THURSDAY, JAN. 21, 1937
Freshman T omen To Hold Mass Meeting At 5 P. 'VI. Today In
Activities Open
For First Year
To Be Outlined
Six Heads Of Committees
Will Describe Functions
Of Their Departments
The type of activities open to first
year women on campus will be ex-
plained at the freshman mass meet-
ing t be held at 5 p.m. today in the
League Ballroom, it was announced
yesterday by Charlotte D. Rueger,
'37, League president.
This occasion will mark the first
opportunity which has been offered
to freshman women to participate in
extra-curricular activities. Special
permission will be required for all
women taking part in such outside
Duties To Be Explained
Scheduled on the program is a talk
by Miss Rueger in which she will
explain the duties of League work.
The heads of the six League com-
mittees will describe the functions of
their various departments. These
committees are the social, house re-
ception, theatre-arts, publicity, merit
system and orientation groups.
Maryanna Chockley, '37, head of
Judiciary Council, will talk on the
type of activities open to freshmen
as well as the current system of pe-
titioning and interviewing for posi-
tions on the committees and for cen-
tral positions on the annual Fresh-
man Pageant to be held in the spring.
Chairman To Speak
Jenny Petersen, '39, general chair- i
man of the 1936 Freshman Fiesta,
wi9l also talk on the work of her
committees last year and the prob-
lems encountered in staging the pro-
Petition blanks are available in the
Undergraduate Office of the League
at times which are to be later sched-
uled. The Judiciary Council inter-I
views all applicants for positions, se-
lects from them those whom it feels
best qualified and submits the names
to the League Council for approval.
The action of the League Council
makes the selections final.
The Freshman Pageant is the first
project in which first year women are
eligible for participation. Positions
open for the Pageant include general
chairman, assistant chairman and
heads of various committees such as
dance, music, publicity, program, pa-
trons and patronesses and others.
Michigan Club
Schedules Tea
The women who will pour at the
tea which is to be given by the wom-
en's branch of the Michigan Club
have been announced by Mrs. Wallace
Teed, who is in charge of the recep-
tion and tea. The affair will be held
at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the League,
and, is in honor of Dr. Grace Hill.
Mrs. George E. Carrothers, Mrs.
James F. Breakey, Miss Maud Hagle,
Mrs. W. B. Ford and Mrs. Edward
Kraus will officiate at the tea tables,
which will be placed in the concourse
Members of the board of the Michi-
gan Club and others will assist at
Dr. Hill, who obtained the degrees
of bachelor of arts and doctor of
philosophy at Radcliffe College, and
members of the Radcliffe Club of
Michigan and other Radcliffe alum-
nae are invited to attend the recep-
tion and tea. Dr. Hill, who has re-
ceived honors for the work she did
for French orphans during the war,
will speak in the Ethel Fountain
Hussey Room. The topic of her talk
is "Some Aspects of The European
Members of Mrs. Teed's committee
who will have charge of the affair
are Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Mrs.
Irene B. Johnson and Mrs. S. B.
Conger. Mrs, Teed has announced
that the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room
will be decorated with spring flowers
for the occasion, and the tea tables
will carry out the general theme us-
ing spring flowers and pastel candles.
This meeting is one of the featured
affairs of the Michigan Club's pro-
gram for the year.
Faculty Women's Music
Section To Meet Today
There will be a meeting of the mu-
sic section of the Faculty Women's
Club at 8 pm. today at the home of
Mrs. A. H. Stockard, 1431 E. Park
The discussion for the meeting is
to be on folk music of Mexico and
Argentina, according to Mrs. W.W.
Blume who is in charge of the pro-
gram. There will be a group of songs
sung by Mrs. Nathan B. Eddy, whose
accompanist will be Juan Roderiguez,
Queen Of Michigan Winter Sports Festivities
Crowd Attends Reach Semi-Finals
Opening Night Round InTourney
The women's basketball tourna-
O om ic Opera ment advanced from the third round
to the semi-finals of both the A and B
tournaments, when Zone III defeated
'Yeomen Of The Guard' Adelia Cheever 16 to 10 in the A tour-
nament at 4:30 p.m. yesterday and
Heard By Many Faculty Alpha Phi beat Zone V by the score
Membrs at 24-18 at 5 p.m. yesterday. Both l
Members games were played in Barbour Gym-
In spite of the inclement weather nsu.
Following these matches the semi-
which kept many indoors last night, finals will be played later in the
a large crowd attended the opening week and it is expected that the final
performance of the Gilbert and Sul- matches will be played before the
livan, comic opera "Yeomen of the examination schedule begins.
Guard," at the Lydia Mendelssohn The Zone IIII team will play a
team from Zone VII and Jordan will
Theatre. Many prominent members meet Zone I in the semi-finals of the
of the faculty were present. A tournament. In the B tournament
Among those seen at the theatre A.E.Phi will meet Alpha Phi and'
were Dean Alice C. Lloyd, who wore Newberry will play Zone VII to de-
a dress of'black crepe with a long termine the finalists in the B tour-
gold necklace; Miss Jeannette Per- nament.
ry who wore a green metallic cloth Interclub basketball will begin with
dress; Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher who was the beginning of the second semester,
seen in black crepe; and Mrs. Mar- it was announced.
tha Ray who also wore a dress of
black crepe.
Mr. Charles A. Sink, president of here To Go '
the School of Music was there with
Mrs. Sink. Prof. Waldo M. Abbot
was seen talking to Prof. and Mrs. Drama: 8:15 p.m. Lydia Mendels-
Herbert A. Kenyon during the inter- sohn Theatre, "Yeomen of the
mission. Mrs. Kenyon was dressed Guard."
in green crepe. Theatre: Michigan, "Sing Me A
Other members of the faculty pres- Love Song," with James Melton and
ent at the performance were Miss Patricia Ellis; Majestic, "Sworn En-
Ruth H. Bloomer, dance director of emy" with Robert Young, and "Can
the production; Prof. and Mrs. G. This Be Dixie," with Jane Withers
E. Densmore and Mrs. Frederick and Slim Summerville; Wuerth,
Densmore; Mr. H. Harlan Bloomer; "Three Married Men," with Lynne
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lippman; Prof. Overman, and "Follow Your Heart,"
and Mrs. R. D. Hollister; Mi Ray- with Marian Talley; Orpheum, "And
mond Shoberg; and Miss Ethel Mc- So They Were Married," with Mary
Cormick, "director of the League. Astor, and "The Case Against Mrs.
Fran Garnerknow as rankAmes."' with Madeleine Carroll.
Funk while attending the University, Coffee Hour: From 4:30 to 5:30
and at present a member of the Globe p.m,, at the Union, for all men stu-
Theatre Players, was there as a guest dents and faculty.
COIFFURES SWEEP UPWARD Alpha Gamma Delta announces the
initiation of Jane Duuss, '38, of
The new American Hair Design In- Brand Rapids and Marcella Mark-
stitute is seeking to consolidate the Land, '39, of Detroit.
talents of native artists according to' - - ---te m n o h l , o s a
the demands of the life, modes and
manners of the American Woman,
The newest coiffures are swept up-
wards, and end in rolls and curls,
giving the head a sleek well-groomed
look. ___-,
Stuart Courtis
Talks On Ideal
University Life
A discussion under the leadership
31 Irof. Stuart A. Courtis of the
Tryouts Will Be Today
For 'A Place To Live'
Sarah E. Pierce, Grad., director,
has announced that tryouts for parts
in the Children's Theatre play "A
Place to Live" will be held at 3 p.m.
today in the League. The tryouts to-
day are for men's and boys' parts.
"A Place to Live" is an adaptation
School of Education was featured at by Russell McCracken modeled after
the luncheon for graduate students the play "The PaulcStreetBoys" by
Molnar. Russell McCracken was
held yesterday in the League. formerly director of the Children's
In a short preliminary talk, Prof es- I Theatre,
sor Courtis described the ideal Feb. 19 and 20 are the dates set
university as planned by H. G. Wells, for the presentation of "A Place To
noted English writer. According to Live."
Professor Courtis, Wells' university is
a place for the intellectually curious BRIMS ARE ROLLED
to congregate, and one to which many
new ideas and plans are brought to The brims of this year's spring hats
be tested. will be rolled either back off the face
The discussion itself centered about or boldly out over the forehead, with
the ways in which the students them- rolls wide and strikingly noticeable.
selves could improve the University Suzy does it in a tire of white straw.
so that it might more nearly ap- In turbans it is accomplished with
proach that of Wells' ideal. It was brocade or feathers, wound loosely
pointed out that all movements must around small fiat crowns of gabar-
start with individuals and' that the dine, crepes and taffeta.
students, as those most vitally con-
cerned, should interest themselves in ( KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA
such movements. I Kappa Kappa Gamma announces
- Associated Press iPoto
Miss Lucille Kannewski, 16, will soon be crowned queen at the
anynal winter sports carnival ceremonies at Alpena. One of the earliest
winter queens, she will also rule next week-end over the annual Mich-
:gan state speed skating championships.
Keeping closets Clean, Orderly
Is Problem In Limited Spcace,
It was stated that interesting the
students in these things is made very
difficult by the fact that students
newly-arrived on campus, and even
those who have been here for some
time, are somewhat baffled by the
situation in which they find them-
selves and have not developed rules
by which to govern their lives nor
goals toward which they may work.
the pledging last night of Margaret
Tichenor, '39, of "Detroit.
All makessand models,
Bought. Sold. Rented,
Exchanged. Repaired.
0. D. Morrill
Dress Bags Of Cellophane,
Sweater And Hat Boxesa
Make TidyShelves
Closets, like bureau drawers, need
attention when the subject of order!
arises. This matter seems an espe-
cially pertinent one when we take
account of the limited amount of
such space with which college wom-
en are supplied.
Although the redecoration of clos-
ets offers endless opportunities in the
way of added shelves covered with
materials matching the color scheme'
of your room and practical steel shoe
and hat racks which may be covered
with the same material and are
handy when placed on the inside of
the closet door, one is definitely lim-
ited in attempts to install such in-
novations. Landladies and dormitory
directors do not seem to appreciate
these indications of originality.
Order Is Important
A woman must consequently focus
her attention upon ways and means
of overcoming closet handicaps by
making use of less drastic measures
to maintain order and cleanliness.
It is hardly necessary to mention
the dustproof zipper or button dress
bags which come to fit formals or
street-length dresses. Perhaps a
newer addition in this realm are
those bags of glazed cheese-cloth, or
cellophane which come in the blouse
length as well as in the other sizes.
The transparence of these cheese-
cloth and cellophane affairs free the
time-saver from the trouble of un-
fastening several bags before the
right frock is found. This last point
Committee And Chorus
Of J.G.P. Meets Today
The music committee of the Junior
Girls Play will meet at 4 p.m. today
in the game room of the League, it
was announced yesterday by Vir-
ginia Hunt, '33, chairman of the
The chorus practice for J.G.P. will
also be held at 4:30 p.m. today in
the game room of the League. All
who have previously tried out and
all interested in participation have
been urged to attend.
Zeta Tau Alpha announces the
pledging of Elizabeth A. Gay, '40, of
East Rochester, N. Y., and the initia-
tion of Ruth Koch, '39, Brooklyn,
N.Y., Mildred Livernois, '38SM, of
Ann Arbor, and Helen M. Neberle,
'38, of Bridgeport.
Alpha Xi Delta announces the
pledging of Jewel Drickamer, '38, of
may also be applied to the new cello-
phane shoe containers which; like-
wise, put an end to a peek-a-boo
Short-Topped Hangers
In connection with the bags for
formals are the short-topped hangers*
which succeed in raising the dress so
that it is less apt to rest on the floor.
Hat stands which clamp on the
shelf, shoe boxes, and cloth-covered
boxes for sweaters and hats reconcile
landladies with anti-screw complexes.
Now, just a worG about pressing
and the general care of clothes. Most
of you probably know that you should
always press a material on the wrong
side, but perhaps less common is the!
knowledge that if a material con-
tains any rayon, the iron should not
be as warm as it may be for pure
silk. If clothes are always hung
wrong side out, they will remainI
much cleaner.
Combine the Practical with the Theoretical.
Hamilton Business College
William at State
i o
Patch Repairing': r
tate and Liberty
luw.".- -
under your fur coat wear a
Refrcshing costume cha'nge
for mid-season weai and
definitely smart! Excellent-
ly tailored, single or double_
breasted styles, with plain
or belted baCk - i grey,
oxford, brown and navy.
Sizes 12 - 20 i
A ~ t 0 o. K
' e.
t4P . 4ii
: Plt 41,j e
A diffusing bowl under the shade throws part
of the light upward to the ceiling. It is then
reflected back and spread over a large area,
providing roomwide light that is soft and plea
sant, without glare. Harsh shadows are elim-
New Arrivals Daily
in Formals, Daytime and
Sports Frocks.
f madhan (oater
9tiaU cdfem~!
It has been proved by countless tests
that for easy, comfortable seeing-and
the protection of your eyesight-you
need 25 to 30 footcandles of light for
reading, writing, and other ordinary see-
ing tasks. The average lamps in your
home furnish probably 5 to 10 footcan-
dies. Under present-day standards of
lighting, ALL OF YOUR LAMPS may
be out-of-date! This does not mean that
you should discard them. But why not
supplement them with a modern new 3'
light lamp .. . one with all the proven
advantages shown above? A free Sight-
Meter test of your lighting will show you
some amazina truths about your lamps
Your last chance before rising
prices. Fine custom waving. For
the balance of January-- Cro-
Ciuignole, only-
$6.00 Value . . . $3.50
Machineless Permanent
$S.0O Value . . . $.50
Une tete aaU4
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