PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1936 PAGE EiGhT TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1936 All Libraries To Stay Open For Holidays I Albert Falk Here; "Round An d Round' Plantinus Explained (Continued from Page 1) Four Faculty Men To Attend Boerner To Speak On Poland Tonight 7 1 Main Library Will Clos calls for a very simple treatment Swhich he guarantees will help out the ew ear's, Christmas present-day statesmen who are strug- Eve And Week-Ends gling with the tangled mesh of ec- ________onomic problems that have brought The Main Library will remain open starvation and despair.hHebthinks the usual hours during the vacation, ithat it would be very fine and suitable it was announced yesterday by Sam- if the government would pay every- uel W. McAllister, associate librarian one over 21 years old a pension of at The only exceptions to this rule will least $1 a day. He claims that con- be on the days before Christmas and trary to belief most people are not New Year's Day, when the Library independent when they are 21, but will be closed at 6 p.m. and remain that. they need the start which his closed on both Saturday following plan will furnish. To the query that these holidays. $1 a day might not be enough, he said that he was living on much less than The departmental libraries will be that daily.i open from 10 a.m. until noon, 2 un The big point is that the pension 4 p.m.. Monday throughs which will be supported by a 2 pe during the two weeks of vacations. wihwl espotdb e This also includes Angell Hall Study cent transactions tax and a graduat- Hall.y ed income tax, will hit the people HA ua dwho are able to pay. Out of a $50 As usual during the vacation per month pension, $1 goes back to periods the Library will not be open the government. If one has an in- Sunday, Mr. McAllister said. -come of $100 per month, $2 will go According to a Regent's ruling to the government, but the $50 pen- against taking books from Ann Arbor sion will more than offset that. Just during vacation periods, all books of the rich men who spend huge sums the Main Library are due Monday, will be forced to give more than he Dec. 14 even though the two week receives. Thus "the money goes period allowed is not up. Failure to 'round and 'round" plan. return books renders the student li7 Falk was last seen about 8 p.m. able to an additional fine. yesterday when he was picked up by However, anyone actually needing a motorist going towards Toledo, O. books can re-charge up to the follow- ing Friday. The ruling avoids carry- ing away of books inadvertently by aroleers Promise students and also gives the Library a time for a check-up of all books, ac-- StdentsBoos cording to Mr. McAllister. Withigttl wooan The fourth section of the Libraryth ton ruling provides that students leaving town who have urgent need for books (Continued from Page 1) eAlred V. Boerner, Grad., will be M.L.A. Meetin guest speaker at the meeting of Po- Ilonia Circle at 8 p.m. today in the Four University professors will par- League. He will talk about current ticipate in the annual meeting of the problems concerning the Polish Cor- Modern Languages Association from ridor. Dec. 29 to 31 at Richmond. Va. Boerner spent the summer of 1932 Prof. C. P. Wagner of the Spanish in Marienwerder, East Prussia, where department will act as chairman of hie had a fellowship at the Institute the section on Spanish language and of International Education. During medieval literature, while Prof. Rene that time he made an extensive study Talamon of the French department of the situation in the Corridor. will read a paper on "La Tyranpie des All Polish students are invited to Unites" before the section on French attend the 'Imeeting. literature of the 16th and 17th cen- turies. The graduate women students have The section on medieval literature organized a recreation club which and linguistics will hear a paper on meets at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday "The Composition of the Chansons I - of Roland" delivered by Prof. C. A.2 Knudson of the French department, XMAS CARDS and Prof. C.P. Merlino of the Italiani department will read a paper on "A 5 AD Sixteenth Century Manual of Speech F 50 ENVELOPES .. in the Making" before the section on Printed with your name medieval and Renaissance Italian lit- THE CRAFT PRESS erature. 305 Maynard Street Phone 8805 JUST READY and somewhat different THE NEW MICHIGAN CALENDAR AN EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFT More artistic and lovely than ever Price'75c WARSBOOKSTORES 316 South State Street Main Street Opposite Court House I' -I rU While You Are Home during the vacation period will be given permission to take such books with them, provided they are not in general demand, on application at the office of the superintendent of circulation. Nanking Shows Force To Help Rescue Chiang Central Government Seeks Compromise With Anti-' Japanese Leader (Continued from Page 1) when he thought he could divide the country by raising the standard of revolt, issuing his call for war against Japan and detaining the Nanking generalissimo. They asserted tele- grams continued to come in from leaders in all sections of China pro- claiming their loyalty to the Nanking regime. Authorities here disclosed that Marshal Chang had been scheduled to depart from Sianfu Saturday, pre- sumably for a new command in Fu- kien Province for which he was re- linquishing his "communist suppres- sion" command in Shensi. A special train was waiting for him. Instead of taking it in obedience to General Chiang's orders he carried out his spectacular coup. The exact whereabouts of General Chiang, whom Nanking officials be- lieved to be still a prisoner in spite of reports of his release in a counter coup, was in doubt. Unconfirmed reports said the rebels had moved him to Shenyang, 70 miles west of Sianfu, the provincial capital where the revolt occurred, but the best in- formation here was that he bvas still detained at Sianfu. NESBIT SPEAKS IN N.Y. Prof. Reed M. Nesbit of the medical school will address the New York Academy, of Medicine, in New York Wednesday. He will speak on the "Technique of Transurethral Resec- tion." Dean Albert C. Furstenberg of the . medical school, spoke last night before the Wayne County Medical Society in Detroit. iasm even at 12:30 a.m. that they decided to make their art commer- cial, and now you can have them sing to your girl from their "extensive rep- ertory" which includes all the Christ- mas carols and a number of Spanish airs."- Instead of sending flowers, just ar- range for the Caroleers to appear under milady's boudoir at an appoint- ed time. This return to chivalry will be especially appropriate Wednesday night after the Christmas Sing, and until all hours of the night, the group claims. Several members of the B.M.O.C. classification have applauded the idea, and telephone number 6345 looks forward to plenty of business. t C hris tmas VacationOOO Be Sure To Take Advantage of the Time To Tell Your Parents that it is No Longer Cheaper to Send Your Laundry Home! Here Are Some Facts! /I r 0 We wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year STUDIO r I, I, r HEN you take into consideration the cost of send- info 'vnfh11 V 1 rv1- a me t1 (.- 11IP .Cvm rhowf - A XIL " 'T kY tAtIL tn 1"Laxi"I'T ll"Illu kx--/2,kFAUMM ull"Ij unj - Ll tu time and trouble spent by your family in having your laundry washed at home - and the length of time it takes for your laundry to be returned to you, especially when you are sorely in need of a clean shirt, then, you too, will take advantage of this new, cheaper, certified service that the Ann Arbor Laundries are now offering and that just can't be beat for economy and service. Shirts, hand- kerchiefs and socks are finished to meet the most critical eye underwear ready to wear. and pajamas are washed and folded I 332 South State - Dia 1 5031 1. i SAMPLE. BUNDLE 3 Shirts 2 Suits of Underwear 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pairs of Socks 2 Bath Towels COST 99c. Price per lb Minim Skirs Extra 12c 0 ® ! 0 0 um Bundle 50c 12c . ." .! The. MICHIGAN TECHNIC On Sale Tuesday and Wednesday SIX FEATURES: "Where Do Engineers Go From College" "The Trend In Automobile Development"-W. E. Lay "20,000 Dollars Per Inch-Sidney Steinborn S o Hai (Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price) c Extraper pair .. ..3c ndkerchiefs, Extra,. Ic TROJAN LAUNDRY Phone 9495 KYER LAUNDRY Phone 4185