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January 28, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-28

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THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 197

Japan'sCrisis Churches Support 1
apa sFlood Relief Drivel
Is Credited To 1_1
Ann Arbor's churches are respond-
r ndstanding to the call for donations of food,
~JJ(~iL1L~I~I...I1I~ clothing, money and medical supplies
to aid flood relief, a check-up re-
vealed yesterday.
Stanton Says Creation Of An outright donation of money was
Puppet State Enforced made by the Presbyterian church to

Houseboat Drifting On Cincinnati's Streets

The current impasse in Japanese
political affairs, arising out of a de-
cisive military budget controversy,
was described yesterday by Prof. John
W. Stanton of the history department
as a result of the military group's
effort to cash in on its "grandstand-
ing" in the past six years.
"This grandstanding," Professor
Stanton explained, "began with the
first Japanese conquests in Manchu-
ia and the formation in 1932 of the
puppet state of Manchuria. The
effect, for the, Japanese people at
home, was an increased nationalism,
enhancing the prestige of the army."
Army Has Rivals
"Unfortunately," he continued,
"the army was not without rivals.
The naval men, who for obvious rea-
sons had not participated in the
North Chinese conquest, in order to
gain publicity and prestige, precipi-
tated an attack on Shanghai. Conse-
quently, the navy received increased
appropriations in addition to pres-
tige." -
The continuous expansion of the
Japanese military clique toward the
west in Asia, Professor Stanton de-
clared, obscured that group's per-
spective of more important matters,
particularly the military's failure to
realize the significance of interna-
tional relations.
Family Has Had Prosperity
"Simultaneous with the rise of the
military to a position where it vir-
tually controlled the foreign and do-
mestic policies of the empire," Pro-
fessor Stanton observed, "the civilian
political parties continued to decline
in prestige and power. Until the
Manchurian conquest, the civilian
controlled government had main-
tained freedom of speech and other
civil rights. It had also conducted
a moderate foreign policy."
Professor Stanton stated that the
Japanese family, considered a unit
as contrasted with the individual of
the Western world, had enjoyed
prosperity since the assumption of
power by the military by having more
members at work in the industrial

the Red Cross, out of the church
funds. At the Methodist Episcopal
church a truck load of supplies has
already been sent to the local Red
Cross office and the church has been
made the center for storing additional
supplies until such time as they will
be called for for delivery to the
flood stricken areas.
St. Andrew's church gave a bridge
party yesterday under the auspices of
the women of the parish to raise
money for flood aid, and a collection
box has been placed in the church
office for a similar purpose.
The various organizations of the
Zion Lutheran church have contrib-
uted clothes, foodstuffs and money to
the Red Cross and donations are still
being received by the church.
Six Ortranizers
SAGINAW, Jan. 27.--(A')-A crowd
gathered outside the city police sta-
tion tonight after six organizers for
the United Automobile Workers of
America had been given protective
custody in the headquarters jail.
The men were brought here after
they had gone to Bay City and their
automobiles were surrounded by a
One report said all six were
brought here by Frank Anderson, Bay
City police superintendent, and union
officials. Another version was that
Anderson brought only four of the
men here. This account said the two
others were abducted from Bay City
and that police rescued them from
theri captors. The report said no
one was hurt.
Soon after the six men were placed
in the city jail a crowd formed out-
side, but no disorder was reported.
Jail entrances were guarded to pre-
vent any members of the crowd from
The Union organizers gave their
names as John Mayo, Anthony Fer-
deroff, Joseph Ditzel, W. J. Hymes,
William Boyd and Frank O'Rourke.
They had driven to Saginaw from

Under the auspices of the Hopwood All Michigan Dames are invited to Sterzini Autopsy
Committee Robert P. Tristram Coffin to come to the meeting of the Drama
lectures on "What Poems Are and Group to be held at the League, Exonerates ib Jett
Sow I Make Tham," Friday, Jan. 29, today at 8 p.m. The Robert Sher-
at 8:15 p.m., in Lydia Mendelssohn wood play, "Idiot's Delight" will be
Theatre. Tickets on sale at Wahr's, presented by a committee under the NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-(P)-Law-
Lhe Hopwood Room, 3227 AngellHall, chairmanship of Mrs. Harold Kruger. rence Tibbett, swashbuckling star of
and he Teate Bo Offce.opera and screen, was exonerated
----Art Study Group: There will be a completely today of any blame in the
meeting today at 2 p.m. at the home death of Joseph Sterzini, a choral
Exhibitions of Mrs. Charles A. Sink, 1325 Olivia F singer whom he acciderntally stabbed
Exhibition, Architectural Build- Ave. during a rehearsal yesteruay.
Dr. Thomas A. Gonzales acting
ing: Photographs of work of artists chief medical examiner, said an au-
in the fields of painting, sculpture, Coming Events topsy showed Sterzini died of heart
architecture, and landscape archi- disease, and not as a result of a stil-
tecture, secured through the College Women's Research Club will meet etto wound inflicted by Tibbett.
Art Association of New York from at 7:30 p.m. Monday evening, Feb. 1, .
the Alumni Association of the Ameri- in Room 3024, Museums Bldg. Miss
:an Academy in Rome, are being Margaret Liebe will speak on "In- Inter-Faith Symposium: The third
ihown in the third floor Exhibition heritance of epilepsy and waltzing in meeting of the Inter-Faith Sympo-
show inthe hir flor Ehibtio hertane o epieps insium will be held on Sunday, Feb. 28,
Room. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Peromyscus."'insteadiof Feb.e14,nfromd3yoFeb. m.
Sunday, through Jan.' 30. The pub- FEerdo eb.
ic is cordially invited. The Motion Picture Producers and vynmd
Distributors of America, Inc., Com-
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in- munity Service Division, will present Hillel Players: Final tryouts for the
Juding ancient bronzes, pottery and a free showing of films selected for three-act play, "They Too Arise," will
>easant paintings, sponsored by the their value in resenting individual be held Friday, Jan. 29, 7 p.m. at the
[nstitute of Fine Arts, at the Archi- and social problems for group dis- Hille Foundation, corner of Oakland

-Associated Press Photo
Bicaking away from its moorings, this houseboat is shown drifting
with the current along what was a principal thoroughfare in the flood
covered city of Cincinnati where transportation, except by boat, was
at a standstill.

(Continued from Page 4)
and colleges of the University other
than the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, with consent of the respec-
tive deans.
Premedical and Science Students:
None of Dr. Lee's several French and
German Scientific Reading Courses
nor Sociology 187 (advanced course
in the History of Medicine) will be
given in the second semester.
E.E. 7a. Building Illumination, will
have its final examination on Satur-
day morning, Jan. 30, at 8 a.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering Build-
ing (directly opposite the regular
lecture room). This is in accordance
with the circumstances and desires
of a large majority of the class.
Mathematics, (College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts): The ex-
aminations in Mathematics 1, 2, 3,
and 7 will be held Saturday, Feb. 6,
9-12 a.m., according to the following
Instructor Room
Anning 25 A.H.
Bradshaw 25 A.H.
Coe 25 A.H.

Copeland 2003 A.H.
Elder 1035 A.H.
Ford 1035 A.H.
Menge 2225 A.H.
Karpinski 2225 A.H.
Myers 231 A.H.
Nyswander 205 M.H.
Raiford 205 M.H.
Schneckenburger 2003 A.H.

tectural Building. Open daily from 9
to 5 p.m. except Sunday through the
month of February. Illustrated lec-
ture to be announced. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Of Today
The German Journal Club will
meet today at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 304 at the Michigan Union.
Dr. Lee will present a paper entitled
"Schnitzler, Mediziner und Dichter."
Demonstration of Recordak and
Argus Projectors: From 9 to 10 a.m.
this morning in Room 110 of the
General Library, the Eastman Com-
pany's Recordak projector and the
Argus projector will be demonstrated
by Mr. Eugene Power of Edwards
Brothers. Persons interested in mi-
crophotography are invited to be
Varsity Glee Club: 7 to 9 p.m. to-
Presbyterian Students: There will
be a supper-meeting tonight at 6p.m.
at the Masonic Temple dining room.
Dr. Lemon will give readings from
the Book of Job as a Dramatic Poem..
Dean and Mrs. James B. Edmonson
will be the-host and hostess. Reser-
vations must be telephoned the
church office (6005) by noon.

cussion, on Saturday morning, Jan. 30
from 10 to 12 o'clock in the Michigan
Theatre. Mr. Irving I. Deer, form-
erly active on the Committee on So-
cial Values in Motion Pictures, of
which Dean Howard M. Le Sourd of
Boston University is chairman, will
answer questions concerning the use
of these films in community groups.
All interested are invited to attend.
Esperanto: The Esperanto class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 29.

and East University.
Many parts have not yet been cast,
and everyone is eligible to tryout.
Those who have already appeared,
should come back for the final cast-
and Jewelry Repairing
at Reasonable Prices.
' crystals 35c
21 S. State Paris Cleaners


) i/

Aero. 6 - Experimental Aerody-
namics: The final examination in this
course will be given on Thursday,
Feb. 4 from 2-6, in Room 2300 East
Engineering Building. Notes and re-
ports may be used.
Aeronautical Engineering: Stu-
dents wishing to elect Aero 20, Ad-
vanced Fluid Mechanics, during the
second semester should notify the
secretary in the department office as
soon as possible.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University carillonneur will give a
30-minute recital on the Charles
Baird Carillon in the Marion LeRoy
Burton Memorial Tower at 4:15 p.m.
this afternoon.
University Lecture: Dr. Olaf Hel-
mer, of Berlin, will lecture on "The
Logical Foundations of Mathematics"
in 1025 Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m., Fri-
day, Jan. 29. The public is cordially

It has to be done sooner
or later why not NOW?
SMART? A group of you swains
order your Corsages in one lot.
Save time, money, and trouble.
Chelsea Flower Shop

Proportion Of Women Working
On Campus Shown Equal To Men

It may be that modern co-eds are
taking full benefit of their privileges
under women's rights, or perhaps
they have a greater' thirst for know-
ledge, but statistics of Mrs. Byrl F.
Bacher, assistant dean of women, on
women's employment on the campus,
reveal that proportionally there are
about as many women students work-
ing their way through college as men.l
"Most people think of men students"
as the only ones to work their way
through school," Mrs. Bacher said,
"but actually this year at Michigan
there is almost as great a proportiona
of women working their way through
as men. Aside from a very large num-'
ber of women doing NYA work, there
are about 600 girls on the campus
who are either wholly or partially
self-supporting. Their types of work
vary from dress-designing to caring
for children, and from permanent
secretarial work to short-time work
of an hour or two at intervals."
Have Jobs In Homes
There are approximately 125 wom-
en on the campus who earn their en-
tire maintenance, Mrs. Bacher stated,
mainly by working in private homes,
in return for room and board. Then;
there is a larger number of about 170
who earn their board in tearooms,
restaurants, hotels and dormitories,
while several women do occasional
work such as serving suppers assist-,
ant caterers' jobs, and caring for
children. Besides doing these typest
of "Occasional" work a large group;
is placed each year in more or less
permanent stenographical work by1
the University office personnel divi-
"Several interesting individual
types of work are done by students
on the campus aside from the large
main types," Mrs. Bacher added.
"Some of the women do work in
nursery schools in Ann Arbor, or do
library research, while several work
in physicians' and dentists' offices at
part-time work.

Many girls do afternoon and Sat- F
urday clerking in Ann Arbor stores,
and lately the college departments of
stores such as Marshall-Field's, Hud-
son's and Himmelhoch's have been
asking for college women for vacation
clerking work. Other girls type theses
to earn money, while some do occa-
sional work in photographers' and
art studios. Lately some of the girls
have been doing campfire and girl
scout work."
All of the positions are filled
through the office of the dean of
women in Barbour gymnasium. Girls
fill in special cards giving data of
the types of work they desire and of
work for which they are qualified.
These are classified by the women's
employment division of the office of
the dean of women, and employers
seeking student help may apply
through this office. Women students
applying for permanent positions at
the office personnel division. are re-
quired to take stenographic and of-
fice clerical tests before their ap-
plications are accepted.
Employment Increasing
Employment among women stu-
dents has been increasing steadily in
recent years, Mrs. Bacher stated, al-
though the types of positions offered
vary somewhat in different periods.
Lately the office has placed several
girls in summer jobs as governeses or
camp directors, but most of its work is
confined to finding jobs for student::
during the school year. Statistics
show the average scholastic record of
women working their way through
the University is relatively high. Last,
year women students earned about
All makes send tiodels.
Bought, Sold, . Rented,
Exchanged, Repaired,
0. . Morrill

You're delicious ,
You're delightful
You're d' lovery -
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is I/c' Itat youn ibya
(pcar hi 3iC o our sre
slioroats for-mas . . . ecna s
So that you will be lovely and charming
at the 1937 J-Hor, our store offers you - be-
sides a breath-taking selection of formals-
beautiful Velvet Evening Wraps, creations of
the latest modes.
Also we have the very sheerest of EVENING

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:ranges and these are some of the re-
ti plies . Forty-one thousand of your
neighbors now cook electrically. Wheri
- you buy a new stove, make sure that
'y ~it is ELECTRIC ... and enjoy advan-"
. tages that no other stove will give
.. . .. . .. . .: : .. .
L ' ~1



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