THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGEi Youth Group Holds Fourth State Meeting Satterlee Directs Panel On Work Of Chapters In Home Cities Inaction Is Problem Inflexibility Of Schools Blocks Way To Reform According To Dean Convening Saturday morning at the Michigan Union, the Fourth Annual State conference of the Michigan Co- operative Conference on Youth out- lined plans for furthering the youth of the state. After a meeting of group leaders, a panel was held under the direction of Robert Satterlee of Battle Creek at which.John Safran of Detroit, Don- ald Ferguson of St. Clair, Eunice Jen- nings of Hartland and John Wahr of Flint told what their chapters had' done in their home cities. These chapters furnish a bridge to fill the absence of a social life for many young people. Dr. Eduard C. Lindeman, national, director of Community Organization for Leisure Time, WPA, Washing- ton, D.C. next discussed the problems of youth-stressing the fact that we are in a preiod of inaction-that we migpt easily fall into a state of Fas- cisni. He stated that the answer to this inaction must be given by youth. Only by the intervention of youth can our nation's inherent freedom be kept. droup discussions were held on youth's need for guidance, for abliity to make use of leisure, for jobs, for love and for unison. In the afternoon Dean J. B. Ed- mondson of the school of educa- tion addressed a luncheon group saying that the inflexibility in our senior high schools blocked the way to reform and broader knowledge for youth. The students must be given courses that they can assimilate and courses that will enable them to meet modern day problems.. After the reports of the group dis- cussions, Dr. Lindeman gave the con- cluding address telling of things to come before youth could reach its peak. Occupational problems must be solved, family life must be stabilized1 and the tension must be relieved, the, necessities of life must be accessible and people must take a greater in- terest in their government. BIRD HAS FLOWN MARQUETTE, Sept. 28.-(A)-If there is any abundance of grouse in this district of the Upper Peninsula the birds are doing a good job of hid- ing, woodsmen and conservation of- ficers agree. The grouse scarcity is1 the most marked of recent years. Prairie chickens and sharptail grouse are believed more plentiful. Close-Up Of Entrance To Men's Union Metals Group 100 Band Members Hold First Meeting;- Hear Revelli Speak By IProfessors= The Varsity Band held its first meeting of the year Thursday night A description of the cyclotron by in the Un'on. More than 100 stu- Prof. J. M. Cork and a talk on the dents attended the meeting and New Japan by Prof. R. Hall will be he frem Ernest A. Jones. busi- I features of the pro:=ram of the D2- ns manager, Prof. William D. Re- troit chapter of t h American So- velli, director, Mr. Herbert G. Wat- FINNISH CABINET RESIGNS a government bill imposing capital HELSINKI, Finland, Sept. 26.--P) punishment for certain cases of trea- -The cabinet, defeated in the diet on son, resigned. * f t SUIPq ^ Qf' s.noo MAX NI:M nQ j 145L'PA4C£ a FQQ £A[M 1 " ,j yati . b£PQSlroq r .ia 1 .1 ciety for Metalis at its mecting here cet. 3r kins, assistant secretary of the uni- Oct. 3. Professor Cork, of the Physics De- versity and faculty business manager partment, will describe the Cyclotron of the band, and Captain Ferris, drill- known also as the atom smasher at master. 7:1.5 immediately following the dinner Jones introduced the other speakers which begins at 6 p.m. Professor and announced the staff for the com- Hall of the Geography Department, ing year. Professor Revelli outliner who has just retur nd from an exten- the purposes of the band and pointed ; sive tour of the Island Empire, will cut that education in band litera- make his address on the New Japan ture went hand in hand with the at 7:45 p.m. Mr. E. G. Brick will molding of better Michigan men. Mr. serve as chairman of the meeting. Watkin spoke briefly concerning the Othr atiitis f te dy ncldehistory of the band, its past and Other activities of the day include present problems, and itsspresent or- at 10 a.m., an inspection of the Uni- versity's engineering research labor- ganizatin. Ferris, successor to Ca- atories; and *at 2 p.m. the society will tain Coursey, invited members of the witness the Michigan-Michigan State band to submit formation plans. First football game for which it has re- drills were announced to prepare for served a bloc of seats on the 40 yard the opening football game agains line. Michigan State College. The new staff consists of Jones. FOWL PLAY SUSPECTED business manager, Gilbert Phares. as- As long ago as 1859 Michigan pro- sistant business manager, Robert W hibited the spring shooting of mal- Fox, drum major and the Messer,: lards, 60 years before the migratory Manuel Soldofsky, Donald Mars :ird treaty with Canada put a stop George Roach, Richard Dreyfus and to all spring shooting of waterfowl. Lee Chrisman. _ I l; . , :1 _i '' t i WELCOME Students returning to Ann Arbor will find many advantages in opening accounts at our new branch in the Arcade. Modern conven- ienCeS will facilitate the handling of your accounts. Come in at your first opportunity, and we will be hippy to aid you. Ann Arbor Savings &0 o mrcidl ank. / Southeast Corner of Main and Huron NICKEL'S ARCADE at State Street F I Twe* fth flnn1verscry Hundreds of freshmen have entered these portals within the last few days-but no women. For fifteen years George, the Union's faith- ful doorman, has preserved this Michigan tradition. AgedVehicle Wheezes Aogain In Hands Of Soph Advertiser Spectacular in 1909-spectacular, but in a different way, in 1936-that's the way one can describe the 1909 Regal that Dick Shook, '38, has been driving about the streets of Ann Ar- bor the past week. Intending to use the car for adver- tising to help earn his way through school, he purchased it in Fort Wayne, Ind. after it had sat on jacks in a barn since 1918. Since arriving in Ann Arbor after a two-day trip from his home in Spencerville, Ind., 150 miles away, he has covered the car with advertisements of local estab- lishments. Having 22 horsepower an*d contain- ing four cylinders, Shook says that the Regal will do 40 miles an hour, al- though he never drives it more than 30, because of Its age. In it's 27 years of existence, the auto has been driven only 4,579 miles. Shooks tells how the only thing that was necessary to start it after 18 years of inactivity was to put gas in the priming cup in each cylinder, and give it a quarter flip of the crank. The biggest problem of getting the car in working order was the tires, he explains. The car is supposed to have a 32x31, clincher, and the best that was obtainable was a 33x4 straight side, so Shook put a half inch rope. in the front clinchers and turned the rear clinchers around. It worked. The Regal, the very latest thing in 1909, is about seven feet high, and the body is constructed of aluminum, trimmed in mahogany, walnut and brass. The top is made of mohair, and the furniture of laether. A right hand drive, the car has lights that run off a carbide gen- era tor. Do Your Budget a Favor .. . Street Dresses .Gowns that exemplify the season's trend toward simple lines and discreet elabora- tion of detail blacks .. . red-earth . . . autumn . . . green brown . . . and grey . . . with crepes . . . jacquards . . alpacas . . . wools . . .and knits from which to choose. $12.95 and more Formals In smooth velvets . . . and moire . ,,. some are extreme . . . many have jackets . . . in only the newest models . . . which include metal cloth and taffetas . . . slipper satin . andlace . . $14.95 and more Coats They're natural beauties . . . come in and try some on and feel their snug warmness ... and semi-swagger . . . camel-hair . . . tweeds . . . and fleeces . . . some are full lined . . . and of course some are trimmed with the latest in fur collars. $19.95 and more Suits Short jacket suits . . . topcoat suits jackets button up snugly with fur trimmed ... beaver ... persian ... caracul . .. and Russian suit . . . some are three-fourth length coats. ACCessories Featuring our famous Barbazon Slips . . . crepe Featuring our famous Barbazon Slips . . . crepe and satin princess "nighties" and pajamas.. $2.00 and more All autumn shades in gloves and bags . $1.00 and more 0Jas hion Jnnnex ~' FOR THE CLASSROOM Paris picks black . . . for the fall . . . See how it lifts up your spirits and your wardrobe after a summer of pastels. But let's not - stop at only blacks for there are plenty of high football shades . . . . also two- piece knitted dresses and the trickiest little wool dresses that you have ever seen . . . one and two piece plain and combination colors. $5.95 $7.95 $8.95 FOR EVENING Formals . . and dance frocks ... in rich taffetas and crepes can be worn with jacket or not . . . we have just the kind of cre- ation that you have been dreaming about to make a hit at that Rushing formal! $10.95 £' r _. 1 4 1 7ty 1 *... *E Wt r Belle-Sharmeer in Your Correct Leg Size * Naturally Belle-Sharmeer Stockings in your own leg size...not only graduated in length but also proportioned in width from top to toe...are grand for your looks. And they're Grade A money-savers, too! Perfect fit at ankle, calf, knee and top eliminates the strain that invariably leads to run-down stockings and run-up bills. In cobwebby sheers and sturdy service chiffons, and here exclusively. Your Foot Size Has a NUMBER Your LEG SIZE Has a NAME Brev .. ......for smalls Modite . . . for middlings Duchess.......for falls Classic . . . for plumps Take advantage of our ANNIVERSARY CELEBRA- TION with ten per cent off on all our ready to wear. CAMPUS I:A Cp- |/nKI