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January 12, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-12

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TUESDAY, JAN. 12, 1937

Original Prints
Are Exhibited
In Alumni Hall
Work Of American Artists
Is Shown By Ann Arbor
Art Association
Etchings, woodcuts and lithographs
of the American Artists Group which
are now on display at Alumni Mem-
orial Hall under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association show a
wide range of subject matter and
contrasting techniques, officials of
the local association say.
There are 53 original prints which
have never been exhibited before, and
they are works that have been creat-
ed during the past year as a part of
the American Artists Group pro-
gram of making the best contem-
porary art available to the public.
The artists who have made the
works are well known throughout this
country and are said to have created
masterpieces which have formed val-
uable parts of the permanent col-
lections of the museums in the United
States, officials said.
There are examples of conservative
and modern art, of realistic, ab-
stract and, surrealist art in the col-_
lection. Some works are landscapes,
humourous and genre pictures, and
others are for those who like sailing
and other outdoor sports. In as-
sembling the present exhibit, it was
said, the American Artists Group
made a deliberate attempt to bring
together representative artists of
every school and style of art.
The exhibit will be in Alumni
Memorial Hall until Sunday. The
display is planned to approximate a
complete cross-section of the whole
range of contemporary American art.
(Continued from Page 4)
January meeting will be held Wed-
nesday, Jan. 13 at 4 p.m. in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. Mr. Byran Heise will speak
informally on the subject "The
Teaching of Cooperation." There will
be an opportunity provided for ques-
tions and discussion after Mr. Heise's
talk. Students taking work in edu-
cation, their friends, and those in-
terested, are cordially invited to at-
Interfraternity Council: Regular
meeting on Wednesday evening, Jan.
13, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council offices,'
Room 306, in the Union.
Michigan Dames: The Child Study
Group will meet on Wednesday eve-'
ning, Jan. 13 at 8 p.m. at the Mich-
igan League. Miss Winifred Milor,
an authority on music for children,
will speak on "Music in the Life of
the Child." She will demonstrate her
talk with selections on the piano and;
suitable music books for children.
Faculty Women's Club: There will
be a meeting of the Art Study Group
at the home of Mrs. L. C. Schultz,
1505 Linwood, at 2 p.m. Thursday the
14th. Go out Huron to the fork of
the Jackson and Dexter Roads, take
an extreme right turn onto Revena
which leads to Linwood. Turn left
on Linwood.
Faculty Women's Club: The Jan-
uary meeting will be held in the
Michigan League ballroom, Wednes-
day, Jan. 13, at 3 p.m. Miss Amy
Loomis and Miss Evangeline Maurits
will present a program of scenes and

Roger Williams Guild: There will
be a sleigh ride party Saturday, Jan.
16 at 7:30 p.m. if the weather per-
mits. You must make reservations
before Wednesday evening. Call 7332.
All members and their friends arel
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais at.

To Wed Wadsworth, Jr.

Murder Trial
May Be Given
To Jury Today

Local Chapter Of Phi Kappa Phi
Has Initiated More 7han 1,530]

Michigan Senior Honorary,
Society Brought Here 10

(Continued from Page 1)

I Y ears Ag
for the defense. He pointed out that
Mrs. Baker has bared her whole life The Michigan chapter of Phi Kap-
to the jury. "The facts she admitted
from the stand were not comfortable pa Phi, national senior honor society,
for her to tell," he said. "Surely if has initiated more than 1,530 stu-
she were guilty and were not telling dents in its 10 years of existence, it
the truth, Mrs. Baker would not have was revealed yesterday by Prof. Roy
bared all the facts about her personal S. Swinton, secretary of the chapter.
life that she did," Mr. Conlin shout- In a paper prepared for a forth-
In explaining why Mrs. Baker had coming history of the University Pro-
not taken Schneider to the hospital fessor Swinton reports that the Mich-
after he had been shot, the defense igan chapter became the 40t'L when
attorney pointed out death always it was officially organized Nov. 26,1
upsets people. "Besides," he went on 1926, at a banquet in the Union. Thej
to say, "when she got to town she first .officers, elected at that meeting,
realized that he was dead and there Professor Swinton said, were Dean
wasn't any use to take him to a hos- Edward H. Kraus, of the literary col-
pital." lege, president; former-Dean Edmund
Mrs. Baker appeared only slightly E. Day, who will soon assume his
nervous yesterday and listened to the duties as president of Cornell Uni-
proceedings with great interest, giv- versity, vice-president; Prof. Edwin
ing little appearance of emotional Baker, of the engineering college,
disturbance. secretary; and John Christensen,


University secretary, was treasurer.
The idea for a chapter in Ann Ar-
bor was suggested to former-president
Clarence Cook Little by Prof. Clar-
ence Bardesley of the Missouri School
of Mines, who was then studying at
the University
Three scholarships for graduate
studies have been awarded in the past
'four years by the national society,
and Michigan candidates have been
twice selected for this honor by the
six judges, Professor Swinton said.
Membership in Phi Kappa Phi is
limited to seven per cent of the upper
fifth of the senior class, Professor
Swinton explained.
"Another requirement is at least
one-and-one-half years residence.
Twice a year a list of names is ar-
ranged according to honor point rat-
ings. In the fall three per cent are
chosen and in the spring the upper
four per cent, of the graduating
classes are selected," he continued.
The member pays initiation dues
of $10 which{ entitle him to the key,
certificate, and initiation banquet of.

Chamber Of Commerce
Is Entered By Burglars
About $400 in cash and checks
was stolen late Saturday or early
Sunday when thieves broke into the
sate at the Chamber of Commerce
building at North Fourth Ave. and
Anne St. The theft was discovered
at noon Sunday by Joseph Luakotka,
a janitor.
The loss, which was covered by in-
surance, consisted mairty of automo-
bile license plate fees and checks.
The burglars gained entrance into
the building by forcing open a win-
dow on the east side, police said.
the organization, in addition to one
year's subscription to the society's
journal, Professor Swinton added.
Membership also entitles one to eli-
gibility for the graduate studies schol-
"Graduate students are eligible foi
election to the number of five per
cent," he continued, "and since 1933
they have been elected each spring."
The national society was organized
in 1897 at the University of Maine
and has since grown to include among
its members more than 40 colleges and
universities throughout the nation,
he concluded.

Funeral Tomorrow
For Victim Of Auto
Funeral services will be held at 10
a.m. at the Moore funeral house,
Ypsilanti, for Robert Clark, 17-year-
old Platt youth, who was killed at
4:45 a.m. Sunday when he was struck
by a car on Packard Rd. The car
was driven by Clark's cousin, Donald
King, 25 years old, of Ypsilanti.
Clark was walking home from work
when the accident occurred. He was
struck as the car rounded a curve
near the Stone school.
Clark was taken to St. Joseph's
Hospital, and pronounced dead upon
arrival. He and his mother, Mrs.
Carl Clark, were employed at the
Superior Dairy Store, 322 S. State St.
Deutscher Verein will hold its reg-
ular bi-weekly meeting at 8 pm. to-
day in the League building.




- Associated Press Photo
Announcement has been made
in New York of the engagement
of Eleanor Roosevelt (above),
daughter of Mrs. Henry Latrobe
Roosevelt and a distant kin of the
Pr sident, to Reverdy Wadsworth,
son of Republican Rep. James W.
Wadsworth of New York, presag-
ing another union, of families with
opposing views on the New Deal.
French Cinema
Of Hugo Novel
Is Given Here
Art Cinema League Gives
Les Miserables'; Has
English Sub-Titles
"Les Miserables," the French film
version of Victor Hugo's novel, will be
shown in matinee performances at
3:15 p.m. and evening performances
at 8:15 p.m. today and tomorrow in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The picture, which has English
sub-titles, is being presented by the
Art Cinema League in conjunction
with the Romance Languages depart-
ment. The box office of the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre will be open
from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today and to-
morrow for reservations.
Harry Baur, the French film star
who appeared in "Crime Et Chati-
ment," plays the part of Jean Val-
.jean. The first part of the picture,
"A Tempest in a Brain," tells the
story of Valjean's escape from the
galleys and his subsequent rise to
fame and fortune. The second part,
"Liberty, Dear Liberty," depicts the
hero's experiences in the French Rev-
olution of 1830.
Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon of the
Spanish department said "this film
production is the finest that has ever
been made of Victor Hugo's story.
Harry Baur is to the French film
what Emil Jannings is to the German
At the meeting of the Mathematics
Club, 8 p.m., in 3201 Angell Hall,
Prof. Edwin W. Miller will discuss
"Bi-Connected Series."
7:45 p.m. Wednesday evening, Jan.
13, at the League. Professor Knud-
son will speak to the group.
Zeta Phi Eta: The picture for the
Michiganensian will be taken on
Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 4:15 p.m. at
the Dey Studio. Please be prompt.
Iota Sigma Pi: The first Open
meeting at the Michigan Union
Thursday night, Jan. 14, at 7:30 p.m.,
for all independent men who desire
to attend the J-Hop. Plans will be
discussed for obtaining a booth at
the Hop.
Printed with your name and address
305 Maynard Street Phone 8805

S302 S.f

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