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January 15, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-15

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FRIDAY, JAN, 15, "1937


FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1931


M36 Member 1937
AIssocided Coe6iate Press
Distributors of
Co e Diest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College PublishersRepresentative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Ture
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal,. Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editoral Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler. Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore. Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
Chen, Tracy Buckwater, Marshall Sampson, Newton
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Departmental Managers
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Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
The Implications
Of Isolationism .-
sor Preuss presented an excellent
analysis of the questions involved in the issue of
neutrality. Because the audiece at the Forum
was not large, and because the timeliness of the
subject warrants widespread familiarity with the
issue, we wish to discuss some aspects of the
On May 1 expires the present neutrality law,
which provides for an embargo on arms, muni-
tions, and implements of war, and forbids travel
of Americans on belligerent vessels. The legis-
lation was an hurriedly enacted comptomise be-
tween the supporters of the Nye ideology on one
extreme and the advocates of collective security
on the other. The crowded agenda of the pres-
ent session of Congress seems to indicate that
any subsequent neutrality measure will not re-
ceive any less hurried treatment. And the man-
ner in which the various shades of opinion com-
promised to present the last neutrality legislation
with no clear-cut purpose or method seems des-
tined to repeat itself.
The two extremes into which the neutrality
discussion may be- divided are these: on the one
hand are those who are fatalistic about the sit-
uation in Europe and want, above all, the United
States to remain out of any war or any nego-
tiations which might ultimately involve it in
war; on the other there are those who believe
that the United States could or should contribute
something to international negotiations by its
cooperation with the League, and that the
strengthening of such negotiations which would
result from our support would make more remote
the possibility of a general war. The former
group want us to be an isolated island of peace
in a certain sea of war; the latter, believing that
isolation would not keep us from any first-class

war anyway, urge us to accept our responsibility
in the international world.
The prevailing public opinion is undoubtedly
in favor of the isolationists, and the majority
of the members of the Congress are similarly
inclined. When we remember the wave that
swept away the World Court proposal, we
cannot doubt this general opposition to the aims
of collective security.
Let us examine the implications of each of
these positions.
Isolationists have varying degrees of "storm eel-
lar" legislation. From complete severance of
trade with any belligerents, they range through
quota plans for the coltinuance of trade as on a
pre-war basis to the "cash and carry" proposal
first put forth by Bernard in 1935 and supported
since by Senator Vandenberg.
This position involves willingness to surrender
the "freedom of the seas" doctrine over which

certain part of our economy, that which was
involved in the production, say, of cotton, will
have to be kept from disaster by national gov-
ernmental interference. That is, isolation means,
to some extent at least, a willingness to allow a
planned national economy to minimize the jolt
of the loss of foreign trade.
Isolation means the prohibition of loans to
belligerent powers or the extension of credit in
return for trade. As Baruch has said: "Where
our loans are, there is our heart."
It involves the tracing of goods sold to neutrals
to its ultimate destination, in order that supplies
may not be re-shipped to belligerent powers.
And it involves an extension of the present em-
bargo on a small list of arms, munitions and
implements of war to include all goods, except
under the Vandenberg idea of "cash and carry,"
because in time of war, food no less than guns
is an instrument of war. Under the present neu-
trality law, we are, as Professor Preuss put it,
in the hypocritical position of forbidding the
exportation of tanks to belligerents, but having
no scruples against the exportation of tractors
and steel plate.
The implications of the collective security po-
sition will be discussed in a forthcoming editorial.
Holmes, Not Levi
To the Editor:
Since R. M. doubts the reliability of what Levi
wrote in the Sunday Daily, I call his attention to
the following facts:
1. Levi did not write the letter in the Sun-
day Daily. He reproduced the statements by
Rev. John Haynes Holmes. Does R. M. not dis-
tinguish between Levi and Holmes? Has R. M.
studied the subject of Naziism?
2. As for reliability, if R. M. will go to the
library and look up "Naziism: An Assault on
Civilization," he will find on pages 129-132 the
sources of Rev. John Haynes Holmes' statements.
What are these sources? I quote only the first
sentence under each head, asking R.M. to look
up the fuller development of the sources of Rev.
Holmes' statements on the pages indicated
above: ,
(a.) The fact, undisputed and indisputable,
that refugees, Gentile and Jewish, rich and poor,
men, women and children, have been pouring out
of German like a flood ever since Hitler came
to power! (p.129).
(b.) Personal contacts with refugees! (p.
(c.) Nazi data-documents, books, literature.
(d.) Books about Germany written by trusted
scholars and trained observers (p. 130).
(e.) First-hand despatches of newspaper cor-
respondents, some of whom I (sc. Holmes) know
personally, and all of whom I know by reputation
(p. 130).
(f.) First-hand accounts of impartial visitors
and observers (p. 131).
I vouch for the truth of every letter I have
written on Naziism. I am ready to prove them
as such whenever occasion arises.
-M. Levi.
The Nazis' Historical Mission
To the Editor:
Thesis provokes antithesis. And Professor
Levi's unremitting assaults on National Social-
ism finally provoked.a violent reaction. The reac-
tion arose in part because I do not believe that
everything printed in a book is automatically
true and because I do not believe the appeal to
authority to be final. I feel I must reiterate
that I am neither anti-semitic nor Nazi. But it
occurs to me that the National Socialists are
partly right, patly wrong. It is reminiscent
of the ignorance and intolerance of the Dark
Ages to regard one's enemy or opponent as en-
tirely evil and entirely mistaken. Herein lies, I
believe, the error of what appears to be Profes-
sor Levi's attitude in regard to National Social-
ism. Here also was my error when I implied
that Professor Levi is not at least partially cor-

It is here impossible to discuss the National
Socialist theory of the state and government.
In the "Elements of Modern Politics," Francis
Graham Wilson, professor of political theory at
the University of Washington, points out that
the New Germany simply continues a political
tradition bred in that country. It must be ac-
cepted that the Germans, on the whole, have a
political attitude entirely different from our own.
Their value-perspective (Professor Sellar's term,
not mine) is undeniably alien to our own demo-
cratic heritage. And, realizing this difference of
fundamental values, it becomes futile to argue
whether they or we are right. Only the prag-
matic test applied by time can decide whether
the authoritarian system will outlast the demo-
cratic. If a nation prefers order and discipline
to a larger measure of freedom, and, in addition,
defines those concepts differently, there is no
method by Which we can determine that its
preference is wrong. As a matter of fact, Plato,
in Books Three and Four .of his "Republic," en-
dows his ideal state with many characteristics
of present day Germany. But the point is, that
when considering Germany, we must remember
the German viewpoint.
During the period in which the National So-
cialists were taking over power, they were no
doubt ruthless. They had to be. So were the
Bolsheviks during the Russian revolution. Pro-
minent people were hurt as individuals Were
swept away under the force of the movement.
It is not a wise policy for a revolutionary party
to allow its enemies to gather strength. But
today, the foreign student, drifting over the back
roads, staying in small village inns, talking with
farmers and with city workers, finds a large

****** IT ALL
----_By Ionth Williams---,--
WO of the Pi Lambda Phi brethren were re-
turning to Ann Arbor in a crowded day
coach when a dusky looking individual mumbling
in an unintelligible foreign language stumbled
over their suitcase and 'abruptly fell down on the
seat which contained their comfortable sprawled
The intruder, jabbered something, smiled and
remained where he was while the students tucked
their legs resignedly under their seats and gritted
their teeth. Soon however they became interest-
ed -in the stranger's jabberings and melted
enough to pay attention to the queer individual
who had foisted himself upon their privacy.
By means of the sign language the foreigner,
who was now observed to be a Spaniard, indi-
cated a desire to learn English and the boys
They would point to their nose and say pa-
tiently, "This is my nose" and the swarthy faced
gentleman would repeat after them with a hid-
eous accent, "Dees ees my noze."
As the lesson progressed the pupil's voice kept
getting louder and louder as he tried harder
and harder to improve his pronunciation of the
various parts of the anatomy. The whole coach
was definitely interested in the proceeding and
the boys were getting more and more embar-
The fellow would scream out, "Dees ees my
muth" and then jabber away loudly in Spanish.
The boys trying to calm him down, would lower
their own voices until they were scarcely audible
and the result was a remark which the lady
across the aisle addressed to her traveling com-
panion, "I wish they wouldn't let these groups of
foreigners on trains. They act so peculiarly."
The students were crushed by this last indig-
nity and stiffly rose to seek the smoking car.
They were startled to see a broad smile light up
the Spaniard's face as they got up. "You two
goofs don't mind if I read your paper, do you?"
he said.
January 13, 1937.
Bonth Williams,
Michigan Daily,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dear Bonth:
A joke is a joke-but only if it's funny.
For weeks the situation has been intolerable;
tonight came the crisis.
Let me explain: members of a rival fra-
ternity have overrun our chapter house.
You can't go downstairs in the evening with-
out tripping over several of them. They
constantly invite themselves over for meals,
in spite of a frigid reception. In answer to
our earnest queries they blandly state that
they enjoy our meals. What can we do in
the face of such compliments? It seems as if
these fellows just can't take a hint-even
when we draw them a diagram.
Tonight was the last straw. Several of
these rival Greeks asked me if I would leave
my room so they could study in privacy!
At a recent chapter meeting,it was pro-
posed that delinquent members hereafter be
given the choice between paying fines or
going over to this rival house in retaliation.
So far the fellows have paid fines!
For obvious reasons I wouldn't care to
have either the fraternity or my name men-
tioned. But perhaps you can solve the
problem by giving it a little publicity in your
Bewildered Greek.
DORIS Q. DATZALOT, 3rd assistant secretary
of the Campus Panhellenic Association, told
The Daily today that the Michigan Union's plan
to serve buffet suppers and supply free parlor
privileges on Sunday evenings was a direct blow
at sororities.
"Almost every sorority on the campus has a
tea late Sunday afternoon," Miss Datzalot said,
"and it is a dang shame that Herb Wolfe has got
to go butting his nose into the field.
"Just because he has more adequate facilities

far entertaining people is no decent reason for
him putting the Union on a competitive basis
with us. No matter what the size of our parlors,
we girls are still the real attraction," Miss Datza-
lot added.
WOLFE, when discovered cowering on the roof
of the Union tower, protested that he had
never thought of his Sunday supper program as
competing wth the sorority girls.,
"We plan to have a radio, a couple of parlors
and a buffet supper," Wolfe admitted. "Our aim
is to promote something to do on Sunday eve-
nings and I think it's a great idea. If Miss Dat-
zalot and her fellow organizers think they can
intimidate us, they're sadly mistaken. The Union
will triumph."
UST WHY MINNESOTA has paced the grid
world for the past three years is more readily
understandable when you read that 60 candi-
dates reported to Bernie Bierman on the first day
of the winter grid drills Monday . . . Guy Whipple,
ex-Daily writer and Campus "Character" has
switched his affiliations in the newspaper world
from the Detroit Free Press to the Times in
consideration of a 120 per cent raise . . . Just
twelve of the Gopher hockey players who will
face Michigan tonight carved their initials in the
Coliseum dressing room last year. . . Goers to the
Annual Interfraternity Ball are wracking their
brains for a way to hear one or the other of the
two orchestras scheduled to play tonight . . .
Non-Socialists are figuring how to get into the
Coliseum at 5 o'clock.
letters will show), Professor Slosson secured the
imuression that I maintained the existence of a

Pro gramiNoiTtes
(Friday, January 15, 8:15 p.m.)
TRA. Bernardino Molinari, Con-
andkJuliet" (after .Shakespeare)
-Tchaikowsky (1840-1893). It was
in 1869, the year of Tchaikowsky's
jilting by the French singer Desiree
Artot, that the idea and formal out-
line of an orchestral piece on the
subject of Romeo and Juliet were
suggested to the comparatively young
and unknown composer by his friend
and fellow composer Balakirev, one of
that group of redoubtable national-
ists known as "the Five." The extent
of Desiree's influence upon the crea-
ion of this work probably has been
overestimated by romantically mind-
ed commentators, but still it is easy to
believe that the flame of Peter Ily-
itch's inspiration was at least fanned
brighter by his affair de cour-the
only serious one in which he was
ever involved (his marriage some
years later was "serious" enough, but
hardly a "love" affair).
The form of the Overture-Fantasy,
completed in August, 1869, and sub-
jected to subsequent revisions, fol-
ows rather closely the outline sug-
gested by Balakirev, being based on
three leading thematic ideas: The
first of these, appearing in the An-
dante introduction, is conceived and
'set in the solemn manner of a chor-
ale, and is considered as representing
the figure of Friai Laurence. Then
follows the main Allegro, a tumultous
section full of strife and fury depict-
ing the conflict between the opposing
houses. The third section is based
on two lyric, emotion-fraught themes
representative of the lovers and their
passion. Into this rapturous mood
breaks a resumption of the strife be-
tween the Montagues and Capulets,
accompanied by ominous warnings on
the part of Friar Laurence, and cul-
minating in a noisy climax, after
which the love theme carries the work
to its elegiac conclusion.
"Schelomo (Solomon)": Hebrew
Rhapsody for Violoncello and Orches-
tra-Bloch (1880- ). Ernest Bloch
was born in Switzerland, studied in
various European centers, and for the
last twenty years has made his home
in this country. The relationship be-
tween his race and his creative art is
defined by him in the following
"It is not my purpose, not my de-+
sire, to attempt a 'reconstitution' of
Jewish music, or to base my works on
melodies more or less authentic. I
am not an archaeologist. I hold it of'
first importance to write good, gen-
uine music, my music. It is the Jew-
ish soul that interests me, the com-+
plex, glowing, agitated soul, that I
feel vibrating throughout the Bible:+
the freshness and naivete of the Pat-
riarchs; the violence that is evident
in the prophetic books; the Jew's sav-
age love of justice; the despair ofthe
Preacher in Jerusalem; the sorrow
and the immensity of the Book of
Job; the sensuality of the Song of
Songs. All this is in us; all this is in
me, and it is the better part of me.
It is all this that I endeavor to hear
in myself and to transcribe in my
music: the venerable emotion of the
race that slumbers way down in our
In his Schelomo, "without taking
thought for development and formal
consistency, without the fetters of a
text requiring interpretation, Bloch
has given free course to his fancy , . .
Theavioloncello, with its ample
breadth of phrasing, now melodic
and with moments of superb lyricism
now declamatory and with robustly
dramatic lights and shades, lends it-
self to a reincarnation of Solomon in
all his glory, surrounded by his thou-
sand wives and concubines, with his
multitude of slaves and warriors be-
hind him."

Passacaglia in C Minor - Bach
(1685-1750). The term "passacaglia"
seems to have been evolved out of the
Spanish words for "to walk" and "a
street," indicating a tune played in
the street by itinerant musicians. At
any rate, such was the name given to
a dance which originated in Spain
during the 15th century and which
was later elevated above the majority
of dance forms to a position of dig-
nity among the serious contrapuntal
forms. Bach's C minor Passacaglia
consists, as was customary, of a set of
variations upon a recurring eight-
measure theme which is announced
in the bass.
Contrary to the popular notion,
Bach did not originally compose this
Passacaglia for organ,but for a two-
manual harpsichord with pedals. He
did, however, arrange the version for
organ which is commonly heard. A
number of orchestral transcriptions
are in use, the present one being the
work of Ottorino Resphighi, who
called it an "interpretazione orches-
trale" rather than an orchestral imi-
tation of organ effects.
Excerpts from the works of Rich-
ard Wagner (1815-1883):
(a.) Prelude to "The Mastersing-
ers of Nurmberg." The Mastersing-
ers is Wagner's most compjex and gi-
gantic single creation, and at the
same time his sole dramate work in
a- lighter, non-fiction vein. The Pre-
lude is a masterpiece of contrapuntal
power and ingenuity, expressing
forcefully the pompous pedantry of
the Mastersingers, their pride and

FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 137
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty of this College on Monday, Jan.
18, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West
Engineering Bldg. The special order
of the meeting:
Research, Statement of Policies
and proposed Foundation.
Study of Scholastic Loading and
Needed Building Expansion.
Review of College Committees.
Promotion Requirements.
To Members of the Faculty, staff,
and Student Body: Attention of
everyone is called to the Lost and
Found Department in the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
Campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within
60 days will be surrendered to the
finder. Shirley W. Smith.
To the Members of the University
Senate: This is to announce the elec-
tion by the University Council on
Jan. 11 of Prof. R. G. Rodkey as a
Senate member of the Board of
Directors of the Michigan Union.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary,
University Council. .
Graduate School: All graduate
students who expect to complete the
requirements for a degree at the
close of the present semester should
call at the office of the Graduate
School, 1006 Angell Hall, to check
their records and to secure the prop-
er blank to be used in making ap-
plication for the degree. This ap-
plication should be filed not later
than the end of January.
Registration forms for the second
semester are available in the office.
Graduate students are urged to fill
out the forms in advance as no spe-
cial arrangements are being made for
the registration period. Fees must,
be paid in Waterman Gymnasium,
Feb. 11, 12 and 13. The registration
fee will be charged beginning Mon-
day, Feb. 15.
New students, or students trans-
ferring, should at an early date, ask
the secretary of their school or col-
lege to prepare and send to the office
of the Graduate School an official
transcript of their undergraduate
records. New students are advised
to apply for admission in advance
of registration.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
To All Men Students: Students in-
tending to change their rooms at the
end of the present semester are here-
by reminded that according to the
University Agreements they are to
inform their householders of such in-
tention at least four weeks prior to
the close of the semester, that is
January 15. It is advised that notice
of such intention to move be made
at once.
The Fraternity Inspection Report
is now completed for this year and
fraternity men who are interested
may look at it any afternoon in the
Office of the Dean of Students.
No unmarried, male student may
live in an apartment unless he has
received permission to do so from this
C. T. Olmsted, Assistant Dean,
Office of the Deanof Students
University Women: Students who
plan to change residence the second
semester must notify their household
or dormitory director not later than
Saturday noon, Jan. 16.
Jeannette Perry, Assistant
Dean of Women.
Choral Union Members: Pass tick-
ets to the Detroit Symphony Or-

chestra concert will be given out to
all members in good standing who
have returned their "Messiah" copies,
Friday, Jan. 15, between the hours of
9 and 12, and 1 and 4. Members are
required to call in person at Room
106, main lobby, School of Music
Building N
Senior and Graduate Aeronautical
Engineering Students: There is avail-
able in the office of the Department
of Aeronautical Engineering infor-
mation in regard to fellowships in
the Graduate School of the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology. A
number of these are available for
work in Aeronautical Engineering
during the year 1937-38. Students
interested in these fellowships are
requested to confer with Prof. M. J.
Thompson at an early date.
Notice to Presidents and Treasur-
ers of Student Organizations: Page
contract cards for space in the 1937
Michiganensian should be signed
immediately and mailed into the 'En-
sian office. Copy blanks, (names of
officers and members and pictures
desired for the page), should also be
sent An with the contract. Vie are
asking your immediate cooneration in

when filled out leave them with the
assistant at the counter not later
than Feb. 12.
June seniors should fill out the
diploma applications when registra-
tion material is called for in Room
4, U. Hall.
Academic Notices
Zoology 31 (Evolution): Review
Questions 90-114, inclusive, are due
Saturday, Jan. 16. The last two on
page 9 are purposely omitted.
To those concentrating or expect-
ing to concentrate in Science and
Mathematics (Group H): Advisers
.ill hold office hours during the re-
mainder of the semester Monday
and Thursday at 4 p.m. Come if
possible at one of these hours during
th next three weeks to Room 2122
NS. building.
Metal Processing 4: The trip to
Cadillac Motor Car Company for
today has been canceled. All
sections of Metal Processing 4
will meet at their regularly scheduled
Candidates for the Master's Degree
in History: The language examina-
tion for candidates for the Master's
Degree in History will be given Fri-
day afternoon, Jan. 22, Room B, Ha-
ven Hall at 4 p.m. Students taking
this examination should register in
the History Department office before
Jan 18.
Choral Union Concert: The Detroit
Symphony Orchestra, Bernardino
Molinari, guest conductor, will give
the seventh program in the Choral
Union Concert Series this eve-
ning at 8:15 p.m., in Hill Audi-
torium The public is requested to
come sufficiently early as to be seated
on time. Doors will be closed during
University Lecture: Walter Liv-
ingston Wright, Jr., Ph.D., president
of Robert College and Istanbul Wom-
an's College, Istanbul, Turkey, will
lecture on "College Life in the Near
East" in the Natural Science Audi-
torium at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 19.
The lecture will be illustrated with
colored moving pictures. The public
is cordially invited.
Exhibitions of Prints by American
Artists and Paintings by the Chapin
Family, Alumni Memorial Hall, af-
ternoons, 2-5, through Jan, 19.
Events Of Today
English Journal Club will meet
this afternoon at 4 p.m., in the
League. The program, open to the
public at 4:15 p.m., will be a col-
loquium on recent Eighteenth Cen-
tury scholarship. Mr. John O'Neill.
Mrs. Fred Cassidy, and Miss Mary
Jackson will discuss respectively the
drama, poetry, and fiction sections of
F., C. Green's Minuet. General dis-
cussion will follow.
Esperanto: The Esperanto class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today,
Alpha Kappa Alpha, a sorority of
Negro women, invites all those in-
terested to attend its annual Found-
er's Day and Vocational Guidance
program tonight at 8 p.m. at Lane
Hall. Speakers have been chosen
from studentshere working on high-
er degrees.
University of Michigan Rifle Team:
All members are requested to report
at the R.O.T.C. drill hall for a match
this afternoon.
First Congregational Church: ,The

Student Fellowship will hold its first
party of the new year tonight at 9
p.m. There will be dancing and a very
interesting surprise during an inter-
mission. All Congregational students
and their friends are cordially invited.
Hillel Foundation: Services will be
held tonight at 8 p.m, One of the
students will officiate as cantor. The
Foundation is located at the corners
of East University and Oakland.
Coming Events
A.S.M.E. Members: The group pic-
ture of the ASME for the Michigan-
ensian page is to be taken Sunday
afternoon, Jan. 17, at 2:30 p.m., at
the Rentschler Studio, on Huron St.
There will' be no charge to members
for the picture.
Mechanical Engineering magazines
for January and back months, and
the pins and watch charms are avail-
able in the Mech. Engin. office, Room
1221, W. Eng. Bldg.
1937 Mechanical Engineers: Mr. J.
H. Dillon of the Ingersoll-Rand
Company will be here on Jan. 18 and
19 to interview students. See bul-
letin board near Room 221.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.




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