ff TUESDAY, JAN. 12, 1997 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Mass Meeting For Freshman W omen To Be Held Thursday,, Jan. 21 i The Primrose Path One would never know that exams were just around the corner to travel around Ann Arbor over the week-end ... there seem to be just as many people in the favorite haunts as there ever are ... of course, fraternity parties are conspicuous for their absence but the League and the Union more than made up for them . .. it won't be long though before the places, will be deserted for a while and people will flock to the library for their week-end dates with the books . . then comes the big splurge, J-Hop, one week of rollicking, riotous good times and we settle down again for a long cold winter, (doesn't look like it were going to be cold, though) . but on with the week-end activities ... Att The Unin,. .. Just about the whole town turned up at the Union Friday night. . . it was a regular after Christmas get-together, with many exhibitions of the latest in dance steps . . . R.O.T.C. uniforms were greatly in evidence as the Pi Tau Pi Sigmas gave a dinner party at the Union that night . .. we saw De Rhua Skinner dancing with Don Baser after the dinner . .. There was a large crowd at a long table on the edge of the dance floor; among whom were Roberta Leete and Hubert Martin and Ruth Calkins and John Woodison. At another table Betsy Crawford and Burton Miller were celebrating . . The orchestra cooperated with the gay prevailing spirit by presenting some smooth arrangements of the latest pieces . . . Shirl Crosman directed them for quite a while during some novelty numbers . . . Walking across the floor at the end of a dance, we noticed Margaret Ford and Charles Lovett, Margery Lehner and Fitz Bridges, and Mary Johnson and Bernard Shields ... Charlotte Mitchell and George Combs were there, and Glade Allen and George Peck . . . Caught a glimpse of Virginia Handeyside as she turned the corner heading for their table with Keith Shook ... also saw Virginia Weidlien and George Hansen ... Those who noticed Jean Little and Lloyd MacKay during the evening were thoroughly entertained by their fine dancing . . . At the close of the evening we saw Louise Taylor and Rowland Bolton and Doris Bolton and Fletcher Platt . .. Sally Thomas was also there with Frank Fehsenfeld, who is now working in Grand Rapids . . . Some of the others in the crowd were Mary Margaret Thomas and Jock Thom, and Tom Kincaid and 'Louise Howard -. - The Hockey Game .. . There was a large crowd of Phi Delta Phis and their dates at the hockey game Saturday night . . . Ty Carlisle and Marcia Connell were there, Robert Henoch and Virginia Jackson, Bud Smith and Kay Golden, and Larry Smith and Barbara Lutz . .. also noticed Bill Borgman and J. Burgess Book ... the hockey game was one of the most exciting of the season and Mich- igan won in the overtime play . . . Betsy Baxter and Tom Mackey were there and Mary Helen Hurley and Stutz Johnson, also saw Joseph Hinshaw and Tommy Paterson in the crowd. . . and Robert Knight and Betty Kline . . the Alpha Delts had their traditional front row well filled. . . saw Dean Glid- den, Bert Realy, Edward D'Aprix, Richard Griggs, Hal Benham, Frank Ma- bely and Jack Kleene . . . the elta Gams were represented by Winnifred Arnold and Mary Lou Willoughby who were in the crowd ... Homer Caldwell and John Mann . . . these hockey games are gathering spots for the elite of the town now-a-days, better start attending, them more regularly, if you can get a seat. There was quite a crowd at the League Friday night . . . Dotsy Baxter and Chuck Coe were taking full advantage of the good music . . . their dancing is really super, too. Jo Cavanagh and Tom Watkins were wending their way to a table beside the floor . . . noticed also Muriel Hassard and John Hinkle.° Saturday night the League was even more crowded but still much fun. Saw Virginia Letts and Carl Fischer sitting at a table for two as we came up the hall. Entering the ballroom Steve Mason and Jean Bell danced by- had to stop a minute and marvel at the caliber of their dancing. At a table near the floor were Betty Reed .. . Bob Windsor .. . Betty Riddell and Wally Wendell . . . Betty Riddell had on a blue crepe dress. Might also mention here the confusion that two Betty's in such close proximity cause. Wayne White and Mike Chadwick were announcing their talking strike as we passed their table . . . seems they refused to say a word, but it only lasted five minutes. Wayne was with Madelyn Appel and Jane Giesecke Was Mike's date-also saw Doris Effler and Lee Shinar ... !ordan's Snow Dance . . . It was like walking into the Swiss Alps to enter Jordan's living room Fri- day night . . . they had the place all decorated with snow banks and icicles and we were much amazed when the snow fort from which the orchestra was playing didn't melt with the hot music that issued from the icy depths -From the vantage point of the fort we picked out Beth Turnbull, president of the dorm, with George Wheeler, June Hora with Jack Bigelow, Lucy Almand looking tiny as ever in a lovely white net formal, and Mabel Allison and Bob Jaedecke ... During the intermission we saw Charlotte Glatt who looked very smart in a black and white striped gown with a large white ruching around the shoulders . . . Bethany Thomas and Dick Evans seemed to enjoy the refresh- ments with Marianne Smart and John Rodriguez . . . noticed also B. J. Hansen and Jack Briner at the dance . . . Everyone looked longingly at the skis and the toboggan leaning against the wall . . .'if only we could get some real snow there would be some wonderful sleigh rides and parties to write up .... But more of the dance, Jane Christy and Stewart Sheil seemed to enjoy the icicles for we saw them playing with them during the intermission . . . they also held fascination for Janet Karlson and Don Alexander ... These Jordan dances are always fun, but now we must go on to the rest of the week-end ... . The Chi Omega put on a nice dance at the chapter house Saturday night, informal and much fun . . . Margaret Guest, president, was with Dan Cook and Grace Woodley and Joe Coultier were together . . . Katherine Eichelberger and Les Bartley were there, both Les and Joe Coultier drove out from Detroit for the dance . . . did you ever think of the number of Bar- baras in the Chi house. . . Barbara Guest was with Larry Lory, Barbara King was dancing with Bill Snaer, Barbara Spencer and Bruce McKernis were together, Barbara Roberts and Dake Gull were there, Barbara Johnson and Pete Pederson attended and Barbara-pardon me that is the end of the long list of Barbaras . . . whee, thought we'd never finish ... Resides The Barbaras...x Besides the Barbaras there were Georgiana Davis and Eddie Soucaze! and Jeanette Beck and Jack Stoner.. . also saw Jean McFarland and Don Marshall . . . the music seemed to fascinate Betty Goutremont and Fred House, for they danced every dance . . . they stopped to talk for a few min- utes with Joan Wentz and John Hinkley. . . Some of the others at the dance were Virginia McCabe and John Adams, Dorothy Hart and Willard Fetzel, Marjorie Kief and Tony Groper and Hazel Jensen and James Weegand ... The Phi Sigma Kappas held their pledge formal Friday night . . .it was a gay party, and some of the honored pledges were Jim McDonald and Jack Bookout who had Elinor Lobben and Enora Ferriss as their dates . .. Betty1 Hunter and John Freese and Bud Marcero and Janet Groft spent their time commuting from the Phi Sig house to Jordan's dance . . . John Marley and Virginia Oosterman and LeVerne Burns and Jean Bertram seemed to enjoy the dancing and couldn't think of moving around town ... Elinor King came out from Detroit for the dance With Jack Bertzlaff . . . it was a good party as the Phi Sigs usually are ... And now we must bid you adieu . . . Friday night is the Interfraternity Activities Open F To Class Of '40 To Be outlined Charlotte Rueger To Talk; Pageant Will Be Initial Project Of Year Sash Is Newest Style i 7 O /g J The date of the mass meeting for freshman women has been postponed till 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21, it was announced yesterday by Charlotte D. Rueger, '37, president of the League. The meeting was originally planned for Jan. 14, but was changed last night by a decision of the League Council. This gathering is to mark the first opportunity which has been offered to freshman women to participate in extra-curricular activities, and special permission will be required for all women taking part in such outside work. All first year women on campus are urged to attend the affair which will be held eithrer in the League Ballroom or in the Ethel Founta i Hussey Room of the League, it was announced, The program will include a talk by Miss Rueger in which she will explain the work of the chairmen of the various committees which com- pose the League Council. These com- mistees are social, house reception, theatre-arts. publicity, merit system and orientation. The type of activities open to fresh- men will be explained at the meeting as well as the current system of pe- titioning and interviewing for p- sitions on committees and for central. positions on the annual Freshman Pageant. Maryanna Chockley, '37, head of judiciary council, is to talk on this subject. Petition blanks are available in the Undergraduate Of- fice of the League at times which will be later stated. The Judiciary Coun- cil interviews all applicants for posi- tions, selects from them those whom it feels best qualified, and submits the names to the League Council for approval. The Freshman Pageant, to be held later in the spring, is the first project in which first-year women are eligible for participation. Positions open for the Pageant include general chair- man, assistant chairman, and heads of various committees, such as pub- licity, program, dance and others. will be held Jan. 15, . Interf raternity Ball Has Few Tickets Unsold A limited number of tickets to the Interfraternity Ball are still avail- able, John Mann, '37, co-chairman of the dance, said yesterday. Over 550 tickets have already been sold. The tickets can be obtained by call- ing the Interfraternity Council office in the Union from 3 to 5 p.m. today or tomorrow. Bud Lundahl, '38, co- chairman of the ticket committee, also has some additional tickets. After tomorrow the remaining tickets will go on general sale. Lundahl an- nounced. George Cosper, '37, president of the Interfraternity Council, attributes the large demand for tickets to the popularity of last year's dance and the fact that this will be the only formal dance in January. Fletcher Henderson and Charlie Agnew will play for the Ball, I i I i M4 t}1 t f { 1 L t ti } , . I ' , ,j I i1 l+ I E i i i 1 Warm, Wind Resisting Clothes Prof. Elliott To Talk Are Ideal For Winter Sports On'social seenrity "Social Security" will be the sub- By HELEN HENDERSON weight, water resisting, and as wind- ject of a talk to be given by Prof. What are you wearing for winter proof as possible. There has been a Margaret Elliott at the regular meet- sports? tendency in some American-made ing of theCBusiness and Professional sports? You probably inveigled some materials to keep snow clinging toI Women's Club at 6:Le p.m. today in new togs out of Santa during vaca- them; while the foreign clothes have the League. tiontime; but if you didn't, and you're long been adapted to their usage. Social Security Act, its provisions and all set now to pick up a dashing out- This year, however, almost any ski- its application to Michigan. after the fit that will out-sparkle the snow- suit you buy will be made of someitaplciotoMhgn,;tete drifts, there are-a few things you kind of ski-cloth, which is remark- dinner and business meeting of the might want to know about skiing and ably warm and wind-resisting de- club. Informal discussion and ques- skating clothes. You'll perhaps want spite its light weight and flexibility. tioning will follow her talk. the same outfit t6 do for both sports Jackets Are Short -which is a practical idea and one A characteristic of the Austrian JGP PRACTICE MEETING that is quite easy to accomplish, ski-suit has been the very short The first practice meeting of. junior The first thing to remember is to jacket which facilitates bending at women interested in dancing for the choose a material that is light- the waist. Many suits of this sea- 1937 Junior Girls' Play is to be held Sson are following that style, although at 4:30 p.m. today in the lounge of we still see the hip length plaid the Women's Athletic Building. There Gw.ynn Players jackets a great deal. For American will be rooms for dressing and show- sports, which usually include as much ers provided, according to Marie skating as skiing, any kind of jacket Sawyer, '38, chairman of the dance To ReviveTale and trousers combination is satisfac- committee for the production. t ory. UHE E OTOE Of Tom Thum b There isn't a great deal of differ- RUTHVEN TEA POSTPONED ence in the ski-pants. A practical, The Ruthven tea, planned for to- solid color-and there you have half morrow, has been indefinitely post- Burlesque In Three Acts of your outfit. Variation and or- poned, due to Mrs. Ruthven's illness. iginality are shown in the jackets, i was announced by Harriet Heath, To Be Produced Today; although the multi-colored plaid ones 37, chairman of the League social Sd are very popular. icommittee. Simple Settings Used a Blue Is Popular Color l 5 1 11 S"The ragedy f Tragdie, rThe Life and Death of Tom Thumb," by The latest mode for spring date Henry Fielding will be presented at dresses is this princess line crepe 9 p.m. today in Sarah Caswell Angell dress boasting the ultra new sash. Hall by Nell Gwynn's Company. Sleeves puckered at the shoulder This play was first presented on and a small turban with a flatter- April 24, 1730, and has seldom been ing nose length veil compfte the revived except by colleges and other outfit. groups interested in producing little _________________________known plays. In keeping with its highly bur-I iv Plesqued action, the simplified settings Fve Prominent (1for the play have been designed in an imaginery, stylized vein, some- am puwhat like a pack of playing cards ac- cording to Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, who is in charge of settings. To Be Honored To Use Three Settings ___The play is divided into three scenes for which the background of Alumnae Council To Hold each consists of a painted screen. League Luncheon; Miss These screens have been used by the company for all its plays and redec- Clara Roe To Speak orated in accordance with the set- tings, giving the grotesque, stylized Five of the more prominent women effect, harmonizing with the atmo- on campus will be honor guests at sphere of these old English and the luncheon to be given for mem- American plays. bers of the Alumnae Council of the Costumes have been made by the Michigan League at 12:30 p.m. Sat- cast of oilcloth and burlap in bright urday in the League, it was an- colors, continuing the general theme nounced yesterday by Mrs. Lucille B. of the designs, under the direction Conger, executive secretary of the of James Doll, Grad. League. Nell Gwynn's Company began its Hope Hartwig, '37, general chair- career in 1931, founded by Prof. 0. man of J.G.P.; Mary Andrew, '37, J. Campbell of Columbia University, president of Assembly; Lois King, '37, Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of secretary-treasurer of the League; Harvard University, both formerly of Harriet Heath, '37, chairman of the the University of Michigan; Mrs. Guy social committee of the League and Maier and Prof. Warner F. Patterson. Jewel Wuerfel, '37, women's editor Old Plays Revived of The Daily, are those who will be It includes a group of faculty mem- honored, Mrs. Conger said. bers, graduate students and towns- The luncheon is only one of the people and has as its purpose the re- many activities on the program for vival oflittle known eighteenth and the mid-year meetings of the Alum- nineteenth century dramas. The nae Council, which will be held Jan. company was directed for the first 15 and 16 in Ann Arbor, Mrs. Con- few years by Professor Jones and is ger stated, adding that a panel dis- now under tlie direction of Mrs. cussion on "The Value of Fellowships ddMaier. and the Need of Them at Michigan" In the cast are Mrs. Fredrick R. will be one cf the outstanding events. Whitesell Mrs. Otto Graf, Mrs. Miss Clara Roe of Flint, former Joseph Brinkman, Mrs. Francis W. Alumnae Council Fellow, will help Gravit, Professor Patterson, Prof. conduct the discussion. Miss Roe is Charles Knudson, William Halstead, now a Ph.D. candidate. She will be Harlan Bloomer, Francis Gravit, Roy assisted by Miss Marion Siney of Curtis, George Meyer James O'Neill Muskegon, who recently returnedJn from Europe where she spent a year John O'Neill and Victor Lane. in research work as a Fellow of the Tickets may be obtained for this Social Science Research Council. performance from the secretaries in Miss Siney is at present attending the offices of the departments of the University where she is complet- English, French and German..dThere ing her Doctorate under the Rack- is a small admission charge but no ham Foundation. reserved seats. One jacket of white gabardine has royal blue ribbed wool sleeves. It buttons downs the front and has two pockets. Another clever jacket is blue, double-breasted-and of wind- proof material lined and white gabar- dine. It turns back, showing wide revers of white. The hooded type of jacket is warm. When not in use, the hood may be buttoned down on to the jacket. Hooded wool scarfs are just the thing to pull over your head and tuck into the neck of your jacket. Then add a pair of wool mittens and socks- and with your skis or skates, you're ready SPANISH INFLUENCE SHOWN Reflecting the Spanish influence, boleros are being shown on the new spring dresses. d. Fraternity, Sorority, and Student Organ- ization Pictures must be taken by Jan. 24. Make Your Appointments Now! STUDIO South State - Dial 5031 I! ,r COLLEGE SHOP SALE of ' r i The entire stock of winter shoes are priced for clearance. Styles for sports . . . street .. .and dress. In suede . . . kid . . . calf and bucko. Regularly priced from $5.00 to $7.50. BLACK BROWN' GREY BLUE ALL HEEL HEIGHTS $308 and 5 ! ' - II A E t®