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September 22, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-09-22

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heritage of culture was bequeathed tof



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1936 Member 1937
sssocialed CoUe6dice Press
Distributors of
ColeNite Di6esI
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board In
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Chicago,, Ill.,
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Board of Editors
George ,Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Arnold S.Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes,
Mary Sage Montague.
Wire Editors: Clinton B, Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
associates; I. S. Silverman. y
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department -
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Crculatjbn Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertsing Manager.
To 40..
IN BEHALF of the University, its
faculty and students, we wish to
extend to you who are entering today for the
first time a friendly welcome. Though the build-
ings may be strange, please believe that they are
friendly and that you will in time come to have
for them the same affectionate regard in which
they have been held by a century of students.
This week ought to be one of pure enjoyment.
With orientation activities revealing to you the
many possibilities the University extends, with
the campus virtually to yourselves until the old-
timers come straggling in to register at the end
of the week, you will be able to appreciate the
roots of some of the, traditions that surround.
These traditions are variously interpreted by
different kinds of people. To some, as we re-
marked in the issue of The Daily which was sent
to you during the summer, the University of
Michigan is a fortress, within whose walls live
those who discover the truth and preserve it
living though elsewhere it may be lost. To others,
it is the center of social traditions, ceremonies
and expressions of youthful exuberance.
For the past several years, some of the latter
have been trying to break through the layer of
genteel urbanity in which the undergraduate
body has clothed itself and restore some of the
colorful campus traditions of a decade ago.
Among these traditions are those of freshman
pots, the inter-class games, the spirit of Ken-
tucky mountain feuds between freshman and
sophomore. For some reason, these efforts have
been increasingly successful, and during the
past year, the freshmen vigorously defended
themselves, wore pots defiantly, paraded between
the halves of a football game, and roundly
thrashed the sophomores at the inter-class
Certain of the established undergraduate or-
ganizations have tried this year to assist the res-
toration of class-consciousness and especially the
pot tradition. The wearing, of pots, though not
to be taken too seriously, can be a source of fun;
under the influence of a group spirit you can feel
yourself become a part of a mad, marching,

chanting crowd of freshmen, identified to one
another by these emblems.
Do not allow yourself to forget, however, that
these are but manifestations of the lighter as-
pects of the Miehigan tradition. The tradition
of intellectual enlightenment and spiritual ma-
turity-the tradition of learning on which Walter
Lippmann is quoted elsewhere on this page-is
the fundamental spirit to be sought.
The Kremlin And
The White House...
T HE ATTEMPT of William Ran-
dolph Hearst and some other re-
actionary newspaper owners to make the voters
helieve that the Rnosevelt administration has

ends, and, obviously, a clear indication of the
extent to which such prejudice and bigotry dom-
inate American thought.
Whether Mr. Roosevelt is a Communist, or is
supported by Communists, does not concern us
in the least. We are interested only in his an-
alysis of the problems confronting America and
the manner in which he proposes to solve them.
If, in our opinion, his analysis is logical and his
solutions effective, he can be a Buddhist, nihilist,
surrealist, or neo-pagan, and we will support
him. If the opposite is the case, we will repudiate
his leadership and his philosophy, and look for
new ones.
Effective self-government demands that we
analyze men and issues upon their merits. This
has not been done. But it is also imperative
that all of us be able and willing to under-
take such an analysis. For the accomplishment
of that end freedom of education in the school
and in the political arena is an indispensable
element. It is significant that the men who ob-
struct and fight such fre.edom with the weapons
of teachers' oaths, gag laws, deportations, crim-
inal syndicalism laws and all the rest, are the
ones who pretend the most concern for their
safety-their safety from the alleged threat
of Communism.
That Hearst and his journalistic friends have
employed distortion and falsehood in their as-
sertion that the Roosevelt administration is
Communistic is obvious to anyone acquainted
with the theories of Marx and of Lenin, and
with the program and pronouncements of the
American Communist Party. To recite the vast
number of fundiamental differences between
the program with which Mr. Roosevelt is striv-
ing to revive capitalism, and the program with
which the Communists hope to establish a co-
operative, proletarian society is far beyond our
scope today.
The statement that Roosevelt is being support-
ed by Communists has received a more sympa-
thetic hearing. It is plain that Communist op-
position to the Republican Party and its candi-
date is extremely vigorous. That the Communists
support Roosevelt therefore does not follow,
especially when no bona fide statement to that
effect cn be produced.
The alleged statement of Earl Browder's that
"Communists can join . . . in . . . supporting
Roosevelt" appears simply to be Hearst's ver-
sion of Browder's statement, in his plea for a
Farmer-Labor party, that "We Communists can
enter such a united front with workers who
support Roosevelt. Of course we do not commit
ourselves to Roosevelt in any way by this," That
a Farmer-Labor party has long been the Com-
munist Party's avowed goal, that this party has
been a persistent critic of President Roosevelt
since his inauguration, and that it has put its
own candidates in the field to oppose both Re-
publican and Democrat is fairly convincing evi-
dence of the shakiness of Hearst's second charge.
As Others See It
Must Labor Be Split?
WITH the suspension of 10 CIO unions, the
'American Federation of Labor is now but one
step removed from a complete break and open
civil conflict, the New Republic says in an an-
alysis of what is probably the most important
situation in the history of the American labor
Continuing, the New Republic says:
The next and final step to be taken-perhaps
at the Tampa convention in November-is the
expulsion of these unions, which comprise rough-
ly 40 per cent of the federation's 3,000,000 mem-
The consequences of such drastic action are so
appalling to contemplate, however, that the die-
hard craft unionists who dominate the federa-
tion's Executive Council may still be forced to
change their minds. For while they unquestion-
ably have the two-thirds vote necessary to revoke
a charter - now that the suspended unions are
barred from voting at the convention-it is
equally evident that such a vote would not repre-
sent a true expression of the federation's rank-
and-file membership.

This is most clearly shown in the simple fact
that the suspension order has been vigorously
protested by innumerable craft-union locals, by
16 out of 18 state federations that have held re-
cent meetings and by many central labor unions,
including those from the largest cities. These
protests, coming from bodies that meet more
frequently and permit a more democratic ex-
pression of rank-and-file sentiment than is post
sible in most of the international unions ,are ex-
tremely significant.
The state and local bodies are plainly not
eager to have their strength, meager as it is,
divided further and disrupted by a prolonged
internecine war. Rule or ruin may seem an at-
tractive policy to the reactionaries of the Execu-
tive Council, but it has little appeal for those
who must suffer its consequences on the firing
line. They want unity.
It now appears to be the intention of John L.
Lewis and his colleagues on the CIO to boycotil
the Tampa convention and to let their suspen.
sion-even their expulsion-from the A.F. of L. go
by default. This policy, it seems to us, is re-
grettable. Every possible weapon should be
used to prevent the die-hards of the Executive
Council from splitting the labor movement, and
the most obvious weapon is to use the courts in
fighting the suspension order, which was prob-
ably illegal.
According to the federation's own constitution,
the Executive Council has no power to suspend a
union or revoke a charter except when ordered
by a two-thirds vote of a national convention.
Obviously, the council exceeded its powers in sus-
nandinr the TCO unions Tt had no sueh man-

placed in a position of which it might be said
that they did not do their utmost to prevent
a split. At a time when the Executive Council
has no concern except its own selfish interests,
theirs is the responsibility to preserve the unity
of labor. -.
Thew Tradition Of Learning
WALTER LIPPMANN was at, his best in his
recent article on the Harvard Tercentenary,
says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in an editorial.
While we think the following estimate of Mr.
Lippmann is a bit enthusiastic, we reprint the
editorial because of the interest of its subject
Says the Post-Dispatch:
By profession a journalist who has risen
to eminence by reason of his enormous range
of knowledge and a scholarship that makes his
discussions distinctive, he is a native son of
bookland and his home is in the Grove of Aca-
deme. His passion for learning, fortified as it
is with an inexhaustible capacity for acquisition,
ordains him, it seems to us, into the priesthood
of education. So he speaks of Harvard and her
300 years as one having authority, an authority
illuminated with devotion.
One historical fact is cited, so saturated with
truth that it might well give us all pause in these
days of distress, impatience, sinister intolerance
and vast bewilderment. Harvard is today not
only "older than the government under which it
lives," but "it has outlasted all the governments
which existed when it was founded." What is
the secret of its strength? "The tradition of
learning." And here is Walter Lippmann's con
fession of faith in a paragraph of striking beauty
and comforting prophecy:
The universities, like the churches and all
other fellowships devoted to the highest con-
cerns of mankind, are the repositories of the
abiding purposes and interest of men. They
have a more ancient title than any govern-
ment to define the human destiny; they draw
upon the deepest allegiance of civilized men,
and the conscience they inform will in the
end judge-it will not be judged by-the
policies of states.
The things of the spirit-how imperishable
they are! Three incomparable instruments of civ-
ilization are the tablets of Sinai, the Sermon on
the Mount and the American Bill of Rights. In
full force and effect they would establish, we
feel sure, a richer Utopia than has ever been
conceived by economic visionaries. They would
remove the blindfold from the eyes of the God-
dess so that she might behold Justice in radiant
bloom. It would be given her to look upon the
flags of all the nations whipping the winds that
blow around the battlements of the millenium.
A dream? But is it not education's mission to ful-
fill that dream?
There were men at the founding of Harvard,
in 1636, who might, Mr. Lippmann reminds us,
have been Shakespeare in the flesh. The poet
had been dead but 20 years. On the day he
passed away, Oliver Cromwell entered the Uni-
versity of Cambridge. "On that day," in the epi-
gram of Shane Leslie, "Merrie England died and
Puritan England was born." But the Elizabeths
reign and vanish and the Cromwells come and
go and Shakespeare is so vitally present with us
that even the movies, emerging, perhaps, from
their trying adolescence, re-open a Capulet tomb
in which the genius of Shakespeare found the
deathless romance of Romeo and Juliet.
Those same founding fathers of Harvard,
somewhat older but still aflame with intellectual
zeal, might have crossed the Channel and been
awed by th'e magnificence of the young Louis
XIV, but they would have sat at the feet of
Moliere, as consummate a master of comedy as
was Shakespeare of tragedy. Meanwhile, the
sunlight of democracy has streamed through the
cold halls of aristocracy, and Versailles' crum-
bling ruins have been retrieved by an American
fortune, but the joy of Moliere dances merrily on
Have we wandered far from Harvard? Not at
all. Harvard and its founding father, and Shake-
speare and Moliere were all heirs of "the tradi-
tion of learning." The Dark Ages, fortunately,
never quite desolated the intellectual altars
where, in dim monasteries, the lamps of knowl-
edge were tended with vestal fidelity and the

(Continued in Next Column)
I I , - ' -

heritage of culture was bequeathed to --
that spiritual uprising known as the
Harvard has won, and holds, a
proud place among "the repositoriesa
of the abiding purposes and interests
of men"; a place where, as Mr. Lipp-
mann says, the policies of states will
ultimately be judged.1
Tryouts For Daily
To Report Sept. 28
All students with at least second
semester freshman standing who are
interested in trying out for the va-
cancies on the editorial staff and the
business staff of The Daily should
report Monday, Sept. 28 at the edi-
torial and business offices of the
Student Publications Building on
Maynard Street. -

Toasted Sandwiches
We pack, wrap and mail.
Betsy Ross Shop
13-15 Nickels Arcade



In Van Boven Clothes
the fullest measure of satisfaction is theknowledge that
you are correctly dressed for the occasion. Even though
you do not wish to buy today, drop in and get acquainted,

Suits . $35.00 to $75.00
Topcoats $29.50 to $125

Shirts $2.25 to $5.00
Ties . ...$1.00 to $3.50
Slacks ..... $6.75


$5.00 upward



Nickels Arcade



For your advantage in making an early contact with our local Churches we have taken this opportunity to list below the Churches
of Ann Arbor and the names of their respective leaders. If you feel that you would be interested in making an early contact with one
of these Churches we strongly advise you to get in touch with them immediately. You must remember while you are here at Michigan, as
well as throughout your later life, that religion and spiritual leadership are essential to the fulfillment of life. Ann Arbor offers you
these through the medium of her many Churches.
East Huron Street between South Fourth Ave., near Packard Street. Cor. Catherine and Division Streets.
State and Division Streets. Rev. Theodore R. Schmale, Pastor, Rev. Henry V. Lewis, Rector,
215.Packard Stree, Diali5026. 432 South Fourth Avenue, Dial 7840. 725 Oxford Road, Dial 3004.
215 Packard Street, Dial 5026.4BET HEL AFRICAN METHODIST
503 East Huron Street, Diwl 7332. 1115 Broadway. 623 North Fourth Avenue.
Rev. M. R. Jewell, Pastor, Rev. David H. Blake, Pastor,
SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH 1123 Broadway, Dial 21796. 212 North Fifth Avenue, Dial 8561.
Rev. Charles W. Carpenter, PastorD7kndAE 420 West Huron Street.
216 Beakes Street, Dial 23737 1102 Oakland Ave. 40Ws uo tet




Cor. William and Thopson Street.
Rev. Allen J. Babcock, Pastor,
515 North State Street, Dial 7020.
Cor. Tappan and Hill Streets.
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister,

Rabbi Bernard Heller, Director,
715 Forest Avenue, Dial 3779.
(Missouri Synod)
Cor. Third and Libery Streets.
Rev. Carl A. Brauer, Pastor,
1005 West Washington St., Dial 22341.

Cor. West Jefferson and Fourth Streets. ,
Rev. C. D. Beynon,
514 West Jefferson Street, Dial 5905. !
Meeting at Masonic Temple,
327 Fourth Avenue.
Rev. W. P. Lemon, Minister,

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