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December 13, 1936 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-13

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i V

The WeatheranA
Increasing cloudiness today,
with possibly light rain or snow; aI
tomorrow mostly cloudy, colder. N B M G MD E19

Christmas Giving .
Con trolled
Inventions .. .

Edward Visits
Vienna Estate
Of Rothschild
Retires About Midnight
On Estate Of Friend
In AustrianNobility
Wife Of Old 'Friend
Is American-Born
VIENNA, Dec. 13.-UP)-The Duke
of Windsor arrived tonight at the
estate of Baron Eugene De Rothschild
at Enzesfeld, the destination of his
flight into voluntary exile.
Edward arriv.d here by train and
left quickly in the baron's automobile.
Apparentlyhe retired shortly after
his arrival at the estate for the lights
in the guest apartment were dimmed
about midnight.
The former king was in a ;venial
m-cd when lhe left the train at the
Vienna West Station and paused for
several minutes on the platform to
let phoatographers take his picture.
Police were massed in the train
shed and the Ftreets surrounding the
depot but the Duke was whisked out a
side door and avoided most of the
He clibed into the Rotschildl
He clibe in 1ravelin com-
limousine with several travelingrs'-
panions and his dog "Slippers-
named for his penchaht for chewing
up the once-royal house slippers.
Sir Walford Selby, British Minister,
sat beside Edward as they drove away.
Edward was expected to meet many
old friends at Enzesfeld, including the
Baron's American-born wife who was
Kathleen Wolff of Philadelphia,
daughter of an American industrial-
Edward, then King of England, was
a guest of the Rothschilds during his
Dalmatian vacation last summer and
golfed on the private links of its spa-;
cious grounds.
The Rothschild mansion, a large
white house of 50 rooms, is set farI
back from the highway behind iron
gates, and could afford the Duke al-
most impregnable privacy.
The Baron himself disclosed that
Edward had been invited to stay
there and during the late evening
gendarmes were postedathroughou
the vicinity.-
Protest Removal
Of Glenn Frank
From Wisconsin
MADISON, Wis., Dec. 13.-(3P) -
Friends and associates of Glenn
Frank, educator and writer, rallied
around him today in protest against
a threat of La Follette progressive re-
gents to remove him from the presi-
dency of the University of Wisconsin.
Sources close to Dr. Frank took
cognizance of published reports that
his tenure may be ended abruptly at
a special meeting of the regents next
Wednesday, but those who have the
power to remove the president re-
mained silent.
Zona Gale, the novelist and an
alumna of the university, and Oswald
Garrison Villard, writer and lecturer,
issued public statements in defense
of Frank. ,
The Alumni Association, as a body,

They're Waiting For The Good fellowsj
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Rail Crossing elloW Drive
Accident Kills
Two Near Ypsi~ Looks To Jiecor




High School Student And
Escort Die As Car Is
Driven In Train's Path
Auto Completely
Wrecked In Crashl;
Hazen Mayer, 19 years old, and
Margaret Rowe, 17 years old, both of
Ypsilanti, were killed yesterday when
the car in which they were riding was Han
struck by a Michigan Central pas- La
,enger train at a crossing just west'C1
of Ypsilanti, at 3:55 p.m. yesterday.
Miss Rowe was killed instantly By
when they were hit by the east-bound Ecoi
passenger train, and Mr. Mayer died i is the
later in the Ypsilanti hospital. The gan d
car in which they were riding was substa
,mipletdy demolished by the crash. birth-
Although no definite explanation lution
could be given for the cause of the esIre
accident, Michigan State police at i
inIr Cj.


NANKING, China, Dec. 14-(Mon-;
day)-(P)--Dr. H. I. Kung, minister
of finance in the Nanking govern-
ment, announced receipt today of a
personal telegram from Marshal
Chang Hsiao-Liang, rebel leader, as-
suring him of the safety of General-
issimo Chiang Kai- Shek. -
Conspiracy lt China
Denied By Russiaj
MOSCOW, Dec. 14-(Monday)-
OP)-An official denial of Japanese
press reportsthat Soviet Russia con-
spired in the present Chinese crisis
was issuedtoday by Tass, the Soviet
news agency. It said :
"In connection with the insinua-
tion of the Japanese newspaper Nichi
Nichi, sent out by the Domei news
agency, the Chang Hsiao-Liang is
supposed to be organizing a govern-
ment supported by the U.S.S.R. and
concluding a defensive and offensive
alliance with the U.S.S.R., Tass is
authorized to declare that this infor-
mation is without fundation and is a
malicious invention."
llofmann Will Play
In Concert Tonight
Josef Hofmann, noted pianist and
composer will present a recital, his
fourth appearance in Ann Arbor, to-
night in Hill Auditorium. Hofmann
last appeared here at the May Fes-
tival of 1929.
His program. the sixth in the cur-
rent Choral Union concerts, is com-
posed of the following selections:
1ayden-Themes and Variations; in
I' minor; Beethoven--Fury Over the
Lost Penny; Schumann-Fashing-
3chwank; Chopin -- Barcarolle, Noc-

UL iversit v Senate t
T o CMVene I (lay
The University Senate will be con-
vened at 4:15 p.m. today in the West
Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall for
he first time in several years to dis-
cuss problems of the faculty and the
The meeting was called by Presi-
dent Rutliven in response to a peti-
tion signed by 90 members of the
Senate. The organization includes
all members of the faculty down to
instructors of three years service.
Meetings may be called by, the presi-
dent of the University, according to
the constitution of the Senate, upon
presentation of a petition signed byI
at least 25 members of the Senate.

Ypsilanti thought that the crash was
caused when the car in which the
two were riding drove on the trackj
after waiting for a west-bound freight
train to pass. They evidently did not
wait long enough to see whether a
train was coming from the west on
the other track, the police said. It is
believed that when they got on the
tracks, the eastbound passenger train
bore down on them before they had a
chance to get to safety
No funeral arrangements have been'
completed yet for either Miss Rowe,
who was a high school student, or
Mr. Mayer.
NEW YORK, Dec. 13.-(A)-H. S.
McGrath of the Bronx, got a Christ-I
mas package in the mail that ticked.
Suspecting a bomb, he left it in the
back yard for a couple of days and
then called police, who sneaked up
on the package today and plunged!
it into a pail of water for an hour.
Then they opened it and found a $50
wrist watch.


Social Worker Praises Student
Response To,, Goodfellow Drives

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Goal Is Placed At $1600
o AtaS136 Students And Faculty
volt Against Feudalism Seen To Sell Papers 10 Hours
s Cause For Spanish Rebellion On Campus,_Downtown
--------------- Goodfellow Award
dman Says Revolution European War. The only neutral of
any size, Spain was called upon to We resente
ist Link In Economic fill the gap in production made by
lain the retirement of the belligerents
and, with the aid of the United Will Aid Needy Fames,
JAMES ALBERT BOOZER States, Spanish business now in com- Hospital Patients And
nom.icaily the Franco rebellion Mete control of its home market st ad
last link in a chain which be- and some foreign markets besides: Students Needing Help
luring the war and which in flourished as never before," he said.
e can e aid dtobthe The close of the war brought the The Army of Goodfellows - 136
throes of the Industrial Revo- usual recession, an na de strong-this morning took to the
fighting its way against the pression beginning in 1921 andlast- campus corners in a 10-hour drive to
ially feudal, social and politi- ing until 1927, Professor Handman
yim whichasobeen domsaid. The period of prosperity, 1915 provide Christmas and year-'round
ain since the flight of the royal -1920, had acted as a great stimulus assistance to needy students, chil-
Vain 1931, accordig to Prof. to industrial expansion and when dren, families and hospital patients.
inan 931,accoinmts Pd. the depression came, the government Th
instead of coming to the rescue of This.year the Goodfellows hope to
ent. suffering business, burdened it with raise $1,600. Even before the corps
e feudal structure consisted n ri additional taxes because it had to of salesmen began their work this
ing the economic and political carry on the Africa campaign, he morning, they had assembled ap-
ties of the state in a manner proximately $700 in advance sub-
eguard first of all the interests said. primtn
e king, the nobility, the army, "The restlessness of the business scriptions.
he church. Capitalistic enter- community and of the middle class in The Michigan Daily Goodfellow
was permitted only insofar as general was so great that the fright- Award will be presented this week to
ved the purposes of these dom- ened king called Primo de Rivera to the student organization showing the
g institutions or did not inter- his aid and established a military highest cooperative spiritin the drive,
vith them. dictatorship, the loyalty of the army according to Dean Joseph A. Bursley,
xes fell heaviest on the finan- being the only thing he could count chairman of the judging committee.
ndustrial and middle-class bus- on. Primo immediately proceeded to Other members of the committee are:
groups and of course the farm- break the economic front hostile to Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Charlotte D.
nd peasants- who, however, the government by showing favor to Rueger, '37, president of the League,
ttle on which to be taxed." labor as against the employer and a Herbert B. Wolf, '37, president of the
a country poor of capital, like section of the labor group, that of Union, and the Goodfellow Editor.
, the functions of the state as Madrid, stood by him as against the The cup will be engraved with the
urveyor of capital was quite business and middle class, name of the winning organization.
ed and except for railroads, "Primo's position soon became un- The winner of last year's award was
utilities and mining, foreign tenable, and by 1930 the king with Senior Society, whose president,
l was not available to the small (Continued on Pae 61 Elizabeth Greve, was high point sales-
cer - and most industrial pro- man for the day.
s in Spain are of that class, Fraternities, sororities, dormitories
.e resentment of the businessW esern ren and League Houses which subscribed
unityagainst the existing feu- to the Goodfellow Edition in advance
orderwas further accentuated Is Observed In ldwere to havesca received their papers
e fact that with capital difficult I deridIry se;vice
ain, the army and the usingiupam eric niArt began at 6 a.m. today. Faculty
ades in Morocco were uilu Am erican Art ebscribedin advance are to
sums - for the enrichment of I receive their papers and tags at de-
nyal camarilla it was said -dandepartmental offices during the morn-
shurch which was a substantial Recent developments in Amer- ing.
r of funds was, as a banker, no ican art are coming fast and furious The Goodfellows will pick up shoes
r than any other banker, and and modern trends are difficult for and clothing; anyone wishing to con-
bly no worse, a role it was felt the uninitiated to interpret, Prof. tribute such items may call the
what unbecoming to the clergy. Bruce M. Donaldson of the fine artGoodfellow Editor, 2-3241.
at what the state failed to do Money raised by the Goodfellows
panieh business was done by the department told the Union forum is to be distributed three ways: $150
yesterday. is to be given to the Social Service
* "In the 18th century it was 'the Department of the University Hos-
hearsal or thing' for the American artists to pital for supplementary assistance to
study abroad. John Sargent typi- patients from all. over the state; 25
Ihristm as Sino- fies the influence of the French," he per cent of the remainder will be
said. given to the Deans' Discretionary
"The one early painter who rep- Fund for needy students; and the
s Tom orr ow resents the typically independent remainder will be given to the Family
American influence is Winslow Hom- Welfare Bureau for Christmas bas-
er. No American painter since has kets and year-'round assistance to
learsal for the Ann Arbor Com- been able to rival his feeling for the needy families.
ty Christmas Sing will be held form and power of the sea. He is The Goodfellows acknowledged
15 tomorrow -in Hill Auditorium, independent, a realist." contributions of goods or services
as announced today by Prof. "The late developments of Ameri- I from the following Ann Arbor mer-
d Mattern, of the School of Mu- can art become difficult for the un- chants:
ho will conduct the affair. initiated to explain," he added, il- Alex Fox, president of Fox Tent &
aternities, sorrities, dormitor- lustrating the trend to surrealism, Awning Co.; Frank Oakes, of Burr,
nd all campus organizations are mysticism and abstraction by the Patterson & Auld; Daniel Ward Ed-
ially asked to attend the re- works of Picasso and Matisse. wards, of Edwards' Letter Shop; the
sal with the Glee Clubs and th h was narticularl interested he Ann Arbor Press; and Mayer-Schair-

Mrs. Margaret D. Brevoort
Of The Family Welfare
Bureau Lauds Program
The response that University stu-
dents have given in the past to Good-
fellow drives was praised yesterday
by Mrs. Margaret D. Brevoort of the
Family Welfare Bureau which will re-
ceive 75 per cent of the amount col-
"Those who buy Goodfellow edi-
tions of The Daily can feel an equal
satisfaction in the delight and en-
thusiasm shown by those less fortu-
nate families for whom Christmas
will be a special day again this!
year," she said.
Mrs. Brevoort described the suc-
cess with which the Goodfellow fund
helped drive old Scrooge to cover
last year. "In many cases children

located hip was told by Mrs. Bre-
voort. The youngster found her
first dress, coat and overshoes under
the Christmas tree on her first day at
Mrs. Brevoort told of the help the
Goodfellow fund gave little Doris's
mother who sewed day and night
for weeks before Christmas remodel-
ing an old black coat that had been
given her. She hoped to have itI
finished in time for the school pro-
gram but her eyes were weakening
from the continued strain of con-
centrating on black material. When a
new green woolen dress came for
Doris, the mother regained courage
for she knew that with the help of
the Family Welfare Bureau and some
{ added effort on her part her daugh-
ter would be able to take her place
on the program, as well dressed and
as confident as her school mates.
"In another family," Mrs. Brevoort

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