FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1936
Shell Collection'
Given Museums
By Dr. M. Ellis
Said To Be One Of Best
Groups Ever Given; To
Form Basis Of Study
A collection of about 10,000 mussel
shells from the Mississippi River dis-
trict arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday
afternoon as a gift to the University
Museums by Dr. M. M. Ellis, member
01' the physiology department of the
University of Missouri and director of
the division of the U. S. Bureau of
Fisheries devoted to investigations of
interior waters.
The collection, which was given for
taxonomic studies and which will add
considerable information to the dis--
tribution and ecology of the mussels,
was called "one of the finest gifts
ever presented to the mollusk division
of the University Museums" by Dr.
Henry van der Schalie, assistant cur-
ator of the mollusk division, who re-
turned yesterday from a two-week
visit with Dr. Ellis.
Dr. Ellis is internationally known
for his success in developing the glo-
chidia, or larval-form of mussels, so
that they are able to grow without
being at any time parasitic on fish.,
It was indirectly from those studies
that the donated collection was
Through his discovery, Dr. Ellis was
able to grow millions of these mus-
sels within his laboratories at Colum-
bia, Mo., omitting the complex para-
sitic stage and thus greatly aiding all
industries which depend on mussel-
shells for raw material.
In transferring the young musselsl
from the laboratory to the fresh-
water streams, however, extreme care
was necessary to avoid any unsuitable
places where pollution or silting might
destroy any of the laboratory reared
Financed by the government, a
careful examination of all the waters
up and down the Mississippi River
and %its tributaries was made by
dredging the bottoms. It was from
this dredging that Dr. Ellis und the
desirable locations for pla ing the
mussels and it was from the shells
brought up in dredging that the do-
nated collection was made.,
"Because of the great cost in dredg-
ing the rivers, no similar examina-
tion of the river-bottom has ever been
made before," Dr. van der Schalie
said, "and consequently considerable,
new and valuable information is ex-
Reactionary Church
'Annual Christmas
2 Injuredj Men
Still Confined;
One Released
Glenn FranI k Refuses To Resign Under Fire
laber Describes
Social Security Act
(Continued from Page 1)
n il ti l Q alf nah h ow
imum of $10 have been established
for these monthly payments. Profes-
sor Haber pointed out.
To eliminate the injustice of an
aged worker who now is receiving
low wages and who will get only
Cam pus Buildings
Students returning from their
Christmas vacations will find that
they no longer must sit in a broken Two workers, injured Wednesday
seat in Geography lecture, or look at when a section of the new Horace H.
a dirty wall in their English class Rackham School of Graduate Studies
room. collapsed under the weight of wet
While students are at home deco- concrete, were still in St. Joseph's
rating Christmas trees, C. E. Pardon Hospital yesterday.
will have his buildings and grounds Louis Wolf, 22 years old, Whitmore
men diligently at work decorating; Lake, will be confined to the hospital
various buildings on campus. for several months as the result of a
All of the uildin s are swept and; fractured vertebrae of the spine, ac-
pad uni? iu42 aiLnougnL nhepay- meagre benefits* after 1942, he ex-
ment of taxes begins Jan. 1, 1937, i
Professor Haber explained, the gov- plained, a grant from the straight
ernment will have amassed a fund pension fund may supplement his
of $3,000,000,000 before 1942. "After benefits.
1942," Professor Haber added, "every "On. the other hand," Professor
person in an insured occupation and Haber stated, "a man who is only 25
over the age of 65 will begin to re-' years old and earns $1,200 a year
ceive benefits if he quits work. The would at 65 receive $51.25 a month
actual amount of the benefits ik de- for life. A man the same age who
termined by a formula which indi- earns $250 a month could receive
cates that he is to receive each month $87.50, were it not for the maximum
one-half of one percent on the first limit of $85."
$3,000 of the total wages he shall Professor Haber added that if the
have earned between January, 1937, I insured person should die before he
and the date he reaches 65 or applies is 65, his estate will receive three and
for benefits, 1/12 of the percent on one-half percent of the wages upon
the next $42,000 and 1/24 of one per- which he has paid ftaxes, even
! cent on the balance." though his payments may have
The maximum of $85 and the min- amounted to but one or two percent.
cleaned every vacation and this yearI
an unusual amount of painting must
be done. Plans have been made to
paint the Natural Science Library,
rooms in Angell Hall, West Engineer-
ing Annex, the Waterman Gymna-
sium, and parts of the Romance Lan-
guage and East Medical buildings.
The walls of some rooms require
washing, and the linoleum floors of
every building must be waxed.
cording to Dr. E. C. Ganzhorn. He
was not believed to be seriously hurt
at first.
Michael Ratti, 45 years old, of Ann
Arbor, will be kept under observation
for several days at the hospital. He
was found to have sustained a
cracked bone in his wrist and bruises}
about the head.
Charles Anderson, Plymouth, was
discharged yesterday.
P.9 . Tests Disregard Introvert
Side Of Personality, Says Adams'
Rising u
If your secret desire to be ai
B.M.O.C. has been aroused by Dr.
Henry C. Link's article "Personality
Can Be Acquired" in the current is-l
sue of the Reader's Digest you canl
begin to relax now, for according to
Prof. F. Adams of the psychology de-
partment the total personality has.
not been considered in Dr. Link's
According to Dr. Link, personality'
is no longer a mysterious "indefinable1
something which certain people have
and others lack" for with the new
P.Q. (personality quotient) tests the
individual's personality is measur-
able. Furthermore, a personality can;
be developed by training if the in-;
dividual will make an effort to mas-
ter the necessary qualities. As the
P.Q. is a yardstick designed to
measure and compare intelligence, so
the P.Q. is a yardstick designed to
measure and compare personality
which he defines as the extent to
which one is able to interest and in-
fluence other people.
However, according to Professor
Adams although it is a fine theory as
far as it goes, it is not broad enough
in scope to adequately cover the prob-
lem of personality. There As little
doubt he said, that anyone who finda
the formula for making a good im-
pression on other people can succeed
in improving that impression if he
tries hard enough, but social popu-
larity, whic his the deciding factor in
Dr. Link's tests, is not the total per-
sonality, and for that reason tests are
not complete.
In these P.Q. tests there is only a
Pawlowski Attends
Etaly Bird Dinner
Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski of the
aeronautical engineering department,
a member of the Early Bird Club of
Michigan, attended a luncheon yes-
terday given by William Scripts, edi-
tor of the Detroit News and president
of the club.
The luncheon, in honor of Henry
and Edsel Ford for their work in
restoring in Greenfield Village the
early home and workshop of the
Wright Brothers whose 33rd anni-
versity was commemorated yesterday
in Kitty Hawk, N. C., was followed
by a trip through Greenfield Village
to inspect the progress which has
been made on the reconstruction.
consideration of the extrovert qual- 'xWisconsin. I
ities while introversion is considered of the unive
only in a negative way, said Professor the board of
Adams and any attempt to determine in cenferen
how the individual gets along with administrat
himself is not made. expenditure
Therefore, Professor Adams be- -
lieves, if Dr. Link's methods are used
in an attempt to gain social pop- Faculty
ularity one half of the personality Lano~t
will be developed at the expense of
the other, for in forcing yourself to:
- Associated Press Photo
p in a meeting of the b-ard of regents of the University of
Dr. Glenn Frank (right) said he would not resign as president
rsity, despite a proposal by Harold M. Wilkie (left), head of
regents, that he be retired. Dr. Frank and Wilkie are shown
ce before the meeting at which Wilkie accused him of lacking
ive ability and permitting "questionable" practices regarding
To Attend Iguage Association of America to be
o Attenheld Dec. 29 through Dec. 31 in
llage Meeting Richmond, Va., it was annouinced
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do something contrary to your real Prof. C. P. Wagner of the Spanish
nature you will not be getting along department, Prof. Rene Talamon and
with your real self. Therefore, most Prof. C. A. Knudson of the French
of us compromise unconsciously and department and Prof. C. P. Merlino !
arrive at a happy medium by a bal- of the Italian department will at-I
ancing of the extrovert and introvert tend and actively participate in the
tendencies in our nature, he said. annual meeting of the Modern Lan-
Dial 2-1013 . . 308 North Main Street
Downtown. North ot Main Post Office
4 1
By Marley
(Continued from Page 1)
day doesn't seek to enthrone any-
thing-not even "humanity."
This generation does not require
any object of worship, Mr. Marley ex-
plained; it operates on the principle
that the aesthetic and ethical im-
pulses of the individual should find
expression, and that an environment
must be created which will prove
hospitale to these high impulses.
If this new environment were
created, Mr. Marley pointed out, the
old distinction between religion on
the one hand, and the church on the
other hand, would be resol'ed.
However, Mr. Marley concluded,
the institutional aspects of religion
can not be entirely escaped; the
church is responsible for the acts of
the individuals who pioneered in the
field of religion. These men would
probably not have made their contri-
butions had it not been for the church
in the first place.
The work of rebuilding the house
CHRISTMAS AND NYA which was intended to be finished in
NYA time for the month of De- time for the commemoration, has
cember must be worked before Dec. been delayed because of the difficulty
24, as usual, according to an an- in securing all the pieces of furni-
nouncement yesterday by Prof. Lewis ture, but is expected to be opened to
Gram, director of the projects here. the public in a few weeks.
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