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monetary experts fearing a credit boom, the re-
newal or cancellation of this power may prove
of the greatest importance.
On -Feb. 1 expires the lending authority of
the RFC and of the Electric Farm and Home
Authority. On March 31, the appropriation of
the CCC is ended as is, on April 1 the power
of the FHA to insure modernization loans. May 1
writes finis on the President's neutrality powers
under the present act. and June 12 sees the end
of the state department power to conclude re-
ciprocal trade 'agreements. And, equally impor-
tant, the relief agencies expire on June 30.
So far we have not mentioned Mr. Roosevelt's
aims for agriculture, for housing for relief and
for banking and monetary regulation. Many of
these, we hope, will be made clearer after his
speech to Congress today on the State of the
Union. All are of vital importance, and the
nation awaits with interest the actions of its rep-
Problems Before
The 75th Congress .
. .
HE 75TH CONGRESS that con-
vened yesterday has before it a
session of the gravest import, to the United
States and to the world as a whole. Foremost
is the need for legislation dealing with vital
problems of neutrality and labor, and many
New Deal enactments qnd authorizations of Pres-
idential power expire before spring. President
Roosevelt himself has indicated that the pro-
gram he will submit to Congress will be as broad
if not broader than the legislation of his first
With the tremendous Democratic majorities
in both houses, there would seem to be little
doubt of the President's power but already on
the neutrality and labor questions party lines
are being transcended.
The neutrality controversy, for example, in-
volves much more than the question of whether
or not the President should be given discretionary
powers. Senator Vandenberg wants mandatory
legislation prohibiting American trade with bel-
ligerent nations and fears that the President, if
given leeway might use his power to ally the
United States with one or the other warring
But the President, more than wanting author-
ity to prohibit commerce with specific nations,
has in mind, it would seem, discretion in add-
ing to or subtracting from the list of goods which.
it would be unlawful to ship. To prevent the
shipping of war materials he feels is not suffi-
Either concept of neutrality, it should be
pointed out, would be valueless in a case like
Spain involving a civil war unless discretionary
power is with regard, to a choice of nations or
specific provision for civil war is made.
In labor and industry the aims of the President
are the abolition of child labor and sweatshops,
shorter hours and higher wages and the pro-
motion of, collective bargaining. Also he favors
limitation of monopolies, unfair competition and
disreputable trade practices.
Is a Constitutional amendment necessary to
obtain these objectives? Certainly otherwise
there can be no NRA codes. But if an amend-
ment, what kind: broad and sweeping, such as
the proposal to allow the Federal .government
power to regulate intra-state commerce as well
as inter-state commerce? Or, on the other hand a
clause prohibiting certain practices and allowing
Congress or some other agency to decide when
the unlawful occurrence has taken place? Or,
again, a provision for the Federal licensing of all
Some claim, however that a constitutional
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria ofageneral editorial
importance and Interest to the campus.
For Christian Refugees
To the Editor:
A few days ago I received a letter from the
American Christian Committee for German Ref-
ugees, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York City, ask-
ing for contributions to help the unfortunate
victims of Nazi persecution to reestablish them-
selves in South America. The letter reads in
oart as follows: "There seems to be an epidemic
of suicide mood going through the ranks of the
refugees." This poignant statement comes to the
American Christian Committee for German Ref-
ugees in a letter from the International Center
of Paris, which is caring for German emigres.
"It is difficult for us who live in comfort to
realize how tragic and hopeless the future looks
to these men and women who are separated
from their friends and living, practically des-
titute, in a strange land. Frequently they
have families who need food and clothing and
shelter .. .
"Since they are of Christian faith and prac-
tice, the responsibility for their survival and care
rests with Christians who resent the destruction
of religious liberty and freedom of thought now
going on in Germany. These refugees are among
the finest representatives of democratic Ger-
many--teachers, journalists, artists, doctors and
the like. The need of these refugees must be
met immediately.
"This is no mere begging letter. It is rather
a call to the compassion of the American people
to come to the aid of hundreds of their fellow-
Christians who, through no fault of their own,
have been cast adrift into the world, bereft of
state, home and hope."
In a supplement to the letter there is this
statement: "America has been deluded into
thinking that the German refugee problem is a
Jewish one, whereas already three times as
many Christians have been placed under the
same ban as have the Jews. Over 1,300,000 per-
sons in Germany of Christian faith are ex-
cluded from public life by the Nazi laws against
non-Aryans." Many of these are already in
forced exile. The Jews of the world have
responded; they are even helping Christians. We
appeal to American Christians to contribute to-
wvard this relief work for our fellow-Christians
who are suffering abroad."
I consider it the duty of every American re-
gardless of race or religion to respond generous-
ly to the appeal of the Christian Committee.
-M. Levi.
Censorship Farce
-End Of 'Red Rider' Demanded-
(From the Minneapolis Trib.une)
A MEASURE which calls for the outright repeal
of the so-called "red rider" passed by Con-
gress last year has been prepared by Represen-
tative Kennedy of Maryland and will be intro-
duced at the forthcoming session. If the measure
is passed, teachers of the District of Columbia
will again be permitted to present certain non-
controversial facts about Soviet Russia in their
classrooms, instead of crimsoning with embar
rassment when some young mind exhibits a
husky curicsity in the land of the Dnieper and
the Volga.
It is Mr. Kennedy's idea, since Russia is a
geographical and governmental entity which
maintains diplomatic and commercial relation-
ships with the United States, that school children
of the District of Columbia should be privileged
to know that it exists. He does not like the
idea of pretending that Russia is simply a
cartographical error on the world map because
this country has no use for communism or of
treating it as some sort of Never-Never land
which is inhabited by fictional characters fan-
tastically remote from everyday realties.
Mr. Kennedy, in short wants to grant Soviet
Russia academic recognition in the District of
Columbia, at least to the point where teachers
are permittd to confess in their classrooms, that
i? is a country situated in the Eastern hemisphere
and lying roughly somewhere East of Berlin and
West of China and Nippon.
Whether the representative from Maryland
successfully champions his repeal measure or
not, the United States is going to survive and
so is Russia. Compared with other matters
which will confront Congress, the question of
what shall be taught in the District of Colum-
bia schools seems highly unimportant. Never-
theless, we believe that the country would be well
******IT ALL
« By Bonth Williams
BACK IN THE 'SWING after two weeks of in-
vigorating slumber ,good Scotch and infer-
ior weather, I re-assemble my forces to face
the great conflict once again. Morituri, te, salu-
tamus. Everywhere the talk is of Margaret Mitt-
chell's "Gone With the Wind."
Apparently all males have now adopted the
magnificent cynical indifference of Rhett Butler,
and the female of the species has decided to
grab life by the whiskers and mould it to suit the
green-eyed daughter of Gerald O'Hara. Reper-
cussions should shortly be felt.
THIS IS THE TALE of the Beaver. The story
of Victor Heyliger, captain of the Michigan
hockey team. holder of the Varsity scoring rec-
ord, resident of historic Concord, Mass., and
now full owner of an alligator shipped from
balmy Florida by one of Victor's ardent admir-
Heyliger, whose specialty is getting goals
and a great sweep check, has been momentarily
stymied by the arrival of the denizen of the
Everglades who keeps the Beaver constantly on
the watch for hardy flies that have thus far
endured the rigors Of winter.
When there are no flies Vic is obliged to dig
deep in his new Esquire trou and content the
carnivorous beast with tasty chunks of delicious
Having now become accustomed to the
routine feeding, both Heyliger and alligator
have decided to settle down-the alligator to
a period of more or less suspended hiberna-
tion, and Vic to the business of playing
And hockey may very well be a b.usiness
with Heyliger. Jack Adams, chubby man-
ager of the world champion Detroit Red
Wings, has promised him a trial with the
Stanley Cup titleholders providing that he
has a good year at Michigan.
As a sophomore Heyliger scored 33 points in
collegiate competition when he teamed with
Johnny Sherf who moved up to the Detroit
Olympics the next'season. Last year Heyliger
broke the Varsity scoring record set by Sherf
in his senior year with a grand total of 44
Thus, for Heyliger to have a good year this
year means that he will have to break his
own record of last season. He is off to a flying
start. Last year in a 16-game season the Con-
cord Flash averaged 2.75 goals per game. This
season with only four tilts of an 18-game sched-
ule yet played, Heyliger has rammed home eleven
goals and been credited with five assists for a
total of 16 points or an average of 4 points
per game,
The interesting thing about the hockey career
of the Beaver is that when he stepped out on
the Colseum ice as a freshman he looked
like a finished performer I can see him now,
the same black thatched head flying by a bunch
of game but outclassed yearlings as he skated
rings around the whole bunch of us and scored
goal after goal. Vic was good then, not nearly
as finished a performer as he is now, but even
a blind man could see that he was a born hockey
The strange part of the thing was that
Vie never plaved hockey in high school,
simply because the high school didn't have a
hockey team. His puck chasing was pretty
much confined to a neighborhood pond in
back of the house, and it was there that the
present Wolverine captain learned to skate
and handle a stick. Without coaching and
without any hockey heritage in his family,
Vic picked up the game and kept playing
it. The result was that when he came to
Michigan in 1933, he was a better hockey
player by far than menwho had starred on
prep and high school teams under regular
There are times when Vic would like to see
that pond once again. The Beaver has been
home only three times in the four years that
he has spent at Michigan and sometimes it's a
little lonely. The last time he made the pilgrim-
mage back east was a year ago Xmas, and that
was his first return then in almost two years.
Most of the time it doesn't bother Victor much.
He spends his summers working at Ford's and
major domos at the German-American during
the school year. He supplements his hockey
with classes in the school of education.
Possessed of an inimitable sense of humor
and all the qualities of a gentleman, Vic is a
credit to Michigan athletics as well as an in-
spirational captain and leader. My. hat to the
Beaver, one swell gent.
BENEATH IT ALL: Frank Bissell, captain of
the wrestling team and well-known gridder
plans to give up further use of his left arm per-
manently. Just how well Frank will be able to
grapple with the grunt and groan specialists
without the use of one arm is a matter of
pure conjecture. The great leap is scheduled
for the very immediate future according to Bud
Benjamin, Daily wrestling expert, and will unite
in holy/matrimony the future destinies of Mich-
igan and Vassar . . . Three Alpha Delts, including
Clark Bower and Horace Gilmore, en route back
to Ann Arbor Sunday stopped off at the Com-
modore in Toledo for dinner. Upon entering
the dining room they were escorted to a table
and dinner magically appeared.
"Can't we order," they asked, but the waiters
only smiled and brought in the main course.
Halfway through, and wondering what it was
all about, one of the mystified diners paused
long enough to ask, "What is this anyway?"
Questions and answers followed and all three
Leslie Howard's Hamlet
Leslie Howard in HAMLET. PRINCE
OF DENMARK by William Shake-
speare. Directed by Leslie Howard, in
collaboration with John Houseman.
Settings and costumes designed by
Stewart Chaney. The version pre-
pared oy Schuyler Watts.
H AMLET is so profound a play, so
complicated a study of psychol-
ogy, has such a complex a character
at its center that anything less than
genius in the performance of this
central character is hardly accept-
able. That is the principal trouble
with Mr. Leslie Howard's production
of the play. He brings a certain
competence to the part but not, I'm
afraid, genuine fire. He attacks the
lines with spirit, reads the verse well
but it is so often just reading. The
soliloquies seem shouted, mannered.
The final vowels in lines are drawn
out in an effected and sing-song man-
ner. His Hamlet starts out with an
"antic disposition" and keeps it for
about three quarters of the play with
very little variation in his method of
It is a fundamental that an inter-
pretative artist should always be
the master of the material he is re-
creating. It must seem to be the log-
ical and inevitable outcome of his
inner feelings. In the strongest emo-
tional scenes, in the early antic
scenes, Mr. Howard seems to be drag-
ging hopelessly after the play-seems
to be running after a train he can-
nct quite catch. He is best in the
last. scenes of the play -- in the
churchyard and in the duel scenes.
But they do not move us as they
should because the character has not
been lifted high enough in the prev-
ious climaxes.
Hamlet is so many things in so
many different scenes that it is the
duty of the actor playing the part to
blend them into a unified whole
which will be his conception of the
part. This Mr. Howard does not do.
We cannot learn what he considers
Hamlet to be, can see no development
or consistent presentation or change
of character.
The general effect of the whole
play is that of an animated reading
due no doubt to this ineffectiveness
of the playing of the name part. Al-
though much of the production fol-
lows the usual conventions in a rou-
tine way, there are many fine things
in it. Some of it is superior, even.
to most productions of the Shake-
speare in the present-day American
theatre. The Laertes of Clifford
Evans, for example, is especially mov-
ing. His early scenes with Ophelia.
the scene with Hamlet in the church-
yard, and his acting in the last scene
are among the most satisfying things
in the production. Denis Green's
Horatio is also sincere, straightfor-
ward, and has a weight and presence
so necessary but so often lacking in
the part. The Claudius of Wilfred
Walter is an arch villain, Aubrey Ma-
ther's Polonius more than usually
comic, Mary Servoss's Gertrude state-
ly but rather negative. But these
players might have seemed better if
they had had a more powerful Ham-
let to play against.
Stewart Chaney's settings are im-
pressive. They provide a suitable
background and adequate playing
space. They moves; very slowly the
opening nightatvthe Cass but this
would seem to be due to new stage
hands and an unfamiliar stage rather
than any fault in their construction.
These waits are especially destructive
of continuity between scenes so close-
ly connected in the writing as the
scene of Hamlet's first meeting with
the ghost and the scene following.
The use of the "Royal crypt" for this
scene and the consequent loss of time
for change of setting seemed hardly
Mr. Chamey's costumes are very
handsome and original in conception
and in detail but the barbaric style
of medieval court costume seems for-
eign to the Renaissance flavor of the
play and its outlook.
Because of the superiority of John
Gielgud's performance in Guthrie
McClintic's production of the play it
is difficult to have the proper ap-
proach to a mediocre performance.
It is most unfortunate for Mr. How-
ard that he did not produce the
play last spring as he originally in-
tended. It would then have been
at least passably acceptable. Now it
cannot stand comparison at any point
with the excitement, intelligence and
fine analysis of the values of the
play and part that Mr. Gielgud and
Mr. McClintic have brought to their
productionIn fact it is almost im-
possible to make a comparison at all.
If you want to hear Hamlet effec-
tiv-ly read-with, however some un-
fortunate cuts and rearrangement of
scenes-and transferred to the stage
with pictorial effectiveness, seeing Mr.
Howard's production is probably as
good a way as any to become familiar
with the externals of the text of the
great tragedy It's greatest fault is
that the audience is never moved
emotionally by what is happening on
the stage.
Group Pictures Due
Jan. 24 For 'Ensian
(Continued from Page 2)
Room 3211 A.H. on or before Wednes-
day, Jan. 13.
Notice to Presidents and Treasur-
ers of Student Organizations: Page
contract cards for space in the 1937
Michiganensian should be signed
immediately and mailed into the 'En-
sian office. Copy blanks, (names of
officers and members and pictures
desired for the page), should also be
sent in with the contract. We are
asking your immediate cooperation in
this matter as we need this informa-
tion in order to meet our deadlines.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Notice to All Social and Profes-
sional Fraternity and Sorority Presi-
dents and Treasurers: Fraternities
and sororities which have not as yet
sent in their page contract cards for
the 1937 Michiganensian should do
so at once to guarantee space for
their organization in this year's an-
nual. Copy blanks, (names of offi-
cers and members), should also be
sent in with the contract. Your im-
mediate cooperation in this matter is
requested as the 'Ensian needs this
information to meet deadlines.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Naval Flying Course: Information
concerning the opportunities to take
the naval flying course at Pensacola,
Fla., has been received and may be
consulted by those interested at the
office of the Department of Aero-
nautical Engineering, B47 East En-
gineering Building.
Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellow-
ships: Three graduate fellowships,
each with a stipend of $500 for one
Year, have been established by the
Honorary Scholastic Society of Phi
Kappa Phi. These fellowships will
be administered in accordance with
the following regulations:
1. The fellowships shall be
awarded to three members of Phi
Kappa Phi, each of whom wishes to
enroll as a candidate for an ad-
vanced degree in a graduate school in
some American college or university.
Within these requirements no re-
striction shall be placed upon the
field of work.
2. The requirements of recipients
f these fellowships shall be:
Those eligible to apply for one of
these fellowships shall include mem-
bers of Phi Kappa Phi who, during
the year preceding the proposed
;raduate study, were elected to mem-
bership in the society as seniors.
To be eligible for consideration,
applications for these fellowships
shall be filed on orbefore the 15th
of March with the secretary of the
Society Chapter in which the appli-
cant was elected to membership, on
blanks prepared for the purpose,
which blanks shall be available for
distribution from the office of each
chapter secretary.
In selecting the most worthy ap-
plicant, each chapter as well as the
National Committee of Award, shall
give primary consideration to the ap-
plicant's promsie of success in grad-,
uate work as revealed by previous
scholastic record, testimonials from
teachers and merit or excellence of
proposed plan of graduate study.
The final awards shall be made by
the committee and the successful ap-
plicants shall be notified by the Sec-
retary General of the Society not
later than June 1.
It is expected that those accepting
these fellowships will devote their
full time to graduate study through-
out the academic year and will not
at the same time hold other re-
munerative scholarships or fellow-
ships, nor any salaried position.
R. S. Swinton, Secretary.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at thej
Women's Athletic Building will be
closed until further notice.
University Lecture: Prof. C. Cara-,
theodory, of the University of Mu-
nich, will lecture on the subject
'Functions of Bounded Variation
and Stieltjes Lebesgue Integrals," to-
day at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3017 An-
gell Hall.
University Lecture: Dr. Alfred Sal-
mony, of Mills College, California,
will lecture on the subject "Eastern
Animal Style," dealing with the an-
cient art of Siberia and its influence
on Far Eastern and European art, in
Natural Science Auditorium, at 4:15
p.m., Thursday, Jan. 7. The lecture.
will be illustrated with slides. The,
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Prof. Fernand
Baldensperger, professor of compara-
tive literature at Harvard University,
will lecture on the subject, "Une
crise du roman: Balzac ou Proust" on
Friday, Jan. 8, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. L. O.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mrnbers of th.
University. Copy received at the office at the Assistant to V% Presids
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Bruce Bliven, editor of The
New Republic, will speak in Hill
auditorium on Thursday, Jan. 14, at
8:15 p.m. on the subject, "The Press
-Truth, News, or Propaganda?"
Tickets are now available at Wahr's.
Events Of Today
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
today at 4 p.m. in Room 303, Chem-
istry Building. Mr. M. C. Kloetzel
will speak on "Hexaarylethanes Con-
taining the Phenanthryl Group."
Luncheon for Graduate Students
today in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League. Prof. John
H. Muyskens, Director of the Labor-
atory of Speech and General Lin-
guistics, will speak informally on
"The Framework of Science."
Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering Seminar: Mr. E. Kirken-
dall will be the speaker at the Sem-
inar for Chemical and Metallurgical
Engineers today at 4 p.m. in Room
3201 E. Engineering Bldg. His sub-
ject will be "Diffusion in Solid Met-
Phi Kappa Phi: The initiation
banquet for 49 students and faculty
members will be held at the Michi-
gan League at 6:30 p.m. today. Pro-
fessor Hobbs will give an illustrated
lecture entitled "Looking Beyond the
Horizon." Members desiring to at-
tend should make reservations with
the secretary, R. S. Swinton, phone
University 649.
Freshman Glee Club: Regular re-
hearsal today at 4:30 p.m.'
Stanley Chorus: Our first meet-
ing this year will be held in the Glee
Club room of the League, tonight, at
7:15 p.m. Everyone please be prompt.
Phi Sigma: Dr. James T. Brad-
bury will speak on "Some of the re-
cent developments in Endocrinology,"
today at 8 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S.
Initiation of new members, Jan. 20.
Transportation Club: There will be
a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Alpha Nu will hold a regular meet-
ing tonight at 7:30 p.m. in its meet-
ing room on the fourth floor of An-
gell Hall. Everyone please be present.
U. of M. Public Health Club: An
important meeting will be held today
at 7:30 p.m. at Michigan Union,
Room 318-20. Mr. Mitchell, editor of
Journal of Health and Physical Edu-
cation, will be the speaker. Please
bring money for pins and keys.
Sphinx: There will be a luncheon
meeting at 12:15 p.m. today in the
The regular Wednesday evening
dancing classes, which have been in-
terrupted for several weeks, will meet
as usual this evening for the last
lesson in the series. The intermediate
class will meet from 7 to 8 and the
advanced class from 8 to 9.
League Publicity Committee: There
will be a meeting today at 4 p.m. in
the Undergraduate Office of the
The Study Group of the Michigan
Dames will meet this evening at 8
p.m. at the Michigan League. All
Dames are invited to attend.
Coming Events
Zoology Club: Dx. J. Van Tyne will
discuss and demonstrate the work of
the Bird Division, Museum of Zool-
ogy, on Thursday, Jan. 7, at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 3024 Museums Building.
kWeekly Readng Hour: The pro-
gram for Thursday afternoon, Jan. 7,
at 4 p.m. in Room 205 Mason Hall,
will consist of readings from miscel-
laneous poetry to be given by the
following students: Henry H. Adams,
Dorothy A. Barrett, Joseph E. Biller,
Rowland Bolton, Miriam Brous, D.
Philip Clark, Henry T. Conlin, Nancy
J. Hulwick, Mary K. Lavan, Karl
Kauser, Jr., Stanley A. Komarek, and
Chares F. Payton.
The public is cordially invited to
hear this program.
Women's Varsity Debating Team:
The second tryout will bc held- on
Thursday, Jan. 7, at 4 p.m., Room
4203 A.H. Each person will be ex-
pected to give a three-minute speech,
either affirmative or negative, on the
question: Resolved: That the essen-
tials of the N.Y.A. should be made
Stanley Chorus: More tryouts will
be held for women (not freshmen)
wishing to join the chorus, on
Thursday and Friday, from 4 to 6
p.m. Everyone is urged to try out,
as we are now preparing for our
spring program. All officers to be
present at the tryouts.