The Weather Cloudy and colder Thiurstik night; Friday unsettled; west- ern. winds. L.1 Lw igbm A61P 4:3"ttij Ed itorials The Impjlications VOL. XLVII No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Goering Talks With Il Duce On A 4-Powei- Anti-Red Pact Plan Extension Of Italian, German Front To Include Britain, Possibly France British Ambassador And Ciano Confer ROME, Jan. 14.--/)-The inclu- sion of Britain and possibly France in a. common Italo-German front against communism is the primary object of the talks here between Premier Mussolini and Col,-Gen. Hermann Wilhelm Goering, Ger- many's air minister, an informed source said tonight. This informant said Count Gale- azzo Ciano, Italian foreign minister, had prepared the grounds for such a project in half a dozen conferences last week with Sir Eric Drumond, British amabassador.' Premier Mussolini and General Goering, this authority asserted, now are outlining possible bases for a tri power cooperation against commun- ism. Common Action In Spain The initial objective of such an arrangement, it was stated, would be a common line of action in the Span- ish civil war. The ultimate objective would be to oppose any communist disturbance of the status quo any- where in Europe. Diplomatic authorities said France would not necessarily be excluded from this alignment, but would be admitted only on the terms of the other three; this would mean pri- mairly she would be compelled to abandon her alliance with Soviet Russia. Ultimately, these same sources said, Premier Mussolini - would like to see a revival of the Four-Power Pact-Italy, France, Britain, Ger- many-which he fathered in 1933, but which failed to mature. The newspaper La Tribuna edi- torially called upon France and Britain to join Italy and Germany to "save Western Europe from the Reds." Two Conferences General Goering and Premier Mussolini in two long conferences were understood to have agreed on the assistance Italy and Germany would give to Spain's fascists if the insurgents win the civil war. Mussolini and Goering plunged deeply into the Spanish question during two talks at the Palazzo Venezia. Reliable German sources said Goering was fully satisfied that Italy and Germany were as firm friends as before Italy reached a "gentlemen's agreement" with Great Britain to maintain the status quo in the Med- iterranean. Ii Duce, it was said in this quarter, furnished the German minister with formal assurances that the Italo- British accord in no way changed Italo-German relations. C(dut Here~'I ~fI Hockey Match. To Draw 1300 Rooters Today Minnesota, Michigan Meet To Renew Old Rivalry In Two-Game Series John Fabello Starts Despite Severe Cold Heyliger And Bjorck Will Fight It Out In Center; James Opposes Baker By BONTH WILLIAMS More than thirteen hundred wildly partizan Michigan rooters will jam the Coliseum at least an hour before game time tonight to watch the re- newal of a famous rivalry when the brown shirted Minnesota powerhouse clashes with Michigan's fast skat- ing Wolverines ip the initial clash of a two-game hockey series. Indications are that Coliseum of- ficials will be hanging out the S.R.O. sings by 7:30 p.m. at the latest and that when the Golden Gopher's Ray Bjorck and Michigan's Vic Heyliger bat the opening face-off at 8 p.m., there will not be a rafter in the arena without its quota of ardent fans. Eddie Lowrey, Wolverine mentor, announced late last night that John- ny Fabello would start at his usual Settlement Seen As Sit-Downers Agree To Evacuate Monday In Order Auto Plants To BERNADINO MOLINARI Molinari Leads- In Symphonic Concert Here, Detroit Orchestra To Play In Choral Union Series At Hill Auditorium The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, under the guest direction of Bernar- dino Molinari, will be heard under the auspices of the Choral Union con- cert series at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, This concert will mark the third Ann Arbor appearance as guest con- ductor, of Molinari, famous leader of the Auguseot Symphony of Rome for 26 years. He first conducted here in 1931 and again in 1935. Since the death of Ossip Gabril'- owitsch, distinguished conductor, composer, and piano virtuoso, Victor Kolar has directed the Detroit Sym- phony with the assistance of guest conductors. Among the most dis- tinguished guests is the Italian maestro, Molinari. This spring, however, Franco Ghione, also of the Augueseat Symphony, formerly as- sociated with it as violinist, is ex- pected to take over the leadership of the orchestra. The program which Molinari has arranged includes a modern work by Bloch called "Solomon," a Jewish rhapsody for violoncello and orches- tra, the 'cello portion being played by Georges Miquelle. Preceding this number the program will be opened by Tschaikowsky's Overture-Fan- tasia, "Romeo and Juliet," and com- pleting the first half of the program the Bach-Respighi Passacaglia will be played. The latter half will be devoted to numbers from Richard Wagner, in- cluding the Prelude to "The Master- singer"; the Overture and "Bacch- anale" from "Tannhauser"; Funeral Music from "Twilight of the Gods;" and "The Ride of the Valkyrie" from "Valkyrie." Madrid Is Reduced To Short Rations MADRID, Jan. 14.-()-Madrid went an short food rations today, re- Dearth Of Talent For NBC Program May Limit Variety Lack of suitable talent for Mich- igan's coast-to-coast broadcast may cause the program to become almost entirely a musical program, Albert G. Miller, director of the program said yesterday. Because the program is to be one that will reach millions of listeners, the talent which Mr. Miller requires must be more than mediocre, both for the benefit of the sponsors and the University. Operetta Conflicts Other factors have also caused the program to be slow in taking shape It was discovered early yesterday that the Gilbert and Sullivan oper- etta "Yeoman of the Guard" being presented on Friday night, will con- flict with the broadcast. About 40 prospective members of the cast of the broadcast program are also in the Play Production cast. This necessi- tated a change of time for Friday night's performance of the operetta. so that the performance will start at right flank berth for Michigan, de- 8:00 p.m. instead of at 8:30 p.m. as spitq the fact that he is suffering was originally scheduled. from a severe cold. With Fabello in! Though NBC engineers have not uniform, the Wolverines will be able yet decided whether the carillon may to muster two forward lines to send be used on the broadcast, Mr. Miller against Larry Armstrong's three sets has been conferring with Wilmot of flying Norsemen who have yet to Pratt, University carillonneur, as to taste defeat in five starts. a program for the carillon if it can The spectacle of the evening will be used. In that event, Mr. Pratt will be the rivalry between the first string play a composition of his own, en- lines of both clubs. Captain Ray titled "Flemish ance," and an ar- Bjorck and CaptainVic Heyliger will rangement of."Home Sweet Home." fight it out in center ice. On the This has been timed to take exactly right wing Johnny Fabello will be two minutes and 40 seconds. opposed by the tricky veteran Ed Tickets Obtainable (Continued on Page 3)eanLarge numbers of tickets of admis- sion to the broadcast may still be had at the Broadcasting Offices at . o nMorris Hall, Mr. Miller also wished Bhliven Sounds to add. Though formerly announced that these tickets would not be avail- able until Jan. 18, it was found pos- sible and necessary to distribute them sooner as announced in The On Journalisin Daily. Though students in the audi- ence will take no part in the program as it goes over the air, such as group A generally optimistic note in re- singing, a large part of the success gard to American journalism was of the program will depend upon the sounded last night in Hill Auditor- attendance both to lend support to ium by Bruce Bliven, prominent lib- the members of the cast, and to fill eral, and president and editor of the the auditorium to obtain the best New Republic, in the fourth Orator- acoustical effects for the outgoing' i -Aiatin lecture of thi program. Two Graduates Of Law School Active In Cause Of Strikers Marley Believes Sit-Down Method Both Effective And Non-Violent Two former Michigan students are the attorneys active in defense 3f the Flint strikers, according to the' Rev. Harold P. Marley, minister of the Unitarian Church here, who has returned from a study of the scene )f labor-capital struggle. f Michael Evanoff, who was grad- lated from the Law School last June1 and Maurice Sugar, '13L, both of De-{ 'roit, have affiliated themselves withI :he workers' cause, Mr. Marley said.- Homer Martin, president of the United Auto Workers, is a former Baptist minister, Mr. Marley said. He will return to Flint within a few Roosevelt Plan' Moves To Stop Byrd Objection Virginia Democrat Wants Cut In Expenditures And No New Cabinet Posts WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-( P)- President Roosevelt's plan to revamp' the government headed today on a path that will carry it around Sen- ator Byrd (Dem., Va.) and his Sen- ate committee on government reor- ganization. Senator Robinson (Dem., Ark.), majority leader, announced today that the President's recommenda- tions would not be handled by the Byrd committee and said he planned to cooperate with House leaders in creating a new, joint committee to pass on White House plans. Byrd wishes to slash expenditures far deeper than Mr. Roosevelt pro- posed in connection with the drive to overhaul the governmental ma- chine. The Virginia senator has crit- icized other parts of the White House plan also. He said today he had not gone into the question of whether his commit- tee should act on the President's pro- posals. "That," he asserted, "is not for us to say. However, upon the Pres- ident's invitation I have discussed the matter (reorganization) with him, and was advised by him that the recommendations of the Senate (Byrd) committee * * * might be used effectively to supplement his own investigation." Byrd is opposing White House pro- posals for the two new cabinet posts, an increase in cabinet salaries and abolition of the Comptroller Gen- eral's office. But he said the Presidential ideas set up a "framework for reorganiza- tion" within which he hoped his committee could make recommenda- tions for consolidation and, especial- ly, reduction of personnel. days to interview Martin for the Christian Century, weekly publica- tion, on the comparison between Martin's present and former service to humanity. Mr. Marley reported the Midland Steel Products Com- pany strike at South Bend, Ind., for the publication in their issue of Jan. 6. His article was called "So This Is A Sit-Down Strike!" He said the strike situation is significant because it is the first ad- vance of automobile workers to form their own union, outside of the com- pany. He termed the method of sit-. down strike both effective and non- violent. General Motors has done three things in opposing the de- mands, he said. He mentioned Judge Black's injunction, the publicized claim by the company that the work- ers had split, and the "coup d 'etat" of the company when police attempt- ed to prevent food from entering the gates. He estimated that 1,200 workers occupied Plant One of the Fisher Body Co., and about 125 men held Plant Two. Food for the strikers is prepared in a small restaurant across the street from Plant One. The regu- lar chef for the Detroit Athletic Club is doing the cooking, he said. The chef was called from his Detroit job last week by his own union to go to Flint. The factory is kept clean and orderly, Mr. Marley reported. "The men do not regard themselve's as trespassers, but are refusing to work on machines in which they have proprietory interest as it is their only means of livlihood." Mermen Drop Out Of A.A.U. tO Aquatic Meet Because the schedule makers for the National A.A.U. swimming meet broke a precedent in setting the date for the event, Michigan's National Intercollegiate champions have been forced to withdraw. The plans are set to hold the tank clash on March 19 and 20, the week-end between the Big Ten and National meets. Formerly the meet has been held two weeks after the intercollegiates allowing all conference teams to com- pete. This year however, the arrange- ment is such that it is doubtful if any Big Ten team will find it possible to enter. Both Michigan and Yale put in a bid for the meet this year but the committee, meeting in Texas last De- cember, awarded the meet to Yale and gave Robert C. Kiputh, Yale tank coach the liberty of setting the date. Matt Mann, Michigan swimming mentor, announced yesterday that the Wolerines have definitely with- drawn from the meet as they are very determined to come through 'with victories in the Big Ten and Na- tional meets this year. [egotiate Agreement Reached After Both Sides Confer All Day With Gov. Murphy Company Will Not Resume Operations Strikers Settle Only After G.M. Pledges It Will Not Move Dies, Machinery LANSING, Jan. 14.-United Auto- mobile Workers leaders agreed late tonight, the Associated Press learned from an authoritative source, to have sit-down strikers evacuate General Motors Flint plants at 9 a.m. Mon- day. This agreement came, it was ap- parent, after union heads were as- sured by General Motors that no at- tempt will be made to reopen plants or to move dies and machinery. Actual negotiations for complete settlement of the widespread auto- mobile strike will be continued in Governor Murphy's office by GM and UAW officials two hours after strikers leave the plants Monday, a high source said. Latest Developments These were the latest developments here of the Governor's all-day par- ley, attended by William S. Knudsen, General Motors executive vice-pres- ident, Homer Martin, United Auto- mobile Workers president and other officials of both sides. Governor Murphy succeeded Wednesday in bringing together the labor and man- agement representatives to discuss "an immediate and peaceful settle- ment" of the labor dispute which has resulted in bloodshedtand caused the unemployment of tens of thou- sands of men. With a few minor points to iron out, the conferees resumed their con- ference in' the Governor's office late tonight after a recess. They indi- cated they might continue in session several hours. As the conferees met, hundreds of Michigan National Guardsmen con- verged on Flint to bring to 2,300 the strength of troop forces guarding against recurrence of rioting and gunfire that injured 27 persons in that strike-torn automobile center Monday night. Perkins Comments Secretary Perkins at Washington, quoting Governor Murphy as feeling "courageous" about the strike situa- tion, said the Government's next move awaited the outcome of his conference with opposing leaders. She disclosed Presidential intervention has been discussed many times. More than 114,000 of General Mo- tors' automotive workers were idle tonight because of the strikes and resulting parts shortages: Material shortages forced four additional plants to announce closing plans to- day. At North Tarryton, N.Y., manage- ment of the Fisher Body and Chev- rolet plants announced the two fac- tories employing 4,000 men will be shut down completely by Monday, with 800 workers released tonight. Alfred G. Gulliver, manager of two Chevrolet parts plants at Saginaw, employing 1,700, announced they will close at 2 a.m. Saturday because of lack of materials. Meeting Interrupted The first meeting of the opposing leaders in the Governor's exceutive suite was interrupted for more than an hour while union representatives went to another room to confer with members of their "strategy board" which must approve any decision reached. Whether any proposal had been made could not be learned. The Gov- ernor and conferees all declined to make any comment. Utmost precautions for secrecy of the meeting were taken. State Police guarded the locked doors of the suite, and window blinds of the rooms were drawn tightly. The conference brought together William S. Knudsen, executive vice- president of General Motors; Donald- son Brown, head of its finance com- mittee, and John Thomas Smith, chief corporation counsel, with Hom- er Martin, U.A.W.A. president; Wyndham Mortimer, first vice-presi- dent of the Union, and John Brophy, director of the Committee for In- . Contrasting freedom of the press in he United States with the absolute censorship maintained in other coun- tries, Mr. Bliven said, "I wish my friends the publishers who yell about freedom of the press could go to Europe and see what censorship really is." He said the "censorship of the audi- ence" is the most important one af- flicting American journalism today. "We all like to read facts in which Capital Pushesy Strict Spanish Neutral Policy Grand As Jury Hears Acosta More Enlistments Boy, u duced to olive oil, beans and a scant we already beleve. This fact puts M attson Boy ssupply of other Spanish staples. shackles on the editor after he has Are Reported The coal shortage again was acute his audience because he cannot lose Clothint Found and housewives stood in line for hours it," he observed. NEW YORK, Jan. 14.-(P)-The to obtain a small cake of soap. He minimized the censorship of ad- government, seeking complete Amer- The food commission, directing dis- vertisers, commenting that it is "not ican neutrality in the Spanish civil In Old Shack tribution of all supplies, was confi- important in relation to the indirect war, brought its great powers of dent incoming supplies shortly would censorship." moral and legal suasion into play to- relieve the need, but evacuation of "Broadly speaking, the trouble is day while undeterred American sym- EVERETT, Wash., Jan. 14 - (A) - citizens was continuing at a rapid that the owner is a big business man pathizers with Madrid went on mus- State patrolmen were reported to- pace. himself. The other big business men tering men to- fight the battles of night to have found a quantity of Some 8,000 persons, mostly home- don't have to tell him to keep some- Loyalist Spain. boy's clothing, apparently blood- less workers, were being taken daily thing out; he has already thought of These developments occurred in a stained, and a sack containing man's to quiet eastern districts of Spain. that.' ( struggle made dramatic by its impli- apparel, also stained, in a shack five cations and by the very quiet in miles southwest of where kidnaped P rwhich it was being waged: Charles Mattson's battered body was Bruce Bliven Takes Part In 1 1. Bert Acosta, one of the most found southwest of here Monday. picturesque of American pilots, and Informants said the clothing ap- A B l e s n Anda a fellow flier, Gordon Berry, return- leared slightly larger than the 10- A Bll Session A d ay 5 - ing voluntarily from brief service as year-old Tacoma abduction victim's Spanish government war pilots, were but that investigators theorized it met by federal agents at quarantine might have been furnished Charles By MARSHALL D. SHULMAN attack in the American Mercury last and rushed off to the Federgl build- after he was stolen Dec. 27. They Sitting about a table in the Pretzel month on the Civil Liberties Union ing to tell their story to a grand jury. said it included -underwear and other Bell with Bruce Bliven, editor of as an institution seeking to cover so- The agents said Uncle Sam wanted articles. The New Republic, after his talk at cialistic advances in this country by to know who hired the aviators, and A state patrolman today also took Hill Auditorium last night, a dozen appeals to civil liberties, Mr. Bliven all the other circumstances. Under a heavy knife to the search headquar- students and members of the faculty expressed the highest confidence in law, maximum penalties of three ters here for examination. It was welded together in the heat of a the integrity of the Civil Liberties years imprisonment and $1,000 fines found several blocks from the place heavy crossfire of questions and an- Union and observed the many in- may be levied for enlistment in the where a stolen and abandoned blood- swers a picture of the position of the stances in which it had defended the United States for armed service in stained automobile was parked here liberal in the world today. rights of citizens whose political a foreign state. sometime early Monday. "But not a liberal," protested Mr. views were on the conservative side. 2. While Acosta and Berry were State patrolmen discovered the Bliven. "Liberalism is a flabby term; That its membership may be largely before the grand jury, Jack Altman, shack today during their intensive it indicates a state of mind, perhaps, drawn from the leftist end of things, a New York official of the Socialist search of the area near where Charles' in which one approves of the idea as Varney charged, may be due to the party, said the equipping of volun- beaten body was found nude in the of freedom of speech and press. I difficulty involved in keeping con- teers to aid loyalist Spain in the "Eu- snow, prefer to consider myself a progres- servative spirits interested in the gene Debs Column" would continue. sive. That is, I defend civil liberties preservation of civil liberties, Mr. Volunteers were coming into the col- in order that our institutions may Bliven pointed out. umn in such satisfactory numbers, 1-Hon Tickets On Sale rnain eiatou moveinsthedirn- a Bla ponted+ ut. af he said, that a "quota" of 500 set This Business Of Cigarettes And Co-Eds Has Unsuspected Angles By ROBERT P. WEEKS physiology department said that he Women smokers are affected by had not conducted any research on many interesting factors that are not this subject, but pointed to some considered in the male relationship conclusions reached by Campbell on to tobacco, an investigation of cam- the effects of cigarete smoking on pus opinions shows. maternal health. Charm and grace, essentially fem- Excessive smoking and inhalation inine attributes, are in some in- of cigaretes is incompatible with the stances jeopardized by smoking, ac- highest ideals of maternal health, cording to Miss Alice C. Lloyd, dean Campbell found; however, the unfa- of women. One such case, Miss Lloyd vorable effects of excessive cigarette said, is smoking on the street'"which smoking on maternal health are not is unnecessary and in poor taste." sufficiently recognized and are of When smoking becomes a nervous enough importance to demand a habit with accompanying nervous closer observation of clinical man- gestures, it is objectionable, Miss ifestations and continuation of ex- Lloyd said. She voiced her disap- perimental work, he said. proval of smoking for some girls be- Why women smoke is an intriguing cause of its expense. "Morals do not question, Professor Beane said, and enter into the ouestion." Miss Lloyd some reasons for indulgence are