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December 15, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-15

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The Weather
Fair today; tomorrow mostly
cloudy, no decided change in


Sir igan


Regretful Reminder No. 5 .,.
Minority Injustice..



Goodfellows Raise
$1,675 In'36 Drive
To Aid Needy Here

Family Welfare Bureau
Will Buy Necessities
Contribution Of $25
Made By Wolverine
Dean's Discretionary Fund
To Receive $400; Give
$100 To Social Service
On the corners of the city and the
campus, more than 150 Goodfellows
sold special editions of The Michigan
Daily yesterday to raise a fund of
approximately $1,675 for Christmas
and year-'round aid to needy stu-
dents, children, families and hospital
The purchase of Christmas baskets,
shoes and clothing will begin im-
mediately under the direction of the
Family Welfare Bureau, which will
receive approximately $1,100 of the
Needy students will be helped
through the Deans' Discretionary
Fund, which will receive approxi-
mately $400 of the fund. The re-
maining $150 will be distributed
through the social service depart-
ment of the University Hospital.
Award To Be Made
The Michigan Daily Goodfellow
Award for the student organization
showing the highest cooperative spirit
will be presented this week, according
to Dean Joseph A. Bursley, chairman
of the award committee.
Highestsalesman for the day was
T. Reardon Peirsol, local insurance
agent and investment broker, who
directed the distribution of the Good-
fellow Editions in the downtown
area. His individual sales totalled al-
most $100.
Of the $1,675, approximately $785
was raised each by advance subscrip-
tions from fraternities, sororities,
dormitories and faculty members,
and by the 10-hour street sale yes-
terday. An additional $102 raised by
advertising carried in the issue was
turned over to the fund.
All expense of publication of the
issue was contributed by The Daily.
The cost of the campaign will be less
than $11.
Honor Societies Sell
Goodfellow salesmen were drafted
from the ranks of campus honorary
societies and publications staffs.
Among the honorary societies were:
Michigamua, Sphinx, Druids, Vul-
cans, Triangles, Senior Society, Mor-
tarboard, Wyvern, Sigma Delta Chi,
Theta Sigma Phi and Tau Beta Pi.
Both business and editorial staffs of
The Daily were enlisted as sales-
men for the drive, and the business
staff of the Gargoyle.
The drive was conducted this year
with the assistance of a special com-
mittee from the Men's Council, con-
sisting of George Sprau, Jr., '37,
chairman, James H. Walker, '37E,
and Hubert Fones, '38E.
The total this year was $300 above
that of the first annual Goodfellow
Drive, conducted last year.
The Wolverine, student cooperative-
restaurant, voted last night to con-
tribute $25 to the fund, according to
Don Murdock, '38, treasurer.
Detroit Police
Hold Engineer
In Killing Case
The slayings of 7-year-old Rich-
ard Streicher, of Ypsilanti, and of
10-year-old Robert Kenyon, of East
Tawas, were resurrected yesterday
when Detroit police arrested Fred-
erick Haag, 51-year-old engineering
designer on charges of gross in-

decency. He will be questioned in
connection with the unsolved slay-
Haag admitted the truth of charges
brought by two boys who attended a
camp he conducted on the Huron
River, according to A. Tom Pasieczny,
assistant proseuctor of Detroit.
Haag, a resident of Detroit, was
arrested as he was loading camp
equipment into an automobile prep-
aratory to taking five boys to his
camp, known as Camp Haag. Haag
saidt n hav told the authnrities he

Joe Louis Cools Simms
At End Of26 Seconds
CLEVELAND, Dec. 14.- A'i-Joe
Louis, the DetroitBomber, shuffled
out of his corner tonight and let fly
with one devastating punch that
knocked out Eddie Simms, Cleveland
heavyweight, -to the amazement of
11,000 spectators.
The bout was scheduled to go 10
rounds but lasted exactly 26 seconds.
Louis landed only one solid blow,
a vicious left hook that struck Simms
on the chin.
Simms fell backwards, his arms
and legs in the air.
Christmas Sing
Rehearsal S e t
For 7:15 P.M.
Slides Will Help Practice
Tonight; Regular Annual
Program Tomorrow
Rehearsal for what is expected to
be the largest and most inspired
Christmas Sing Ann Arbor has ever
witnessed will be held at 7:15 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Prof. David Mattern of the Music
School and Wilmot F. Pratt, Un-
iversity carillonneur, will lead and
instruct the audience, composed of
campus and community organiza-
tions, in the songs of the program
with the aid of slides on whichgwill
appear, the notes and words of the
numbers to be sung at the Sing.
The Sing will be held on the north
lawn of the League at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow. Groups from Ypsilanti, Sa-
line, Chelsea, and other communi-
ties of Washtenaw County will at-
tend with townspeople and students.
Members of the following organi-
zations have been invited to attend
the rehearsal today: Choral Union,
Stanley Chorus, Varsity Glee Club,
Freshman Glee Club, University High
School, all church choirs, Ann Arbor
High School chorus, St. Thomas Pa-
rochial chorus, Women's Club chorus,
St. Joseph's Mercy hospital nurses'
chorus and University hospital chor-
Members of fraternities, dormi-
tories and sororities, independent stu-
dents, faculty members and their
families especially invited to come to
the rehearsal, Professor Mattern said.
Copies of the words of the songs
have already been distributed to fra-
ternities, sororities and dormitories
on campus, and The Daily will print
the words in tomorrow's edition.
Kimmel's Trial
Will End Today,
The trial of Grant Kimmel, 56
years old, Washtenaw County farm-
er charged with assault with intent
to kill John Sheets, Detroit police-
man on Sept. 24, will go today into
what is hoped to be the last session
of his trial according to Prosecutor
Albert J. Rapp.
Testimony given yesterday by Al-
meda Kimmel, 12-year-old daughter
of the accused, climaxed the day's
proceedings of the trial, which has
been in session since last Saturday.
"'I'll get my gun and shoot you,"~
she quoted her father as saying.
A move in favor of the defense
came earlier in the afternoon when
Prosecutor Rapp said that he was go-
ing to point out in the course of the

trial that Kimmel had abused his
children and used obscene language
in the presence of his wife. Defense
attorney Jacob F. Fahrner returned
by saying that the two charges that
the prosecutor had said he would
bring up in the trial were offenses.
against the state in themselves, and
that the prosecutor should make a
formal charge of them and not in-
clude them in the proceedings of this
trial for assault with attempt to kill.
Literary Quarterly
L-A _ -- " _ 0 _._t am w_7_1

Albert Falk Here;
Round Antd Round'
Plan IsExplained
Albert S. Falk, originator of "the
money goes 'round and 'round plan,"
the panacea for the world's economic
ills, was in Ann Arbor yesterday.
He arrived here in the early hours
of the day accompanied by a kindly
motorist who had heeded his thumb-
ing signal. His ultimate destination
is Washington, D.C., where he intends
to let the Guardians of the Republic
in on his plan.
"Put garbage back where it be-
longs-in the garbage can," were
the words with which Falk intro-
duced the plan which he claims will
make Dr. Townsend blush with
shame. Falk, the man, was not al-
ways a server and a devotee of the
better things for mankind. Out in
Wheaton, Minn., his birthplace, he
was the town's best paperhanger, so
he says. Then he went to Florida
and got a, job with a circus as an
acrobat. This shows Falk's ver-
Falk's attire clearly shows that he
is not one of the money-bag exploit-
ers of the poorer citizens. At present
he is making a hitch-hike tour ofthe
country spreading the good word of
his new idea. This has caused his
clothes to become travel-worn. He
wears a pair of blue denim pants and
a somewhat frayed sheepskin coat.
All his worldly possessions are carried
in a convenient briefcase.
According to Falk, Townsend went
at it with too big ideas. Falk's plan
(Continued on Page 8)
Student Labor~
Board Meeting
To Hear Plaints
Men's Council Committee
On Labor Meets Tonight
To BeginWeekly Series
The committee of the Men's Coun-
ci' on student labor will hold its
first session at 9 p.m. today in the '
Michigan Upion to hear all com-
plaints from students in regard to
working conditions on the campus.
The committee will meet every Tues-
day night to hear such grievances.
The committee received official
sanction last week from the Univer-
sity to act as a clearing. house for;
student labor complaints. The chair-
man of the committee, Tom Sulli-
van, '37, vice-president of the Men's
Council, reiterated last night his
statement that the confidences of the
students appearing before the Com-
mittee will be fully respected.
Students desiring to register labor
complaints have two courses of ac-
tion, Sullivan pointed out: Either
they can go directly to the -dean of
students' office to offer their com-
plaint; or they can appear before
the committee which will judge the
merits of the complaint, and if it is
found justifiable, the committee will
bring the grievance before the Dean
of Students' Office and recommend
action upon it.
The purpose of the Committee, Sul-
livan explained, is to aid these stu-
dents naturally reticent about labor
grievances and those who would
rather deal with a student organiza-
tion first before going before the,
The members of the committee are:
Sullivan, Richard Clark, '37, presi-
dent of S.C.A., William Yost, '37F&C,.
and Tom Downs, '39, who, although

not in the Men's Council, has been
included in the Committee as presi-.
dent of the Student Workers' Federa-
The room in which the committee
will hear complaints will be posted
on the Union bulletin board.

2 Dormitories

At Estimated Cost. Of $175,000;

Financed By

Issuance Of Bonds


To Be Constructed

N ankin Shows
Force To Help
Central Government Seeks
Compromise With Anti-
Japanese Leader
SHANGHAI, Dec. 15.-(Tuesday)
-(M-General Chiang Kai-Shek,
head of China's national government,
was reported today to have tele-
graphed his wife "I am well; do not
worry over my safety."
The report of Chiang's message to
his wife, Wellesley-educated sister-
in-law of the late Dr. Sun Yat-Sen,
"Father of the Chinese Republic,"
was issued by the official central news
agency in Nanking,
NANKING, Dec. 14.-(T)-Nanking
leaders hoped tonight their display of
force would persuade mutinous Mar-
shal Chang Hsueh-Liang to surrender
his captive, Gen. Chiang Kai-Shek,
head of the Chinese government.
While the Nanking government
sought a compromise with Chang, it
tightened its cordon of loyal divisions
around rebellious Shensi Province
where Chiang was held.
The nature of the proposed com-
promise was not revealed, but it was
stated that Yu Yu-Jen, head of the
control Yuan of the central govern-
ment, was at °Loyang, Honan Province
workingat the delicate task of ob-
taining General Chiang's freedom.
Nanking officials made no effort to
minimize the gravity of the crisis,
which some considered the most dan-
gerous confronting China since the E
beginning of the nationalist move-
ment more than a decade ago.
These officials said the first task
of the government was to demon- ;
strate the nation's unity and show to,
all how Marshal Chang had erred
(Contipued on Page 8)

Haber Says Security ProgramV
Will Be Bi gest U.S. Business




He Calls Social Security
Laws Most Significant
In American History 1
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in
a series of articles to be published by
The Daily in which Prof. William Haber
of the economics departnment will ex-
plain the Social Security Act and its
implications. In this article he de-
scribes the magnitude of the program.
The next article will deal with old age
pensions, apart from annuities.
The program which has been in-
itiated by the Social Security Act will
eventually become the biggest busi-
ness in America, Prof. William Haber
of the economics department and
chairman of the governor's Social Se-
curity Study Commission, declared
He called the social security legis-
lation more significant than any pre-
Enoland's New
Monarch Turns
To State Tasks
Celebration Of George's
41st Birthday Waits
While He Works
LONDON, Dec. 14.-(P)-George VI
set about building a reputation as
"the business man king" today by
spending 150 minutes transacting
state business while his family waited
at home to celebrate his 41st birth-
The new monarch, pushed to the
throne when brother Edward re-
nounced it for love, first dispatched
to Parliament his pledge "with God's
help and supported by my dear wife,
to uphold the honor of the realm"
and then turned to practical affairs
of state at Buckingham Palace.
Hunderds stood in the rain to catch
a glimpse of the new king-emperor
as he arrived at Buckingham from his
Piccadilly home to receive Lord Hali-
fax and get off to an early start on
the tasks of empire, many of them
delayed and ignored during the days
of crisis preceding Edward's abdica-
Hillel Players

A.S. .E. To


Annual 'Fun - Fest'
A t Un~ion Tomorrow
The momentous question of;
"spoofuncup," "spoofuncup," who is
going to get the "spoofuncup" will
be given its annual answer tomorrow
at the Union when the American So-,
ciety of Mechanical Engineers de-,
cides who is the most popular un-
popular professor in the engineering
college. Last year Prof. Walter E.
Lay was the honored recipient-
getting the most boos.
Tomorrows Roast under the direc-
tion of Roastmaster E. L. Ericson,
professor in the engineering college,
will have a corps of speakers whom
the A.S.M.E. guarantees will not be
boring. They will positively be
squelched at the end of three min-
utes with the command, "Sit down."
Among those who threaten to be regi-
mented are Dean H. C. Sadler, Prof.
H. C. Anderson, Col. H. W. Miller,
Prof. Charles M. Good and Prof.
James H. Cissel.
Tickets to the Roast may be ob-
tained at the Union, Ulrich's book-
store, in the West Engineering build-
ing and from officials and members
of the A.S.M.E.,

vious governmental undertaking in
the history of the United States.
Professor Haber has recently re-
turned from Albany, N.Y., and Wash-
ington, D.C., where the commission
studied social insurance legislation.
The commission has announced that
it is preparing unemployment insur-
ance legislation which will be ready
to present to the state legislature by
Jan. 1, when the legislature convenes.
This legislation, Professor Haber as-
serted, is of primary importance, for
the state can not benefit from the
unemployment insurance clause of
the federal Social Security Act un-
less it has unemployment insurance
provisions within the state.
Professor Haber is also former ad-
ministrator of SERA in Michigan.
"If the act is effectively admin-
istered," Professor Haber declared,
"it should make for the greater se-
curity and contentment of the masses
of wage-earners, constituting a bul-
wark against the hazards of modern
economic life."
"If the task is bungled," Professor
Haber continued, "the act will in-
troduce problems of administration
in government finance which may re-
quire many years to correct."
Numerous questions have been
asked, Professor Haber added, about
the purposes of the Social Security
Act, its functions and the benefits
which it will offer Professor Haber
will endeavor to answer many of
these questions in future articles to
appear in The Daily.
Student Strike
Is Threatened
If Frank Goes
Wisconsin President Gets
Wide Support As Crucial
Regent Meeting Nears
MADISON, Wis., Dec. 14.-(P)-A
group of University of Wisconsin stu-
dents sounded out sentiment on the
campus today for a general classroom
walkout should President Gleen
Frank be forced to resign.
"Let's support prexy" was scrawled
on blackboards in several classrooms.
"We believe we already have 2,000
to 3,000 students behind us, and the
word is being spread around," said an
anonymous spokesman. The uni-
versity enrollment is more than 10,-
A lecture by Prof. William H.
Kiekhofer was interrupted by an im-
promptu student cheer for Dr. Frank.
Donald Heun, president of the In-
terfraternity Board, said fraternity
members were solidly supporting Dr.
A showdown in the dispute between
Dr. Frank and a majority faction of
the Regents over administrative pol-
icy is expected when the board meets
Wednesday to act on budget recom-
Dr. Frank found support from a
regent and a University of Chicago
professor in the latest of frequent
controversies which have character-
ized his 11-year tenure.
France Desires
New Agreement
On War Debts
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-(P)-
France told the United States tonight
that she hoped to open negotiations
for a new agreement on the war debt
defaulted obligations, long a source
of international friction.
Although the French government
and other debtor nations served the
usual notice that they would not pay
the semi-annual installments due to-

morrow, the French note delivered to
the state department spoke of the
possibility of some new "arrangement
acceptable to both" parties.

Ruthven Confident Houses
Will Be Ready By First
Semester Of Next Year
Dining Room Units
To Be Put In Union
Halls Are To Be Located
On Madison Street, Next
To Union Annex
Two dormitory units, which will
together house 122 men, will be con-
structed here at the approximate
cost of $175,000, it was revealed yes-
terday by President Alexander G.
The cost of the dormitory units
will be borne entirely by the issuance
of dormitory certificates, which are
understood to have already been
subscribed. This plan is similar to
the one used in financing the build-
ing of Mosher-Jordan Halls.
Arrangements Not Complete
The dormitory units will be located
on Madison St., adjacent tothe
Union annex, which is now under
construction. Dining room units
will be provided in the Union addi-
President Ruthven, who said the
Board of Regents had voted the ask-
ing of bids on the project at a spe-
cial meeting Saturday in Detroit, is
confident that the construction will
be finished by the beginning of the
first semester of next school year.
Neither financing arrangements
nor architectural plans are yet com-
pleted, President Ruthven said.
Mosher-Jordan Halls were financed
in 1930 by the issuance of $955,00 of
Mosher-Jordan trust certificates,
drawing 6 per cent interest.
Committee Encouraged
The Committee on Men's Dormi-
tories is greatly encouraged by the
action of the Regents, Gilbert Tilles,
'37, chairman of the committee, as-
serted last night, for, he said, where
only one dormitory unit housing 62
men was contemplated, it is now pos-
sible that there will be three dormi-
tory units available for freshmen at
the opening of the University next
September, housing approximately
184 men.
Dean Joseph A. Bursley comment-
ed that "the work of the Dormitory
Committee has just begun. It has
served to bring the glaring need of
dormitories .at Michigan to light, and
they must continue with their in-
valuable work on this project."
Hope For Private Aid
Regent Junius E. Beal stated last
night that the Regents' action arose
from the anxiety displayed by Presi-
dent Ruthven who he said, believed
that the University is losing students
through its inadequate housing facili-
Regent Beal further remarked that
if the dormitory units prove success-
ful, the University may expect private
aid for future units. He revealed that
several potential private builders are
awaiting the success or failure of
the two dormitory units before in-
vesting, private capital in other units.
Caroleers Promise
Students Big Boost
With Little Woman
Troubadours at a dollar a dozen
Swill be available the rest of the week
by calling telephone number 6345.
At that number you can talk to
Glenn Phelps, '37, who has hatched
the idea of renting out a band of
mninnesinger's for serenading pur-
Ten "trained voices" will sing
'neath your lady's window for the pit-

tance of a dollar bill. Their classified
advertisement in today's Daily says:
"Wooing. The Caroleers. Ten trained
vcices for wooing purposes. Prices
reasonable. Phone 6345."
It all grew out of a chain of ex-
periences last Saturday night, ac-
cording to Phelps. About fifteen
hardy undergraduates, having been
ejected from several downtown beer-
ing places, decided to offer up a selec-
tion of carols to the fair occunants

Ulster Is Restraining De Valera
In Forming Republic, Scott Says

Give One-Act
Three one-act plays will be pre-
sented at 8 p.m. today by the Hillel
Players at their regular meeting in
the Hillel Foundation, Louise Samek,
'38, president of the players, said yes-
The plays, which are directed by
Miss Samek, Marguerite Merkel, '37,
and Murray Davis, '39, provide an ex-
perimental theatre, Miss Samek said,
whereby student talent can be de-
veloped. These one-act plays will
also provide one basis for the selec-
tion of the cast for the three-act play
which the players will present in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre later in
the year, she said.
The three plays to be presented to-
night are respectively, a light com-
edy, a psychological drama with the
mask effect, and a dramatic story
of two men trapped in a mine, Miss
Samek said.
The cast for the plays include, Mi-
riam Sauls, '37, Diane Davidson, '40,
Jean Finkelstein, '39, Harold Gast,
'39, Sidney Liff, '38, Ada Zola, '37,
Peter Morse, '40, and Davis.

In view of Eamon de Valera's ac-
tion in Ireland during the last few
days in which "half an English
crown," was acknowledged by ac-
cepting the new king but abolishing
the governor-generalship of Ireland,
Prof. E. Morley Scott of the history
department explained in an inter-
view yesterday that hostile Ulster in
Northern Ireland is the restraining
influence upon de Valera which will
retard him in taking further ad-
vantage of the abdication by estab-
lishing an Irish republic, his ulti-
mate goal.
nP Vset-r a rne not wantconmnlete

fessor Scott pointed out, are: Pro-
testant north and Roman Catholic
south; industrial north and agricul-
tural south; small north and large
south. This hostility of Ulster, Pro-
fessor Scott claimed, is the principal
reason why de Valera's program has
thus far been a cautious one. At
present, he said, there is no hope for
a reconciliation between the two
parties, for the northerners feel con-
fident that their interests will be re-
spected under English guidance.
As for the abolition of the position
of the governor-general in Ireland,
Prnfessor rntt said that the gonvernnr

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