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January 21, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-21

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The Weather
Snow flurries and decidedly
colder today: tomorrow cloudy,
snow, slightly warmer.

LL '

A6F 4hr


The .oyalty Oath
Must Be Revealed . .




Council Bans
Social Events
Of One House
Phi Kappa Sigma Put On
Social Probation Until
March 20 For Violation
Three Are Warned
For Breaking Rules
Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity was
put on social probation yesterday un-
til March 20 by the executive com-
mittee of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil for violating initiation rules, ac-
cording to John Mann, '37, secretary.
The action was provoked by the in-
itiation of six men in November, none
of whom had eligibility slips from the
University and four of whom were
pledged this semester and could not
possibly have been initiated until
next semester, Mann said.
Violations of initiation rules by
three other fraternities, Alpha Delta
Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Zeta
Beta Tau, resulted in warnings being
issued to these fraternities, Mann
said, but no further action was taken
against them.
Two rules in the Interfraternity
Council constitution were violated by
Phi Kappa Sigma. They were to the
effect that no student shall be in-
itiated without a certificate of
scholastic eligibility issued by the
dean of students, and that in no case
shall a pledge having less honor
points than hours be eligible for in-
itiation unless he has at least 11
hours and 14 honor points in the
semester in which he is pledged and
then he shall be eligible for initia-
tion the following semester.
The three fraternities that were
warned violated the rule concerning
eligibility slips, Mann said. Though
all three were found guilty by the
executive committee, Mann said that
the committee recognized certain ex-
tenuating circumstances and for this
reason did no more than warn them
against further violations.
Social probation, Mann explained,
is an elimination of the fraternity's
social activities insofar as they con-
cern others through dinners, parties,
dances and similar functions.
Freak Weather
Covers Nation
As City Suffers
Spikes And Rubber Soles
Become Fashion Here As
Sleet Descends
Spiked golf shoes rose meteroically
as an Ann Arbor fashion note yester-
darubber soled sport shoes became
"the" thing, professors started their
classes late, and the taxi-cab busi-
ness enjoyed an unprecedented mid-
week boom all because the .17 inches
of precipitation recorded by the Ob-
servatory yesterday was accompanied
by temperatures below 30 degrees.
Travel Bad
Eccentric and incongruous as the
preventative measures were, their
effectiveness was shown by the fact
that no students were reported treat-
ed by the Health Service for fall in-
juries. Police records manifested the
same spirit of caution among drivers,
for only two accidents were reported,
one of which resulted in the injury

of Sue Biethan of 408 E. Kingsley St.
She was struck as she walked across
State St. at Lawrence St., police said.
The state highway department re-
ported last night through the As-
sociated Press that travel conditions
were the worst experienced this win-
ter and that the same sleet that was
impeding motorists had grounded all
air traffic in Michigan.
Nation-Wide Distress
Distress over the weather was na-
tionwide, according to the Associated
Press, for while rain trickled off the
silk hats of disgruntled diplomats at
President Roosevelt's inauguration in
Washington, sub - zero weather
plagued nine western states, th'eat-
ening California's $100,000,000 citrus
sorbed by the frozen ground.
Middle Western rivers are ap-
proaching the 1913 level because the
unseasonable rains cannot be ab-
The Mid-Western flood bowl has
been so extensively inundated accord-
ing to Associated Press reports, that
radio equipped coast guard boats are
being rushed on flat cars to flood

,John Held, Jr., Cites Amount
of College Talent In America

Famous Cartoonist Is Here
To Get Local Atmosphere
For Varsity Broadcast
John Held, Jr., famous writer and
cartoonist who is to be the master
of ceremonies on the Pontiac Varsity
Hour broadcast tomorrow night
formed a quick opinion of Michigan's
campus as he got off the bus from
Detroit in front of the Union yester-
"This is the finest campus I ever
slipped on," was his remark as he;
recounted how he fell on the icy sur-
face on State St. to become morec
intimately acquainted with Ann Ar-
bor proper.
Of medium height and dressed in'
the more comfortable campus styles'
befitting an artist, he seemed little1
more than a college student as he
Alcide Benoit
Admits Killing
State Trooper
Paroled Convict Captured
At Edge Of Monroe By
State Troopers
MONROE, Jan. 20.-(/P)-Sheriff
Joseph J. Bairley of Monroe County
said tonight that Alcide (Frenchy)
Benoit, 24, paroled convict, had con-
fessed that he slugged and shot
Michigan State Trooper Richard F.
Hammond to death this morning.
Benoit was captured at the edge of
Monroe an hour earlier by four state
troopers and taken to the Monroe
County jail, where he was questioned
by state and county officials.
Spent Night In Barn
Prosecutor, Francis C. Ready and
State Police Captain Lawrence A.
Lyon declared Benoit admitted .in
an oral statement that he fired the
fatal shot, but insisted that it was
fired during a fight with the trooper,
and not while the latter was in a
dazed condition.
After handcuffing Hammond to
the mailbox post, the officials quoted
Benoit as saying, and firing the fatal
shot in the process, he fled, hiding
in a field while a posse flashed lights
within a few feet of him. After the
posse had gone, he said, he spent the
remainder of the night and all of to-
day in a barn near Monroe.
He admitted, the officials said, that
he had committed robberies in Flint,
Grand Rapids, Lansing, Pontiac and
Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland and Chi-
Extensive Hunt
The capture of Benoit came after
one of the most extensive manhunts
in the history of Michigan, partici-
pated in by state police from Mich-
igan, Ohio and Indiana and by city,
and county police throughout south-
eastern Michigan.
I e-
J-Hop Reservations
To Be Made Today
Independent students who plan to
attend the J-Hop and who desire
booth accommodation are asked to
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 319,
the Union, Frederick V. Geib, '38,
Union executive council member who
is in charge of booth accommoda-
tions, announced yesterday.
Fraternities planning to occupy
booths must present typewritten lists
of at least 25 couples who are to
occupy the booths and their ticket
numbers to Geib at 721 Tappan Ave.
or at the Union. Chaperons are to
be included in the list.

sat comfortably smoking his pipe and
chatting pleasantly. Refusing to talk
seriously until after he had ad-
journed to a beer tavern for dinner
where he hoped to absorb some of
the atmosphere, and stopping on the
way to inspect the Student Publica-
tions Building, which he said made
him wish he could be starting out
again, he later took a more serious
He said that the only reason he
came to Ann Arbor two days before
the broadcast was that he might get
in the atmosphere of college life
again. To make this series of Var-
sity Shows he gave up a syndicated
contract because he wanted the con-
tracts and experience to be gained
by the time spent with college men.
The campuses of colleges and uni-
versities he considers a gold mine
for talent.
"Practically every great play, mu-
sical review and big comedy picture
has been written by men who were
college students," he said as he ex-
pressed his enthusiasm for tomorrow
night's broadcast.
Of his own success, he is quite in-
different. He made a fortune from
his cartoon the College Flapper, and
has built many of his cartoons
around college life.
"It just happened that I crossed
the path of Time as Time crossed
my path and we clicked," is the way
he philosophically explained the suc-
cess which has come to him as the
result of his outstanding work in the
fields of writing, drawing and sculp-
NBC Radio Men
Here To Equip
For Broadcast
Technicians Find Music
Played On Bells Must
Be Slow And Clear

League Offers
To Employes
Action Seen On Situation;
Finance Committee May
Review Complaints
Students Granted
Right To Organize

Of President
Held In Rain
Roosevelt Dedicates 2nd

Strike Unemployed
Now Totals 135,000
As Parley Continues

. I

Administration To H
Unfortunate Citizens


Alternative proposals for ameliora-
tion of working conditions in the
Michigan League were put forward
last night by Mrs. Ellen S. Stanley,
business manager and member of
the Board of Governors, in a meet-
ing of League directors and employes,
The Daily was told by workers in the.
establishment immediately following
the conference.
Mrs. Stanley called the meeting of
25 men and women students em-
ployed in the League to discuss the
wage-increase requests in a letter
submitted by their employe organ-
ization with a claimed membership
of approximately 100.
In reply to the employe request of
a $2 food allowance plus a minimum
hourly wage of 1.3 cents for all full-
time employes, embodied in a letter
to the board of governors, which
failed to act on the' question in its
Monday meeting, Mrs. Stanley sug-
gests, The Daily understands, that
the proposal may be brought before
the finance committee of the League
in the meeting next week.
The Two Plans
If the League budget will not per-
mit the requested increase, it is
understood that the business director
will ask for a report from the em-
ployes on these two alternatives:
(1.) A cut in the number of work-
ers in the building to raise the wages
of those who remain.
(2.) An hour's work for a definite
plate meal.
This information was given by em-
ployes, but Mrs. Stanley refused to
comment on the meeting.
.The employe organization, includ-
igapproximately all workers in
the building, will meet before the
end of the week to take a stand on
the proposals, according to Robert,
Fox, '38E, newly-elected chairman.
Already In Effect
Mrs. Stanley, meeting with the
workers, along with Miss Edna Hamil,
director of the dining rooms, and'
Miss Ethel McCormick, social direc-
tor, insisted that, in answer to the
second request of the employes' let-
ter, the merit system requested was
already in effect, The Daily under-
stands. The students were reputedly
told that the third point of the letter
asking for permission for an em-
ploye organization to present needs
. of the group to the employers, was
granted. No one will be discharged
for activity in such an organization
or for expressing his own opinion, it
is understood.
The employe organization in the
League is not affiliated with any
other workers group.
Richard Clark, '37, was named
chairman of the committee by Miller
Sherwood, '37E, president of the
Men's Council, to take the place of
Thomas Sullivan, '37, who resigned.

Thousands Chilled
By Cold Downpour
Franklin D. Roosevelt, standing bare-
headed while rain pelted relentlessly
into his face, pronounced the Pres-
idential oath today and dedicated his
second administration to helping the
economically unfortunate.
Thousands of his fellow citizens
spread across the capitol plaza, too
chilled and soggy for prolonged dem-
onstrations of enthusiasm. Thou-
sands more lined Pennsylvania Ave.
to see the President pass and watch
the parade which followed.
Cold Handicaps
Police estimated that some 150,-
000 or 200,000 people saw at least
portions of the ceremonies.
So penetrating was the cold and
the downpour that hundreds began
leaving Capitol Plaza soon after Mr.
Roosevelt commenced his speech.
Those who remained heard only scat-
tered phrases, for the rain, drumming
on a canopy of umbrellas, created a
clatter that the loud-speaker system
could not overcome. The speech was
more than half-delivered before there
was a murmur of applause. Then,
the President, approaching his cli-
max raised his voice:
"I see millions whose daily lives
in city and on farm continue under
conditions labelled indecent by a so-
called polite society half a century
ago. I see millions denied education,
recreation - and the opportunity to
better their lot and the lot of their
Speaks 'In Hope'
"I see millions lacking the means
to buy the products of farm and fac-
tory and by their poverty denying
work and productiveness to many
other millions. I see one third of a
nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nour-
"It is not in despair that I paint
you that picture. I paint it for you
in hope-because the nation, seeing
and understanding the injustice in
it, proposes to paint it out. The test
of our progress is not whether we
add more to the abundance of those
who have much. It is whether we
provide enough for those who have
too little."
Peace Council
Plans Demands
From Congress
Application of pressure for peace
legislation in the present Congress
through writing letters to members
of the two houses became a salient
point in the anti-war program of
the Peace Council at its meeting last
night in the Union.
The Peace Council is enlisting the
support of.all campus organizations
interested in the peace movement in
order to obtain a continuous flow
of letters to representatives as ques-
tions arise concerning peace during
the remainder of the presentsession.
The anti-war film, "Dealers in
Death," will be shown in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium Feb. 17 and 18. The
program, to last an hour and a quar-
ter, is sponsored by the council, and
an admission price of 10 cents has
been set to cover the actual costs


Here Tonight

Radio technicians arriving in Ann
Arbor from the Chicago offices of the
National Broadcasting Co. made,
ready yesterday to set up their equip-
ment as the completed Michigan pro-
gram for the Pontiac Varsity Hour
was being groomed for the dress re-
hearsals this afternoon and tomor-
Their first point of interest was the
conditions which would determine
whether or not the Baird Carillon
could be broadcast.
Careful investigation of the carillon
tower disclosed that the bells might
be broadcast with certain reserva-
Climbing. into the ice covered tow-
er to listen to the bells at close range
as the microphone would pick them
up, they found that music played
for the broadcast must be neither
too fast nor too high or the result-
ing music would be blurred by the
continuing resonance of the bells.
Further, notes of the higher register
of the carillon keyboard would neces-
sitate too wide a musical range for
proper microphone pick-up. Fortu-
nately, the numbers picked by Mr.
Pratt for the program were confined
to the lower and middle registers of
the keyboard.
Since a sheet of ice covered the
bells and muffled their tone, the
technicians were not yetprepared to
say definitely that the carillon pro-
gram could be included. Final tests
are to be made today over a radio line
and through a test board to deter-
mine exactly the feasibility of the
carillon's inclusion in the broadcast.
The remainder of the program to
(Continued on Page 2)

Lecture Story
Will Be Given
By Tomlinson'
Writer To Show Colored
Movies Of Haitian Life
In Lecture Today
Edward Tomlinson, lecturer and
writer on Latin-American affairs, will
present a lecture story, "Haitian Ad-
venture," with color motion pictures
at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium
under the auspices of the University
Oratorical Association.
The lecture, the fifth on the cur-
rent Oratorical Association series, will
show the highlights of Mr. Tomlin-
son's latest photographic expedition
among -the descendants of the first
African slaves in the Americas which
he made last spring.
Mr. Tomlinson left early in April
with photographer, assistants and
500 pounds of cameras and equip-
ment, on an expedition which took
him to every section of the Island
Republic of Haiti. "Haitian Adven-
ture" is the first complete lecture
story, with natural color motion pic-
tures, of the customs, folkways, relig-
ions and civilization of the country
called "the black man's America."
Mr. Tomlinson, in addition to his
work as a writer and lecturer, has
been a radio commentator on Latin-
American affairs. He Ndas in charge
of the broadcast of the Pan-Amer-
ican Conference for the National
Broadcasting Co. in December.
He was born in Georgia and at-
tended Georgia Normal College and
the University of Edinburgh in Scot-
Gargoyle Presents
J-HopIssue Today'
Pictures of the "10 prettiest co-
eds" and an article on "The John
Townsend Plan," are featured in the
J-Hop issue of the Gargoyle which
goes on sale today.
The co-eds were selected by the
Gargoyle staff on the basis of "types"
of beauty.

Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.
Workers Alleviate Crisis
By Returning To Jobs
Vlurphy, Perkins
Confer At Capital
Buick Plant At Flint Now
Shut Down; GM Refuses
Peace With Sit-Downers
DETROIT, Jan. 20.-UP)-Add-
ional shutdowns spread unemploy-
nent because of strikes to more than
135,000 General Motors wage-earners
tonight as the Federal government
ent its aid to untangle the coditions
>aralyzing a giant industrial con-
Secretary Perkins and Gov. Frank
Vurphy sat for the second successive
lay in labor department offices at
Washington with leaders in the auto-
notive dispute.
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., president of
General Motors; William S. Knud-
en, executive vice-president; John
Thomas Smith, general counsel, and
Donaldson Brown, finance committee
hairman, were today's conferees.
Martin To Washington
Yesterday it was John L. Lewis,
chairman of the Committee for In-
dustrial Organization backing the au-
tomotive strikes, who talked for nine
hours with Murphy and Miss Per-
On Lewis' call, Homer Martin,
president of the United Automobile
Workers of America, and John Bro-
phy, C.I.O. director, headed for
Washington from Detroit tonight.
Effects of widespread U.A.W.A.
strikes closed the Buick Motor Co.
plant at Flint and the Fisher Body
Co. plant at Baltimore, both General
Motors divisions, today. The Buick
shutdown threw an additional 10,-
000 out of work and brought to ap-
proximately 38,000 the number idle
in Flint, leaving the A.C. Spark Plug
plant the only G.M. unit operating
in that city.
Anti-Strike 'Sit-Down'
One of the principal obstacles to
settlement negotiations remained the
continued presence of union strikers
in two Flint Fisher body plants, scene
of riots Jan. 11 that injured 27 per-
sons and caused Governor Murphy to
call out 2,300 national guardsmen
General Motors has declined to ne-
gotiate with the union while these
men it describes as "clearly trespass-
ers" remain in the plants. Martin,
leaving for Washington tolight, said
"there will be no change in the
union's determination to hold the
men in the plants until negotiations
with the company are completed."
Non-union employes of the Balti-
more Fisher plant prepared for a
"sit-down" demonstration in Wash-
ington tomorrow unless the federal
government takes steps to end the
strikes. They voted such action to
show "that the employes are satis-
fied with working conditions here (in
Baltimore) and do not want to be-
long to a union."
Baltimore Strike
A Chevrolet plant adjoining the
Baltimore Fisher factory is scheduled
to shut down tomorrow affecting 1,-
200 workers.
Settlement of the Pittsburgh Plate
Glass Co. strike today and brightened
prospects in the Libby-Owens-Ford
strike were welcomed by automobile
manufacturers whose stocks of glass
had dwindled to small proportions,
endangering production schedules.
The glass shortage has been cred-
ited with responsibility for part of
the General Motors shutdowns. The
striking Federation of Flat Glass
Workers are affiliated with the C.I.O.
and have a "joint council" with
the automobile workers.
Chrysler Chir

Will Sing Here
On Feb. 14
A concert by the Chrysler Choir of
Detroit will be given at 3 p.m. Sun-
day, Feb. 14, in Hill Auditorium. The
concert is being sponsored by the
Men'srCommittee on Dormitories, the
University Musical Society and the
Glee Club. The proceeds will go to
the dormitory fund.
Tickets will be 25 cents each and
will go on sale Monday, according to

Aggressiveness And Initiative
Most Important To Employers

Rev. Gallagher,
70 Years Old,
Dies In Detroit
Late Bishop Considered
Influence Protecting
Father Coughlin
DETROIT, Jan. 20.--VP)-The Most
Rev. Michael J. Callagher, bishop of
the Catholic Diocese of Detroit, died
in Providence Hospital tonight. He
was 70 years old.
The prelate, who had been suffer-
ing from a throat ailment 10 days,
was taken to the hospital only today.
The bishop's housekeeper became
alarmed when he failed to awaken
from a sound sleep late in the day
and she summoned a physician.
Dr. Ray Andries examined Bishop
Gallagher and ordered him taken to
the hospital immediately. He died
within a few hours.
Bishop Gallagher broke into the
nation's headlines in the months im-
mediately preceding the Presidentia:
election as the defender of the Rev
Fr. Charles E. Coughlin, of Royal
Oak, head of the National Union for
Social Justice and strong opponent
of the Roosevelt administration.
Upon one occasion Bishop Gal-
lagher was called upon to defend Fr
Coughlin before Pope Pius.

Aggressiveness and initiative are
the traits appreciated most highly in
prospective employes, Edwin W. Old-
ham of the Firestone Tire Co. tech-
nical department, who is here inter-
viewing mechanical and chemical en-
gineers, said yesterday.
Not only are these qualities impor-
tant in hiring men but equally so in
firing them, he continued. "For," he
said, "those lacking these personality
attributes are the first to go in time
of depression when retrenchment
movements are taking place."
Scholastic ability is highly desired
by the Firestone Co., but it is sec-
ondary to a likable personality, Mr.
Oldham said.
A neat appearance, the ability to

is conducted with the idea of giving
the man an opportunity to sell him-
self to the company but at the same
time with the idea of selling the com-
pany to the applicant, Mr. Oldham
A student who has worked his way
through college has a distinct ad-
vantage over other prospective em-
ployes, he said. A man with prac-
tical experience in the line he is
studying is also at a great advantage,
he pointed out.
Members of the technical person-
nel department are generally well
which they are hiring men. Mr. Old-
acquainted with the division for
ham said. Many times, he declared,
applicants are interviewed with a
specific job in mind.


Dean Clare E. Griffin and Prof.
Charles L. Jamison, both of the busi-
ness administration school, yesterday
agreed that shortening of working
hours was definitely not a means of
encouraging business recovery.
Both men thus lent their approval
to the statement made last week by1
the Brookings Institute to the effect
that shortening of hours could not be
construed to be an aid to increased
activity in industry.
The application of restrictions to
production , was also described by
Dean Griffin and Professor Jamison
as a temporary measure to be resort-
ed to in the case of emergencies such
as depression periods. The report
issued by Brookings said in part:
"Whatever merit production restric-

Den rif n ad. "This process can i
be justified from the humane and so-
ciological viewpoint," he added, "but
it does not increase the material ad-
vantages of labor as a whole and does
nothing to stimulate business, for the
purchasing power of labor remains
the same although distributed among
a larger number,"
The Brookings report stated that
emphasis should be placed on keeping
the price of goods down, rather than
upon raising prices.
"The farmer, the person on fixed
income and the person who is steadily
employed would all be better off if
the price of manufactured goods were
kept at as low a level as possible,"
Professor Jamison said, "even if the
ratio between wages and prices were
kept constant."

Brookings Working Hour Report
Approved By Griffin And Jamison
DenGrfi si. Ti poes a

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