PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JAN. 26, 1937 Exhibit Features Unheralded Botanical Gardens Works Of Early Form Workshop Of Inter est Robert T. Cofin, Laden With Honors, Comes To Lecture On Poetry, Jan. Display Sponsored By Fine Arts Institute Opens Here For One Month Run An exhibit of bronze and pottery pieces of early Chinese art, sponsored by the Institute of Fine Arts, will open on a month's exhibit today in the ground floor exhibition cases of the Architecture Building. The exhibit includes bronzes, pot- tery, and peasant paintings of the early periods of Chinese art, and while all of the objects are old, the emphasis in the exhibit is on art and not on archeology, Prof. James M. Plumer of the Institute of Fine Arts, in charge of the exhibit said yester- day. Pieces have been placed in chronological arrangement, Professor Plumer said, and much can be learned about the types of Chinese art through the ages. Labels have been put over many of the pieces as a guide to the understanding of shape and construction. Most of the exhibit has been ar- ranged according to classification. Two cases of bronzes include pieces from the Shang, Chou, Han, and T'ang periods, while there are seven displays of pottery. These include glazed earthenware and pottery from the Han period, T'ang pottery, and famous wares from the Sung dy- nasty; Ting Ch'ing, Celadon, Chien, and Chun. Peasant paintings of the ten Buddhist hells are shown, but, with their brilliant colors, are intend- ed more as a balance to the austerity of the rest of the exhibit than as an exhibit of Chinese paintings as such, Professor Plumer said. The exhibit will continue on dis- play through February and will be described in an illustrated lecture to be held the first part of the second semester. Several individual pieces have already been exhibited before, one bronze in the Fogg Museum of jo mnasng bboa ag ul azuoq auo C.T. Loo Galleries of Paris, and two paintings in the Nelson Galleries of Kansas City. Entry In Union Commemorated B yLegislature (Continued from Page r) early days, we should remember that the same honored names occur in the list of those who were the fathers of the State and of those who joined to make the first official board of this University. Stevens T. Mason, Lucius Lyon, Isaac E. Crary, Henry R. Schoolcraft, Ross Wilkins, and many another belong both to the University and to the State. Their belief in democratic education, shared by the citizenryof"Michigan gen- erally, brought about the immediate organization of the present Univer- sity of Michigan and in the course of time the development of a larger sys- tem of schools and institutions of higher learning of which we are proud to form a part." Fight Over Territory With the calling of the constitu- tional convention Jan. 26, 1835 by the territorial governor, Mason, later the first governor of Michigan, Michigan initiated its drive for admission to the Union. The following October the Constitution was ratified and a government was organized in Novem- ber. But not until 18 months later did Congress admit the State of Michigan for the cropping up of a boundary dispute between Michigan and Ohio delayed admission. The friction was eased when Ohio was given Toledo and Michigan was given the Upper Peninsula, then stark wilderness. This agreement was not ratified, however, until the second convention had met. The first re- jected the agreement but the second, at the suggestion of Governor Mason ratified it, thus paving the way for the formal admission of the State of Michigan into the Union by Congress. By ROBERT FRYER A book entitled "Little Known Facts About Our University" would be a worthy task for some ambitious student, according to Prof. Harley H. Bartlett of the botany department and Director of the Botanical Gar- dens. for he believes that there are many institutions worthy of note which could be described therein- foremost of which is the Botanical Gardens. No doubt, he said, due to its re- mote location from campus, the Bo- tanical Gardens receive scant atten- tion from University students, for even when the most beautiful dis- plays are presented for public appre- ciation only a fraction of a per cent of the student body take the trouble to find the Gardens to admire the col- lections. However, Professor Bartlett says, the Botanical Gardens are not especially maintained for their aes- thetic value since they are primarily a scientific workshop which disap- points the average sight-seer. Visitors Are Welcome Nevertheless, vistors are welcome. but are not urged to come because the Gardens, Professor Bartlett be- lieve, do not appeal to most persons who have no botanical interest or background. Although listed as a separate de- partment of the Literary College it has only a small separate administra- tive and teaching staff and no stu- dents. Its function, Professor Bart- lett described, as being primarily to maintain collections of interest to botanists, to provide material for botany Classes, to establish and main- tain material for research in such fields as genetics, physiology, and mycology. Used By Graduates Its facilities are most extensively used by the students of the Graduate School, he stated, while several of the botanical staff do much of their current research there. Some of the sad, dejected looking plants, accord- ing to Professor Bartlett, are the vic- tims of innoculation with disease, and are part of experiments designed to determine the laws governing disease resistance. The great fields of plants with the flower clusters covered with paper sacks are evidence, he said,of the hundreds of crosses that have been made of expreimental studies of evolution, a line of work in which Michigan has taken a foremost part. Along with its usual work, the Bot- anical Gardens serve as a location for collaboration with the various gov- ernmental agencies. One of the lar- gest collections of the foreign plants which are distributed by the Office of Foreign Plant introduction of the U. S. Department of Agriculture is maintained here, and a complete record is kept of the adaptability of Murphy To Address Clarification Group (Continued from rage 1) of labor. At its Detroit meeting the type of amendment desired will be discussed. The drafting committee, it was explained, as well as the De- troit conference grew out of efforts to find a means of fixing minimum wages and maximum hours after the Supreme Court declared the New York State Minimum Wage Law for Women unconstitutional. As drafted tentatively for submis- sion to the National Committee at Detroit, the proposed amendment has three major aims: to delegate defi- nitely to Congress the power to estab- lish maximum hours of labor and minimum standards of pay; to pre- vent specifically the "due process" clause of the Fourteenth Amend- ment from obstructing such legisla- tion; and at thesame time to pro- tect the civil liberties guaranteed under that Amendment. WATCH ES and Jewelry Repairing at Reasonable Prices. Crystals 35c FISHOW'S 231 S. State - Paris Cleaners I I these foreign species. _ _ For example, there is a very good Robert P. Tristram Coffin, Amer- this time he continued his poetry collection of the pear tree of north- ican poet and Pulitzer Prize winner writing and was represented in the 1 easern Aslia, 1intoucLKU forLteir value in breeding new pears resis- tant to pear blight. Such collabora- tion facilitates the enrichment of this country by the introduction of valuable, useful, as well as ornamen- tal plants. The Botanical Gardens originally located in the Arboretum, were moved in 1924, to their present loca- tion approximately a mile and a half from campus just off Packard road, according to Professor Bartlett, be- cause of the lack of flat ground in the Arboretum for the building of greenhouses. The growth of the Botanical Gardens is noteworthy, said Professor Bartlett, for starting with a mere 20 acres, a laboratory building, a boiler house, and four greenhouses, the institution has since more than doubled in size with a total area at the present time of 51 acres and the addition of four more greenhouses. who will lecture here Jan. 29 on "What Poems Are And How I Make Them,' 'comes from a 300-year old line of New Englanders who once lourished as whaling-princes of Nantucket in the heroic days of the harpooners. Coffin was born and raised in Brunswick, Maine, one of a typically, large New England family, and went to college at Bowdoin, the famous old school of Longfellow and Hawthorne. There he quicklydistinguished him- self by his literary talent, winning several prizes including Kate Douglas Wiggin's Hawthorne Prize for short story writing, which was awarded to him twice. He served as editor of "Quill," the college's literary pub-, lication. Fellow At Princeton Following his graduation from Bowdoin, Coffin spent a year at Princeton on the Longfellow Scholar- ship from his alma mater. During two books of Princeton Verse of 1916 and 1919. After the war Coffin was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship which took him to Trinity College, Oxford, for three years, where he earned de- grees of Bachelor of Arts and Bach- elor of Literature, specializing in 17th century English literature and John Donne. Serves In War During the war Coffin served with the American Expeditionary Force in an artilleryaregiment, and has pre- served an account of his experiences overseas in "An Attic Room," a bio- graphical volume which begins with a description of the poet's school days. Although only in his middle Coffin has already published volumes of prose and poet cluding "Strange Holiness,"t etry which won him the Pulitz for 1935. Among the other f umes of poetry, perhaps h known is the "Ballads of1 Toed Americans." Biograph essay have also played a pro share in Coffin's writings, a spring his first novel, "Red the Morning," appeared. William Rose Benetcalls view of society "traditional ai servative," and says that "th poems of his already that remembered in the years to and he is only in the midd stalwart career" Two Persons Hurt In Auto Collision 29 Two persons were cut and bruised in an automobile accident, and one person hit by a car suffered no in- forties, juries during the week-end in Ann 'ifnArbor. fifteen Mrs. A. E. Pratt and Harvey Boyd, the p- both of Ann Arbor were treated Sun- er Prize day afternoon in St. Joseph's hospi- ive vol- tal for cuts and bruises they received is best when their cars collided at Dexter Square- and Fairview avenues. 1y and Jack Showler, 220 Third St., was )minent uninjured when he was hit Sunday nd last morning on N. Main St. by a car Sky in driven by Edmund Green of Ann Arbor. ,r' Coffin's nid con- ere are will be come, le of a MEETING BROKEN UP ANDERSON, Ind., Jan. 25.-OP)- Rioting broke up a meeting of Ander- son members of the United Automo- bile Workers of America here tonight. TYPEWRITING MIMEOGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done by experi- enced operators at moderate prices. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State Street Returning to America, Coffin joined PEDESTRIAN KILLED the staff of Wells College as an in-EI structor in English literature, later MUNISING, Jan. 25.-(R)-Ed becoming professor of English. In Cronin, 65, was killed today when 1934 he returned to Bowdoin as struck by a hit and run driver. Cron- Pierce Professor of English, and has in was dragged about 800 feet by the remained there since. car, which is being sought by police. i I U ii I r r LETSS TALK SENSE' W HY PAY for delivery charges alone to express your laun- dry home when it only costs a few cents more on our NEW ROUGH DRY Students' Bundle, called for and delivered free in Ann Arbor. Someone in your family is paying 76c (minimum charge for five pounds via Express) for the shipping of your laundry to and from Ann Arbor and then goes through the trouble of sending it to a laundry at home - or has that extra amount to wash herself. Why not spare yourself this added trouble and expense by making arrangements with f our laundries .listed below: one of the Price per Pound loc 0@0* (Minimum Bundle -50c) Skirts, Extra 12c 0 0 0 Full Dress Shirts not included in this Service. Sox, Extra, pair 0 . .3c i INSLJWANC + DE.POSITRo Ime Fie SAMPLE B U N D L E 3 Shirts 2 Suits of Underwear 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pairs of Socks 2 Bath Towels COST 99c HandkerciefsEtra,. IC Our Rough Dry (semi-finish) Bundle Service for students is eco- nomically priced. This service gives you finished laundry on shirts, handkerchiefs and socks. Underwear and pajamas are folded ready to wear. You cannot afford to send your laundry out of the city at these low prices. (Write home today and explain these savings to your parents- or better yet, send this ad home - it explains itself!) NDRY WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Company Tomorrow's dreams are soon yesterday's memories. Today's hopes and plans fade into the past. Prepare your- self financially for the future while there is yet time, by opening a savings account. Beat the racings hands of time and :ct before it is too late. VARSITY LAU Phone 2-3123 I