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January 13, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-13

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. WEDNESDAY, JAN 13, 1937

Refugee Drive
Of Hillel Group
Brings $1,302
Fraternities, Faculty And
Sororities Contribute,
Rabbi Heller Says
Says Rabbi Heller
The Hillel Foundation= collectedf
$1,302 for German and other Euro-
pean refugees last year in its drive
begun on May 21, 1936. Rabbi Ber-
nard Heller, who has just received
the final report, announced yesterday."
Hillel's drive, of which Rabbi HellerJ
was chairman, was part of a nationalI
drive in which the United Palestine
Appeal and the Joint Distribution
Committee collaborated to raise $7,-1
000,000 to aid European Jews and to
place a maximum number of them in
Palestine on a self-supporting basis.
Fraternities, sororities and other
organized groups contributed $343,
independents gave $50, the faculty
with Rabbi Heller included, gave
$548, the townspeople of Ann Arbor
contributed $425 and anonymous
friends, $26.
The contributions were either
brought to Hillel Foundation or
dropped in boxes placed in two stores
near the campus.
The membersdof the committee in
charge of the drive were Prof. Ra-
phael Isaacs of the medical school,
Prof. Rueben L. Kahn of the medical
school, Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chair-
man of the economics department,
Samuel G. Bothman and Osias
Zwerdling of Ann Arbor, Shirrel
Kasle, '37, Marshall Shulman, '37,
Irving Levitt, '36, and Dr. Bernard

Health Improved, Trotsky Arrives At Mexican Haven

SL.C .Green's Minuet. General dis-
DAIL ' Y FTFICA L cussion will follow.
BUJLLETINElectrical Engineers. A.I.E.E. meet-
ing Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Room 247.
Motion pictures of solar activity se-
<Continued from Page 4) cured with the new tower telescope
of the McMath-Hulbert Observatory
hers please try to be present. A pro- at Lake Angelus will be shown by
gram and a parliamentary debate has Prof. Heber D. Curtis. The pictures
been arranged for the evening. All were taken by Robert R. McMath,
members please note that the Athena C.E. '14, using a new type of elec-
Ensian picture wlil be taken Sunday, tronic control for the telescope.
Jan. 17, at 2 p.m.

Indian Water Color Architectural
Exhibit On Display Exhibit Being
In General Library ,

. .
- Associated Press Photo
Rercrtiug his health improved by a nice sea voyage, Leon Trotsky,
fermer Soviet Russian leader, and his wife are shown as they arrived at
Tampico, Mexico, from Norway, en route to a Mexican exile retreat. He
pledged himself to complete and absolute non-intervention in Mexican
Griggs Announces Publication
Of Two New Works In Entland

Iota Sigma Pi: The first Open
meeting of this year will be held this
evening at the Michigan League, at
8 p.m. Prof. Kasimir Fajans of the
department of chemistry will be the
guest speaker.
Zeta Phi Eta: The picture for thei
Michiganensian will be taken today
at 4:15 p.m. at the Dey Studio. Please
be prompt.
Interfraternity Council: Regular
meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. in
the Council offices, Room 306, in the
A.A.U.W. Junior Group: The
monthly dinner meeting will be held
today in the Michigan League. Mr.
Wilfred Shaw, Director of Alumni
Relations of the University, will
speak on The Making of an Etching.
Faculty Women's Club:The Jan-
uary meeting will be held in the
Michigan League ballroom today at 3
'p.m. Miss Amy Loomis and Miss
Evangeline Maurts will present a
program of scenes and songs.
Michigan Dames: The Child Study
Group will meet this evening at 8
p.m. at the Michigan League. Miss
Winifred Milor, an authority on mu-
sic for children, will speak on "Mu-
sic in the Life of the Child." She
will demonstrate her talk with selec-
tions on the piano and suitable music
books for children.
Coming Events
The Junior Mathematical Club will
meet Thursday, Jan. 14, at 7:30 p.m.,
in Room 3201 A.H. Dr. J. D. Elder
will discuss briefly: Mathematical
Applications of Hollerith Punched
Cards. Following this, the meeting
will adjourn to the Tabulating Sta-
tion where Mr. A. D. Meacham will
demonstrate some of the Hollerith
English Journal Club will meet
Friday afternoon, Jan. 15, at 4, in the
League. The program, open to the
public at 4:15 p.m., will be a col-
loquium on recent Eighteenth Cen-
tury scholarship. Mr. John O'Neill.
Mrs. Fred Cassidy, and Miss Mary
Jackson will discuss respectively the
drama, poetry, and fiction sections of

Institute of Aeronautical Sciences:
All members are requested to meet at
Spedding Studio, Thursday, Jan. 14,E
at 7 p.m., for the purpose of havingE
the group picture taken for the Mich-
iganensian. -
Pi Lambda Theta meeting on
Thursday, Jan. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in
the University Elementary School
Speaker: Prof. Donal Haines.
Topic: Popular Book Reviews.
Everyone interested is invited to
Independent Men: The first Open
meeting at the Michigan Union
Thursday night, Jan. 14, at 7:30 p.m.,
for all independent men who desire
to attend the J-Hop. Plans will be
discussed for obtaining a booth at
the Hop.
Fencers: The fencing club will
meet Thursday at 4:15 p.m. All those
that intend to continue fencing with
the club must be present. Michigan
State has invited us to fence in the
near future and all the practice we
can get is to our advantage.
Engineering Council: There will be
an Engineering Council meeting
Thursday, Jan. 14,' at 7:15 p.m. in
the Computing Room.
All Men Students and Faculty are
invited to attend the Union Coffee
Hour, to be held every afternoon
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the small
ballroom of the Union, commencing
Monday, Jan. 18.
Faculty Women's Club: There will
be a meeting of the Art Study Group
at the home of Mrs. L. C. Schultz,
1505 Linwood, at 2 p.m. Thursday the
14th. Go out Huron to, the fork of
the Jackson and Dexter Roads, take
an extreme right turn onto Revena
which leads to Linwood. Turn left
on Linwood.
The Polish Engineers Society will
meet at- 7:30 p.m. tonight at the
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the po-'
litical science department will de-
liver a convocation address at the
University of Minnesota in Minnea-
polis tomorrow. He will speak on
"Major Problems of the Pacific Area."

American Indian artists of the New
Mexico pueblos of San Ildefonso and
Sia, unhampered,by any attempts on
the part of modern artists to instruct
or control their native impulses in
art, have contributed to the collection
of colorful and symbolic watercolor
plates that are now being shown in
the wall-cases of the General Li-
The paintings show a devotion to
the simple world of nature which
surrounds the Indian and directs his
daily activities. Although in the
painting the artist stays very close
to the symbols used before him byl
his predecessors, a large amount of
freedom of style and initiative is al-
lowed the artist within these bounds.
This accounts for the great similarity
of all the paintings and yet the vast-
ness of variety in colors and symbols
The philosophy of life of the
American Indian is also depicted in
the collection. A distinct philosophyI
is almost bound to be back of the ex-
pressions of a people whose ancestors
have for centuries turned their eyes
devotedly to sky and earth.
The same color and style as is used
in the symbolic preponderantly re-
ligious drawings of the dances comes
to the fore in the paintings of purely
natural subjects as the colorful pic-

Haown Avain
Outstanding works taken from the
files of the College of Architecture
which were on display for a limited
time before Christmas vacation are
being displayed again this week in the
hird floor exhibition room of the Ar-
:hitecture Building, it was announced
The works in the exhibit include
student works that have been kept
by the school, drawings from archi-
tccture competitions, and works do-
nated to the school by well-known
architects. These have been classi-
fied into three main historical pe-
riods. First of 4hese is the Classical
period of the late 19th century. This
is followed by the Renaissance of
Classical architecture after the
World's Fair of 1893, and the last
period is the modern functional trend
in architecture.-v
'he exhibit was organized by mom-
burs of the faculty of the College of
Architecture and will be up only
until Friday, when it will be replaced
by an exhibit of Far-Eastern art.
tures of the hawk, the turkey, the
bear, the skunk, the grouse and the
landscapes which show the close as-
sociation the Indian made between
nature and natural forces.

1 =



.:.: 1 j



Union Council
To Inaugurate
Buffet Suppers
Also Plans Coffee Hour
Discussio Monday
In accordan~ce with its drive to
establish more intimate relations be-
tween faculty and students, the Ex-
ecutive Council of the Union, will, on
Sunday evening, inaugurate a new
series of weekly buffet suppers and
at 4:30 p.m. on Monday a supple-
mentary group of coffee hour dis-
cussions will get under way.
Proposed by the Student-Faculty
Relations Committee, the plan calls
for the active cooperation of the fac-
ulty and student body to make it a
To Be 'Bull Sessions'
"The coffee hours will be organized
along the lines of a big 'bull session,'
where students can leisurely discuss
with the faculty matters of the day
and. unfold their woes over a cup of
coffee," Frederick V. Geib, '38, co-
director, with Burton S. Wellman, '38.
of the meetings announced.
Informality will be the keynote of
this latest Michigan venture, which,
it is hoped will become, a campus
tradition as has already happened
at Houston Hal, University of Penn-
sylvania, Todd Union, University of
Rochester, and the Hart House.
University of Toronto.
"Up to date, the tap room has
been the gathering place for stu-
dents," Geib continued. "While this
has been effective to a considerable
extent, a student feels it difficult to
walk over to strangers and introduce
himself. The coffee hour will re-
move this barrier, for it will be en-
tirely in order for any person to
introduce himself to a group, student
or professor."
Admission Is Free
Admission to the daily discussions
to be held in the small ballroom and
terrace of the Union will be free.
There will be a nominal charge,
however, for the Sunday supper to
which women are also invited.
Plans for the supper have profes-
sors presiding at each table. "While
the event is mainly social, light' dis-
cussion will be encouraged, and fel-
lows are asked to bring their dates,"
H. Murray Campbell, '38, announced.
At the daily discussions, members
of the Executive Council of the Union
will pour.
Debate Topic Disclosed
For Chicago Tourney
The subject for the Western Con-
ference Debate Tournament as an-
nounced by Prof. P. E. Lull, secretary
of the Conference Debate League,
will be "Resolved That Congress Shall
Be Empowered to Fix Minimum
Wages and Maximum Hours For
The University of Chicago will
serve as host this year for the tour-
nament which will be held on April
9th and 10th.
Tryouts for the squad to represent

Two new books by Prof. Earl L.
Griggs of the English department,
dealing with widely differing material
and climaxing several years of re-
search and study, have just been
published in England, Professor
Griggs revealed yesterday.
"Thomas Clarkson, The Friend of
Slaves," a biography of a great but
little-known abolitionist of the early
nineteenth century, has been pub-
lished by Allen and Unwin Ltd., of
Museum St., London, while "The Let-
ters of Hartley Coleridge," the cor-
respondence of the brilliant but un-
fortunate son of Samuel Taylor Col-
eridge, edited by Professor Griggs
and his wife, Mrs. Grace Evelyn
Griggs, has been issued by the Ox-
ford University Press, London and
New York.
A Biography
The story of Thomas Clarkson, ac-
cording to Professor Griggs, is one of
a great humanitarian endowed with
remarkable singleness of purpose,
who worked behind the scenes, con-
tent to gather information and place,
it at the disposal of others, caring
nothing for credit or applause as long
as his object was attained. He was,
nontheless, much admired by his
contemporaries and a close friend
of Wordsworth and Coleridge, Prof es-
sor Griggs said.
"Although the book is primarily a1
biography of Clarkson," said Profes-
sor Griggs, "it covers the whole evo-
lution of the struggle for abolition of
the slave trade and slavery, since
his entire life was consecrated to
this cause. Clarkson's interest in
the abolition movement began when
he was a college student, when he
engaged in a prize essay contest on
the- subject 'Is It Lawful to Make
Slaves of Others Against Their Will?'
Here he first learned of the shock-
ing inhumanity of the slave trade,
and became so absorbed in thesub-
ject that a few months later he ded-
icated his life to the eradication of
the evil.
"In the long struggle which fol-
lowed, he gave his time, energy, pri-
vate means and even health. It
is significant to note thataoinAR
to see abolition of the slave trade in
British ships in 1807, and finally the
abolition of slavery in the British
colonies by act of Parliament in
7 clls ('1{' TsJ~yrr " it~r

pays tribute to the assistance ren-
dered him by the late Dean G. Carl
Huber of the Graduate School, whoI
he says "so ably fostered every de-
partment of research at the Univer-
sity of Michigan. To me his death
meant the loss of both a friend and
'The Letters Of Hartley Coleridge'j
"The Letters of Hartley Coleridge,"
which Professor and Mrs. Griggs have
dedicated to Prof. Louis A. Strauss,
chairman of the English department,
is organized into a. connected -ac-
count covering the whole period of
Coleridge's life, with brief biograph-
ical comments and explanations in-
terspersed between the letters.
"Hartley's life was one of frustra-
tion," said Professor Griggs. 'orn
in 1796 in the period of his fatter's
greatness, Hartleybdeveloped intoa a
precocious child, but in spite of his
brilliance he continued long after
childhood was past to confuse reality
and fantasy. When he came face
to face with unpleasantness in any
form, however, he was wont to retire
into himself. He inherited from his
father a kind of volitional paralysis
which made it impossible for him to
devote himself to any sort of pro-

Fraternity and Sorority
There is a difference in
Group Photographs by


319 East Huron
Opposite Daily News

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' l


fession. Schoenmann Departs
Knew Wordsworth For Farm Conference
"Socn after finishing college he prof. L. R. Schoenmann of the
was made fellow of Oriel College but School of Forestry and Conservation
at conclusion of a probationary year will leave today for West Lafayette,
he was refused reappointment. Ind.. to attend the annual Agricul-
Henceforward his life was merely a tural Conference at Purdue Univer-
sad story of lack of purpose, dis-ity.
a-ppcintment and disillusionment, yet sity.
Hartey as uivesaly beove isThe meeting held from Jan. 11-15,
Hartley was universally beloved is a part of the Indiana State Farm
hroughout his life. Such men as and Home Week. Professor. Schoen-
Robert Southey and Wordsworth mann will make two speeches during
icoked after him as a father would the conference. The first, "The Place
a scn. of Wild Life in a Land Use Program,"
Professor Griggs described Hartley he will give Thursday afternoon. He
Coleridge as possessing a peculiar will speak on "Yesterday, Today and
:;harm, pouring not only the affec- Tomorrow in Conservation," at the
'.Jena'c warmth of his hr-.art but also ,forestry banquet Thursday.
intelligent comments on art, litera-- -
tore and life into his correspondence. KILLS FAMILY, THEN SELF
"ris letters, I think, most closely re- WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.--(P)-
;emble. those of Charles Lamb," Pro- Three members of a family were
fessor Griggs said. "Whimsical, sad, clubbed to death tonight, and a short
lay, mclanchely-as was his mood so time later a man identified by police
were his letters. Whatever were as Corbin Boarman, 65, head of the
[Tartley's faults, he had the ability I household, hurled himself to death
ro inspire the love of those about under the wheels of a fast freight
him." train,
Frendch( l a Lecture



N D N A O U T IT ? / l




T eus vi 1Negro rKngToa
One of the most interesting chap- U
hers of the book deals with Henry The next lecture in the French,
Christophe, Negro King of Hayti. Of Club series, at 4:15 p.m. today in the
him, Professor Griggs said, "I am in-
clined to consider Christophe not so Romance Language Building, will e
much as a glamorous savage chief but given by Prof. Michael Pargment,
as an intelligent legislator struggling who will discuss Anatole France, his I
against hopeless odds to create a life and works.
permanent Negro State. A great Tickets for the series of lectures
number of letters written by Chris-
tophe to Thomas Clarkson have sur- may be procured from the secretary
vived and it is by means of these of the department of romance lan- IBurr, Pc
and other unpublished documents guages, Room 112, Romance Lan-'
that I believe an entirely new inter-
pretation must be made." guage Building, or at the door before
In his preface. Professor Griggs the lecture.



1 r
1v , OoNEs




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