U TUESDAY, JAN. 5, 1937. PAGE TWO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY u .. I I N Faculty Men Discover New Of The DAY Testing Method (By The Associated Press) Analyzes Iron In Fraction Utilities Body Of Usual Time; Already Makes Ruling In Commercial Use LANSING, Jan. 4.-(P)-The state A spark process, which with two public utilities commission issued two human assistants to interpret its orders today designed to clip the in- story, replaces a corps of chemists in come of the Consumers Power Co. by the process of taking routine foundry " $66,000 a year. analyses of iron, has been perfected The commission directed the com- by Dr. H. B. Vincent and Prof. R. A. pany to install an "objective" rate Sawyer of the engineering research for electric water heaters where cus- department. tomers use more than 200 kilowatt The method is modeled on that hours. The reduction, according to long used to study the composition of the commission, will mean a saving the white-hot gases of the sun and of $16,000 annually to 60 per cent of utilizes -aspectroscope arrangement, the electric water heater users. an anouncement of the department The second order directed the said. company to reduce its rates to cus- Heretofore, the spectroscope has tomers using a large number of often been used to determine the electric motors and consuming 200 components of a light source, but kilowatt hours of energy beyond their it has until now been impossible to "demand" rating. Savings to be af- determine with practical accuracy fected for customers by the second and speed the quantity of each com- order were estimated at $50,000. ponen, The release claims that the system It's The Thing perfected by Dr. Vincent and Profes- sor Sawyer gives quantitative an- 'o Do Today alyses equal or superior to that pos- sible by chemical means. Its com- FLINT, Jan. 4.-(/P)-About 100 pin mercial value lies in the fact that boys in a Flint bowling alley copied it makes a series of tests in only a the methods of labor union members fraction of the time they would re- tonight and staged a "sit down" strike quire with a corps of chemists. just as a local league tournament was The two men, working together, it to start. was disclosed, regularly make 48 an- The youths mostly from 16 to 18 alyses for six elements in each of years old, set up the pins for the first eight samples in 35 minutes. The frame then sat down, demanding an process has already been installed in increase of from 4 to 5 cents a line. a Muskegon foundry. The alley proprietorfinally offered The release indicates that the es- to pay bonuses at the end of each sentials of the apparatus are fairly week to those "who have behaved." simple. Two rods of iron to be The lads accepted the proposal, re- sampled are mounted close together turned to work and the tournament and a controlled electric spark strong proceeded. enough to jump the gap passed through them. For an instant the rod tips are heated white hot. This light passes Member Resigns through a spectrograph and is re- DETROIT Jan' 4.-(AP)-Maurice corded on a photographic plate where J. Caplan of Detroit said today he all the colored lnes of the spectrum has sent his resignation as a mem- produce black lines of varying de- ber of the state boxing commission gree of density. to Gov. Frank Murphy. It is only necessary to compare Caplan said "my health is such that these lines with those of other rigidly I would not do justice to the job" and standardized spectrograms of known that he believes Murphy "should have composition to determine by the po- the appointee of his own choosing, sition and iatensity of the dark lines "The condition of my health," Cap- just what elements and how much of lan continued, "makes it necessary Hach are present in the iron samples, for me to go to Florida for the winter, the announcement pointed out. where I shall try to make a complete The new tests are being used for recovery.' iron alloyed with enromium, copper, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, and DEFERS MURDER DECISION silicon, all of which are used in the production of steel for automobile PAW PAW, Jan. 4.-(P)-Delay in and other machinery production. receiving the transcript of testimony caused Justice Larry H. Davis to de-7 fer Monday his decision on whether Funeral Is Held Mrs. Margaret Beach, 21, should be bound to circuit court on a murder For Former Mayor charge in connection with the fatal shooting of her first husband, Ken- Funeral services were held at 2 neth Castle. p.m. yesterday in the Bethlehem _ _Church for Ernst M. Wurster, 65 years old, former mayor of Ann Ar- CLA S IFIED bor and former sheriff of Washtenaw County, who died at 4 a.m. Saturday TUT'd-'1 R Y~ ~ at his home, 605 E. Jefferson St. DuIRECTORY IMr. Wurster served the city as mayor from 1915 till 1921, and was sheriff of Washtenaw County from 1926 till 1928. He was the first Dem- Place advertisements with Classified ocrat to hold this office in 14 years. Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. He is survived by his widow. The classified columns close at five .._ o'clock previous to day of insertion. Union Representatives iavor Plant Shutdown - Associated Press Photo A conference in Flint of union delegates from General Motors Corp. plants in 13 cities adopted a resolution suppOrtiflg officers of the United Automobile Workers of Amrieca "even through the medium of a general strike of all General Mors cm l ayes. 'I he Cleveland union named a committee of five to the conference, left to right: standing, Charles Beck- man, Paul Miley and James Nolan; seated, L. F. Spisak, local president, and L. H. Downey. I _ SecondCenturyEgy tian Tax Reports Pub]Ahed By Youtie Herbert C. Youtie, research asso- ment was interested only in the ciate in papyrology, has just pub- amount of taxes collected and not in lished Part I, the Greek text, of "Tax the manner or method of collection." Rolls from Karanis," a study of tax After receiving the information on rolls of second century Egypt, in col- assessments, the government auc- laboration with Prof. V. B. Schuman tioned off the right to collect taxes to of the Latin department of the Uni- "tax farmers" who guaranteed the versity of Indiana and 0. M. Pearl, 'specific amount and took the excess instructor in classics at Sweet Briar as profit. College.- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, JAN. 5, 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 71 Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 6, from 4 to 6 p.m Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the loan committee on Monday, Jan. 11, in the office of th Dean of Students, at which tim loans for the second semester will be considered. All blanks for this meet ing must be submitted by Jan. 8. The Subcommittee on Discipline o1 the University Committee on Studen Conduct, at a meeting held on Dec 16, 1936, found Mr. Jack B. Arundel '38Lit., and Mr. Walter C. Harter '38Lit., guilty of disorderly conduc in connection with entering the Bur ton Memorial Tower, damagini University property, and ringing th carillon bells. Since they had with. drawn from the University prior ti the meeting of the committee, thf committee directs that neither Mr Arundel nor Mr. Harter shall bf permitted to reenter the Universit3 earlier than September, 1938, an then only after submitting satisfac tory evidence to the Dean of thf College of Literature, Science, an( the Arts and to the Dean of Student. that their conduct after readmission will in every respect conform to th required standard sof the University The committee also directed that thi action be published in the Daily Of ficial Bulletin. Both Mr. Arundel and Mr. Harter have been officially notified of this action by the Dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Earl V. Moore, Secretary. To All Men Students: Students in- tending to change their rooms at the end of the present semester are here- by reminded that according to the University Agreements they are to inform their householders of such intention prior to Jan. 15. These notices should be in, riting. Stu- dents who do not give such notice of LIintention to move will be expected f to retain their present rooms until e the end of the second semester. e ; C. T. Olmstead, Assist. Dean of - Students. Adelphi House of Representatives f will neet at 7:30 p.m. today in the SAdelphi Room of Angell Hall. 1, Uhi Kappa ]hi Graduate Fellow- , ships: Three graduate fellowships each with a stipend of $500 for one year, have been established by the Honorary Scholastic Society of Phi Kappa Phi. These fellowships will be administered in accordance with the following regulations: 1. Tne fellowships shall be awarded to three members of Phi Kappa Phi, each of whom wishes to enroll as a candidate for an ad- vanced degree in a graduate school in some American college or university. Within these requirements no re- striction shall be placed upon the field of work. 2. The requirements of recipients of these fellowships shall be: Those eligible to apply for one of these fellowships shall include mem- bers of Phi Kappa Phi who, during (Continued on Page 4) j . ;INSTRUCTIONS Every form of dancing. Garden Studio. Wuerth Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 2nd Floor - t .._ a Daily Matinees Sunday till 2 p.m. 25c ru"ErT I r Evenings and Sunday after 2 p.m. 35c ------ ___Last Times Today -- Katherine Hepburn "A WOMAN Herbert Marshall REBELS" Starting Wednesday ROBERT YOUNG FLORENCE RICE 'The Longest Night' JOHN HOWARD "Easy to Take - 7 .- The volume, which reproduces "fragments of three rolls covering three successive years in the later half of the second century A.D. when Egypt was under Roman domina- tion," contains "more material than has ever been gathered in one ok on taxation and the economic system of Egypt." The papyri were umearthed in the village of Karanis in thea Fayum district southwest of Cairo where the University was excavating from 1924 to 1931. The tax reports reprinted in this volume deal with taxes paid in money. The money-paid taxes were either poll taxes, land taxes or taxes on certain types of incomes. The poll tax or personal tax was collected from every male who was more than 14 years old and less than 62. This tax was introduced into Egypt, in all likelihood, by Augustus, who imposed the tax on the subject people and exempted Romans and partially ex- empted Greeks. Associated with the poll tax was the guard tax paid for the maintenance of police protection of rivers, fields and towers. The Ro- man government made annual sur- veys. in order to lay a fair tax orn lands, some of which had depreciated in value when the Nile had not flood- ed the area properly. A tax of 1 3 was laid on incomes from bath estab- lishments and dove cotes. The material from Egypt reveals that "seemingly the central govern- CHELSEA FLOWER SHOP 203 East Liberty Phone 2-2973 Flowers for All Occasions : 3 ......:. .. . . .. . : . ................... .. .............. -. . ., . .. . .. . .. .0 ...........:............................... , ...::: iiiF :iit .. .. : : : .....:::: - XA ........ t. .......::.: .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. : ii. W- .. ....... ::::::. .. ... ...:: ::: - !H .. i .. ..... i i i .-.- - A.D I 1 .e- . __. . Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance Ic per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. NOTICES FOR a quick sale, tuxedo and full- dress suit, size 38, bargain price. Also men's evening coat with cape. Phone 3808. WANTED CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats at $3, >5, $8, $25. LADIES FUR COATS, TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, and musical instruments. Phone Sam. 6304. 78x WANTED: Someone to share apart- ment with senior engineer. Church Street, 500 Block. Private tele- phone. $15 per month. Call 7376. 228 WANTED: Double room in an ap- proved league house for next se- mester. Nea: campus. Michigan Daily. Box 7. 226 WANTED: Living accommodations for woman beginning school sec- ond semester. Apartment, single room, or else. Michigan Daily, Box k rocIay-- --Ani i l r ttvd 4I M Today and We Matinees - 2 and 3:48. Alnestay .All Seats 25e Don't waste any time when it comes to saving. The Daily ads offer you a "special" every day because our advertisers are kept busy constantly digging up new values. I Old Man Opportunity is a persistent fellow! And when he starts breaking down the door, you can't very well ignore him. And Opportunity is break- ig down your door. If you doubt that, glance over a few of the ads in the Daily. 8. 227 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished house; four bedrooms; oil burner; very desir- able. Call 7756. 229 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox damned. Careful work at a low price. 6x READ YOUR MVIeh i~fn Dl Ilv Ad l I f: 1