The Weathier Snow or rain, rising tempera- ture today; tomorrow probably rain. L A6PF Ar Datt w Editorials Communists Back In The Fold ... VOL. XLVII No. 82 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 17, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Pucksters Rebound Sit-Downers' Continues As Coach To Crush Gophers, 8-1, In Fast Contest, BeginExodus From Plants G.M., Union Leaders Show Optimism As Negotiation Procedure Is Outlined Knudsen, Martin Plan Daily Parleys (By The Associated Press) "Sit down" strikers begin evacua- Kipke Retained As Head Football Coach, But New Line Mentor Is Sought Battered Wolverines Ram 6 Goals Past Wilkinson In First Period James High Scorer With Four Counters Heyliger Turns In Great Performance ; Fabello Is Initial Point-Maker By BONTH WILLIAMS W. C. Sadler To Run For Mayor's Office Following the announcement yes- terday by Mayor Robert A. Campbell that he intended to retire after the Pollock Believes Civil Service Plans W ould Be Big A dvance expiration of his present term, came tion of General Motors plants pre- the announcement by Prof. Walter C. liminary to opening of formal peace Sadler of the engineering college thatnegotiations. he intended to run for the office ofneoitns mayor. General Motors and United Auto- Prof. Sadler is at present president mobile Workers of America repre- of ths city council, and has been very s a os r fnr 0.- active both as an alderman, and, since his promotion, as president ofj Michigan's nine-man hockey squad, the council. He served on 11 special badly battered after their bruising committees during his two-year term Friday defeat, returned to the Coli- as aldermtan. seum ice before more than 1,400 As president of the City Council, howling fans last night and shel- in this, his first term, he has taken lacked the supposedly invincible a stand for lower taxes, favored park squad of 14 Minnesota Gophers by and recreational development, worked a score of 8-1. on relief problems and furthered nu- The scrapping Wolverines ranimed merous other projects. When called at his home last night, six goals past All-American Goalie he declined to make any comment Bud Wilkinson in the first period hislns ae ny d opedt and after that were content to coast until his plans are better developed. through behind their big lead. Even Tu so Eddie Lowrey's little squad com- W\om anU nhurt xletely outclassed the Gopher power-h n) house and a great pair of Michigan T A . a1 defensemen bounced the rangy in Auto Crash, Norsemen from board to board when- ever they got past a stalwart front Is Electrocuted line defense.l James Gets Four I Michigan's great captain and cen- v.-,.i Pol isk ter, Vic Heyliger, playing despite a pjsilant I liceinan ks bad charley horse, turned in a sen- Life In Futile Endeavor sational performance as he made up To Make Rescue for last night when Wilkinson robbed l ae1ec him of at least three goals.- Gibby James with four goals and Miss Edna H. Ross, 24 years old, of an assist was the scoring leader of Ann Arbor, was electrocuted early the evening and got one goal more yesterday morning when she climbed than Heyliger. out of a wrecked car onto a high ten- To Jack Merrill, playmaker and sion wire on Ecorse Road, just east the scrapper of the club go top hon- of Ypsilanti. ors also. When Coach Lowrey took Her companion, Mrs. Ruth Walling, his first line off for frequent rests 20 years old, also of Ann Arbor, and it was Merrill who was all over the the driver of the car, escaped un- ice, pacing the reserve line and com- injured except for minor bruises and pletely outplaying the frantic goph- shock. ers. sc.w Before the series started Friday af- The accident occurred when the ternoon, Larry Armstrong, Gopher car in which they were riding ran off coach, told me that Michigan could the road into a Detroit Edison Co. not score five goals en Wilkinson in I power line pole, and tore down a wire carrying a 20,000 volt current. Neither had been seriously hurt by Pairing off last night on two other the accident and were discussing sphoi fronts, hlesties the s rI means of getting out of the car when through winners in all of them. Miss Ross climbed out the windshield At Madison, the basketball team, and came in contact with the wire. behind the stellar performance of A Ypsilanti policeman, Joseph Ber- John Townsend, romped through the gor, who came despite the fact that University of Wisconsin five by a the accident was outside the city score of 43-31. limits, risked his life to pull Miss Ross In the'second event, Michigan de- off the wires, but was uninjured be- feated the highly touted Franklin and cause the power breaker had shut Marshall wrestling team 22%,1 to 7% ,off the current. ut Lancaster, Pa. for the Wolverine The interruption of current caused' grapplers' third victory. part of the eastern section of Ypsi- - ------- - lanti to be without current for a few all four games the teams will play. minutes after the crash. The line After the first period last night he was then quickly repaired. was so disgusted he refused to talk to the team and let them make their President Rut.ven own substitutions. Johnny Fabello, out of bed for the ' ))(10 tat Imp ovedj first time Friday and still suffering- from a heavy ccld, got the firstfga of the game after only 2 minutes and President Ruthven was yesterday 25 seconds of play when lie pushed reported in much improved condi- a rebound past Wilkinson after Hey- tion by members -of his household. liger and James had worked the puck He will probably partially resume in clase. his duties next week. Score 5 in 5 Minutes He suffered an attack of influenza' Both teams went to iur .he next in the early part of this week and five minutes with Bill Wood match- has since been confined to his resi- ing save for save with Wilkinson. dence. Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, director Heyliger broke away from his own of the Simpson Memorial Institute, red line with about eight minutes has attended him. gone and swept around the defense. Riding in on the right flank he sucked Wilkinson out on a fake an Fat er then slid the puck around his prone; body in 8:55. From then on Mich- igan went wild. Heyliger's gcal wa Occasion I or M the first of five that Michigan banged home within five minutes. i i pinS N5 ue IA JtU jULor negotiations agreed upon. Governor Murphy holds 2,300 Michigan National Guardsmen on strike duty at Flint. Four strike leaders arraigned on riot inciting charges stand mute; re- leased on bond for later examination. Flint prosecutor says will "prose-: cute to limit" union officers he ac- cuses of "touching off" riot; releases! HARRY G KIPKE Party Leaders Flay Murphy's' Aid Of Strikers By FRED WARNER NEAL LANSING, Jan. 16.-(Special to The Daily)-Democrats and Repub- licans alike today criticized Gover- Approves Plan To Set Up Administration Headed By SingleOfficial By TUURE TENANDER As significant "a step forward as the passing of the original civil serv- ice bill in 1883" will be accomplished if the civil service recommendations contained in the report of the Presi- dent's Committee on Administrative Management are carried out, Prof. James K. Pollock of the political sci- ence department said yesterday. "I am profoundly and favorably impressed by the report of the com- mittee," Professor Pollock said. "No abler committee could have been-in 10 strikers held after disorder, With- nor Murphy's decision to aid holds action on 1,200 "John Doe" General Motors strikers until warrants. tlement of the controversy needyt a set- sends i Governor orders state welfare re- lief for needy General Motors work- ers made idle by strike. DETROIT, Jan. 16.-(IP)-Union "sit-down" strikers, with bands play- ing and banners flung out in the breeze, began evacuation of General Motors plants today as leaders opti- mistically charted a course for ne- gotiations beginning Monday to set- tle the widespread automotive tie-up. Homer Martin, president of the United Automobile Workers of Amer- ica whose strikes threw 115,000 of the giant automobile concern's wage- earners out of work, led 400 to 500 strikersfrom the Cadillac division plant here a short time after two' score "sit downers" emerged from the Fleetwood favtory. Martin, Knudsen Confer At about the same time 75 strikers vacated the guide lamp plant at An- derson, Ind. In conference with William S. Knudsen, executive vice-president of General Motors, Martin today ar- ranged final details of daily parleys for settlement of eight union de- mands, starting at 11 a.m. (E.S.T.) Monday in the Corporation's offces here. The union head said that "it seems quite evident that there is a desire on the part of General Motors to reach a settlement." Knudsen had said the Governor's conference agree- ment showed "we are willing to co- operate, to get somewhere." Relief For Employes Governor Murphy without formal explanation today cancelled orders for demobilization of the Guardsmen sent to Flint, Mayor Harold E. Bradshaw at Flint said he had asked their retention over the week-end until after "sit-down" strikers va- cate two Fisher Body Company plants there. It was outside the Fisher Plant No. 2 last Monday night that strikers engaged in a street battle with police in which missiles and gunfire injured 27 persons. The union said it was prepared to "fight these cases to the end." - Acting on Governor Murphy's recommendation, Joseph obtained, dismissal of charges against 10 strik- ers injured in the riots. The Governor said today all Gen- eral Motors employes in need be- cause of the strike situation will re- ceive state welfare aid. them back to work. fact, never has been-appointed to Members of the Legislature, high deal with this subject, and the result in both parties, both liberals and is of the highest order. I do not have conservatives, expressed the view time to comment in detail on the that the Governor' order to the State various parts of the report but I am Welfare Department was definitely happy to make a few observations on taking sides, an action they feel, that the section dealing with personnel should be avoided. 1 management," Professor Pollock said. 'Eject, Don't Support' Termed 'Forward-Looking' One Democrat, not a member of ."In the Legislature but high in party n this part of the report we are circles commented: "The strikers, in given the most forward-looking and, circlsg comrent "gTh e strikers on the whole, admirable program refusing to leave the General Motors for rehabilitating the federal civil Plants, were violating the law. TheysevcthtasperdPof- were " trespassing. The state had, serviollock aas appeared, P es- rather than an obligation to support sor Posocksaid. them, an obligation to eject them. In his message to Congress Tues- Now that Murphy is going to furnish day President Roosevelt gave as one them, aid, the state is definitely fa- of his five points the following: "x voring violators of the law." tend the merit system upward, out- But this most recent action-giv- ward and downward to cover prac- ing state aid to needy strikers fam- tically all non-policy-determining ilies-is too much, it is felt by al- most all but the Governor's officiale family and ardent supporters. Sid e Rso They base their objection to it on y two grounds. The hardened poli- To Si>eak Here ticians, such as members of the Dem- oratic State Central Committee, O Lie , e t point out that General Motors offi- cials and their supporters are cer- tain to feel that the Governor is giving aid and comfort to the enemy Capt. Sidney Ransom, internation- and will, as a result be more hostile allecturer, editor and engineer, will' than ever to the present administra- deliver two public lectures tomorrow tion in Lansing. on "Death, the Sign of Life" and Object On Legal Grounds "Theosophy, the Science of Life." His Others object to state aid for firsttalk will be given at 4:15 p.m. strikers on legal grounds and as a in the Natural Science Auditorium matter of policy. A senator on the and the second at 8 p.m. in the judiciary committee, whose opinion League. is fairly representative, thought the Captain Ransom has been brought action "not only illegal but anti- to Ann Arbor under the sponsorship legal. No state official," he said, of the Michigan Theosophical Feer- "has a right to aid persons who ation, and at the invitation of the break the law, let alone bargain with Ann Arbor Theosophical Lodge and them to obey the law. the Student Theosophical Club. Dr. "I feel rather sympathetic to most B. Jiminez of the Health Service is of the strikers' aims," this man con- president of the Michigan Theosoph- tinued, "but I do not feel that it is ( ical Federation as well as the Ann Governor Murphy's place to force Arbor Theosophical Lodge. the taxpayers to care for the strikers. Visiting the United States as lec- _______ _______turer for the Theosophical Society W ill in America, Captain Ransom has HinesWTake lectured throughout the country. In the fall of 1935 he also spoke here posts; reorganize the civil service system as a part of management under a single, responsible almin- istrator, create a citizen board to serve as the watch dog of the merit system and increase the salaries of key posts throughout the service so that the government may attract and hold in a career service men and women of ability and character." Criticisms Weli Directed "I am especially impressed with the proposals for civil service reform because I have recently had the op- portunity of investigating the opera- tion of civil service systems through- out the country, and I know how well directed are the criticisms of the present U. S. Civil Service Commis- sion's report," Professor Pollock said. Approval of the plan to set up a civil service administration to be headed by an administrator and to be counselled and advised by a civil (Continued on Page 3) Climb Of Labor To Be Marley's Sermon Topic Life-Sized Earth Is Topic Of Lemon; Heaps Talks On RightPerspective Sermons by local ministers and University professors will feature to- day's services at Ann Arbor churches. The Rev: Dr. H. P. Marley will de- liver the sermon on the subject of "Labor Rises by Sitting Down" at the twilight service of the Unitarian Church. At 7:30 p.m. B. A. De- Vere Bailey of the University Mu- seums will speak to the Liberal Stu- dents' Union on the topic of "Gods and Men in Asia." At the 10:45 a.m. service of the First Presbyterian Church the Rev. Dr. William P. Lemon will speak on the subject of "A Life-Sized Earth." In the evening the Student Guild will conduct a symposium on the practicability of Christianity. "Having the Right Perspective" will be the subject of a sermon by the Rev. A. R. Heaps at the morning service of the Congregational Church. Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell of the de- partment of athletics will speak at the Student Fellowship supper on "Impressions of Everyday Europe." St. Andrews Episcopal Church will hold a Holy Communion Service at 8 a.m. and the Rev. Henry Lewis will lead the Morning Prayer and deliver the sermon at 11 a.m. HOST TO TROTZKY MEXICO CITY, Jan 16.- (A)- Diego Rivera, Mexican painter and host to the exiled former Russian leader, Leon Trotzky, was taken to a local hospital today for medical treatment. Attending physicians said he had an intestinal infection and kidney trouble but that his con- dition was not serious. as Of Education, utlined By Foster .I 'ti l t t t 3 Cappon To Keep Positions As Assistant Athletic Director, Cage Coach Kipke On Lookout For Capable Man Board Takes Early Action To Remove Speculation On Kipke'sStatus By FRED DE LANO Harry G. Kipke will continue as Michigan's head football coach, the Board in Control of Physical Educa- tion announced late yesterday. Definitely spiking all rumors to the contrary, Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the Board, said that Kipke's contract has been renewed for one year, the period for which all University coaches are hired. However, one change will be made in the personnel of the coaching staff in that a new man will be hired to fill the position of head line coach. As is the practice in making additions to the staff, this man will be selected by Coach Kipke with the approval of Director of Athletics Fielding H. Yost. Action Taken Early Franklin C. Cappon, line coach for the past two seasons, will become as- sistant line coach, but will continue in his capacity as assistant athletic director and head basketball coach. Kipke stated yesterday that at pres- ent he has no idea of who will be selected to fill the position. He will immediately start seeking a capable man for the job It has not been the policy of the Board to take actidn or make an- nouncements as to staff personnel for the succeeding year until spring, but desiring to set at rest the speculation that has been current for several weeks in regard to the Michigan coaches the Board decided to act yes- terday. Junior Squad Planned Upon the recommendation of Coach Kipke, with the approval of Director Yost, the Varsity staff of coaches will be as follows: Line Coach -(to be chosen); Assistant Line Coach-Franklin C, Cappon; End Coach-Bennie Oosterbaan; Back- field Coach-Walter Weber. It was also announced that a Junior Varsity squad will be organ- ized with Coach Ray Courtright in charge and Coach Clifford Keen as assistant. It is hoped that a limited schedule of games for this squad may be airanged. The last time such a squad was formed was in 1931, and that, season it played seven games with such teams as Western State Teachers College and "B" teams of other Big Ten schools. Training Staff Approved Kipke has approved the training staff, which is headed by Ray Rob- erts, and it will be continued in its present form. The freshman foot- ball squad will be in charge of Coach Ray Fisher with Coach William Borg- mann and others working as assist- ants. Speculation has been rife since Christmas upon the status of the Michigan coaches, Kipke's in particu- lar, and the Board's action in re- taining the present staff, following by less than a week its announcement that it planned action to revive Michigan's successful grid teams, expresses its confidence in Coach Kipke, Kipke has been at the helm of Michigan football for eight seasons, and in that time has won four Wes- tern Conference championships. His first team, that of 1929, had a fair year and then in 1930 the Wolverines started a drive that carried them to the top of American football. The 1930, '31, '32 and '33 teams were Big Ten title holders and in the two lat- ter years were ranked as National Champions. Recent Record Poor Then followed a deluge of defeats that has lasted through three sea- sons. In 1934 Michigan won one game and lost seven; the following year four games were won and four lost; and this past season Columbia was the only team beaten in eight games. 4 s The Beaver got goal number three Today, for the first time in eight for the Wolverines less than two min- years, St. Mary's chapel for the 850 utes later when he rode in on the Catholic students in the University same kind of a solo. Bob Carlson will not have as pastor the Rev. Allen forced him too wide, but Vic circled J. Babcock, assistant pastor of St. the net and blazed a beautiful back- Thomas Catholic Church. (Continued on Page 61 Saturday he will sail on the liner Conte di Savoia to take up his duties Lecture Date Ke t as vice-rector of the North American College in Rome, Italy, his alma ma- By Mrs. Johnson ter. He will carry with him the good wishes of his parish, his diocese and the many University students present Mrs. Martin Johnson, wife of the and past who found him a source of explorer who died last Wednesday inspiration, following injuries suffered in a Cali- As a final honor the University of fornia airplane crash, will keep her Detroit conferred upon Father Bab- engagement to lecture here under the cock Thursday night the honorary auspices of the Oratorical Associa- degree of doctor of laws at the fare- tinn it was revealed vesterdav- hv well recpntion to the nrinst in the St. Leaving Made any Testimonials Father Babcock a banquet at the University of Michigan Club in De-. troit which more than 150 former students attended. Father Babcock was born in Bad Axe, June 17, 1898, and later at- tended the University of Detroit High School. On his graduation he studied for two years at Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont. Then he finished his education at the North American College in Rome. He was ordained a priest in the basilica of St. John La- teran March 7, 1925, and returned to the United States, where he was made assistant in the Holy Name Church in Detroit. In 1928 he was made assistant in St. Thomas Church here, and the Rev. Thomas R. Carey, nastor immediatelv ut him in Sas P 1 An Englishman, Captain Ransom is an associate member of the British Institution of Electrical Engineers and has been nominated for Parlia- AsJnop Band' ment by the Liberal Party. Through- out the World War he served as the Earl ("Father") Hines and his or- I technical officer in the Royal Air chestra will, with George Olsen, play Force. for the J-Hop instead of Joe Sanders 1 as was previously announced, Louis i Hoffman, '38, general chairman for'N ixc n 'ii~ I""e:;ra rMexican Problemy the dance, disclosed last night. The change, Hoffman said, was a L result of the similarity of Hines' style Land Division U to that of Fletcher Henderson, who, he said, "made a hit" Friday night at the Interfraternity Ball. The J- By EDWARD MAGDOL Hop committee, Hoffman said, was The current problems of Mexico, trying to get the best band possible. its church and state conflict, land Hines' orchestra has been at the division, implications of the recent Grand Terrace in Chicago for some pan-American activities and Mexico's time, where Hines has alternated with dynamic. President Cardenas werel Fletcher Henderson. Up until a year discussed yesterday in an interview ago he was under a continuous con- by Dr. 0. Delmer Foster, world trav- tract with NBC which prevented his eler and educator. making other engagement, but since Dr. Foster, who will speak at 3:30 then he has played at a number of p.m. today in the League, considered college dances, Hoffman said. the problem of education, over which the heated conflict between the Cath- Men's Council Acts olic Church and the Mexican govern- ment has been raging for many years, On Labor Condition as one of the most difficult to solve. "The Catholic Church was out- lawed at the close of the American The Labor Committee of the Men's Civil War by the constitution adopt- Council will begin an investigation ed under Juares," he stated, "and c I ll ( i l Progress in the plan to eradicate illiteracy and speed universal educa- tion he considers to be one of the greatest necessities that once faced the Catholic Church and now con- fronts the government. "The land problem in Mexico is most serious, since 85 per cent of the people have had no land at all, while the overwhelming percentage of the Mexican population is rural," he' added. "In many cases the Indian has been thought of much like the birds in the trees or the fish in the stream -they belonged to the person who owned the land and were therefore treated accordingly," Dr. Foster stat- ed. The subsequent distribution of the lnorrn nctfo ncnwnenaA 1byn .nfPnA