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January 23, 1937 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-23

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SATURDAY, JAN. 23, 1937




ChangeOf Date
For '37 J.G.P.
Is Announced
Manuscript Is Selected;
Tryouts For Cast To Be
Early Next Semester
The date of the 1937 Junior Girls
Play has been changed to March 17-
:20, according to Hope Hartwig, gen-
eral chairman of the production.
There will be four performances, but
no matinees this year. As usual the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will be
Manuscript Is Chosen
The manuscript has been chosen by
the committee and will be an-
nounced soon. Tryouts for the cast
will be held the first week of the
second semester. Junior women
should remember that no one will
be allowed to try out until she has
paid her fee of $1 to the finance
committee. Margaret -Ferries, fi-
nance chairman and her committee
are collecting the money at the pres-
ent time.
Singing and dancing choruses are
being trained in routine work, and
actual rehearsals will begin as soon as
the cast is chosen. Sarah Pierce,
Grad., director of the production, ex-
pects the play to go into rehearsal
the second week of the semester.
More than 200 women petitioned
for committee positions this year.
Margaret Ann Ayers, assistant chair-
man, who is in charge of eligibility,
states that they represent every
school on the campus.
Additional Committee Lists
Several additions to the previously
published list have been made and
will be announced as soon as their
eligibility is checked at the dean's
office. Being on the committeehow-
ever, in no way interfer withpar-
ticipation in the cast of the play.
Juniors are also urged to get Health
Service recheck slips before the se-
mester begins, as no one will be able
to take part in the play without them.
Piano Presentation
Of Stanley Fletche
Praised A t Chicago
The praises of Stanley Fletcher,
pianist of the faculty School of
Music were sung by the Chicago Her-
ald and Examiner when he recently
appeared in recital in that city with
the Illinois Symphony orchestra un-
der the baton of Izla Solomon.
Glenn Dillark Gunn in his review
of the Symphony said of Fletcher:
"The piano playing of a blond ath-
lete from the University of Michi-
gan was the sensation of yesterday's
musical events. His account of the
first Chopin concerto with the Illinois
Symphony Orchestra put him quite.
definitely in the class of the virtuosi.
"There are not and never have
been mapy blond pianists who, like
Fletcher, can rank with Dalies Frantz
or Percy Grainger, to mention the
other Nordics. This young man has
much of Grainger's animation and
much of his teacher's gift to make
evident his joy in the music he makes.
He does not evade the romantic im-
pulse of this early Chopin music, nor
on the other hand, does he exagger-
ate it, discovering in the triumphant
sweep of the work an outlet for his
own exuberance. His success with
the audience was such that he offered
as an encore the Chopin Etude, Op.
10, No. 5. This, too, was brilliantly

To Feature Tweeds
Spring suits will again be popu-
lar this season in three piece mod-
els. Tweed and plaid topcoats will
be worn with plain smooth fabric
suits which have more simple lines
and single breasted jackets. Worn
with tailored blouses they are ideal
for early spring.
Debating Team
Will Open 1937
Season Feb. 25
The varsity women's debating team
has been selected by the speech de-
partment, Prof. Carl G. Brandt of
the speech department announced
This year's schedule will open on
Feb. 25, Professor Brandt said, when
the Ohio State squad will come to
Ann Arbor to meet the Michigan af-
firmative team on the question: "Re-
solved: That the Essential Features
of the NYA Should Be Made Per-
marnent." On that same evening the
Michigan negative team will journey
to Indiana.
The members of the affirmative
team are Betty Jane Mansfield, '39,
Dorothy Wepman, '38, Barbara Brad-
field, '38, and Eleanor Somerville, '38,
The negative squad is composed of
Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, Mary Fran-
ces Adair, '37, Katherine Schultz, '39,
and Miriam Sanders, '38, alternate.
Dobson Hopwood Novel
To Be Published Soon
"Straw in the Wind," Ruth Lin-
inger Dobson's novel which won a
$1,500 major fiction prize in last
year's Hopwood competition, will be
published by Dodd, Mead & Co.,
Tuesday, it was disclosed yesterday.
Mildred Walker's "Fireweed," and
Hubert Skidmore's "I'll Lift Up Mine
Eyes" previously have been published
after winning Hopwood fiction
Mrs. Dobson, a member of the Class
of 1934, was a graduate student at
the University last year and is af-
filiated with Kappa Kappa Gamma

T heatre Group German Youth Retain Zest For
To Give Third Living But Take Life Seriou-s


Play Of Season
Cast Of 'A Place To Play,'I
Written By McCracken,.
To Include Only BoysI

"Life is a pretty serious prospect to
German youth today," Mary Gies re-
marked once during that hour and
a half we guiltily spent over lunch
one day, "but they haven't lost their
zest for living."

The last in the series of plays to She spoke from knowledge gained
be given this season by the Children's in a year spent at the University of
Theatre will be "A Place to Play," Heidelberg. And, while precious mo-
written for the Theatre by Russell ments scampered by completely un-
McCracken. noticed in a blue cloud of cigarette
It is a story of two rival gangs smoke, we listened, and learned.
of boys who carry on continual war- Young people in Germany go to
fare fcr the privilege of playing in universities with definite aims toward}
a certain playground. The entire cast preparing for a career, and all their
is composed of boys. college work is organized around this
The play, which is being directed piofessional aim. There is no "get-
by Sarah Pierce, Grad., will be pre- ting a liberal education" idea in their
sented on Friday and Saturday, Feb. minds. They are there to master
19 and 20 at the Lydia Mendelssohn certain fields of knowledge and make
Theatre. Oren Parker is directing them their life work. They haven't
the stage designing and Jean Stearnes the money to spend on four years
is in charge of costumes which will of pleasurable acquiring of an in-
be designed by Thelma Teschendorf. tellectual background.
Mr. McCracken is one of the found- Even Germans Are Lazy
eis of the Children's Theatre which From this one would be inclined to
was started in 1933 and which he believe the students somewhat akin
directed for the first year. He was to the heavenly hosts, but even Ger-
formerly a student in the University many has its proverbial procrastina-
where he participated in a number tors and "thesis-putter-offers," those
cf dramatic productions and was di- who wait until the twelfth or thir-
rector of Junior Girls Play for sev- teenth semester to begin studying.
eral years after graduating. At pres- And meanwhile, they enjoy their
ent he is connected with a commer- daily duels and go about collecting
cial moving pictures company in De- scars to show their grandchildren.
troit. It is said that some people's struggles
The plays presented by the Chil~ show in their faces, and this is cer-
dren's Theatre are not amateur per- tainly true in Germany, for a large
formances in the sense of being put and lugubrious gash on the cheek,
on by children. The presentations acquired in a playful set-to with
are carried out by University stu- rapiers is welcomed with great joy,E
dents and professionals with children being considered a mark of beauty.
assisting in some of the roles. It is easy to become a participant
As a result the plays are dramatic ( in a duel as the young men are only
P1oductions which have plenty of ap- I too eager to find an excuse for getting
peal for the adult mind as well as cut up. Honor is considered above
that of the child. According to Mr. everything else, even in the event of
McCracken, the problem of acting having one's nose cut off. The dueller
before an audience of children calls is expected to put the severed f a-
for more initiative on the part of ture in a safe place until the end of
the actor because he must respond the fight, when he will go to receive
to the active and vital interest which medical attention. A duel over a
the child takes in the play. woman is a fight to the death.
Cnrpns Survive

considered sacrilegious to a German
When the instructor walks into
class he is greeted with a stamping
of feet and his lectures are punc-
tuated with stampings or shufflings,
indicative of approval or disapproval
Women are much in the minority
at universities. Few women plan on
a university education. As a matter
of fact, when the students graduate l
from the gymnasiums they have had
training equivalent to the first two
years of our colleges. Children get
a lot of their education at home for
the German family takes life ser-
iously and believes in discussing it.
If a family has the money to spend
on educating the children, it is al-
ways the boys who are sent away
first. Often a girl must choose be-
tween marriage and the university,
for no decent girl could marry with-
cut a dowry and money is scarce in
Get Jjousekeeping Training
The majority of girls do not even
finish at the gymnasium, but leave
when they are about fifteen and go
to live for a year or two with an aunt,
where they become well versed in the
gentle art of housekeeping, in prep-,
aration for becoming a model wife.
The greater the training and the
more complete the dowry, the better
are her chances of finding a hus-
For marriage is on a cooperative
basis here. It is a real partnership,
financially as well as socially. The
girl is expect to provide the materials
to start the home with and her
dowry is usually planned to last a
life time. In twenty years from the
date of her marriage she will prob-
ably still be taking new sheets from
the linen closet which have been
store6 away for the future.
SCA Dance Prices
Lowered For NYA
NYA students will be admitted to
the dance being sponsored by the
Student Christian Association to-
night at reduced admission rates,
as the S.C.A. tries Qut a new policy
in its Saturday night dance series,
Richard Clark, '37, president of the
organization, announced yesterday.
Regular admission to the dance has
always been 25 cents, Clark said. This
time a special admission of 10 cents
awlil be offered to NYA students upon
presentation of their certificates -at
the door.
The dance tonight is the first
that the S.C.A. has sponsored since
the Christmas vacation, and will be
the last of the series held this semes-
ter. Jacobs' Wolverines will play, and
entertainment and refreshments are
also being planned.

Dr. Grace Hill
To Be Honored
At League Tea
The reception and tea given by
the women's branch of the Michigan
Club in honor of Dr. Grace Hill will
be held at 2:30 p.m. today in the
Mrs. Wallace Teed, who is in
charge of the affair, Mrs. Alexander
G. Ruthven, Mrs. Irene B. Johnson,
Mrs. S. Beach Conger, executive sec-
retary of the Alumnae Council, and
Dr. Hill will receive in the Ethel
Fountain Hussey Room.
The tea. tables will be placed in
the concourse, and will be decorat-
ed with spring flowers for the occa-
sion. Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Miss
Maud Hagle, Mrs. W. B. Ford, Mrs.
James F. Breakey and Mrs. George
Carrothers will pour.
Members of the board and others
will assist during the tea. Those
women who will serve are Mrs. Al-
fred 0. ,Lee, Mrs. William C. Walz,
Mrs. Harold P. Trosper, Mrs. Fred-
erick Arnold, Mrs. Harry Towsley,
Mrs. Evans Holbrook, Mrs. Carl Dahl-
strom, Mrs Leslie F. Rittershofer,
Mrs. Albert J. Logan, Mrs. Charles
A. Fisher. Mrs. William F. Giefel,
Mrs. Ray Helfrich and Miss Con-
stance Ckefel.
Dr. Hill will speak in the Ethel
Fountain Hussey Room, which will

Tyrolean Sweaters
Brighten Colorless
Winter Wardrobe
If your treasury is in a discourag-
ing state, yet you're anxious for a new
note in your also-discouraging ward-
robe, there is a way out for even your
sad case.
True, maybe you can't splurge
with a new dress right now-but, re-
membering the half-a-loaf-is-better
-than-none philosophy, you can re-
juvenate your wardrobe and your
January outlook by adding a color-
ful piece of clothing to an old stand-
Bright colors and plenty of them
dominate new sweater-and-skirt,
blouse-and-skirt and suit-and-blouse
Something different has been in-
troduced in sweaters with the arrival
of the short-sleeved, crew-neck
style. Many aie in pastel shades
and they are all unbelievably soft
and fluffy. Some are plain while
others are embroidered in the Tyro-
lean style.
Black or white sweaters look well
even at afternoon teas when em-
broidered with flowers in gay or pastel
shades. A black sweater of this type
looks attractive in combination with
a brilliant red skirt, for example.
Bright blue is another possible color
Plain black sweaters are striking
and practical and can be brightened
with the addition of beads, a gay
neckerchief or a soft wool scarf. Gold
beads in one or two strand necklaces
are rapidly usurping the popularity
of pearls with college women.
There is a good two months of
cold weather to face yet, and an extra
wool or jersey blouse will not be
out of place in a drawer filled with
out-at-the-seams or ought-to-be-
cleaned sweaters. Besides thiscis
the time of the year when you can
pick one up for a song, since most of
the local shops are having a mid-
winter clearance on such articles.
Whatever you do, keep your out-
fits alive by combining color's-the
brighter the better. Such combina-
tions promise to be popular all spring.

be decorated for
spring flowers.

the occasion withI

Drama: At 2:30 p.m. and at 8:30
p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn, "The Yeo-
men of the Guard.".
Theatre: Michigan. "Sing Me a
Love Song," with James Melton and
Patricia Ellis; Majestic, "The Plains-
man," with Gary Cooper and Jean
Arthur; Wuerth, "~Rose Bowl," with
Eleanor Whitney, and "Devil on
Horseback," with Fred Keating; Or-
pheum, "The Last of the Mohicans,"
with Randolph Scott, and "Spend-
thrift," with Henry Fonda.
Dancing: League, Union, Michig
Exhibitions: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
in the third floor Exhbiition Room,
a display of photographs of work of
artists in the field of painting, sculp-
ture, architecture, and landscape
Coffee Hour: From 4:30 to 5:30
p.m. at the Union, for all men stu-

Second SupperI
Of Union Offers
Mixed Games
The second in the series of the
buffet suppers will be held from 6 to
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the main din-
ing room of the Union, according to
H. Murray Campbell, '38, who is in
charge of the suppers.
The suppers were inaugurated last
Sunday with the attendance of 49
people and Campbell stated this week
that "the spirit shown by those who
attended last week was a good in-
dication that the suppers will no
doubt become important events an-
ticipated by the student group each
The game rooms of the Union are
to be open for use by both men and
women before and after supper.
People are urged to come into the
recreation rooms and play before the
supper hour. Tie second floor ball
room is also to open Sunday eve-
nings and will be furnished as a
lounge and radio room. All guests
may use this room for social gather-
ings until 10:30 p.m.
Sororities, fraternities and faculty
members have been extended special
invitations but all students are in-
vited to attend.

I Aside from this exciting sport, stu-
dents have their corps, or fraterni-
ties, which have supposedly been
,Abolished but which seem to survive.
They have weekly dances and won-
derful bands, it seems, although Ger-
many has not yet succumbed to swing
music. There are always evenings
to spend in philosophical discussions
over beer mugs.
A student may spend as long as he'
wishes or can afford to in getting an
education. He is completely inde-
oendent in organizing his work ex-
cept for a few requirements, and it
is up to him to decide 'if he has
acquired enough knowledge of his,
subject to take the examination for
his degree. These are the only ex-
aminations he has to worry about.
He is spared the horrors of finals and
the bluebook jitters.
Instructors at all educational in-
stitutions are excellent scholars, even
those at the gymnasiums, which cor-
respond somewhat to our high
schools, are required to have their
doctor's degree. They are treated
with great respect by the students
and looke.d upon almost with awe.
"Apple-polishing" would probably be


dents and faculty.

- -_

203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973
Flowers for All Occasions





Eye Glass Frames
Lenses Ground.
HALLER'S Jewelry
State Street at Liberty




Zwerdling's 33rd Annual January



Scared by a

Saturday Specials
Last Saturday's Sale was such a success we're having
another Saturday of Bargains that are "Bargains!"
They look like "Dollars from Heaven"
COATS at $10**M
One group of Sports Coats in Black, Brown,Green,


Navy and Tweeds.
DR ESS ES at sic
One group of Daytime Dresses.
Knits, Crepes, Velvets and Metals. Siz


l~ o /

Drastic Reduction
On All Furs !
"ANYONE can hold a sale
of Fur Coats, but this sale
surpasses any we have
FIRsT - because our Janu-
ary sale prices are the low-
est in years.
SECOND- Prices on all
pelts have increased so that
replacement will cost at
least 40% more.
TIHIRD - Every Fur Coat,
Wrap or Neckpiece, re-
gardless of price, is an au-
thentic new creation made
of the finest pelts and
guaranteed Zwerdling

Well, order yoir J ISSUE of
The Daily and we'll aU he, sihe or
it off.
L~te SURPRISE I155 U t ' jJe YE4R! "

) O
es 11-46.


One group of Evening and Dinner Dresses.
Values to $29.75
DRESS ES at $6.95
One group of Crepes, Velvets, Metals and Knits.
Sizes 12 to 44. Values to $16.95
BLOUSES ot $1.29 SWEATERS ctt $1.95

j 0HOP


MICHIGAN DAILY This is the place where they go-


I 11





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