PA vu GE FO THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'THURSDAY, JAN. 29,-11937 FAGE FOUR WHURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY v - ln+- xcurm.o' r - 436 Member 1937 PdsoCaed Cbie6 e Press Distributors of Colle 6ioe Du~st Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4 00; by mail, $4.5.. REPESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTiSING BY National Advertising Servide, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. New YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES PORTLAND . SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITORE...............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros. Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A.rPierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Heper, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JEAN KEINATH Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu- r chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton Ketcham, Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, Bill New- nan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole. Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dode Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers Jack Staple. AccountsManager; Richard Croushore Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wfsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SPALLER The Need For Federal Mediation. . AS WE GO TO PRESS, Secretary Perkins announces her appeal to House and Senate leaders for power to intervene in the settlement of the automobile strike. The problem is squarely in the hands of the Federal government, and the inadequacy of fed- eral machinery to handle the situation is pathe- tically evident. The shortcomings of the Wagner, Labor Act-its lack of mediation powers, its one- sidedness, poorly defined philosophy and quasi- judicial function-make it necessary that a fed- eral mediation system be set up, and that such temporary powers be vested in Secretary Perkins for the settlement of the present dispute. Consider the mediation system set up by Con- gress in rail and air transportation. The New York World Telegram says of the eleven-year-old Railway Labor Act: "This statesmanlike law recognizes the right of workers to bargain collectively, declares it the duty of carriers and their workers "to, exert every reasonable effort to make and maintain agreements," provides for majority rule in de 7 termining labor's bargainers, and sets up the National Mediation Board to act as umpire. All these things the Wagner law does, but the railman's act goes further. It provides for ex- pert and informed mediation of disputes. From the time either workers or carriers give notice of a demand for a change in an agreement, the government is..on the job, finding facts, arrang- ing meetings, getting the disputants together and striving toward an agreement satisfactory to both. During all this negotiating and cooling-off time the old agreement stands and the traffic goes on. And only if all other efforts fail is the President appealed to for a special mediation board. It is more than significant that since this act was passed in 1926 there has not been a major strike on any American railroad. Com- pare such a record with that of other industries or with the rail labor chaos of 1921-22 and through the years before. "We need such a service for shipping, manu- facturing and other industries important to com- merce and impinging on the public welfare ...." Ii THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial Importance and interest to the campus. Give It Time To the Editor: I agree with Mr. Tomlinson and O. K. Arhar that "it's better to have half a world healthy than the whole world Hell." But still, Mr. Ar- har is not being quite fair to the "International- ists." We all have to admit that the League of Nations, as planned by President Wilson, was a beautiful theory; but it failed to work out in practice the first time it was tried. International Cooperation was a new idea in 1918. After cen- turies of intermittent wholesale slaughter, the world could not be expected to make an imme- diate success of such an innovational idea. The nations of Europe must be given a chance to gradually accept the New World's cooperation in place of the Old World's competition. Who are we to squelch the IDEA of international coopera- tion at this early stage and to tell its advocates to go jump in the lake? It took thousands of years for the world to accept the basic principles of most of our modern institutions. Public edu- cation and representative government were not proclaimed absolute, practical 20 years after their respective ideas were first put forth. So don't be too hasty, Mr. Arhar. Europe may yet catch the spirit of New World Pan-Americanism! -E.U. People Cool Off In Winter To the Editor: During the summer session informal parties are held at the League and Union-everyone is invited for a nominal fee and in spite of tord heat many students attend. We are social beings and want to meet other people. The summer session is aware of this situation. During the winter session, however, no such mixers are offered to the general student body. There are church mixers, graduate school gatherings, but what about the rest of us who are neither church members nor graduates-where can we meet people? We want to meet other students, but how? -Elie Benne University Education To the Editor: 1. A university education should enable a student to think for himself. If a student, after four years of university education, has not learned to think for himself he has largely wast- ed his time. He has imbibed a lot of information that will prove of but slight value to him in later life. Of course the student has done some thinking in connection with his studies but this is generally limited to understanding the thoughts of others: Lectures, assignments in textbooks, outside reading. Such thinking is not forming an independent judgment. Inde- pendent judgment can be acquired only by dis- cussion, comparison with authorities and finally by drawing conclusions. It must be remembered that the object of education is the cultivation of the critical function. There is no royal road to the art of learning to think. 2. A university education should prepare the student for citizenship. If a student has not been prepared for cit- izenship he becomes an easy prey to the poli- ticians. There is no more sacred duty than LN take an intelligent interest in the welfare of one's country. The following studies were recently recommended in connection with a fuller under- standing of modern life: History, economics, so- ciology, anthropology, social psychology, govern- ment. It seems that these studies are adapted to preparing the student for citizenship. 3. A university education should arouse in the student curiosity about matters of importance that lie outside of his particular studies. To limit one's interest to one's own line of work or, specialty usually results in narrow-minded- ness and lack of sympathy with the other fel- low's viewpoint. -M. Levi. Murphy And The Picture To the Editor: For the sake of things in general The Daily should be more careful what it prints on its front page. The reporter who wrote that inter- view with a Union Tap Room bus boy should have considered the serious consequences before taking such brash action. Of course the reporter can clear himself by saying he did not write anything but what the bus boy told him, which would be kinda low as nobody holds a Union bus boy responible for anything he says. As a patron of both dining-room and Tap Room I am in a position to fully comprehend both sides of this vicious situation, and I would like to present the whole truth of this matter. To gain first hand dope I took aside one of the waiters-a guy known as "Murphy" to those on the inside. I won't reveal his real name for the sake of him and his neck. When I questioned him he at first denied knowledge of the existence of any bus boy in the Union at all. After press- ing him he admitted there were some in the Tap Room but that nobody paid any attention to 'em. Then he broke down completely and between deep sobs he told me how flabbergasted and humiliated were the poor waiters. "Why, half the boys have already handed in their resignations," he said between quivering lips, "and 10 of the others are so affected that they carry the tray against their stomachs like bus boys." I asked him about the remaining ones. "They atheletes," said Murphy. "What leaves us so dished," said Murphy, BENEATH **** +++ IT ALL m=---y BORnthWillims - Dear Mr. Williams: SYMPATHIZE WITH YOU. There have been occasions when I have read your material in the Daily, and, having written something of the sort ages ago, have found myself wondering if I mightn't do something to relieve you. For, I can appreciate the great strain it must be on you and on your friends to get out your daily ration of copy. Sometimes I have found myself bending over your typewriter (just in the imag- ination, my friend; not literally) and have per- spired over some bit to work up into about a stick of good stuff. That process of "cudgeling the brain" in which art you, too, I presume, are a paste master remained with me only so long as I had your bit before my eyes. Thank heavens, though, this is a co-ed university. Still, your bit in which you make certain half-hearted remarks about the rackets and sucker-lists gave me the idea of writing to you about just such things, only, perhaps, differing in that these are not half-hearted but emphatically the real business, the four stars that Hennessey and the Daily News made famous. Now in my town (notice the young-man-on-a- journey attitude) we have rackets what are! If one walks along Broadway during any time of the day or evening one is liable to run slam bang into one of those fellows who dispense admis- sion tickets to any of the many dance halls which are to be found all over the Mazda Merry- go-round. The ticket assures the gullible that it is absolutely free to enter. However the string grows taut: When Joe Ninny arrives he is quick- ly relieved of all false ideas and enough change for one sitting. You see, the admission is free but you must, out of courtesy to the house, buy tickets to dance, a number of them at once be- ing compulsory. So, at the start, it costs you four-bits. To get the most out ofyour stupidity, you decide that you'll dance thoe tickts with one of the pretty hostesses. That's when you make your big mistake: It is now not a case of you getting the most out of the tickets, but the shoe (or hat) is on the hostess' foot (or head) because she (that lovely rag, and lovely bone and gorgeous hank of hair) has decided to get the most out of you. Of coure, you might say that the dope shouldn't have gone in once he saw that his purse was to be involved. But, Mr. Williams, you try to back out of such a situa- tion. You'll hate like the devil to admit being taken for a ride, and you'll go in anyway "for the sake of the experience." Then a second racket we know back home is one in which the newspaper business plays an unwilling part. One of the ways in which our thieving gentry get the lay-out for a prospective job (parlance for "determining the obstacles to be overcome in realizing a neat theft," Mr. Wil- liams) is that employed through use of the re- porter gag. Oh, it's very simple. All you need is a card printed with a nice sounding name on it (like Robert Taylor, for instance) and in one corner you have the name of one of the bet- ter known newspapers of your city printed on it. Then determine upon one spot where a reason- ably large haul may be made, and present your- self. The card will give you access to all points of interest, such are the vagaries of human na- ture. Then you leave knowing all about the place. P.S. It has been used quite frequently in New York; so they're wise to it. You'd better not try it there. P.P.S. It is really a neat racket. P.P.P.S. The haul must be large, because when you're caught those lawyers, politicians and fixers want plenty to get you out. Then, in conclusion, let me say something about the package racket. This one requires a uniform, but, when worked efficiently, it pays off the cost of that overhead very rapidly. If it doesn't work efficiently, you probably won't worry about paying it off, for creditors don't bother people in your new social position. The necessities are the uniform to wear which will resemble that of a popular delivery service, a package designed to represent a purchase, enough papers to weight the inside convincingly, a smile and the ability to say something inter- esting about a package, C.O.D., and a price to make the wages lucrative. Also, enough speed to get out of the neighborhood quickly. It'll be too bad for this racket when people begin to inspect their purchases before they pay C.O.D., but the boys manage well enough at present not to worry about this. Now, when you consider these profitable en- terprises, you must admit that your so-called rackets are sissy stuff. They lack the vitality of the real business. -Charles A. London. P.S. As an odd thought, here's a bon mot to annoy you: Socrates must have been a very pleasant and thoughtful old gentleman. He once advised : "Marry by all means! If you get a good wife, you will become very happy; if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher- and that is good for every man." The pay off seems to be all right at either end, only, somehow, I know a fellow who was the exception to the rule. What? You do too. I didn't know two fellows could fit in the dog- house at the same time. though, but more care should be exercised in the future. Murphy told me confidentially that he is ar- ranging to rent the entire front of Angell Hall and have each waiter's picture pasted up. "And each pitcher, individual ones y'under- TH EATR E Broadway Holiday By C. SHARPLESS HTCKMAN (From The Chicago Maroon) in "THE WINGLESS VICTORY" Maxwell Anderson has allowed the 'eauty of his language to lead him nto a vale of contentment, and he ias been so intrigued by himself that ie cannot find a way out. In the first place "The Wingless Victory" the name of a Dutch ship, if you must know), is a shameful steal from Joseph Hergesheimer's "Java Head." fhe only major difference is that in flay form the story has been placed, in Mr. Anderson's contented mind, apon the broad stage of Attic trag- edy. Miss Katharine Cornell is given iines to shout to the delirious stars 'land the despairing customers) which could only be suitable for a Sopho- clean. The character of Oparre-the prin- cess from the Celibes married to the prodigal son of a religious Salem family-is gilded in the golden flame of golden words. Miss Cornell is :creed to stand before an amber spot. light and in that gloriously rich voice of hers intone words which if wovern well into a great play might be sub- lime, but which in this case cadence and throb beautifully out to the unre- membering audience and into the un- remembering night. It is the highest tribute to Miss Cornell'sgreat powers asour leading tagedienne that she does not seem in the least silly in this play. She stands out bravely delivering these verbal honeysuckle blossoms and not only manages to keep her artistic balance, but even to give the play some small stature. If any actress can win anything more than empher- mal praise for this Anderson opus., it is she-and she is struggling hard to do so. THERE are many other worthwhile evenings to be had on Broad- way, but space grows short. In "To.- night at 8:30" Mr. Noel Coward gain his tops in sophisticated Cowardice. Especially did I enjoy "Ways and Means," wherein a Riviera robbe does a good turn for two guests fi- nancially stranded in the house, and "Fumed Oak," a bitter play about father and family life. The two other Gilbert Miller hits are "Promise" and "Tovai'ich." The former is not being well received. probably due to the fact that Broad- way is not in the mood for a quiet evening at the theatre-especially if not in costume. Sir Cedric Hard- wicke here does a beautiful bit of un- derplaying-really negative playing- to Irene Browne's bitter picture of a friendless woman who has alienated her husband and her children from her. The dullness of the first act fortunately gives way to a growingly forceful introspective atmosphere which is admirably carried by the other two players, Frank Lawton and Jean Forbes-Robertson. "Tovarich" is full of charm and laughs and therefore is a whopping drawing card. Naturally John Halli- day is svelte, but the most gracious comedienne on Broadway is certainly Italy's Marta Abba. Refreshing is a trite word to express her bubbling nonchalance and sincere charm in the part of the Grand Duchess turned maid to a Parisian household. "THE WHITE HORSE INN" is so gigantic that you could easily loose the entire production of "The Great Waltz" in one scene of it. It is gargantuan in color, in size, in music, in ensemble and in everything from its steamboat to its yodeler (ess). When they take that on tour it will require the cooperation of the Association of American Railroads plus a theatre almost as big as Sol- dier's Field. The funniest two acts I have ever seen are the first two of Kaufman and Hart's "You Can't Take It Witb You," which is panicking standing room at the Booth. This inanity about a family in which mother writes plays (because a typewriter was delivered by mistake eight years ago); father raises snakes, collects stamps, prays to God informally as "Sir," and feels you might as well enjoy yourself while you are here; sister would like to be a ballerina and ser's husbnd has a toy printing press and plays the Xylophone; the boarder (he was the iceman seven years ago and he has just staye*, after he had delivered 100 lbs.) pose: for mother as the "discus thrower"; and mother's brother makes fire- works in the basement-well you can see for yourself what happens when mother's brother's daughtei brings the Park Avenue family of her boy friend home to dinner on the night they weren't expected. Christian To Offer All-Bach Program Palmer Christian, University or- ganist, will offer an all-Bach program at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Audi- torium. Four compositions on this program will be played here by Mr. Christian for the first time. He will present three of the Pre- iudes and Fugues of Bach. A group of Choral Preludes and a third group of miscellaneous materials including 44o ". Tin"' LI,, a,, a nd 1nc f r .n in DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 91 Noic6es Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: It is requested by the Administrative Board that all in- structors who make reports of In- complete or Absent from examina- tion give also information showing the character of that part of the work which has been completed. This may be done by the use of the sym- bols, I (A), X (B), etc. Notice to Students Planning to do Directed Teaching: Students expect- ing to do directed teaching the sec- ond semester are urged to interview Dr. Schorling today in Room 2435, University Elementary School, ac- cording to the following schedule: 1 to 2 p.m, Latin, French, German. 2 to 3 p.m., English, speech, fine arts. . 3 to 4 p.m., Mathematics, science, commercial.- 4 to 5 p.m., Social Studies. It is of the utmost importance that seniors come to this conference for, everything else being equal, the op- portunities for'directed teaching will be assigned in order of application. Any student who has a definite ap- pointment at the hour suggested should report for a conference at one of the other periods. Every effort will be made to meet his needs. Social D i r e c t o r s, Chaperons, Househeads:University Women: Girls may obtain out-of-town per- mission from their househeads when they have finished all their examina- tions. Permission to be absent from Ann Arbor between exaiinations should be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Women. Automobile Regulation: Permission to drive for social purposes during the week-end of the J-Hop from Fri- ,ay, Feb. 12, at noon until Monday, Feb. 15, at 8 a.m., may be obtained at Room 2, University Hall through the following proceedure. 1. Parent signature cards should be secured at this office and sent home for the written approval of the par- ents. 2. Upon presentation of the signed card together with accurate infor- mation with regard to the make, type and license number of the car to be used, a temporary permit will be ;ranted. It is especially important 'o designate the year of the license plates (1936 or 1937) which will be on the car during the week-end of Feb. 12. 3. Out of town cars used for the week-end must not be brought into Ann Arbor before 12 noon on Friday, Feb. 12, and must be taken out be- 1'ore 8 a.m. on Monday morning, Feb. 15. The foregoing will not apply to those students who possess regular iriving permits. The above permis- sion will automatically be granted to this group. Dean of Students. Graduate School: All graduates who expect to complete the requirements For a degree at the close of the res- ent semester should call at the office of the Graduate chool, 1006 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in making application for the degree. This application should be filed not later than the end of January. Registration forms for the second semester are available in the office. Graduate Students are urged to fill out the forms in advance as no special arrangements are being made for the registration period. Fees must be paid in Waterman Gymna- ium, February 11, 12 and 13. The late registration fee will be charged beginning Monday, February 15. New students, or students trans- Ferring, should, at an early date, ask the Secretary of their School or College to prepare and send to the office of the Graduate School an )fficial transcript of their under- ;raduate records. New students are advised to apply for admission in advance of registration. University Women: Out of respect to those who are studying for exam- ;nations, all women students are re- 4uested not to move until Thursday, ?riday, Saturday, or Sunday, Feb. 11, 12, 13, or 14. Registration, All Students: 1. Each student should register for aimself. He may take only his reg- stration card into the Gymnasium. 2. Gatekeepers are not authorized to make exceptions to the printed ,chedule of admission to the Gym- nasium. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Classification: All student classify- ing in the Gymnasium: 1. Changes of elections are not to be made in the Gymnasium, but are to be made in Room 4 U.H. Feb. 15 and thereafter. 2. Students eligible for Concen- tration should call for their candi- ment of Commerce, Washington, D. C., salary, $2,000. Seniors are el- igible. Announcements have also been received of Civil Service ex- aminations for Junior Observer in Meteorology, Weather Bureau, De- partment of Agriculture, salary, $1,- 440; also for Elevator Mechanician, National Park Service, Branch of Buildings Management, Interior De- partment, Washington, D.C., salary, $1,680. (The last two examinations (do not require college training.) University Bureau of Appoint- ments: Mr. J. R. Knisely of Firestone ITire & Rubber Company, Akron, O., 3 will be at the Bureau on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 1 and 2, to interview applicants for their sales division. For appointments call 4121, Ext. 371-or come to the Bureau at 201 Mason Hall. English I, Final Examination, Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2-5 p.m.: The fol- lowing schedule of rooms and in- structors provides for all sections: Ackerman, 2054 N.S. Baker, 103 R.L. Cassidy, 103 R.L. Ellinger, 225 A.H. Everett, 2014 A.H. Ford, 205 M.H. Green, 205 M.H. Greenhunt, 208 U.H. Haines, E, Haven. Hart, 302 M.H. Hathaway, 203 U.H. Helm, 225 A.H. Jones, 201 U.H. Kistler, 301 U.. Knode, 1025 A.H. Leedy, 4003 A.H. Meyer, 4203 A.H. Nelson, 3231 A.H. Ogden, 1025 A.H. O'Neill, 1209 A.H. Proctor, 2013 A.H. Ramsdell, W. Lect. Rettger, 2203 A.H. Rowe, 2016 A.H. Schenk, W. Lect. Stevens, 1121 N.S. Seager, W. Lect. Wagner, 2029 AHI Walcutt, 2219 A.H. Weimer, 229 A.H. Wells, 1025 A.H. Whitehall, 2203 AH. Woodbridge, 2215 A.H. English 46, Introduction to Ameri- can Literature: Because of the fact that no other course in American Lit- erature is given this year, students may be admitted to English 46 al- though they have not had English 45. Students who have taken Eng- lish 45 may receive credit for it with- out taking English 46, unless 46 is re- quired for concentration programs. The course is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors. English 71, final examination: sec- tion 2 (TThS 11), Tuesday, Feb. 2, 9-12, Room 2219 Angell Hall; Section 3 (TThS), Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2-5,Room 225 Angell Hall. History 47: Final examination, Wednesday, Feb. 3, p.m., sections 1, 2 and 3 will meet in Room C, Haven Hall; sections 4, 5 and 6 will meet in 101 Economics. History 11, Lecture Section II: Fi- nal examination Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2-5 p.m., Mr. Long's and Mr. Ewing's sections in Nat. Sci. Aud. Mr. Slos- son's and Mr. Stanton's sections in 103 Romance Languages. Bring out- line maps of Europe with your blue- books. Chemistry 65, Second semester: Sections I and II as announced can accommodate only a very few stu- dents. Programs should be arranged to permit enrollment in Section III (W, 1-5; S, 8-12) or a new Section IV (W F, 1-5), preferably Section III. The final examination should be listed with Group M, and not as given in the announcement. Psychology 31, Lecture Section I: Final examination, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2-5. Students whose last names be- gin with A through G, go to Room B Haven Hall; H through Q, Room C Haven Hall; R through Z, Room 103 Romance Language Building. Psychology 39, second semester: Lecture MWF at 10, 3126 N.S.; lab- oratory, Section 1, Tu., 2-4; Section 2, W, 2-4. 300 W. Med. instead of as announced in the catalogue. Economics 51: Rooms for final ex- amination Thursday, Feb. 4, 9-12: 231 A.H.-Dufton's sections 205 M.H.-Luchek's sections. 1025 A.H.-G.R. and C. J. Ander- son's sections 103 R.L.-Danhof's and Simmons' sections 1035 A.H.-Aldrich's sections. Economics 171: Room assignment for final examination, Feb. 9, 2-5: A-G-Natural Science Auditorium H-0-25 Angell Hall P-Z-1025 Angell Hall. 0, . ,. I As Others See It Nazi Note (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) FRIENDS of Carl von Ossietzky, the German