The Weather Snow flurries, moderate cold wave today; tonight increasing cloudiness, rising temperature. Y A6igan Daxti Editorials Housewives, A Farmer, A Mill Hand, Lawyers .. . VOL. XLVII No. 75' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 9, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS LaFollette Rejects Striking Students' Appeal For Frank ____4, ----------_ Denies Politics Determined Educator's Removal As 1,000 Mob Office Dr. Conant Refused To Conduct Inquiry Governor Charges Political Enemies Used Institution To Attack Him MADISON, Wis., Jan. 8.--(A")-- Governor Philip F. La Follette called the police to eject clamoring students from his office today and bluntly re- jected their demand for Dr. Glenn Frank's reinstatement to the Uni- versity of Wisconsin presidency. Ignoring jeers, boos and cries of "We want Frank" from 1,000 strik- ing students who marched upon the capitol, the young leader of the Pro- gressive Party denied politics dictat- ed Frank's ouster last night by the La Follette - controlled university board of regents. The governor expressed himself plainly, however, concerning Frank's 11-year -administration. In a pub- lished statement he said he has long been convinced conscientious regents would be warranted in concluding Frank's retention was not in the university's best interests. Offers Letters To Conant As evidence of his stand in the Frank dispute he offered to the stu- dents-who broke up a press con- ference at his office-correspondence in which he had asked Dr. James Conant, president of Harvard Uni- versity, to make a disinterested in- quiry into the case. La Follette said Dr. Conant re- fused. Declaring that during previous ad- ministrations no one ever raised a cry against the university,the gov- ernor charged his own enemies with playing politics with the institution, and using it as a weapon to attack him while in office. The governor was explaining his position in the Frank case to news- papermen when suddenly his office was filled with students who had called for a general strike on the campus and then marched down the hill to invade the governor's chani- bers in the capital. With shouts of "We want Frank," MADISON. Wis., Jan. 8.-(u')-- Dr. Glen Frank, dismissed University of Wisconsin presi- dent, said in a brief interview to- night he was not prepared to discuss his future plans. He would not say whether he intends to accept the decision of the Regents as final. Frank said he would make a statement tomorrow. Defends Frank - Associated Press Photo Mrs. Zona Gale Breese (aboove), author of Portage, Wis., ridiculed charges of inefficiency and incom- petency brought by a bloc of the Board of Regents against Dr. Glenn Frank, president of the University of Wisconsin. She said Frank could not get a fair trial Ruthven Views Frank Ousting As. Signiicant By TUURE TENANDER The case of President Glenn Frank of the University of Wisconsin is of serious significance in the field of American education, President Ruth- ven stated yesterday. The consensus of several profes- sors on the campus contacted yester- day was that academic freedom was not the issue involved. All felt also that the entering of politics into the executive departments of state insti- tutions is deplorable. "The dismissal of President Frank has serious implications for higher education in America," the Presi- dent's statement said. "While the Board of Regents was entirely with- in its legal rights in taking the ac- tion which it did, the arguments and charges leave the suspicion that pol- itics played an important part in the decision." "in these times," President Ruth- ven continued, "when state supported universities and colleges are in in- creasing numbers coming under po- litical and bureaucratic control, the trustees of a great institution like the University of Wisconsin would do well to avoid even the appearance to de- stroy the freedom of our schools." The apparent willingness of every- one to regard Frank's dismissal as a political move is an indictment of Record Fund For Defense Is Asked For U.S. Roosevelt Gives Sanction To Construction Of Two New Battleships Promises Balanced Budget With Upturn WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. - (') - President Roosevelt gave the go- ahead sign today for the construc- tion of two new 35,000-ton battle- ships, costing $50,000,000 apiece. He said the building activities of other sea powers had impelled the United States to follow suit. Simultaneously he presented to Congress a budget recommending a record peace-time national defense expenditure of $980,763,000 in the fiscal year beginning next July 1. Of this, $25,000,000 will be used to be- gin work on the dreadnaughts, which will take four years to build. The $980,763,000 was an increase of $92,882,000 over this year's esti- mates for the Naval and Military establishments. Personnel Increases Urged Larger appropriations for air- planes, ordinance and more men for the Army and Navy were recom- mended. Calling attention to the capital ship construction activities of Britain, France, Germany and Italy, Presi- dent Roosevelt said: "If we are not to reduce our Navy by obsolescence, the replacement of capital ships can no longer be de- ferred." He expressed regret that naval powers had been unable to agree on further limitation of battleships. An emphatic negative was his reply to a question whether new ship- WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-()- The first effort to balance the bud- get failed in the House of Repre- sentatives today. Taking the President's bulky budget message from an atten- dant, parliamentarian Lewis Deschler laid it on a reading desk only to see it slide, fall and bounce off a cuspidor. building meant the beginning of a world naval race. He also emphasized that the float- ing fortresses will replace over-age vessels now in service. Of the 15 capital ships forming the backbone of the fleet, seven already are over the prescribed 20-year age limit. Promises Balanced Budget President Roosevelt promised the nation a balanced budget, perhaps next year and certainly the year af- ter, provided business continues its upward movement. To achieve that objective in the coming fiscal year, he said in his annual budget message to Congress, relief costs must be held to $1,500,- 000,000 through the cooperation of business, PERRY DEFEATS VINES CLEVELAND, Jan. 8.-(I')-Fred Perry of England defeated the ailing Ellsworth Vines, top professional ten- nis star, tonight, 13-11, 6-3, in their second match of a tour for which the British former chamption of the amateurs turned pro. Kidnaping Done nes, Stanton Says Progress Cited' By Governor In G.M. Strike Cadillac Stops Operations As 88,500 Auto Wage- Earners 'Sit Down' U. A. W. Men Mute On Breach Of Peace AUTO-LABOR AT A GLANCE Governor Murphy "happy" over progress of automobile strike peace negotiations. "Sit-down" strike halts Cadillac plant operations; other shutdowns leave 85,000 General Motors wage- earners idle. Two members of United Automobile Workers mute at arraignment in Flint on breach of peace charges. President Roosevelt says Murphy not acting for him in strike settle- ment efforts. American Bar Association commit- tee to investigate issuance of anti- strike injunction at Flint by General Motors stockholder judge. DETROIT, Jan. Jan. 8.- (') - Michigan's Governor Murphy and federal labor department representa- tives pressed their conciliation ef- forts, expressing satisfaction at pro- gress made, as widespread shutdowns closed a large part of General Motors Corporation's automotive production plants tonight. Emerging from an hour and a half conference with William S. Knudsen, executive vice-president of General Motors, Governor Murphy said he was "very happy" over the outcome and hastened to a meeting with James F. Dewey, federal conciliator, and union leaders. Proposal Not Disclosed What proposal he carried to the automobile workers' representatives was not disclosed. Meeting Dewey in a hotel lobby, he showed the con- ciliator a piece of paper he carried, and the two talked for a few minutes before entering a conference with the union "strategy board." As he left Knudsen's office, the governor said he had been "in touch with the White House," although he had not communicated directly with President Roosevelt. The President, in a Washington press conference, said Murphy was not acting as his representative in the strike situation. The United Automobile Workers of America drove the first strike wedge into an automobile manufacturing plant today with a "sitdown" affect- ing 4,800 werkers in the Cadillac and LaSalle divisions of General Motors. Varsity Meets Strong Purdue FiveTonight Michigan Engages In First Big Ten Game Opposing Championship Five By RAY GOODMAN CHICAGO, Ill., Jan. 8.-(Special to The Michigan Daily)-With 1936's hearbreaking loss to the Boilermak- ers still rankling in their memory Michigan's Varsity cagers will open their Big Ten basketball season to- morrow night at Lafayette, Ind, against the championship Purdue five. Despite the fact that the encounter is the Conference opener it has taken on all the complexions of the cru- cial game of the year. If the Wol- verines can defeat Piggy Lambert's boys they will establish themselves as favorites to win the league title and put the champs in a very embarrass- ing position for they are not accus- tomed to being shunted out of the race so early in the season. Michigan will be trying for its first victory over Purdue since 1933 when the Wolverines defeated the Boilermakers, 27 to 22, in the final game of the year. The next year the Lafayette teams broke two scoring records at the expense of the Var- sity and last season nosed it out twice, winning the second, 38 to 37,1 in the final minute. Coach Cappy Cappon will put his regular five on the floor led by Jake Townsend and including Capt. John- ny Gee, Matt Patanelli, Herm Fish- man, and Bill Barclay. Gee, who broke his nose against the Huskies at Seattle, is still sporting a mask to guard the injury but is on his game and has high hopes of reneat- Britain Sends Huge Fleet South In RepyT OHitler's Move o ortify Morocco Baker TakesI Stand As Wife Shows Strain, Reenacts Shooting Scene In Court; Husband Still Remains Loyal By FRED WARNER NEAL Poker-faced Betty Baker showed signs of breaking for the first time late yesterday just before her hus- band, loyal despite her illicit rela- tions with the man she is accused of, murdering, took the witness stand in, her behalf. Patrolman Albert K. Baker, the, husband, will at 9 a.m. today again give testimony he hopes will tend to show his wife did not intend to kill his best friend, Clarence (Cub) Schneider June 29, 1936. He will probably be the last witness for the defense, Mrs. Baker's counsels, Frank B. Devine and John W. Conlin, said last night. Still Loves Cub The steadfast composure of Mrs. Baker became disturbed when Pros- ecutor Albert J. Rapp seeking to, prove jealousy her motive for kill- ing Schneider, charged that she "murdered Cub because you'd made up your mind that if you couldn't have him, nobody else would." "No," she replied in a low voice. "That's not true." "You thought you were going to lose him, didn't you," Mr. Rapp de- manded. "No," Mrs. Baker said tremuously. "I knew I wasn't going to lose him." Her lips quivered and she fought to keep back the tears as the prose- cutor sharply rapped out the words: "You still love Cub, don't you?" "Yes," she replied in an almost in- audible voice, "sincerely." ' Dreamed Of Him "You dream of him every other night, don't; you?" "I used to." "And you murdered him, because you didn't want him to love any- body, didn't you?" 'No."' Her voice bordered on the edge of hysteria. Mrs. Baker regained her calm, however, as Mr. Rapp attempted to, bring out instances of her checking up on Schneider "to see if he was out with another woman." She denied the allegation, saying she telephoned her lover in Grand Rapids because "he had never had a long distance telephone call before and he wanted me to." Throughout the day, Mrs. Baker maintained, as she has all along, that she "never dreamed of such a (Continued on Page 6) PICTURE DEADLINE TODAY Seniors now have only toddy in which to have pictures taken for the 1937 1chiganensian. Lloyd Strickland, '37, business manager, announced yesterday. No pictures will be accepted by the 'Ensian after today, he said. Semi-Conscious Girl 90 Warships To Converge Proves Baffling To In Spanish Area Soon After Jan. 18 n iersitv Doctrs The strange case of a 19-year old girl, Miss Alma Koppel of Applegate, who has been in a semi-conscious condition since Dec. 15, was puzzling University hospital neurologists and psychologists last night. The girl was brought Thursday to the University Hospital from her home, a distance of 170 miles. She has spoken only a few times since the onset of the illness, and during the trip she did not utter a word. Miss Koppel was stricken Dec. 15 while employed as a domestic serv- ant at Port Huron. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Koppel, of Applegate,a said that the first symptoms of which she complained was a "hollow feeling." Later she is said to have stated that she "hurt all over." According to University medical school officials, Miss Koppel's condi- tion may be due to a physical ail- ment or a mental disturbance or both. Although they did not wish to discuss the case specifically, it is thought that her case fits into the classification known as the "twilight' state of consciousness." Anxiety, in- toxication developed from poison de-' veloped within the body or taken into the body, or exhaustion may cause this condition. On the other hand, the physicians' declared, the case may fit into the "oneiroid state" division. This cate- gory is characterized as "dream-like" or "hypernoid" and may result from excitement, emotional stimulation,' fright, or may be self induced. Dr. Albert Kerlikowske, chief resi- dent physician of the University hos- pital said late last night that the girl is either hysterical or a schizo- phrenic, a person with a mental weakness. Confucianism Peace-Tending, Clian 1)eclares The Confucian conception of re- ligion and ethics is conduciveuto world peace, according to Prof. Yuen Z. Chan, visiting lecturer in English who is to give the main talk at the second session of the Inter-Faith symposium tomorrow. "In the Confucianist system, the dual standard of morality is severely condemned," Professor Chan de- clared; "the sense of right and wrong as applied between nations should be the same as the standard of right and wrong between individuals." In Occidental practice, Professor Chan explained, the dual standard of morality applies to individuals as well as nations, for the religions of the West set before the individual a high absolute ethical code, which, in the struggle for existence is never fol- lowed. Thus he actually lives ac- cording to a different standard than the one which has been set up for him by his religion, Professor Chan pointed out. Confucianism on the other hand, he stated, bases its eth- ical code on the normal way. of life. Morrocand Troops Denied By Berlin France Is Alarmed Also By Activities Of German Engineers And Soldiers LONDON, Jan. 8. -(W) - Great Britain will concentrate 90 warships in the near Spanish waters, the ad- miralty announced tonight after a hurried cabinet session heard reports of German military activity in Span- ish Morocco. Dispatch of the naval units coin- cides with regular scheduled naval maneuvers in the Mediterranean area, the admiralty said, but high government sources pointed out the fleets would be ready for action if the tense Spanish situation developed. The British home fleet leaves Portsmouth and other English ports Jan. 18. The Mediterranean fleet already is moving about to relieve comrades in and near Spanish ports, where 18 war craft have been on constant duty. BERLIN, Jan. 8.--(P)--German of- ficials, bombarded with questions concerning reports that German troops had landed in Morocco, uni- formly declared "nothing is known here" about such developments. A foreign office spokesman asserted he had heard nothing of a reported French note on the subject. He also denied knowledge of a similar pro- test said to have been sent Germany by Foreign Minister Anthony Eden of Great Britain. (By The Associatea Press) German military preparations in Spanish Morrocco roused Europe last night to new fears of conflict. France saw her Moroccan colony endangered. Britain was worried lest her naval base at Gibraltar, 14 miles across the straits from Spanish Morocco, be menaced. Both nations speeded naval fleets into Mediterranean waters. They sought to hasten settlement of the problem of foreign volunteers and other intervention in Spain's civil conflict but there was yet no solu- tion. Reports to France and Britain were that German engineers were super- vising construction of Ceuta fortifi- cations in the Moroccanterritory which Gen. Francisco Franco con- trols, and whose government has been recognized by Germany Nazi marines were directing prep- arations for arrival of troop trans- ports, French advices stated. British Cabinet Meets The British cabinet met to con- sider the new danger, and French parliament spokesmen said protests were being made to Franco against the reported German incursion. Did Germany hope by building up a force in North Africa to have a wedge for forcing colonial conces- sions? This was the question asked repeatedly by the French. In Berlin, authoritative reports said the Reichstag would assemble Jan. 30 to continue grants of power to Chancellor Hitler, first given him four years ago, and to endorse his foreign policy in Spain. Hitler was expected personally to expound his reasons ,for recognizing Gen. Francisco Franco's regime' and to outline his attitude toward the civil war, I a section of the parade rushed into the American educational system, in the main offices of the executive the opinion of Prof. Norman E. NeI- suite. Some demonstrators pounded son of the English department, presi- on the door. dent of the local chapter of the Twelve Madison policemen were Michigan Federation of Teachers. summoned to quell the disorder after "We need such a strong tradition of the normal capital force of six had academic freedom in this country failed. that when a teacher is fired for Order was restored when the gov- (Contniued on Page 2) ernor agreed to address the crowd ____ ____ ______ in the state assembly chamber. A cheer welled up when the governor * hianaK a ' termed the demonstration "a tribute '-X Ik1 to the University of Wisconsin." Pleased At E'nthusiasm 0O11Confucian Li "I thankC God," the governor said, I "that we have a student body that will put on a demonstration like this, The puzzling abduction of Gener- although it puts me in a tough alissimo Chiang Kai Shek, military spot."d He recalled that Frank had put dictatorof the Nanking regime, by him on the law school faculty and Marshal Chang Hsueh Liang, former offered him a deanship. He asked: Manchurian war lord, was conducted "Do you think that any man with along strictly Confucian lines, ac- my background would sit in the gov- cording to Dr. John W. Stanton of ernor's office and do injury to the university?" the history department. He ignored the responding loud E "From start to finish," Dr. Stanton shouts of "Yes!" said. "the denouement of the kid- Crying "We want Prexy," students naping of Chiang by Chang was began snake dancing on the campus along Confusian lines. A Chinese early this morning. They ran crisis usually resolves itself into hag- through sleet and slush from build- gling and bargaining for advantages ing to building, persuading others by both parties, but both parties de- to join the parade. trand that the solution to such bar- Senior Encourages Strikers gaining must end in a manner satis- Miss Caryl Morse, president of the factory to both. 1936 senior class, urged them on in "We may see this in the settlement a talk in which she said: of the kidnaping. Chiang's abductor, "Last night you had taken from Chang, received $7,000,000, and a you one of the greatest educators nominally severe punishment which this country and the University of was immediately commuted-all con-= Wisconsin has ever known. ducted along old-fashioned Chinese "Are you going to stand by like a lines. He received a handsome in- t i 1 was concluded a Chinese bargain sat- isfactory to both sides." The existence of friendly relations between Chiang and Chang may be seen by the "very friendly relations that existed between the two mar- shals on their airplane ride back to Nanking and their mutual apologies for any trouble one may have caused the other," he pointed out. "The only serious injury actually done was nothing more than the loss of Chiang's false teeth, although to save his face he claimed more im- portant injuries," Dr. Stanton said. "One of the things Mrs. Chiang Kai Shek brought with her at the urgent request of her husband was a new set of false teeth. "One of the most significant facts in the young marshal's attempt to gain public favor was his deliberate' choice of Sianfu as the scene of his abortive coup d'etat. Sianfu is not only the oldest city in China," he ex- plained, "but also the center of an- cient Chinese civilization, and the Two temples of the ancient city of Seleucia, now Tel Umar, Iraq (about twenty-five miles south of Baghdad), were uncovered recently by members of the Michigan archae- ological expedition according to a report released yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the President. The significance of the discovery could not be estimated at the time Robert H. McDowell, field director of the expedition, drew up his re- port, according to Dr. Robbins. As yet no accurate date can be given to the buildings, although Mr. McDowell stated that much of the excavation had been done in the "intermediate level," which dates generally in the first century B.C. Many coins were also found during According to Dr. Hopkins, the carving of the figurines found clearly showed the growing influence of the Greeks over the city. Led by Dr. Clark Hopkins of the Latin and Greek departments, the expedition is continuing the work started in 1927 by Prof. Leroy Water- man, head of the Oriental languages department. It is being conducted under the direction of the University of Michigan Institute of Archaeolog- ical Research. Due to Prof. Waterman's prelim- inary excavations considerable infor- mation has already been gleaned through the pottery uncovered dur- ing the five seasons from 1927 to 1933, according to Dr. Arma F. Butler, director of the Museum of Classical Archaeology. l 1 1 Belgium Enters Fray Belgium entered the diplomatic conflict over Spain with a demand the body of Baron Jacques de Borch- grave, diplomat allegedly executed outside Madrid, be produced within 48 hours by the Madrid-Valencia government. Possible severance of diplomatic relations was the threat- ened alternative, Germany announced she was turn- ing over two Spanish Socialist ships to Fascists, final reprisal for seizure of cargo and a passenger of the Nazi freighter Palos by Spanish Basques at Bilbao. APPOINT BROWN, VANDENBERG WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-(P)-The Michigan Expedition Discovers Two Temples Of Ancient City