1 County Red Cross Fund Now Is $6,737 Red Cross contributions for Wash-, tenaw County reached $6,737 last. night according to Lewis E. Ayres,, chairman of the local unit. Sixteen trucks have lefteAnn Arbor since the beginning of the flood ac- cording to Mr. Ayres, and the food and clothing is still being collected in Ann Arbor. A new aspect of flood relief was taken over by the Washtenaw Coun- cil of the Boy Scouts of America. Relief Facilities In New Albany Taxed Says Daily Correspondent _ -c v . Stricken Area B) fhefonve _ emphis ~M~ilwood ~luf 3 QRosedale \ Aanrenada Grenviie*nwood LA.'P" Yazoo Ciy icks burg \Jcson I \ MILES mss Sa o ' \ N wpreans GULF of MEXICO -Associated Press Map The shaded portion of this map indicates the area from which 500,- 000 persons may be forced to flee if the Ohio River flood waters go over Mississippi levees. At Jackson, Miss. (1) headquarters would be established for the evacuation; Meq phis (2) has arranged to quar- ter 500,000 refugees, while army engineers at several points (3) fight to strengthen levees. Near Cairo, Il., (4) coastguard cutters and army planes are aiding rescue work. 12 Navy Planes Cross Pacific In Record Hop 80 Men Make Flight From San Diego To Honolulu In 21 Hours, 43 Minutes HONOLULU, J a n. 29.-() - Twelve big navy sky cruisers bored through a terrific storm that mom- entarily stopped them "cold" and sailed into Honolulu today to com- plete with military precision the greatest non-stop ocean mass flight ever attempted. Carrying 80 men, the planes made a "routine transfer" from San Diego to Honolulu, 2,553 miles, in 21 hours, 43 minutes, official elapsed time. They alighted on Pearl Harbor in the glare of powerful floodlights at 3:50 a.m. (9:20 a.m. EST). About 300 miles out of Honolulu the air squadron ran into treacherous winds that tossed the giant planes as though they were corks. "For an hour and a half," said Lieutenant Commander William H. McDade, the flight chief, "we bat- tled the storm but could not get through. Thick as pea soup, it had trapped us completely. At one point it momentarily stopped us cold." It was the navy's second precision mass flight from the mainland. Three years ago Lieutenant Commander Kneffler McGinnis led a squadron of six naval planes on a transfer from San Francisco to Honolulu, 2,- 400 miles. No More J-Hop Tickets Available Says Hoffman All but 25 tickets for the 1938 J- Hop have been disposed of, Louis G. Hoffman, '38, told The Daily last night. By BONTLI WILLIAMS LOUISVILLE, Ky., Friday, Jan. 29. - (Special to The Daily-Crossing in a cost guard cutter this morning the dirty mud-colored waters of the Ohio, which are estimated to be flowing at the rate of 22 knots per hour, this correspondent arrived in Louisville now under strict martial law. Last night in fog shrouded New Albany we helped rescue workers who brought in part of 800 inhabitants of Jeffersonville who were all quar- tered in the Colgate factory there. Relief facilities in New Albany were taxed to the limit and a visit to the broadcasting station there re- vealed that station WRGG was send- ing out local calls with the aid of three announcers working two hours each. The relief kitchen there is well stocked with provisions and the food is fine. High school girls act as waitresses, and give us good service. Down on the water front, which last night was two miles in from the river bank, the river men were work- ing like dogs to get the helpless out. Volunteers are working with out- boards send from all parts of the country. The mortality rate on all boats is high due to the two story buildings and telephone wires which are continually causing serious trouble. A trip down to Jeffersonville re- vealed that city completely under water. Last night orders of the pro- vost martial were to use any means to prevent looting and guards were (Continued on Page 2) Soviet Tribunal Decrees Death For 13 Plotters MOSCOW Jan. 30.-(Saturday)- (P-The highest Soviet tribunal the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court,"early today sentenced 13 of the 17 men on trial for treason to be shot. Two of the outstanding defendants, Karl Radek and Gregory Sokolni- koff, were sentenced to 10 years' im- prisonment. M. S. Stroiloff also was given a 10- year-sentence. V. V. Arnold re- ceived an eight-year term. The verdict, sparing four men of whom two had been accused as ring- leaders of a Trotzkyist plot against the Soviet regime, was delivered at 2:25 a.m. (7:25 p.m. Friday, Eastern Standard Time), after the three judges had deliberated eight hours. Radek, in his "last words" before the Court yesterday, admitted his "treason" he said, "we shall pay for our crimes with our heads." MEXICO CITY, Jan. 29.-(/1)- Leon Trotzky, accused as being the sponsor of an alleged plot to over- throw the Soviet government, de- clined to comment tonight on the conviction of 17 defendants in Mos- cow and the sentencing of 13 of them to death, but promised "an ample statement" tomorrow. End Of West Coast Strike Is Predicted Union Heads, Shipowners Call Meetings To Discuss Tentative Agreements 'Growing Settlement Sentiment'-Bridges SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.-()- Maritime strike chieftains tonight deferred until tomorrow a call for a settlement vote in the record-break- ing West Coast shipping tieup and announced they would ask better terms for two unsatisfied unions. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.-(3)- Maritime Union leaders, formally re- porting "the end of the strike is in sight," moved tonight toward calling a membership vote on settlement pro- posals while ship-owners met two worker groups in an attempt to com- plete quickly the last of the tenta- tive agreements.I "There is a growing sentiment in the rank and file for settlement and nothing can change it now," strike leader Harry Bridges told an assem- bly of civic authorities considering a move to obtain federal intervention. I Reach 92nd Day Harry Lundeberg, head of the pow- erful west coast sailors Union, joined Bridges in proclaiming the impend- ing end of the costly, record-break- ing tieup, now in its 92nd day. In view of the fast-moving peace developments the civic officials post- poned action for a few hours at least, possibly pending the outcome of hastily called conferences between employers and the cooks and stew- ards and radio telegraphers' unions. Representatives of both worker groups told the assembled city au- thorities they were willing to return to work and submit their remaining differences to arbitration, but ship- owner spokesman T. G. Plant reject- ed this offer. The radio men formerly received a minimum of $100 monthly and asked $115. They rejected an offer of $110 minimum. Strike Cost Great Cooks and stewards held out for an 8-hour day on all ships despite the assertion of owners that they could not grant such a schedule on passenger vessels. On the basis of figures by the San' Francisco Shipping Merchants As- sociation the strike has cost upwards of $644,000,000. The Association es- timated the daily loss of at least $7,- 000,00. Negotiators hurdled the last major strike issues lat night when long- shoremen and employers reached a tentative agreement. This accord officially provided pay of 95 cents regular and $1.40 an hour overtime for longshoremen on a prac- tical six hour day basis. It also ad- justed a complicated jurisdictional matter involving the dividing line between longshoremen and cargo working sailors on coastwise vessels. Wyvern Successfully Ends Red Cross Drive Wyvern, junior women's honorary society concluded its drive for food and clothing for flood victims yes- terday with a large amount of as- sorted clothing and food and more than $50., Hope Hartwig, '38, said yesterday. The drive, which began last Wed- nesday, was "highly successful," Miss Hartwig said. The materials collect- ed were turned over to the Red Cross for transportation to the stricken Ohio Valley, Miss Hartwig said. Governor's Murphy Asserts Intention To Expose Auto Strike Troublemakers Office Consults Checks Complaints Unaffiliated Laborers Try 'Sit Down' In Lansing Gubernatorial Quarters General Motors Peace Is Sought As Sloan Finally With Perkins Strike At A Glance (By The Associated Press) Anti-strikers stage "sit-down" in Governor's office. Governor, declining again to forcibly eject strikers in Flint plants, charges "agents provacateur" at work and promises to learn and publish whether "General Motors or Union responsible" for trouble making activities. Governor tells a second delega- tion claiming to represent 65,000 uenerai motors employees de- DETROIT, Jan. 29.-(IP)-Ater a siring to return to work that a 10-hour "sit-down" demonstration in formal showing that majority of the State Capital at Lansing, a group workers favor plebescite on strike of non-union automobile workers left would be "an impressive argu- late tonight but said they would be ment" for such referendum, but back Monday "unless there is a defi- that he believed it may not be nite and satisfactory solution" of the necessary. General Motors strike. Senate Committee investigating civil liberties violations summons DETROIT, Jan. 29-(RP)-Governor a number of General Motors of- Frank Murphy, asserting his inten- ficials to testify Feb. 8 and 9. tion to expose whoever inspires "ac- General Motors closes plant at tivities designed to make trouble" in Los Angeles; announces plan for General Motors automotive strikes, partial reopening of Buick plant was confronted by a "sit-down" dem- in. Flint on Monday. onstration of 25 non-union auto plant workers in his office at Lansing to- day. Rules For J-Ho After announcing to the group that he would not use troops to evictA striking members of the United Au- tomobile Workers of America from Fisher Body plants at Flint,, Murphy By Com m itte said his office doors would be un- locked so the demonstrators could come and go at will. The group set- Chairman Requests That tled in an ante-room to await de- velopments the Governor said might All Scalping Be Reported be forthcoming in a "very important" Immediatdy conferetice under way at Washington. _' Lend Moral Support' Regulations adopted by the 1938 demonstrators, said they might deJ-Hop committee to govern this cide to occupy the Governor's office year's Junior Class dance were re- indefinitely. leased yesterday by Louis G. Hoff- A second group of 46 automotive Iman, chairman of the committee. workers arrived two hours later to_ lend "moral support" to the early- comers. Albert Johnson of Detroit, who said it represented 65,000 non- striking workmen of all General Mo- tors plants in Michigan outside of Flint, presented a petition asking Murphy for a referendum to deter- mine what percentage of corporation, employes favored the strikes. The Governor told them a formal showing that a majority of General Motors' employes favored a vote onl the strikewouldbe "a very impressive argument in favor" of the referen- dum. He said a decision might not now be necessary in view of antici- pated developments. Referring to members of the Flint Alliance, strike-opposed body which yesterday demanded that he assure "full protection" to workers, Murphy said they "did not come to do good- they wanted to embarrass the Gov- ernor. Mass Meeting Postponed "General Motors' executives tell me privately they have nothing to do with this matter," lie said. "I hope they are correct. Perhaps this is an appropriate time to ask them pub- licly." Murphy said a mass meeting sched- uled to be addressed by Homer Mar- tin, U.A.W.A. president, at Saginaw, Sunday, had been postponed. An- nouncement of plans for it had brought consideration of sending troops to maintain order. General Motors announced the closing of its assembly plant at Los Angeles which supplied Buicks, Pon- tiacs and Oldsmobiles to West coast dealers, because of lack of materials. At Flint, Harlow H. Curtice, Buick company president, said approxi- mately 2,000 workers will be called back to work Monday in certain de- partments of the plant there. Krogstedt Is Giveni State Labor Post Lansing, Jan. 29.-(P)-George Krogstedt of Detroit was appointed Commissioner of Labor today to suc- ceed Frank D. Wade, of Flint. Governor Murphy also appointed Lionel Heap of Grand Haven and MIs. Besse Garner of Highland Park as members of the commission of Labor and Industry. The governor said Frank F. Ford of Kalamazoo, a Republican, would be retained for a time as chairman of Hoffman asked that all scalping of tickets be reported to him immediate- ly so that he can report them to the Men's Council. The committee has arranged for parking space in Ferry Field, with the entrance at S. State St. and Hoover Ave. J-Hop regulations are as follows: 1. Dancing must cease at 3 a.m., and lights must be out in the Intra- mural Building at 3:30 a.m. 2. There shall be no spectators, the only persons admitted to the hall shall be those bearing tickets issued by the Hop Committee. 3. No corsages shall be permitted to be worn at the Hop (committee women excepted). 4. There shall be no decorations of individual booths except by the Hop Committee. 5. All charges for taxicabs in excess of the rates authorized by the city ordinance should be reported to the Hop Committee. 6. Control of lighting shall be in (Continued on Page 2) Co fin Explains PoetryWriting n Lecture Here Inspiration Sources And Attitude Toward Subject' Stressed By Poet How to write poetry by "rule of thumb" was Robert P. Tristram Cof- fin's message to the audience which attended his lecture last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Beginning with the preface that the method he described applied only to his own type of poetry, Coffin summarized his two fundamentals for poetry writing as: "Say all the good things you can think of about your subject," and "Find a source of in- spiration in some experience which created a profound impression." As an example of the first rule, Coffin read his poem "The Spider," in which he brought out the beauty of the spider's work, suppressing the disagreeable elements in the spider's make-up. An incident which occurred in his childhood and which left a lasting impression in his memory when a buck deer pursued by hounds plunged Company President Talks With Secretary At Her Department Offices Strike Legislation Attacked By Green LaFollette Committee Asks GM Officials To Testify On Espionage Charges WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.-()- Renewal of negotiations to end the General Motors strike appeared im- minent tonight after an unheralded conference between Secretary Per- kins and Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., General Motors president. Sloan went today to the secretary's office, conferred at length with her and left the labor department by a private elevator and side door. No Announcement Yet After their conference, Miss Per- kins told reporters one person who "needs to be checked" before she could make any announcement had not been reached yet by telephone. She would give no indication of what that announcement would be, but said she was "more hopeful" of an early settlement. Miss Perkins added she had not talked to Lewis after her conference with Sloan. William Green, presicent of the American Federation of Labor, an- nounced the Federation would op- pose ,the strike legislation Miss Per- kins proposed. He contended it was a "step in the direction of compul- sory arbitration." Officials Will Be Called Chairman La Follette (Prog., Wis.) of the Senate Civil Liberties Commit- tee said "various" General Motors of- ficials would be summoned to tes- tify February 8 and 9 following the committee's investigation of charges of labor espionage and anti-union ac- tivity in the auto industry. At a press conference, Lewis said he would submit additional affidavits purporting to show that violence in the strike zone was instigated by General Motors. To Discuss Bill At Amendment GroupMeeting Burke, Angell, Mrs. Haber Local Representatives On Michigan Committee The formulation of a Constitution- al amendment for future popular consideration permitting legislation regulating hours and wages of labor is the purpose of the Detroit meet- ing Monday of the National Commit- tee to Clarify the Constitution by Amendment, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department, and member of the Michigan State Com- mittee, said yesterday. Burke Is Chairman George J. Burke of Ann Arbor is chairman of the Michigan Commit- tee and will preside at the Detroit ses- sion, acting as host to the national conference containing representatives from all parts of the nation. Mrs. William Haber, representing the League of Women Voters, is the third Ann Arbor member of the State Com- mittee. Roscoe O. Bonistee, presi- dent of the Michigan Bar Association, also of Ann Arbor, will be present at the meeting, it was announced. Draft To Be Submitted One draft of the desired amend- ment has already been drawn up and will be considered at the evening ses- sion of the conference. It was pre- pared by a committee headed by Prof. Joseph P. Chamberlain of Columbia University, and included Dr. Noel Dowling, also of Columbia University, who acted as consultant for the ad- ministration in the TVA case won be- fore the Supreme Court; Dr. Herman Gray of New 'York University; and Dr. Lloyd K. Garrison of the Univer- sity of Wisconsin Law School, who will address the conference with Gov. Frank Murphy and Edward A. Filene of Boston. Fears Responsible For Failures Are Enumerated By Dr. Purdom 0 By STUART LOW Fear of inability to live up to par- ental expectation, fear of not being accepted socially and fear of not succeeding are the three factors largely responsible for most high school and college failures, Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, de- clared yesterday. ! Dr. Purdom based his statement on the study of 15,000 students. Students who come to the Bureau seeking advice about a possible future nonnation are noarly alaimva actuall necessary for his successful survival in college competition. Contrary to the views held by some sociologists, Dr. Purdom does not feel that unfavorable family environment is the greatest single factor respon- sible for bad scholarship. "Although a large percentage of the failures have home problems, the matter of associates outside the home, the lack of responsibility and the absence of good working habits are more important," he explained. Initiative, teacher relations, recre- ation, and sex problems are other lesser determinants of scholarship, Dr. Purdom pointed out.