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September 30, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-09-30

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The Weather

Increasing cloudiness
rising temperature;
cloudy and cooler.


5k igmi


A Statement Of Policy .. .
A Liberal Drain





Knox Warns
Of Economic
PWA And WPA Retards,
Not Alvances Recovery,
Says Knox
Michigan Industry
Hurt By New Deal
Condemns Surplus Tax As
Harming Auto Industry
In Michigan
GRAND RAPIDS, Sept. 29-(Spe-
cial to The Daily) - Attacking the
Democratic administration of the
past three and a half years for regi-
mentation rather than regulation of
industry, Col. Frank Knox, Republi-
can nominee for vice-president, to-
day came back to the town where he C
spent his boyhood to call upon Re-
publicans of the state of Michigan to
"stop the economic merry-go-round,
stop the show, although you cannot
get your money back."
"There is not an industry in your
state that has not suffered at the
hands of the New Deal," he said.
He was especially vigorous in his con-
demnation of the surplus tax bill for
its effect on the automobile industry,
and the President's belief that higher
prices and lower production are the
answer to business recovery.
Reiterating a charge made recently
which brought vigorous denials from
insurance and banking heads on the
other side of the party fence, Knox
told his audience, "It is monstrous
to talk of security when banks are
swollen to the explosion point with
government bonds when the values of
our savings and life insurance are
endangrered by inflation.
Abundance Destroyed

Devaluation Of French Franc
Was Inevitable, Heneman Says

Loyalists And
Rebels Clash
Near Madrid'

Poor Economic Conditions
Caused Monetary Crisis;
Blum In Difficult Spot
The devaluation of the French
franc was inevitable in view of the
economic conditions in France, Prof.
Harlow J. Heneman of the political
science department, who spent the
greater part of the summer studying
the situation in that country, de-
clared in an interview yesterday.
"No government could have
stopped the devaluation of the franc,
and the present one is not really
responsible for the occurrence," Pro-
fessor Heneman said. "It might have
been' much better for the people of
Fiance had the devaluation taken
place some time ago. It was only a
question of time when miserable eco-
nomic conditions, indicated by the
extremely high food prices and the
low wage level, would make it neces-
Blum Postponed It
Professor Heneman said that the
Popular Front government, under the
leadership of Leon Blum, postponed
the devaluating process as long as
possible because during the election
campaign of last spring representa-
tives of the Popular Front announced
that they would not lower the franc
in the event of securing office.
"But although the devaluation was
inevitable, many politicians of the
rightist element are beginning al-
ready to criticize the Blum govern-
ment and to lay the blame of the
lowered franc at thehdoor of the Pop-
ular Front," he said.
Unrest and troubled conditions for
some time to come were seen for
France by Professor Heneman be-
cause of the very structure of the
Popular Front. There are three ma-
jor groups included in the present
coalition government-the Commu-
nists, the Socialists and the Radical
Socialists, from left to right.
The present government has been
in office since the June elections and
has had a majority in the Chamber

"The parties on the Right contend
that the Blum government is a "Rel'
government under obligations to a
party receiving orders from Moscow,
Professor Heneman said, "and their
spokesmen have pleaded for a return
of the control of France to Paris.
The fascist groups in France are
anti-Communistic, anti-democratic,
extremely nationalistic and some ac-
tively encourage anti-semitism. Al-
though the fascists are not well rep-
resentedin the Chamber of Dep-
uties they also actively oppose the
The differences between the ex-
treme Left and the extreme Right
are no longer always reconciled by
peaceful means, Professor Heneman
stated. "Feeling has become so in-
tense that active combats in the
streets have been resorted to with in-
creasing frequency. Fortunately,
there has not been as yet a resort
to arms on the part of the interested
parties, but there have been frequent
displays of violence." These riots have
(Continued on Page 2)
Plane Crashes
Carrying Four
To Their Death
Two Photographers, Girl
And Pilot Killed While
WaitingForZephyr 1
NAPERVILLE, Ill., Sept. 29-()-
An airplane carrying photographers
to take pictures of a streamline train
plunged beside the railroad tracks to-
night and burned four persons to
The dead:
Oscar Hanold, 28, Chicago, the
pilot of the ship.
Wilma Schluesler, a young girl pas-
senger, Chicago.,
Howard Adams, film director of a
Detroit and Chicago commercial pic-
ture firm (Wilding Pictures Produc-
, Ralph Biddy, Chicago, cameraman
for the same firm.
The ship fell and burned within
100 feet of the Chicago, Burlington,
and Quincy railroad tracks at almost
the exact moment the streamliner,
the Zephyr, was due to pass the spot.
It had been flying low, and plunged
nose first into a field east of Naper-
ville. Firemen arrived too late to
save the wooden five-passenger craft.
The bodies were burned beyond
Hanold had been hired to take the
craft, property of the Bluebird Air
Transport .Company, from the Chi-
cago airport on a contract flight.
The two photographers and the
girl, a former model lately employed
as a script writer for the picture
company, came from Detroit recent-
ly to live in Chicago, their employers
there said.
The girl was not scheduled to make
the flight, men at the airport dis-
closed but she "talked herself into
The plane was flying about 100 feet
above the ground when it suddenly
went out of control, said O. J. Beidel-
man, undertaker to whose parlors
the bodies were taken.

Communism False Issue,
Roosevelt Charges; Says
HePreserved Democracy

Government Forces
To Drive Fascists
Road ToCapital


Survivors Relate
Alcazar Horrors
Tell Of Terror, Hardships,
Starvation Behind Walls
Of Old Fortress
Sept. 29.-(P)-Spanish government
forces today engaged in a determined
fight to protect the road to Madrid,
and, if possible, reopen the seven
miles stretch of highway toward To-.
Throughout the day, front line
troops engaged in sharp rifle fire 1
with Fascists.
Sept. 29.-Bit by bit, the horrors of!
the 72-day siege of Toledo's Alcazar
fortress came from the lips of the
wasted and hysterical survivors to-
night as their Fascist rescuers drove
on to Madrid.
Tales of blood, courage and des-
pair tumbled from mouths twisted
with agony of wounds.
Their eyes glazed with visions of
the terror they had known for every
hour of every one of 72 days, they
talked of bullets, shrapnel, of dyna-
mite, of only horseflesh to eat, of a
quart of water a person a day, of
poison gas, and of women bearing
children as the walls around them
shook with blasts of death.
72 Days Of Agony
They told in voices hollow with 72
days of agony and privation of 600
priests whom they said were killed
by their leftist enemies.
As they muttered their simple
stories of what the 1,200 besieged
men, women and chlidren had borne,
their comrades drove on toward Ma-
drid, vowing death to the attackers
of the Alcazar.
The Fascist legions were reported
already seven miles along the 40-
mile roadfromToledoeto Madrid,
their speedy maIrch covered by war-
planes which blasted Government
troops along the line of march.
Other Insurgent warplanes, the Al-
cazar survivors were told, bombarded
Madrid's airports.
The turned on bedside radios and
heard the Seville announcer declare
that "terrible days are ahead before
Madrid falls."
TNT Threatening
Julio Gomez, 30-year-old civil
guard, tossed on his cot and told how
Fascist engineers within the fortress
had- saved all from being blown to;
bits by Government-laid dynamite
mines, charged with tons of TNT.
The engineers, he said, studied re-
ports from' the fortress sentries who
heard the ominous b-r-r-ings of the
drills below their self-imposed prison.
They would then draw up plans of
where the Government mines were
being laid and evacuate those sec-
tions of the citadel.

"This kind of government does not of Deputies, commanding a support
offer greater abundance. It destroys of 280 votes. The remainder of the
abundance. If you would take the 618 deputies have been usually in
money squandered on the CWA, opposition to the government.
PWA, WPA, and AAA, and give it
back to the American people, they
could start a thousand factories with
it, f a million homes, give em-Ch
kind of government does not give Made By Esquire
recovery, it retards it."
Reverting to the subject of in- The Michigan Gargoyle, winner
dustrial regimentation, Knox said, of the American Association of Col-
"the administration did not know lege Comics' cup last year for being
where it was going, because it did not the -e scupela tefont
undestad or ecnomc sstem Outhebest college comic in the country,
understand our economic system. Oui has been accused of plagiarism!
system of free enterprise is not per-
fect. There is waste and lost mo- It was in the July issue of Esquire
Lion in it. It requires drastic regu- that the accusation was made. An
lotion in many places. Any govern- article concerning college comics was
went of this country must recognize run, which said, among many other
the urgent necessity of regulating things, the following: "College comics
banking and credit, stock selling and are locking up a good deal in regard
exchanges. Monopoly is a serious to plagiarism. While borrowing of
exchanges Monopog s a erousry ideas and material is still rife, much
problemrequiring strong regulatory more credit is given than used to be
measures. The Republican part y the case. However, sever.al maga-
recognizes the necessity for rigid zines are still noted for persistent
regulation in many fields of business, copying. Michigan Gargoyle lifts
Regulaticai Alright cartocn ideas." Other comics ac-
"But on the whole this economic cused of copying material without
system cures most of its own ills permission were the Cornell Widow
without government interference. Al- and the Annapolis Log.
ways, without fail, it will cure a de- When questioned concerning the
pression. The function of govern- accusation, C. Gilbert Tilles, editor-
ment is to promote the natural pro- . in-chief of the Gargoyle, made the
cesses of recovery, to cushion the following statement: "The Gargoyle
shocks, and to aid those in distress. vehemently denies ever deliberately
"Regulation is quite a different plagiarizing, and strongly resents the
thing from regimentation or control accusation of Esquire. A letter will
or ownership by government. The be written to the editors of Esquire
administration we have had leadsi demanding an explanation."

Blac kLegion
Members Face
Life Sentence
Seven Murderers To Get
Life; Four Plotters Also
DETROIT, Sept. 29.-(IP)-Eleven
members of the Black Legion were
convicted today of plotting the lynch-
ing which exposed the existence of
the secret terrorist society with its
dreams of a moral and political dic-
Seven of the band were convicted
of first degree murder in the road-
side "execution" last May 12 of
Charles A. Poole, a verdict which
carries with it a mandatory sentence
of life imprisonment. The other four
were convicted of second-degree mur-
der. They may be sentenced for any1
term of years up to or including life,
in the discretion of the court.
The jury of nine men and three
women filed back into the heavily-
guarded courtroom of Circuit Judge
Joseph A. Moynihan with the verdict
one hour and 25 minutes after be-
ginning deliberations. Mrs. Rebecca
Poole, pretty 21-year-old widow of
the man who was killed because of
false gossip saying he had mistreated
her, was among the spectators who,
waited tensely for the verdict.
Those convicted of first degree
murder were "Colonel" Harvey Davis;
Ervin D. Lee, Paul R. Edwards, Edgar
Baldwin and Urban Lipps, all of
whom were present when Poole was
shot to death by Dayton Dean as
he pleaded vainly that "there must
be some mistake"; Lowell Rushing,
accused of instigating the plot to
"straighten Poole out," and John
Bannerman, charged with setting out
for the death scene with a rope with
which Poole was to have , been
Fifteen cases against the Black
Legion ranging from floggings and
arson to murder conspiracies and an
alleged coup d'etat plot to seize Fed-
eral buildings and arsenals, still are
pending. Virgil F. Effinger, Lima, 0.,
contractor, described by investigators
here as the national head of the
Black Legion, is sought on a crim-
inal syndicalism charge in connec-
tion with the coup d'etat plot.
Campus Trees
Get Trimmed
By Surgeons
Tree Experts Originally
Called To Save Trees
Near Graduate School
Several expert tree surgeons have
been called to the campus by the
University to lessen the damage to
trees in the construction of the Hor-
ace Rackham School of Graduate
Studies. The necessity of building a
tunnel and a concrete curb and cut-
ting through obstructing roots made
the step necessary.
It has been decided that since the
tree surgeons were at the University
it would be best for them to trim all
the trees on the campus, that job
not having been done in the past ten
years. "Giving them a haircut " as
E. C. Pardon, head of the depart-
ment of buildings and grounds put
According ,to Mr. Pardon, a little
tree surgery will save the trees on
campus that are especially desirable
because of their beauty or location.
This is especially true of the elms

which are preferred to maples be-
:ause of their longer life.
The trees can be very easily dam-
aged in a storm, and since falling
limbs are a danger to human life,
the branches of the trees on the
campus have been braced with wire
stays which can be seen from the
ground only after careful inspection.
The trees that are in need of in-
ternal repairs are fixed much in the
manner a dentist fills a tooth. The
tree is cut into until the sap leak-
which nearly always necessitates in-
ternal repairs-is found. The cut

Information Summary
For First Series Game
Teams: New York Giants (Na-
tional); New York Yankees
Managers: Bill Terry (Giants);
Joe McCarthy (Yankees).
Conditions: Best four out of
seven games.
Times of games: 1:30 p.m.
(Eastern Standard Time) except
Sunday when 2:05 p.m.
Dates and places of games:
Sept. 30, and Oct. 1, at Polo
Grounds; Oct. 2, 3 and 4 (if nec-
essary) at Yankee Stadium; Oct.
5 and 6 (if necessary) at Polo
Grounds. In event of postpone-
ment game will be played next
day in park where originally
scheduled and entire program set
Probable pitchers (first game),
Carl Hubbell (Giants) vs. Charles
Ruffing (Yankees).
Betting odds: Yankees 11 to 20
favorites to take series; Giants 3
to 5 favorites to win first game
with Hubbell pitching.
Capacity of parks: Yankee Sta-
dium, 71, 767; Polo Grounds 51,-
Weather forecast (first game),
cloudy and cool, probably rain.
Radio broadcast, National hook-
(Starts 15 minutes before game
Patanelli Collapses
During Candle Club'
Initiation Rituals
Matt Patanelli, captain of the foot-
ball team, has been nominated for
the presidency of the Candle Club by.
his running mate on the opposite side
of the line, Art Valpey.
To those neophytes who are as yet
uninitiated to the locker room fra-
ternity, the aforementioned club is
thus described: one puff, and you're
Matt qualified for the high honor
in yesterday's workout, his second
since he recovered from a pulled
muscle in his left thigh which kept
him from the daily drills for over
two weeks. Matched against the
freshmen gridders, who also appeared
in uniform for the second time, the
Varsity spent the afternoon attempt-
ing to solve the Michigan State of-
Using one favorite Spartan play,
a first year backfield man swept
around Patanelli's end with three
men running interference. The
Wolverine captain took out two of
them, but was unintentionally kicked
in the back of the head by the third.
Stretched out on the playing field,
Patanelli was out cold for a full
three minutes. As he came to, Ray
Roberts, the Michigan trainer, asked
him where he was.
"Rice Field," he answered. (Rice
Field is the home park of Patanelli's
high school in Elkhart, Ind.)
The knockout blow deal Patanelli
was not hard enough to keep him
from practice, however. He will be
back in uniform again today.
Radio Course
In Mathematics
Is New Feature
A plan to lend the appeal of radio
to the usually rather prosaic sub-
ject of mathematics is the most re-
cent innovation of the University
Broadcasting Studio, according to
the Extension Division's Announce-

ment of radio programs for the win-
ter broadcasting season.
Dr. Raleigh Schorling, professor in
the School of Education, will conduct
a weekly series of broadcasts over
Station WJR which will take the
form of a regular extension course,
listed as Education D-135, and is de-
signed to assist teachers in the de-
velopment of new techniques to dem-
onstrate ways of making mathema-
tics a more interesting course.
Students who enroll for the course
of broadcasts will receive correlative
material through the mail, and will
send in a report every week based

Administration Adhered
To Spirit And Letter Of
Traditions,_He Holds
Tells Syracusans
He Is Confident
Asserts Republican Party
Aid, Not Preventative
To Radicalism
SYRACUSE, N. Y., Sept. 29.-(P)-
Contending that his record showed
"consistent adherence" to the letter
and spirit of "The American form of
government," President Roosevelt to-
night opened the campaign for his
reelection with a repudiation of "the
support of any advocate of Com-
Calling Communism a "false issue"
in the campaign, the President told
the New York State Democratic Con-
vention assembled here in a state
armory that "the previous national
administration" had "encouraged"
conditions that fostered cdmmuhism.
The Democratic party, he added,
was "realistic enough" to face "this
The President remarked at another
point that there was no difference
between the major parties as to what
they think about Communism, but
there was a "very great difference"
in what they do about it.
The text of the most significant
parts of the President's address fol-
Americanism Lauded
Tonight you and I join forces for
the 1936 campaign. We enter it with
confidence. Nevertwas there greater
need for fidelity to the underlying
conception of Americanism than there
is today. And once again it is given
to our party to carry the message of
that Americanism to the people.
The task on our part is two-fold:
First, as simple patriotism requires,
to separate the false from the real
issues; and, secondly, with facts and
without rancor, to clarify the real
problems for the American public.
There will be-there are-many
false issues. In that respect, this
will be no different from other cam-
paigns. Partisans, not willing to face
realities, will drag out red herrings
-as they have always done-to di-
vert attention from the trail of their
own weaknesses.
This practice is as old as our de-
mocracy. Avoiding the facts-fear-
ful of the truth-a malicious opposi-
tion charged that George Washing-
ton planned to make himself king
under a British form of government;
that Thomas Jefferson planned to
set up a guillotine under a French
revolutionary form of government;
that Andrew Jackson soaked the rich
of the eastern seaboard and planned
to surrender American democracy to
the dictatorship of a frontier, mob.
They called Abraham Lincoln a Ro-
man emperor; Theodore Roosevelt a
destroyer; Woodrow Wilson a self-
constituted Messiah.
"False Issue"
In this campaign another herring
turns up. It has been British and
French-and a variety of other
things. This year it is Russian. Des-
perate in mood, angry at failure,
cunning in purpose, individuals and
groups are seeking to make commu-
nism an issue in an election where
communism is not a controversy be-
tween the two major parties.
Here and now, once and for all,
let us bury that red herring, and
destroy that false issue. You are
familiar with my background; you
know my heritage. And you are fa-
miliar, especially in the state of
New York, with my public service
extending back over a quarter of a
century. A long record has been
written. In that record, both in this

state and in the national capital,
you will find a simple, clear and con-
sistent adherence not only to the
letter but to the spirit of the Amer-
ican form of government.
To that record, my future and the
future of my administration will con-
form. I have not sought, I do not
seek, I repudiate the support of any
advocate of communism or of any
other alien "ism" which would by
fair means or foul change our Amer-
ican democracy.
That is my position. It always has
been my position. It always will be
my position.
There is no differen,rn m ha

Baird Carillon Is Mechanized

For Every Playing,



straight to bureaucratic control of
American enterprise and American
life. It leads to a final regimenta-
tion in which government enters into
ever-y activity, taxes every transac-
tion, interferes with every individ-
The address by Landon's running
mate, broadcast on a statewide hook-
up, was the high point of the conven-
tion here, and was frequently in-
terrupted by applause, whistles, and
cheers. An upset in the one post on
the state ticket not slated to go to
an incumbent put Howard M. Warn-E
er, banker-mayor of Farmington and
son of Michigan's late three-term
Governor Fred M. Warner, in nom-
ination for the state treasurership, al-
though until early this morning the
nomination was to have gone to
Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Read
as consolation prize for his defeat in
the primaries.
Extension Division

Carnegie Grant
Allows Lectures
For Librarians
The Carnegie Corporation grant
for the furtherance of librarianship
will again enable the Department of
Library Science and the staff of the
University Library to hear a group
of ectures from men distinguished
in this field. A formal notice to the
General Library was issued today in
which the lecturers, and the days of
their appearance, were announced.
The series this year will be opened
by H. M. Lydenberg, the director of
the New York Public Library, on Oc-
tober 23 and 24. Following him, Dr.
Andrew Keogh of Yale University,
who was given the degree of Doctor
of Letters by the University of Mich-
igan in 1928, will discuss on No-
vember 13 and 14, the building and
the work of the Yale University Li-
The third lecturer, Frederic G.
Melcher who is editor of the Pub-

By WILLIAM C. SPALLER quarters of an inch in diameter.
When the 53 bells of the Charles There are two rows, the upper one
Baird Carillon are assembled and four and a quarter inches above the
ready for use, and they are expected lower. The pedals are also of wood
to be in about four weeks, they will and are so placed as to be easily,
not only be the most modern in the actuated by the feet of the carillon-
world but will probably require the neur.
least effort of any to play, Wilmot Keys Push Down Three Inches
F. Pratt, recently appointed carillon- The depth of touch on a piano or
neur, said yesterday. organ keyboard is about half an
Mr. Pratt received his early train, inch, but the keys of the carillon
ing on European carillons. "After an clavier may be depressed approxi-
hour concert on the old European mately three inches for full stroke,
type bells one is really tired out," Mr. Pratt explained. The finest ex-
he said. ponents of the art of carillon play-
ing have developed a distinct tech-
"But thnae 53 ntrellsedftheughrdnique of "carressing" or stroking" the
carillon are all controlled through a keys in order to evoke the most beau-
clavier, the keys of which are con- tiful sounds from the bells.
nected to the clappers of the bells A carillon recital, Mr. Pratt said,
by wires and transmission bars which is achieved not by "brute strength
operate in modern ball bearings to and awkwardness," but by the intel-
facilitate rapidity of manual action." ligent coordination of varying pres-
Graduate Of Carillon School sures by fists and feet to produce the
Mr. Pratt, who is 24 years old and wide range of dynamics and tone
a native of New Jersey, was until re- colors possible through the combina-
cently carillonneur at St. Thomas tion of a sensitive carillonneur, a
Church in New York City. He studied mechanically perfect clavier and
at the famous carillon school at transmission system, and an accu-
Malines, Belgium, under M. Jef rately tuned set of bells.
Denyn, one of the world's most dis- Largest Bell Raised Tomorrow
tinguished carillonneurs. The Baird Carillon is the third
Mr. Pratt is the only American largest in the world judged by the
graduate of the Malines school in the size and weight of the largest bell


25 Courses

Twenty-five credit and non-credit
correspondence courses in English,

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