The Weather lflr # 1Iait Editorials Let Freedom Wring ... Wages In The Steel Industry .. . Slice Of Life... Cloudy, showers in East, con- tinued cool today; tomorrow fair, rising temperature. I VOL. XLVII No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCT. 1, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS a a U i Rebel Forces Sweep Down Upon Madrid After Victory Government Forces Driven From Illecas, Fascists Have Asserted Insurgents Claim Capital Hemmed In Victors Wipe Out Scattered' esistance Of Leftists In Toledo Sector' MADRID, Sept. 30-Madrid's de- fenders tonight pinned their hope of stopping the Fascist surge against the capital on a bolstered line of militiamen at Aranjuez, last large settlement blocking the Northward drive. Reinforcements were poured into the front at Aranjuez, 28 miles south of Madrid, many of them from ther remobilized conscript classes of 1932 and 1933. Official reports said the insurgent army had not been sighted since; Monday when it was seen in the vicinity of Villa Luenga, Southwest of the capital on the main Toledo- Madrid highway. It was believed the column had deviated to the southeast to march on Aranjez. TOLEDO, Spain, Sept. 30.--UP)- Fascist conquerors of Toledo tonight declared they had driven Govern- ment forces from Illescas, only 22 'miles from Madrid. Headquarters for the picked le- l-gions of insurgents said they had rolled through the last sizeable city between Toledo and Madrid and pressed on toward the Loyalist cap- ital during the night. Alcazar Survivors Remain Their rear guard methodically wiped out scattered government re- sistance in the Toledo sector. The1 Fascist leaders ordered a "cleansing" of Toledo to make that city "the' whitest in Spain." (The insurgent high command atF Burgos asserted its forces had en- circled Madrid and said the fall of the Government capital was "im-' minent (Other reports given out at Bur- gos said troops under Gen. Emilio Mola, Fascist conqueror of Irun and San Sebastian, pierced the Govern- ment defenses around Bilbao, last major northeastern coastal city held by the Government). Within Toledo, the Fascist liberat- ors of the men, women and children besieged for 72 days in the Alcazar fortress ordered all inhabitants to surrender their arms.. Methodically, the insurgents set about checking the political sympa- thies of residents who remained in the town. It was stated the citi- zens might be shot if they did not bring in their guns, holding them over their heads Toledo Is "Ceansed" After an inspection of the dyna- mited Alcazar by Gen. Francisco Franco, many of those who had been besieged stayed on within the crumb- ling walls. The work of evacuating the oc- cupants to homes progressed slowly, and life in the citadel's dank dun- geons continued much the same as during the siege. Five nuns continued to cook for those still living in the fortress, but they no longer were restricted to a diet of fried horse fat. Homeless families gathered in corners and ate by candle light, their daily ration of shot, shell and dyna- mite at an end. Young Voters To Hear Talk By Democrat The Young Voters League, young Democratic group, will meet at 8 p.m. tonight in the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce to hear a talk by George T. Gundry, Genesee county clerk, and nominee for state auditor general on the Democratic ticket. Gundry, at 28 years of age, is the youngest county clerk in the state, and is running against Auditor Gen- eral John J. O'Hara of Menominee. The purpose of the meeting, ac- Sale Of Campus-Grown Wheat PaidJanitor's Salary In 1850 ______ 0 Trains Crash' In Milan Fog;* 17 Are Injured Terre Haute City Officials Jail Browder i 1 Library Yields Documents Of University Activities From 1845 To 1851 Documentary support for proceed- ings of the Board of Regents from 1845 to 1851, a period in the dim past when the sale of campus-grown wheat was devoted to the University janitor's salary, has been uncovered in the Main Library recently by Her- bert P. Wagner, chief accountant of the University. A casual examination of the ma- terial found by Mr. Wagner reveals that no problem was too great or too small for the consideration of the Regents who composed the last ap- pointed Board of Regents in Univer- sity history. The documents are now being copied under the direction of Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to President Ruthven. Janitorial Discipline Seemingly led by Maj. Jonathan Keardsley, who suffered the loss of a leg in the War of 1812, the Re- gents of these years dealt vigorously with every problem from janitorial discipline to budgetary difficulties with the State Legislature. The difficulty involving Pat Kelly is a case in point. The University's only janitor, he derived part of his salary from proceeds of the sale of wheat which he grew on the campus. He quibbled, during one of these years, with the Regents over his sal- Students Talk On Democracy At Convention High School Conference Is Sponsored By University And Youth Commission By JAMES A. BOOZER Whether a democracy can cope with modern complex social and eco- nomic problems was under discussion yesterday when more than 200 repre- sentatives of secondary education in- stitutions and cooperating agencies assembled at the Union for a two- day conference on the "High School and the Changing Social Order" under the auspices of the American Youth Commission and the Univer- sity. "Deomeracy is founded on the be- lief that the mass judgment of the people is sufficiently sound to direct its political authority. Such theory must of necessity presuppose the so- cial and political education in some measure keeps pace with the ad- vance in science, technology and eco- nomics," declared Charles W. Taus- sig, chairman of the National Ad- visory Committee of the National Youth Administration. Lack Of Discipline "Whatever may have been the im- mediate cause of the breakdown of European democracies, itsbasic cause was the lack of discipline and lack of proper training of the individual cit- izen," he continued . . . "Almost im- nediately with the creation of a Fas- cist state, the dictator directed his attention to youth. The state could not hope to perpetuate itself without the support of the generation coming of age. Fascism, and the same may be said of Communism, was not to make the mistakes of Democracy. It would create a generation capable of carrying on under all the conceivable vicissitudes that might affect the state, present and future. "One of the most hopeful reactions that the present European crisis has had on the American people is that, although there are some doubts as to the efficacy and practicability of our present form of democracy, the spec- tacle of German, Italian and Rus- sian experiments has infused us with an almost fanatical desire to make our Democracy work and to do it quickly. We are accordingly faced with the problem of altering and speeding our educational processes so that our masses can catch up with -he new civilization which is rapidly outpacing them." Misuse A Menace Mr. Taussig said in way of ex- planation to his several references to Fascism and Communism that "the current misuse of those words as an epithet to indicate disapproval of anything that might change our way of life is becoming a menace to in- telligent popular discussion." The meetings were opened yester- day at a luncheon presided over by Dean J. B. Edmonson of the school of education. President Ruthven gave a word of welcome. T. V. Smith, professor of philosophy, University of ary and after considerable discussion the Regents dismissed him. The ruling that sperm oil, tallow and lard could not be used for lights by stu- dents serves as another example. It was during these years that the Regents received authorization to set aside a University burial ground on the campus, which they are believed to have done north of where the pharmacology building now stands. Acted As President The picayune nature of many of their problems was largely necessi- tated by the fact that the Regents, as a body, acted as president of the University, according to Dr. Robbins. From among their members, the Re- gents elected an executive committee which undertook the major portion of the work. Major-Keardsley, the most colorful! performer of the Regents, was a Latin scholar and, in addition to interspers- ing written comments with Latin phrases, regularly enjoyed quizzing University classes. Another member of the executive committee was Dr. Zina Pitcher who is accorded the most credit for the foundation of the Medical School here in 1851. The Rev. George Duf- field, prominent Presbyterian min- ister of Michigan, and Edward Mun- dy, one-time justice of the State Su- preme Court and lieutenant-governor of Michigan, were other members of' the committee. The Co-Ed Problem Before these men the since-inflated question of the co-ed appeared for the first time. It came in response to the Medical School's request that it should not be bothered. by women students. The Regents granted their request. The discovery of this material helps to fill the little-known gaps in University history which lasts from the beginning of the University until 1908, when Shirley W. Smith, vice- president of the University, and then secretary to the Regents, instituted a system of recording, with complete documentary evidence, all transac- tions of the Regents, Dr. Robbins said. Former Student Is Cause Of Walk-Out By High Schoolers Michael Graban, Campbell, 0., teacher whose removal to the grade school caused a strike of 900 out of 1,100 high school students there Tuesday, was a student at the Uni- versity during the Summer Sessio and a member of the sports staff of The Summer Daily, it was revealed last night. Graban, a teacher in journalism at the Campbell Memorial High School, studied in the journalism department here during the summer. Because of the students' refusal to enter school from Graban's transfer, police used tear gas bombs to dis- perse a demonstration in front of the school buildings, the Associated Press stated. Graban said he would make an effort to regain his high school po- sition, declaring, according to the dispatch, that his certificate permits him to teach only in secondary schools. Choral Union Series Opens WithElagstad Kirsten Flagstad, distinguished Wagnerian prima donna soprano of the Metropolitan Opera company will open the fifty-eighth annual Choral Union series of concerts Monday eve- ning, Oct. 19, in Hill Auditorium. This will be Madame Flagstad's first Ann Arbor appearance. She made her debut in New York two seasons ago. The second concert, on Nov. 2, will be by the Chicago Symphony Orches-, tra, Frederick Stock conducting. On this occasion Mr. Stock will bring the entire personnel of 100 players. On Nov. 16 another ensemble group will be heard-the Moscow Cathedral Choir of 24 voices under the leader- ship of Nicolas Afonsky. This group of singers was assembled in Paris 12 years ago at a time when Russian refugee artists were gathering in that city. Jascha Heifitz, r viloinist, will ap- 'pear in recital on Nov. 30, and on Dec. 10 Serge Koussevitsky will bring * the Boston Symphony Orchestra of one hundred to Ann Arbor for its Passenger Locomotive And Communist Leader F F gAht Cn D lb Iail d ,T On Va ranc Cl Held haroe As Trains Hit Head-On Investigation Will ] Start Immediately Wreck On Ann Arbor Line Laid To Mixed Orders; Injured Brought Here Seventeen people were injured, four of them seriously, when a freight train and passenger train on the Ann Arbor and Toledo railroad collided at h Urania Junction three miles north of, t Milan at 3:20 p.m. yesterday. I George Tracy, 60 years old, of c Owosso, a car foreman on the pas-a senger train, was the most critically s injured. Examination at St. Jo- t seph's Hospital, where all the in- n jured were taken, showed him to have a broken back, skull, nose and jaw, in addition to which he lost the r sight of an eye.F William Farrell, 74 years old, of s Owosso, engineer of the freight train, o suffered a broken right arm and a fractures of ribs on the right side n when he jumped from the cab of b his engine shortly -before the crash. Also held at the hospital were Mrs.E Lola Whitmill, 61 years old, of Ma- rion, who was badly bruised whenf thrown from her seat in the passen- ger train, and Leroy Longstreet, 50v years old, of Owosso, fireman on theC freight train, who alsojumped from r the engine. Both of the latter are held for observation. ea others Are Released Others were released after treat-t ment, although several were x-rayedt to determine whether they had anyf fractures. The passenger train, carrying at baggage-mail car and a combined smoker-diner-coach, was headed south from Frankfort to Toledo atr the time, and collided with the north-7 bound freight on the single track p where it curved sharply in a narrowI gully.r According to Victor Parvin, 53t years old, of Toledo, superintendents of the railroad, who was on the pas-1 senger train, the crash was "appar- ently due to a misunderstanding on1 the part of the crews concerningr orders," one of the trains had beenr ordered held for passage of the other.F He said he would' start an investiga- tion to discover which train was atr fault.r Visibility Poor Although visibility was limited by fog and rain, the engine crews were aware of the impending collision and had slowed both trains to less than 10 miles an hour, Parvin said, at the time of the impact. Three emptyt refrigerator cars in the string of 27 cars hauled by the freight train were derailed along with the passenger en-1 gine. One of the freight cars was telescoped by the crash, but no freight was damaged.1 The passenger train was pulled1 back to Ann Arbor by a yard engine, and Parvin said wrecking cars would have the road cleared by 3 a.m. be-, fore other trains are due. Deputies Pass Bill Devaluing French Franc PARIS, Oct. 1.--(Thursday) -UP)- Premier Leon Blum's program for de- valuation of the franc, revised by the Senate last night, was reapproved in practically its original form by the Chamber of Deputies early today. The Chamber, which first sanc- tioned the measure Tuesday, refused to accept alterations made by the Senate, where there was great opposi- tion to articles authorizing the gov- ernment to control price levels. The Chamber's approval was by a vote of 351 to 217, showing almost the same division as on Tuesday, when the vote was 350 to 221. The Senate's sanction last night of the revised bill-with the price fixing power eliminated - was by a vote of 141 to 125. The bitter battle between the two Houses was generally expected to continue, as there was no indication the Senate's opposition to the grant- ing of decree powers to Blum would gi arluy X iagu ; t 4 Others Arrested t Injunction Issue v To Prevent Rally r M Gov. Paul McNutt Declares c He Lacks Authority To C Release Prisonersls '3 TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Sept. 30.- a ;)-City officials who warned Earl d Browder, Communist candidate for a President, that he would be jailed if t e came here, made good their threat s oday.R Browder, arrested on a vagrancy harge as he stepped from a train i here this morning, spent the day inh county jail cell while party workers s curried about seeking his release so t hat he might address a scheduled c meeting tonight. a Issue Injunction g Undismayed by threats of court t eprisals, Mayor Samuel Beecher and Poice Chief James C. Yates issued a tern injunction against any attempt a of the Communists to congregate t and emphasized they would not per- c mit the party rally and the addressp by Browder. which was scheduled to be broadcast by Terre Haute and Evansville, Ind., radio stations. "We have had our share of trouble from such agitators," Yates said. "Neither. Browder nor any one ad- vertising himself as belonging to the Communist party will be permitted to hold meeting in Terre Haute." To Seek His Release" Meanwhile David J. Bentall of F Chicago, attorney for theCommunist andidate, asserted he would seek his release through habeas corpus ac- tion and would attempt to have en- forced a contract for use of the In- diana State Teachers College audi- p torium for the party rally.c The mayor issued a statement say- i ing "we are not going to allow Com- ] munism to become established inc Terre Haute. Both of the major party presidential candidates-Mr. t Landon and Mr. Roosevelt-recog-n nize Communism as a menace to i this nation. Therefore communistic F speakers are not welcome in Terre Haute."a Four colleagues were jailed witho Browder. They were Waldo Frank, novelist, and Seymour Waldman,p member of the Communist National Election Campaign Committee, both 1 of New York, and two Indianapolis1 men, Charles Stadtfeld, state chair- man, and Andrew Rems, a partyt worker.1 TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Sept. 30.- (P)-Locked in a tiny broadcastinga booth, David J. Bentall, Chicago at- torney, gave a Communist campaignc speech here tonight while Chief ofv Police James C. Yates, who hadL banned the address, waited in an ad-z joining room. Bentall gave the speech after Yatest had been preventing the holding of a public Communist meet-1 ing tonight at which Earl Browder,t the party's candidate for President, was to have spoken.t The chief arrested Browder herel this morning and students of the In- diana State Teachers College held a football "pep" session in the hall to-t night where the Communists were to1 have met. Chief In Hiding The chief, from an undisclosed hid-] ing place, had previously sent three] officers to radio station WBOW with instructions to prevent an Commu- nist speech being made from the sta- tion on the time which previously had been allotted to Browder. Browder, arrested on a vagrancy charge as he stepped from a train here this morning, spent the day in a county jail cell while party work- ers sought his release. But the chief of police and Mayor Sam Beecher, who issued the warn- ings against a Communistic meeting, disappeared this evening and their absence prevented anyone from see- ing Browder. Community Fund Drive Starts Oct. 15 The Ann Arbor Community Fund will open its University drive for 1936 with a town meeting at the Union at 6:30 p.m. October 15, it was decided yesterday in a meeting of the Com- First Pep Meeting Tomorrow To Raise Old Fighting Spiritr By ROBERT WEEKS That inflammable something that s known as Michigan spirit will be gnited tomorrow night in Hill Audi- orium when the first pep meeting >f the year is held in preparation for he State game Saturday, according o plans made by the Men's Council. Michigan's "Fighting Hundred," he Varsity R.O.T.C. Band, will pro- ide the instrumental music, and the udience, under the direction of Prof. David Mattern of the School of lusic, will sing four songs in the ourse of the program. Prof. Brumm To Sp.ak Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman f the journalism department will peak, according to Miller Sherwood, 37, president of the Men's Council r nd chairman of the meeting. In ad- lition to Professor Brumm, who is n inveterate pep meeting declaimer, here will probably be another peaker who will be announced later, C Sherwood stated. W Since the purpose of pep meetings t s to arouse Michigan spirit to its highest pitch, yells will be inter- b persed among the musical and ora-F orical eleents in the program. Be- s ause of this year's promising team i nd the significance of the State l ;ame, Sherwood expects the meeting s o be a lusty one. To Meet Half Hour i The meeting will begin at 7:45 p.m. t and last until 8:15 and the doors in C he rear of the auditorium will be l losed in the course of the various e parts of the program, Sherwood said. t _ _m Final Stretch i Of CampaignI Begins Today E President To Give Second t Speech Of Series Todayo In Pittsburgh C WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.-UP)- . President Roosevelt headed for the campaign trail again tonight after I nterrupting his political swings through the East for a busy day of. conferences at the White House. " i He set aside the evening hours to o thresh out the wording of his second i major address in the stretch drive a for his reelection - scheduled for Pittsburgh tomorrow night. White House aides intimated heZ already had worked out a rough draft of the speech but would give no hintp as to the subject. There were re- ports that the speech, to be delivered in the heart of the industrial sec-e tion, would be addressed primarily to0 laboring men.- Three main conferences occupiede the President as he sat down beforen his desk for the first full day in a fortnight at the executive offices. They were climaxed with a late afternoon parley to explore possibil- ities of pooling public and private power in southeastern states. Offi- cials of four federal agencies dealing with power and executives of private utility and business firms were called in for the conference. Members of the new Federal Mari- time Commission first were called in to talk over organization questions. As arbitrator, the President assem- bled representatives of the state de- partment, the Pan American Union and the two countries involved for the first attempt to settle the long . boundary controversy between Peru and Ecuador. Clay Williams, one-time head ofj the extinct NRA, acting Director Daniel Bell of the budget bureau; Chairman Jesse Jones of the RFC, and WPA Administrator Harry Hop- kins also were on the long calling list. Jos. Barcroft To Talk Today On Foetal Life Sir Joseph Barcroft, professor of physiology in Cambridge University, will lecture on "The Origin of Re- spiratory Movements in Foetal Life" at 4:15 p.m. today in Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be il- lustrated by motion pictures. According to Dr. Robert Gesell, professor in the School of Medicine, Sir Joseph has devoted the greater part of his life to the chemistry and physiology of the blood, in particular to the volume flow of blood and its control. Sir Joseph has carried his study of blood as far as the Andes Mountains Bourdon Bell o Be. Raised Fo Its ]Place This Morning Workmen To Lift 12-Ton Object, Largest Of 53, If Weather Is Clear [2 Smaller Ones Raised Yesterday 3aird Carillon Will Be Third Largest Of Its Type In The World The 12-ton Bourdon bell, largest f the 53 bells in the Baird carillon, ill be hoisted into place in the Bur- on memorial tower this morning. Plans are being made to haul the ell to its mooring soon after 10 a.m. rank Godfrey, engineer in charge, aid last night. The continuance of nclement weather may cause a de- ay. If it is not raining, Godfrey aid, the bells will definitely go up. The fourth largest bell in the car- llon-weighing 11,500 pounds-was o have been lifted to place yester- ay to test the rig that will raise the arge bells to the bell chamber. How- ver due to the adverse condition of he weather it will be hoisted this morning instead. 12 Bells Already Up Twelve of the smaller bells-rang- ng from 125 to 800 pounds-were irawn'up to their place on the upper- nost tier yesterday. The two large ells due to be hung today will be astened to the lowest tier where they ill later be accompanied by two thers weighing nine and three-qua- ers tons and eight tons. 'The large number of telephone alls to the University School of Music asking the time of the raising f the Bourdon bell indicated that a arge turnout will be present at the tower this morning. The Baird Carillon is the third argest in the world, judged by the ize and weight of the largest bell ather than by the number of bells t contains. It is exceeded in size nly by the Riverside Church carillon in New York and the Chapel carillon at the University of Chicago. Made In England The bells were made by the John Taylor Co., of Loughborough, Lester- shire, England. They will all be in place in the tower within a month, according to Godfrey. The bells will probably be the most easily played in the world because of a clavier control which, according to Wilmot F. Pratt, recently-appoint- ed carillonneur, facilitates rapidity of manual action. Gov. McNutt Will Address Union Forum Indiana's Chief Executive To Speak On 'Why I Am For Roosevelt' Gov. Paul V. McNutt of Indiana, prominent New Deal Democrat, will speak at 8 p.m. Monday in the Union Ballroom on "Why I Am for Roose- velt" as the first of two nationally- prominent partisans who will appear on the Union Forum series within the next two weeks, William G. Struve, '37, recording secretary of the Union announced last night. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, O., a leader in the Middle West Landon campaign, will speak in behalf of the Republican candidate for president on Oct. 13. Following both speeches, Union of- ficials plan a period during which members of the audience may ques- tion the speakers, Struve said, but qualified this plan pending its ac- ceptance by the speakers. Governor McNutt has been promi- nent in the reelection campaign of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Under the auspices of the Democratic National Committee, he delivered a radio address linking William Ran- dolph Hearst, the publisher, with Gov. Alf M. Landon, two months ago. Governor McNutt adds to the list of nationally prominent political fig- ures who have appeared on the Union Forum during the past few years. Directory Will Be Printed This Week p