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January 19, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-19

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TUESDAY, JAN. 19, 1937


- 1
96 Member 1937
Associcied Cotle6idte Press
Distributors of
Cole6idte Di6est
Publislhd every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
tor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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second class mal matter.
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40; by mail, $4.5C
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Gerge Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department:eElsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fre
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man. Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton
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nan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
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Departmental Managers
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Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Nrman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
The Implications
Of Collective Security . .
O N FRIDAY we set forth some
aspects of the problem of neutral-
ity as suggested by Professor Preuss at the Union
Forum, particularly with reference to the iso-
lationist point of view. Today we wish to take
up some of the problems involved in collective
The extreme exponent of collective security
favors membership in the League of Nations-
not the present League, but one organized on the
basis of a more equitable redistribution of eco-
nomic resources. The present League is dedi-
cated to the preservation of the status quo. It
was built upon the shaky foundation of the Ver-
sailles Treaty and is perishing with it. The
unlikelihood of any redistribution of resources in
the near future makes this point of view vision-
ary. Membership in the League under its present

organization would make us a party to the pres-
ervation of the British and French possessions,
would require us to be willing to enter into sanc-
tions or war against any threat to the status
A more modified position is that taken by the
Administration, which favors a plan whereby the
foreign policy of the United States would be de-
termined by the discretion of the President after
a state of war existed in the world. This would
mean that if Country A and Country B were at
war, the President could declare an embargo
against both, against the one which he consid-
ered to be the aggressor, or against neither. The
presumption is that he would distinguish between
the aggressor and Ethiopia.
As a matter of fact, this lets us into the League
by the back door. We are in a position to
cooperate with the League in enforcing sanctions
against aggressor nations, and we run the same
risk of being involved in a war that we would
if we were members of the League. If the United
States had, for example, decided to cooperate
with the League in enforcing an oil embargo
against Italy at the time of the Ethiopian inva-
sion, the cause of international justice might
have been furthered, but the consequence might
conceivably have been, as Mussolini threatened,
Perhaps this is not a deterrent. If the history
of the next 25 years will be the history of a suc-
cession of fascist aggressions, perhaps we should
be prepared to resist them now rather than in
their later and more dangerous stages, as some
insist we inevitably must do. It is certain that so
long as there are fascist nations, there can never
be peace.
Rt there ara ethers (Bruce Bliven was the

lective security until such time as the more
wealthy countries of Europe display a greater
social-consciousness than has been characteristic
of them thus far.
The conclusion is uncertain. Our hope for the
present seems to rest upon the ability of Con-
gress to evolve from the various suggestions be-
fore it a consistent and unhypocritical plan
which will make it possible to remain out of war.
That such is an unlikely prospect will not daunt
us from a more detailed discussion of the more
hopeful plans in the near future.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregrded
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Ann Arbor's Slot Machines
To the Editor:
After spending better than three years in the
City of Ann Arbor patiently waiting for some-
body to start an onslaught against the slot-
machines here, I have finally decided to start
the campaign myself. It seems amazing that
nobody has said anything about this situation
I have spent a great deal of time in the most
vice-ridden cities in the United States and Mex-
ico. I have observed gambling conditions in the
border towns and in the American Monte Carlos
but never have I seen so many suckers as I have
observed here.
I have been informed that the City of Ani
Arbor licenses these gambling devices. Is that
typical of the administration in town? Do Mayor
Campbell, Professor Sadler, and the City Coun-
cil have to descend to that level in order to bal-
ance the city budget? If that is the case there
is an urgent need for a change. It is a sorry
situation when the seat of so fine a University
as this must depend on that sort of revenue.
There are more slot machines per capita in Ann
Arbor than in any town on the North American
continent with the possible exception of Reno,
It is foolish to suppose that the students would
be able to stay away from the machines. Human
nature is inherently weak and it is the duty of
the government to do away with the pitfalls that
are present on every path. I have even seen
instructors of the sciences succumb to the lure of.
the devices. Although there is a law against
allowing minors to play the machines, I can
safely estimate that fully thirty percent of the
gamblers are minors. It is a pitiful situation
when minors are allowed to spend their lunch
money on so stupid and avaricious a device.
I am taking this opportunity to demand an
immediate campaign to rid Ann Arbor of the
slot machines. Professor Philip Bursley assured
me of his full support and I am certain that
many others will join in the campaign. The
vice-controlled Pico district of Los Angeles was
thoroughly cleansed of the slot machines less
than two days after a citizen's committee pre-
sented its demands to the Mayor. New York
City has rid itself of the scourge of the slot
machines and Ann Arbor can do a similar job.
The tremendous revenue of this machine is
depriving the merchants of Ann Arbor of inesti-
mable business. Unless they too have been bull-
dozed by the powers behind the slot machines,
they too will join the campaign.
Mayor Campbell, Professor Sadler, and all
members of the City Council must be swayed
from the path they are following. Let all inter-
ested parties write the mayor and the council
in a united effort to cleanse the city. Surely
the University should cooperate in this campaign.
There is absolutely no cause for the slot machines
to remain in Ann Arbor.
Let's start this crusade at once. Don't let the
fear of gangland opposition keep you .from the
drive. I am certain that the police of Ann Arbor
are a sufficient match for any slot machine
racketeer. I am certain that the slot machines
can be driven from Ann Arbor before the semes-
ter ends. -G.

Sub-High School Conduct
To the Editor:
The broadcast of the Northwestern-Michigan
basketball game was enjoyed very much but the
description of the intermission was decidedly
tainted from the standpoint of the impression
one gathered of the Michigan student body. Who-
ever heard of a student body pelting its guests
with pennies whether reserves or regulars?
Boys, your games are on the air. Why not
act like men instead of high school kids?I doubt
if they would be as discourteous as some Mich-
igan students were.
-L. Hirt, '39, Detroit.
As Others See I
The Sit-Down Judge
(From the New York World-Telegram)
ONE GOOD WAY to test a reaction to a set
of circumstances is to ask what would have
been the reaction had the circumstances been
So let us suppose this hypothetical case: A
Judge in Michigan, who works part time in a
General Motors plant and gets a substantial part
of his income therefrom, is a member of the
United Automobile Workers of America, and is,
therefore, personally interested in the success of
the strike. Union lawyers appear before this
Judge, and he grants their petition for an in-
junction directing General Motors officials to

#++++# IT ALL
---By Bonth Wiiamsn
CONTRIBUTIONS to this column are always
gratefully received. The aim of Beneath It
All is to present an interesting cross section of
Michigan and that job could be much better
carried out with the aid of printable contribu-
At present I find that one secretary is quite
ample to take care of my mail. However, the
various types of humor supplied by certain die-
hards and of which I receive more than I want,
is, generally speaking, both poor and low.
Any letter to be printed in this column must
have two requirements. (1) It must be enter-
taining, and 2) it must be signed. Letters that
are not signed are great material for libel suits
and furthermore, if you are ashamed to sign
your name to it, it can't be worth very much.
Names will be omitted if desired when letters
are printed.
Another thing. This column is interested in
being funny to a certain extent, but it is not
exclusively a humor organ. Things unique,
peculiar, interesting are most welcome. Con-
tributions concerning themselves with Campus
Mush, dirty jokes, and pointless stories are not.
THE MAN who is really out in the cold, Tod
Rockwell, has put his foot in it again. This
time it's Cappy Cappon whom he's trying to club
with a folded sports section of the Detroit Free
Press. Tod, to whom no one south of the Intra-
mural Building willingly speaks, has succeeded in
attaining for himself the title of "The Man on
the Outside." His stories, so different from
those of the other Detroit papers, at first glance
seem to indicate an amazing knowledgenof just
what is going on on Ferry Field and its environs.
As a matter of fact were it not for Mr. Rock-
well's imaginative mind, he would have nothing
at all to write about because no one will tell him
Yesterday the demon scribe referred to Cappy
Cappon "taking down his hair" which, to my
way of thinking, indicates pretty well just how
intimately Rockwell understands the athletic
situation here in Ann Arbor.
LEGALIZED MURDER has again been recog-
nized for the winter season with the opening
of the interfraternity hockey season. Every
night two sets of determined skaters, armed with
sticks supplied by the intramural department
smack back and forth at one another for min-
utes, during which time several members of
both sides are generally assisted from the empty
arena. Each team plays only three games a
season, unless they get in the play-offs, due
probably to the fact that the average recupera-
tion time following each contest is 10 days.
All of which brings to mind the story of Bob
Henoch, now junior barrister, but once ardent
Delt athlete. The Delts were making their debut
in the league, and Henock, a pretty fair soft ball
catcher, thought that he could play goalie.
Chuck Gardner was at his peak then and
Bob studied the famous Blackhawks' net minder
to get some of the fine points. Then he would
practice in the living room as the brothers took
turns heaving a tennis ball at him. He looked
pretty fair. A little slow, but pretty fair.
The night of the first game Bob put on the big
pads, the chest protector, and the heavy gloves
and stepped down on the ice. He seemed to be
having a little trouble with his skates and asked
his fellows to help him out to the cage.
Taking his position, and a very professional
pose it was, the team lined up for a little prac-
tice. The first shot skidded between his legs,
the second knocked him down and dribbled in,
and reaching for the third, he fell down and
lost his gloves. He couldn't get up without help
and when they helped him to his feet he fell
down trying to pick up his glove. So it was a
great goalie was lost to the sports world just
because, as he had neglected to definitely state,
he couldn't skate.

A Judge in Michigan owns stock in General Mo-
tors, whose lawyers appear before him. He
grants their petition for an injunction directing
the union to quit the sit-down strike, clear out
of the plant and refrain on the outside from do-
ing other things to make the strike a success.
What happened? First the strikers laughed,
and continued their sit-down. Then, on sober
second thought, they got mad and proceeded to
do something. The union president petitioned
the legislature to impeach the Judge, citing a
Michigan statute which expressly forbids any
Judge to sit in "proceedings of which he is a
party or in which he is interested."
Mixed Metaphores
(From The Detroit News)
WRITER in the New York Times says
thoughtlessly that Stravinsky's "Sacre du
Printemps' is a "fountainhead from which a
whole school of contemporaneous composers may
be said to stem."
The unintentional mixed metaphor is diffi-
cult to eliminate from the writings and sayings
even of the learned. It was County Auditor
Edward H. Williams, once a school inspector,
who some time ago was quoted as saying: "The
county has been used as a football to hoodwink
the people."
One of the best intentional mixtures was Mr.
Dooley's: "The hand of time marches with
stately steps over the face of history."
Some Australian tribes of savages, even today,
make excellent arrowheads out of broken glass
hottles. isin1g only nrimitive tools in chinning

Sullivan's Music
LIKE THE CLOWN who wanted to
play Hamlet, Sir Arthur Sullivan
was eternally haunted by the desire
to achieve successras thecomposer
of music of a more serious and ex-,
alted nature than that which he
wrote for Gilbert's comic opera li-
brettos. All the while he was collab-
orating with the latter he was at the
same time writing a series of pon-
derously Victorian oratorios, inciden-
tal music, and smaller works, which
culminated in the production of a
thoroughly "grand" opera-Ivanhoe.
Although the composer had great
hopes for it, Ivanhoe was as grand a
failure as it was an opera, and Sul-
livan was forced unwillingly to recog-
nize that if he were to achieve a
lasting fame it would be as the
composer of Mikado and Pinafore
rather than of Ivanhoe or The Gold-
en Legend.
His aristocratic aspirations were
never relinquished, however, and it
was probably due to them that he
considered The Yeomen of the Guard
the best of the 14 scores which he
wrote in collaboration with Gilbert.
Eleventh of the series, The Yeomen
stands like the Tower it glorifies, a
sentinel of literary propriety and
straightforward drama in a land of
paradox and topsy turvydom. For
once Gilbert drew his plot and his
situations from real life rather than
from his own fantastic imagination,
waxed wise as well as witty, forsook
paradox and satire, and mixed pathos
with his humor. Sullivan grasped
eagerly at this opportunity of in-
dulging his musical imagination to a
greater extent, as he had always felt
that Gilbert's everlasting emphasis
upon words- forced him to restrain
unduly the development of his mu-
sical ideas for their own sake, and
consequently we have a score more
broadly lyrical, more dramatic, and
better developed musically than any
of his others.
One portion of the work of which
Sullivan was exceptionally proud is
the Overture, which the composer
considered his best, and went so far
as to claim fitting contribution to
any purely orchestral concert. In
saying this Sullivan was a trifle too
uncritical, for the Overture, although
it may be his best, is still nothing
inore in form than any of the others
-simply a glorified potpourri of
leading airs from the opera itself.
Sullivan was like Wagner in the one
respect that he seemed unable to
compose along the lines of purely
"absolute" music, but needed some
literary stimulation to bring out his
But there are other musical num-
bers in The Yeomen which rank
among Sullivan's best. Chief among
these are the poignantly dramatie
Funeral March in the finale of the
first act and the Ballad, "I have a
song to sing, O," sung by Jack Point
Sand Elsie upon their entrance. Many
authorities consider the. latter, which,
strangely enough for a medieval min-
strel's song, was suggested by a sea
chantey, the best single song in Gil-
bert and Sullivan literature. It is in-
teresting not only for its quaint tale
and quainter air, but also because
it is in itself an epitome of the whole
play; fittingly enough, it isthis
same song which, sung in a sadder
vein, climaxes the whole opera. In-
cidentally, Sullivan is recorded as
stating that the setting of this lyric
furnished a greater problem than any
other he ever set, the difficulty lying
in the fact that, whereas the stanzas
of most ballads are as like in form
as two peas, this one consists of four
stanzas of seven, nine, eleven, and
thirteen lines, respectively. Sullivan
finally solved the problem very neat-
ly, but it took him several weeks to
do it. To a visitor who called upon
him during that time and inquired

the cause of his harrassed appear-
ance, he replied, "I have a song to
write, O, and I don't know how the
deuce I'm going to do it."
N.L.R.B. Action
In M. G. Strike
Is Discussed
(Continued from Page 2)
represent the men in this and that
jurisdictional district. In other
words, after setting up the jurisdic-
tional districts on broad lines, the
Board has the responsibility of de-
termining what specific organization,
what specific union shall speak for
the workers.
It determines this, as the act points
out, by ascertaining which organiza-
tion has the majority of workers.
Union Majority Questioned
In the General Motors strike, the
question of whether or not the union
does have a majority, and if not just
what minority, is a crucial question.
The union claims it does. The Gen-
eral Motors executives claim that it
does not, and, further, that, as a re-
sult, they should not give it exclusive
bargaining power. That bargaining
power is demanded by the union,
which contends that the bad work-
ing conditions it alleges cannot be
remedied unle such hrgaining is

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

TUESDAY, JAN. 19, 1937
VOL. XLVII No. 83c
To Users of the Daily Official Bul-
The attention of users of The Dailyo
Official Bulletin is respectfully called
to the following:s
(1) Notice submitted for publica-o
tion must be Typewritten and must
be signed..
(2) Ordinarily notices are pub-o
lished but once. Repetition is at the
Editor's discretion.
(3) Notices must be handed to the
Assistant to the President, as Editor
of the Daily Official Bulletin, Room
1021 A.H., before 3:30 p.m. (11:00,
Automobile Regulation: Studentsd
who have brought cars to Ann Arbor
after the Christmas vacation period
must promptly register the make and
type of car, license number, and the
location of storage at Room 2,i
University Hall.o
Students possessing regular drivinga
permits who have purchased 1937I
license plates for their cars shouldE
file renewal applications without de-
lay. New sets of permit tags bearing
the late license numbers will be issuedn
at no additional cost.d
Dean Of Students.
Medical Students: Classes will bes
dismissed at 10:45 a.m. today to al-
low medical students to attend the2
lecture to be given by Dr. James B.,
Collip, Professor of Biochemistry atl
McGill University. Dr. Collip willk
lecture on "Physiology of Endocrines"o
at 11 a.m. in the Natural Sciencea
Seniors, College of L.S. & A., Con-
centrating in English: Those who
filled out second semester electionsA
in September should call for theF
student coupon at the English office,t
3221 Angell Hall. These coupons
are to be used in the gymnasium
when classifying ii February in-
stead of the full election card.-
Seniors, College of L.S. & A., Con-p
centrating in Economics: Those who
filled out second semester elections
in September should use the coupont
given them by Mr. Briggs whena
classifying in the gymnasium ind
February instead of the full elec-1
tion card. Any one who does noty
have the coupon may call at Mr.
Brigg's office. Hours, Tuesdays, 3:30, L
Friday 2:30.t
Phi Kappa Phi: The last shipmentC
of certificates and keys for initiates
of Phi Kappa Phi has arrived andI
will be available at the office of R.S
S. Swinton, 308 Engineering Annex,
any time Wednesday afternoon, Jan.
Notice to Presidents and Treasur-
ers of Student Organizations: Ar-o
rangements with a photographer for_
your organization group picture orE
any other pictures which you desire
to appear on your page in the 1937u
Michiganensian should be taken care
of at once. All organization pictures
for the 'Ensian must be submitted be-
fore Jan. 24. Your immediate co-n
operation in this matter will be
necessary in order to avoid the last
minute rush.
Notice to All Social and Profes-
sional Fraternity and Sorority Presi-
dents and Treasurers: Fraternities
and sororities which have not as yet
sent in their page contract cards for
the 1937 Michiganensian should do
so at once to guarantee space forF
their organization in this year's an-I
nual. Copy blanks, (names of offi-r
cers and members), should also be
sent in with the contract. Your im-
mediate cooperation in this matter is
requested as the 'Ensian needs this
information to meet deadlines.

The 1937 Michiganensian.
Notice to Seniors, L.S. & A.: All
seniors are requested to cooperatet
with the members of the Finance
Committee and pay their class duest
Allan Dewey, President,
Senior Class, L.S.&A.
The names of all seniors who ne-
glect to pay their class dues will be
omitted from the senior committee
announcementshpublished by the
class. Nor will these announcements
booklets be sold to seniors who fail
in this payment. This fee may be
paid to the following: Ruth Clark,.
Marion Holden, John Barker, Ray
Goodman, Joan Niles, Evelyn Blue-
stein, Beth Turnbull, Bob Friedman,
Al Dewey, Arnold Gross.
Arnold Gross, Treasurer,
Senior Class, L.S.&A.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments: Mr. E. W. Oldham of Fire-
stone Tire & Rubber Co., will be in
the office Wednesday and Thursday
to interview Mechanical Engineers
and Chemical Engineers for produc-
tion. Kindly make appointments
with Miss Webber at the Bureau, 201
Mason Hall, or call Extension 371.

Psychology 168 will meet on Tues-
day, February 16 at 3:00 p.m. in
Room 2129 N.S. to arrange perma-
nent time and place for meeting.
Psychology 116 meets the second
semester in Room 2054 N.S. instead
of as announced.
Psychology 166 meets the second
semester in Room 2054 N.S. instead
of as announced.
Psychology 132 meetp the second
semester in Room 2116 N.S. instead
of as announced.
Psychology 134 meets the second
semester in Room 4014 N.S. instead
of as announced.
Candidates for the Master's Degree
in History: The language examina-
tion for candidates for the Master's
Degree in History will be given Fri-
day afternoon, Jan. 22, Room B, Ha-
ven Hall at 4 p.m.
University Lecture: Walter Liv-
ngston Wright, Jr., Ph.D., president
of Robert College and Istanbul Wom-
an's College, Istanbul, Turkey will
lecture on "Colege Life in the Near
East" in the Natural Science Audi-
torium at 4:15 p.m. today. The lec-
ture will be illustrated with colored
moving pictures. The public is cor-
dially invited.
The Deutscher Verein presents the
second of a series of lectures Thurs-
day, Jan. 21, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
2003 Angell Hall. Prof. Ernst A.
Philippson will give an illustrated
lecture on "Rheinsagen and rhein-
ische Romantik." Tickets may be
obtained at 204 U.H. or at the door
at the time of the lecture.
Exhibitions of Prints by American
Artists and Paintings by the Chapin
Family, Alumni Memorial Hall, af-
ternoons, 2-5, through Jan. 19.
Events Of Today
Physics Colloquium: Prof. S. Goud-
smit will' speak on "Neutrons" at
4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 of the East
Physics Muilding.
A.I.Ch.E.: All Chemical and Me-
allurgical Engineers are invited to
attend the meeting to be held to-
day at 7:30 p.m., in Room
1042 East Engineering Building. Mr.
W. G. Nelson of Detroit, head of
the products control department of
U.S. Rubber Company, will speak on
the subject "Problems solved by
'hemical Engineering in the rubber
The A.I.Ch.E. group picture for the
Michiganensian will be taken at
Spedding's Studio, today at 9 p.m.
Freshman Luncheon Clubs: Dr.
E. F. Greenman, archaeologist of the
University Museum, will be the guest
speaker today at the joint meeting
of the two Freshmen Luncheon Clubs.
Dr. Greenman will speak on "Indian
Exploration in the Great Lakes Re-
gion." Members of both clubs are
urged to invite ,guests.
The Adelphi House of Representa-
tives will hold an important closed
meeting tonightat 7:30 p.m. in the
Adelphi Room on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall, at which officers for the
coming semester will be nominated.
All members are urged' to be present
on time. The Michigansian picture
will be taken at 8:15 p.m.
Students from the Near East:
There will be an informal get-to-
gether for students from the Near
East to meet President Wright of
Robert College, at 8 p.m., this e"
ning, Jan. 19, in the Alumnae Room
of the Michigan League.
T. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor
to Foreign Students.
Luncheon for President Wright of

Robert College: Reservations may
still be made up to 10 a.m. this morn-
ing, Tuesday, for the luncheon to be
tendered President Wright at 12:15
p.m. at the Michigan Union. Faculty,
townspeople and students are invited
3. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor
to Foreign Students.
Lutheran Student, Club: The Bible
Class will meet this evening at 7:15
p.m. at the League.
Chistian Science Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
Hillel Players: First tryouts for the
three-act play "They Too Arise" by
Art Miller will be held today at
7:30 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation,
corner of East University and Oak-
.The play is to be produced March
12 and 13 at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Freshmen are eligible to
The Michigan Dames will hold a
general meeting tonight at 8:15 p.m.
at the Michigan League. Prof. Roy

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