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October 01, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-01

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1936 Mcmbr 1937
Associded iid Press
Distributors of
COIReiae Du~st
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
Thp Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the se
(,or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
4ot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
ecpn _ class mail matter.
Subscriptios during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Chicago, Il.
Madion Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks.
1Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shacketon, William Spaller.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes,
Mary Sage Montagu.
Wire Editor: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
associates; I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred uesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Heper, Richard La-
Women's Department Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising andl Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; orman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Palender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Let Freedom
SO THE POLICE of Terre Haute,
Ind. arrested Earl Browder and
five aides for vagrancy (as they were getting off a
train.) They were eager, you understand, to pre-
vent Browder from making a speech that night
because Browder is a communist, and commu-
nists want to take away our free speech. The
police of Tampa, Fla. and Atlanta, Ga. also rate
the palm of the Royal Order of Guardians of
Our 4ierican Rigt by preventing Browder
from speaking recently.
Waiges In
The SteI Industry.-.- -
NCOURAGING reports of condi-
tions in the steel industry have
been circulated throughout the country during
recent months. C. R. Hock, president of the
American Rolling Mill Company, has announced
that the steel industry is now employing approx-
imately 22,000 more men than were employed on
an average during 1929. The National Indus-
trial Conference Board reports hourly wages as
of June, 1936, in the steel industry average 66.9
cents, compared to 65.4 cents in the record year
of 1929.
In view of these facts, it is difficult to under-
stand why it is that the steel industry now is the
focal point of nation-wide labor unrest, why is it
that thousands of dissatisfied steel workers are
responding to the organizational efforts of John
L. Lewis' Committee on Industrial Organization.
In the steel industry more men are receiving
more wages than they ever have received in his-
tory, according to these statistics. What more
can the workers expect?
But is this the whole truth? Curious, we took
figures released by the United States Steel Cor-
poration, reporting the pay rolls and employees
of the company from 1929 to 1935, and did some
computing. We found that the average ANNUAL

wage received by these employees 'totalled in
1929, $1,866, and in 1935, $1,293. This repre-
sents a decrease of 31 per cent.
With cost of living indexes approximating, or
nearly approximating, the 1929 level, we, as
average workers in steel, would feel not a little
unrestful over a 31 per cent decrease in income.
Even with the gains made during the first
half of this year, the, average steel worker still
received only $690, according to Mr. Hock's re-
port of total payrolls in the steel industry.
Averages are very dangerous playthings. Much
adjustment of a more or less harmful character
can take place, averages remaining the same.
But with these precautions in mind, it is yet self-
evident that steel workers are not without some
justifiable basis in their demand for higher

of Fortune magazine. It is signed by Ruthrauff
and Ryan, Inc., one of the nation's largest ad-
vertising agencies. .
We publish this, believing still that democracy
is the ideal form of government, but remember-
ing that real democracy should consist in some-
thing other than the domination of the mediocre,
and further that democracy involves equality
of economic opportunity as well as political
"Many an advertiser-and many an adver-
tising man--has found himself on the wrong
side of the ledger because, in framing his sales
messages for the mass market, he endowed
prospects with a refinement and subtlety which
in reality they do not possess.
"As a matter of fact the fundamental likes
and dislikes of the average man and woman
are simple and untutored to a surprising degree.
What passes as a discrimination of taste is often
merely a shrewd realization of values. A paint-
ing is fine because it costs a lot of money. Dia-
monds are prized not so much for their beauty
as for their cost.
"And so it is with reading tastes. One of the
most reliable barometers of popular interest is
the newspaper. Analyze those things which
canny editors have found will keep circulation
booming. Are they the scholarly editorials on
budget-balancing? Or, the reports of gold reserve
fluctuations in the Netherlands.
"Not at all. The newspaper features which at-
tract millions are the comic strips with their
homely, slap-stick humor; talks to the lovelorn
by the sob sisters; accounts of prize fights, mur-
der trials and "mush." The "worthwhile" news
which statesmen and educators would accord
Iront-page position rates onlya hearty yawn
from those ordinary but almighty individuals
who swapped school kits for tool kits at a com-
paratively tender age.
"Our choice of advertising appeals, therefore,
must embody concessions to popular taste . . .
For today's best advertising is a slice of life it-
The Philharmonic Carries On
"THE HISTORY of the New York Philharmonic
is the history of music in America" . . . This
bold statement has long been accepted more or
less as fact in musical circles. Such being the
case, it is little wonder that the resignation of
Arturo Toscanini as conductor of this patriarch
of American orchestras has turned all eyes in
musical America questioningly upon New York.
And it is not curiosity alone that has prompted
these looks, for intermingled with the air of in-
terrogation is more than a hint of doubt and
skepticism. It was no mere routine change in
conductorship which confronted the Board of
Directors last year, but the formidable task of
replacing a man who stands head and shoulders
above all but a very few other conductors, both
of today and yesterday.
In the first place, "Philharmonic," to many,
has come to mean "Toscanini." It is but natural,
although regrettable, that a figure so gigantic
and overtowering ashis should make lesser fig-
ures seem puny and other values unimportant
by comparison. Of course, there is always a cer-
tain portion of the musical public which finds
such a subjective and elusive thing as the purely
aesthetic enjoyment of music rather beyond its
comprehension, and must substitute in its place
the more tangible worship of personalities. But
more than that, it is both natural and good that
we beings of only average abilities should stand
in great respect and awe of one who so far
surpasses all others as to seem to have ap-
proached the limits of human perfection in
music. The writer never enjoyed the privilege
of attending a performance led by Toscanini, but
from all he has heard and read there seems little
reason to doubt that as an orchestral leader and
conductor the Italian Maestro is supremely
And this tendency towards an idol-worship of
Toscanini and an impatient tolerance of all other

conductors has not been confined to the public
alone. One of the few possible criticisms of the
Orchestra during recent years has consisted
of the fact that its players did not always show
to guest conductors the same intense and enthu-
siastic support that they gave to their regular
leader. Perhaps that they should do so is too
much to expect, and perhaps it may well be said
that the other conductors lacked Toscanini's
dogged, inspired powers of extracting the most
from the men. Be that as it may, the fact
remains that the'Orchestra has yielded the grip
of the one guiding hand which was able to control
it with perfect ease and power. Whether suc-
ceeding hands will grip as strongly remains to
be seen.
But that the directors of such a venerable and
deep-rooted institution as the Philharmonic
would fail to.do their utmost to secure its onward
course was a thing not to be feared. In con-
sidering a possible successor to Toscanini, one
name immediately comes to mind as an eminent-
ly desirable possibility-the name of Leopold Sto-
kowski. As yet, there is nothing more definite
than rumor to indicate that such a possibility
might come true. But it was rumored that Eu-
gene Ormandy was to take over the conductor-
ship of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and that
rumor was recently converted into fact. It seems
not entirely unreasonable to believe that the,
same thing might happen in the case of Stokow-
sky and the Philharmonic.
In the meantime, until the matter of the con-
ductorship is permanently settled, the directors
of the Philharmonic Society have decided upon
the obvious course of emphasizing the music to

BENEATH ** * *
******LT ALL
By BonhWilims -,
STUMBLING into Room D, Haven Hall Mon-
day morning in search of the Criminology
class, I arrived in time to see Prof. Fuller, of the
Soc. department enter the room and announce
the text. Looking ver the class cards as per
custom, Herr Fuller began to call the roll: "Mr.
Cooper, Mr. Rinaldi, Mr. Patanelli, Mr. Olds, Mr.
Curren, Mr. Janke, Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Everhardus,
Mr. Kipke-Mr. Kipke, is Mr. Kipke here?"
About this time I began to see the great light
and aided by the figure of Bill Bates waving
frantically from the door that he hadtfound
out where the criminals were supposed to go, I
took my departure from morning signal practice,
and incidentally Soc. 51.
* * * *
INADVERTENTLY or otherwise, someone
brought a large cardboard containing indi-
vidual pictures of the Delta Gamma house to
The Daily office the other day, and in the course
of events the staff gathered around to pick the
girl whose picture appeared most attractive.
First honors went to Marion Fitzgerald, dubbed
"The Fitz," Monroe, Mich., junior.
PERHAPS the greatest combination of swell
gents ever almost collected under one roof
in the Law Club fell through this fall when cir-
cumstances arose over which the young bar-
risters had no control. Graf Sharpe, Freddie
George, Red Duffey, Pete Boder, Bob Henoch,
Bud Smith, and Chuck Kennedy planned to in-
habit their own section in the club and carry
on the traditions which have made them known
as just about the swellest gents the University
has had in a long time. But the evil arm of
marks and credits grabbed some, the Phi Delta
Phi House exerted pressure on others, and as a
result only Boder, George, and old Sharpy are
left of the originl group. Not so many you say,
but a great nucleus to work with.
* * * *
ADD Funny Rushing Stories: The Rushee who
had been absolutely unbearable all evening
gushing as he rises to make his departure,
"it's such a marvelous University, I want so
much to be a part of it all."
One Greek confiding casually to a rival fratter
that his house had so much trouble with their
rushees. The difficulty, according to the first
fellow is that the rushees want to pledge right
away and naturally the fraternity wants to keep
the rules. It must be awfully embarrassing.
* * * *
T'S A VERY FUNNY THING, but the Michigan
'State money, so plentiful all last year and
throughout the summer, has disappeared as the
day for the game with Michigan approaches.
That is just another indication of what I am
glad to go out on my limb to predict: A victory
for Michigan Saturday; a victory which will start
Michigan on her return to the football heights.
ten weeks Mr. Barbirolli will conduct programs
"nicely balanced between the standard classic
Works, varied with little-known compositions of
Purcell and the lesser-known symphonies of Mo-
zart and Haydn."
Following the Barbirolli regime, the Orchestra
will be in the hands of three composer-conduc-
tors: Igor Stravinsky, Georges Enesco, and Car-
los Chavez, each of whom will have approxi-
mately two weeks on the podium. Stravinsky,
of course, is well known as one of the outstand-
ing contemporary composers. Enesco is the
founder and leader of the new Roumanian school
of composition, and probably is best known as a
composer through his Roumanian Rhapsodies.
Chavez, in turn, is the foremost composer of
Mexico, and by his work as a teacher and a con-
ductor has done a great deal toward elevating the
musical standards of his country. Each of
these three men will lead the Orchestra for a
number of their own compositions.
For the concluding eight weeks of the season,
which closes on April 18, the Orchestra will be

under the direction of Artur Rodzinski, the com-
paratively young conductor who has recently
brought his ClevelandOrchestra into prominence
as one of the finer orchestras of the country.
Like a number of famous musicians, Mr. Rodzin-
ski prepared himself for a legal career as well
as a musical one; but the baton triumphed over
the bar, and he has enjoyed remarkable success
as a conductor in Warsaw, Los Angeles and
Cleveland. An important feature of Mr. Rod-
zinski's policy in Cleveland has been the com-
bining of opera with concerts as a part of the
regular subscription season. He plans to con-
tinue this policy while with the Philharmonic,
and, among other works, will present concert
versions of Strauss' Elektra, Honegger's King
David and the last act of Parsifal.
Thus we may look forward as usual this winter
to Sunday afternoons with the Philharmonic, via
radio. To those of us to whom the orchestra is
but sound and the vision of our "imagined eye,"
perhaps the absence of Toscanini will not be felt
as keenly as it will be in Carnegie Hall. As to
the years beyond, we can but hope for the best,
and feel with Lawrence Gilman that "Time goes
on the generations pass, audiences and conduc-
tors come and go, orchestral players, weary (A
counting bars, depart for a world where (it is
said) none but harpists and trumpeters need
work. The Philharmonic survives. It lives to-
day, it will live tomorrow, and as long thereafter
as we can see into a believable future. For the
purpose which it has served with singular fidelity
and honor and dignity for almost a century can
never seem irrelevant to a continuance of that
American civilization which it has helped to
acf-o~ich nrT n c'h ,, ~

Convention DAILY OFFIC
Publication in the Bulletin is con
University. Copy received at the ofl
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Axiomatic of any party convention VOL. XLVII No. 4
is the fact that none of the bands Notices
hired for the occasion can render anN i
adequate recital of the "Victors." The Senate Reception: The members ofj
band at the Republican national con- the faculties and their wives are cor-


vention in June mangled it badly, and
the crew at the Democratic gather-
ing at Philadelphia finished the job
by btchering it.
The band at the Republican rally
in Grand Rapids Tuesday was no
exception to the rule. A 30-piece
WPA band did an exceptional job
on thebvarious Sousa marches, but
when it played the "Victors" for Col.
Knox's entrance and exit, it knew
only the central movement, and had
to repeat it over and over again to
outlast the prolonged applause.
Suggestion along that line has been
made that Michigan's "Fighting
Hundred," now enlarged to 120,1
ought to take in at least one of the'
National conventions in 1940, per-1
haps the Republican meeting, to.
whoop it up for Senator Vandenberg
should not Landon be due for a sec-
ond term at the time.
* * *
The fiction that political bosses are
men of iron broke down at this con-
vention when administration men
gave in to the supporters of Howard
M. Warner of Farmington, candi-
date for the state treasurer nomina-
tion, after less than an hour and a
half of bickering. Gov. -Frank D.
Fitzgerald and henchmen were all
set to have'the job go to Lieutenant-
Governor Thomas Read, beaten for1
renomination in the primaries, to;
patch up party ranks.
As late as midnight the State Cen-
tral Committee was considering the
nomination in the bag for Read. At
that time, however, the Oakland;
County delgeation, still loyal and
carrying the second heaviest vote in
the state, announced that it would
carry the matter to a convention
floor fight.
- *
A Star Chamber argument fol-
lowed, but remembering the 4 a.m.
bout last spring in which Bruckerj
refused to withdraw .his candidacy
for U. S. Senator, the weary admin-
istration men gave in before 2 a.m.,
and the nomination went to Warner.
The fight came after all, though,
when Mecosta county adherents of
William Turner nominated him.-
Where Warner had been nominated
with the phrase that he had the1
"unique qualification of being an
honest and yet successful banker,"
Turner's supporters countered that
the qualification was not unique,1
since their man, too, had met success1
in the pursuit of banking. He met
less success in the balloting, however,
and with one fourth of the counties;
polled, withdrew graciously at the
short end of 254-41.-
Inconspicuously absent from the1
convention was lame duck Senator
James Couzens, who has 'thrown off
the party halter so long ago that,
having been booed for bolting from
the May convention, he was not even
missed at this one.
Male Mata Har
To the Editor:
Woman has long been recognized
as the most natural transmitter ex-
istent, the dispenser extraordinary of
endless information which concerns
her not one whit-"the sum total of
all the trivialities surrounding her
exaggerated by two." Such has been
her status and as such has she func-
tioned more or less harmlessly among
men for centuries. History records
the exploits of certain of these crea-
tures who have capitalized on this
instinct rather famously, women such
as the notorious Mata Hari and the
celebrated Okichi. Ordinary back-
fence chatter did not interest these
girls, they had to wheedle secrets of
state from close-mouthed politicians
by flaunting their sex appeal. Thus
the time honored rules of the female
spy game have made men the fall

And now, consistent with her top-
sey-iurveyness Japan has introduced
a complete turnabout in the game.
This time it is the man who brings
home the coveted bacon. Four re-
puted places of rendezvous here in
Tokyo, including this hotel, are be-
ing watched by hawk-eyed Metropol-
itan Police for certain "immoral for-
eigners" who practice their amours
on Japanese women for the purpose
of obtaining thereby information
concerning the secrets of the Em-
pire. As to what the earmarks of an
"immoral foreigner" would be, it is
difficult to guess, but from the defi-
nition one would surmise that any
foreigner who comports with a Jap-
anese maiden is a potential male
Mata Hari or "immoral foreigner."
Withal it puts the morals of the
Japanese women in an extremely du-
bious light, a deep injustice to the
world's most womanly women. It all
appears a part of the Government's

dially, invited to be present at a re-
ception by the president and the
senate of the University in honor of
the new members of the faculties to
be held on Tuesday evening, Oct. 27,
from 8:30 o'clock until 12 o'clock in'
the ballrooms of the Michigan Union.
The reception will take place between
8:30 and 10:00, after which there
will be an opportunity for dancing.
No individual invitations will be sent
La Verne Noyes Scholarships: All
students who intend to apply for La
Verne Noyes Scholarships are urged
to present their applications at once.
This applies also to those who wish
to renew scholarships held last year.
Application forms may be obtained
from the undersigned at 1021 Angell
Hall. Only veterans of the World
War and their blood descendants are
Fiank E. Robbins.
Smoking in University Buildings:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Uni-
versity buildings except in private of-
fices and assigned smoking rooms
where precautions can be taken and
control exercised. This is neither a
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
tempt to meddle with anyone's per-
sonal habits. It is established and
enforced solely with the purpose of
preventing fires. During the past two
years there have been 20 fires in Uni-
versity buildings, seven of which were
attributed to cigarettes. To be ef-
fective, the rule must necessarily ap-
ply to bringing lighted tobacco into
or through University buildings and
to the lighting of cigars, cigarettes,
and pipes within buildings-includ-
ing such lighting just previous to go-
ing outdoors. Within the last few
years a serious fire was started at
the exit from the Pharmacology
building by the throwing of a still
lighted match into refuse waiting
removal at the doorway. If the rule
is to be enforced at all its enforce-
ment must begin at the building en-
trance. Further, it is impossible that
the rule should be enforced with one
class of persons if another class of
persons disregards it. It is a dis-
agreeable and thankless task to "en-
force" almost any rule. This rule
against the use of tobacco within the
buildings is perhaps the most thank-
less and difficult of all, unless it has
the winning support of everyone con-
cerned. An appeal is made to all per-
sons using the University buildings-
staff members, students and others-
to contribute individual cooperation
to this effort to protect University
jbuildings against fires.
This statement is inserted at, the
request of the Conference of Deans.
Shirley W. Smith.
Faculty, School of Education: The
first regular luncheon meeting of the
Faculty will be held on Monday, Oct.
5, at 12:05, at the Michigan Union.
Faculty Meeting, College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts. The first
monthly faculty meeting will be held
in Room 1025 A.H. on Monday, Oct.
5 at 4:10 p.m.
School of Education, Changes of
Elections: All changes of elections of
students enrolled in this school must
be reported at the Registrar's Of-
fice, Room 4, University Hall. After
Oct. 3 such changes may be made
only after payment of a fee of $1.
Membership in a class; does not
cease nor begin until all changes
have been thus officially registered.
Arrangements made with the instruc-
tors only are not official changes.
New Women Students with Ad-
vanced Standing, Hygiene Exemption
Examination: All new women ,stu-
dents with advanced standing who
have taken a course in Hygiene at

another institution for which* they
have received no University credit
should take the hygiene, exemption
examination. This will be given at 8
o'clock on Saturday morning, Oct. 2
in the West Amphitheatre of the
West Medical Building. This will be
the only opportunity to take the
examination. Any questions should
be referred to Dr. Schutz at the
Health Service.
Hygiene Lecture No. 2 for - In
will be given today at 3, 4 and 5 p.m.
and on Friday, Oct. 2, at 3, 4 and 5
p.m. in Room 25 Angell Hall.
Field Hockey for Undergraduate
Women: Undergraduate women who
have not had asmedicalrre-check
this semester must report to the
Health Service before playing hockey.
Field Hockey for Graduate Women:
Graduate students wishing to play
field hockey should be at the Wom-

Contemporary: Manuscripts for
the first issue should be left at the
English office, 3221 Angell Hall as
soon as possible.
Academic Notices
French 207 (Old French): The
next meeting of the class will be
today at 10 a.m. in Room 408 R.L.
German 207, Old High German,
will meet in Room 303 South Wing
today at 7 p.m.
English 159, Sec. 2, will meet in
Room 231 A. H. instead of 1209 A.H.,
today at 10 a.m.
Paul Mueschke.
English 197-Honors Course: The
first meeting of the class will be held
at 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 2, in the
English Seminar Room, 3217 A.H.
W. G. Rice

structive notice to all members of the
lice of the Assistant to the President
Student Mail: Students expecting
mail addressed in care of the Uni-
versity should call at the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall.

Mathematics 300.
Seminar. First meeting
hours Friday, Oct. 2, 3
3201 Angell Hall.

to arrange
p.m. Room

Mathematics 233. N-dimensional
Geometry. Next meeting Friday, Oct.
2, 2 p.m. in Room 3001 Angell Hall.
Mathematics 327. Seminar in the
Mathematical Theory of Statistics.
Therm will be a meeting of those in-
terested in Room 0O Angell Hall,
today at 4 p.m., to arrange hours.
Psychology 39 will meet in Room
300 West Medical Building.
Psychology 33L, 35, 37. All students
in these courses are required to at-
tend an introductory lecture con-
cerning laboratory work on Friday,
Oct. 2, at 4 p.m. in 3126 N. S. Build-
History 47. Section 6, Tu at 3, will
meet Haven Hall, Room G.
E.M. 16
C. E. 65a Seminar in the Advanced
Theory of Structures. This semirar
will meet in Room 307 West En-
gineering Bldg. on Tuesdays end
Thursdays at 11 a.m. The first me t-
ing on Oct. 1 will be devoted to a
discussion of program for the con-
ing year. All students and factty
members are cordially invited to gt-
tend and participate in the discus-
sion of current problems in ie-
chanics and structural engineering.
University Lecture: Sir Joseph Br-
croft, Professor of Physioogy in
Cambridge University, England, will
lecture on the subject "The Origin of
Respiratory Movements in Foetal
Life" today at 4:15 p.m. in the, Na-
tural Science Auditorium. The lec-
ture will be illustrated with moving
pictures. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: V. Gordon
Childe, B.Litt., professor of Prebis-
toric Archaeology at the University
of Edinburgh, Scotland, will lec4ure
on the subject "The Early Ciyiiza
tion of the Indus Valley" on UQUO~Y,
Oct. 5, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Al-
umni Memorial Hall. The lecture
will be illustrated with slides. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Varsity Glee Club Quartette: Try-
outs will be held tonight after regular
Glee Club rehearsal.
Varsity Glee Club: Tryouts and re-
hearsal tonight from 7 to 8:30, and
Sunday from 4:30 to 6, in Club
rooms at the Union.
Alpha Gamma Sigma: There will
be a meeting tonight at 7:30 in the
League Publicity Committee: There
will be a short meeting at 4 p.m. to-
day in the Undergraduate Office of
the League.
Coming Events
Women's Field Hockey: For all
students who wish to play elective
hockey, open practices will be held on
Tuesday and Thursday from 4:15 to
5:30 on Palmer Field during the two
weeks of rushing. First practice
starts this afternoon.
Freshmen Rendezvous: Men, womi-
en and counselors are invited to Dr.
Blakeman's home, 5 Harvard Place,
Sunday afternoon, Oct. 4, from 3 to 6.
y Mimes, Union Opera: All Mimes
and other students who have written
story or music for an all Men's mu-.
sical show are asked to attend a
meeting at 4:30 Monday afternoon,
Oct. 5, at the Union.
Stalker Hall: There will be a "Try
Vr Skill" nrto Fridavevenine at

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