U I The Weather Increasing cloudiness with rising temperature, snow by late afternoon or night. L ,t "t ciYi I3aitr Editorials Eight Miles From Madrid. VOL. XLVII No. 88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 24, 1937 U PRICE FIVE CENTS O.S.U.'s Speedy Martin, Knudsen Give Positions Of Union And G.M.C. In Strike Upsets Vars ity Cagers, 37-32 8,000 See Gee Score 13 Points As Earl Thomas Sinks 11 For Ohio Michigan Now Fifth In Conference Race By RAY GOODMAN For the second time this year speed defeated Michigan's trump card height, as a surprisingly "hot" Ohio State basketball team upset the Var- sity five, 37 to 32, last night at Yost Field House. A near capacity crowd of 8,000, the seasons largest, saw the Buckeyes find the basket from far out on the floor whenever the Wolverines closed the slim margin that always separat- ed the two teams. At no point in the ball game did the Bucks get ahead more than seven points. Gee Plays Fine Game Capt. Johnny Gee played the finest basketball of his career as he con- nected for 13 points. The big Wol- verine center played a nice floor, al- though he had trouble on the jump, and literally kept Michigan in the ball game in the second half as he made nine of the 15 points that the Varsity collected. Earl Thomas, the O.S.U. center, on the other hand, showed up well hit- ting under the basket. and from the field for 11 points and taking the tip from Gee at times. Thomas man- aged to steal the tip, however, large- ly because he was jumping from out- side the circle illegally, and this was so obvious that even the officials couldn't ignore it on occasions. Bucks' Guards Star The Ohio State guards, Capt. Tippy Dye and Johnny Raudabaugh, were the backbone of the Bucks offense as they broke through on fast breaks and Ait longs whenever they were needed. Defensively they were on their toes picking up every loose ball within their reach and holding the Michi- gan backline out of the blocking plays capably. Jake Townsend played his usual expert floor game, passing for bas- kets and ballhawking at every op- portunity, but he could not hit the basket, making only four points. The Michigan backline of Herm (Continued on Page 7) Legislature To Gather Tuesday F or Centenary LANSING, Jan. 23. -(W)- The State Legislature will convene in joint session Tuesday for a special program commemorating the 100th anniversary of Michigan's acceptance into the Union. The state's newest legislature, when the last word of oratory is heard and the last anthem of Tues- day's program is sung, will, return to the consideration of problems strik-. ingly similar to those which engaged its predecessor 100 years ago. On of the major problems of the 1937 legislature is codification and revision of banking laws. The 100- year-old tax delinquency, as hale and hearty as ever but now more compli- cated, has returned to haunt the law- makers. But the true picture of the growth of Michigan in the 100 years inter-I vening between the two legislatures can best be drawn by a comparison of the budgets of the two sessions. The present legislature has re- ceivd from the budget director the outline for appropriations totaling nearly $200,000,000 for the next fiscal biennium. When the 1837 legislature met on Jan. 2, it received from Governor Mason a report that expenditures for the previous year were $50,301.68. Governor Mason added that $27,- 130.68 remained in the treasury. Benoit To Be Taken' To Police Show-Up DETROIT, Jan. 23.- (P) -Alcide (Frenchy) Benoit, sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labor for the murder of state trooper Richards F. Hammond, will be brought to Detroit tomorrow to face a police show-up. With Benoit will be John H. Smith, sentenced to 15 to 30 years for the kidnaping of Fred Williams, Detroit FOR THE UNION (By The Associated Press) Homer Martin, .president of the United Automobile Workers of Amer- ica, asserted in Toledo, O., that "only a real change in the policies of Gen- eral Motors will bring peace, either temporary or permanent." He was replying to a statement is- sued yesterday by Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. president of General Motors, avowing the company's desire to return it automotive employs to work, and it willingness to open negotiations with the U.A.W.A. as soon as striker- occupied plants at Flint are evacu- ated. 'I"Mr. Sloan complains about the illegal occupation of the plants by the sit-down strikers," Martin said. "I would like to remind Mr. Sloan that 49 years ago it was illegal to call a strike; it was illegal to walk in a picket line, and in my opinion Mr. Sloan would make it illegal today if he could do so." "We know that every worker wants to get back to work," Martin contin- ued, "but we are not willing to have peace at any price - not at Wall Street's terms - and we know that he workers feel just that way about it." Reiterating his charge that evacu- ation of the striker-held plants in Flint was deferred last Sunday be- cause of a "stupendous and dastardly double cross" by General Motors, Martin said: "If Mr. Sloan and his associates wish to settle this matter as he says, let them meet with us now, without further delay or equivocation Let them come without the shadow of a Idouble cross." Band Will Give Initial Concert At 4:30_Today Revelli To Conduct II Hill Auditorium; Three Bach Pieces To BePlayed The 80-piece University concert band, directed by Prof. William D. Revelli, will present its first con- cert of the year at 4:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. No admission fee will be charged. The program is made up of seven numbers. The first is devoted to Johann Sebastian Bach's "Come Sweet Death," "Siciliano and Jesu," "Joy of Man's Desiring." Although these were originally conceived for the organ, they have been adapted for use of the concert band. The second is an overture, "Spring- time," by Erik W. G. Leidzen. This was composed during the past year and has recently been chosen as a concert number for the National Sand Contests. Donald Marrs, '40SM, will present a euphonium solo, "Beautiful Col- orado" by Joseph DeLuca. This number was often featured by Sou- sa's band on its extensive tours. Fourth is a group of Rudolph Friml's favorites, aranged by Ferde Grofe. "Sunday Morning at Glion," by F. R. Bendel, is one of the numbers from a suite of piano pieces under the general title of "By the Lake at Geneva" and has also been aranged for the entire concert band. The sixth number, "Deep Purple," is by Peter DeRose. It includes all of the many colors the modern con- cert band affords. Edwin Franco Goldman's grand march, "Univer, sity," will close the progarm. Adelphi Nominates New Club Officers Adelphi, campus forensic society, has nominated officers for the next semester, Bruce Johnson, '38, speak- er, said yesterday. Howard Meyers, '37, and Dragon Mitrovich, '38, are the nominees for speaker, he said. For clerk Jack Ses- sions, '40, and Tom Van Sluyers, '39L, have been nominated. Walter A. Crow, '38, Saul Ziff, '39, and John Stoner, '38, are the candidates for treasurer, while Victor A. Weiport, '39L, was nominated and unanimous- ly elected to office as sergeant at arms. The latter member, Johnson said, has held every office in the club, having been twice speaker. Since its inception it has been tra- dition for the victorious candidates to treat the whole club to a round of schnapps and pretzels, so that no- body really loses in the elections, Johnson added. Johnson himself retires this semes- ter from the speakership, which he has held for the past two semesters. FOR GENERAL MOTORS DETROIT, Jan. 23.-(/P)-William S. Knudsen, executive vice-president of General Motors Corporation reit- erated in a press conference today the Corporation's willingness to negotiate with the United Automobile Workers of America as soon as sit down strik- ers vacate Fisher Body plants in Flint. "The strike," he said, "is an issue between property rights and no property rights. The minute the men leave the plants we will talk to them about anything. But as long as they are in our plants we won't be- cause we don't think it is right. We think anybody else in the United States would feel the same way about it." Knudsen said he returned from Washington mainly to see if partial resumption of operations could be effected in plants forced to close be- cause of the strike. "Of course," he said, "we can't start up on a 100 per cent basis. But we can start on a limited basis." Knudsen said that 95,000 General Motors employes now are out of work on account of the strike, in addition to 31,000 out of work in plants that are on strike. He added that 108,000 General Motors employes are work- ing, including office workers. "We may be able to give these 95,- 000 each a couple of days work a week," he said. "It all depends on whether we can handle the stuff these people are going to make. You know an automobile takes a ton and a half of material and you have to have some place to put it." He made it clear no attempt would be made to operate any plant in which workers are on strike. The present payroll with 108,000 working, Knudsen said, is about $756,000 a day. He explained that the 126,000 out of work would nor- mally earn about $882,000 a day, and added that he hoped to increase the daily payroll to around $1,100,- 000. Of the effect of the shut-downs on industry as a whole, he said: "Every automobile takes a ton and a half of material and that is spread over practically every state in the Union in some form or other. Conse- quently when you take out of the pic- ture eight or ten thousand cars a day, that is 15,000 tons of material that is not being used. This includes metal, rubber, cotton, leather, tex- tiles-all these things are affected immediately in large quantities." Work To tart In Construction of Dormitories Two Units Will House 122 Men; Sept. 1 Set As Date For Completion The H. B. Culbertson Co., Detroit, selected as contractor for the two men's dormitory units on Madison St. by the Regents in their Friday meet- ing, will begin construction of the units immediately, President Ruthven announced yesterday. The $185,000 construction of the two units, which will run adjacent to the Union, must be finished by Sept. 1 according to the terms of the contract, President Ruthven said. The dormitory units, which are being financed by an issuance of cer- tificates, will together house about 122 men. Issuance of the certificates, the same plan as used in financing Mosher-Jordan Halls, was voted by the Regents Dec. 12 in Detroit and announced two days later. The construction of the units will necessitate the destruction only of one rooming house at 517 E. Madison St., housing 7 students who, accord- ing to Mrs. F. Belle Fitzgerald, own- er of the house, have already moved. Mrs. Simpson Told To AvoidEngland CANNES, France, Jan. 23.-(A)- Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson ad- vised by the Scotland Yard detectives who guarded her during her first weeks at Cannes not to return to England. The detectives, assigned to her be- cause of their experience in guarding high personages and their knowledge of the ways of cranks, told her that only by keeping out of Britain can she have absolute security. There is no possibility of a popular demonstration against her-the Brit- Company May Partially Open Auto Factories GM Plans Involve 'Couple Of Days Work A Week' For 95,000_Einployes Perkins Reports 'Favorable Signs' AUTO LABOR AT A GLANCE (By The Associated Press) Secretary Perkins reports "favor- able signs" in automotive strike ne- gotiations; says she may invite John L. Lewis, General Motors, to peace conference. William S. Knudsen, G.M. vice- president, says next step up to union; announces some plants will reopen Tuesday. Homer Martin, United Automobile Workers president, says strike could be settled in 24 hours. Governor Frank Murphy, active in conciliation efforts, returns from fruitless Washington conference and withholds comment. General Motors announces total idle now 125,613. George E. Boysen, president of the Flint Alliance, announces mass meet- ing Tuesday to map "Program of Action" to put men back to work. National Guardsmen remain in background as strikers keep positions in two Flint, Mich., Fisher Body plants. DETROIT, Jan. 23 -()- General Motors Corporation announced plans tonight for partial reopening Tuesday of some of its plants closed by strikes which have thrown 125,000 of the corporation's wage-earners out of work. The plans involve a "couple of days work a week" for 95,000 idle employes in factories closed by the paralyzing effects of strikes in other corporation units. The partial resumption, it was estimated, would provide a payroll increase of approximately $344,000 daily. Perkins To Renew Efforts Secretary Perkins indicated at Washington there may be renewal of Federal Labor Department efforts to bring Corporation officials and John L. Lewis, chairman of the Committee for Industrial Organization, together across a conference table. Such ef- forts failed at the capital this week, but the Secretary said today there "again are favorable signs" pointinig toward an agreement to negotiate. Homer Martin, U.A.W.A. president who returned here for a few hours before leaving for Toledo, contended that if the Corporation would "get down to collective bargaining, we can settle this strike and the men can be back at work in 24 hours." Martin Goes To Toledo Martin said he would confer at Toledo with Glen McCabe, president of the Federation of Flat Glass Work- ers, concerning settlement of the Libbey-Owens-Ford glass strike. The Federation also is a C.I.O. union. Secretary Perkins at Washington said her efforts were directed toward DETROIT, Jan. 23. -()- Pub- lished reports that General Motors Corporation planned to use its new heavy - stamping plant in Grand Rapids to bridge the gap caused by strikes in Fisher Body plants at Cleveland and Flint brought a denial from a General Motors official to- night. "The Cleveland Fisher plant makes half of the stampings for Chevrolet bodies," this official said. "Dies for those stampings are not in Grand Rapids, so the solution of the prob- lem does not lie there." re - establishment of negotiations, scheduled for last Monday under a truce arranged by Governor Frank Murphy but never started after charges by both sides that the agree- ment had been violated. Murphy came to Detroit today but made no comment on the strike deadlock. General Motors announced that 125,613 of its employes, scattered through 50 plants in 25 cities, now were idle as a result of the strikes. Production lines in all of the Corpor- ation's automotive divisions have been affected. Remove Nudes On Wall For The President's Ball DETROIT, Jan. 23. -(P)- Wall panels painted by members of De- troit's Scarab Club are quite alright, for the Scarab Club ball - but not for the President's Birthday Ball To Give Recital Here Snow And Hunger Assail 300,000 As Flood Area Grows GREGOR PIATIGORSKY *. * * Choral Series Brings Recital By Piatigorsky Famed Violoncellist Here For Second Appearance At Public Demand Gregor Piatigorsky, famed Russian violoncellist, will be heard in the eighth Choral Union concert of the current series at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, in his second ap- pearance before an Ann Arbor au- dience. Piatigorsky first played in recital in Hill Auditorium in 1934. He has been brought here this year, it was explained, because of insistent de- mand for his reappearance. The violoncellist has performed with most of the outstanding symphonies in this country. Born in Russia in 1903, Piatigorsky early became proficient in his pro- fession, and at the age of 15 was elected first violoncellist of the Im- perial Opera at Moscow. Later he. won in competition the position of first violoncellist in the Berlin Phil- harmonic Orchestra under Furt- waengler. Following this he devoted himself entirely to guest and concert performances. ,The selections Piatigorsky has chosen for his recital include: Sonata in C minor (18th century- after a manuscript from the private library of the king of Saxony) in- cluding Adagio, Allegretto Grazioso, Siciliano, and Allegro Deciso; Beeth- oven: Sonata in A major, Op. 69, in- cluding Allegro, Scherzo, and Ada- gio-Allegro. Francoeur: Sonata including Ada- gio, Gavotte, and Vivo; Ravel: Tzi- gane; Weber: Largo and Rondo; Chopin: Nocturne in C-sharp minor; and de Falla: Dance of Terror. Japan's Cabinet 11sted By Diet For First Time TOKYO, Jan. 23. -(P)- The Jap- anese cabinet fell today before the bitter attacks of a Parliament aroused against apparent army ef- forts to sponsor a militarist or fascist type of government. For the first time in the history of the Diet, the House of Representa- tives succeeded in ousting a govern-. ment unable to reach a compromise between the military and the oppos- ing political parties. After a tense 20-minute session, Premier Koki Hirota tendered to the Emperor the collective resignation of the 320-day old cabinet. His Majesty commanded Hirota to carry on temporarily, pending selec- tion of a new cabinet. During that time the Diet will remain suspended. This new government, many be- lieved, would follow army insistence and be an outright militaristic cabi- net from which all party elements would be excluded. Political parties were championing a coalition government, dominated by Diet Parliament' members but in- cluding representatives of Japanese bureaucracy, one army man and one navy official, the latter two being imperative under the existing im- perial ordinance. Naval participants in the political fight were lined up apparently with party leaders rather than with the military. Final decision, it appeared, rested with the Emperor who was said to be depending upon the representations of veteran statesmen and close ad-' visers. State Bar To Seek Non-Political Judges LANSING, Jan. 23.-() -The Board of Commissioners of the state bar launched a campaign tonight to remove the selection of circuit judges and Supreme Court justices from po- litical campaigns. Roscoe O. Bonisteel, of Ann Arbor, the bar president, announced the governing board has agreed to spon- sor proposed constitutional amend- ments which would permit the selec- tion of candidates for the circuit and supreme bench by a state judicial commission, with final appointment by the Governor. The constitutional revision would creates a nine member judicial corn- mission of which the state bar would choose three members, the Governor three lay members, and the Supreme Court, state circuit judges and state probate judges one each. Sermons Vary From Politics To Personality Lemon To Talk On 'Fromn God To God'; Blakeman Will Be GuestSpeaker pI, Topics ranging from the subject of politics to personality will be pre- sented today to church and stu- dent groups' by ministers and pro- fessors of the University. "From God to God" is the topic. which the Rev. Dr. W. P. Lemon has chosen for his sermon today at 10:45 a.m. At 4:30 p.m. Dr. Lemon will give the second lecture in his current course on the "Faith of a Practical Christian" with a talk entitled "How Can the Bible Be Made Real." Dr. E. W. Blakeman, religious counselor of the University, will be the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Westminster Guild at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Blakeman will speak on "Religion and Personal Adjustment." Prof. Leroy Waterman will give the second lecture in a course on stu- dent conflicts and problems with the topic "Adjustment to Divine Provi- dence" at 6:15 p.m. at the FirstBap- tist church. At Harris Hall, Prof. Paul H. Cun- cannon will speak on "Education for Statesmanship" at 7 p.m. "Personality Detours" will be the subject for discussion at the 6:30 p.m. meeting of the Church of Christ, continuing the series of "Pathways to Personality." The Rev. H. P. Marley will speak on a "Duologue for Religion" at the 5 p.m. twilight service of the Uni- tarian church. Prof. Preston E. James of the geography department will deliver a lecture on the "Pan- American Conference" to the Liberal Students' Union at 7:30 p.m. "The American Friends' Service Work Camps" will be the subject for discussion by the Ann Arbor Friends, who will meet in the League at 5 p.m. today. The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will have for the topic of his sermon at the 10:45 a.m. service the subject "Duty Is Not Enough." Union Member Admits Acting As A Paid Spy DETROIT, Jan. 23 --(P)- Richard Frankensteen, organizational direc-I tor of the United Automobile Work-i ers of America, announced tonight) that the recording secretary of the Graham-Paige local had admitted engaging in espionage. Frankensteen said the secretary, Roy Williams, had signed a state- ment saying he had been "in the em- ploy of Corporation Auxiliaries Cor- poration as an espionage operative" for three years, and that he made daily reports to that company on union activities. Frankensteen said Williams told him he received $50 a month for his reports. Frankensteen will leave Monday for Washington to testify before the Senate committee on civil liberties 24 Deaths Are Reported As Red Cross, Feder4t Agencies Rush Aid High Waters Strike Ohio Valley Cities Property Loss Estimated At Ten Millions In Ohio; 11 States Affected FLOODS AT A GLANCE (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON - President ap- peals for $2,000,000 to succorhnearly 1 300,000 homeless in flooded Ohio and Mississippi river valleys. CINCINNATI-Ohio River reaches unprecedented stage of 72.8 feet, with $5,000,000 damage'forecast, 11 square miles of city inundated. PORTSMOUTH, O. - Twenty thousand refugees watch water flow deep through city streets; acute shortage of food. FRANKFORT, Ky. - Reformatory evacuates 2,900 prisoners after 24 attempt escape by swimming; all but one recaptured. LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Several sqare miles of city under water; 6,000 homeless; theaters, schools closed. CHICAGO, Jan. 23.-(1)-Cold, hunger, snow and disease plagued nearly 300,000 refugees driven from their homes by icy Waters today. Twenty-four deaths were counted as a record smashing flood cut an ever widening swath through the lower Ohio valley and the menacing Mis- sissippi burst through its levees. Property losses-estimated at ap- proximately $10,000,000 in Ohio alone -increased apace. Damage in Ar- kansas, officials feared, would reach $13,000,000. Eleven other states were affected. Roosevelt Asks Fund President Roosevelt issued a proc- lamation asking the nation to con- tribute $2,000,000 for the relief of the homeless. He ordered Federal agen- cies to lend their -fullest assistance. Spurred by pleas for aid mercy trains, boats, trucks and planes sped food, fuel, medicine and bedding to the inundated areas. Some 20,000 WPA workers were rushed to flood centers. Midwestern directors were ready to assign 50,000 more to help the growing army of men, women and children forced to evacuate in snow, sleet and freezing temperatures. Drinking Water Scarce Scores of communities were with- out heat, gas or light. A drinking water shortage developed. Pneu- monia and influenza were reported rife in several stricken towns. Many communities were isolated. Hundreds of householders were marooned. "Shoot down looters," officials or- dered police and National Guards- men patrolling flooded districts. Fire danger heightened the ten- sion at Cincinnati. The Ohio ascend- ed to the unprecedented level of 72.8 feet there. Millions of gallons of gasoline leaked from huge storage tanks and spread across three miles of the Millreek bottoms. Approxi- mately one seventh of the city-more than 10 square miles-was inundated. A grocery guard shot a Negro prowl- er there. Damage of $5,000,000 was forecast. Snow Besets Towns Twenty thousand of the 70,000 residents of the Portsmouth, Ohio, area were homeless as four inches of snow fell. Water there reached a depth of 11 feet. Two National Guard trucks brought provender but the food and milk shortage was acute. A Red Cross train was loaded at Colum- bus with supplies for Portsmouth, where losses were calculated at $1,- 000,000. Men, women and children, leaning from second story windows, begged to be rescued. Snow beset other flooded Ohio cities. More than 75,000 were forced to (Continued on Page 3) Committee Passes F.D.R..'s Relief Bill WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.-()P)- Some Representatives said tonight that President Roosevelt's $790,000;- 000 relief request won the approval of a House appropriations sub-com- mittee this afternoon.