The Weather
Cloudy and colder today;
moderate northwestern winds.
C, r
Sir igan
juai1 i
Changes In
Chinese Affairs .
GeneralissimoIHayden Sees Chiang Kai Shek's
Chiang Sought, Death Menace To World Peace
Dead OrA ve li Calls Generalissimo Force Canton, China, because nationall
Dead Or Alive C ng"stn73h g
Controlling Nationalist's unity was at the most advanced point
that it has been for many years.
Government In China Although not in complete sympathy
2rminle s with the policies of Chiang Kai-Shek,
By TUURE TENANDER Chan feels that among the political
Chinn Kni_.hek'c death wnuld hPe leaders in China at the present time,
21 American Congress Will
Countries Tax If Social
F.D.R.'s Plan Act Not Legal
Delegates To Conference 3 Per Cent Blanket Levy
Adopt Peace Proposal Possible If Measure Is
Of President Ruled Out, Says Haber
Government Offers Rebel
Leader Last Chance To
Release Prisoner
Expedition Against
Marshal Is Begun
SHANGHAI, Dec. 17.-(Thursday)
-(P)-Generalissimo Chiang Kai
Shek, whether dead or alive, was the
prize for which two Chinese armies
contended today.
The Nanking government an-
nounced the rebel leader, Marshal
Chang Hsueh Liang, would be given
a "final chance" to release unharmed
the generalissimo, his prisoner since
last Friday.
But the government, nevertheless,
ordered the start of a punitive ex-
pedition against the rebel marshal,
throwing some of China's finest fight-
ing units into the disturbed North-
western areas.
Eight or 10 government divisions,
estimated to total 75,000 men, al-
ready were operating on the Shensi
front, and an indecisive clash be-
tween loyal and rebel troops west of
Sianfu was reported.
"If the mutineers resist the ad-
vance of the Nanking troops or if
Marshal Chang refuses to abandon
his stubborn position, our divisions
will not hesitate to employ the ut-
most striking power at their com-
mand," said a Nanking spokesman.
The spokesman said loyal divisions
had surrounded Sianfu, the Shensi
capital where Marshal Chang is be-
lieved to be holding the Nanking
leader and several of his generals.
Nanking officialdom persisted in
its contentions that General Chiang
still was alive and well at Sianfu.
"The government understands the
generalissimo is safe and in good
spirits," said T. T. Li, spokesman for
the foreign office at Nanking.
Also imprisoned at Sianfu was
Royal Leonard, Glendale, Calif.,
aviator, "detained" by Marshal
Chang's troops.
Julius Barr of Pittsburgh, director
of the Hankow aviation station, to
which Leonard had been attached,
reported the detention.
He announced also that govern-
ment troops had seized the Hankow.
a calamity for China and would en-
danger the peace and security of the
Par East, possibly of the world, Prof.
Joseph R. Hayden of the political sci-
ence department, former vice-gover-
nor of the Philippine Islands, said
The question of whether the leader.
of the Chinese Nationalist govern-
ment is dead or alive remained a mys-
tery yesterday and no solution was
seen late last night.
"Since 1927 Chiang Kai-Shek has
been the guiding and controlling
force of the Nationalist government,"
Professor Hayden said. "His military
power and statesmanship created
this government and have steadily in-
creased its strength and prestige. In
my opinion it is the best government
modern China has had," he con-
The purposes of the Nationalist
government, according to Professor
Hayden, have come high, and most
of its policies have been wise.
Chiang Kai-Shek's capture and
possible execution is a particularly
unfortunate occurrence at this par-
ticular time, in the opinion of Chan;
Tsung Ni, Grad., a student from
Chiang Kai-Shek is undoubtedly the
best. "It would be hard to find an-
other man to supplant Chiang," Chan
"The effect of the removal of Chi-
ang Kai-Shek from the scene that he
has dominated so long is unpredict-
able," Professor Hayden said. "There
are other Chinese statemen who
might be able to carry on at Nanking
and lead the Chinese onward along
the road to national unity and de-
velopment that Dr. Sun Yat Sen
charted," he added.
Despite the fact that Chiang Kai-
Shek's death would undoubtedly de-
lay the development of China tem-
porarily, in the opinion of Professor
Hayden, he feels that such a delay
will not be long-lived.
"China's progress cannot be per-
manently halted," Professor Hayden
said. "It may be retarded, however,
by the loss of such a great leader as
Chiang Kai-Shek and we can only
hope that for the sake of China and
of the world the reports of his being
killed are untrue," he said.
"Many of the Chinese people have
not been sure as to the precise aims
(Continued on Page 2)
Many Projeets Win
Approval OfGroup
BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 16.-(IP)-
President Roosevelt's hope that the
21 American republics would standI
Study Commission
Will Present Plan
If the Supreme Court ever declares
the Social Security Act unconstitu-]
Country Will
Hear Carillon
Bells,_Jan. 22
Committee Gives Approval
To Pontiac Sponsored
Broadcast Over NBC
The bells of the Baird Carillon will
sound out to all parts of the nation
when it goes on the air from 10:30 to
11 p.m. Jan. 22 over the coast-to-
coast hook-up of the National Broad-
casting Company's red network, ac-
cording to Prof. William D. Hender-
son, chairman of the committee ar-
ranging the broadcast, who yesterday
announced final approval of the plan.
Special sub-committees to handle
particular problems of the plan were
also announced by Dr. Henderson. A
committee of formulation of a mem-
orandum as to the policy of the
University regarding such programs
will include Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the President, Dr. Charles
a Sink, president of the music school
and John C. Christensen, controller
and assistant secretary of the Uni-
Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, director of
the University Broadcasting Service,
will be in charge of general arrange-
ments, Professor Henderson said.
Professor Abbot stated that the pro-
gram will be sponsored by the Pon-
tiac Motor Car Company which will
have a minute each at the beginning
and the end of the program for ad-
In addition to the Carillon the
broadcast will give information con-
cerning the achievements, history
and graduates of the University and
the glee club and band will perform,
Professor Abbot said. "Other features
that can be found among the student
body which appeal to alumni groups
and the general public may be used,"
War Prevention
Possible, Says
Geneva Speaker
Countries Must Indicate
Imminence Of Decisive
Action, He States
War can be prevented if all coun-
tries that are still adhe°ring to the
principle of collective security give
definite indication that they will act
decisively in case of an aggression,
Archibald Evans of the International
Labor office in Geneva said yesterday
in his address in the Natural Science
The future of the League of Na-
tions was described to be quite opti-
mistic by Mr. Evans because the
course of action is now clear in his,
opinion. "We now 1>now what coun-
tries will cooperate with each other
and what nations are definitely
against collective security," Mr.
Evans said, 'and we can act accord-
"It appears from the events of the
past several months that to the non-
members Germany and Japan there
will be added to the list of countries
which cannot be relied upon to co-
operate Italy, Albania, Austria and
"shoulder to shoulder" against out- tional, Prof. William Haber of theI
side aggression won unanimous ap- economics department, chairman of
proval today by representatives of the Gov.-elect Frank Murphy's Social
republics. Security Study Commission, believes
Enthusiastic delegates to the Inter-I
American Peace Conference, mindful that Congress will raise a three per
of the United States executive's ex- cent blanket tax on payrolls every-
hortation for cooperation for peace where and thus aid the insecure, ac-
in his address at the opening of the cording to the principles of social
parley which he sponsored, adopted security, through grants-in-aid to be
a United States plan for joint con- administered entirely by the Federal
sultation if American peace is threat- government.
ened from abroad or from within. This opinion was expressed by
The quick, final sanction by the Professor Haber, whose Commission
Conference came at a plenary session will present a complete unemploy-
which also passed eight other com- ment insurance act to the special
mittee-approved projects. session of the State Legislature Mon-
Adopt Hull Resolution day, after the statement by Prof. E.
United States Secretary of State Bythe Stason of the Law School re-
Cordell Hull's resolution for ratifica- ported in yesterday's Daily. Professor
tion of five existing American peace Haber doubts that the court will de-
treaties by nations which have not clare the act unconstitutional.
made them effective gained quick May Be Unconstitutional
adoption. Professor Stason believes that if
Both proposals had joint sponsor- the court applies the same logic to the
ship of all the 21 republics. The plan Social Security Act as it did to the
for consultation in the event of a railroad pension legislation, the social
threat to American peace will require security legislation will also be de-
passage by the various legislatures clared unconstitutional.
before it is effective. In the United Professor Haber, saying that be-
States the Senate would have to ap- cause he is "not a constitutional law-
poTve ohemeare ts which won full yer" he would not dispute Professor
conference approval were:Stason's arhmtdneserelss
1. A protocol to the convention'I pointed out that his doubts are based
adopted by the 1933 Pan-American in part upon the fact that by Jan. 1,
Conference at Montevideo, stating in- 35 states will have unemployment
tervention by one state in another's insurance legislation, and the Social
affairs is "inadmissable." Security Act willbe functioning in
2. A resolution to postpone con- all of those states. Therefore the
sideration of creation of an Inter- court, he believes, will be reluctantl
American court of justice until the to scrap this legislation, but will, asl
regular Pan-American Parley at several times before, be motivated by
Lima, Peru, in 1938. The Pan-Amer- ;ocial consciousness and the existence
ican Union, which has headquarters of state legislation upon social se-
in Washington, would study the vari- curity.j
ous plans in the meantime. Circumvent By Taxes
Open Treaties To Others But if the court does declare thej
3. A recommendation that tea- act unconstitutional, the Federal,
ties and conventions adopted at In- government, he believes, will circum-
ter-American conferences be open to vent this through it power to. levy
other American states-thus enabling taxes and its grants-in-aid power.
Canada to adhere to Pan-American Returning to the unemployment
pacts; and a proposal that if specific insurance bill, for whose sole consid-
provision is made, treaties be open eration the legislature will meet in
to any other nation in the world. special session, Professor Haber as-
4. A resolution to improve codifi- serted that the legislature is almost
cation of international law in the !ertain to pass it, and for that reason
western hemisphere, under direction he desires to present before it a com-
of the Pan-American Union. (Continued on Page 2)
5. A recommendation that each jCopbh snecPage 2
government publish its stand on * 1A ~ .u
111Ldl A P1 ~
Murphy Planning
Sweeping Reform
Of Penal Agencies
6,000 Singers Haill Will Seek To Take Prison
. fCrsms System, Probations And
Spirit.sParoles Out Of Politics
In Community Sing
State Corretdioi
Voices six thousand strong, accom-
panied by the ringing tones of the De partment 1 Ur ed
Carillon, hailed the spirit of Christ-
mas last night in the largest Com-
munity Sing that has been held since Professor Wood On Group
the inception of the traditional af- Which Is Atenpthig To
fair five years ago.
Prof. David Mattern of the School Revamp Set-Up
of Music led the assembled singers,
young and old, who came from the By FRED WARNER NEAL
campus, the city and the outlying -Goveinor-elect Murphy is planning
towns of the county. a complete revamping of Michigan's
Yellow lights were strung up over penal set-up, it was disclosed yes-
the driveway circle of the League, and terday by Prof. Arthur E. Wood of
there the throngs composed of the terdoyioyogrod.partme.Wa odmbe
Choral Union, University Glee Clubs the sociology department, a member
and choruses from the campus and of the commission appointed by
the community formed a central mass pr onsd ro ms
choir. prisons, paroles and probations.
Ann Arbor school children sung The recommendations of the eight-
"Away in a Manger" as a special man commission, which have already
selection, a number which they had been sent to the governor-elect, Pro-
been practicing for weeks in prep- fessor Wood said, entail the setting
aration for the Sing. The rest of the up of a State Department of Correc-
program was varied with selections tion to have complete charge of run-
by the bells alone, by the audience in ning prisons and granting probation
accompaniment with the bells and by and paroles. "We have planned," he
the men and women separately. stated, "a unified penal system of
adequate personnel, with civil service
Me sCouncil throughout."
en OBeonar Members Liste
Chairman of the commission is
W insMThesDaily Ms Caroline Parker of Detroit, a
member of the board of the Detroit
Goodfellow Cup Hoe orrectio. ts members,
G ood ello Cup in addition to Professor Wood, in-
clude Leslie P. Kefgen of Bay City, a
member of the present State Prison
Recognition Of Campaign Commission; Prof. Lent D. Upson of
Aid Aso Etendd Tothe University of Detroit political
Aid Also Extended To science department and director of
Others By Committee Detroit's bureau of government; Al-
bert M. Ewert of Lansing, former
The Second Annual Michigan chaplain of the State Prison of
Daily Goodfellow Cup was awarded Southern Michigan, at Jackson; Fred
Dail Goofel~w Cp wa awadedR. Johnson of Detroit, general secre-
yesterday to the Men's Council for tary and state superintendent of the
the work of the three members of its Michigan Children's Aid Society; and
Goodfellow committee, composed of Hilmer Gallein, official stenographer
George Sprau, '37A, James H. Wal- of the Detroit Recorders Court. Mr.
! ker, '37E, and Hubert Fones, '38E. Gallein is secretary of the commis-
Recognition of services was also ex- sion.
Stended by the judging committee, of The commission's plans will prob-
which Dean Joseph A. Bursley is ably be submitted to the legislature
chairman, to the League, T. Rear- by Murphy in the form of a bill, some-
don Peirsol, local insurance agent time after the regular session starts
and investment broker, Frederick Jan. 1.
Buesser, '37, and William R. Reed, Professor Wood said his group has
'39L. been working "intensively for some
Other members of the judging com- weeks on far reaching penal re-
mittee were: Dean Alice C. Lloyd, forms. Our recommendations," he
Herbert B. Wolf, '37, president of Said, "aim to take control of prisons,
the Union, Charlotte D. Rueger, '37, paroles and probations out of the
president of the League, and the hands of existing agencies and out of
politics. We have advised that a
1r Will state department of correction be
BandI Concert Westablished."
Or1Will Announce Reforms Soon
He declined to discioe the detailed
recommendations of the commission
until Murphy has acted on them. The
The Michigan Concert Band of 80 oenreetwl ei eri o
pieces will give the Dorm Committee governor-elect will be in Detroityto-
approximately $140 as a result of the Iday to meet with his Social Security
stage show which will be put on at Study Commission, and it is possible
3:40 p.m. today at the Michigan the- that he will announce penal reform
atre, Earnest A. Jones, '38, business plans then.
manager, announced yesterday. "It is timedthat something like this
wofwas done," Professor Wood declared.
Thea ne hwillofferaChrist- "Our penal machinery," he said, "is
mas medley and will accompany an ineffective and badly m need of re-
audience sing. organization. The present prison
Shirt E. Crosman, '38, vocalist, and commission lacks theauthority to
Jack Bulkeley, '39, and Bill Ander- take steps to alleviate the evils."
son, '40, presenting an accordian and In connection with the penal re-
tap number, will also feature the form commission, Professor Wood
stage presentation. has been going to Jackson weekly for
the past two weeks to give lectures on
prison administration to the new of-
ould Sacrifice ficials of the State Prison of Southern
Michigan who were taken in under
r. Prof. James K. Pollock's civil service
er, oore C am s requirements, recently applicable
sound from the bells, Professor Moore ,A
admitted, but added that that wasSeniors Allowe
the case with all, carillons. Such an
instrument needs to be in the midst T- e Extension
of thin gs, he said, not set off on ahil "Am eon s u d b s t a e
hill. "A carillon should be situated
in the center of everyday life. There En ia S af
are certain spots in the vicinity of
the tower that are much better for
listening to the bells, and students The deadline for seniors to have
must find these spots." Near Felch their 1937 'Ensian pictures taken has
Park, near the Women's Athletic been extended to Jan. 9, five days
Building and on the grounds of the after the original deadline, according
League were mentioned as good to Frank T. Dannemiller, '37, man-
points of vantage for listening to aging editor of the 'Ensian.
concerts. "Those seniors who cancel appoint-
Professor Moore emphasized that ments already scheduled, will not be
one needed to come to these spots permitted to make appointments to
to hear concerts, that it was not ex- have their pictures taken during the
pected that they could be heard in week Jan. 4 to Jan. 9," Dannemiller
one . livin room in Ann Arhor "Vou said last night.
Barnes Chosenx
Frosl eader,
In Party Sweep
Class elections were concluded for
another year yesterday when the
Washtenaw machine finished its an-
nual run by sweeping the freshman
slate in the literary college.
Don Barnes was elected president
with 137 votes, Jeane Clemmons was
made vice-president with 133 votes,
Gertrude Hyde was elected secretary
with 133 votes and Joel Williams was
made treasurer with 133 votes.
This year for the first time the In-
dependent Party reaped a substantial
vote and tied with the State Street
Party for the office of president with
95 votes being cast for Independent's
Phil Westerbrook and State's Ed
Hutchins. It slipped into third place
in the race for the other offices.
The two major parties, Washtenaw
and State each ended the year with
an election average of 500. State
took the senior and sophomore elec-
tions and Washtenaw took the junior
class election and evened the year's
score by yesterday's victory.
Though the two major parties end-
ed with divided bounty the season
was far from tranquil, for the Men's
Council Election Committee spent
part of the semester in contemplat-
ing changes in the election system
one of which involved the utter
abolishment of class elections.
[Kimmel On Stand
In 5th Day Of Trial
Grant Kimmel, 66-year-old Wash-
tenaw County farmer charged with,
assault with attempt to kill John
Sheets, Detroit policeman, took the
stand yesterday in his own defense as
his trial passed through its fifth day.
Kimmel declared that the Detroit
policeman, his stepson, had threat-
ened to kill him several times in it-
Hungary and possibly Spain, pending points of international law, with the
the outcome of the present conflict," Pan-American 'Union comyy ling aI
Mr. Evans said. summary of these facts.
He said that the reason the League 6. A proposal for creation of an
failed in the case of the Italo-Ethi- Inter-American Academy of Interna-
opian campaign was the fact that tional Law like that at the Hague,1
several members of the League were the Netherlands.
reluctant to act and thereby defeated 7. A plan to establish commis-
the purpose of the organization. sions to push a program of Inter-1
France, for example, Mr. Evans said, American intellectual cooperation.
was afraid that definite action on her
part would result in a union of Ger-T
many and Italy. Dawson reads
The League was described as a tool
jiinurea js rart
Of Building Falls
Four men working on the Horace
H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies were injured at 10:45 yester-
day mor ing, none seriously, when a'
part of he building on which they
were pouring cement collapsed.
The laborers are Michael Ratti,
Ann Arbor; Charles Anderson, Ply-
mouth; Louis Wolf, Whitmore Lake,
and Earl Trinkhaus, Plymouth. All
were taken to St. Joseph's hospital,
but Trinkhaus was later discharged.
The rest will be kept there under
observation for several days.
The accident was caused by im-
proper bracing of the concrete forms,
D. R. Martin, superintendent for
Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, Detroit
architects who designed the building,
which could be utilized by nations
to settle disputes peaceably by Mr.
Technicians and production men An eating place at 1106 S. Univer-
from the National Broadcasting sity Ave. was entered and robbed of
Company will supervise the broadcast about $25 early yesterday morning,
and rebroadcast over 71 stations, ac- William Kohls reported to the police
cording to Professor Abbot. yesterday.
Pan-American Parley Will Build
Peace Sentiment, Asserts James.
Body To Study
Senate CouncilI
Announcement of the seven
University Senate members who were
elected at a meeting of the Senate
Dec. 14 to a committee to study "the
suitability of the University Council"
was made yesterday by Dr. Frank E.
Robbins, assistant to the President.
Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law
committee, which will investigate the
Carillon Bells W4
T"" Vbd if TVI d
The erection of a strong sentiment
for peace, based upon the concrete
foundation of mutual agreement and
common action by 21 united repub-
lics, will probably be the most sig-
"ificant development of the Inter-
American Peace Conference, in the
opinion of Prof. Preston James of the
geography department.
In the final analysis, Professor
James believes, it is not legal ma-
chinery that will prevent inter-
American war, nor neutrality legis-
lation that will keep the Americas
out of foreign wars, but rather mass
emotion directed toward peace.
He went on to say that when the
crucial moment arrives, and "the boys
start blowing the trumpets" laws and!
spirit running through the present
conference is but an indication of
what can be done, Professor James
He accredited the spirit of coopera-
tion, which to date has resulted in
what for Latin Americans is an as-
tounding number of compromises, to
the work of Cordell Hull who he char-
acterized as the greatest statesman
the United States has had since Elihu
Root was secretary of state at the
turn of the century.
However, Professor James indicat-I
ed that there are other forces at
play which add their weight to swing-
ing South American republics intoI
School was elected chairman of the 1 VIIU IL L11 lu 1
Council's effectiveness "as a means
for the expression of faculty opinion The
in the determination of University T musical qualities of the Baird
policies." Carillon would be sacrificed if recent
Other professors elected to the student pleas for greater tonal
committee are Charles W. Edmunds strength were granted, Prof. Earl V.
director of the materia medica de-' Moore, director of the School of Mu-
partment, Louis C. Karpinski of the sic, said yesterday.
mathematics department, Roy W. "Loudness must not be confused
Sellars of the philosophy department with quality," Professor Moore point-
Wells I. Bennett of the architecture ed out. "The Baird bells represent
college, Ralph A. Sawyer of the the absolute limit of musical quality
physics department and DeWitt H. to be achieved in bells. If the large
Parker, chairman of the philosophy bells were any louder the smallest
department. bells would not be audible at all."
For concerts, Professor Moore said,
B lR gw the bells cannot be too loud, as the
Bell-Ringers Await Itones would have a resonance that
Reslt Of Elp would fog the smaller and inter-'
mediate bells. The bells are so' cast
that they give out clear, ringing
The nocturnal carillonneurs who tones instead of a muggy overlapping
illegally thumned th Raird CarimInn of resonance to confuse and damnen
Brazil, for example, has a real fear,
of aggression at the hands of some
imperialistic country either on or off