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January 22, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-22

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FRIDAY', jAN. ?2, 19 7


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I63 Member 1937
IAssockited Colte ie Press
Distributors of
CoIRebkie D&4
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Mlember of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.5G.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department : Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department : Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton
Ketcham, Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, Bill New-
nan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole.
Women's Business Assistants : Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy. Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.

turned in a single day's work, still on the State
of Michigan's time, that topped all the others.
A list of Benoit's offenses in one day:
Kidnapping across the state line.
Transporting a stolen car across the state
First degree murder.
Kidnapping (2)
Unlawfully driving away an automobile (2).
Robbery armed.
Carrying concealed weapons.
Resisting an officer.
The best the State of Michigan can do if they
prosecute Benoit for murder, under the present
parole system, is to put him in jail again, after
which they will no doubt release him in seven
or eight years "for good behavior."
Under the Federal Lindbergi law, with war-
rants against Benoit already obtained for inter-
state kidnapping, the federal government could
offer the death penalty if the state drops murder
Two blots on the State of Michigan stand out
as a result of the Benoit incident:
First that the State should parole a man, a
double offender sentenced to one to five and
two and a half to five years, after three years
for god behavior, after which he is free .to go
out and hold up at will banks throughout the
state, and finally to kill a state trooper.
Second that it should become necessary, in
order properly to punish him for the wanton
slaying, to prosecute him not for murder, but for
forcing an automobile salesman to drive him to
Honest officials in the State have often ex-
pressed a desire to see the parole system abol-
ished in order to stop the abuse of it by crooked
politicians and shyster lawyers. Capital punish-
ment may not be the universal panacea, but it s
the only proper answer for such offenders as
Benoit, "Shorty" Hayden, now serving life at
Marquette for the slaying of an Ann Arbor po-
liceman, Merton Goodrich, who killed little Lil-
lian Gallagher in Detroit last year, Washtenaw
County's own torch murderers, the killer of the
Mattson boy, and the unapprehended killer of
nine-year-old Robert Streicher of Ypsilanti.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
What happens when a Michigan Man reaches
the epic age of 21?
What is done to make this a memorable occa-
Sion for him? Is there just an ordinary birthday
party, with perhaps a little more drinking than
usual? Or is something done to celebrate this
eventful anniversary in a way that will be re-
membered through life? Is anything done to im-
press upon the average young man who attains
his majority the fact that he is now a respon-
sible citizen of this great country? If not, what
can be done about it?
Consideration of these points is prompted by
the fact that during this week my elder son
(Paul T. Nims, EE '37) will attain his majority
and I have been wondering how to make this a
somewhat more memorable occasion than usual.
Then I began wondering what happened when I
was 21-and what might have happened.
As a result of these thoughts, I have done a
little research work and I find that, ever since
the turn of the century-and occasionally before
that, there have been approximately 2,000,000
young people per annum who reach the event-
ful age of 21.
In 1930, there were 2,211,032 young men and'
women who had just reached voting age. This
year, there will be 2,382,385, less the normal de-
crease, since the age of 14. And this number will
increase every year until those who are now 15
reach voting age.
Here is a vast army of young men and women,

intelligent young people, most of them-who
attain their majority every year with very little
thought given by anyone to what kind of citizens
they will be. Nothing is done, in any concerted
way, to impress the importance of the occasion
upon them. Nothing 'is done to help them get
started right.
A great many of this young army-the bright-
est, most intelligent part of it-are students in
our various universities when they reach 21. So
I propose that the University of Michigan take
the lead in sponsoring a series of meetings that
will make this an impressive event in the minds
of all students as they reach the age of 21, with
the hope that other universities will concur in the
movement and help it along. Eventually, it is
too much to hope that this movement may attain
national proportions and be celebrated in a
fitting manner in every city in the country,
through the co-operation of the churches and
the numerous men's service clubs, such as the
Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis and others.
When should these meetings take place, and
what form should they take?
These are leading questions which only time
and experience can answer satisfactorily.
To get the movement started, I would suggest
that the University stage meetings three or four
times a year, for all students who have reached
21 since the previous meeting. For instance, let
all those whose registrations show that they
reach the age of 21 during July, August, Septem-
ber and October be invited to attend a meeting
in October-on the 21st day of the month. Those
who are 21 during November, December, Jan-
uary and February might have their meeting in

#****'* IT ALL
Bon th Williams -
BENEATH IT ALL: Over-emphasis of athletics
came as close to being a reality as it ever will
at Michigan Tuesday morning when the Varsity
basketball team returned from a road trip which
included games with Wisconsin Saturday and
Chicago Monday evening. With a scant, five
hours of Pullman car sleep, Danny Smick and Leo
Beebe walked out of the Ann Arbor railroad sta-
tion just in time to make their eight-o'clocks.
The class, offered in the Physical Education
School by Ray Courtright, is a course in the
teachings and practice of basketball ..Al
Dewey, rosy-cheeked campus politician and pres-
ident of this year's graduating class, spent the
greater part of last summer driving a Good
Humor truck. Al, who dispensed chocolate cov-
cred lollipops and the like to the wee tots of Bir-
mingham and its environs, is one of the shrewd-
est operators the company ever employed. Al
became so proficient in the knowledge of his
stock that he could pick out the free pop-sickles
at a glance. President Dewey lunched on them
for almost a month until the kiddies complained
to the manager that something was rotten in
Denmark . . . Enterprising members of a local
hatchet club lured on by attractive literature,
chipped in and sent away for a much advertised
movie of a nudist camp. The premiere was a
decided disappointment. Nothing disheartened,
however, the five charter suckers conceived a
brilliant plan. Advertising the "sensational
frankness" of the perfectly respectable film, they
roped the whole house in at a quarter a crack
and realized a rather tidy profit upon their in-
vestment .. .
They meet. He eyes her casually,
Thinking her gay and trim;
How can he know that mentally
The girl has married him!
(-E. Vinton).
Submitted by E.E.S. (Detroit News).
NOTING the present controversy which is being
carried on by crusaders against the devotees
of baffle boards in Ann Arbor, it would seem
apropos to bring up at this time another type of
racket which is extensively used to pick up the
loose sheckels of practically anybody.
The whole thing is built around sucker lists
and may be used by any number of not too scrup-
ulous companies. Either I am a sucker or I just
look like one, I guess.
About twice a week I get a personal letter
filled with tons of literature in which Dr. So-and-
So of the 'Old European Institute' or the 'Vienna
Grand Clinic' will, for the inconceivably small
sum of $3.00, send me his latest book on the
facts of life.
Once a week I am offered the opportunity of
buying custom built shirts at a third off with a
special introductory offer of 6 for $5 if I sell
orders to three of my friends.
Also it is easy to earn big money in my spare
time as a special agent of the Ouigipem Plenty
Corp. For a sawbuck I can look like Man Moun-
tain Dean and they will throw in a leopard skin
to boot.
These are all very interesting and do well to
light the furnace with on cold mornings, but to-
day came the pay-off. I was due for a pamphlet
on sane sex life, but when I ripped open the
envelope I knew that this time I had attained
the heights. There staring me in the face in big
red letters was:
I have now reached the heights. I am in a
class by myself. I am on the sucker list of a frog

ADD BENEATH IT ALL: Chuck Killens, Sigma
Nu bowler, has a reason for his pin scattering
ability. His dad owns a recreation center where
there are 53 alleys . . . The Alpha Phi sistern,
marooned out on the edge of town at the mercy
of the Bus Co. these days, are irked because their
sensible house mother, Mrs. Clark, shuts off the
phone at 11 p.m. The suburban girls claim that
they thus lose a possible hour of date-making
time and that they are laboring under a terrific
handicap in competition with other more liberal
sororities . . . Someone passed a list of lonesome
hearts, supplied by a marriage bureau, around
the locker room where the track team was getting
set for afternoon drills a day or so ago. Included
in the description of one of the candidates was
the fact that she was due to fall heir to $100,000.
Charley Hoyt has been shuffling around the
Field House with a worried face and a watchful
eye ever since.
To The Editor:
I am enclosing a small item taken from "The
London Times" of Wednesday, December 30th,
1936, page ten, column four. It may give you
some idea of why so many Americans look with
an understandable suspicion on Herr Hitler's
"Third Reich":
"Early in October a German named Franz
Reyersbach, of Oldenburg, showed a cutting
from "The Times" to a friend. The cutting
had reference to German intervention in
Spain, and Reyersbach, who was by nature
an outspoken person, made some remarks
about it. He was denounced and three days
later was arrested and sent to the concen-

-Why Not Vote.?-
(From the New York World-
Again hopes for an early peace in
the auto industry are blasted, as
peaceable negotiations are broken
off and charges and counter-charges
of bad faith fill the air.
It is a very unhappy state of af-
fairs in this industry, which hither-
to has taken the lead in our econom-
ic recovery.,
In the end public opinion will de-
cide, just as in the past it has decided
the outcome of other important in-
dustrial conflicts. But what can the
public do, at this particular stage, to
speed a settlement? The answer is:
-Very little. For the public, which
in such matters has to function
through the government, lacks effec-
tive machinery for mediation.
The government, however, has pro-
vided one method of procedure which
either side is at liberty to invoke, and
which, if invoked, might help pave
the way for settlement of one of the
most controversial issues. And that
is the question of who has the au-
thority to represent whom in collect
tive bargaining. The pringiple is-
iajority rule which has been writ-
ten into the law of the land.
Yet, for reasons best known to
themselve, the leaders of the C.I.O
automobile workers have not asked
the National Labor Relations Board
to intervene, conduct hearings, de-
termine on what unit basis the bar-
gaining should be arranged, and
hold elections to decide by secret
ballot whom the workers want to
represent them.
. For reasons best known to them-
selves the managers of General Mo-
tors likewise have refrained from in-
viting the Labor Board to intervene.
How well this law can be made to
work for a peaceable settlement once
that issue is joined was demonstrat-
ed recently in a dispute at General
Electric's plant in Schenectady. A
question of who had the right to ne-
gotiate for the workers arose between
a C.I.O. electrical union and an old
company union. The Labor Board
was invited in. It conducted an elec-
tion. The C.I.O. won. And General
Electric proceeded thereupon to bar-
gain with the C.IO. union's spokes-
men as the exclusive representatives
of the workers. All was peaceable,
and all was strictly well in other dis-
The majority-rule principle is one
that was fought out over a long
period, and after painstaking ex-
perimentation with other methods it
was adopted by the National War
Labor Board created in 1918, was
applied consistently by the Railway
Labor Board created in 1920, and was
the only rule which worked well in
the application of Section 7A of the
NRA law.
After extended debate, Congress
wrote the majority-rule principle in-
to law, in language that cannot be
"Representatives designated or se-
lected for purposes of collective bar-
gaining by the majority of the em-,
ployees . . . shall be the exclusive.
representatives of all employees in
such unit for the purpose of collec-
tive bargaining in respect to rates of
pay, wages, hours of employment or
other conditions of employment... .
"The board shall decide in each
case whether . . . the unit appropriate
for the purposes of collective bar-
gaining shall be the employer unit,
craft unit, plant unit or subdivision
thereof . .
" . . .The board . . . may take a
secret ballot of employees, or utilize
any other suitable method to ascer-

tain such representatives."
The C.I.O. Auto Workers' Union
wants to bargain with the whole Gen-
eral Motors concern as one unit, and
claims the right to represent all em-
The General Motors management
prefers, if it has to bargain, that each
plant be treated as a separate unit,
and denies that the C.I.O. union has
a right to act as the exclusive repre-
sentative of the workers,
A. F. of L. craft groups and a so-
called Flint Alliance are claiming
rights to represent workers.
The legal and most sensible way
to settle all this, it would seem, would
be for one of the interested parties
to call on the National Labor Rela-
tions Board to step in and settle the
unit question, then conduct a poll to
determine who represents the ma-
jority-and enforce majority rule.
That would be an orderly proce-
dure, a lawful procedure, and in the
long run should work for the best in-
terests of the workers, the .manage-
ment and the public.
Laugh Occasionally,
Dr. Yoder Advises
For better mental health Dr. O. R.
Yoder, assistant medical superinten-
dant of the Yspilanti State Hospital,
advised members of Iota Alpha, grad-
uate engineering fraternity, "to
laugh at themselves occasionally" in
speech at the initiation banquet held

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1937
Bioadcast, Varsity Show: All par-
ticipants in Varsity Show broadcast
report on stage, Hill Auditorium at
13:30 p.m. today.
Members of the University Senate:
This is to remind you of the meet-
ing of the University Senate on Mon-
day, Jan. 25, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
C. Haven Hall.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary..
Student Loans: Any applicant for
a loan for the second semester who
has not already had an interview
with the Loan Committee should
make an appointment at once in
Room 2, University Hall.
Registration, All Students:
1. Each student should register for
himself. He may take only his reg-
istration card into the Gymnasium.
2. Gatekeepers are not authorized
to make exceptions to the printed
schedule of admission to the Gym-
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Classification: All student classify-
ing in the Gymnasium:
1. Changes of elections are not to
be made in the Gymnasium, but are
to be made in Room 4 U.H. Feb. 15
and thereafter.
2. Students eligible for Concen-
tration should call for their candi-
dacy slips at Room 4, U.H. beginning
Feb. 15.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
College of Engineering: Seniors
who expect to be graduated in Feb-
ruary should fill out the proper blank
for diploma application in the Sec-
retary's Office, Room 263 West En-
gineering Building, not later than
Feb. 12.
Notice to Students Planning to do
Directed Teaching: Students expect-
ing to do directed teaching the sec-
ond semester are urged to interview
Dr. Schorling on Thursday, Jan. 28,
in Room 2435, University Elementary
School, according to the following
1 to 2 p.m, Latin, French, German.
2 to 3 p.m., English, speech, fine
3 to 4 p.m., Mathematics, science,
4 to 5 p.m., Social Studies.
It is of the utmost importance that
seniors come to this conference for,
everything else being equal, the op-
portunities for directed teaching will
be assigned in order of application.
Any student who has a definite ap-
pointment at the hour suggested
should report for a conference at one
of the other periods. Every effort
will be made to meet his needs.
Notice to Presidents and Treasur-
ers of Student Organizations: Ar-
rangements with a photographer for
your organization group picture or
any other pictures which you desire
to appear on your page in the 1937
Michiganensian should be taken care
of at once. All organization pictures
for the 'Ensian must be submitted be-
fore Jan. 24. Your immediate co-
operation in this matter will be
necessary in order to avoid the last
minute rush.
Notice to All Social and Profes-
sional Fraternity and Sorority Presi-
dents and Treasurers: Fraternities
and sororities which have not as yet
sent in their page contract cards for
the 1937 Michiganensian should do
so at once to guarantee space for

their organization in this year's an-
nual. Copy blanks, (names of offi-
cers and members), should also be
sent in with the contract. Your im-
mediate cooperation in this matter is
requested as the 'Ensian needs this
information to meet deadlines.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Guidance Luncheon at 1 p.m. Sat-,
urday, Jan. 23, at Michigan Union
will be followed by meeting at which
will be presented procedures of di-
agnosis and correction in guidance
and personnel work. All University
counselors and other faculty mem-
bers interested are invited to attend
both the luncheon and meeting. Res-
ervations made by calling the Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, Extension
Icademic Notices
Graduate Students In the exact
and natural sciences who wish to
take the French and German exam-
inations required for the doctorate
in February or in June (these ex-
aminations will not be given during
the intervening period) are requested
to consult with Professor Lee any

will be given according to the regular
Business Administration 172, In-
surance: This course, which does not
appear in the Announcement of the
School of Business Administration,
will be given in the second semester.
It deals with compensation and
casualty insurance and with some
special problems of life insurance.
Students in the School of Business
Administration, qualified seniors
from other divisions, and graduate
students are eligible to take this
course, provided they have taken
Business Administration 171 or make
arrangements to do special reading
in lieu thereof. Tuesday, 7:30 to
9:30 p.m., Tappan 109, Mr. Irwin.
Preliminary and qualifying exam-
inations for the Doctor's degree in
Chemistry will be held at the follow-
ing dates:
Analytical Chemistry-Feb. 19.
Organic Chemistry-Feb. 26.
Physical Chemistry-March 5.
All examinations will be coiducted
in Room 151 Chemsitry Bldg., start-
ing at 1 p.m.
Students wishing to take one or
more of these examinations should
confer with Prof. F. E. Bartell not
later than Feb. 12.
Candiates for the Master's Degree
in History: The language examina-
tion for candidates for the Master's
Degree in History will be given this
afternoon, Room B, Haven Hall at
4 p.m,
Band Concert: The University
Band, William D. Revelii, conductor,
will give a concert complimentary to
the general public in the School of
Music Series Sunday afternoon at
4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The
doors will be closed during numbers.
Choral Union Concert: Gregor
Piatigorsky, violoncellist, will give the
eighth program in the Choral Union
Concert Series, Monday evening, at
8:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Uniiversity Lecture: Dr. Olaf Hel-
mer, of Berlin, will lecture on "The
Logical Foundations of Mathematics"
in 1025 Angell Hal at 4:15 p.m., Fri-
day, Jan. 29. The public is cordially
Exhibition, Architectural Build-
ing: Photographs of work of artists
in the fields of painting, sculpture,
architecture, and landscape archi-
tecture, secured through the College
Art Association of New York from
the Alumni Association of the Ameri-
can Academy in Rome, are being
shown in the third floor Exhibition
Room. Open daily, 9 to 5, except
Sunday, through Jan. 30. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Events Of Today

The Inaugural

President Roosevelt intends to
carry forward the philosophy of the New Deal
and seek to attain the objectives of the New Deal
they must have been dispelled by his Second In-
augural Address Wednesday.
Whereas the keynote of his first inaugural
on that gloomy March 4, 1933, was recovery.
Wednesday his keynote was reform. It' looked
not only toward continued improvement in our
economic condition, but also toward an allevia-
tion of the evils of our economic system
The President was definitely looking toward
the future. "It is not in despair," he said, "that
I paint for that picture (of unemployment and
poverty and subsistence living). I paint it for
you in hope-because the nation, seeing and
understanding the injustice in it, proposes to
paint it over. The test of our progress is not
whether we add more to the abundance of those
who have much. It is whether we provide enough
for those who have too little."
Those words, we think, connote no return to
the conservatism from whence we came. But
they do mean, it would appear, that we are not
yet through; that, indeed, we have not even
begun to fight.
What President Roosevelt did not propose, and
what we hope he will propose, is a specific plan
of action.
So far such a plan of action has not come
from him. Throughout the political campaign
he confined his election speeches to support of
his first administration, advancing little in the
way of information about what -he proposed to
do. His message on the State of the Union, al-
though a little more specific than the political
speech he gave on a similar occasion a year ago,
still left so many questions unanswered that it
could hardly be termed a plan of action.
The same is true of his budget speech, and
while his proposals for administrative reorgani-
zation deserve commendation, they can hardly
be termed paths of policy.
A broad outline has been set forth. There is
now a definite need for that outline of philosophy!
to be filled in with a plan of attack.
working on time borrowed from
the state of Michigan, has managed to accomp-
lish quite a bit. Released from the Ionia State

All members of the R.O.T.C.
Team meet at Drill Hall at 3
Match with Girls' Rifle Team

at 4.

Esperanto: The Esperanto class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today.
All Public Health Nurses who are
to take the field observation this se-
mester arranged for Social Security
trainees, are to meet at 1 p.m. to-
day, in the West Amph., West Medi-
cal Building.
Barclay Acheson, associate editor
of Reader's Digest magazine, will
speak on current world problems at
4:30 p.m., this afternoon, in Natural
Science Auditorium under the aus-
pices of Kappa Tau Alpha, national
journalistic fraternity. No admission
charge will be made for this lecture,
and the public is cordially invited
to attend,
Dames: Members and their hus-
bands will bowl tonight at 8:30 p.m.
at the Women's Physical Education
Building. For reservations call 8367.
Disciples Guild: The Guild will
hold the regular game night from
8 to 11 p.m. today. Table tennis,
shuffle board, darts, quoits, many
quiet games and group singing will
provide entertainment for all who
are interested. The church recrea-
tion hall is located at Hill and Tap-
pan Streets.
One Act Play Bill presented by
Play Production students has been
postponed to Tuesday afternoon at
3:15 p.m. All Play Production stu-
dents and any others interested may
attend, free of charge.
All Men Students and Faculty Are
invited to enjoy the Coffee Hour
held daily from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in
the small ballroom of the Union.
Saturday and Sunday excepted.

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