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December 16, 1936 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-16

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The Weather
Cloudy, probably local rain or
snow today or tonight; general-
ly fair tomorrow.

C, r



In Labor .,.




Baird Carillon
To Broadcast

'It Came Upon A Midnight Clear'
Theme Of Jocund &arillonneurs

Bells Jan.


on NBC Chain)
Program. Will Go On Air
Over National Hook-Up,
Henderson Says
Program To Reach
Michigan Alumnrni
The University of Michigan and its
great Carillon are expected to go on
the air Jan. 2 over a nation-wide
hook-up of the National Broadcast-
ing Company, Dr. William D. Hen-
lerson, director of the extension di-
vision and chairman of the commit-
tee arranging the broadcast, an-
nounced last night.
The broadcast will feature a Caril-
lon program and is designed to reach
the University's some 85,000 alumni
the world over, Dr. Henderson said.
Although nothing has been definitely
decided yet, the committee, he ex-
plained, will reach an agreement on
plans today. Dr. Henderson said he
expected President Ruthven to ap-
prove the broadcast this afternoon.
Despite the fact that the Carillon is
one of the chief considerations in
making such a broadcast, it is around
the bells that the main difficulties
of the program hinge, according to
Dr. Henderson. It is not known ex-
actly how broadcasting from the Bur-
ton Memorial Tower can be handled,
he pointed out, citing the wiring of
it as an obstacle yet to be overcome.
The bells also are still teing test-
ed, Dr. Henderson said, and "if the
testings are not completed by Jan. 22,
the Carillon may not go on the air
because Dr. Sink and Professor Moore
are anxious to have its first broad-
cast a good one."
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of
the School of Music, and Prof. Earl
V. Moore, musical director of the
school, are members of Dr. Hender-
son's committee considering the
broadcast, and it is they who will
do most of the actual planning of the
The main broadcast will be held,'
(Continued on Page 6)
Local Players
Off er'Mystery
Drama Here
Hampstead Group's Play
Is Termed Best Of Its
Period Ever Shown
"The Second Towneley Play of the
Shepherds," a medieval English
drama adapted for modern use by
Dr. Harold Whitehall of the English
department, will be presented by the
Hampstead Community Players at
8:15 p.m. today at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The play, called the best of its
period by Prof. Charles C. Fries, au-
thority on Middle English, dates from
the 14th century, when it was first
performed in the town square of
Wakefield, England. The Towneley
mansucript, upoi which Dr. White-
hall's version is based, was written
down about 1440. The original au-
thor is unknown.
The play is a typically medieval
union of the comic with the religious
theme; the first five scenes are de-
voted to the efforts of a man named
Mack, assisted by his wife, to steal a
sheep. His attempts are frustrated
by the vigilant shepherds, resulting
in a great deal of boisterous mirth.
The last scene suddenly switches onto
the religious motif, as the Angel of
Annunciation appears and directs the
shepherds to follow the star which

leads them to Bethlehem and the
birth of Christ.
The drama will be accompanied by
music, both incidental and vocal. The
regular score has been arranged by
Dr. Whitehall and includes mostly old
English folk-songs set to music by
Bach. Several of the lyrics have
been written by Dr. Whitehall him-
The incidental music has been ar-
ranged by Prof. Louis Cuyler of the
School of Music, who has also been
in charge of the chorus of eight,
chosen from the School of Music.
Testimony Continued
In Trial Of Kimmel

Student, Companion, Find
I $56.95 Is Cover Charge
For NightLife
Investigation into the impromptu
concert on the Baird Carillon at 3:15
a.m. yesterday will be started today
by the University.
Involved are Walter C. Harter, '37,
and Jack Arundel who withdrew from
the University Dec..4.
According to police who caught the
youths descending from the tower,
the two climbed through a ground
floor window and climbed the 10
flights of stairs to the bell chamber
where they broke three pegs from
the clavier and scattered music all
over the floor.
The two accused were arraigned
before Justice Jay H. Payne yester-
day after having spent 12 hours in
jail. They were found guilty on ai
disorderly conduct charge and fined
$50 and $6.95 costs. They were re-
leased on a suspended sentence of 60
days in jail on the condition that
they reimburse the University for the
damage. Both were found guilty a
\nonth ago on a drunk and disorderly
charge and fined $31.65 each.
According to the disciplinary com-
mittee of the University the students
were not under consideration by
them for the former offense. Yester-
day's escapade will not be taken into
consideration, according to Dean Jo-
seph E. Bursley, dean of students, un-
less by recommendation of Dean Ed-
ward Kraus of the Literary College.
Dean Kraus, having returned to the
campus, late yesterday after a brief
absence, had no definite statement
Hope Morgan,
Chum Slayer,
Hangs Herself'
Notes Tell Of Her Remorse
For Killing Friend; Says
Motive. Was Jealousy
LANSING, Dec. 15.--P)-Hope
Morgan, who killed her best friend,
hanged herself in the county jail to-
day after a plea that "the world for-
give me for what I did in a jealous
Scrawled notes found on magazines
in her cell told her remorse for shoot-
ting Elizabeth Giltner, daughter of a
Michigan State College dean, to death
a week ago as the two addressed in-
vitations to Miss Giltner's approach-
ing wedding.
"I merely thought Bess was going
to have something I never would
have," the 25-year-old relief adminis-
tration stenographer wrote, adding,
in the margin of an advertisement
picturing a happily married couple, "I
couldn't stand the fact of being the
only one left."
Friends said Miss Giltner's mar-
riage would have left Hope the only
unwed member of their social set. The
girls were sorority sisters.
Tonight Dr. C. W. Bradford, one
of the two psychiatrists named by
Circuit Judge Leland Carr as a sanity
commission ito examine Miss Morgan
after she was charged with first de-
gree murder, said the young woman
"suffered from an anxiety neurosis
based principally of feelings of in-
feriority and insecurity."
Freshmeni Hold
C 1 a s s Off icers
Election Today
Three freshman literary school
parties will go to the polls today to
select their class officers. The elec-
tion will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. in

Room 231, Angell Hall. Identification
cards will be required.
The Independent party, making its
first bid in a freshman election, is
putting up Phil Westbrook for presi-
dent, Joan Hanson for vice-president,
Marie Davis for secretary and Burrie
Otis for treasurer.
Washtenaw has Don Barnes for
president, Jean Clemons for vice-
president, Gertrude Heide, secretary
and Joel Williams for treasurer.
The State Street party named Ed
Hutchins as their candidate for presi-
dent; Doris Effler, vice-president;
Jane Nussbaum, secretary; and Jim
Hynes, treasurer.
All three parties pledge support of
the Dorm Committee. The Indepen-
dents propose a cooperative book-
store and a permanent independent
organization. Washtenaw's main
plank is that freshmen have more

to make until he had investigated the
The pranksters gave themselves up
when they dialed a number on the
telephone in the bell chamber to
call Harter's fraternity house to say,
"Well, we're here now; what tune
do you want us to play next?" A
wrong number resulted in Ed Wied-
man, night watchman, answering the
call in the chemistry building across
the street. The watchman sum-
moned the police.
Damage done was minor, according
to Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of
the School of Music, and Wilmot
Pratt, carillonneur. Concert pro-
grams for the holiday season and the
Community Sing today will not be
interfered with, it was announced.
The broken pegs were replaced by
spare pegs on hand, and others will
have to be ordered from England,
Professor Moore said.
Baird Carillon
Will Introduce
Christmas Sing
To Be First Time Program
Has Been Held On North
Lawn Of League
With its message of good will and
good cheer, the Baird Carillon will at
7:30 p.m. today usher in the Sixth
Ann Arbor Community Christmas
Sing to be held, for the first time, on
the north lawn of the League.
The Sing, conducted under the
joint auspices of the School of Music,
Dr. Edward Blakeman, counselor in
religious education, and T. R. Peirsol
representing the Ann Arbor Chamber
of Commerce, will be the second to
which express invitation to all stu-
dents on campus has been extended.
Groups and choruses from the Ann
Arbor schools and organizations,
neighboring towns, and the campus
will form a central mass choir to
give strength and sureness to the
singing of the audience.
Telephonic connections have been
made with the Bell Tower to facilitate
coordination between the Carillon
and the singers.
It is requested that singers, if they
do not already know the songs, will
bring copies of the numbers, the
words of which appear on page two of
today's Daily. Adequate lighting
has been provided to enable the au-
dience to read the words.
The audience is asked to come as
near as possible to the director's
stand as compactness makes for ef-
fectiveness in out-door singing, Dr.
Blakeman said.
Prof. David Mattern, of the School
of Music, will direct the singing, and
Wilmot F. Pratt will play the carillon.
A rehearsal for the Sing was held
last night in Hill Auditorium. Slides
on which appeared the harmonies of
the numbers were shown to the
groups of singers invited there.
League Authority
Will Speak Here
Archibald A. Evans, of the inter-
national labor office in Geneva,
brought to the University at the re-
quest of Prof. Earl L. Griggs, of the
English department, and the po-
litical science department, will speak
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural
Science Auditorium, on the impor-
tance of the League of Nations.
Mr. Evans is a man who knows a
good deal about the League, is in-
terested in the problem of sanctions,
and believes in the ultimate success
of this body as an instrument for
world peace, Professor Griggs said.

Chiang Dead,
China Hears
In Broadcast
Marshal Chang Announces
He Died For Refusal
To Fight Japan
Government Calls
For Martial Law
With horror and panicky fears of
still graver troubles to follow, China
early today heard the rebel Marshal
Charg Hsueh Liang cold-bloodedly
announce by radio that death had
been dealt to General Chiang Kai
Shek, active head of the Chinese
state, and several of his ranking
generals. .
General Chiang and his fellow gen-
erals were made prisoners late last
week by Chang Hseuh Liang at Sian-
fu, Shensi province, from which city
the rebel leader broadcast his story.
Marshal Chang, assuming the atti-
tude of one who has served his coun-
try well, boasted that General Chiang
had died because he would not de-
clare war on Japan as he (Chang)
had demanded.
Martial Law Declared
,To cope with the unrest it was
feared would result from announce-
ment ofdthe removal of the nation's
outstanding leader, the Nanking
government proclaimed martial law
throughout the republic,dforbidding
all demonstrations and political
The government also declared its
determination to crush all rebellious
movements such as the mutiny
launched by Marshal Chang last
week when he seized the Nanking
Huge government forces continued
to converge from all sides on Sianfu,
the center of revolt, and widespread
fighting between loyal and rebel
troops was reported along the Shensi-
Honan border.
General War Feared
In Tokyo the Japanese govern-
ment, convinced of Chiang's death
as a result of a "Communist-inspired"
revolt, continued to sift all reports
from China looking for evidence of
possible Soviet Russia involvement
High officials expressed the con-
viction Japan must intervene if it
developed that the Soviet Union was
supporting Marshal Chang's rebel-
lion. Government quarters ex-
pressed the fear such a development
might lead to a general war.
President Reports
Number Of Entries
In 'ยง1oma to' Contest
A few people, at least, evidently
like Gracie Allen's tomato juice and
kiss-proof lipstick, it was disclosed
by President Ruthven last night when
he told of the entries in the essay
contest he is sponsoring for non-af-
filiated women.
A number of papers have already
been submitted on the subject, "What
My Objectives Should Be In College,"
Dr. Ruthven said, and the contest is
to be open to all others possessing a
weakness for the bright red liquid
until Friday, Dec. 18. he added.
To the three non-affiliated women
writing the best 50-word essay on the
above topic, Dr. Ruthven will present
the following prizes: first, Wilfred B.
Shaw's, "Dr. Angell's Letters"; sec-
ond. the tomato juice sponsored by

Gracie Allen every Wednesday night
over the radio, and third, one kiss-
proof lipstick. All essays should be
handed in at Room 1017 Angell Hall,
Dr. Ruthven said.

Complete Job Insurance
Bill To Greet Legislature

Hopkins Favored
For Cabinet Post
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-A)-
High administrative sources disclosed
today that Harry L. Hopkins, WPA
administrator, was favored fTr a new
cabinet post to be known as Secretary
of Public Welfare.
There has been talk for some time
that the new cabinet job would be
created in connection with a forth-
coming reorganization of govern-t
mental agencies and activities.
Hopkins was in the van amongE
those being mentioned for the post,t
although the name of Secretary Per-
kins also was being discussed.
Agre Insurance
Growing Item,
Haber Claims
Federal And State Grants
Support Present System
Of Direct Pensions
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles in which
Prof. William Haer of the economics
department explains the Social Se-
curity Act. The next article will dis-
cuss the old age annuity plan, for
which the federal government begins
building reserves on Jan. 1.
Because the American population
is growing older, the birth rate de-
creasing, and the industrial useful-
ness of those in the old age group
decreasing, dependency in old age is,
a particularly important problem
now, Prof. William Haber of the eco-
nomics department and chairman of
the Governor's Social Security Study
Commission declared.
"The Social Security Act,. how-
ever," he said, "does not seek to meet
a new problem. Old age dependency,
unemployment, death, sickness and,
invalidity have been present for a
good many decades. These condi-
ticns have been brought sharply into
focus by the depression."
Because of the success of the med-
ical profession in increasing the span1
of life and of the improvement in
public health, Professor Haber point-
ed out, it has been estimated that
by 1950 the number of people over
65 years of age will exceed 8,000,000
whereas 20 years ago only 3,500,000
were in that age group. Also, he
added, population experts indicate
that the U.S. may actually reach a
stationary population level in 25
"Manufacturers contend," Profes-
sor Haber explained, "that since older
workers are more liable to injuries,
their accident insurance rates there-
fore increase, and they must favor
employment of younger persons. Thus
workmen's compensation laws, ob-
viously intended to benefit the work-
(Continued on Page 6)
Pope Pius Has
Relapse; Gveni
Heart Sedative
VATICAN CITY, Dec. 15.-P)-
Pope Pius' breath came with diffi-
culty tonight after he suffered a re-
lapse from the ailments which have
kept him in bed for 10 days, Vatican
sources said.
The set-back in the previous im-
provement of the 79-year-old pontiff
-whose legs are partly paralyzed and
who also suffers from the infirmi-
ties of old age-was understood to
have been brought on by his increased
exertions today.
Dr. Amanti Milani, his physician,
gave him a heart stimulant and His
Holiness rallied somewhat, but even

then he seemed to feel great fatigue,
Vatican informants declared.
Tonight he was still depressed, and
Dr. Milani and other attendants
pleaded that he conserve his strength
Guninan Surrenders
After G-Men Siege
NEW YORK, Dec. 15.-OP)-
Trapped in an upper west side hide-

Poor Bernice:
Dating Bureau
Perplexes Her
The answer is, of course, that there
isn't any dating bureau on the Uni-
versity campus. But the question, "Do
you want a date?" in the classified
ad of yesterday's paper, was answered
by the social-minded of the Michigan
student body with a battery of phone
calls which were sent to 7672, yes-
terday. Did they want dates? They
However, the Bernice mentioned in
the ad just could not help them. She,
it happens, was an innocent victim
of the large-scale practical joking
efforts of some person or group of1
persons as yet unknown.
At the insistence of her landlady,
Miss Bernice Cohen, '36, stayed home]
and tended to the business which had
been willed to her. Calls started1
early in the morning and came thick
and fast all day.
All Want Dates
They wanted dates. Some wantedi
a young lady about 5 feet 4 inches,
some taller, some shorter. Most of,
the applicants liked the indifferent
characteristic mentioned in the ad,
Miss Cohen further stated. From
anger at first at the trouble she was
being put to, Miss Cohen's attitude
changed to one of humorous indul-
gence, and then interest in the prob-
lem presented.
Most of the callers replied to Miss
Cohen's statement that she knew
nothing of the ad with apologies at
having bothered her, expressions of
extreme disappointment that there
was no Quin's Dating Bureau, and
statements that they would like to
see such an institution on the cam-
Not A Cross Section
Of course, it is realized that, as has
been said of the Literary Digest poll,
the expression of the will of only
those answering such an ad would
hardly be proof of a strong campus
According to The Daily ads today
the bureau has changed its phone
number to 7211. Now that seems odd
because that number is the psycho-
pathic ward of the University Hos-
pital. Either there are two Bernices
and the phone number was given
wrong the first time, which would be
commonly known as a. "coincidence,"
or the whole think is a joke now
being perpetrated which .will pass
Edward Aging;
Is Disheartened
By Abdication
ENZESFELD, Austria, Dec. 15.-(A)
--Edward of England was described
tonight as morose, disheartened and
suddenly aging since the swift march
of events that cost him his throne
for the love of Wallis Simpson.
The now Duke of Windsor is "in
the depths of depression from which
it seems impossible to arouse him,"
said one member of the Baron Eu-
gene Daniel Rothschild household
where Edward is a guest..
"The Duke sat fr an hour 'his
head bent low, and almost in tears,
his face twitching, clasping and un-
clasping his hands while reading and
rereading a telegram which I believe
was from Mrs. Simpson at Cannes,"
said a servant.
The Rothschilds have respected his
desire for quiet, but late today they
attempted to bring him out of the
Last night a short film was brought
from Vienna for the Duke's enter-
tainmerit. It was a news reel show-
ing events of his abdication.

Band Presentation
May Go On The Air
Arrangements were being complet-
ed today to broadcast the stage show
which the Varsity Concert Band will
present tomorrow at the Michigan
theatre, according to Ernest A.
Jones, '38, business manager.
All the band's proceeds of the pro-

Murphy's Social
Comnission To
Special Session


Professor Outlines
Possible Provisions
If A 'Thorotigh Measure Is
Not Adopted Now, It May
Never Be, He Fears
A complete unemployment insur-
ance bill will be submitted to the
Legislature when it convenes in spe-
cial session Monday, Prof. William
Haber of the economics department,
Chairman of Governor-elect Mur-
phy's Social Security Study Commis-
sion, disclosed last night.
Professor Haber also told The Daily
he favored adoption of a final-
complete and far-reaching bill by the
Michigan Legislature, the special ses-
sion of which was called yesterday by
Governor Fitzgerald to consider un-
employment insurance legislation, so
that Michigan might come in under
the Federal Social Security Act by
Jan. 1, 1937.
Professor Haber said he feared that
if a complete unemployment insur-
ance bill did not pass at this special
session, it would "stand little chance"
in the general session of the new
Legislature, once the "skeleton" bill
is on the records.
Outlines Provisions
He outlined provisions that the bill
to be submitted will contain, empha-
sizing that efforts are being made to
"give it a liberal structure from the
viewpoint of meeting the problem,
but also to 'keep it as simple as pos-
sible. The first task is to keep down
administrative work and the second
to put no more of a burden on Mich-
igan employers than on those -in
other states.
Reports from Lansing last night
indicated that only a skeleton, a stop-
gap bill would be submitted at this
special session, but although no de-
cision has been reached yet, Profes-
sor Haber said the Commission "leans
toward a complete bill."
He will meet Murphy in Detroit
tomorrow, after which a meeting of
the Commission at 10:30 a.m. Fri-
day, in the Statler Hotel, Detroit, will
finally decide the matter.
Whatever the decision of the gov-
ernor-elect and his commission, Pro-
fessor Haber promised, "a bill will be
ready for submission by Sunday af-
. Governor Orders' Meeting
Governor Fitzgerald, who had many
times refused to call the present Leg-
islature back to Lansing, ordered
Monday's meeting to "consider un-
employment insurance legislation and
such other matters as .may be pre-
sented by special message." He em-
phasized, however, that only unem-
ployment insurance would be referred
to the legislators, and, as in Mich-
igan the legislature in special session
can consider only those proposals
submitted to them by the governor,
there is no prospect for any other
matter being acted upon. If the
governor were to submit his appoint-
ments to the out-going Republican
Senate, they would be confirmed, but
otherwise they will be turned out by
the incoming Democratic administra-
Both Professor Haber and the gov-
ernor said the session would probably
last no longer than three days.
If a special session had not been
called, Michigan, Professor Haber ex-
plained, stood to lose approximately
$14,000,000 in payroll taxes that will
be paid to the Federal Government
for 1936 under the Federal Social Se-
curity Act. If a state unemployment
insurance act is put into effect be-
fore Jan. 1, 90 per cent of this sum
will revert back to the state's credit
in the national to be set up.
Provides Three Per Cent
The bill the Commission is working
on, Professcr Haber stated, is still in
an indecisive state, with many of its
provisions being still not decided on.
In general, he explained, it provides
for a three per cent tax on all pay-
rolls, to be paid by employers (and

employers only of one or more per-
sons, except those engaged in domes-
tic work, agriculture or the state em-
It is calculated, he said, that some
1,460,000 persons in Michigan will
thus come under the bill.

University Occupation Bureau
To Place 1,300 People This Year

More than 1,300 placements will
be made for Michigan students
through the University Bureau of
Occupational Information this year
and personal appearance of the ap-
plicants will play a decisive part in
getting positions, according to Dr.
T. Luther Purdom, director of the
"Grades mean a lot of course," de-
clared Dr. Purdom, "but when the 150
representatives of business concerns
interview applicants for jobs they
will pay especial attention to points
of personality and personal initiative,
as demonstrated by the person dur-

the odds are against him, Dr. Pur-
dom said.
"Of course if he appears at the in-
terview under the influence of liquor
he has no chance whatsoever," the
director pointed out. "Nowadays
firms always ask whether an appli-
cant drinks, and if the answer is even
'occasionally,' he has little chance of
being chosen."
Most of the calls for employes
that come into his office are for older
and more experienced persons, Dr.'
Purdom said, stressing the fact that
it was necessary for graduates to
keep always in touch. The director
said that he could place at least 150
people along the lines of civil en-

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