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December 18, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-18

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FRIDAY, DEC. '18, 1936

-. -'y, .. -
1436 Member 1937
Associated Co e6iate Press
Distributors of
Cofle6ke D
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ue
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.5G.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shakleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton
Ketcham. Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, Bill New-
nan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole.
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Sit Down.
Strikes. .
in South Bend, Ind. an elated
crowd of several hundred disheveled beings ju-
bilantly pushed its way through the gates at
the Bendix auto parts plant to meet wives and
children in joyous reunion after nine days of
The sit-down strike was over. The main of
their demands had been granted. But the Ben-
dix employes not only succeeded in gaining
recognition for their union, and the Tnited Auto-
mobile Workers of America in adding prestige
to John L. Lewis' Committee for Industrial Or-
ganization, but they also started a rejuvenation
of the American labor movement.
Two days later at the plant of the Midland
Steel Products Co, in Detroit over 700 workers
"sat down" for what became a seven-day en-
campment. Here again, significantly, the strik-
ers were members of the U.A.W.A. Here again

the South Bend drama repeated itself. But here,
in addition to union "recognition," an increment
in wages was also achieved.
Since then the rate of multiplication of sit-
downs has given this weapon the appearance
of the germ plasm of a revolution in American
labor tactics and strategy. Scanning the back
files of one of the Detroit dailies discloses that
of the numerous sit-downs lasting upwards of
an hour, four in the last two weeks went into
the staying stage where the workers remain in
the plant overnight, receiving food through the
windows from relatives and employes on other
These four strikes tied up the Flint Trolley
Coach Co., and the plants of the Kelsey Hayes
Wheel Co., the Aluminum Co. of America, and
the Gordon Baking Co. in Detroit.
Of these four strikes, that at the Gordon Bak-
ing Co. plant was probably the most significant,
for in that strike the first attempt was made
to secure legal action to clear the plant so that
production could be resumed.
As Prof. John Riegel of the bureau of in-
dustrial relations pointed out in an interview last
week, the tactical advantage which the strikers
secure by having the scene of the strike trans-
ferred from the streets to the inside of the plant
effectively prevents strikebreaking "The pres-
ence of valuable machinery proves a strong det-
errent to any tactics that might provoke vio-
lence," he explained.
The result, Professor Riegel points out, is that
the employer suffers just as much the economic
effects of a strike as the employee since he can-
not soften the blow by continuing operations with
"sch' "hlor

a plant is more clearly illegal than picketing the
plant entrances and there is the possibility of
clearing the premises by the use of an equity in-
junction or preference of charges of forceful
entry and detainer.
The question, no more than in the instance of
picketing, is not purely a legal one. The fact
that the Circuit Court Commissioner is elected to
office gives rise to the possibility of political in-
fluences on decisions concerning employe-owner
relationships. Witness the case of Circuit Court
Commissioner Robert Sage in the case of the
Gordon Baking Company, who dismissed the
charges on the grounds that a landlord-tenant
relationship did not exist in the case of strikers,
nor could he "find a precedent."
It will be interesting to observe during the
coming winter what the development of the sit-
down strike will be in the automotive industry.
Laborers have promised that these few which we
have seen in Detroit are only the beginning of a
long series.. A great deal depends upon the settle-
ment of the legal questions involved.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
What The Church Says
To the Editor:
The interest in the churches and their rela-
tion to the problems of the day evinced in a re-
cent editorial in The Daily prompts the sugges-
tion that, with reference to the Catholic Church,
a perusal of some of the literature on the sub-
ject might prove both profitable and illuminat-
For instance the following pamphlets are
available to those seeking information.
"The Catholic Teaching on our Industrial Sys-
tem," by Rt. Rev. Msgr. John A. Ryan of the
Catholic University (National Council of Catholic
Men. Washington, D. C.. 1934); "The Condition
of Labor"-Encyclical Letter of Leo XIII, 1891;
"Reconstructing the Social Order"-Encyclical
letter of Pius XI. 1931; "The Depression, Its
Cause and Its Remedy"-Encyclical letter of
Pius XI. 1932; (These three are published by the
Paulist Press, New York City); "International
Ethics," by Rev. John A. Ryan, D.D. and the
Ethics Committe of the Catholic Association for
International Peace. Washington, D.C., 1928
Published by the Association; "A Primer of War
and Peace-The Principles of International Mor-
ality," edited for the Catholic Social Guild (Eng-
land) by Charles Plater, S. J. London. P. S.
King & Son, Ltd. 1915.
Among the books relative to this matter, men-
tion might be made of "The Labor Problem and
the Social Catholic Movement in France," by
the late Parker Thomas Moon, professor of his-
tory at Columbia. New York. Macimllan. 1921;
"Distributive Justice: the Right and Wrong of
our present Distribution of Wealth," by Msgr.
John A. Ryan; "Industrial Democracy from a
Catholic Viewpoint," by the same author; "The
Church and Labor," by Msgr. John A. Ryan and
J. C. Husslein, S. J.; "The Church and State,"
by Msgr. John A. Ryan and M. F. X. Millar, S. J.
In connection with these matters the Cath-
olic Encyclopedia and the Supplement (1922)
might be consulted with profit. The lives of
Cardinal Manning (of England), of Baron Wil-
helm Emmanuel von Ketteler, Bishop of Maing,
of Cardinal Mermillod (of Switzerland) among
others, would serve to indicate something of
the active interest of some of the hierarchy in
contemporary social problems.
Finally, may I further trespass on your pa-
tience with a few quotations now totally irrele-
vant, I trust.
With regard to distribution the present Pope
Pius XI says in his Encyclical, "Reconstructing
the Social Order"; "Each class, then, must re-
ceive its due share, and the distribution of creat-
ed goods inust be brought into conformity with
the demands of the common good and social jus-

tice, for every sincere observer is conscious that
the vast differences between the few who hold
excessive wealth and the many who live in des-
titution constitute a grave evil in modern so-
ciety." With regard to wages the same Pontiff
says in the same letter: "In the first place the
wage paid the working man must be sufficient
for the support of himself and his family." He
takes, as we should expect, a definite stand
against child labor and "the abuse whereby
mothers of families because of the insufficiency
of the father's salary are forced to engage in
gainful occupations outside the domestic wails
to the neglect of their own proper cares and
duties, particularly the education of their chil-
d-en." The Holy Father continues: "Every ef-
fort, must therefore be made that the fathers
of families receive a wage sufficient to meet
adequately ordinary domestic needs. If in the
present state of society this is not always feas-
ible, social justice demands that reforms be in-
troduced without delay which will guarantee
every adult working man just such a wage."
Again Pius XI says in the same letter: "Every
effort therefore must be made that at least in
future a just share only of the fruits of produc-
tion be allowed to accumulate in the hands .of
tie wealthy and that an ample sufficiency be
supplied to the working man . . . that by thrift
they may increase their possessions and by the
prudent management of the same be enabled to
bear the family burden with greater ease and
security, being freed from that hand to mouth
uncertainty which is the lot of the proletarian.
Thus they will not only be in a position to sup-
port life's changing fortunes, but will also have
the reassuring confidence that when their lives
are ended some little provision will remain for

tions because an employer Will give him no better.
he is made the victim of force and injustice."
Again Pope Pius XI says: "In the present state
of human society we deem it advisable that the
wage-contract should, when possible, be modified
somewhat by a contract of partnership, as is
already being tried in various ways to the no
small gain of the wage-earners and of the em-
ployers. In this way wage-earners are made
sharers in some sort in the ownership ,or the
management or the profits."-("Reconstructing
the Social Order").
Finally from the same encyclical, a last quota-
tion: "Just as the unity of human society cannot
be built upon class warfare, so the proper order-
ing of economic affairs cannot be left to free
competition alone. From this source have pro-
ceeded in the past all the errors of the 'Indivi-
dualistic' school . . . Free competition, however,
though within certain limits just and productive
of good results cannot be the ruling principle of
the economic world . . . The economic supremacy
which within recent times has taken the place
of free competition . . . is a headstrong and ve-
hement power, which, if it is to prove beneficial
to mankind needs to be curbed strongly and ruled
with prudence. It cannot, however, be curbed
and governed by itself. More lofty and noble
principles must therefore be sought to control
this supremacy sternly and uncompromisingly:
to wit, social justice and social charity."
The above quotations may serve to show that
the Catholic Church and her leaders are not
without- concern for the welfare of mankind,
for the conditions under which man labors to
earn his daily bread.
-Wm. H. McLaughlin.
Importance Of Theory
To the Editor:
I should like to comment on one feature of a
letter signed P. M. in yesterday's Daily. The
writer quotes one question from an examination
in Economic~ Principles as follows: "Free cap-
italistic enterprise, resting as it does upon an
economy of scarcity, should be supplanted by
some other economic order based upon abund-
ance, the result of technical progress during the
last century." I assume the students were asked
to criticize or to comment upon this statement.
The point on which I wish to comment is
P.M.'s doubt that he will face such questions as
the above when he later needs to put his eco-
nomic principles to use. I can recall several oc-
casions in the last few years in which this very
question has been raised with me by business
men and at least one case in which the question
was addressed to me in a letter by a business
man who, it happens, stated the question in al-
most the identical terminology quoted above. It is
my observation (and this is the real justification
for writing this note) that business men, particu-
larly those in positions of high responsibility,
have in the past few years become intensely
interested in just such fundamental questions
as the one quoted. Indeed, it often happens
that when I wish to discuss some technical prob-
lem of management with business men, I find
that they would much rather discuss the very
questions which college students are prone to
consider as "theoretical" and unrelated to the
world of affairs. I am of the opinion that in
the problems which business men face in the
future, these fundamental economic principles
are going to play an increasingly important
Perhaps I should emphasize that I have no of-
ficial connection with the Department of Eco-
nomics. I have, of course, a keen interest in the
basic preparation in economics of those students
who later undertake a professional study of bus-
iness administration.
-C. E. Griffin, Dean,
School of Bus. Ad.
Let Red Ants Explode
To the Editor:
Why all the fuss about Mr. Kirschbaum's un-
intelligible poetry (?) in the last issue of Con-
temporary? Just so long as the magazine con-
tinues to print human and charming things like
Bernice Isaacson's "Nigger Girl" and, especially,
Mr. McKelvey's "Don't, or The Savage Carousal,"
the editors can wear their hair as long as they

want to. Just so long as -they continue to keep
Mrs. Isaacson and Mr. McKelvey busy, the Con-
temporary editors can have my twenty cents, and
I won't care how many of Mr. Kirschbaum's red
ants explode hills.
In the furore over Mr. Kirschbaum's obscur-
ities, it seemed tC, me a pity that the best of the
magazine went by uncommented upon. Which
is why I have bothered you and your readers in
this Times manner.
-A Contemporarian.
Comical Blunders
To the Editor.:
Did someone say "slips that pass in the night?"
Under "Music" in The Daily of Dec. 10 appear-
ed the following interesting bit of information:
"This movement alone was orchestrated
by composer himself when, at the age of
twenty, he paid his first trip to England, and
was played at a concert of the London Phil-
harmonic Sociey . .. "
And in a Detroit Free Press (date unknown)
occurred the following item, part of an Associat-
ed Press flash:
"The Duke of Windsor spent his first day
of self-imposed exile in Austria in search
of quiet and rest before an old-fashioned
wood stove, kept indoors most of the time by
dark skies.
"Smoke curling from the many chimneys
of the gloomy Enzesteld chateau of Baron
Eugene de Rothschild just outside Vienna
was the only sign of activity within."
-E.L.W., V.B., J.K., etc.
Five pairs of stained glass windows represent-

N ew York Events

Pubitcation in the Bulletin Is constructive noticeto all member.of th.
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the PreidelM
until 3:30; 11 :00 a.m. on Saturday.

'HERE still seems to be a number
of important events in the New FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1936
York theatre that have not been VOL. XLVII No. 70t
mentioned here. First, the new open-
ings. It is always interesting to see
a show that has so far not been re- There will not be a faculty tea at
viewed or otherwise discussed. The the home of President and Mrs.
next day you can buy as many New Ruthven on Sunday, Jan. 3.
York papers as you can conveniently
carry and see if the critical gentle- The Automobile Regulation will be
men agree with you-though, as Rob- lifted during the Christmas vacationt
ert Garland says, reviews are to be period from Friday, Dec. 18, atE
read, not to be agreed with. noon until Monday, Jan. 4, at 8 a.m.k
The opening most interesting to us .
here is that of Martin Flavin's new Notice: The Regents, at their meet-(
play produced here last week with ing on Dec. 4, declared Saturday, Dec.
the title The Good Old Summertime. 26. 1936, and Saturday, Jan. 2, 1937,
It is now, less confusedly, known as holidays for all office employes of the
Around the Corner. It is a very in- University.1
teresting and worthwhile comedy Shirley W. Smith.
about a midwestern family in the Ts
deplression. It is announced to open To All Men Students: Students in-,
at the Forty-eighth Street Theatre tendingto change their rooms at the
Dec. 28. Some other openings that end of the present semester are here-t
look interesting are: by reminded that according to theI
Aged 26, a play about the poet University Agreements they are toi
John Keats, will be presented at the inform their householders of such
Lyceum Theatre. Harry Wagstaff intention prior to Jan. 15. Theser
Gribble is the director. Tickets are notices should be in writing. Students
55 cents to $3.30. New Year's Eve, -
$1.10 to $3.85.
All Editions, a comedy about press Wisecrack
agentry by Charles Washburn and To the Editor:
Clyde North, at the Longacre Theatre, Four out of five girls wold not
Tuesday, Dec. 22. make cracks about their football
The Wingless Victory, the very ex- team, but the fifth one came to Mich-
cellent new play by Maxwell Ander- igan.
son that is being so well played in Next move is from the female
Detroit this week by Katharine Cor- quarter.
nell, Waiter Abel, Effie Shannon and -Craig Berke, '39L.
others. Empire Theatre, Wednesday, -----
Dec. 23, $1.10 to $3.30 nights and playful Critic
Saturday matinee; Wednesday mat-
inee, $1.10 to $2.75. New Year's To the Editor:
Eve and the opening night are high- May I kill two birds with one
er. stone? One is a very sour and dis-;
Promise, Henry Bernstein's Par- agreeable bird; the other, sportive
isian play, to be produced by Gilbert and sprightly. r
Miller at the Little Theatre. Sir First, the critical note. I am sure
Cedric Hardwicke, a leading British that I am not alone in finding the
actor making his American debut, insistence of some of the student
LaurtteTaylor making h erfdbt'hitch-hikers who distribute them
Broad ay appora cein four years selves along Washtenaw Avenue dis-
Thrday Dpe.24 tinctly unpleasant. It has come to
Th Showe a musical revue be a question of running a mental
attheSoWisGOrdnamicariev gauntlet every day. "Hostile glances"
at the Winter Garden, with Beatrice wol.eptigi idy "drt
Lille, ertLah, Pul aakn aongwould be putting it mildly, dirty
Lillie, Bert Lahr, Paul Haakon among looks" more accurately describes
the large group of entertainers. Fri- what those who do not stop often
day, Christmas Day. receive. Does it never occur to the
The Women, Clare Boothe's thumbers that nine-tenths of the
will be brought into the Ethel Barry- cars that pass them are not going
more Theatre with a cast of 40, all out of Ann Arbow? One would think
women, including Margalo Gillmore that they might at least be prudent
(1936 Dramatic Season here), Ilka enough to withhold the withering
Chase (here in 1935), Phyllis Povah, glare from cars plainly marked with
a graduate of this University; Jessie faculty license tags.
Busley (here several years ago). Sat- Now, the playful note. Why
urday Evening, Dec. 26. doesn't The Daily sponsor. contests
Important Plays still running from which would mildly tax the wits of
last season are: its readers? Between intellectual
Idiot's Delight, Robert Sherwood's work on the one hand and physical
play, produced by the Theatre Guild, play on the other there is a fascinat-
with Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontaine. ng zone of mental recreation. If it
Still one of the most important shows will help to start the ball rolling
in town. Thrilling, rousing enter- I should be glad to offer a small prize
tainment, comedy. Shubert Theatre. 'for the best answer in less than three
Victoria Regina, ten episodes from hundred words to the question: Why,
the life of the Great Queen, told with when we look in a mirror, do our
charm and gentle satire by Laurence faces appear reversed, left and right,
Houseman and beautifully played by but not top and bottom?" Answers
Helen Hayes and a fine company. should be without benefit of faculty,
Broadhurst Theatre. signed and published. A committee
Whether you like Boy Meets Girl of three, composed of a psychologist,'
better than Three Men On A Horse or a physicist and a philosopher, could
beter hanThre Mn O A ors orjudge the answers. The improbabil-
if you think it's the other way roundjity tfeanswrseeimobgbih-
ityof n areeentamong the
is a matter for discussion. Both are judges should not deter you from
still among the most entertaining holding the contest.
comedies on Broadway. If. you haven't hoRdberttC. cogeest
seen Tobacco Road you certainly
should, although it will probably run
two years more when it will pass Deutseher Verein
the long-run record of Abie's Irish
Rose. Seats are 55 cents to $1.65, New Sings Of Germany
Year's Eve, $1.65 to $3.30.
The new openings of this week Deutscher Verein, student German
have been You Can't Take It With DushrVrisuetGra
You, a new comedy by Moss Hart society, has this year embarked on a
and George Kaufman (they wrote strenuous program of varied campus
Once in a Lifetime together). The activity, according to Eraine Hem-
new play got rave notices from John meter, '37, president.
Mason Brown of the Poat and Brooks The first speaker on its lecture pro-
Atkinson of the Times; and Days To gram, Prof. Norman L. Willey, spoke
Come by Lillian Hellman who wrote last week on the subject "Aus Der
The Children's Hour. It's about Deutschen Bildersprachen." Professor
strikes and did not get good notices Willey outlined the derivations of

-but you never can tell. the common German slang expres-
There will be several interesting sions and compared them to the con-
dance recitals during the vacation. temporary American patois. Of some
Martha Graham and her group will 100 listeners, those who were thor-
appear at the Guild Theatre, Sun- oughly conversant with the German
day evening, Dec. 20 and Sunday af- tongue were easily recognized by
ternoon, Dec. 27, in Chronicle, a new their responses to the numerous little
suite of dances. It is divided into quips and anecdotes which dotted
three parts-"Dances Before Catas- Professor Willey's talk. The "frozen
trophe," "Dances After Catastrophe," pan" physiognomies were rather
and "Prelude to Action." Based on self-indicting.
the advent and consequences of war, Tuesday evening the regular bi-
the dance concerns itself with the { weekly meeting of Deutscher Vereil
contemporary situation. was distinguished by an old fashioned
Angna Enters, the "Dance mime," Christmas celebration, in which
will give three recitals during the songs, games, prizes and, of course,
period-Sunday the 20th, Sunday the refreshments, all combined to render
27th and Tuesday afternoon the 29th, a merry holiday spirit among the 75
at the Alvin Theatre. She will pres- people present.
ent 10 new numbers, two of them Prof. Jonathan Hildner began the
based on her experiences in Spain evening's festivities by acting in the
during the early weeks of the rebel- capacity of maestro to his first year
lion. These are entitles, "Flesh-Pos- German class which sang a number
sessed 'Saint'-Red Malaga, 1936," of old folk -ballads. The remainder
and "Spain Says 'Salud'." of the club, however, found it im-
1possible to check their vocal propen-
sities and soon the whole second1
S.C.A. WVill Condct floor of the League reverberated
-trl-.- - " . *from the mass production of the'

who do not give such notice of in-
tention to move will be expected to
retain their present rooms until the
end of the second semestet.
C. T. Olmnstead, Assist. Dean of
General Library: During the va-
cation period the General Library
will be open the usual hours, 7:45
a.m.-10 p.m. except that on the days
before Christmas and New Year's Day
it closes at 6 p.m. and will remain
closed on both the Saturdays follow-
ing these holidays.
The Departmental Libraries will be
open regularly from 10-12 and 2-4,
Monday through Thursday, during
the two weeks of vacation.
Notice to Presidents and Treasurers
of Student Organizations: Page con-
tract cards for space in the 1937
Michiganensian should be signed im-
mediately and mailed into the 'En-
sian office. Copy blanks, (names of
officers and members and pictures
desired for the page) should also be
sent in with the contract. We are
asking your immediate cooperation in
this matter as we need this informa-
tion to meet our deadlines.
The 1937 Michiganensian.
Notice To All Social and Profes-
sional Fraternity and Sorority Presi-
dents and Treasurers: Fraternities
and sororities which have not as yet
sent in their page contract cards for
the 193'7 Michiganensian should do
so at once to guarantee space for
their organization in this year's an-
nual. Copy blanks, (names of offic-
ers and members), should also be
sent in with the contract. Your im-
mediate cooperation in this matter is
requested as the 'Ensian needs this
information to meet deadlines.
The 1937 Michiganensan.
Academic Notices
Mr. Walcott will not be able to
meet his 2 o'clock class in the Teach-
ing of English today.
University Lecture: Prof. Fernand
Baldensperger, professor of compara-
tive literature at Harvard University,
will lecture on the subject "Une
crise du roman: Balzac ou Proust" on
Friday, Jan. 8, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The
public is cordially invited.
Exhibition, Architectural Building:
An exhibition of the Prize Winning
Prints for 1936-37 in the 16th An-
nual Competition of American Photo-
graphy is being shown in the wall
cases, ground floor corridor, and in
the third floor exhibition room. Open
daily 9 to 5 p.m. through Dec. 18. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
University Broadcasting: 2:15 p.m.
"Sketching in the Mediterranean."
Jean Paul Slusser.
There will be a motion picture re-
garding the recent development of
Chinese Aviation shown in the Michi-
gan League tonight at 8:45 p.m. All
interested are cordially invited. Room
number to be posted.
Chinese Student Club: The annual
Christmas party will be held at 8 p.m.
tonight at Lane Hall. There
will be entertainment and refresh-
ments. Each person is requested to
bring a small gift to exchange.
Athletic Group of the Dames: The
meeting which was to be held today
will be postponed until Jan. 8, at
8:30 p.m., at which time the group
will bowl at the Women's Field House.

Coming Events
University Broadcasting, Saturday,
Dec. 19: 10 a.m., radio class in the
teaching of mathematics. 10:15 a.m.,
Speech students' program.
5:30 p.m., "Recent Advances in the
Treatment of Pernicious Anemia."
Dr. S. Milton Goldhamer. -
Junior Research Club: The Jan-
uary meeting will be held on the first
Tuesday after vacation, Jan. 5, 1937,
7:30 p.m. in Room 2083, Nat. Sci.
S. M. Goldhamer of of internal
medicine department, "Pathologic
Physiology of Pernicious Anemia."
P. O. Huss of Civil Engineering
department, "Study of Atmospheric
Students from St. Louis, Mo.: You
are cordially invited to attend a
Michigan luncheon at the Statler
Hotel, St. Louis, Tuesday noon, Dec.
29, sponsored jointly by the St. Louis
alumni club and the Michigan alumni
attending the convention of the Na-

1(D=CL-Iiaiid Iroj eCt tuneful arias. It was with difficulty tional Association of Teachers of
that Miss Hemmeter finally brought Speech. Send reservations as soon as
Announcement of a short-hand the meeting to a close, possible to Glenn R. Winters, 320
class to be sponsored by the Student Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 511 Lo-
Christian Association following the is only tentative and may be shifted cust St., St. Louis, Mo.
Christmas holidays was made yester- upon preference of a majority of Glenn R. Winters, Secretary,

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