The Weather
Increasing cloudiness with
rising temperature today; to-
morrow rain or snow.
SiAr4ig an
While There Are
Fascist Nations ...
League Denies
Helps' Petition
For better Pay
And Parleying
No Action Takein On Three
Point Plan Offered By
Workers Request
$2 Food Allowance
The Board of Governors of the
League yesterday afternoon refused
to grant a petition of League em-
ployes for higher wages and col-
lective bargaining.
The Board took no action on the
three-point petition, taking the po-
sition that the problem was one for
the League management to solve.
"No specific action was taken,"'
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, a member of the
board, told The Daily last night.
"The matter is left to the League
management. The board expects the
management to take care of such
Has Natural Right
Dean Lloyd stated that the League
management "naturally" had the,
power to act upon employes' wages.
The petition which was presented
by the employes embodies the fol-
lowing points:
1) All full-time employes in the
Michigan League be given a mini-
mum wage of 30 cents per hour and
a $2 food allowance per week with the
minimum food charge of 75 cents
per day retained.
2) A merit system whereby stu-
dents holding key positions receive
more than this amount either in
actual cash or in a higher food al-
3) Student employes be allowed to
organize to elect representatives to
present their needs to their employ-
Waiter Apts As Mediator
Clyde F. Kohn, Grad., head wait-
er of the League, acted as mediator
between the League management and
the employes at the meeting in which
the petition was drawn up. He said
that he was no way affiliated wl~
the group.
The group of employes which drew
up the petition is not affiliated with
the Student-Workers Federation or
any other outside organization. Kohn
refused to give The Daily the petition
in full.
A League chapter of the federation
was formed more than two months
ago with Williard L. Martinson,
Grad, as president. The chapter for-
warded demands for increased wages
to the Board of Governors, which in
turn referred them to a committee.
Federation Is Inactive
The federation chapter has since,
from all The Daily could learn last
night, become inactive in the League,
leaving League employes without any
outside affiliation. What action the
board took upon the initial demands
of the federation chapter could not
be learned.
Mrs. Ellen S. Stanley, a member of
the Board, who represents the man-
agement of the League, could not be
reached last night. Charlotte Rue-
ger, '37, president of the League, is
also a member.
Technic Article
Shows Future
Of Engineers
A glimpse into the future of an
engineer's life has been provided by
the January issue of the Michigan
Technic, on sale yesterday, with an
article entitled "Let's Look Ahead"
by Hillard A. Sutin, '37E.
Suggested by the answers supplied
by graduates to queries concerning
their employment and mode of liv-
ing, the article indicates the unpre-
dictible nature of the jobs and lo-
calities in which the engineers have
found themselves. Further, it points
out, professional education does not
by any means stop with graduation;
in many cases a year or two of speci-
fic training courses are entered by the
successful job-hunter.
Specialization. in college courses,
however, was frequently condemned,
according to the letters received. A
good general foundation was praised
as the means of taking advantage of
opportunities which happened to
The State's tribute to Dean-
Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley--the
Cooley bridge over the Manistee Riv-
Ruthven Calls New(kTrivpd
Principals In GM Strike
Budget Mere Guide
Budget Director Gecrge Thomp-
son's state budget estimate, reported
in yesterday's papers, serves merely
as an advisory document to Gov.
Frank Murphy and the Legislature,
President Ruthvent said yesterday.
He said that the University budget
request had not yet been tendered the
State and that the reported Uni-
versity building program request of1
$4,500,000, against which thebudget
director advised, was largely a carry-
over from former years.
In the director's report the Uni-
versity was allowed a budget of
President Ruthven said the report
was largely one informing the gov-
ernor and Legislature on the prob-
able income toMichigan during the
next fiscal year.
The University budget last year
was $4,062,000.
Presiden t Faces
New Problems
As Term aStarts
For the first time in the history of
the United States a President today
will be inaugurated on a date other
than March 4.
It will be exactly at noon today
that Franklin D. Roosevelt, rider the
20th Amendment to the Constitution,
will take from Chief Justice Charles
Evans Hughes the oath of office and
thus start his second term, as the
33rd President of the United States.
The inauguration ceremony, always
colorful and dramatic, will be espe-
cially so today Although rain was
in the Washington air last night,
preparations for the inaugural event
were nearing completion. The cap-
ital was being filled with persons.
from all over the nation, and at West
Point and Annapolis, cadets were
preparing for the inaugural parade.
To Hold Military Parade
That parade, which the President
will review as it swings down Penn-
sylvania Avenue past the White
House, will be almost entirely mili-
tary this year, with the precise'
rhythm of the marching army and
navy cadets, the regular army and
the U. S. Marines occupying the spot-
A h '
As in March, 1933, the President
and his family willp reface the in-
auguration ceremonies with a private
devotional service in tiny, old St.
John's Episcopal church, just across
Lafayette Square from the White
Shortly before noon, he will leave
the White Housenaccompanied by
Mrs. Roosevelt and members of his
cabinet, and motor to the Capitol,
where he will, with his hand on the
Bible, repeat the words that Wash-
ington, Lincoln, and others of Amer-
ica's greatest have intoned before
him: "I do solemnly swear that I will
faithfully execute the office of the
;President of the United States, and
will to the best of my ability, pre-
serve, protect and defend the Consti-
tution of the United States.";
The 2nd Inaugural Address
Then will come what the nation is
awaiting expectantly-his Second In-
augural Address. Although the drama
of March 4, 1933, has changed, much
of the scenery remains the same. On
that inaugural day, the United States1
was confronted with a great banking
crisis. The financial institutions of
the land were closing by the hun-
dreds, and our entire financial struc-
ture was tottering With a few, terse
words, the new President-shot a ray
of hope 'through the gloom.
Today, a far-reaching industrial
crisis confronts the State of Michigan
and the nation American Industry
No. 1, automobile manufacturing, is
tied up by a strike, a strike which
shows no signs of ending. What will
President Roosevelt do?s-
His speech may disclose the an-
(Continued on Page 2)
'%,AZ.A VYV 1A L) -U .31 its r 'Z
To Capitol Hill
For Inauoural
Talk Of F.D.R.I
Washington Strike Parley
Fails To Break Deadlock;
B riggs Dispute' Is Settled
250,000 Expected
Ceremonies In
To See
Inclement Weatherr
Is In Sight For Day
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-()-A
crowded capital, vibrant with gayety,
forgot dreary weather tonight and
dismal prophecies of more tomorrow,
in a carnival overture to the second
inauguration of President Franklin
D. Roosevelt.
A vast throng of 250,000 is expect-
ed to attend the ceremonies or watch
the parade, according to official esti-
mates. Throughout today and this
evening the visitors were arriving in
dozens of special trains, dozens of
extra sections, holiday bent, ready to
add their voices to tomorrow's ac-
claiming din.
Weather Only Drawback
The weather man was the only
holdout from the festivities. To top
off a cold rain today, he forecast rain,
11:40 a.m. (EST) The House
convenes and precedes in a body
to the inaugural platform.
11:50, the Senate convenes and
procedes to the platform.
12:00, President Roosevelt ar-
rives with his =cabinet.
Senator Robinson (Dem.-Ark.)
administers the oath to Vice-
President Garner.
Chief Justice Hughes administ-
ers the oath to the President.
Time uncertain: The inaugural
parade begins.
(WWJ, WJR, CKLW will broad-
cast the ceremonies beginning
11:30 a.m. today).
possibly even sleet or snow for to-
morrow, but even this glum predic-
tion failed to dampen the happy
mood of the crowds jostling through
hotel lobbies, crowding the bars or
gathering at scores of dinners and
For the third successive day, Wash-
ington was drenched today in an
intermittent downpour that kept the
crowds pretty much to the hotel
lobbies. Sidewalk vendors did a brisk'
trade in slickers and umbrellas. On
hearing of the weather forecast for
tomorrow, they replenished their
Meanwhile, President Roosevelt
kept quietly to the White House.
There was a small dinner for the
heads of campaign committees, but
otherwise, inauguration eve was, for
the chief executive, an evening of
There was correspondence to be'
attended to and more work on the
speech with which he will define to-
morrow the objectives of his second
Use Model Of Hermitage
For a reviewing stand, a miniature
of Andrew Jackson's Tennessee home,
the hermitage, has been erected in
front of the White House, complete
with fluted columns, rambler roses
and magnolia trees bedecked in paper
blossoms.' From its broad veranda,
encased in bullet proof glass, Mr.
Roosevelt will watch the procession
The hotels, of course, were sold out
weeks ago, and a housing commit-
tee took charge of the city's various
lodging houses. No advances in
prices were permitted, but the regis-
tering guest was not permitted to
take a room for less than a three-
day stay.
-Associated Press Photo
Homer Martin (first above) pres-
ident of the United Automobile#
Workers union, and George E. Boy-
sen (immediately above), president
of the Flint Alliance, are clashing
in the efforts to end the General
Motors sit-down strike. Mr. Boy-
sen demands 'that the Alliance, an
organization enlisting non-union
workers in an attempt to break
the strike, sit 'inn negotiations
with GM officials. Mr. Martin re-
torts that the Alliance is sponsored
by General Motors, that Mr. Boy-
sen is a heavy stockholder therein,
and he refuses to negotiate with
Plans Formed
For Nationwide!
Plans for the Michigan Night
broadcast of the Pontiac Varsity
Programs showed signs of taking
definite shape yesterday as the first
rehearsal of a part of the cast was
held in the broadcasting offices in
Morris Hall.
About 12 students were in the
group that will have a part in put-
ting on three or four minute sketches
depicting incidents about campus,
brought in and written up by the
students themselves.
Other changes in plans have been
made as the program took shape. It
was found that a conflict between
the "Yeoman of the Guard," being
presented Friday night would conflict
with the broadcast. This necessitat-
ed a change in the time of "The Yeo-
men" from 8:30 to 8 p.m.
It was also decided that the stu-
dents attending the broadcast would
take part in the singing of the "Yel-
low and Blue." To this end, students
are being asked to refresh their mem-,
ories on the words of their alma ma-
ter, as it will be impossible to pass
out sheets bearing the words, at the
Sheriffs Rush To
Rescue Trooper
State police car 27 was found
wrecked and bloody, one mile west of
Lulu, a mile west of Dundee, at 1:50
a.m. today. No body was found.
Washtenaw County deputy sheriffs1
were ordered to the Ohio border this
morning by the State Police to assist'
in the rescue of a state trooper kid-
Eden Believes
Germany Holds
Europe's Future
[louse Of Commons Given
Look Behind Diplomatic
Scene By Secretary
LONDON, Jan. 19.-(A)--Germany
holds the key to the future of troubled
Europe, Foreign Secretary Anthony
Eden told the House of Commons
For the first time the youthful sec-
retary gave the House a look behind
the diplomatic scene as he found it1
in the recent weeks of war clouds
and the search for a sure road to
Offers Rtassuranc
He gave some reassurance, profess-
ing to see lessening danger that the
Spanish civil war might flare into
widespread European conflict, and
pronounced the story of Britain's tilt
with Italy over sanctions during the
Ethiopian campaign ended by the
Italo-British Mediterranean agree-
If Germany chooses the path of
"full and equal cooperation with Eu-
rope," Eden said, she would have the
wholehearted cooperation of the Brit-
ish nation.
"There's a great nation of 65 mil-
lions at the very center of our con-
tinent," he said of Germany, "which
has exalted race and nationalism to
a creed which is practiced with the
same fervour it is preached.
"The world is asking whither these
doctrines are to lead Germany and
all of us Germany has it in her
power to influence the choice which
will decide not only her fate, but Eu-
Sounds Optimistic Note
Eden sounded the most optimistic
official note of recent months when
he declared the Spanish danger had
lessened, though it had not been
completely nullified.
"Intervention in Spain,' he told
the opening of a new session of Par-
liament, "is not only bad for hu-
manity; it is bad politics," which he
said 4,000,000 Spaniards would op-
pose as would the British nation
Rain Forecast
Arouses Ne w
Flood. Dangers
Mid-West Communities
Isolated; Levees Torn
As Water Rises
(By The Associated Press)
Forecasts of more rain in the
southern portions of Ohio, Missouri
and Illinois added to the growing
tension over runaway rivers in the
mid-continent yesterday.
. Levees crumbled anew before the
pressure of flooded streams, routing
families and inundating farms. Wa-
ter spilled over scores of highways
in half a dozen states, virtually iso-
lating some communities.
The Ohio, already swollen to flood
stage along its 980 miles, was ex-
pected to rise to 60 feet at Ports-
mouth and Cincinnati and 58 feet at
Maysville, in revised estimates.
Meteorologist W. C. Devereaux at
Cincinnati predicted a long siege of
high water for the lower Ohio River
Valley. The upper portion looked
for relief, however, with the cessa-
tion of rain in Pennsylvania.
Crest estimates for the Ohio were
revised downward at Marietta, O.,
and Martins Ferry, O.
Nine levee breaks were reported
along the St. Francis in southeast
Missouri. Three engineers narrowly
escaped drowning in the breaks as
water poured over farmlands.
Edward Tomlinson
Speaks Tomorrow
Edward Tomlinson, authority on
Latin America, will give the sixth
Pope Suffers Relapse
As His Right Arm Pains
VATICAN CITY, Jan. 19.-(A)--
Pope Pius XI had "a bad day" and
was weaker tonight, a reliable source
Stricken Dec. 5 with partial par-
alysis of the legs and ailing from
other old-age troubles, the 79-year-
old pontiff was said in a semi-official
report to have been in less favorable
condition than at any time in a week.
His physicians held a consultation
The Holy Father's right arm pained
severely, Vatican sources declared,
and it was believed this indicated he
had angina pectoris.
Gilbert, Sullivan
Opera 'Yeoman'
Opens Tonioht
School Of Music And Play?
Production Give Seventh,
Joint Presentation
Regarded as the best of the 14
scores whichaSullivan wrote inhcol-
laboration with Gilbert, "The Yeo-
men of the Guard" will be presented
at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre as the seventh co-
operative effort of Play Production
and the School of Music.
The remaining performances will
be given Thursday and Saturday
nights at the same time with a mat-
inee Saturday. On Friday, however,
to avoid conflict with the national
broadcast, the performance will be
given '°"""8-prn. ending before the
broadcast at 10:30 p.m.
Directing the opera is Valentine
B. Windt, director of Play Production,
assisted by Achilles Taliafero, mu-
sical director and in charge of the or-
chestra. Mr. Taliaferro will to-
night make his debut as orchestt'al
conductor of an opera, having made
a previous public appearance this
year as conductor of the "Messiah"
before the Christmas vacation.
Approximately 100 students will
take part in the opera, about 56 in
the cast and 40 in the orchestra. Co-
operating with Play Production and
the School of Music are the depart-
ment of physical education and Prof,
Arthur Hackett,
The principals in the opera in-
clude: Henry Austin, Grad.; Mildred
A. Olson, '37Ed; Mary A. Kohlhaas,
'37SM; Ralph B. Clark, '37SM; Mar
guerite V. Creighton, '37SM; Maur-
ice Gerow, '38SM; Martin E. Thomp-
son, '37SM; Donn M. Chown, '38SM;
Jane E. Rogers, '37SM; Mari Jane
Denne, '38SM; and Frederic H.
Shaffmaster, '37SM.
Miss Kohlhaas will sing the min-
strel lead in tonight's performance,
changing off with Miss Olson in sub-
sequent performances.
Hughes Makes
Fliurht Record
NEW YORK, Jan. 19.-(P)-Suck-
ing oxygen through a rubber' tube
most of the way, Howard R. Hughes,
millionaire sportsman pilot, flashed
across the continent at an average
speed of 5/2 miles a minute today to
set a new West-East air record.
The lanky, 34-year-old amateur
flier drove his specially constructed,
bullet-shaped monoplane from Los
Angeles to Newark in 7 hours, 28
minutes, 25 seconds by official clock-
ing. The previous record, which he
set Jan. 14, 1936, was 9 hours, 25
minutes, 10 seconds.
Hughes climbed out of his cockpit
at Newark airport and smilingly
told of escaping near-disaster when
his inhalator failed at an altitude of
20,000 feet.
It was near Winslow, Ariz., about
an hour and a half after he had
roared away from Los Angeles, he
said, when "suddenly I found that my
arms and legs were practically par-
Flint 'Stay-ln' Stalemate
Blocks Murphy, Perkins
And Lewis For 9 Hours
Silent Foes Waiting
Move By Murphy
Detroit Plant To Reopen
Despite Picket Clash And
Gas, Bombings
(By The Associated Press)
An automotive peace conference
called in Washington yesterday by
Secretary of Labor Perkins deliberat-
ed for nine hours without finding
any means to end the General Mo-
tors-United Automobile Workers of
America impasse.
Gov. Frank Murphy and John L.
Lewis, head of the Committee for In-
dustrial Organization, parent body of
the UAW, conferred with Miss Per-
The Briggs Manufacturing Co., of
Detroit, announced last night the
settlement of a strike in one of its
plants after union picket lines forced
a shutdown despite a tear gas at-
Strikers Hold Positions
Stay-in strikers at Flint and Na-
tional Guardsmen on duty in the city
held their positions.
The UAW and GM remained silent
as to further peace moves, but initia-
tion of further steps to halt the strike
which has virtually brought to a
standstill production in the far-flung
GM empire appeared to rest again
with Governor Murphy.
One point still blocked, as it has
for more than two weeks, and nego-
tiationsibetween General Motors and
the Union..
That was the occupancy of two
Fisher Body plants at Flint by "stay-
in" strikers who haveheld their posti
since Dec. 30 in spite of a street battle
with police that injured 27 persons
and caused 2,300 Ntional Guards-
men to concentrate in the automo-
bile center.
Homer Martin, UAW president,
said yesterday these strikers would
not be withdrawn "for any reason
until the strike is terminated." Gen-
eral Motors held to its stand there
can be no collective bargaining until
the union men leave the plants.
To Accede To Murphy
George E. Boysen, organizer and
head of the Flint Alliance, an anti-
strike group, said today it would ac-
cede to Governor Murphy's wish that
"civic and other organizations hold
themselves in the background" pend-
ing renewed settlement efforts. Mar-
tin immediately said this would not
affect the union's policy because "we
have no assurance that Boysen and
the picture after we had beun ac-
the FlintuAlliance would notuenter
tual negotiations with General Mo-
The clash between union pickets
and police at the Briggs plant, where
approximately 100 men had been on
strike for a week, came when the
pickets formed a circular human wall
in front of the employes' gate, trot-
ting briskly in 20-degree temperature
to prevent workers from entering the
Try To Force Path
Police tried to open a path to the
gates. Inspector Louis L. Berg, try-
ing to rescue William Myers, plant
manager, from a group of pickets,
was temporarily overcome by an ex-
ploding gas bomb. Neither he nor
Myers required hospital treatment.
Before the Briggs strike was settled,
Martin had telegraphed Governor
Murphy urging "such action as you
may .deem necessry to prevent fur-
ther violence of this kind" and charg-
ing the police used tear gas "without
any justification."
'Sitdown' Vs. 'Sitdown'?
BALTIMORE, Jan. 1.-()-Gen-
eral Motors Corporation employes in-
jected a new angle into industrial
disputes tonight by voting to con-
duct a "sit-down" strike against the
"sitdown" strikes which will close
two plants here shortly.
More than 2,000 workers in the
plants here voted to go to Washing-
ton tomorrow and sit down on Capitol
Hill until the government intervenes
in the nation-wide strike.
Moreover, the workers pledged
themselves to urge other General
Motors employes to march on Wash-
ington if such a demonstration is
needed 1to convince offiialsthatfthe
Turkey Steers Middle Course
Between Fascism, Communism
Modern Turkey's ship of state is
steering a course between commun-
ism, fascism, and unregulated cap-
talism, Dr. Walter Livingston Wright,
president of Istanbul American Col-
lege, explained in an interview yes-
Under the leadership of Mustapha
Kemal Ataturk, Dr. Wright believes,
Turkey is attempting to avoid the
pitfalls of these three ideologies and
synthesize their workable parts into
something peculiarly her own.
"That is the wonder of living there
now," he declared enthusiastically
as he strode along South University
Roosevelt's was when he took office
in March, 1933, Dr. Wright believes.
"Civil liberties?" Turkey cannot
be compared with the United States
in this respect, Dr. Wright asserted,
because of the difference in the cir-t
cumstances of the two countries.
But he indicated that there has
been a tremendous increase in the
granting of human rights and free-
dom since the dissolution of the
autocratic sultan's Ottoman empire.
"They now have the utmost civil
liberties compatible with efficient
government," he maintained.
"Opposition?" There is practically
no opposition to the present govern-
ment, Dr. Wright said, pointing out