WEDNESDAY, 1nT;C . ! , 1.936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' tvu W~DNESD, DEC. 16, 1936 "-~~3 PIVR THE MICHIGAN DAILY - Many Parties Map Of Ann Arbor Shows Highlights Of Campusf Are Arranged Gifts Will Be Exchanged; Alumni, Patronesses And Children To Be Guests I Finishing the social activities for 4 1036, 23 sororities, fraternities and residences planned Christmas parties for this week. Alpha Chi Omega will hold a party / tomorrow night for alumnae and __ their children, according to Eva° Spencer, '37 chairman. Alpha Epsilon Iota will honor its alumnae and patronesses at a holi- day dinner tomorrow night. Alice v Burton, '38M, is in charge of ar-r rangements.- Alpha Epsilon Phi is having a . f Christmas dinner tomorrow night, announced Francis Levinson, '37, so- _ cial chairman. A group of children from the. Hoover Sunday School will be enter- " tamed by Alpha Kappa Lambda to- , morrow night. The annual pre-vaca- t tion stag party will take place laters same evening. c Exchange Party Held" Alpha Omicron Pi held its annual m1t exchange party Monday night, after which the gifts were sent to children- in hospitals. The Alpha Phi actives and pledges3 will entertain two young Mexican girls at dinher tonight, after which - they will give them presents for -,_ themseles and their family. Nancy Cassidy, '38, is in charge. A map of Ann Arbor showing the location of all campus buildings Alpha Phi gave a buffet supper for icluding the Carillon and the Horace H. Rackham School for Graduate active members of the sorority, and Studies now under construction as well as the high spots of pampus presented a gift to the house. activities has een drawn by Bertha Knudson, '38A. The map was Alpha Xi Delta will hold a Christ- drawn as a classroom project and later printed for general sale. Copies mas party at the house tonight after may b purchased at all campus bookstores. the Christmas sing. Gifts will be exchanged. Chi Omega will entertain alumni Classical Group Plans J n o r oup and patronesses at dinner today ac- Yule Meeting Today cording to Katherine Roderick, '38A, W l chairman. The program will be given Phi Taul Alpha, classical honoraryEntertain by new initiates and pledges and will society, will hold a Christmas meet- be directed by Vera Grey, '38. ing at 8 p.m. today in the League. M aor Aa"U .W Verses To Be Read Slides of facsimiles of medieval * Collegiate Sorosis held its Christ- Christmas rituals will be shown with mas party Monday night for active interpretations given by Emanuel Le- The Major Group of the A.A.U.W. members and pledges. Santa Claus, vine, '37. will be entertained at dinner and in the person of Ann Edniunds, '35, Harold Gilmer, '37, will read a meeting at 6:15 p.m. today in the1 distributed gifts and read the verses paper on the background and history League by the Junior members of the1 which were attached to them. of the New Testament and the Vul- organization.< Delta Delta Delta held a Christmas gate version of the Christmas story Honored guests at the dinner will1 party Monday for 40 children of the will be read in Latin by Burr Clifford, be Mrs. Fred Farrar, state president1 Michigan Children's Aid. Guests were Grad. Carols sung in Latin, and ac- of the American Association of Univ- patronesses, mothers of town mem- companied by Ruth Morrison, '39, will ersity Women, and Mrs. W. A. C. bers and officers of the Ann Arbor close the meeting. John, state secretary. Both women Alliance of the sorority. are from Birmingham. Delta Gamma held its Christmas . Dean Wilbur Humphreys will be party last night consisting of a din- T hird League the guest speaker of the evening and ner and exchange of gifts among the will attend with Mrs. Humphreys. members. The gifts will'be taken to Also at the speakers table will be the University Hospital for the chil- a er W il G o Mrs. Wells Bennett, president of the dren's Christmas party. local A.A.U.W. group, and Miss Su- One small girl will be entertained On Sale T oday, zan Manchester who will introduce by members of Kappa Delta sorority' , the speakers. at their annual Christmas party to- Miss Tresse Musil is in charge of morrow night. Evelyn Tripp, '37Ed, The third issue of the "League arrangements for the supper, and has is chairman of the affaii. Lantern" will appear today, it was announced that the tables will be Kappa Delta Rho fraternity is announced by Marjorie Mackintosh, decorated with Christmas greens holding a Christmas dinner tonight. '37, chairman of the League publicity Hostesses for the occasion will be Stag Parties Planned committee and editor of the publica- Miss Mildred Webber, Mrs. Carl Mal- Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity will tion. colm, Mrs. Donald MacLean, Miss hold a Christmas party for the mem- Featured in this issue is an article Miriam Carey, Miss Waze Culber, bers of the house from 8 p.m. to 2 on the University carillon by Wilmot Miss Miriam Highley and Mrs. R. C. a.m. today. Walter Truce, '38, social F. Pratt, carillonneur. There are Schulte. chairman, is in charge of the party, also articles on the League Open -- ---- -- -- Pi Beta Phi will hold a Christmas House, to be held tomorrow, and the party at 10:30 p.m. tomorrow for swimming meet, which took place members living in the house. Songs last week, as well as features on such will 'be sung around the fireplace subjects as Sophomore Cabaret, Chil- O A Christmas breakfast will be held dren's Theatre and the Barbour DURING VACATION at 7 a.m. Friday for all members scholarships. Serving Meals - Week Days and pledges. Santa Claus will pass A diagram of the proposed women's 11:15 - 1:30 5:15 - 7:30 out gifts with an accompanying swimming pool is also included in Sundays 12 Noon to 3 p.m. verse to each one present. this issue. Space is given to the two Closed Christmas and Tau Kappa Epsilon will entertain ss regular monthly columns: "The Al- New Year's Day its members tomorrow night at a u taumnae Circle" by Mrs. S. Beach Con- Christmas party. ger, national secretary of the Alum- Bright Spot Theta Chi fraternity will hold a nae Association, and "The Campus Christmas party tomorrow night. Lookout," a digest of local campus 802 Packard Street Theta Delta Chi fraternity will news. have a Christmas party for its mem- bers tomorrow night. Theta Xi is holding a stag Christ- mas party Thursday night. Alumnae House will hold a Christ- mas entertainment with a special dinner afterwards tonight. Marian Getoor, '39, will be in charge of the GIFT SUGG EST IONS entire affair and Helen Zidok, '37, and Dorothy Calloway, '38, in charge of entertainment. A large and choice assortment Radio Dance To BeHeld in a complete range of prices An informal dinner and radio dance will be held tonight at Jordan Hall. Miss Isabelle Dudley and Miss University Ruth Barrett will be the chaperons. TYPEWtRaITsECRS Martha Cook Dormitory will hold'ristmas C rds its annual Christmas party Thursday ' with Michigan Union, Wo- New L. C. Smith and Cor- night. There will be a pageant direct- men's League or Angell Hall ona, Remington, Royal, Un- ed by Marguerite Creighton, '37SM. Afterwards, a cake will be presented engraved designs. derwood, Noiseless portables by Mrs. Frederic B. Stevens, of Ann Personal in all models. Reconditioned Arbor, who is a member of the Board Ch rs as typewriters of all makes. of Governors. The mothers of the Christmas Cards residents have been invited as guests for the party. At 6:30 a.m. Friday printed in our own shop at Le he God there will be a special Christmas small cost. Prompt service. breakfast. The residents of the Military Cases, Billfolds, house will march by candlelight Fountain Pens Bief Cases, Loose ds, through the halls singing Christmas Brief Cases, Loose Leaf carols. Breakfast will be served at a Waterman, Wahl, Parker, Note Books, Key Cases, long table in the corridor. Christmas Sheaffer, Chilton and oth- zipper Items, etc. greens and red candles will decorate ers, priced $1.00 and up. the halls. Helen Newberry Residence will hold its annual Christmas dinner and indreds'of other novelty itens Speech To Be Unusual Yule Gifts Theme Of Last offered By Fashion IFor This Christmas Poise Lecture Importance Voice P To Be Explained To lays day By Prof. Densmore Prof. Gail E. Densmore of the I speech department is to give the last in the series of "Poise and Personal- ity" lectures at 4 p.m. today at thel League. Professor Densmore will talk on voices and personality, it was an- nounced by Jean Hatfield, '37, chair-J man of the League orientation com- mittee. In his lecture Professor Densmore will explain the part the voice plays in a pleasing personality and how one may make a favorable impression through the voice. The lecture is open and free of charge. This will conclude the series which has been sponsored by the orienta- ion committee principally for the Benefit of freshmen woman. Atten- dance has not been compulsory and all of the talks have been open to the public. This is the first lecture which has not been sponsored by a local shop. Such topics as hairdressing, make- up, correct clothes for campus and more formal occasions have been dis- cussed, with the help of undergrad- uate women who served a models. The room in which the lecture to- day is to be held will be posted on the bulletin board near the League desk according to Miss Hatfield. Mrs. Waite Lands 'Individual' Homes One's cottage should be comfort- able, attractive, and possess indivi- duality according to Mrs. John Waite who gave the last in the series . of interior decorating lectures at 4 p.m. yesterday in the League. Mrs. Waite stressed particularly that the furniture of the cottage should be simple and useful. She favors built-in furniture because it conserves space and can be put to more uses. To illustrate her lecture, the speak- er showed several articles which she herself had made to make her cot- tage more livable. Among these was a bed lamp and dresser lamp com- bination made of a small bread pan turned upside down. I he Princess of Fashion steps up with each new season ,flourishes her magic wand, and, lo and behold! in- triguing new styles appear. Her royal highness has been thoughtful beyond comparison in creating cold weather protections for formal wear in the approaching holiday time. So, if you are in a quandry as to what sort of a gift to give the girl "who just has everything," Ann Arbor of- fers several unusual suggestions. For young gadabouts who trek from party to party, there are car- riage boots in styles to suit every taste. They come in black velvet with black fur-trimming, in white, rubber with white fur-trimming, and, for those less conventional individ- uals, shoe stores are showing them in colors. Red is especially dashing against the sparkling whiteness of the snow. Besides being decorative and con- forming to the shape of the ankle, these boots keep feet and ankles warm and comfortable. They come with snap and zipper fasteners and lace or wrapabout closing. Then there are evening hoods which cherish coiffures while en- hancing the charms of the wearer. These, likewise, come in black and white as well as colors. The hood doubles as a collar when not used to cover the head. Last, but certainly not of least importance, are those fuzzy white angora mittens whose little-girl de- mureness, which may, at first, seem ridiculous to many, is in striking con- trast to the smooth sophistication of the modern wrap. ALPHA XI DELTA Alpha Xi Delta announces the pledging of Gladys W. Ward, '39, of Nanking, China. Preferred Sale Of Ball Tickets To End Fridayl Early Reservations Urged For Interfraternity Dance By Committee HeadI Ticket reservations for the Inter- fraternity Ball, to be held Jan. 15, may be made from 3 to 5 p.m. every day this week at the Interfraternity Council office in Room 304 in the Union, according to Arthur Lundahl, '38, co-chairman of the ticket com- mittee. Because of the large advance de- mand, Lundahl urges fraternities to make their reservations before the general sale of tickets immediately after Christmas vacation. Tickets will be sold at $2.50. Reservations may also be made with committee mem- bers. As in other years, the tickets will be sold exclusively to members of fraternities and will be limited in number to 300. Last year's ball had a ticket sell-out three weeks in ad- vance, George Cosper, '37, general co-chairman of the ball stated. Fletcher Henderson will provide the music for the dance which will be held in the Union ballroom. Hen- derson, who has a colored band, also arranges numbers for Benny Good- man. His organization is considered one of the finest colored bands of the Middle West and has been featured lately in Chicago. Mitchell To Speak At Luncheon Today Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell of the physical education department will speak on the Olympic Games at the last graduate luncheon before vaca- tion to be held at noon today in the Russian Tea Room of the League. These meetings are held for the purpose of giving the graduate stu- dents an opportunity to become ac- quainted with each other and with the work in departments of the Univ- ersity other than those in which they are working. This is done by having each week as guests faculty members who talk informally on a subject connected with their depart- ments. Those attending the meetings get their lunches at the League cafe- teria and carry the trays across the hall to the Russian Tea Room where the talks are given. About 35 stu- dents usually attend the luncheons. Women's Badminton Tournament To Start Women interested in the women's singles badminton tournament may sign up this week in Barbour Gym- nasium, according to Betty Lyon, '39, in charge of women's badminton. The first round will be played off the first week after vacation . Tournaments with the Ann Arbor Club, the Ypsilanti Club, and possibly with Michigan State Normal School, are being planned, Miss Tyon said. A progressive tournament will take. place at a guest night to be held some Wednesday after the holidays. The mixed group will meet a University High School group the second or third week in January. SPECIAL! OIL SHAMPOO and FINGER WAVE .. . 50c Mary's Beauty Shop Mich. Theater Bldg. Phone 8767 . 1111 .....-- SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. GIFT SPECIALS SATIN GOWNS Beautifully Lace-Trimmed $2.69 THE VOGUE I BEAUTY SALON Jewelry and Watch Repairing HALLER'S Jewelry State at Liberty shes To Extend Greetings For eA Happy Holiday Season Satin and Crepe SL Tailored or Lace-Trin $1.49 Two-Thread SHEER1 $1.15 Value $1.00 -IPS mmed HOSE III Il 1111I _II. == _ , 4OAdp0 I' STOP! And Order Your Ensian Before The Rise In Pr ice NOW ONLY $4.00 - - ON CAMPUS Gt Your Ensian Before Cbhristmns !U I r I li