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January 07, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-07

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THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 1937

- -
M6 Member 1937
Fssociated Colle6iate Press
Distributors of
Cole 6ice Diiest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Officeat Ann Arbor Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shacketon, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaler, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: GeorgeeJ. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Business Assistants: Robert Martin. Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson. Newton
Ketcham, Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, Bill New-
nan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole.
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet Marion
Baxter, L.Adako, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evlyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager: Richard Croushore Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ifled Advertising Manager.
General Motors Vs.
Organized Labor. . .
T HAS BECOME increasingly ap-
parent that a general strike in
the nation's basic industries is imminent if a
settlement of the strike in General Motors Cor-
poration is not soon achieved.
Organized automobile, mine and steel workers
are blood brothers in the Committee for Indus-
trial Organization. Key body plants of the Gen-
eral Motors Corporation are now shut down,
meaning that the rest of its plants cannot oper-
ate for more than a few days, meaning also
that this stoppage of production will reverberate
through coal, iron and steel companies.
Anxious to prove the adage, "united we stand,"
and threatened with lay-offs anyway, workers
in these industries may be expected to follow
the lead of the United Automobile Workers in a
bitter fight for extension of collective bargaining
"If a settlement is not achieved . . . " What
is preventing this? What is the struggle about?

In our opinion it is a contest for power, founded
on a belief sincerely held by a "sufficient" num-
ber of workers that their interests are basically
divergent from those of their employers, that
their interests have been neglected in certain
ways, and consequently that they must increase
their power to further their interests.
Contrasted with this is the equally sincere
belief of ,mploycrs that their interests are or
should be congruent with those of their em-
ployees, that they have been doing everything
possible for their employees in the way of wages,
hours and working conditions, and consequently
that the union demands represent the self-ag-
grandizing, irresponsible and power-greedy de-
sires of labor-leaders.
We consider these beliefs "sincere" in spite of
"trouble-makers" and generally disreputable
characters observed to be associated with the
union, and in spite of known instances of short-
sightedness and petty tyranny among foremen
and higher supervisory officials.
These cases of irresponsibility and faulty lead-
ership are, we feel, characteristic of the condition
of political immaturity in which unions will re-
main until they have the responsibilty that will
follow upon full recognition by employers. To
expect immediate maturity from a group for so
long inarticulate and oppressed is not reason-
Focus the union beliefs upon an actual situa-
tion. Stay-in strikers interviewed Tuesday at
the Fisher Body plants in Flint appeared in a gay
mood, totally unconcerned about the tremendous
lnes piling um each additional minute the pnlants

leaders, is the crux of the matter, which must be,
met before an abiding. settlement of the auto
labor strike can be reached.
Specifically, no such balance is obtained un-
less a collective bargaining agreement is ar-
ranged for the whole of General Motors Corpora-
tion. Suppose the alternative-local plant bar-
gaining. Suppose also that one plant manager
grants a union contract, another refuses t
negotiate. Workers strike in the latter plant,
the manager shuts it down and shifts his produc-
tion to the other plant. Either the strikers must
submit, or the workers in the other plant must
break their contract and strike in sympathy,
Thus no real collective bargaining can be achieved
on a local basis, except through the good graces
of the plant managers, which situation does not
represent the 'balance of power' that underlies
the workers' feelings of satisfaction, security and
If this analysis be true, it appears that officials
of the General Motors Corporation, who profess
a belief in collective bargaining, are unwilling to
grant their employees anything approaching a
"balance" of power.
It has been true in the history of labor rela-
tions in many industries that when workers
desire collective bargaining, unbalanced power,
favoring one side or the other, does not conduce
to peaceful or cooperative relations. The record
of the United Mine Workers includes excellent
examples of the tendency toward decreased effi-
ciency and increased operative difficulties in
plants wherein the union "holds the upper
hand." and toward excess profits at the expense
of workers in plants wherein the employer "holds
the upper hand."
It is our conclusion, therefore, that General -
Motors faces two alternatives:
1. Continued opposition in fact to unionism,
risking a disastrous nation-wide general strike
and hoping to "outlast" the strikers.
2. Compromise with the United Automobile
Workers, granting a national agreement involv-
ing, not a closed shop, but certain limiting
standards respecting working conditions (hours,
wages, hiring and firing policies, speed of pro-
duction) and the recognition of the U.A.W. as the
sole bargaining agent of their industry, in ac-
cordance with the principle of the Wagner Labor
Relations Act. Such a general agreement would
tend to insure a "balance of power" between
workers and employers in separate plants.
The Faith Menaced
-Catholics Fear Nazis In Spain-
(From The New York Post)
THE UNITED PRESS correspondent at Hen-
daye, on the Franco-Spanish frontier, sent
a cable a few days ago on the condition of the
rebel armies in Spain. We should like to call the
attention of our readers to one -part of that
cable :
"Uncensored reports told of discord between
the Catholic Carlists in the armies of Gen. Fran-
cisco Franco, insurgent leader, and recently im-
ported Geman volunteers. These reports blame
the difficulties on anti-Catholic policies of the
German government which the Carlists say fa-
vor Neo-Paganism. The Carlists, who are stanch
Catholics, are said to reflect the views of the
higher Spanish clergy.
"It was learned from sources usually reliable
that the Carlist representative at Burgos, insur-
gent capital, recently told Gen. Franco that the
Carlists would never permit a German hegemony
in Spain."
Justifiable Apprehension
WHY ARE THE CARLISTS, who are devout
Catholics and upholders of the church, fear-
ful of "a German hegemony in Spain"? They are
fearful of Nazi control because the Hitler regime
in Germany has bent its efforts steadily to the
undermining of both the Catholic and Protestant
churches in the Reich and the subsidization of
German Paganism as the official Nazi religion.
The anti-Catholic actions of the Nazi Govern-
ment are too well known to merit lengthy repe-
tition: the murder of the heads of the Catholic
Action Society and the Catholic Youth organiza-

tion in the Hitler "purge" of June 30, 1934; the
widespread arrests of Catholics monks and nuns
in 1935 on charges of "smuggling currency out
of the country''; the seizure of 150 Catholic
Youth leaders in February on trumped-up
charges of "conspiring with Communists": the
intimidation of Catholic parents in Bavaria by
Storm Troopers last spring to force them to
take their children out of Catholic schools.
A Genuine Attack
Neo-Pagan purposes to the Nazis, confus-
ing anti-Catholicism with Neo-Paganism? The
Catholic position in this respect is fully support-
ed in Protestant circles and by recent dispatches
from the Reich.
On Dec. 19, the New York Herald Tribune's
Berlin office sent a dispatch, "Christmas Con-
tinues in Reich Despite Frowns of Nazi Chiefs.
German People Still Regard It As a Religious
Festival Although Party Seeks to Stress Pagan
What do they propose to substitute for Christ-
mas? The pagan festival of the winter solstice,
which fell on Dec. 21. On Dec. 12, a cable
from Berlin declared that all Storm Troopers,
National Socialist employes "and all workers'
cells organized in all business establishments
and factories must take part in the winter sol-
stice ceremonies."
On Dec. 11, Albion Ross, Berlin correspondent
of the New York Times, reported that "anti-
Christian propaganda" and fear of Nazi disap-
proval were leading many Germans to abandon
their church membershins*

***. IT ALL
N By Bonth William---gi
PREDICTING THE FUTURE is often about as
hazardous a business as telling the truth.
The foreshadowing of events to come, a popular
sport since the beginning of time, has continued
down to the Literary Digest boll-generally with
indifferent results.
I propose to anticipate not what will happen
during the college year 1937, but rather what
will not.
ANN ARBOR, Jan. 18.-The Board in Control
of Athletics met here this afternoon in an
unexpected and special session and announced
immediately afterwards that Gus Dorais of the
University of Detroit had been appointed to the
post of head coach.-
Reached at his home later in the evening, Ath-
letic Director Fielding H. Yost commented, "Any
man who played football at Notre Dame is good
enough for us."
ANN ARBOR, Feb. 22.-The University de-
clared an official 48-hour holiday today to
celebrate the birth of the Nation's immortal
founder. The student body marched en masse
to the bank of the Huron River where under
the able direction of Herb Wolfe, newly-appoint-
ed doorman of the Michigan Union, they prac-
ticed diligently for two hours in an attempt to
hurl a bushel of Confederate dollars to the oppo-
site bank.
"I was against it from the first," Wolfe told
ANN ARBOR. March 9.--Petitions demanding
more proctors to patrol the halls of Mosher
Jordan dormitory and to prevent the continual
gossiping of girls from room to room after 7 p.m.
was presented to University authorities in an
effort to better study conditions in the largest
women's dormitory on the campus last night.
The petitions were signed by all but three resi-
dents of the institute, and demanded, among
other things," the same attitude of paternalism
on the part of the University towards women
that the male students have fought for and but
recently obtained.
ANN ARBOR, April 12.-The weather man had
another cheery word for students who have
been fearful of the early arrival of spring. Walt
Woodward, who has been recently appointed to
the position, announced to the campus yesterday
that the same warm, dry weather which has pre-
vailed since early in January might be expected
to continue for at least another month with little
precipitation in prospect and a probable average
temperature of 63.
ANN ARBOR, April 17.-Walt Woodward, Ann
Arbor weather expert, today sold his fur
coat, which has been a University landmar
for some time.
Woodward expressed the view that there was
about as much use for a fur coat in Ann Arbor
as for a pair of rubbers.
ANN ARBOR, June 3.-Al Dewey, president of
the senior class, charged the graduates to
"conduct themselves as befits gentlemen" when
they take part in the annual Swingout tomorrow
afternoon. I will personally see to it that every
man is in step," Dewey added, as he left for a'
downtown chocolate soda.
"Some of the fellows who appeared to have no
respect for Michigan tradition, dressed up in fra-
ternity robes and marched with the seniors last
year. That was despicable and I can say with
surety that the same fellows will not try the same
trick again."
A A, *
NEW YORK, June 27.-Bonth Williams, col-
umnist for The Michigan Daily, student
paper of the University of Michigan, was signed
to a 10-year contract by the New York Times
here today at a salary estimated at $10,000 per
Williams, who gained great success with his
column Beneath It All on the University campus,

will write a similar column for the Times. It is
rumored that it is only the first step in the plans
of the Times to elevate Williams to the place in
American journalism vacated by the death of
Arthur Brisbane.
ANN ARBOR, July 5.-The Ann Arbor Land-
ladies Association today gave $10,000 to the
University Dormitory committee in a generous
gesture to supply incoming Michigan freshmen
with better and more comfortable living quar-
"All we are interested in," the spokesman, Mrs.
Gertrude J. Gexwup, said, "is seeing that condi-
tions at Michigan are improved. Money is a
minor consideration with us," Mrs. Gexwup em-
PORT HURON, Aug. 15.--W. Grafton Sharpe
and Fred George, graduates of the Law
School of the University of Michigan, announced
today their purchase of a beerless beer garden.
The two local bcys who have roomed together
through 8 years at Michigan, confided that they
had never intended to practice law at all, but
had sought higher education that they might
better fit themselves to carry out their life am-
bition-the establishment of a chain of beerless
beer gardens in every college town in America.
"We are already contemplating a deal to take
over the Pretzel Bell in Ann Arbor and in all
probability will be joined in our enterprize to
de-beer that odious vice den by Pete Bodor and
Chuck Kennedy," George said.
A NN ARBOR Sept. 19.-Official announcement



Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to anll members of the
University. Copy received at the offie at the Asistant to thaPresid
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.-

Family Night
ANN ARBOR patrons have un-
doubtedly found the exhibit
which opened Monday in Alumni7
Memorial ,Hall one of unique local
interest. It is the first exhibit with-
in the memory of recent years that
featured the work entirely of the
members of a local family. The show
is comprised chiefly of watercolors,
together with several oils and a few
drawings, all done by Prof. and Mrs.
Myron Chapin and their two chil-
dren, Miriam and Barbara. Most ofi
the paintings were done on a recent
trip to Mexico.
Just what the two children are do-
ing in the show is rather difficult to
say, unless it is to provide a certain
curiosity or to keep the family roll-
call inviolate. No prodigies, they
paint no better and no worse than
any other children. (Undoubtedly a
point in their favor).
The work of Mr. and Mrs. Clapin
is quite colorful, much in the tradi-
tion of Americans painting Mexico.
To those of us who think of Mexico
as something more than the conven-
tionally sleepy siesta-land, they are
somewhat disappointing. Pictures-
que the pictures certainly are, but
there is no hint of the social unrest
that has impregnated that southern
land for the past decade. Mr. Chap-
lin confined himself entirely to land-1
scapes, and they are on the whole
more careful and disciplined than
those of his wife. They certainly
benefit from the care and restraint,
but one wishes he would stop trying
to paint like Cezanne. Perhaps this
last is an injustice, for it is evident
that some of the paintings are large-1
ly experimental in nature. Best of
the landspace is the "Don Quixote
By contrast with her husband, Mrs.
Chapin evidences some personal in-
terest in her series of human char-
acter studies, which are unquestion-
ably the best of her work. Unfor-
tunately, she seems to confuse a slap-I
dash technique with spontaneity, for
only one of the studies succeeds in
any measure. Catalogued as No. 39, it
bears the simple title, "Mexican
Type," a portrait of an old woman
covered with a blue shawl; it really
is an excellent painting, not merely,
a type as the title would suggest, but
a character. Among her landscapes,
two stand out as especially interest-
ing. The first, "Orizaba in the Val-
ley," although rather marred by,
some carelessness in the washes, is1
quite impressive. The second, "Mex-
ico City Modern," is more careful of1
necessity, because of the hard lines of,
the architecture, and somehow there
is a charm in the contrast between
the geometric modern forms and the
picturesque surroundings.
As for the work of the two children,
local dowagers will doubtless think it
is "cute." Perhaps it is; I don't
know. But we have been a little over-
.taxed with the profusion of cuteness
in Ann Arbor exhibits, and it is time
we require other standards. If every
kid could secure gallery space simply
because daddy is an artist, the worldt
would be an even more peculiar placec
than it is. It must be admitted,
however that it is a fine thing for
children to paint, providing we don't1
all have to look at the results. t
Jane H. Higbie
Killed Cleaning
Rifle In Home
Professor's Daughter Dies
Instantly After Accident
In Basement Playroom
(Continued from Page 1)

the impression that Jane was putting
a finish on some ash trays made from
automobile pistons by her brother;
and her last week-end, he said.
A student in decorative design, Miss
Higbie was a member of the four-
man University team which took first
place in a creative arts contest spon-
sored by the Association of Alumni
of the American Academy of Rome in
1935. Her work in sculptoring was
entered in the contest.
Prof. Hubert A. Fowler of the dec-
orative design department said she
was "a very competent and conscien-
tious student of great promise. I am
very sorry to hear of such a promis-
ing career being ended."
"I have been teaching 31 years,"
Professor Higbie said "and I hav,e
never seen anyone as interested in
the prime purpose of college as Jane.
She went to the finest lectures and
all the concerts.
"Her life was one of books and
Her chief diversion had been
horseback riding and she is said to
have been a competent rifle shot.
Miss Higbie was a member of Delta
Delta Delta sorority.
Besides her mother and father, she

(Continued from Page 2)

cil: The next meeting of the Council
will be held on Monday, Jan. 11, in
Room 1009 Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m.
The program is as follows:
Roll Call.
Disposition of communications.
Reports of administrative and ad-
visory boards and committees.
Committee on orientation, P. E.
Committee on the honors convoca-
tion, J. A. Bursley.
Advisory committee of the military
department, A. H. Lovell.
Election of Senate Members of
Board of Directors of Michigan
Subjects offered by members of the
Reports of standing committees.
Program and policy, Bates.
Educational policies, Rodkey.
Student relations, Bailey.
Public relations, McMurry.
Plant and equipment, Aigler.
Personal program of the secretary.
Special features for the Summer
Session of 1937.
Personal program of the president.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary,
University Council.
February and June Seniors: Col-
lege of L.S. and A., Schools of Edu-
cation, Forestry and Conservation,
and Music: Tentative candidates for
degrees in February should obtain
the proper blanks for diploma ap-
plications in Room 4, U. Hall, and
when filled out leave them with the
assistant at the counter not later
than Feb. 12.
June seniors should fill out the;
diploma applications when registra-;
tion material is called for in Room.
4, U. Hall.
Students in L.S.&A., Architecture,
Education and. Music: Registration
material may be secured in Room 4,
University Hall, beginning Jan. 4,'
1937. Students are urged to call for
this material as early as possible and
consult their advisers before exam-1
Each student must have the signed
approval of his elections from his ad-
viser or counsellor for the second
semester before he will be admitted
to the gymnasium.
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the loan committee on
Monday, Jan. 11, in the office of the
Dean of Students, at which time
loans for the second semester will be
considered. All blanks for this meet-
ing must be submitted by Jan. 8.
University Women: Students who
plan to change residence the second
semester must notify their household
or dormitory director not later than
Saturday noon, Jan. 16.
Jeannette Perry, Assistant
Dean of Women.
Comprehensive Examination in
Education: All candidates for the
teacher's certificate (except graduate
students who are applicants for or
who have received advanced degrees)
are required to pass a Comprehensive
Professional Examination covering
the education courses prescribed for
the certificate. The next examina-
tion of this kind will be given in
Room 4009 of the University High
School on Saturday morning, Jan. 9,
at 9 o'clock. For students having
Saturday morning classes, the exam-
ination will be given at 2 o'clock. It
will cover EducationsA0, Cl, direct-
ed teaching, and special methods.
Any student who will have completed
these courses by the end of the
present semester is eligible to take
the examination at this time.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next semester
are required to pass a qualifying ex-
amination in the subject which they

expect to teach. This examination
will be held in the auditorium of the
University High School on Saturday
morning, Jan. 9, starting at 8 a.m.
Students having conflicts may takeJ
the examination at 2 p.m. The ex-
amination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is therefore
Your Senior Picture deadline for
the 1937 Michiganensian has been
extended until Jan. 9. If you have
not as yet had your picture taken,
arrange to do so today at Spedding's,
Rentschler's, or Dey's. This will
positively be your last chance to take
care of your 'Ensian picture.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Notice to Presidents and Treasur-
ers of Student Organizations: Ar-
rangements with a photographer for
your organization group picture or
any other pictures which you desire
to appear on your page in the 1917
Michiganensian should be taken care
of at once. All organization pictures

the page) must be received by the
'Ensian office before Jan. 24.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta: All
persons interested in designing a cut
for the cover of the program will turn
their designs in to the office at the
Lab Theatre, or to the Speech office,
Room 3211 A.H. on or before Wednes-
day, Jan. 13.
University Lecture: Dr. Alfred Sal-
mony, of Mills College, California,
will lecture on the subject "Eastern
Animal Style," dealing with the an-
cient art of Siberia and its influence
on Far Eastern and European art, in
Natural Science Auditorium, at 4:15
p.m., today. The lecture will be
illustrated with slides. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Prof. Fernand
Baldensperger, professor of compara-
tive literature at Harvard University,
will lecture on the subject, "Une
crise du roman: Balzac ou Proust" on
Friday, Jan. 8,at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. L. O.
Brockway, of the California Insti-
tute of Technology, will lecture on
"The Use of Electron Diffraction in
Chemistry" at 4:15 p.m. today in
Room 303 of the Chemistry Building.
The lecture is under the auspices of
the University and the American So-
ciety. The public is cordially invited.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Bruce Bliven, editor of The
New Republic, will speak in Hill
auditorium on Thursday, Jan. 14, at
8:15 p.m. on the subject, "The Press
-Truth, News, or Propaganda?"
Tickets are now available at Wahr's.
Events Of Today
Varsity Glee Club: Important re-
hearsal tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the
Glee Club Rooms at the Union. All
men are to report for practice.
The following men are to make the
trip to Port Huron Friday, Jan. 8.
William Fraunfelder.
Milton Miller
Edwin Harwood
W. E. Morris
Bradley Tyrrell
Isadore Burstein
E. Vandenberg
Wm. Burroughs
Martin Thompson
Hugh Roberts
Stephen Mason
A. L. Johnson
Jack Collins
Robert Moore
Arne Koljonean
G. J. Bradford
J. W. Metcalf
Fred Epstein
Leo Luskin
Robert Gillis
Paul Kent
Fred Walter
Jack MacArthur
A. W. Rudness
Louis Hall
Ralph Clark
Keith Tustison
K. P. Rankin
E. Harrison Williams
M. J. Soldofsky
Robert Hunerjager
Wilmot F. Pratt
C. A. Viehe
T. A. Jensen
H. Dunks '
Van J. Wolf
Robert Lodge
Paul Yergens
E. L. Sinclair
Further details concerning the trip
will be announced at tonight's prac-
Zoology Club: Dr. J. Van Tyne will
discuss and demonstrate the work of
the Bird Division, Museum of Zool-
ogy today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3024,
Museums Building.

Women's Varsity Debating Team:
The second tryout will be held today
at 4 p.m., Room 4203, A.H. Each
person will be expected to give a
three-minute speech, either affirma-
'tive or negative, on the question: Re-
solved: That the essentials of the
N.Y.A. should be made permanent.
Zeta Phi Eta: There will be a short
meeting this evening at 7:15 p.m. in
the League. It is imperative that all
members and pledges be present to
discuss 'Ensian pictures. All finan-
cial obligations should be met im-
mediately, please.
The Peace Council will meet to-
night in Room 319 at the Union.
Coming Events
Phi Eta Sigma: There will be a
supper meeting Sunday, Jan. 10, at
6:15 p.m. in the Union. Dr. Thorn-
ton of the Physics Department will
talk on the subject of the cyclotron.
Stanley Chorus Tryouts will be held
in the game room of the League

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