FRIDAY, JAN. 8, 1937
FRIDAY, JAN. 871937
1M6 Member 1937
Alssociaed Colediate Press
Distributors of
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ifled Advertising Manager.
The Presidential
Message.. .
R ARELY IF EVER has there been a
Presidential message on the State
of the Union that set forth as many broad, gen-
eral objectives or that was so bold in its de-
mands on the legislative and judicial depart-
jnents as that of President Roosevelt to the 75th
Congress Wednesday.
The President asked for a categorical renewal
of the measures giving him extensive power
which would otherwise expire shortly. He in-
dicated that he wanted from Congress even more
power than that given him by the much-crit-
icized so-called emergency legislation of the New
Deal. He demanded that the Supreme Court
take cognizance of the election returns and turn
about face in its stand on some of his cherished
ideas. He asked that many of the recovery meas-
ures, initiated for emergency purposes, be made
permanent. He asked for crop insurance (a -
campaign promise). He foresaw the end of the
tenant-farmer evil and, he declared that the
need for unemployment relief is still with us,
and that the problem must be treated imme-
diately as well as from a long range point of view,
Though he advocated nothing specific, and
even though we are not in total agreement
with some of his requests, we think that his
address will go down in history as a great polit-
1eal document.
The President's sharp demands from the High
Court were outstanding. It was his request that
thle Nation's Supreme Law of the Land, the
Constitution, meet changing times and needs not
bv amendment but by continual broad, liberal
interpretation by the Court.
Ours is a government of specifically enumerat-
gd powers, and the justices, rather than looking
tp conditions affecting constitutional provisions,
should confine their inspection of the law en-
tirely to the provisions themselves. We believe
that the Constitution, consisting of broad, gen-
cral principles of government, is specifically de-
signed to stand against passing whims of the
public, however unanimous, and that the justices
of the Supreme Court should not, under any con-
ditions, be directly influenced by public opinion.
The request of the President that it be other-
wise was unfortunate. The fact that he has
received an overwhelming popular mandate from
the people has nothing to do with it, we think.
There is a more proper way for popular will to
affect the Constitution.
Neither do we approve completely of the Pres-
ident's request for more power for the executive,
to which he had reference when he said: " . . . I
find that this taskof executive management has
reached the point where our administrative ma-
chinery needs comprehensive overhauling. I
shall, therefore, shortly address the Congress
ited under the Constitution, and it is not for
the President to say when it should be expanded
or contracted. A radical change in this balance
of power constitutes a dangerous tendency.
Agreement. .
and Italian Empires concluded
two months of negotiation with a gentleman's
agreement on the territorial status quo of the
Mediterranean. While the accord is somewhat
like a hand-shake in which the old friends agree
to let bygones be bygones, the document has
serious influences on the future developments
of Europe whose diplomatic nerves are frayed.
In the first place one and one-half years of
British and Italian hostility toward each other,
an unpleasant consequence of the Ethiopian af-
fair, has been eliminated. Italy agrees to aban-
don anti-British broadcasts to Palestine and
Egypt and cease insulting newspaper comments,
resulting in the harmony of sentiment which
should sooner or later find Italy returning to
its war-time position in the Anglo-French fold.
Britain's fears over the territorial integrity of
the Western Mediterranean, arising out of the
Spanish crisis, may now be temporarily allayd
as a result of the agreement. Fascist domina-
tion of Spain, economic or political, constituted
an imminent danger to the security of the British
Empire. Fortunately, the ceaseless drive which
Germany was making into the Mediterranean
awakened Mussolini to the existence of a new
threat to the "neutrality" of Spain which he evi-
dently values higher than its control by a non-
Mediterranean power.
This desire, in addition to possibility of sorely
needed financial aid from Britishbankers, moved
the Italian government to enter into serious con-'
versations with the English to result in reas-
surances for both nations.
'However, it must be emphasized that the
agreement primarily restores a relatively greater,
degree of amicable relations between the nations
than existed' at the outbreak or conclusion of
the Italo-Ethiopian war. How long or short a
period of time will elapse before the agreement
will be violated is impossible to guess.
The report that 10,000 Italian "tourists" had
arrived in Cadiz during the negotiations is a
continuation of that tradition of fascist diplo-
macy which violates treaties and acts forcefully
and speedily. It is also notable reflection on
the supine British diplomacy of the past four
There are such outstanding blemishes on the
British Foreign Office's record as the failure to
perform any effective acts to hinder Japan's ag-
gressions in North China; its consistent weak-
ness in face of the equally consistent Nazi abro-
gations of the Versailles and Locarno treaties;
perhaps the most deplorable in the series was the
naive belief that oil sanctions against Italy would
involve Europe in a general war; and finally the
false belief that Germany and Italy would abide
by their signatures to the non-intervention
treaty for Spain.
The all important factor of economic aid may
eventually wean Italy away from Germany, but
the only truly effective means of restraining the
fascist nations from further intervention in
Spain resides in an increasingly stronger atti-
tude by Britain and France. The success of the
method was clearly exhibited on Nov. 29, 1935
when Italy praised Laval, denied troop move-
ments on the Italo-French border, and charac-
terized oil sanctions as "unfriendly," but not a
hostile act merely because on Nov. 28, 1935, the
French government had stiffened its attitude
and had used stronger language than usual.
While a gentleman's agreement may express
a few generally pleasing sentiments, an adequate
exhibition of determination will evoke pleasing
#**** IT ALL
--By Bonth Williams
BECAUSE a newspaper column is only so long,
the foresnadowing of the events that will
not take place during the months of October, No-
vember and December were necessarily omitted
from yesterday's paper. That such a significant
undertaking should be allowed to go unfinished
seems almost criminal. Therefore:
ANN ARBOR, Oct. 3.-That Ted Rockwell is
on his way out as America's foremost sports
writer vwas opined by Harry G. Kipke, ex-Mich-
igan football coach, in a signed article in this
week's Saturday Evening Post.
Kipke's article in part said, "Although Rock
and I have been lifelong friends and mutual
admirers, on especially intimate terms recently,
I am greatly afraid that Tod has passed his peak.
Just as he shoved Grant Rice off the top of the
heap last year, so I fear will Rockwell be toppled
from his number one spot by some of the men
whom he previously entirely outclassed.
"Fellows like Lardner, Mickelson, Salsinger,
Miley and Gallico who never could have touched
Tod when he was at his best, are pressing him
closely these days, and it is only a matter of
time before the inevitable occurs.
"I understand that Rock is looking for a spot
to light on and may land a job with the Cass
City Chronicle."
DETROIT, Oct. 26.-Rumors of dissension
among squad members of the University of
Michigan football team are being felt on the
Ann Arbor campus, according to authoritative
reports. The friction developed among mem-
bers of the Varsity squad over the question of the
training table which was recently unanimously
adopted by the Western Conference.
Danny Smick, Hazel Park junior, led a group
of players who are dissatisfied with the whole
thing, The group feel that the training table
is a step in the direction of commercialization
of football and that as such it should be abol-
"Everyone knows, SmIck said, "that no Mich-
igan player ever has to worry about his meals
anyway." Alex Loiko bore him out when he
added, "I'd rather be eating the free-meals we
got all last year when Prof. Aigler allowed each
man a quart of ale with his dinner."
ANN ARBOR, Nov. 7.--Seven members of an
economics class 'walked out' this afternoon
and announced that they did not intend to
return until the department had agreed to give
examinations stiff enough to keep the class
average under 90 per cent.
"The way it is now, any boob can get through,"
the leaders said.
B~arbirolli And Stravinsky
EARLY LAST FALL we carried a
few lines concerning the plans of
the New York Philharmonic Society
for this season. At that time the So-
ciety seemed still to be feelingIts way
as far as the choice of a successor to
Toscanini was concerned, and it was
a matter of some doubt as to just
pow the temperamental and idol-
worshiping public would support the
Orchestra, bereft of its illustrious
Maestro and consigned to a small
army of guest conductors of varying
reputations. One fact seemed defi-
nitely indicated: that the sooner the
destinies of the Orchestra were placed
in the hands of one man, capable of
sustaining the high artistic level
characteristic of Toscanini's per-
formances and of wisely and firmly
guiding the Orchestra's progress as
one of the foremost musical insti-
tutions of the country, the sooner the
continuance of that progress would
be assured and promoted. To fill the
needs of the present season and to
allow the directors of the Society
more tim'e in which to make a per-
manent selection, five guest conduc-
tors--John Barbirolli, Igor Stravin-
sky, Georges Enesco, Carlos Chavez
and Artur Rodzinski-were engaged.
although it seemed evident that it
was chiefly Mr. Barbirolli who was
on trial.
A Kindly Reception
Apparently the authorities have
been sufficiently pleased with the
latter's direction of the Orchestra
during the first ten weeks of the
season that they deemed it unneces-
sary to delay longer in making a de-
cision. On Dec. 11 announcement wa
made that John Barbirolli had been
contracted for a three-year term a
}conductor of the Philharmonic-the
first permanent leader that organiza-
tion has had since before the advent
of Toscanini in 1924, for the latter
was never more than a "guest" con-
ductor, even if a "permanent" one.
Mr. Barbirolli,who will soon sail for
England to conclude his conductor-
ship of the Leeds and Scottish or-
chestras, has met with a warm and
kindly, if not wholly favorable, recep-
tion in New York. His work has beer
summarized as being full of vigor.
youthful vitality, and often of-poetic
insight. although rarely profound and
frequently exhibiting the slight mis-
conceptions and illogicalities which
betray a lack of maturity rather than
a definite lack of ability.
Ie Has Needed Enthusiasm
In his program building, particu-
larly, Mr. Barbirolli has come in for
a large share of approbation; follow-
ing hard upon the heels of Toscanini.
whose programs as a rule bordered
upon the conservative and familiar.
the young Englishman introduced a
system of program planning whereby
quite a number of new and seldom-
heard compositions, both by early
and modern writers, were presented
for the public's inspection. Natural-
ly, not all of these works were of
great musical value, and yet thei
performance was invariably of his-
toric, if not of esthetic. interest. Mr.
Barbirolli, as well as his music, ih
youthful, enthusiastic, and full of
ideas; and it is precisely such a one
that is needed for the position ii:
question. How far these admirable
qualities will be reinforded by an
increasing depth and keenness of mu-
sicianship is to be seen.'
When Barbirolli lays down the ba-
ton next week it will be taken up by!
Igor Stravinsky, Russian composer-t
conductor, who will wield it for twoI
weeks beginning January 14. Mr.
Stravinski, who created pandemo-
nium as well as musical history ir
pre-war Paris with his iconoclastici
settings of Diaghileff's ballets, is
now 54 years old-the age at whic '
not a few composers seem to become
creatively sterile. Stravinsky, how-~
ever, as yet shows no signs of reach.
ing an artistic menopause. Several
months ago his latest effort in the
field of literary composition ap
peared-the highly interesting, ii
hardly comprehensive, Autobiog-;
raphy. Now he has announced the
completion of a new ballet, or "chore-
ographic drama," which has for itK
subject a typically American insti-
tution-a poker game.
A Novel 'Poker' Ballet
This ballet, completed only two
weeks ago, in three scenes ("Jeu de
cartes en trois donnes") and its ac-
tion portrays, by various choreo-
graphic and pantomimic devices, a
game of cards. The stage is set like
a great club room, but the action..
representing the card game, takes
place on an elevated, smaller stage.
The face cards and the joker are
represented by solo dancers, ecs-
tumed, of course, to the subject. The
work, which is in the medium which
is Stravinsky's own peculiar con-
tribution to art and for which he
has composed all his greatest music,
was written exclusively for the Amer-
!can Ballet, and will be produced at
the Metropolitan Opera House this
coming April.
In his six concerts with the New
York Orchestra Mr. Stravinsky will
conduct programs of his own music.
including the first performance in
New York of the Capriccio for Piano
and Orchestra, with Beveridge Web-
ster as soloist, and the Violin Con-
certo, with Samuel Dushkin playing
the solo part. Since his arrival in
America on Dec. 24 he has been con-
ducting, thu Toronto Orchestra, and
after his New York orchestral pro-
grams he will appear in concert
(niano) at TwTn11H .follnwir-x"
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Proe kdk
until 3:.30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
FRIDAY, JAN. 8, 1937
Members of the University Coun-
cil: The next meeting of the Council
will be held on Monday, Jan. 11, in
Room 1009 Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m.
The program is as follows:
Roll Call.
Disposition of communications.
Reports of administrative and ad-
visory boards and committees.
Committee on orientation, P. E.
Committee on the honors convoca-
tion, J. A. Bursley.
Advisory committee of the military
department, A. H. Lovell.
Election of Senate Members of
Board of Directors of Michigan
Subjects offered by members of the
Reports of standing committees.
Program and policy, Bates.
Educational policies, Rodkey.
Student relations, Bailey.
Public relations, McMurry.
Plant and equipment, Aigler.
Personal program of the secretary.
Special features for the Summer
Session of 1937.
Personal program of the president.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary,
University Council.
College of Architecture: Registra-
tion material should be secured from
Room 4 University Hall as soon as
possible. Classification material will
be issued later by the College of
students who
dlose of the
for a
All graduate
to complete the
degree at the
semester should
r -
Word Coined y Communists ...
To the Editor:
Mr. Levi is an (deleted). For three and a half
years, I have been reading his inane attacks
on National Socialist Germany, most of which
are based on iniflammatory lies rather than facts.
If he took the trouble really to investigate the
situation. he might discover-although his intol-
erance probably would prevent him from seeing
anything except the end of his nose-that Ger-
many under Hitler is a dynamic, forward-strid-
ing nation, determined to shape its own values
rather than accept those forced upon it by
democratic dreamers and alien cultures. He
might find that the Germans are almost as
nice a people as the Jews are, and that Na-
tional Socialism is the political and social ex-
emplificatioi of the German mind. It is vig-
orous, militant, and unafraid. No wonder Jews
object to it. It is relentless in coping with
its enemies, true and loyal to its friends. Of
course, Communists and Jews endeavor to see
that it has as few friends as possible. Not that
the Jews and Communists are prejudiced in the
matter. They're just looking after the good
of the world.
Levi seems to think that National Socialist
Germany has driven out the cream of the Ger-
man intellectual crop. There are two things
concerning this. First, the best of Germany's
rotted, hesitating, feminized democratic intel-
lectuals was pretty bad. Second, the National
Socialists have found living, vital substitutes
for the contamination of decayed Jew-intellec-
tualism. Levi speaks of the Jews as being
Christians because they have changed religion,
then accuses the National Socialists of exiling
Christians. Maybe Levi hasn't heard that the
New Germany decides a Jew on the basis of
race, not religion. Levi has consistently advo-
cated that we interfere in some fashion to dis-
DETROIT, Nov. 11.-Local police today were
holding Miller Sherwood, prominent Uni-
versity of Michigan student, on a charge of 'in-
citing to riot.'
Sherwood, who headed a band of Michigan,
students-all members of Michigamua, Senior
honor society, parked a University truck in the
middle of Grand Circus Park and commenced
reading "The Communist Manifesto." Failing
in attempts to stop the demonstration, a police
officer turned in a riot call and it was only with
the aid of tear gas and a liberal use of night
sticks that the rabid crowd of 5,000 quickly
gained followers was dispersed.
In his cell at police headquarters. Sherwood
sat with head bowed and kept murmuring over
and over, "Moscow must triumph."
Detroit Times of November 12.
ANN ARBOR, Dec. 21--That fraternities may
serve beer and hard liquor at their annual
Christmas parties was made known yesterday by
the office of the dean of students in form letters
mailed to each organization.
Enclosed in each letter was a credit card good
at any State Liquor Dispensory together with
a cheery 'Merry Xmas' greeting.
paper like The Daily. The Daily and Levi are
equal bigots in the matter of Germany. An edi-
torial board devoted to sweetness and light, the
facade of Pure Reason, and the false causes of
labor seems to take the fulminations of Levi as
gospel, and thus fails to entertain an adequate
view of the nasty Nazis. Nazis! A word coined
by Communists. M. Levi and the editors of The
Daily are no doubt ignorant of the real name of
the party they revile so gladly.
I cannot go on record as anti-Jew or entirely
pro-Nazi. But please list me as anti-Levi.
--Willis Player.
Wolverine Football Facts
To the Editor:
Recently there has been an undue amount
of hot air circulated around this region concern-
ing the so-called "football situation" at Mich-
igan. The undersigned feel that the ,students
themselves should have something to say about
this affair, which concerns them as much if
not more than others. To us, these facts seem
1. Three years ago Mr. Yost considered the
same coaching staff, with the exception of the
absence of Blott, as the best in the country.
2. Yost's policy seems to be of little credit
to anyone, least of all to Mr. Yost.
3. Tod Rockwell is employed by the Free
Press, and has no connection with the University.
4. For every football team that wins a game,
there must also be a team that loses A drance
call at the office of the Graduate
School, 1006 Angell Hall, to check
their records and to secure the prop-
er blank to be used in making ap-
plication for the degree. This ap-
plication should be filed not later
than the end of January.
Registration forms for the second
semester are available in the office.
Graduate students are urged to fill
out the forms in advance as no spe-
cial arrangements are being made for
the registration period. Fees must
be paid in Waterman Gymnasium,
Feb. 11, 12 and 13. The registration
fee will be charged beginning Mon-
day, Feb. 15.
New students, or students trans-
ferring, should at an early date, ask
the secretary of their school or col-
lege to prepare and send to the office
of the Graduate School an official
transcript of their undergraduate
records. New students are advised
to apply for admission in advance
of registration.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
Comprehensive Examination in
Education: All candidates for the
teacher's certificate (except graduate
students who are applicants for or
who have received advanced degrees)
are required to. pass a Comprehensive
Professional Examination covering
the education courses prescribed for
the certificate. The next examina-
tion of this kind will be given in
Room 4009 of the University High
School on Saturday morning, Jan. 9,
at 9 o'clock. For students having
Saturday morning classes, the exam-
ination will be given at 2 o'clock. It
will cover Education AlO, Cl, direct-
ed teaching, and special methods.
Any student who will have completed
these courses by the end of the
present semester 'is eligible to take
the examination at this time.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
to directed teaching next semester
are required to pass a qualifying ex-
amination in the subject which they
expect to teach. This examination
will be held in the auditorium of the
University High School on Saturday
morning, Jan. 9, starting at 8 a.m.
Students having conflicts may take
the examination at 2 p.m. The ex-
amination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is therefore
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the loan committee on
Monelay, Jan. 11, in the office of the
Dean of Students, at which time
loans for the second semester will be
considered. All blanks for this meet-
ing must be submitted by Jan. 8.
University Women: Students who
plan to change residence the second
semester must notify their household
or dormitory director not later than
Saturday noon, Jan. 16.
Jeannette Perry, Assistant
Dean of Women.
To All Men Students: Students in-
tending to change their rooms at the'
end of the present semester are here-
by reminded that according to the
University Agreements they are to
inform their householders ofasuch l
intention prior to Jan. 15. These
notices should be in writing. Stu-
dents who do not give such notice
Lab Theatre, or to the Speech office,
Room 3211 A.H. on or before Wednes-
day, Jan. 13.
Notice to All Social and Profes-
sional Fraternity and Sorority Presi-
dents and Treasurers: Fraternities
and sororities which have not as yet
sent in their page contract cards for
the 1937 Michiganensian should do
so at once to guarantee space for
their organization in this year's an-
nual. Copy blanks, (names of offi-
cers and members), should also be
sent in with the contract. Your im-
mediate cooperation in this matter is
requested as the 'Ensian needs this
information to meet deadlines.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Your Senior Picture deadline for
the 1937 Michiganensian has been
extended until Jan. 9. If you have
not as yet had your picture taken,
arrange to do so today at Spedding's,
Rentschler's, or Dey's. This will
positively be your last chance to take
care of your 'Ensian picture.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Academic Notices
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German
(value about $30.)-open to all un-
dergraduate students in German of
distinctly American training. Will be
awarded on the results of a $hree-
hour essay competition to be held
under departmental supervision
about April 1, 1937 (exact date to
be announced two weeks in advance).
Contestants must satisfy the de-
partment that they have done the
necessary reading in German. The
essay may be written in English or
German. Each contestant will be
free to choose his own subject from a
list of at least ten offered. The list
will cover five chapters in the de-
velopment of German literature from
1750 to 1900, each of which will be
represented by at least two subjects.
Students who wish to compete should'
register and obtain directions and a
reading list as soon as possible at
the office of the German Depart-
ment, 204, University Hall.
Candidates for the Master's Degree
in History: The language examina-
tion for candidates for the Master's
Degree in History will be given Fri-
day afternoon, January 22, Room B,
Haven Hall at 4 p.m. Students tak-
ing this examination should register
in the History Department office be-
fore January 18.
Criminology Field Trip: Bus for
trip to Detroit courts, etc., for Crim-
inology students leaves Michigan Un-
ion at 8:30 Saturday morning. Sat-
urday quiz sections will not meet.
University Lecture: Prof. Fernand
Baldensperger, professor of compara-
tive literature at Harvard University,
will lecture on the subject, "Une
crise du roman: Balzac ou Proust"
today at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural
Science Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
Exhibitions of Prints by American
Artists and Paintings by the Chapin
Family, Alumni Memorial Hall, af-
ternoons, 2-5, through Jan. 19.
Events Of Today
Advanced R.O.T.C. Students: Com-
mutation checks will be issued today
from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Hillel Foundation: Services will be
held this evening at 8 p.m. at the
Foundation, located at East Uni-
versity and Oakland. Ted Weiss will
officiate as cantor.
Coming Events
1937 Mechanical Engineers: Mr. T.
W. Prior of the Goodyear Tire and
Rubber Company will be here Mon-
day, January 11, for the purpose of
interviewing men for positions. A
group discussion will open the in-
terviews. This will be at 10:00 a.m.
in room 348. Literature and blanks
may be obtained in room 221.
Phi Eta Sigma: There will be a
supper meeting Sunday, Jan. 10, at
6:15 in the Union. Dr. Thornton of
the Physics Department will talk on
the subject of the Cyclotron.
Graduate Outing Club: A Splash
Party will be held Saturday, January
9, at the Intramural Building. Meet
at Lane Hall at 7:30 or at the Pool.
All graduate students are cordially
Student Christian Association: The
first meeting of the shorthand class,
sponsored by the Student Christian
Association, will be held at 11:00 a.
m. on Saturday, Jan. 9, at Lane
Hall. A survey of the fundamentals
of shorthand will be given to aid stu-
dents in taking lecture notes. There
will be no charge for the classes and
all students are welcome.
Les Miserables: Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, January 12-13, Matinees both
days at 3-15 The hn x ffice mwil