THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pollock Tells Civil Service Plan's Details Report In Two Main Parts Giving Survey Of Present And Recommendations That the recently drafted bill to provide for a system of civil service in Michigan, proposed by the Civil Service Commission, will be sub- mitted to the Legislature in January by Governor Fitzgerald in case of re- election was announced yesterday by Prof. James K. Pollock, chairman of the Civil Service Commission. The Commission has just complet- ed its investigation of existent em- ployment conditions in the state by publication of a report of their find- ings, together with annotations and advice for amelioration of the situa- tion. The report consists of two prin- cipal parts: the survey of existing personnel practices, and recommen- dations in form of a civil service bill. "The survey is presented in order that the people of the state may be- come acquainted with the conse- quences of conducting a modern state government on a patronage basis," said Professor' Pollock. "The bill recommended by the Commission after the most thorough considera- tion, is presented to remedy the exist- ing abuses, too long tolerated, and to give the state the best possible personnel system to the end that better service shall be rendered to the citizens." A provision of the proposed bill calls for a four-man State Civil Service Commission, not more than two of whom shall be members of any one political party. The purpose was to find a means, if possible to .ntirely eliminate politics. With an odd numbered board it would be pos-- sible for a majority to be members of one party, opening the door for the introduction of politics. Commission To Be Appointed The Commission is to be appointed on much the same basis as are the Board of Regents and the Conserva- tion Commission, according to Pro- Iessor Pollock. The members will be given their expenses, but member- ship on the commission will not be "a high-salaried political plum but will, it is hoped, attract public spir- ited citizens who will find it attrac- tive to serve the state in this ca- pacity." A State Civil Service Department is to be in charge of all state em- ployment, the bill provides. The head of the department, to be other- wise known as the Personnel Director, will be appointed by a three-man committee named by the Civil Service Commission. The Director shall not be removed by the Commission ex- cept on charges and after a public hearing by the Conmission. All elective officials, all department heads, and all members of boards and commissions are exempted from civil service, the bill asserts. Each such official is permitted to select one deputy and one secretary with- out regard to civil service require- mee~ts. Persons connected with Mich- igan State College the University of Michigan, and the judicial system are also exempted from the application of the act for constitutional reasons. Roosevelt Speech Highlights Radio Station Being Planned (Continued from Page 1) have not been content merely to de- nounce this menace. We have beer realistic enough to face it. We hav 'been intelligent enough to do some- thing about it. And the world ha< seen the results of what we have done In the spring of 1933 we faced a crisis which was the ugly fruit o twelve years of neglect of the causes of economic and social unrest. It wa a crisis made to order for all those who would overthrow our form o government. Do I need to recall to you the fear of those days-the reports o f those who piled supplies in their basements, who laid plans to gel their fortunes across the border, who got themselves hideaways in the ccuntry against the impending up- heaval? Starvation Averted Do I need to recall the law-abiding heads of peaceful families, who be- gan to wonder, as they saw their children starve, how they could ge the bread they saw in the bakery window? Do I need to recall the homeless boys who were traveling in bands through the country seeking work and food-desperate because they could find neither? Do I need to recall the farmers who banded together with pitchforks to keep the sheriff from selling the farm home under foreclosure? Do I need to recall the powerful leaders of industry and banking who came to me in Washington in those early days of 1933 pleading to be saved? Most people in the United States remember today the fact that star- vation was averted, that homes and farms were saved, that banks were re-opened, that crop prices rose, that industry revived and the dangerous forces subversive of our form of gov- ernment were turned aside. A few people-a few only-unwill- ing to remember, seem to have for- gotten those days. Reaction Provokes Radicalism In the summer of 1933, a nice old gentleman, wearing a silk hat, fell off the end of a pier. He was un- able to swim. A friend ran down the pier, dived overboar dand pulled him out, but the silk hat floated off with the tide. After the old gentle- man had been resuscitated he was profuse in his thanks. He praised his friend for saving his life. Today, three years later, the bld gentleman is berating his friend because the silk hat was lost. Why did the crisis of 1929 to 1932 pass without disaster? The answer is found in the record of what we did. Early in the cam- paign of 1932 I said: "To meet by reaction that danger of radicalism is to invite disaster. Reaction is n barrier to the radical-it is a chal- lenge, a provocation. The way to meet that danger is to offer a work- able program of reconstruction, and the party to offer it is the party with clean hands." We met the emergency action. But far more important than that, we went to the roots of the problem and attacked the cause of the crisis. We were against revolution. Therefore, we waged war against those condi- tions which make revolutions- against the inequalities and resent- ments which breed them. In Amercia in 1933 the people did not attempt to remedy wrongs by overthrowing their institutions, Americans were made to realize that wrongs could and would 'be set right within their institutions. We proved that Democracy can work. Evasion, Neglect, Ignorance I have said that there is a very great differneces between the two parties in what they do about com- munism. Conditions congenial to communism were being bred and fostered throughout this nation up to the very day of March 4, 1933. Hunger was breeding it. Loss of homes and farms was breeding it. - -- -________----- -- '''-________ --.''- FrAn Arbor Closing banks were breeding it. AoArbor ruinous price level was breeding it. 1 o I n i Discontent and fear were spreading through the land. The previous na- Faculty And Business Men tionai administration, bewildered, did nothing. Apply To Federal Gov't In their speeches they deplored it For 1,000 Watt Station but by their actions they encouraged it. The injustices, the inequalities, Establishment of a local broadcast- the downright suffering out of which ing station here by the end of the revolutions come--what did they do ng tation he.reby thnd-of th-- ~EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00-WJR Stevenson News. wwJ Ty Tyson; Dinner Hour (6:10). WXYZ March of Melody. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 6:15-WJR Rubinoff-Peerce. WXYZ Fact Finder. CKLW News and Sports. 6:30-WJR Jimmie Allen. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Vincent York's Music. 6:45-WJR Renfrew of the Mounted. WWJ Three Scamps. WXYZ Lowell Thomas. i CKLW Kevboard Twins. 9:15-CKLW Viennese Vagbonds. 9:30-WJR Come On, Let's Sing. WXYZ American Hospital Program, CKLW Viennese Vagabonds. 9 :45-CKLW Mullens Sis.ters. 10 :00-WJR Gangbusters. WWJ Your Hit Parade. WXYZ This is Paris. CKLW Witches Tales. 10:30-WJR Democratic National Con- mittee. WXYZ Lloyd Huntley's Music. CKLW bloyd Huntley's Music. 10:45-WJR Musical Program. WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 11:00-WJR News. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Henry Busse's Music. CKLW Trans-Radio; Freddy Martin's Music. 11:15-WJR Moods in Music. WXYZ Ink Spots. CKLW Mystery Lady. 11:30--WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Phil Ohmnan's Music. CKLW Joe Sander's Music. 11:45-WJR Lions Tales. 12:00--WJR Dick Stabile's Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Shandor: Jack Douglas' Music. CKLW Cab Calloway's Music. 1:30 WJR Benny Goodman's Music. WXYZ Luigi Romanelli's Music. CKL W Horace Heidt's Music. 'CKLW Joe Sander' sMusic. STU DENT SUPPLIES Notebook Refills Half-Pound Package filer Drug Store 727 North University ' _.,,, ..sue....,..,, .,., ..., .. ..,,,, ,.. . ,.., .. ., s about these things? Lacking cour- age, they evaded. Being selfish, they f neglected. Being short sighted they ignored. When the crisis came-as f these wrongs made it sure to come -America was unprepared. Our lack of preparation for it was t best proved by the cringing and the fear of the very people whose indif- freence helped to make the crisis. They came to us pleading that we should do, overnight, what they should have been doing through the years. And the simple causes of our un- preparedness were two: first, a weak t leadership, and, secondly, an in- ability to understand the reasons for social unrest-the tragic plight of 90 per cent of the men, women and children who made up the popula- tion of the United States. Republicans Lack Comprehension It has been well said- the most dreadful failure of which any form of government can be guilty is simply to lose touch with reality, because out of this failure all imaginable forms of evil grow. Every empire that has crashed has come down primarily because its rulers didn't know what was going on in the world and were incapable of learn- nig." It is for that reason that our Amre- ican form of government will con- tinue to be safest in Democratic hands. The real, actual, undercover Republican leadership is the same as it was four years ago. That leader- ship will never comprehend the needs for a program of social justice and of regard for the well-being of the masses of our people. * * * Let me warn you and let me warn the nation against the smooth evasive which says: "Of course we believe all these things, we believe in social security; we believe in work for the unemployed; we believe in saving homes. Cross our hearts and hope to die, we believe in all these things; but we do not like the way the pres- ent administration is doing them. Just turn them over to us. We will do all of them-we will do more of them-we will do them better; and, most important of all, the doing of them will not cost anybody any- thing." Against Job Being Done But my friends, these evaders are banking too heavily on the shortness of our memories. No one will forget that they had their golden oppor- tunity-12 long years of it. Remember that the first essential of doing a job well is to want to see the job done. But make no mistake aout this: the Republican leader- ship today is not against the way we have done the job. The Republican leadership is against the job being done.I * * *i The same lack of purpose of ful- filment lies behind the promises of today. You can not be an old guard Republican in the East, and a New Deal Republican in the West. You can not promise to repeal taxes be-c fore one audience and promise toI spend more of the taxpayers money before another audience. You can-i not promise tax relief for those whoI can afford to pay, and, at the same; time, promise more of the taxpayers' money for those who are in need. You simply can not make good on both promises at the same time. A Liberal Conservative Who is there in America who be- lieves that we can run the risk of turning back our government to the old leadership which brought it to the brink of 1933? Out of the strains and stresses of these years we now come to see that the true conservative is the man who has a real concern for injustices and takes thought against the day of reckoning. The true conservative seeks to protect the system of private property and free enterprise by correcting such injus- tices and inequalities as arise from it. The most serious threat to our institutions comes from those who refuse to face the need for change. Liberalsim becomes the protection for the far-sighted conservative. Never has a nation made greater strides in the safe-guarding of De- mocracy than we have made during the past three years. Wise and pru- dent men-intelligent conservatives -have long known that in a chang- ing world worthy institutions can be conserved only by adjusting them to the changing time. In the words of the great essayist-"The voice of great events is proclaiming to us- reform if you would preserve." I am that kind of a conservative because I am that kind of a liberal. Magazines I semester was foreseen yesterday by y W. E7:00-WJR William Hard. Ann Arbor business men and faculty WWJ Amos and Andy. members who have incorporated a WXYZ Easy Aces. ,i cCKLW String Trio. commercial company. Prof. Waldo 7:15--WJR Popeye the Sailor, Abbot, director of the University WWJ Evening Melodies. Broadcasting Service, heads the CKLW BilleienePs Music. group who have applied to the Fed- 7:30-WJR Goose Creek Parson. erl RadioConfo. WWJ Studio Feature. ral ommission for a license WXYZ Lone Ranger. Although a site for the proposed CKLW Variety Revue. 7:45-WJR Boake Carter. studio has not been definitely de- CKLW Word Wonderland. termined, the transmitters and an- 8.00-WJR Cavalcade of America. WWJ One Man's Family. tennae will be set up on a well-known WXYZ Revue de Paree. dairy farm near here. The applica- CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. tion asks for a 1,000 watt station to Kings Music. operate on 1,550 kilocycles. The sta- WWJ Wayne King's Music. tion will be used for experimental and CKLW Music Box Revue. research purposes in high fidelity and 9 :00-WJR Nine Martini: Andre Kostel- high frequency. As such, it will be WWJ Town Hali Tonight. utilized by the electrical engineering WXYZ Bandmaster Review. department of the University, al- though the proposed station has no MARTIAL LAW FOR PALESTINE financial or executive affliiations LONDON, Sept. 29.-QP)-Great with the University, but is an inde- Britain today decreed martial law for pendent company. Palestine to subdue a six-month up- Professor Abbot pointed out that rising of Arabs against Jewish immi- this will not be the first broadcasting gration and land ownership. station in Ann Arbor, as in 1923 the Terrorism in the Holy Land has University owned a wave length and cost more than 200 lives since the broadcasted programs under the call Arabs declared a "general strike" last letters WCBC. When the Regents April to resist provisions of the Brit- were unwilling to finance necessary ish mandate over Palestine, which additions to equipment, the venture I many of the country's 700,000 Arabs was given up. ( never recognized. Two other proposed radio stations --- - here have been withdrawn by their sponsors, one of whom was Harry MICH IGAN SEAL Kipke, leaving the present station alone in the field. The venture is WR IT ING PAPER sponsored by the Chamber of Com- merce and other Ann Arbor organi- 9 zations, and is strictly local in make-- vC andaV up, although it is expected that it will ultimately become associated with per package the Michigan Radio Network. A commercial station, it will also carry numerous sustaining programs pre- Miller Drug Store pared by classes in broadcasting. It 727 North University will be a full time station. i i Fro A R BOR to In as much as its power will be 20 kilocycles instead of 10, experiments will be undertaken which are expect- ed to add to thestore of knowledge in radio engineering, according to Pro- fessor Abbot.I Winant Replies To Gov. Landon In Radio Talk WASHINGTON, Sept. 29.-(/P)- Replying to Governor Landon's crit- icism of the Social Security Act, John G. Winant-twice Republican Gov- ernor of New Hampshire - upheld that law tonight, saying "an ad- vance has begun-and no man has a right to call 'halt'." In a national broadcast, which he resigned from the Social Security Board to make, Winant stipulated that he was speaking "personally, as a private citizen." Referring to Landon only as "the Republican candidate," Winant said he had hoped until the Kansan's Milwaukee speech "that the attain- ment of social security would be held high above partisan politics." "The call to retreat is written large in the whole tissue of the Republican position." HALLER'S State and Liberty Watch Repairing! FOU NTAI'N PENS Nationally-Advertised Makes Day Stationi- TIo - Station Rate ,III , AN Y I 4k I v. v 4 F !M1 ills... t Wahl-Eversharp, Parker, Waterman and Others Priced $100 and up A large and complete assortment. SERVICE WORK a Specialty Student and Office Supplies Correspondence Stationery Cleveland, . .. Chicago, I1. .. New York, No Y. . Pittsburg, Pa, Washington, ).C. St. Lonis, Mo. . . Alma ......... Battle Creek ... . Benton Harbor . Petoskey...... Grand Rapis . . Hillsdale...... Flint . .... .. . Grand Havel. . . Kalamazoo ..' M skegon . . . . . Port Huron .... $t. Johns ...... Lansing . . . . .' . . Saginaw' . .. . Marqpette. . . . . Mt. Pleasant . . ... $ .40 . . . 1.05 ... .1.90 .... 110-+ .... 1.60 . .,. .L70 .65 . .. . .60 .90 ...L. 10 I Night and Sunday Station- To- Station Rate $ .40 .60 1.10 .65 .95 1.05 .35 .35 .50 .65 .40 .35 .35 .45 .35 .50 .35 .35 .35 .35 .85 .40 . . . SHAVING CREAMS TOOTH PASTE TOOTH BRUSH ES Miller Drug Store 727 North University I1 ' ' ' - .80 .45 .45 .85 .70 .90 .60 .4"5 .6() IL40 .75 0. D. Morrill 314 S. State St. Since 1903 Phpne 6615 If You Write, We Have It . e a . ,e own __ (! !I . . . .0 Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose-Leaf Notebooks Typewriting and Pound Papers College Pennants and Jewelry Leather Goods Typewriters, New and Used Books STUDENTS What Business Offers to the 1-1 These rates are for the first 3-minute talking period, and are subject to Federal tax where the charge is 50c or more. 'hey are in effect every night from 7 P. M. until 4:30 A. M. Also from 7 P. M. every Saturday night until" 4:30 A. M. Monday. Rates to other points are correspondingly low. Ask "Long Distance". MICHBEP N E C H igh School Graduate USINESS, as a career, offers the High School Grad- uate more opportunities, greater possibilities for large earnings, and quicker returns than any other vocation. With a High School diploma as a foundation, plus specialized technical training, the young man or young woman of ability can make rapid advancement. HAMIILTON I nn3fI Hil III !Ill