PAGE ~FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16, 1936 ________________________________________________________________________ U THE MICHIGAN DAILY 36 Member 1937 Associa ed Cole6ite Press Distributors of Cofle6ide Diest Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions duringeregular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.5. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGOE BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES -PORTLAND -SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaler, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLan and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man. Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Heple, Richard La- Ma rca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara jA, Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ............JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BTSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER,.......JEAN KEINATH Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu- chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton KetchamRn.obert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, Bill New- nan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole. Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane Steiner. Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Aclasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, DodiepDay, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: TUURE TENANDER R e - sso In Labor .. . HE HIGH PROMISE that Novem- ber held for an invigorat Amer- ican labor movement has flagged; 1936 Teems no longer to presage 1940 for those who voted in Roosevelt as a large step toward greater realiza- tion of a politically effective labor party, or of a United Front Movement. There have been major causes for this recession of optimism. The American Labor Party polled 300,000 votes in New York State, effectively demonstrating its strength, but it has been sadly negligent in co- rherent policy since. Among conflicting stories concerning its post-November tactics the single one soundly established is a resolution reported in the New York Times making ineligible for affiliation with the Labor Party any other po- litical organization or member of such an organ- ization. This policy, excludes radical groups, but more importantly it rejects the idea of a popular front. Added to this the rump convention at Tampa of the A.F. of L. left reactionary elements firmly in saddle. At the convention the Committee on Resolutions rejected any move toward the forma- tion of a farmer-labor party, impicitly confirming the non-partisan policy so firmly implanted by Gompers in A. F. of L. tradition. It may be expected that William Green, presi- dent and associates will continue this ham- strung tradition which was established through fear of being made accessory to any other than a strictly union program. They will continue to accept the dictum that more can be gained by af- filiation with liberals of established parties than by initiating a new third party. A third consideration affecting the notion of a Popular Front is that the American labor move- ment has not healed its own division; in the rejection of the C.I.O. the A. F. of L. rejected a unity which has placed the union movement, in Great Britain at least, in an extremely favorable position. Yet mitigating these conditions is the fact of a vigorous program by the C. I. O. The C.I.O. headed by John L. Lewis is by its nature heter- ogeneous and composite. Tacitly at least it has endorsecd a; program of political action and its members have unofficially indicated that they may nominate a president for the 1940 cam- paign. Further the socialist party and other left groups have indicated their willingness to co- operate in any Front movement. Yet if a Popular Front in the United States is to be as vital and as functional as it is at the present time in France it must include not only organized craft and industrial unions in a strong unity, but all disorganized workers, the farmers, and middle class progressives. ITH E FORUM Letters published in this column sould not be construedsas expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Red And White To the Editor: Very often, when words depart from the usual course of stereotyped thought, they are auto- matically branded "red," especially if their ut- terance is forceful. It seems that almost any- thing which produces a jarring oscillation of lazy brain cells and excites them with an unpleasant vibration is in very great danger of being rec- orded in the wrong parts of the brain. Thus, things like pacifism and other common sense notions seem to stimulate only the color sense of a good many people. "If "reds" support pacifism, then pacifism is "red." This is the kind of reasoning that many people are guilty of. If an engineer takes the side of the loyalists in the Spanish conflict and expresses his convictions, he is immediately accused of partaking in activities of bloody in- tent. I am a friend of Angelo Flores, and, knowing him as well as I do, I can understand his point of view. He is truly a hard worker with a sincere purpose and a good brain. It is true that he may be a trifle misdirected intellectually as are most of us other engineers, but he does not reflect bloody newspaper propaganda as does Hearst- I-E-L-O. Or he doesn't take his material from history books which, in many cases, are propa- ganda of a more subtle kind. Mr. Flores and his hard-working family were born of that Spanish element that history books forget to mention. It is not to be inferred from this that Mr. Flores is not a true American and that he is lacking in the appreciation of the fine opportunities at his disposal. Mr. Flores also deplores the fact that it is necessary "to burn and pillage beautiful old churches, renowned for their architecture alone." But be careful, I. E. L., or the church will turn against you. If churches are to be renowned for their architecture alone, then the clergy would gladly lend a hand in helping to tear them down. Remember, I.E.L. and others, that "white" is a non-color and suggests anemia. Also, if you and many others must classify everything in terms of "red" and "white," please be more cau- tious in assigning categories. -3.S.C' An Explanation To the Editor: The Tuesday issue of The Daily contained a reference to a meeting of Lutheran Young People held Sunday evening in Zion Lutheran Church. Furthermore it stated that the minister of this church had asked for a report of this meeting be submitted by one of The Daily staff before it would be published. This statement had in it some matters which were misleading to a reader. It should be stated that the meeting referred to was not a meeting of Lutheran Young People of the city but rather the regular Sunday evening meeting of the Lutheran Student Club of the University of Michigan which holds its meetings in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. The minister who asked for a reading of the report of the meeting was not the.minister of Zion Lutheran Church but the pastor for Lutheran Students. The reasons for asking that the report of this meeting be read were, first, that due to the nature of the discussion many issues were stated by students which would have been hard to understand un- less the whole evening's discussion was heard and, second, it was also requested that the report might be a clear statement of the position of the students of the Lutheran Church. We hope that this explanation will be understood in the light in which it is being offered. -Rev. Henry Yoder. Pastor for Lutheran Students, Pledges Not Swine To the Editor: Quoting Professor Angell from Sunday's Daily,; "Black Friday is simply being swept into discard along with many other appurtenances of the late rah-rah years of college life." The writer cer- tainly hopes that that worthy professor has not been deluded into including among those afore- mentioned appurtenances the post-pledging ac- tivities of the brotherhoods; for in spite of ar- ticles, letters, protests, discussions and the inter- fraternity council, this misbegotten form of sad- ism still flourishes behind the lettered portals. But first, they of the honeyed tongues must thoroughly imbue in the pledge the idea that he is the recipient of a spectacular honor in having his lowly self singled out from the multitude of more worthy inhabitants of the campus, little mention being made, of course, of the "cabbage- on-the-line" aspect of the proposition. Still la- boring under this misapprehension, the pledge sacrifices school work in order to be over solici- tous to his self-styled superiors who have put on the usual temporary "better-than-thou, holy- is-this-fraternity" act. The pledge, small won- der. feels deeply his obligation to live up to these higher standards, and later, trying to find them, wonders just what they are. Finally to every- body's relief, the long suffering pledge becomes a member, believeing his fraternity to be some- thing akin to God Almighty's right-hand angel choir, and therewith assumes the fraternity's negative attitudes and negative morals. So much for generalities. To be specific, the latest case of degenerated humor that has. come forth, despite the secrecy supposed to surround BENEATH **** ~##IT ALL oa By Bonth Williams- THE Delta Gammas are running true to type these days-or at least to Joe College's accusa- tion that they are the "busy-body" type. Mon- day night about midnight, when no one was stirring "not even a mouse" one of the girls was awakened by the sound of loud and angry voices beneath her window. Getting out of bed and sticking her head out, she saw a man and woman violently quarreling. The man was trying to get the woman to get in his car, and she was firmly refusing to do so. With ideas of kidnaping and even murder running rampant through her mind, she roused all the sisters. All 28 of them rushed to the windows facing Hill St., and from their point of vantage they shouted down, "You leave that woman alone! Go away!" This only added fuel to the flames, because the man became in- furiated at the unexpected interference. After yelling up to them to mind their own business, he got in the car and slowly drove away to the ac- companiment of jeers and hisses of the dis- traught sisters. By craning their necks, the self-appointed arbitrators saw the woman walk on, but abut half a block down, she finally got into the car. Immediately the girls rushed to the phone, and clustered around while one of them frantically dialed the police and stuttered that something dire was happening and that the ?police had better rush right over. When the police showed up, they gave the license number of the car, and waited anxiously en masse until finally the police sergeant called them back, and, chuckling under his breath said to them, "Every- thing's all right! You girls were just interferingj in a little family quarrel. The woman was his wife. EMBERS of the Chi Phi eating house awoke Monday morning to discover that their elegantly decorated Christmas tree had myster- iously disappeared. Bloodhounds Effler and Mc- Hugh joined forces and with their long noses sniffed away on the trail, which led finally to the Phi Gam House perched on the corner of Hill and Oxford. In a bleak and barren garage they found what they thought to be their tree,' stripped of all its trimmings and trinkets. Further investigation within the lodge revealed their ornaments, wrapped up in the same sheet on which the tree had stood in the Chi Phi Pal- ace. Bitter altercations followed and were term- inated only when the Phi Gams promised to re- turn and redecorate the tree. At five p.m. Tues- day the Chi Phi's were still waiting. LOU BELDEN gets a two-day start on the rest of the field when he catches a train for Santa Monica, Calif., early this afternoon . . Fred Fehlman, senior medic president, was pre- sented with a pop gun that really worked at the Alpha Kappa Kappa Xmas smoker the other night. ,Fred spent the next half hour in a trap- shooting contest with several of the brothers, using the vases in the house for birds. Pay- ment was in the form of a brew for a bird, and a fishbowl for a purple one . . . Sphinx will com- mence its vacation celebration when it meets at the Bell for lunch Thursday . . . Gil Tilles, still puzzling over who the ten most beautiful girls on the Campus are, is thinking of calling Col. Miller into consultation. out to be-that comes later, for some-and meanwhile they are human. For them a little hazing may be fun, but anybody eventually be- comes bored of continued torment and humilia- tion. It may be interesting to speculate as to the re- sults of a rebellious pledge's refusal to undergo the ordeal of "purification" necessary to fit him for participation on the fraternity level. Cer- tainly the brothers would find themselves in a veritable dither at the prospect of a pledge walk- out, with its unfavorable publicity and-excuse me for becoming so mercenary-the depleted coffers. Finally a sentence to forestall any claims of "sour grapes" that might be forthcoming. I have been rushed and asked to pledge by five of the "better" fraternities on campus. -F.C. A Novel Suggestion To the Editor: So another holiday season is upon us. Colored lights and evergreen on State Street. Tempting or would-be tempting displays in store windows. Shopping lists, hurry and scurry and bustle. "Peace on earth, good will toward men"-nice on churches. What shall I get for Marjorie? What do girls like? Why girls anyhow? The holiday season itself is a pagan custom, adapted by the early church to its own uses. "It was the custom of the heathen to celebrate on the same twenty-fifth of December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and festivities the Christians also took part. Accordingly when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true Nativity shoud be solemnized on that day ... The heathen origin of Christmas is plainly hinted at, if not tacitly admitted, by Augustine when he exhorts his Christian brethren not to celebrate that solemn day like the heathen on account of the sun, but on account of him who made the sun." (Golden Bough, v, 304). Our colored elecq- tric bulbs are all that is left of the lights kindled by those ancient sun-worshippers. The gift- giving, the violent merriment, and the custom of getting drunk are probably inheritances from the Roman Saturnalia, a harvest festival occur- ring at the winter solstice. The Christmas tree came from the German tribes. Long before any- one "converted" them via the sword, they hung THEATRE The Wingless Victory: A Review Katharine Cornell presents THE WINGLESS VICTORY by Maxwell An- derson. Staged by Guthrie McClintic. Settings and costumes by Jo Mielzin- ger. At the Cass Theatre. By JAMES DOLL IN HIS NEWEST PLAY Maxwell An- derson again treats social problems just as he did in Winterset. But in The Wingless Victory their relation to contemporary events is by impli- cation, the setting of the play being puritan Salem of 1800. This does not make his point more obscure. Its re- lation to race prejudice and fanati- cism of today is not less clear be- cause the action is placed in the past. The plot concerns the prodigal son' Nathaniel, returned home with a cargo which will not only redeem the McQueston family fortunes but buy out the whole town if necessary. The catch, however, is that he has brought with him a native Malayan wife, Oparre, and two children. But puritan common sense wins over pur- itan moral sense and Nathaniel's brother the Reverend Phineas Mc- Queston and their mother accept the new arrivals into the household. It is plain that tragedy will be the out- come-even if Mr. Anderson had not himself pointed out that he has fol- lowed the Medea story, adapting it to the idea of the unwelcome for- eigner, resolving it into race preju- dice. This relation to the Greek tragedy does not seem of great im- portance because the best element of the play is the relation in the minds of the audience with the events of 1800 and events today and the ex- planation, too, of the background of1 prejudice in this country. The play falls down a -bit-not in emotional intensity-but in not continuing in the last act the ideas which have been developed in the first two. It is this emotional intensity com- bined with idea that makes the play so compelling and powerful in the theatre, especially when it is as well acted as it is by Miss Cornell and her company. Mr. Anerson continues to use his own brand of blank verse which he has been using since Eliz- abeth the Queen. But here this verse is squeezed into a semblance of real- ism and gives an anachronistic ef- fect. The real modern theare of poetry when it comes will not de velop by looking backward to the; Elizabethans but forward with new verse forms in new shapes molded by recent experiments in the tech- nique of the theatre. Mr. Anderson does not escape some of the senti- mental poetizing so evident in Mary; of Scotland. There is a lot about coining the gold of the sunset but the earth is compared to a pumpkin rather than referred to as "that star"; and that's perhaps something of an improvement. There is some sen- timentalization in idea, too. Oparre is idealized inore than is justifiable or believable in the more realistic background and the especially good realistic treatment of the other char- acters, the sound analysis of the pur- itan psychology not without touches of satire and his strong invectives against prejudice and religious hypo- crisy Miss Cornell conveys the oriental aspects of the character of Oparre by beautiful movement rather than any other external device such as ac-I cent. For the most part her effects are those of subtle quality and atmo- sphere. Her emotional scenes at the end of each of the first two acts' and during most of the third make the play one of the most deeply- moving I have ever seen. Walter Abel who got such bad parts in the movies is all right again now that he's back on the stage. Nathan- iel is as important a part as Miss Cornell's and she could probably have found no one to do it better. Some of the other actors, especially Myron McCormick, do not quite know what to do with the blank verse. In trying to make it sound realistic they only succeed in making it seem self- conscious. Effie Shannon, as the mother, is not one of these. It is a pleashre to hear her read the lines in her full-blooded manner. And they are not merely read either be- cause meaning and restrained emo- tion are always back of the words. Kent Smith in the part of the Rev- erend Phineas giveseaperformance more convincing, even, than one would have expected from his work in Saint Joan. Helen Zelinskaya as Toala, the Malay nurse, has little to do until the last act where her sin- cere .emotion does a great deal to make her sceneswith Miss Cornell so moving. The other parts, relatively unimportant, are well done with the exception of Ruth Mateson's Faith Ingalls. She seems affected, insin- cere, and out of the atmosphere of the rest of the play. Although some aspects'of the play will not bear too close an analysis, it is hard to imagine, while one is seeing the play, more satisfactory theatre. It represents the best of the contemporary American stage both in writing and in production. It plays at the Cass the rest of the week, matinees today and Sat- urday. Only 2.75 and 3.30 seats are -available, however. It opens at the Empire Theatre in New York Wed- nesday, Dec. 23rd. Seats are $1.10 to $6.60 the opening night, $1.10 to $5.50 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 68 Notices Students in L.S.&A., Architecture, Education and Music: Registration material may be secured in Room 4, University Hall, beginning Jan. 4, 1937. Students are urged to call for this material as early as possible and consult their advisers before exam- inations. Each student must have the signed approval of his elections from his ad- viser or counsellor for the second semester before he will be admitted to the gymnasium. The Automobile Regulation will be lifted during the Christmas vacation period from Friday, Dec. 18, at noon until Monday, Jan. 4, at 8 a.m. To All Men Students: Students in- tending to change their rooms at the end of the present semester are here- by reminded that according to the University Agreements they are to inform their householders of such intention prior to Jan. 15. These notices should be in writing. Students who do not give such notice of in- tention to move will be expected to retain their present rooms until the end of the second semester. C. T. Olmstead, Assist. Dean of Students. Vocational Aptitude Tests will be given by Doctor Johnson O'Connor of Stevens Institute to students de- siring to take them on Tuesday, Wed- nesday or Thursday, Dec. 15, 16 and 17. Anyone who wishes further in- formation about the tests as to fees or schedules of appointments open, please call Miss Muxen, extension 371 as soon as possible. Detroit Civil Service Examinations: Examinations have been announced for Playleader, Minimum Induction Salary, $1560; Swimming Instructor, Minimum Induction Salary, $1860; Lifeguard (pool), Minimum Induc- tion Salary, $1320, (all male or fe- male and seasonal employment); Senior Accountant (Audits), Mini- mum Induction Salary, $3300. These examinations will be given during the holidays; however, it is necessary that applications be filed with the Detroit Commission by Monday, Dec. 21. United States Civil Service Exam- inations: Examinations have been announced for Assistant Librarian, Department of Labor, salary, $2,600; and for Associate and Assistant En- tomologist (Optional subjects, Api- culture, and Forest Entomology), Bu- reau of Entomology and Plant Quar- antine, Department of Agriculture, salary, $2,600 to $3,200. For further information about any of these examinations, call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation. Academic Notices English 32, Sections 2 and 3: Please bring to class today Alden's Shakespeare Handbook. A. L. Hawkins. Psychology ;1, Lecture Group 2: Examination today at 2 p.m. Stu- dents with names beginning with A. through M go to Natural Science Auditorium. All other students go to Room 1025 Angell Hall. Lectures Mr. Archibald Evans, of the Inter- national Labor Office, will lecture on "The League of Nations" this afternoon at 4:15 in Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Exhibition, Architectural Building: An exhibition of the Prize Winning Prints for 1936-37 in the 16th An- nual Competition of American Photo- graphy is being shown in the wall cases, ground floor corridor, and in the third floor exhibition room. Open daily 9 to 5 p.m. through Dec. 18. The public is cordially invited. Events Of Today University Broadcasting: 2:15 p.m. Instruction in Diction and Pronun- ciation. Gail E. Densmore. Research Club will meet in Room 2528 East Medical Building to- night at 8 p.m. The fol- lowing papers will be presented: "The Crisis in the Foundations of Mathematics" by Prof. R. L. Wilder; "Government of Sulu Archipelago" by Prof. J. R. Hayden. The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Luncheon for Graduate Students today at 12 o'clock noon in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League. Prof. Elmer Mit- chell, director of Intramural Sports, who went to Berlin last summer, will speak informally on "The Olympic Games." The Sociedad Hispanica will have a social gathering tonight at 8 p.m. at the home .of Prof. Julio del Toro, 1120 Hill St. An interesting program has been ar- ranged. All members are urged to attend. Botanical Seminar meets today at 4:30 p.m., Room 1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by E. B. Mains "Botanical Col- lecting in British Honduras." (Il- lustrated). Chemical and Metallurgical En- ginteering Seminar: Mr. R. W. Mer- ritt will be the speaker at the Sem- inar for graduate students in Chem- ical and Metallurgical Engineering today at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject will be "The Thermal Decomposition of Wood in the Presence of Super-heated Steam at Temperatures below 280 degrees Centigrade." A.I.Ch.E.: All Chemical and Metal- lurgical Engineers are invited to the meeting which is to be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1042 East En- gineering Bldg. Prof. G. G. Brown will relate some of his experiences in England last summer, including ob- servations of old Roman engineering projects as well as recent engineer- ing developments. The second short quiz will be given after the talk. Refreshmets will be served 'in the chapter room after the meeting. Phi Tau Alpha, Honorary Classical Society, will meet at the League this evening at 8 p.m. Slides con- cerning ancient Christian rituals will be shown: Christmas story of the Vulgate will be read and carols sung. All members and others interested are urged to attend. Scabbard and Blade: Regular meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m., Mich- igan Union. Room posted. Uniform required. Varsity Glee Club and Reserves: Report at circle drive, west end Wom- en's League building, at 7:30 p.m. for Christmas sing. No rehearsal Thursday night. Fre Anuan Glee Club: Regular re- lcarsal 4:30 p.m. at Michigan Union. Report at circle drive, west end Wom- en's League building, at 7:30 p.m. for Christmas sing. A.S.M.E. R-last: All tickets and ticect money f or the A.S.M.E. Roast must b:' turned in at the desk in West Enginoring Building by noon today. This is the final call for these tickets. Yeomen of the Guards: There'will be z ehe'lrsal of the entire first act at 7:30 p.m. tonight. The whole cast and chorus must report. Will all men who have been coming to try- outs for chorus please report at this time. A.A.U.W. Major and Junior Groups: The Junior Group of the A.A.U.W. will entertain the mem- bers of the major group at supper tonight at 6:15 p.m. in the Michigan League. Dean Wilber R. Humph- reys will tell about his travels in Europe. Michigan Dames: Book Group will meet tonight at 8 p.m. at the Michi- gan League. Please note change in time as a correction of Tuesday's notice. Coming Events The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m., Thursday after- noon, Dec. 17, in the Observatory lecture room. Dr. Robley C. Wil- liams will speak on "Spectropho- tometric Errors." Tea will be served at 4 p.m. The classes in public health nurs- ing conducted by Miss Herringshaw and Mrs. Bartlett will not be held today. Hygiene 109 will meet at 1 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 18, for both sec- tions. Intramural Archery Classes are be- ing held from 1-3 p.m. every Wed- nesday and Friday at the I.-M. Bldg. All men who are interested in ar- chery come and bring your own ar- rows. Intramural numerals will, be awarded to the four who show up best throughout the year. The Art Study Group of the Fac- ulty Women's Club will meet on Thursday of this week, Dec. 17, at 2 p.m. at the1home of Mrs. Paul H. Jeserich, 5131 Park Road. Take Jackson Road as far as Mercywood Sanitarium, turn left on Park Road which is opposite to the Sanitarium, go about half a mile on Park Road, and look for the number on the gate. Massachusetts and Maine Stu- dents: Those traveling in the special Boston party Dec. 18, see Mr. Green between 1:30 and 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17, at Randall Travel Service, Nickels Arcade in regard to return DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tal University. Copy received at the ofmce of the Assistant to the Presd . until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.