f AGE *Slx THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. DEC. 16, 1936 .... ....... . ......... Stason Doubts I I Security Act's Power In Court Says Two Of Three Parts Unconstitutional; But Endorses Principles The Federal Social Security Act was termed unconstitutional in two of its three main divisions yesterday by Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the Law School in an address before 150 members of the Lions and Kiwanis clubs in the Union. Professor Stason said that if the U. S. Supreme Court follows the same line of reasoning that it did when it declared the railroad pen- sion act unconstitutional, it will also confirm the unconstitutionality of the New Deal's "keystone" act. He endorsed the underlying prin- ciples of the act while declaring its two main features, the sections providing for unemployment insur- ance and old age annuities "unques- tionably unconstitutional." He said that enactment and legal enforce- ment ofusome constitutional law to carry out the principles of the act is inevitable. Gives Three Reasons Professor Stason gave three reasons why the act failed to meet the re- quirements of the Constitution. The first, he said, is that the instrument used for collecting funds on which the old age annuities are to be car- ried is a levy and not a tax. He stated that this is the answer to the supporters of the act who claim that the Constitution gives the govern- ment the power to "levy taxes for ... the general welfare." The second objection raised by Pro- fessor Stason was that the privilege -and duty of raising levies of this sort lies expressly with the several states themselves rather than with the fed- eral government. This, he said, is provided in the tenth amendment. Cites Due Process Clause Operation of the Social Security law, the third legal objection, consti- tutes deprivation of property without due process of law, Professor Stason said. It expresses itself in the exac- tion of the three per cent levy on employers for the benefit of em- ployees. "I can't see how it is possible for the United States Supreme Court to uphold this law," he said. Professor Stason' stated that the courts will be called upon to define, by legal decisions, the meaning of "wages," "employer" and ."employe." he cited numerous borderline cases in which the meaning of these terms could not possibly be clear except by judicial interpretation. First Part Valid Professor Stason said that the first part of the act, which provides for grants-in-aid to states for allevia- tion of human misery, aid to crippled children and other relief measures, was "undoubtedly valid." "This noble experiment has a rocky road ahead of it," he said. "All of us must try to comply with its measures. Even if the present law is declared unconstitutional, the hands of the clck are moving forward inevitably and we must adjust ourselves to leg- islation of this sort." Five Of Faculty To Visit Capitol For Conference American Student Health Association Plays Host To National Conference Five members of the University faculty will attend the second Na- tional Conference on College Hygiene which will be held from Dec. 28 to Dec. 31, at the Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. The conference will be under the sponsorship of the American Student Health Associa- tion, the President's Committee of Fifty on College Hygiene and the Na- tional Health Council. Those who will attend the meeting from Ann Arbor are: Dr. Margaret Bell, one of the acting directors of the Health Service; Dr. Theophile Raphael, chairman of the mental hy- giene committee; Dr. Nelson M. Smith of the Health Service; Dr. John Sundwall and Dr. Earl Klein- chmidt, both of the Division of Hy- gien~e and public health. Under the supervision of Dr. Bell an exhibit dealing with the Division of Hygiene and Public Health, the courses, teaching and publication of health pamphlets has been made for display at the conference. The conference has been called to bring information up to date relating to the findings and recommendations of the first conference held in 1931 at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. TO REMAIN OPEN The post office station in Nickels Arcade will remain open until 6 p.m. Saturday to take care of the Christ- mas rush, Mrs., Horatio J. Abbott, Glass Bricks, Concrete Seen B) McConkey In New Formula Pliable Material Can Stand Great Strain And Shock; Process Is Expensive By ROBERT MITCHELL Increased variety in the uses and importance of safety glass may be created as the result of a new pli- able glass which is now being de- veloped, Prof. George McConkey, of the College of Architecture, said yes- terday. "Safety glass," Professor McConkey stated, "while a fairly recent inven- tion, has by now become so definitely established in many fields that it is thought of as practically a separate industry by itself. But its use is lim- ited in some industries, such as build- ing, because while non-breakable, it is still relatively brittle and unable to wtihstand weights from certain positions. Now a new form of glass, pliable glass, is just being developed Age Insurance Growing Item, Haber Claims Federal And State Grants Support Present System Of Direct Pensions (Continued from Page 1) ers themselves, in fact become one of the reasons why employers main- tain definite age limits in employ- ment. Also large scale, high speed industry, urban as contrasted to rural methods of making a iving, have re- duced the opportunity for profitable activity of older workers." "The social security act seeks pri- marily to provide for this problem by making it possible for all workers to participate in what is, in effect, an old age pension insurance program. But since an insurance program at best takes a long time to develop, the act provides temporarily for straight grant pensions for all aged persons. Encourages State Action "It accomplishes that, not by giv- ing direct grants to individuals who reach a certain age, but by encourag- ing the states to do so. The fed- eral government subsidizes each state up to $15 a month for every worker who receives the state's aid. "Thus, in Michigan 30,500 aged persons over 70 are receiving an aver- age of $16.50 a month. If it were not for the federal subsidy to Mich- igan-a subsidy which doubles the state's appropriation-only 15,000 persons could receive thisvaid, or the same number could receive only $8.25 per month. "Since the federal government, however, will subsidize up to $15 per month per person, it would be pos- sible to grant each as much as $30 instead of the present $16.50. The State's appropriation, therefore, is the limiting factor. 41 States Now Forty-one states are already par- ticipating in these old age assistance grants of the federal social security program, Professor Haber asserted, and 1,100,000 aged persons are re- ceiving such benefits. In a short time, he pointed out, it is estimated all of the states will be participating and when they take full advantage of the act, Professor Haber said, which makes possible at least $30 per month to each person, the total annual cost of this form of aid will be $1,000,000,- 000, borne equally by federal and state governments. "It should be emphasized," Profes- sor Haber pointed out, "that the state makes the decisions as to whe- ther it wishes such pensions, and for what amount. In Michigan, as in other states, pensions are granted on the basis of an investigation to determine the individual's needs. Liberalizing Results "The Social Security Act already has resulted in inducing some states to adopt pension laws and in inducing all states to liberalize their policies, increasing monetary grants to all aged workers. The Michigan law probably will be revised to include workers from 65 years of age, in- stead of the present 70-year limit, among its beneficiaries and the total State appropriation increased to $4,- 500,000 a year, thus making possible more adequate grants than the pres- ent $18.50. "The federal government's share of the funds for this purpose come from the general revenues of the United States. No special assess- ments are levied for old age assist- ance grants or, as they are sometimes called, old age pensions." which may be able to fit the same uses as safety glass and replace it be- cause of its ability to meet building demands. To Be More Useful M "'It will be no more useful forf things such as windshields and regu- lar automobile windows, but it may, find its future importance in store windows and glass bricks, which have to support heavy construction loads." Pliable glass, while much like safety glass in its functions, differs1 from it in its manufacture. Safety glass is laminated, consisting of a sheet of cellulose material between two sheets of regular glass. This celluloid gives an adhesive quality to the whole plate that makes it non-k breakable, even though it may be shattered. The process for its man- ufacture was first discovered in 19041 by a French scientist who had been keeping a bottle with a cellulose ni-1 trate solution inside. This evapo- rated onto the sides of the bottle, and when the bottle fell one day, the cellulose kept it from breaking. Is Cooled Pliable glass, according to a story authorized by glass manufacturers, is made by lowering plate glass into electric furnaces. When it is mol- ten, it is removed and cooled by spe- cial air blasts. This gives the outer surfaces an exceedingly hard skin and tightly compresses the interior parts of the glass. If it is broken, it does not form large, sharp pieces, but small granules. It cannot be cut or trimmed, and must be made in the finished size. "This glass," Professor McConkey said, "is very resilient and can with- stand shocks from a heavy iron ball or can be bent into acute angular shapes, always returning to its or- iginal flat surface. Thus it can be used for some safety purposes but more important, it may have a wide use in construction needs if its de- velopment increases. For instance, in store fronts it will find a good use, because construction movements above the windows often tend to dis- tort them, and this must be reckoned with in planning store fronts at pres- ent. Pliable glass could withstand this strain, and ultimately save in insurance and damage costs. Glass bricks are another place where it may be developed. Here, too, it would be called upon to undergo strain in handling and in construc- tion movements that would make it important." May Be Used As Concrete Perhaps, Professor McConkey add- ed, the use of pliable glass may in- crease even farther, and some day it may after much technical advance- ment, find a field as a concrete. A concrete with glass as a base could resist moisture and overcome one of the greatest present flaws in con- crete. Pliable glass, still being developed, is as yet too expensive and too little- organized to have much commercial value at present. It has been worked with quite a bit in Europe, where great interest is being shown in it, but it is also manufactured in the United States, especially at Toledo, where a building was recently erect- ed with its walls made entirely of glass brick Occupation Bureau Is( I do Place 1300 (Continued from Page 1) Baird Carillon To Broadcast Bells Jan. 22 (Continued from Page 1) tentatively, Dr. Henderson said, inI Hill auditorium, probably featuring the Glue Club and Varsity Band, along with the music of the Carillon, which, it is hoped, can be synchron-' ized with sound apparatus in the Au- ditorium. It is planned to have the broadcast from 10 to 10:30 p.m., sponsored by an advertiser, who will have one minute at the start and one minute at the finish, he said. Aside from the cost of sending no- tification of the program to all Uni- versity alumni, approximately $850, no part of the great expense of the broadcast will be borne by the Uni- versity, Dr. Henderson emphasized. The broadcast, according to Dr.' Henderson, will necessitate running a special transmission line to the high power station of the National Broad- casting Company in Chicago. This line, he said, must be of type "A," dis- tinctly different from the type "C" Prof. Aiton'To Talk To Dentat Students Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history department will speak before the stu- dents of the dental school- at 4:15 p.m. today in the dental amphi- theatre in the second of a series of 1 lectures outside the field of dentistryf for dental students. His subject willt be "Spain." Prof. Russel Bunting of the School of Dentistry said yesterday that these lectures are being offered to dental students to give them an understand- ing of subjects outside the dental field. line used by the University Broad- casting service. The committee meeting today will consist of faculty members, Detroit advertising men and officials of the National Broadcasting Company. It will convene at noon in the Union. Faculty members include Dr. Hen- derson, Dr. Sink, Professor Moore, Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, director of the University Broadcasting Service; T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the Alumni Association; and John C. Christensen, controller and assis- tant secretary of the University. Education School To Sponsor Camp Announcement was made yester- day at the monthly meeting of the faculty of the School of Education that the school will sponsor during the summer of 1937 a camp for chil- dren with funds made available by the, W. K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek. At the same meeting it was re- vealed by a show of hands that sever- al members of the faculty would at- tend the annual convention of the Education Society to be held during the last week of February in New Orleans. Among those planning to go, according to Dr. Calvin O. Davis, secretary of the education school, are Dean James B. Edmonson, Prof. Clif- ford Woody, Prof. Arthur B. Moehl- man, Prof. Stuart A. Courtis, Prof. Harlan C. Koch, Prof. Raleigh Schorling, Prof. George E. Myers and Dr. Davis, all of the education school. TRAVEL XMAS via GREYHOUND' LOW STUDENT RATES CHICAGO . $ 5.75 CLEVELAN D SECRETARIAL and BUSINESS TRAINING Every Graduate has been Placed HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE William Street at State Approved by the State Department of Public Instruction NEW YORK. 16.00 ST. LOUIS. BUFFALO . . 6.75 PITTSBURG SPECIAL STUDENT BUSES 1I 5.25 S11.70 H 8.85i Dec. 18 Leave the Michigan Union 12:30, Friday, Tickets - Information - Reservations - Anywhere in the United States, on Any Bus Line MICHIGAN UNION John R. Holmes Phone 4151 Dale C. Campbell A IIL I. __ iz ~...... . - The yN :::.. A RE...... Money-Savers -..- . . . . . . .- ' -. . . . . 4*- A : .. . .- ..:...:::.. crease of 30 over the preceding year. Placements in the same period in- creased from 743 to 927. In 1936 the bureau received 1,558 calls from educational institutions, as compared with 1,355 in the pre- vious year, and 897 seniors and grad- uates were placed in teachers posi- tions during the year, an increase of 101. Students and graduates will find that the number of jobs available to them has increased in number and variety, Dr. Purdom announced. Don t waste any -ime when it comes to saving. The Daily ads offer you a "special" every day because our advertisers are kept busy constantly digging up new values. 11 JEWE LRY Old Man Opportunity is a persistent fellow! And when he starts breaking down the door, you can't very well ignore him. And Opportunity is break- ing down your door. If you doubt that, glance over a few of the ads in the Daily. I Burr, Pc 1. ii Begin the Life of '40 By Voting at the Class Election TODAY - 231 ANGELL HALL - 3 to 5 p.m. Vote the State Street Ticket READ YOUR I MVliehhnn Dailv Ads 11 11 II m .. I i o. .' - .. _ _ _ _ _